Test. Are you a good diplomat? How do you know if you are a good person? Assignment # Statements

Everything that surrounds us influences our perception of ourselves in one way or another. The emotions we experience are indicators of whether we are doing well or badly in life. Why don't we take into account the opinions of others? We tend to evaluate each other, and no matter what objective and constructive things the criticism is based on, it still has an emotional and subjective overtones.

Imagine that a person looks like an apple: he has an outer shell and a core. Of course, we are made up of many more layers. But we offer you a more simplified version. This will help you look at things from a different perspective and create a platform where you can more easily form opinions about people.

What we notice first in others can be called just that. There are a large number of theories about what we pay attention to at the moment when we see another for the first time. Each of them is correct in its own way, because someone evaluates your appearance, while others evaluate your gait, gestures or voice. Your outer shell, or rind, may taste completely different than you think. To determine its characteristics, ask the barista who makes you coffee at work every day, or the clients who see you for the first time, what they can say about you right now. Remember that it is not always worth relying on the opinions of others about you, but it can open our eyes to what we completely do not see in ourselves. Are you considered friendly? Would others like to get to know you better? You can convince yourself as much as you like that you are a kind-hearted person, but if others see you as aggressive and rude, then you should rethink your opinion of yourself.

The part that is the largest of all can be called the pulp. This is how your loved ones see you, how much of your thoughts and soul you can entrust to your friends, family, and loved ones. They contact you more than others, you spend a huge amount of time with them and, most importantly, behave sincerely and frankly. Look at how you behave in their company: do you allow them to behave uncivilly, discuss others, are rude and pull the blanket on themselves. If you can identify something in your behavior that seems bad, then there is still something in you that is worth changing. Otherwise, no one forbids you to think of yourself as a good person.

Each of us has something in us that we will not share even with those whom we trust deeply. When analyzing your inner world It won’t help those around you, because they don’t even know about it. Be completely honest with yourself. Imagine some unrealistic situation in which you need to choose between altruism and selfishness, and exaggerate it. For example, a train is traveling along the rails and either runs over five people or a bag with a lot of money.

To be a Man in modern world It’s hard, but being good is even harder. This comes with responsibility for the example you set. In any case, there aren't just classic Disney villains or princesses. We are all a symbiosis of good and bad, just like the world around us. Therefore, if you think you have a flaw, do not rush to correct it. Perhaps it is what makes you who you are.

It is very important for a business person to be able to negotiate correctly. The outcome of a meeting very often depends on the diplomacy of both parties. By sincerely and objectively answering the test questions, you will be able to assess your ability to conduct business negotiations with both partners and company employees.

5 points - extremely true,
4 points - almost always true,
3 points - uncertain rating,
2 points - this usually doesn’t happen,
1 point - this never happens.

1. I am not afraid to give subordinates instructions and take responsibility for their failure to fulfill them.

3. I try to take other people's comments into account.

4. During discussions and disputes, I manage to logically justify my point of view.

5. I believe that my employees should cope with their tasks without outside help.

6. When I am criticized, I defend my innocence with all my might.

7. In a dispute, I listen to the arguments of my opponents.

8. I plan any event in advance.

9. I tend to admit my mistakes.

10. When any suggestions are received from employees, I express my options.

11. I always try to help those who have problems.

12. My arguments are mostly convincing.

13. My enthusiasm is transmitted to others.

14. I listen to all suggestions and strive to implement them as much as possible.

15. I recognize my point of view as the only correct one.

16. I fully understand critical comments, even if they are expressed in a harsh manner.

17. I try to express my thoughts clearly and clearly.

18. I am not embarrassed to admit my incompetence if it occurs.

19. I actively defend my position.

20. I present other people's ideas as my own.

21. When solving any problem, I always think about what others would do in this situation. I try to look for compelling arguments.

22. I am ready to advise employees on how to better organize their work.

23. When I plan the prospects for my professional activity, I am completely indifferent to what others think about this. Their plans don't concern me.

24. I am always interested in other people's opinions, even if they do not coincide with mine.

25. If someone is not happy with my decision, I try to change it.

26. I insist on my projects and try to get others to agree with me.

27. I do not hide my problems, plans and intentions.

28. I make every effort to ensure that my projects receive support.

29. The feelings of others are not indifferent to me.

30. I do not try to listen to my interlocutors. It’s easy for me to express my opinion.

31. I listen to criticism and only after that I present arguments in my defense.

32. I consistently express my thoughts.

33. I believe that others also have the right to express their point of view, and I always give them this opportunity.

34. I listen carefully to the reasoning of my opponents and try to detect inconsistency in them.

35. To show my interlocutors that I am following the course of their reasoning, I have to change my point of view.

36. I don’t tend to interrupt my interlocutors.

37. I do not insist on my point of view if I am not sure of it.

38. I always advise people what they should do in a given situation, even if they are not interested in my opinion.

39. My emotional speech encourages people to work more actively.

40. At meetings, I always try to get all my colleagues to speak, even those who usually do not ask to speak.


To determine whether your negotiating style is diplomatic, you will need two indicators: amount A and amount B. To get the first result, calculate total number points for points 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18,20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 40. Summing up the points for points 2, 4 , 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 38, 39, you will get the second result. Both numbers must be between 20 and 100.

Then compare the results. If sum A is at least 10 points more than sum B, you are an excellent diplomat. This means that you strive to consider other people's points of view and attach great importance to the opinions of employees on your projects. People are pleased to work under your leadership, because thanks to you they feel involved in all the affairs of the company.

If sum B is more than 10 points higher than sum A, most likely your negotiating style is authoritarian and unceremonious. At meetings, you try to keep the initiative in your hands. The main thing for you is to implement your own projects. You are not interested in your partners' opinions, and they practically do not get the opportunity to express it. You express your point of view firmly and categorically, without waiting for the approval of employees. At the same time, you always have many new plans and ideas.

In some situations authoritarian style conducting the meeting is allowed. The need for such behavior usually arises when there is not enough time to discuss all the details of the problem. And yet you should resort to it only in extreme cases, especially if in the future you will have to deal with these partners more than once.

A diplomatic approach to the matter is appropriate in situations where a decision can be made only after the approval of all participants in the meeting, and also when this issue great disagreements arise. A diplomatic style of discussing a problem is only good if both sides have enough time and have the same understanding of the issue.

In other words, you should choose a negotiation style taking into account the tasks and specific circumstances. According to psychologists, both diplomatic and authoritarian behavior can have a positive impact on the outcome of a meeting (provided, of course, that it is appropriate to the situation).

If the difference between Amount A and Amount B is less than 10 points, your behavior style is ambiguous and may change depending on the circumstances.

Incredible facts

In almost every one of us different time A little energy vampire wakes up.

How do you know if you are drawing vital energy from other people and using other people's emotions for your own purposes?

This quick test will help you find out the answer to this question.

Answer "yes" or "no" to the following 10 questions. Try to answer Honestly!

Quiz: Are you an energy vampire?

1. Do you think that others do not understand you and your problems?

2. Do you feel like there are so many obstacles in your life that you have no control over them?

3. Do you often ask for help, and it seems to you that few people respond to your requests?

4. Do you feel like you don't get the attention and recognition you deserve?

5. Do others complain that you don’t listen to them, even though it seems to you that they don’t listen to you?

6. Do you think that other people's lives are much easier than yours?

7. Do you often quarrel with friends and family?

8. If so, do you think it's usually their fault?

9. Does it happen that people suddenly cut off contact with you without explanation and refuse to communicate with you?

10. Do you often feel helpless and it seems to you that you cannot change your life?


0-2 points– Congratulations! You have no signs of energy vampirism.

3-5 points– You have a tendency towards energy vampirism. It's time to reconsider your behavior and change something. If you're self-obsessed, start being interested in other people. Don't blame yourself, you were honest with yourself, which means you are on the path to positive changes.

6-8 points– You are an energy vampire. Perhaps your loved ones feel drained when you exhibit certain behaviors, such as being depressed but refusing to help. Perhaps this behavior is the result of past traumas. Be gentle with yourself and start with small changes.

9-10 points– You are a strong energy vampire who sucks energy from other people. What motivates you to behave this way? Fear? Anger? Don't be afraid to ask for help. People will appreciate your commitment to change.

Human energy vampires

Vampires are often portrayed as mystical creatures from horror films. In fact, energy vampires live among us, although they do not look the way we imagine them.

In fact, Energy vampires are people who drain your vitality.. Do you know a person who spreads negativity with his mere presence? Do you feel drained after talking with a certain acquaintance or family member? If you answered yes to these questions, you may have an energy vampire in your life.

All energy vampires suffer from low self-esteem, but not all people with low self-esteem are vampires.

An emotional vampire is characterized by 3 main features:

    Excessive need for recognition and attention

    The belief that everything that happens to them is not their fault

    Inability to recognize self-defense mechanisms

Modern vampires do not suck blood, but drain your happiness, energy and even the desire to live. They feed on negative emotions, and they consciously or subconsciously feel happy only when you are unhappy.

How to recognize an energy vampire:

    You feel emotionally drained around certain people

    You feel dizzy and weak when you are around or talking to someone (even on the phone)

    You often have a headache or feel tired after an encounter with an energy vampire, even in a crowded place

    Do you feel heavy when you are around an energy vampire?

    Your eyelids become heavy, and you immediately want to fall asleep after communicating with an energy vampire

    After meeting a person you feel depressed, pessimistic and unmotivated

Signs of an Energy Vampire

1. Consider their opinion as a fact

Energy vampires are convinced that their opinion is above all, and it is always correct. They may even present their opinion as a fact or a given.

For example, you bought yourself a new dress. Your vampire friend may say the phrase: "God, where did you get that awful dress? It's ugly, don't ever wear it again."

Some might think this is a sign of honesty, but the truth can be told in many ways. An energy vampire does not think about the consequences of his words or actions, and whether they will hurt a person.

2. They constantly complain about their problems.

Remember, when you talk to one of your family members or friends, what does the conversation come up with first? Do you start with good news and ask the other person how their day was, or do you immediately start complaining and criticizing others? If the person you are talking to nods politely while you continue to describe your bad experience, you are most likely an energy vampire.

Analyze your communication with others and remember your conversations. If they consist entirely of complaints, it’s time to switch and start looking for the positives in any situation.

3. They play on guilt to get what they want.

Many of us use guilt when we need to get something. If this is your constant tactic, others will feel like you are draining their energy.

Phrases such as: “Go have fun while I sit here and do household chores” or “For your sake, I had to leave my sick mother” are used by energy vampires to make you feel guilty. Through emotional manipulation, they take energy from others, justifying their actions, increasing self-esteem, or using them to achieve their goals.

4. Make yourself look unhappy.

It is important for an energy vampire to receive the sympathy and pity of others. He may constantly talk about the failures in his life, often exaggerating his misfortunes, expecting others to comfort and pity him.

Such a person may ask for advice in difficult situation, while not showing any interest when others offer a constructive solution. In fact, the vampire does not need advice, but only wants to gain energy at the expense of others.

5. They consider themselves better than others

He can talk for hours about what he did, what he thinks is right, without giving others the opportunity to interject into the monologue.

6. They inspire fear.

Energy vampires love to spread fear. The end of the world, conspiracies, accidents - all these topics are vividly discussed by bloodsuckers with those who are ready to listen to them.

There is nothing wrong with sharing information that will help prevent bad or dangerous events from happening. However, this behavior often makes other people feel afraid and drains their energy.

7. Believe they are always right

Some vampires are so stubborn and opinionated that they won't believe anything they're told, even if you confront them with the facts.

Such people do not like to admit they are wrong or follow the instructions of other people. This position blocks the flow of energy between the vampire and other people, preventing the vampire from growing and developing.

8. They don’t consider themselves to blame for their problems.

The emotionally dependent behavior of vampires often causes negative reactions in others and drives people away. But instead of thinking that their statements were offensive, rude or unpleasant, they prefer to think that around them there are only idiots, scoundrels, deceivers, and so on.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

It is very important to know how to protect your energy and well-being when you are around an energy vampire. The following measures will help you avoid anxiety, exhaustion and illness after interacting with vampires.

1. Eliminate the energy vampire from your life (if possible)

If you cannot avoid communicating with an energy vampire (for example, your boss or family member), significantly limit your contact with them. If this is your ex-husband, and you are forced to communicate with him because of the children, keep contact to a minimum and use technology. For example, write a message instead of making arrangements over the phone.

2. Set boundaries

Plan meetings with them so that your meetings have strictly limited time and space. For example, you can meet in a cafe, but not invite this person to your home. Set an end time for your meeting.

3. Don't have high hopes

If you are dealing with a narcissist, remember that such people are not capable of empathy. You shouldn't expect this from them. Do not open your soul to such a person in order to avoid further disappointment from not finding the necessary understanding in him.

4. Get busy for the vampire

This approach is called the "broken wing" strategy. When a vampire tries to pester you with talk, say that you feel unwell or very tired. The energy vampire will begin to look for another source, because he does not want to be near a person from whom energy cannot be drawn.

5. Gray stone method

Act like a "gray stone" around a vampire. Don't entertain him. Don't give away energy. Give boring, monosyllabic answers. Don't respond to them by trying to be a good listener, providing your empathy and support, and he will lose interest.

6. Don't overreact

Remain calm, collected, and cool when dealing with an energy vampire. When you lose your temper, it can provoke the vampire and make your condition worse.

7. Assess the situation soberly

Ask one of your friends or family members to soberly assess the situation - a person you trust, who can evaluate from the outside when another begins to vampirize you.

To determine if you are an empath, check out the six points below. If these moments throw you off balance and make you worry, then most likely you are an empath. Empaths are very...

To determine if you are an empath, check out the six points below. If these moments throw you off balance and make you worry, then most likely you are an empath.

Empaths are very sensitive to the emotions, mood and energy of others. This means they become stressed over things that less sensitive people don't care about. Here are six things that negatively impact empaths.

1. Incongruent behavior

When communicating, we always pay attention to the speech, actions, body language and energy of our interlocutors. Empaths are able to notice when people's words do not match their body language or energy. This means that empaths may feel uncomfortable being around people who pretend and behave in unnatural ways.

For example, when a person speaks warm words, but their body language and energy indicate that they are feeling impatient or angry, the empath will sense this difference, causing them to feel anxious. This is why empaths are usually able to easily tell when a person is lying and when they are telling the truth.

When dealing with liars, empaths feel nervous and uncomfortable because they know they cannot trust them. If you find it difficult to communicate with people who exude contradictory vibes, then you are probably an empath.

2. Negativity

Empaths are not perfect people. They also have bad moods. They, like everyone else, can behave badly sometimes. However, they try to be as positive as possible. They do this because they know how easily emotions can be transmitted to others.

If one of your family members or work colleagues is in a bad mood, after a while all the people around him will be in the same mood.

Empaths are especially sensitive to these energy transfers. That is why they do not like to be around those who radiate negativity or gossip. Empaths like happy, positive people.

But because they are very sensitive to the needs of others, they find it difficult to avoid people who need them. Empaths are often attracted to those who project negativity because they see them as grateful listeners who will put up with their complaints.

If it is very difficult for you (it exhausts you, leads to a bad mood) to communicate with people who emit negativity, then you are definitely an empath.

3. Aggressive behavior

Empaths cannot tolerate aggressive behavior, including yelling and screaming, loud slamming of doors and, of course, any kind of violence. Most people don't like to be around people who are in an aggressive mood because it makes everyone uncomfortable.

However, empaths are the worst affected by this behavior because they tend to be very sensitive. nervous system. Being around angry people can make them feel very anxious and uneasy.

If you notice that anger and aggression negatively affect your physical and emotional well-being, then you are most likely an empath.

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