Test "Sounds and letters" test in the Russian language (grade 1) on the topic. Test "Sounds and letters" test in the Russian language (grade 1) on the topic Find and correct mistakes where they exist

Sounds and letters

Option I

1. Underline the correct answer:

1) We say and hear...

A. Sounds.

B. Letters.

2) We see and write...

A. Sounds.

B. Letters.

A. Vowel sounds.

B. Consonants

A. Vowel sounds.

B. Consonants.

2. In each row, highlight the extra sound.

1) [a], [s], [i], [p], [o].

2) [k], [d], [sch], [y], [l].

3) [t], [s], [p], [z], [k].

4) [d], [h], [x], [b], [c].

3. In each group, underline the words where all consonant sounds are soft.

Lipa Alyosha Furniture

lilac Zhenya stump

birch Lydia aunt

poplar Petya the elk

4. Find and underline words that do not have voiced consonants.

Yasha Yura Book

dad cheek thicket

earth forest Pasha

Sasha pike maple

5. Find and underline words with hard hissing sounds.

Already Skis Luck

Natasha dinner bump

puppy sliver snowflake

Zhenya Dasha champion

6. Determine which words have letters e, yu, i, and indicate the softness of a consonant sound. Underline these words.

Yula Yama Vitya

Jura spruce seed

earth needle lilac

Lida key Senya

7. Underline the words where there are more letters than sounds.

Medal Winter Boy

street snowdrift sparrow

coat blizzard work

briefcase anchor bear

Sounds and letters

Option II

1. Underline the correct answer.

1) Sounds during the pronunciation of which the flow of air meets an obstacle in the mouth are ...

A. Consonants.

B. Vowel sounds.

2) Sounds in which the flow of air does not meet an obstacle in the mouth are...

A. Consonants.

B. Vowel sounds.

3) [y], [o], [s], [a], [i] – this is...

A. Vowel sounds.

B. Consonants

4) [b], [g], [j], [r], [d] – this is...

A. Vowel sounds.

B. Consonants.

2. Emphasize the extra sound in each row.

1) [a], [o], [s], [d], [y].

2) [p], [b], [ts], [c], [z].

3) [m], [n], [r], [d], [l].

4) [sch’], [w], [t], [w], [h’].

3. In each group, underline the words where all consonants are hard.

Kolya Game Seryozha

dog bird nanny

thunder school rose

river uncle cheese

4. Find and underline words that do not have voiceless consonants.

Snow Dima Rose

yard bud spring

Borya winter house

flowers beast Olga

5. Find and underline words with soft hissing sounds.

Big Tail Thicket

heron pure puppy

bump yellow lace

cheek generous miracle

6. Find and underline words in which the softness of the consonant is indicated by a vowel.

Test No. 1

Theme "Sounds and letters"

Prepared by: teacher primary classes MAOU secondary school No. 13

Fafenrod Elena Mikhailovna

What skills are tested:

1st level

a) answer the question of how to correctly transfer words (1);

b) answer the question of how to transfer words from b and and at the end of a word (4);

2nd level

a) divide words for hyphenation (2);

b) find errors in word transfer (3);

c) divide words with ъ and th at the end for word hyphenation (5);

d) find errors in word transfer from b And th at the end (6).

Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants

1st level

a) repeat the rule for spelling paired consonants at the end of a word (1);

2nd level

a) correctly write paired consonants at the end of a word (2);

b) find the erroneous spelling of paired consonants in words (3).

Spelling unstressed vowels


a) answer the question of how to check an unstressed vowel in word (4);

2nd level

a) write unstressed vowels correctly (5);

b) find errors in the spelling of unstressed vowels (6).

Double consonants in simple words

2nd level

a) the ability to correctly write familiar words included in this group and find errors in their spelling (7).

Test No. 1 Topic “Sounds and letters”

Chapter“Word transfer”, “Voiced and voiceless consonants”,

“Stress” and “Double consonants in the simplest words”

Last name _____________________________________2 “__” class

1. Finish the sentence.

Words are carried over.


Bird, tree, mother, house, book.

3. Look at how these words are divided for hyphenation. Underline the words that are divided incorrectly.

N-och, com-na-ta, so-bachk-a, be-reg, k-lobster, pi-ro-jo-k, o-kno.

Separate the words in which you found a mistake.


4. Choose the correct answer.

When transferring a word from ъ And th these letters:

a) remain on the line along with the syllable, and the rest of the word is transferred;

b) are written together with the transferred syllable on another line.

5. Separate the following words with a vertical line to hyphenate.

Finger, T-shirt, bell.

6. Look how the words are divided for hyphenation. Underline the words that are misspelled.

Boy, bunny, chair. __________________________________________

Divide the words in which you found errors into syllables.

7. Finish the rule.

To check a paired consonant at the end of a word, you need to change the word so that it comes after the consonant.

8. Fill in the missing consonants. Write the test words.

Landes... (w, f)_________________, sailor... (h, s)___________________________ ,

enemy, To)_______________________, Cree... (g, j)_____________________ ,

ball… (v, f)______________________________, floor, w)_____________________ .

9. Correct errors if there are any.

Trench, truz, baby, krof, pillar, love, locomotive.

10. Complete the rule.

To check an unstressed vowel, you need to change the word so that the unstressed vowel.

11. Choose from brackets and fill in the missing letters. Write the test words.

St..ly(a, o)__________________, h...m (e, i)_________________ ,

d..wait (oh, A) _________________, pl...ta (i, e)_________________ ,

st..on (e, i) .

12. Find and correct errors where they exist.

Seneva, water, drava, run, trova.

13. Find and correct errors, if any.

1) Residents of many countries study Russian. 2) I am in second grade. 3) After lessons I like to read stories about animals. 4) We received a telegram.

Test No. 1 Topic “Sounds and letters” 2nd grade


    Words are carried over syllables2 points

    Bird, de|re|vo, ma|ma, house, book|ga.

6 points (1 point for correctly separating four words and 2 points for an undivided word house)

3. Night, room, dog, shore, mosquito, pyro-jo-k, window.

10 points (2 points for each correctly found error)

Night, so-bach-ka, ko-mar, pi-ro-zhok, ok-no. 10 points (2 points for each correctly corrected error. For each incorrect correction - minus 1 point)

4. When transferring a word from b And th these letters: a) remain on the line along with the syllable, and the rest of the word is transferred.

2 points

5. Finger, may|ka, kol|lo|kol|chik.

3 points

6. Boy bunny, chair.

6 points (2 points for each correctly marked and unmarked word)

7. Bunny, little chair.

2 points


8. To check a paired consonant at the end of a word, you need to change the word so that after the consonant there is vowel.1 point

9. Lily of the valley - lilies of the valley, sailor - sailors, enemy - enemies, scream - screams, scarf - scarves, floor - floors.

12 points (1 point for each correctly inserted letter and for each correctly selected test word)

    Trench, coward, baby, blood, pillar, love, locomotive.

8 points

    To check an unstressed vowel, you need to change the word so that the unstressed vowel became a shock.

1 point

    Tables - table, rains - rain, plate - slabs, wall - walls.

8 points (1 point for each correctly inserted letter and each correctly found test word)

6. Blue, water, firewood, run, grass.

6 points (2 points for each correct correction. For each unnecessary correction - minus 1 point)

    1) Residents of many countries study Russian. 2) I am in second grade. 3) After lessons I like to read stories about animals. 4) We received

4 points (2 points for each correct correction. For each unnecessary correction - minus 1 point)

The maximum score is 81.

Less than 24 points - the topic is not mastered("2");

from 25 to 50 points - the topic has been mastered satisfactorily("3");

from 51 to 74 points - the topic has been mastered generally well (“4”);

from 75 to 81 points - the topic has been mastered almost completely(“5”).

Russian language test for 1st grade. Topic: “Sounds and letters”

1. How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

2. Select all vowels of row 1

a) y, oh, a, uh, oh

b) I, e, yu, and, e

c) a, o, y, s, e

d) i, a, yu, y, e

3. When do the letters Ya, E, Yu, E not represent 2 sounds?

a) after consonants

b) after vowels

c) after b and b

d) at the beginning of a word

4. What can a syllable consist of?

a) from a consonant and a vowel

b) from several consonants

c) from letters

d) from several vowels

5. Determine in which words the letters E, Ya, Yo, Yu indicate two sounds

c) apple tree

d) birch

6. How many vowels are there in the Russian language?

a) 5 vowel sounds: A, O, U, E, Y

b) 6 vowel sounds: A, O, U, E, Y, I

c) 10 vowel sounds: A-Z, O-Y, U-Y, E-E, Y-I

d) 5 vowel sounds: I, E, E, Yu, I

7. What are sonorant consonants?

a) paired voiced consonants

b) paired voiceless consonants

c) unpaired voiced consonants

d) unpaired voiceless consonants

8. How many paired consonants are there in Russian?

9. Determine which words have more sounds than letters

10. Determine in which words the stress falls on the first syllable

a) dishes

b) cloud

c) bear

Key to the test: 1 - c, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - a, 5 - c, 6 - b, 7 - c, 8 - d, 9 - c, 10 - b.

Verification tests in Russian language 2nd grade
Test 1.
Topic: Vowels and consonants sounds and letters.
1. How to distinguish a vowel sound from a consonant?
Vowel sound - when pronounced, the air encounters an obstacle; Consonant sound - when pronounced, the air does not encounter an obstacle.
Vowel - when pronounced, the air does not encounter an obstacle; Consonant - when pronounced, the air encounters an obstacle.
Vowel - when pronounced, the air does not encounter an obstacle; Consonant - when pronounced, the air does not encounter an obstacle.
2. How many vowel sounds and how many vowel letters are there in Russian speech?
Sounds – 6 Letters – 10
Sounds – 10 Letters – 6
Sounds – 10 Letters – 10
3. Indicate the letters that represent vowel sounds:
1) B 2) I 3) K 4) A 5) C 6) R 7) O 8) P 9) U
4. Indicate the letters that indicate the softness of consonants:
1) E 2) b 3) I 4) O 5) Yu 6) R 7) Yo 8) A 9) Z
5. Indicate the letters that represent soft consonants:
1) M 2) Sh 3) I 4) Ch 5) R 6) Z 7) U 8) B 9) J
6. Indicate the words where you need to insert an ь sign after the consonant letter:
1) ABC book... 2) sofa... 3) carrots... 4) den... 5) furniture... 6) pencil case... 7) animals... 8) December... 9) August...
7. Indicate the words in which the vowel O must be written:
1) in...r...beat 2) l...sitsa 3) M...squaw 4) suddenly... 5) yag...yes 6) p...courts
8. Indicate words that contain the letter E:
1) by...those 2) cha...ka 3) by...t 4) by...ka 5) line...ka 6) goal....ka 7) mu...th 8) ...tazh 9) pa...k
9. Indicate words in which the stress falls on the third syllable:
1) document 2) far 3) tool 4) radio 5) statue 6) occupied 7) beginning 8) shop 9) more beautiful
10. Indicate how many vowels and how many consonants there are in the sentence?
The dog Zhuchka frolics in the snow.
Vowels – 12 Consonants – 14
Vowels – 14 Consonants – 12
Vowels – 11 Consonants – 15
Test 2.
Topic: Spelling combinations cha - sha, chu - schu, zhi - shi, chn, chk, schn.
1. Choose sibilant consonants:
1) m 2) h 3) w 4) r 5) c 6) o 7) s 8) w
2. Choose the correct answer:
1) w..., sh... write with the letter s; 2) h..., w... write with the letter a; 3) h..., w... write with the letter yu; 4) h...k, h...n, r...sh write without b
3. Choose words that contain combinations with sibilant:
1) ruler 2) plate 3) overnight 4) animal 5) log 6) puddle 7) nest 8) school 9) pen
4. Choose words in which combinations with sibilant are written correctly:
1) machinist 2) life 3) seagull 4) sorrel 5) stocking 6) pike 7) cast iron 8) glove 9) hooks
5. Choose the words that have errors in combination with a sibilant:
1) lighter 2) teapot 3) stocking 4) animal 5) glove 6) dock 7) nest 8) shina 9) herringbone
6. Indicate the sentences in which the letter I is missing:
1) Repair the roof. 2) Make a mistake. 3) Congratulate on...on. 4) Spotted f...raf. 5) Break the spring...well. 6) Breathe easily.
7. Indicate the missing b sign:
1) bird... 2) fir... 3) strong 4) blue... 5) cloud 6) monstrous 7) beach 8) small 9) apple...
8. Indicate the words in which the unstressed vowel O:
1) k...empty 2) x...roshiy 3) girl 4) t...comrade 5) p...court 6) with...rock 7) r...bot 8) m...rose 9) r...worker
9. Indicate words in which the stress falls on the second syllable:
1) they are calling 2) understood 3) assistant 4) tool 5) quarter 6) store 7) watermelon 8) alphabet 9) more beautiful
10*. Put the sentences in order to make a story. Write down words that contain combinations with sibilant.
1) The boys often went to the grove. 2) In the summer Vasya and Yura lived in a camp. 3) There were a lot of fragrant berries there.
Test 3.
Topic: alphabet, or alphabet
1. Specify the correct number of letters in the alphabet:
a) 20 b) 30 c) 33
2. Indicate the correct arrangement of letters in alphabetical order:
1) n, o, p, r, u, f, c, sch, w 2) i, th, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, 3) r, s, t, h, sch , ы, ъ, ь, uh, I
3. Indicate the correct arrangement of words in alphabetical order:
birch evening nest frame
birch evening willow nest
birch nest evening frame
4. Indicate the incorrect option for arranging words in alphabetical order:
a) alphabet, crow, raccoon, bed, notebook, notes. b) alphabet, crow, raccoon, bed, notes, notebook.
5. Indicate the correct location of cities in alphabetical order: Moscow, Bugulma, Almetyevsk, Kazan, Leninogorsk, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Ryazan.
1) 3, 2, 1, 4, 7, 6, 5, 8 2) 3, 2, 8, 4, 5, 1, 6, 7
6. Indicate the pair in which the writers’ surnames must be placed in alphabetical order:
a) S. Mikhalkov and V. Oseeva b) S. Pushkin and L. Tolstoy c) M. Lermontov and I. Krylov
7. Indicate words in which the unstressed vowel a:
1) k...empty 2) x...roshiy 3) t...comrade 4) p...court 5) r...bota 6) m...rose
8. Choose a group of words arranged in alphabetical order and make up a sentence from them:
1) White, beautiful, seagulls flying over the lake. 2) Cheerful, the kids were running along the shore.
9*. What question will help in learning the alphabet?
1) What are you eating? 2) Where is the hedgehog? 3) Where are you going? 4) When do you get up? 5) How so? 6) Who's there?
Test 4.
Topic: syllable, word, sentence.
1. Indicate the correct sign of the number of syllables in a word:
a) how many consonants are in the word; b) how many vowels are in the word; c) how many sounds are in the word.
2. Indicate the correct feature of the sentence:
a) a group of words not separated by a comma; b) a group of words arranged in alphabetical order; c) a group of words denoting a complete thought.
3. Indicate words that consist of two syllables:
1) friendship 2) shadow 3) aspen 4) teapot 5) hedgehog 6) glue 7) snake 8) fairy 9) swift
4. Indicate words that cannot be hyphenated:
1) extreme 2) snake 3) hedgehogs 4) wasp 5) deer 6) fairy tale 7) hedgehog 8) Igor 9) sadness
5. Indicate the words incorrectly divided by a hyphen:
1) le - yka 2) may - ka 3) axis - on 4) walk - lya 5) walk 6) harvest 7) ​​e - tazh 8) corner - ki 9) Ilya
6. Indicate groups of words that can be called a sentence:
a) Birds fly from warm regions. b) Rooks built nests on birch trees. c) The swallow makes a nest under the roof.
7. Indicate the sentence at the end of which you need to put an exclamation point:
a) A white sail is visible in the distance... b) How hot it is outside... c) What does sea water taste like...
8. Indicate a sentence in which the word GLOVE is the main member of the sentence:
a) There is a pattern embroidered on the glove. b) The boy lost his favorite glove. c) A warm glove warms the hand well.
9. Arrange the words in such order to make the correct sentence:
The tree was growing, thick, fluffy, in the forest, young, in, shady.
Test 5.
Topic: sentence and text.
1.Choose the correct statement:
a) if something is reported in a sentence, then an exclamation mark is placed at the end of the sentence; b) if a sentence is pronounced with a strong feeling, then a period is put at the end of it; c) if a sentence contains a question, then a question mark is placed at the end of it.
2. Choose the wrong statement:
a) A text is two or more sentences related in meaning. b) The text cannot be given a title or divided into parts. c) Texts are different: text - description, text - reasoning, text - message.
3. Indicate how many sentences are in the text:
Masha goes to school, she has a briefcase in her hands, there are books and notebooks, and the school will soon ring for class.
1) 4 2) 5 3) 6
4. Choose a sentence correctly composed of these words:
Fluffy, white, and, quietly, in the air, the ground, the snow, spinning, lying down, in
a) Fluffy white snow swirls in the air and falls quietly on the ground. b) Fluffy white snow swirls quietly in the air and falls to the ground. c) Fluffy white snow spins in the air and quietly falls to the ground.
5. Indicate the main parts of the sentence:
Delicious carrots grew in the garden.
1) carrots grew in the garden 2) delicious carrots 3) carrots grew
6. How many errors are there in writing sentences:
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. They didn’t have children for a long time, they decided. They make their own granddaughter out of snow. Snow Maiden and such a nice girl she turned out to be. They all began to live together - get along?
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5
7. Arrange the sentences in such order to make the story “The best gift.”
1) Katya played with the doll and put her to bed. 2) Dad gave Katya Russians folk tales. 3) Katya had a birthday. 4) Mom gave me a doll. 5) Katya opened the book and began to read.
Test 6
Topic: soft sign - an indicator of softness and a dividing sign.
1. Choose the incorrect statement:
a) the softness of the consonant at the end of a word means ь sign; b) in the combinations CHK, CHN, ShchN, the sign is written after Ch and Shch; c) the separating sign ь is written after the consonant letter before the vowels E, E, Yu, Ya, I.
2. Write into two groups words with a separating soft sign and a sign - an indicator of softness:
Trees, leaves, grey, feathers, bitter, coat, linen, jam, how much, blizzard.
a) soft sign - an indicator of softness; b) separating sign.
3. Indicate the words in which the separating soft sign is written
Night...y, sparrow...and, howl...yet, ants...and, rouge...e, greener...et, calm...e, half...but, pecking...et.
4. Indicate the words in which a soft sign is written - an indicator of softness:
Fell...to, wing...I, appel...sin, steps...ki, Greek...ka, gray...my, count...I, rod...ka, fell...ma.
5. Indicate the correct word hyphenation:
1) coal - ki 2) Il - ya 3) vi - yunok 4) apel - sin 5) ottol - yu 6) mu - ravi
6. Add words to each line using the given spelling:
a) grapes, blizzard, beehives, ..., ... b) coats, coals, palm tree, ..., ...
Words for reference: zor...ka, animals...ki, varen...e, big...shoy, cloud...ka, Il...ya.
7. Insert words that fit the meaning into the sentences.
a) ... turn yellow ... . b) swimming in puddles…. c) In the spring they sing so wonderfully...!
Words for reference: autumn...y, sparrow...and, nightingale...and, tree...I, leaf...I, ant...and.
Test 7.
Topic: stressed and unstressed vowels.
1. Indicate the words in which the stress falls on the first syllable:
1) shop 2) car 3) bushes 4) width 5) call 6) alphabet 7) sorrel 8) call 9) fox
2. Choose the correct statement:
To check an unstressed vowel, you need to change the word so that
a) so that the vowel is heard clearly; b) so that after an unstressed vowel there is a consonant sound; c) so that the unstressed vowel is stressed.
3. Specify the test word for the word DARK:
1) dark 2) darkness 3) getting dark
4. Indicate words with an unstressed vowel a:
1) m...rya 2) gr...chi 3) h...souvschik 4) vr...gi 5) cr...you 6) tr...va 7) k...ring 8) pl...you 9) to...current
5. Select from the text words with an unstressed vowel e:
Z...ma. In l...su t...tire. Under the s...sleep, the l...reaps of cones. On the sn…gu in…the bottom of the sl…dy l…sy. They are on their way to the l...snick's house.
6. Insert suitable words with an unstressed vowel.
a) Carries me... (...) to distant... (...). b) The chicken laid the eggs... (...), but not simple, but... (...).
Words for reference: fox, forests, testicle, testicle, golden, patched.
7. Guess the riddle, write down the answer.
In the summer I fly and collect honey. But when you tease me, Then I bite. (...)
1) wasp 2) bee 3) snake
8. Indicate in each line extra word. Explain why?
a) t... yellow, right... my, in... sely, g...dit; b) m...ry, s...hot, sporty, cold...; c) sound….zda, v…slo, ud…delenie, v…dro.
Test 8.
Topic: double consonants.
1. Words with double consonants must:
1) check 2) remember
2. When hyphenating words with double consonants
a) you cannot break a double consonant; b) one consonant must be left on one line, and the other must be moved.
3. Indicate words with double consonants.
1) ak...uratno 2) class... 3) ak...robat 4) cos...mos 5) hok...ey 6) gram... 7) al...eya 8) one...ten 9) cal...endar
4. Choose words that are correctly divided into syllables for transfer:
1) groups – pa 2) class – sny 3) e – ho 4) one – eleven 5) ice – na 6) e – zhik 7) all – eya 8) utoch – ka 9) health – e
5. Choose words with a double consonant that are suitable in meaning:
a) a state when a person cannot sleep. (...) b) free passage dug underground. (...) c) Day of the week. (...)
Words for reference: tun...el, bes...onitsa, sub...ota, tired...fatigue, troll...eybus.
6. Choose words with double consonants from the sentences.
Our class... is large and bright. An...a Ivan...ovna teaches Russian.
On Saturday we have an out-of-class reading lesson. Flu... is a contagious disease.
7. Insert suitable words with double vowels into the sentences.
a) Work in ... is fast and interesting. b) ... is a contagious disease. c) I read an interesting...
Words for reference: group...a, ras...kaz, grip..., hang...
8. Select words in which the unstressed vowel e is written:
1) l...sitsa 2) b...reza 3) p...cash 4) goods...sch 5) r...byaty 6) gr...bnik 7) sh...vel 8) f...vegetal 9) good...th
9. Indicate the lines in which words with a double consonant are written.
1) If there is a lot of s...ora in the house, 2) A s...or may break out in the house. 3) Who gets a low score..., 4) Will not go to the school prom... .
Test 9.
Topic: proper names.
1. State the correct statement.
WITH capital letters are written:
a) names of animals and plants; b) names of cities, villages, rivers, lakes, seas, streets; c) first names, patronymics, last names of people, names of animals.
2. Write out proper names from the text.
The cat Murka had kittens. The girl Lida went to watch them. The fluffy kitten was named Fluff. Our village Berezhki is located on the banks of the Kama River. The old city of Elabuga stands on this river.
3. Indicate words that are written with a capital letter:
1) ...obaka (S,s) 2) ...point (U,y) 3) ...orova (K,k) 4) ...uryonka (B,b) 5) ...oshka (K,k) 6) ...urka ( M, m) 7) ... oza (K, k) 8) ... elyanka (B, b) 9) ... donkey (K, k)
4. Indicate proper names in the spelling of which there were errors:
The duty officers Misha Shishkin and Irina Pavlushkina arrived at school early. Irina opened the window. Sasha took chalk from the closet. Nina Alekseevna entered the class.
5. Indicate the proper names that are the main members of the sentence.
Early in the morning, Sergei runs to his friend Sharik. The dog Sharik loves his owner Seryozha. They often go to the Bystraya River together.
6. Indicate proper names that denote patronymics.
Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, Vesna Martynovna Podsnezhnikova, Evgeniy Ivanovich Charushin, Propeller Varenievich Carlson.
7. Distribute proper names in alphabetical order.
The city of Pushkin, the Volga River, the village of Berezovka, the dog Rex, the magazine “Murzilka”, the artist Shishkin, the writer Zakhoder.
9. Indicate the words in which the stress falls on the second syllable.
1) calling 2) understood 3) came to life 4) more beautiful 5) started 6) sorrel
10. Insert proper names into the sentences that make sense.
1. There is a village near the forest…. 2. A river flows nearby…. 3. Uncle..., cat..., dog... and postman... lived in the village....
Words for reference: Fedor, Zay, Matrosskin, Ivanov, Petrovka, Sharik, Prostokvashino, Pechkin.
Test 10.
Topic: noun, adjective, verb.
1. Indicate the correct statement:
a) animate nouns answer the questions who? whom? to whom?; b) nouns are often the main member of a sentence - the predicate; c) nouns designate objects, animals, seasons, natural phenomena.
2. Indicate the incorrect statement:
a) verbs answer questions - what to do? What does it do? What will it do?; adjectives answer the questions - which one? Which? Which?; b) verbs and adjectives change according to numbers; c) (Who?) Petya (what was he doing?) is playing on (what?) the football field.
3. Write out the nouns from the text.
A fluffy Christmas tree grew in the forest. In the summer, children looked for mushrooms under the tree. In the fierce winter, they cut down a beautiful Christmas tree and brought it to school.
4. Indicate the verbs in the text.
Winter has come. Fluffy snow covered the ground. The frost painted patterns on the windows. There is a table for birds in the garden. Katya poured food into it.
5. Choose adjectives from the text.
Groves are small forests. There are pine and oak groves. wonderful birch grove outside the village! How nice it is there! Spotted woodpeckers are knocking. Nimble tits whistle. Fragrant lilies of the valley smell.
6. Give synonyms for the word COWARDLY:
1) weak 2) brave 3) defenseless 4) calm 5) mischievous 6) fearful 7) strong 8) bad 9) formidable
7. Specify antonyms for the word EXCELLENT:
1) bad 2) smart 3) good 4) old 5) beautiful 6) world 7) bad 8) nasty 9) stupid
8. Choose the appropriate words for the following sentences.
a) A spruce tree grew near the path. b) Along a narrow path... a hare. c) Baked... a ruddy bun.
Words for reference: fluffy, ran, granddaughter, curly, old woman, galloped, walked.

Full name______________________________

Russian language test. Composition of the word. 2nd grade. Which is correct? 1. The root is... 2. The prefix is... 3. A suffix is... 4. The ending is... 5. The basis is...
1) part of a word that comes after the root and serves to formation of new words;2) a variable part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence; 3) part of the word that is common to related words;4) part of the word that comes before the root and serves to form new words; 5) part of a word without ending.
Which word is “superfluous”? 1) 1. Thunder 2. Huge 3. Volume 4. Loud2) 1. Mouse 2. Mouse 3. Mouse 4. Smart3) 1. Sleep 2. Rash 3. Loose 4. Rash4) 1. Remember 2. Cool down 3. Remember 4. Remind5) 1. Lightly 2. Lightweight 3. Lay down 4. lighten6) 1. Pity 2. Complaint 3. Pathetic 4. Sting7) 1. Quenching 2. Bury 3. Quench 4. Heat8) 1. Push 2. Push 3. Push 4. Sensible9) 1. Turner 2. Influx 3. Lathe 4. Turn10) 1. Accidentally 2. Tea 3. Teapot 4. Teapot
Find words with the suffix -IK-: 1. Janitor 6. Beep 2. Spout 7. Ball 3. Wild 8. Shape 4. Scream 9. Table 5. Wilt 10. Boy
Indicate words with the suffix -OK-: 1. Cruel 6. Lesson 2. Milk 7. Sassy3. Buddy 8. Cockerel4. Berezhok 9. Crocodile 5. Fluff 10. Market

Indicate words with the suffix - K-: 1. Reveille 6. Regimental 2. Seagull 7. Granddaughter 3. Walk 8. Mug 4. Risk 9. Roar 5. Candle 10. Baker
Find words with prefixes: 1. Bring 6. Grow2. Roll 7. Be happy3. Hide 8. Laugh4. Lead 9. Help5. Oven 10. Learn
Indicate the prefix with which you can give the opposite meaning of the word: 1. Departure 1) under- 3. Win 2) in- 2. come 3) for-4. Run back 4) pro- 5. Open 5) y-
Indicate words with the prefix C-: 1. Ripe 6. Break2. Make 7. Word3. Jump 8. Roll4. Slippery 9. Pass5. Blind 10. Funny
Indicate words in which ZA- is part of the root: 1. Care 6. Tomorrow2. Harden 7. Moo 3. Zarya 8. Rear 4. Blow the trumpet 9. Volley5. Delay 10. Riddle
Indicate words in which HA- is part of the root: 1. Hope 6. Naive2. Break 7. External3. Alarm 8. Ground4. Impudence 9. Directly5. Remind 10. Clean

Find words with prefixes: 1. (behind) take 6. (in) the window2. (to) fly 7. (to) mushrooms3. (with) cope 8. (with) a friend4. (to) direct 9. (to) run5. (to) the road 10. (to) the homeland
List words ending in -A(I): 1. Christmas tree 6. Smile 2. Sun 7. Water 3. Fairy tale 8. Word 4. Lake 9. Mountain 5. Magic 10. Village
Indicate words constructed according to the scheme: root + suffix + ending: 1. Winter 6. Blush 2. Track 7. Spring3. Picture 8. House4. Suburban 9. Basket5. Meadow 10. Chin
Name the words whose root coincides with the base: 1. Bread 6. Country 2. Rainbow 7. Rise 3. Tan 8. Rock 4. Chamomile 9. Eagle 5. Catch 10. Gift
Indicate the part of the word without which the word cannot exist: 1. Prefix 2. Root 3. Suffix 4. Ending

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