Test logic. Logical thinking test for children and adults. To demonstrate staff motivation

Logic is a person’s ability to quickly find an answer in difficult situation. It is formed in a person as he grows up, but it can be trained by solving problems and tests. One of the simplest and most accurate tools for measuring it is psychological test, compiled by psychologists taking into account the diverse orientations of individuals.

Features of the logic test

Unlike mathematical problems, logical questions involve a complex thought process. It must be consistent, with a chain of reasoning that leads to the correct conclusion. It does not have a clearly formulated formula, and each person may have his own type of thinking; it is important whether the person managed to achieve the correct answer.

Evaluate your intelligence here and now. On our website you will find many interesting logic tests and tasks that will not only help you better understand yourself, but will also allow you to have a good time. The tests are composed of psychological questions that are thought out by experts in the field of studying human personality traits.

For an accurate result, you need to be relaxed, feel good and put aside all worries. According to the results psychological research people who took these tests in a depressed, angry state missed important points. They scored lower than those in the calm condition. If you are distracted and cannot concentrate on the test, it is better to postpone it until another day. Think about each question carefully, do not rush to give an answer until you are absolutely sure that the chosen option is correct. At the end of the test, you will not only find out how many points you scored, but also receive a detailed description of logical thinking and learn the correct answers to questions.

Why take the logic test:

  • you have never taken such tests, but are interested in your abilities;
  • you need to decide on a profession, place of work, choice of specialty for admission;
  • find out about your child’s abilities before going to first grade;
  • This is a great mental workout that doesn't take much time.
To take a logic test online, you do not need to register. You simply go to the site, open the required section and answer the questions. After the test you receive a detailed answer, without SMS. Everything is absolutely free, open and understandable.

The test consists of 30 items. Each item looks like:

a. first consequence
b. second consequence
c. third consequence

“Condition” is the condition of the problem, some circumstances that are considered previously somehow proven and always true.
"Consequence" is a logical consequence of a condition. Of the three corollaries, one and only one is correct. Your task is to test your ability to separate correct logical consequences from incorrect ones.

The test does not require special mathematical knowledge. All words in the test must be interpreted as they are in ordinary everyday Russian, but not as in mathematics or another special field. All words in the test must be interpreted literally; no metaphors or allusions are provided in the test.

In the test you may find unfamiliar words such as "kuzdra". These words are intended to evaluate your ability to think logically, separating it from your other knowledge about the world around you. Consider that these words can mean anything, but so that the phrase in the condition is true in meaning. For example, if it is written that “the kuzdra runs”, this means that the kuzdra really knows how to run and, apparently, has legs or paws, it could be, for example, a person, an animal or a walking mechanism :)

Sometimes in the test there are words and expressions that have opposite meanings, for example “can” and “can’t”, “big” and “small”, etc. In all such cases, it is assumed that the intermediate options “can, but poorly”, “average”) are not considered.

You have dialed...
26-30 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. If you make errors in reasoning, it is mainly by accident or fatigue, but not due to inability. However, remember that everything good can always be improved - if, of course, you need it.

20-25 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. However, you may make mistakes in unusual or confusing cases. Having received any conclusion as a result of reasoning, do not rush to accept it as truth. Make it a rule to double-check your conclusions, look for errors and simply weak points in them. Don't be surprised, don't be indignant if you are corrected: perhaps that's the point.

14-19 points:
Option 1.
You didn’t have the patience to take the entire test, you only completed part of it, and chose the remaining items at random.
Option 2.
Your logical thinking is undeveloped. If you try to reason publicly, you may well be ridiculed. You will have to turn to other strengths of your personality if you want to convince someone of something or learn something. However, maybe you are not completely hopeless if you try to learn.

6-13 points:
Option 1.
You took the test by pointing at random items.
Option 2.
You have no logical thinking at all. The result you got can be obtained by simply poking at random. You should not try to “reason logically,” especially in public. You may be mistaken for crazy.

3-5 points:
You didn't want to take the test.

1-2 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. If you make errors in reasoning, it is mainly by accident or fatigue, but not due to inability. However, remember that everything good can always be improved - if, of course, you need it. IN in this case you decided to show off and answer questions deliberately incorrectly.

Tests effectively help reveal the applicant’s erudition, his work skills and find out how motivated he is.

A test is a series of multiple-choice questions to test the applicant’s preparedness. The test results reflect the test subject's compliance with the organization's requirements.

Job interview tests

Let's look at the types of tests during a job interview:

  1. Professional - tests, including a list of questions on knowledge and skills specialized for a particular job.
  2. IQ test, reflecting the intelligence quotient, as well as the development of a person’s abstract thinking.
  3. Tests to determine general and special abilities— reflect important qualities of an employee: logic, memory, attentiveness, hearing or vision.
  4. Personality and motivation tests:
    • personality tests help to calculate a person’s temperament type, his character traits, how much he is able to focus his attention and shows his level of emotional stability;
    • motivational tests during a job interview, they show how motivated the employee is to implement labor activity whether he values ​​his position, whether he will overcome the difficulties encountered in the workplace, and whether he wants to grow and develop in his chosen industry.
  5. Attentiveness test— tests a person’s ability to remain vigilant for a long time.

    It is used for recruiting personnel for those positions for which concentration and scrupulousness are of great importance.

  6. Shapes test- used to determine psychotype. It is necessary to arrange five figures in the preferred order, and this will determine which category of people the subject belongs to.
  7. Logic test— determine a person’s ability to find a logical connection and think through multiple moves.

Examples of interview tests and answers to them


Professional tests for a job interview, examples of 3 questions from the test for employment in an international company for the position of economist. If 60% of the questions are answered correctly, the test is passed:

  1. the volume of resources received by Russia from the IMF through conventional lending mechanisms in the 90s. amounted (billion US dollars):
    • less than 5;
    • 5, 1 — 10;
    • 10,1 — 15;
    • more than 20.

    The answer is Mr.

  2. In the Eurasian Economic Community:
    • Each country has the same number of votes;
    • the number of votes of each country is proportional to the shares of funds contributed by it to the community budget.

    The answer is b.

  3. World Trade organisation:
    • is part of the UN system;
    • is not a member of the UN, but is bound by a cooperation agreement with it;
    • not affiliated with the UN.

    The answer is b.

IQ test

There are a total of 40 questions in the test, you are given 30 minutes. Below are examples of 4 questions from the test for your reference.

  1. Find the extra word:
    • SHAKYR;
    • ESTAN;
    • CUBLE;
    • COLLAB.

    The answer is a cube

  2. Place the missing word in brackets:
    • SLING (. . . .) CARRIER.

    The answer is a prize.

  3. What number is next in the series:
    • 18 10 6 4?

    The answer is 2.

  4. Find the extra word:
    • LUST;
    • CLOSET;
    • TINOP;
    • VEROC.

    The answer is tinop.


  • <90 баллов — ниже среднего, им обладает 25% людей;
  • 90-110 points is an average result, 50% of the world’s population has it;
  • >110 points is a high result, 25% of people have it.

To demonstrate staff motivation

There are 20 questions in total in the test. Examples of 3 questions from the test are given.

  1. What do you value most in your professional activity?
    • Work schedule;
    • convenient location;
    • wage.
  2. Would you work overtime for bonuses and extra pay for qualifications?
    • yes, but no more than 2 additional hours;
  3. Taking initiative in work is caused by:
    • the employee is driven by high responsibility;
    • desire to increase the company's ratings;
    • winning the favor of your superiors and career growth;
    • embodiment of one’s ideas, the desire for self-realization.

The results are calculated as follows: some answers are given 0 points, some are given 1 point, and others are given 2 points.

  • From 0 to 7 - low motivation;
  • from 8 to 17 - average motivation;
  • 18 and above – high motivation.

For attentiveness

The picture shows the names of different colors, here's just the word "Green" is written in red letters, the word "Yellow" is written in blue, and the word "Black" is written in yellow.

In practice, only half of the respondents cope with this task for a while.

This example was first used to identify foreign spies, but similar interview tests of attentiveness are now used to select suitable candidates.

Shapes test

Interview test with figures: There are 5 shapes - rectangle, square, zigzag, triangle, circle.

Result - we determine which figure the subject put in first place. She will mean characteristic feature person.

  1. Rectangle- the person is expressive and easy to learn.
  2. Square- a responsible and punctual person.
  3. Triangle- a person is ambitious and ambitious.
  4. Zigzagcreative person doing everything with enthusiasm.
  5. Circle- a friendly, open and benevolent person.

Logic problems at an interview

This section presents logic interview tasks with answers and provides real example from the practice of one Russian financial company. There are 12 questions in total, below are 4 examples from such a test. Pass/fail.

  1. All hippos can swim. All child prodigies are hippos. This means that all child prodigies can swim.
    • Right;
    • wrong.

    The answer is a.

  2. No man can become a governor if he has freckles. All people have freckles. This means that no one can become a governor.
    • Right;
    • wrong.

    The answer is a.

  3. Only bad people They offend the weak and throw tantrums. Anya is good.
    • Anya offends the weak;
    • Anya throws tantrums;
    • Anya does not offend the weak;
    • Anya offends the weak and makes hysterics obsolete;
    • none of the above.

    The answer is c.

  4. Some sofas are buses. Some locomotives play the flute. This means that some sofas play the flute.
    • Right;
    • wrong.

    The answer is b.

If, as a result, 6 questions out of 12 are answered, then the test is passed.

How to pass successfully?

One of the most important questions is how to pass interview tests? A number of simple recommendations must be followed.

  1. Stay calm and focused, even if the allotted time to solve the test is short.

    Visualize in your mind that this position already belongs to you and that you have already overcome all the difficulties. This way you will set yourself up to successfully pass the test; believe in yourself, no matter what.

  2. If you notice that The test questions are primitive, don’t get confused and don’t complicate the situation by making things up, that there is a catch.

    Your twisted doubts may lead you to choose the wrong answer, even if you knew the right one. This is a special technique to weed out unsuitable candidates.

  3. Don't forget about the time management rule: If you get stuck on any task, don’t waste time, skip it and solve the rest, and return to the difficult one later.

    The idea for a solution may come while you are answering other questions. And it also happens that in other questions there is a reference or even an answer to the question that caused you difficulty.

  4. You need to answer honestly, because in tests in 90% of cases there is Control questions , which check whether the subject gives honest answers. Moreover, they are not always noticeable; some of them are well veiled.

    Attention! Remember the questions and answers as you go through the tasks. An HR manager is often an experienced psychologist. If he suspects a lie, during further conversation he will somehow try to bring the person out into the open.

  5. Always look over the answers to look for mistakes before handing them in. Check everything thoroughly, because... due to stress, even if a person knew the correct option, he may put the wrong answer.

Preparing for testing

There is a lot of useful information on the Internet about typical test tasks at the interview.

If this is a large company, then you can find important information on employment forums about what interview tests are expected of candidates for the position, and prepare for them.

Look through different options and try to solve logic, attentiveness and aptitude tests. This will increase your chances of successfully completing tasks, because it is always easier to work with already familiar material that you go through by analogy with what you have already seen before.

To solve motivational tests, you need to think about what answers you would like to see from a motivated employee, responsible and fulfilling all orders with great zeal, if you were the director of this company.

Prove that you are a worthy candidate for this position.

Solving professional tests requires knowledge of your profession. Read the necessary literature, repeat those nuances that you have not encountered in your work for a long time.

Take notes and highlight important details. You can consult with people who have more experience in this area, unless of course we are talking about trade secrets.


Interview tasks may be different, but they all allow the employer to facilitate the search for a suitable candidate for a vacant position in the company, especially if there are a large number of applicants. Because there are very diverse tests, then ultimately they help to get to know the subject from all sides and how well he fits the company’s requirements.

Interview testing has been successfully used in practice by many well-known international corporations for a long time, whose headquarters include distinguished employees and have long proven their effectiveness in personnel selection.

Those who want to understand the level of their own abilities can take a test that reveals a tendency towards logical thinking. This type of mental activity is important for every person, because it determines not only the harmonious development of the individual, but also professional qualities.

Who benefits from taking the test?

Testing should be carried out regularly to understand how logical thinking is developing. There are methods for testing the level of logical thinking for children, adolescents and adults. The main results that the logical thinking test gives:

  • understanding weaknesses in mental activity;
  • degree of development of abstract thinking;
  • ability to work with templates and algorithms.

Modern employers include a similar check at the stage of selecting a new employee. The test becomes especially popular in the case of searching for creative and non-standard workers, which can be seen even by the incorrect answers to the question form.

Test for children on the level of logic development

The tests below can be administered before school or at primary school. Their main task is to identify whether the child is able to correctly build connections between these objects. By comparing the results with the answers given, you can understand what additional exercises should be given to children for training. Questions:

The answers may not necessarily coincide with those presented, so a specialist should check them for consistency:

  • no, he is lying down;
  • no, the tram runs on rails;
  • yes, if you glue them together;
  • maybe if the puck hits the stands;
  • yes, if the car is stationary;
  • stone, because it is heavier;
  • when jumping with a parachute;
  • it melted;
  • so that they are not visible to predators in the snow;
  • yes, aquatic;
  • by ski.

More than 8 correct answers indicate that the child has normal level development of logic, and 11–12 show high intellectual potential.

Adult check

The main task of the test is to check how correctly the conclusions are drawn.

2 – a.

5 – all answers are incorrect.

7 – all answers are incorrect.

Otherwise, the test taker receives one point if the answer is correct. The distribution of grades by level of logical thinking looks like this:

7 points – logical thinking is excellently developed;

5–6 points – the level of logic is very good;

3–4 points – it’s worth working on the development of logic, there is a chance of success;

0–2 points – logical thinking is undeveloped. You need to work on this so as not to create erroneous conclusions.

By doing simple exercises, after 2-3 weeks you can take the test again and make sure that success will not keep you waiting!

Reading strengthens neural connections:



They can be simple tasks, when, for example, there is a sequence of figures with an increasing number of vertices, that is, a triangle, square or rhombus and so on, and the answer is a geometric figure with the right number peaks However, it is possible that within one figure there are several other smaller objects, and they alternate in a certain sequence.

Where are logic tests found?

Such tasks are often used to test intellectual ability, and many job seekers have encountered an IQ test when applying for a job, even if employers did not call it that. More precisely, candidates solved problems inherent in IQ, and not the entire test.

When solving abstract logical problems, the intellect is used to the maximum, because it is necessary to find the connection between a set of circles, stars, and all sorts of lines extremely quickly. Not necessarily the person who decided best this test, smarter than others, he is simply able to quickly process incomprehensible, previously unknown information, and based on it find a solution. Such abilities are important for all professions, but companies place special emphasis on sales managers, sales managers, marketers, etc.

We can almost certainly say that the applicant will meet in companies in the FMCG sector, that is, in large corporations that produce consumer goods. Procter&Gamble, Unilver, Mars, and other well-known companies with revenues of tens of billions of dollars require their employees to be able to process unknown data, and do it quickly, and find the right answers.

Of course, attentiveness tests when hiring are also used by domestic employers, most often when recruiting sales representatives, managers for the sale of wholesale products, etc.

In general, there is only one piece of advice for preparing for testing - you need to devote some time to solving problems, but there are some nuances.

Training fast visual coverage. Since the time for a task is usually limited to one minute, it is necessary to leave as many seconds as possible for analysis, so it is advisable to review the test with figures as quickly as possible when applying for a job. It is not necessary to use logic tests; you can practice on anything: remember signs on the way to work, faces, clothes of people you meet, etc.

"Identification". The key to successfully solving a problem is finding the principle used, because when the relationship between changes in the figures is found, it costs nothing to choose the correct one for the answer. However, finding addiction is the hardest part. Unlike the previous point, it is not the visualization that is important here, but the logical component, so you should train logic using any means. Available logic tests can be used.

"Repeatability". Of course, the hiring test " Geometric figures“includes many tasks, and there is no point in learning them by heart, but if you solve tens or hundreds of such problems in advance, it will be easier for the applicant during real testing. The main thing is that the available examples are varied, and the person understands on what principle the tasks are composed and how the sequences are built.

"Abstraction". A variety of abstract figures, both from painting and from “jokes”, of which there are many on the Internet, will help in preparation. It is important to teach the brain to recognize other information hidden under a layer, and such experience and skill can only be acquired through constant practice.

Collectionsfrom the Internet. Ever since Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians encountered newfangled Western-style tests, examples of such tasks have appeared on the Internet. Usually these were single tasks that applicants wrote down from memory, but later specialized collections appeared that presented up-to-date information. Before purchasing test books, you should study reviews about them, as sometimes sellers are cunning and give outdated examples or tasks that are much simpler than those found in interviews.

In principle, before testing, or more precisely, before applying for a vacancy, the applicant must study everything there is about this company, especially in terms of selection and testing. There are specialized forums, where “colleagues” share their successes or failures, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you can learn unique information.

Geometric tests when applying for a job are quite difficult for an unprepared person, even if he is an intellectual, but practice and solving many examples will help you successfully cope with the task.

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