Tests on the topic of the reign of Alexander 1. Test "The period of the reign of Alexander I." Evaluation of individual tasks and work as a whole

Test on the topic: “Russia under Alexander II”

Option I

  1. Who was the mentor of Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich?

A) F. Laharpe; b) V.A. Zhukovsky; c) M.N. Pogodin; d) S.S. Uvarov.

  1. Who owns the words that “it is better to begin the destruction of serfdom from above, rather than wait for the time when it begins to be destroyed by itself from below”?

A) A.I. Herzen; b) N.P. Ogarev;

B) Alexander II; d) Chairman of the Reaction Commissions Ya.I. Rostovtsev.

  1. Which of the following refers to the judicial reform of 1864?

A) competitiveness of the parties during the trial;

B) punishment of the guilty with rods;

B) publicity of the trial;

D) periodic rotation of judges;

D) the creation of a special court for nobles;

E) the salary of judges is one of the highest in the world;

G) introduction of jury trials;

H) the lack of class of the court.

  1. Zemstvo institutions did not resolve issues...

a) road construction; b) construction of schools and hospitals;

c) organization of judicial bodies; d) development of trade and industry.

  1. Representatives of which class predominated in the zemstvos?

a) peasants; b) nobles; c) merchants; d) bourgeois.

  1. Which peasants were considered temporarily liable?

a) those who have not concluded a redemption transaction with the landowner; b) peasants of the Siberian provinces;

c) state peasants; d) all indicated under a), b), c).

  1. Why were editorial commissions created?

a) to collect statistical data on peasant plots;

b) to draw up a unified draft law on the emancipation of peasants;

c) to draw up a final report to the Main Committee for Peasant Affairs;

d) for the editors of magazines and newspapers.

  1. According to the reform of 1861, the land after paying the ransom became...

a) the property of a peasant family;

b) the property of the peasant community;

c) state property;

d) was transferred to the peasants by the landowner on a lifetime lease.

  1. How much did the peasants have to pay the landowner for the purchased plot?

a) immediately 20-25% of the cost of the plot, and 75-80% was paid by the state;

b) immediately 100% of the cost of the allotment;

c) 100% of the cost of the allotment for 59 years;

d) 50% of the cost of the plot, and the rest was paid by the state.

  1. The labor of peasants on the land of the landowner for the land they rented was called...

a) month; b) sharecropping;

c) corvee; d) working off.

  1. What reflects the bourgeois character of the Great Reforms?

a) abolition of serfdom;

b) volost court for resolving small peasant cases;

c) allotment of land to peasants;

d) adversarial legal process;

e) communal land ownership;

f) the emergence of a mining system;

g) the all-class character of zemstvos;

h) universal military service;

i) peasant land shortage;

j) segments.

  1. New industrial base based on oil production in the 70s of the XIX century. Was laid down:

a) in Donbass; b) in Siberia;

c) in the Baku region; d) in Central Asia.

  1. Match the event and date:
  1. the beginning of the transfer of peasants for ransom; a) 1878
  2. judicial reform; b) March 1, 1881
  3. assassination of Alexander II; c) 1863
  4. Berlin Congress; d) 1864
  1. The founder of which movement of populism was P.L. Lavrov?

a) Bunatra; b) propaganda;

c) conspiratorial; d) liberal.

  1. What was the name of the first populist organization in Russia?

a) “Land and Freedom”; b) “Black redistribution”;

c) “People's Will”; d) “Liberation of labor.”

  1. Which direction of social thought did B.N. belong to? Chicherin, K.D. Kavelin, who defended the introduction of a constitution, democratic freedoms and the continuation of reforms?

a) liberal; b) radical; c) conservative; d) reactionary.

  1. Which name is the odd one out and why?

a) I.V. Gurko; b) A.M. Gorchakov; c) M.D. Skobelev; d) P.S. Nakhimov.

  1. What happened at the Berlin Congress:

a) revision of the provisions of the San Stefano Peace Treaty;

b) strengthening Russia’s position;

c) recognition of the decisions of the San Stefano Peace Treaty;

d) creation of a new coalition against Russia.

  1. With which country was an agreement signed in 1860 that assigned the Ussuri region to Russia?

a) with Japan; b) with China; c) from the USA; d) with Korea.

a) Treaty of San Stefano;

b) the beginning of the transfer of peasants for ransom;

c) the split of “Land and Freedom”;

d) going to the people;

e) defense of the Shipka Pass.

Test on the topic: Test on the topic: “Russia under Alexander II”

Option II

  1. Implementation of the Great Reforms of the 1860-1870s:

a) slowed down the development of capitalism in Russia;

b) gave impetus to the development of capitalism in Russia;

c) did not affect the pace of development of capitalism in Russia;

d) made the development of capitalism in Russia impossible.

  1. Which bodies were involved in drawing up a unified draft law for the abolition of serfdom?

a) editorial commissions; b) provincial noble committees;

c) peasant committees; d) all indicated under a), b), c).

  1. Global mediators...

a) checked the correctness of the drafting of the charter;

b) appointed by the Senate;

c) resolved disputes between peasants and landowners;

d) everything indicated under a), b), c).

  1. What were the peasants called before the transition to redemption?

a) not redeemed; b) landless; c) serfs; d) temporarily obligated.

  1. Which of the following was part of the zemstvo reform of 1864?

a) the elective nature of zemstvos;

b) zemstvos in the first two curiae were elected on the basis of property qualifications;

c) provincial officials could be appointed only with the consent of zemstvos;

d) in a number of provinces it was decided not to create zemstvos;

e) zemstvos maintained hospitals, schools, prisons, roads;

f) at the head of the provincial zemstvos was the central zemstvo;

g) zemstvo deputies were called vowels.

  1. What reform was not carried out in the 60-70s?

a) peasant; b) supreme authorities; c) judicial; d) military.

  1. Which of the above terms reflect the capitalist nature of Russia's development, and which reflect the preservation of feudal remnants?

a) working off; b) segments;

c) rent of land by peasants; d) construction of factories and factories;

e) redemption payments from peasants for land; f) peasant land shortage;

g) railway boom.

  1. Handled minor criminal and civil cases...

a) district court; b) volost court;

c) magistrate's court; d) global mediator.

  1. Jurors are...

a) judicial officials; b) specially selected people to render a verdict;

c) judge in minor cases; c) candidates for magistrate judges.

  1. In 1862, the nobility of the city turned to Alexander II with an address to renounce all class privileges...

a) Moscow; b) St. Petersburg;

c) Voronezh; d) Tver.

  1. What was the purpose of “going” to the people?

a) get to know the life of peasants;

b) train peasants in various specialties;

c) cause a revolutionary explosion in the villages;

d) explain to the peasants the meaning of the abolition of serfdom.

  1. Which active participant in the populist movement expressed the idea of ​​replacing the state with free autonomous societies by revolutionary means?

a) P.N. Tkachev; b) M.A. Bakunin;

c) P.L. Lavrov; d) G.V. Plekhanov.

  1. Which organization in Russia was engaged in terrorist activities?

a) “Black redistribution”; b) “People's Will”;

c) “Ax and reprisal”; d) “Land and Freedom.”

  1. With the name M.T. Loris-Melikova related:

a) creation of the III department;

b) a project for convening elected zemstvos with the right of advisory vote;

c) creation of the State Police Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

d) project for convening the State Duma.

  1. Match the event and date:

1. Manifesto for the liberation of the peasants; a) 1874

2. “Walking among the people”; b) 1877-1878

  1. Which states united in the “Union of Three Emperors”?

a) France, Russia, Türkiye; b) Austria-Hungary, Türkiye, Russia;

c) France, England, Russia; c) Russia, Prussia, Austria-Hungary.

  1. What was the main foreign policy task facing the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.M. Gorchakov at the first stage of his activity?

a) search for allies for military revenge after defeat in the Crimean War;

b) the creation of a military bloc against England and France;

c) the struggle for the abolition of the restrictive articles of the Paris Peace;

d) creation of a coalition against Austria-Hungary and Prussia.

  1. According to the San Stefano Peace Treaty of 1878...

a) the independence of Bulgaria was proclaimed;

b) independence was granted to Herzegovina;

c) Russia received indemnity from Turkey;

d) The cities of Ardagan, Batum, Kars, and Bayazet were ceded to Russia.

  1. What event did Chancellor A.M. What did Gorchakov call the darkest page in his career?

a) Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. b) London Conference of 1878

c) Berlin Congress of 1878 d) San Stefano Peace Treaty.

  1. Place in chronological order:

a) a manifesto on the liberation of peasants from serfdom;

b) the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war;

c) creation of the “Union of Three Emperors”;

d) zemstvo reform;

e) Berlin Congress.

Keys to the test:

Option I.

  1. a, c, d, g
  2. a, c, d, g.
  3. 3-b, 1-c, 2-d, 4-a.
  4. b, d, d, a, c.

Option II

  1. a, b, d, g.
  2. 1-c, d, g; 2 – a, b, d, f;
  3. 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c;
  4. a, d, c, b, d.

1) Grandson of Catherine 2 and brother of Paul 1

2) nephew of Catherine 2 and son of Paul 1

3) grandson of Catherine 2 and son of Paul 1

4) nephew of Catherine 2 and brother of Paul 1.

2. Alexander 1 became the Russian emperor:

1) in 1803 after the death of his brother

2) in 1801 After the death of Catherine 2

3) in 1803 By decision of the Secret Committee

4) in 1801 After the assassination of Paul 1 as a result of a palace coup.

3. The secret committee did not include:

1) P.A. Stroganov

2) V.P. Kochubey

3) N.N. Novosiltsev

4) D.N. Senyavin

4. Serfs, according to the draft reform of 1809, had

1) general civil rights and the right to transfer to a higher class through redemption

2) the right to redeem and the right to purchase tools

3) the right to participate in the Zemstvo administration and to limited purchase of land

4) the right to redeem themselves and their relatives by court decision.

5. Suffrage, according to the draft reform of 1809, was received by:

1) only nobles and burghers

2) only persons who owned serfs

3) everyone who had movable and immovable property

4) everyone who was born in Russia and lived in it for at least 10 years.

6. The State Council was created

2) in the fall of 1811. To prepare for elections to the State Duma

3) January 1, 1810 For the preparation and adoption of new laws

4) in March 1812. To evaluate the conducted by M.M. Speransky reforms.

Option 3

1. The decree on “free cultivators” was adopted

1) in 1803 and allowed landowners to sell serfs along with their plots

2) in 1802 and allowed serfs to sell their surplus products on the market

3) in 1803 and allowed serfs to redeem themselves and their plots for money from the landowner

4) in 1802 and allowed serfs to buy land from the landowner as their own.

2. The Convention on Mutual Friendship was concluded

1) in 1801 Between Russia and Sweden

2) in 1804 Between Russia and Austria

3) in 1801 Between Russia and Great Britain

4) in 1805 Between Russia and Sweden

3. The fourth anti-French coalition was created

1) in 1804 After the defeat of Napoleon’s “continental blockade”

2) in 1805 After the conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit

3) in 1806 After Napoleon’s victory at Austerlitz

4) in 1807 After the war with Sweden.

4. Choose the correct sequence of events of the Patriotic War of 1812

1) Berezina-Smolensk-Tarutino-Borodino-Moscow-Neman

2) Smolensk-Neman-Moscow-Borodino-Berezina-Tarutino

3) Smolensk-Borodino-Neman-Moscow-Tarutino-Berezina

4) Neman-Smolensk-Borodino-Moscow-Tarutino-Berezina.

5. In the battle of Borodino, the Russian army was:

1) almost three times smaller than the French army

2) equal in size to the French army

3) slightly larger than the French army

4) twice as large as the French army.

6. General battle of Borodino happened:

4) August 26, two and a half months after the start of the war.


1 option

1. Who initiated the creation of military settlements in Russia?

A) M. Speransky B) A. Benckendorf C) A. Arakcheev D) Alexander I

2. Why did Alexander I refuse to introduce a constitution in Russia after the war?

A) Peasant riots prevented, B) the War of 1812 prevented;

3. Decree on free cultivators of 1803:

A) granted personal freedom state peasants; B) consolidated the privileges of single-yard peasants; C) allowed landowners to release their peasants for a ransom.

4. The confrontation between which powers determined the international situation in early XIX century?

A) Russia and France; B) England and Russia; B) England and Russia; D) France and England.

5. What is the date of the Battle of Borodino:

6. What obligations did Russia undertake under the Treaty of Tilsit?

A) had to recognize all territorial changes in Europe for France;

B) became an ally of France in the war against England;

B) was obliged to enter the war against England.

7. After what battle was the French army forced to retreat along the old Smolensk road?

A) near Smolensk, B) near Kaluga, C) near Maloyaroslavets.

8. Determine who we are talking about? “I was born into the family of a poor landowner. In 1808-1810 served as Minister of War. Since 1815, he actually led the State Council and the activities of ministries. He was distinguished by impeccable honesty. Executive officer. He was merciless and even inhuman in his diligence. And it was these traits that caused the negative attitude of others towards him.

A) N. Novosiltsev; B) M. Speransky; B) A. Arakcheev.

9. What is the purpose of military settlements?

A) suppress the wave of peasant protests;

B) reduce government spending on the maintenance of the army,

C) organizing mass training of reserves.

10. Which congress consolidated the results of the Allied victory over Napoleonic France?

A) Viennese; B) Parisian; B) Berlin.

11. Who led the Russian army before Kutuzov was appointed to this post?

A) M. Barclay de Tolly; B) P. Bagration, C) I. Murat.

12. Determine who we are talking about? “His family coat of arms was decorated with the motto “Loyalty and Patience.” He enjoyed a reputation as an honest, cold-blooded and selfless officer. Commanded Russian armies in several wars. On the eve of the Patriotic War of 1812, he was Minister of War and commanded the first army. The court careerists did not like him. Many accused him of the retreat of the Russian troops and even spoke of his treason.”

13. On May 23, 1816, Alexander I approved the regulation on Estonian peasants, according to which in the Baltic provinces:

A) intensified serfdom; B) serfdom was abolished;

C) the duties of peasants were determined depending on the quantity and quality of land.

14. The first secret organization of future Decembrists was called:

A) preservation of serfdom; B) liberation of peasants without land;

16. What kind of system was established in Russia according to the project of P. Pestel?

A) constitutional monarchy, B) democratic republic,

B) Autocratic monarchy.

A) P. Pestel, K. Ryleev, S. Muravyov-Apostol, M. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, P. Kakhovsky.

B) S. Trubetskoy, V. Kuchelbecker, M. Lunin, I. Muravyov, I. Dolgorukov.

19. How the issue of serfdom was resolved in the Constitution of N. Muravyov:

Russia during the reign of AlexanderI

Option 2

1. Who initiated the introduction of the examination for office in 1810?

A) M. Speransky; B) A. Arakcheev; B) N. Novosiltsev.

2. Why did Alexander I refuse to introduce M. Speransky’s draft constitution?

A) Peasant riots interfered, B) the Russian-Turkish war interfered;

C) the nobility resisted reforms.

3. In 1818, A. A. Arakcheev submitted to Alexander I a project for the abolition of serfdom, according to which he assumed:

A) begin a large-scale purchase of landowners’ estates with serfs for the treasury,

B) liquidate landownership,

C) transfer of all land to peasants.

4. Find the odd one out: At the Congress of Vienna, the main decisions were made by:

A) England; B) Duchy of Warsaw; In Russia; D) Prussia; D) Austria.

5. The Patriotic War began:

6. What was the name of the treaty under which Russia joined the continental blockade of England?

A) Erfurt, B) Schönbrunn; B) Tilsitsky.

7. At the council in Fili the question was decided:

A) leave Moscow without a fight or fight for it to the last drop of blood;

B) who should lead the Russian army;

C) how to replenish food supplies?

8. Determine who we are talking about? “I came from the family of a rural priest. He worked as a teacher for some time. At the beginning of the reign of Alexander I, he was among the main characters in the government. It was he who was commissioned by Alexander I to develop a project for state reform. It was about him that Napoleon said “The only bright head in Russia.”

A) N. Novosiltsev; B) M. Speransky; B) A. Arakcheev

9. What are the main reasons for the Russian-Turkish war of 1806 – 1812:

A) Russia entered into this military conflict in accordance with its obligations to France;

B) Russia’s desire to dominate the Black Sea;

C) territorial claims of Russia and Turkey.

10. In what year did Alexander I sign the constitution of the Kingdom of Poland?

A) 1815; B) 1818; B) 1820

11. Kochubey, Czartoryski, Novosiltsev, Stroganov. What do these names have in common?

A) these are heroes of the Patriotic War;

B) All of them were part of the circle of “young friends” of Grand Duke Alexander I;

C) All of them were like-minded people of Paul I

12. Determine who we are talking about? “I came from a family of Georgian princes. A favorite of the army, he was fearless in battle. IN Patriotic War 1812 commanded the second army. He insisted on a general battle. He was seriously wounded in the Battle of Borodino."

A) M. Kutuzov; B) M. Barclay de Tolly; B) P. Bagration

13. In 1822, Alexander I issued a decree according to which...

A) landowners were allowed to exile unwanted peasants to Siberia without any punishment;

B) it was forbidden to exile unwanted peasants to Siberia;

C) it was forbidden to sell street people.

14. The second secret organization of future Decembrists was called:

A) “Union of Salvation”, B) “Union of Welfare”, C) “Union of Officers”

15. “Constitution” by N. Muravyov suggested:

A) preservation of serfdom;

B) liberation of peasants without land;

C) preservation of landownership.

16. What kind of system was established in Russia according to N. Muravyov’s project?

A) constitutional monarchy,

B) democratic republic,

B) Autocratic monarchy.

17. Which of the Decembrists was executed after the defeat of the uprising in 1825?

A) S. Trubetskoy, V. Kuchelbecker, M. Lunin, I. Muravyov, I. Dolgorukov.

B) P. Pestel, K. Ryleev, S. Muravyov-Apostol, M. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, P. Kakhovsky

B) S. Volkonsky, A. Odoevsky, A. Bestuzhev, F. Glinka.

18. Pestel’s “Russian Truth” suggested:

A) division of land into communal and private, equality of all citizens before the law,

B) transfer of all land into state ownership while maintaining landownership,

C) transfer of all land to peasants.

19. How the issue of serfdom was resolved in P. Pestel’s “Russian Truth”:

Option I

Option #1

1.Select the odd one out: Laharpe, Catherine II, Pavel I, M.M. Speransky. Explain your answer.

3. Match:

1) 1801 a) decree on “free cultivators”

2) 1803 b) the beginning of the reign of Alexander I

3) 1802 c) creation of ministries

d) censorship regulations

4.Continue the row: Kochubey, Czartoryski, ______

orders, boards, ministries

Option No. 2

1.Select the odd one out: Czartoryski, Laharp, Stroganov, Kochubey. Explain your answer.

2.Draw up a control scheme proposed by M.M. Speransky, using the following concepts:

Senate, ministries, legislative, power, executive, State Duma, judicial

3. Match:

1) 1825 a) decree on the purchase of land by non-nobles

2) 1802 b) end of the reign of Alexander I

3) 1810 c) creation of ministries

d) creation of the State Council

4.Continue the row: Laharpe, Catherine II , ______

5.On what principle is the series formed:

decree on “free cultivators”, ban on selling peasants at the fair, abolition of the right of landowners to exile peasants to Siberia


Option #1

1. M.M. Speransky, since all the other educators of Alexander I

legislative executive judicial

State Duma Ministry Senate

4. Novosiltsev, because are members of the Secret Committee

5.Executive authorities

Option No. 2

1. Laharpe, since all the others are members of the Secret Committee


This version of the back test is compiled on the topic “Alexander I” in the Unified State Exam format. Detailed answers to all questions are given, as well as approximate abstracts of a historical essay on three topics related to the era of the emperor’s reign. Testing will help in preparing for the Unified State Exam.

Convenient for use in lessons.


Arrange in chronological order historical events. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence in the table.

1) Council in Fili;
2) Decree on free cultivators;
3) Overthrow of Napoleon


Correct answer

Answer: 213


2) Decree on free cultivators - 1803;

3) Overthrow of Napoleon - 1814


Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters


Correct answer

Answer: 4621


A) Annexation of Eastern Georgia to Russia - 1801

B) Peace of Friedrichsgam with Sweden - 1809

B) Creation of the State Council - 1810

D) Granting of a constitution to the Kingdom of Poland - 1815.


Below is a list of terms.

All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the events of the reign of

Alexandra I.

1) justices of the peace; 2) populists; 3) free cultivators;

4) Patriotic War; 5) Secret committee; 6) ministries.

Find and write down the serial numbers of terms related to another historical period.


Correct answer

Answer: 12


1) justices of the peace – the reign of Alexander II, judicial reform;

2) populists – the reign of Alexander II;


Write down the term in question.

The system of organizing troops in Russia in 1810-1857, which combined military service engaged in productive labor, primarily agricultural


Correct answer

Answer: military settlements.


Establish a correspondence between processes (phenomena, events) and facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Correct answer

Answer: 5241


A) System improvement government controlled- creation of ministries instead of collegiums since 1802).

B) Development higher education– opening of universities in a number of Russian cities (in Dorpat in 1802, Vilna in 1803, Kazan in 1804, Kharkov in 1804, St. Petersburg in 1819. The Pedagogical Institute was transformed into a university).

C) The solution to the peasant question is the adoption of the Decree “On Free Plowmen” in 1803.

D) Expansion of the country’s territory - the signing of the Gulistan Peace Treaty with Iran in 1813, the annexation of part of Azerbaijan.

6. Match the fragments historical sources and them brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers.


A) The general object of all laws is to establish the relations of people to the general safety of persons and property. In the great complexity of these relations and the laws that arise from them, it is necessary to establish their main divisions.

The general subject of the transformation is to establish and establish government, hitherto autocratic, on an immutable law. It is impossible to base government on the law if one sovereign power will both draw up the law and implement it. Hence the need for regulations in the drafting of the law and its implementation. From the threefold order of state forces arises the threefold order of these institutions. One of them must act in the formation of the law, the other in execution, the third in the judicial part. The reason for all these institutions may be different.

B) We declare through this that by mutual agreement between Us and His Majesty the King of Sweden, Our mutual plenipotentiaries, as a result of the proper powers given to them, have concluded and signed in Friedrichsham on September 5/17 of this year, which reads word for word as follows: In the name of the Most Holy and the indivisible Trinity.

Art. I. Peace, friendship and good harmony will henceforth exist between His Majesty the Emperor of All Russia and His Majesty the King of Sweden; The high contracting parties will make every effort to maintain perfect harmony between them, their states and subjects, carefully avoiding anything that could further shake the union that is now happily restored.

Art. V. The Sea of ​​Åland (Alandshaff), the Gulf of Bothnia and the rivers Torneo and Muonio will henceforth serve as the border between the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Sweden.

At an equal distance from the coast, the islands closest to the solid land of Aland and Finland will belong to Russia, and those adjacent to the shores of Sweden will belong to it.


1) The war, at the end of which the document was signed, was waged simultaneously with the war against Iran.

4) The agreement was disadvantageous to Russia.

5) Under this peace treaty, Russia significantly expanded its territories in the north-west.

6)According to the project set out in this document, only the creation of the State Council was realized.

Fragment A Fragment B


Correct answer

Answer: 3615


A. M. M. Speransky “Introduction to the Code of State Laws”, 1809

5) Of the entire project, only one provision was implemented - the creation of the State Council. (Yes, in 1810)

B) Articles from the peace treaty between Russia and Sweden in 1809 are given - the Treaty of Friedrichsham.

1) The war, at the end of which the document was signed, was waged simultaneously with the war against Iran. (Yes, the war with Sweden was in 1808-1809, and with Irn in 1804-1813.)

5) According to this peace treaty, Russia significantly expanded its territories in the north-west. (Yes, Finland was annexed).


Which of the following applies to the provisions of the Decree on “free cultivators”? Choose three answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) The release of peasants with land was mandatory for all landowners.

2) Peasants could pay off the debt for the land within a certain time specified in the agreement.

3) Landowners received the right to provide their peasants with freedom and land for money.

4) The landowner determined the cost of purchasing the land independently.

5) Peasants could get a loan from the Peasant Bank.

6) The peasants were obliged to pay the full amount at once, otherwise they would become serfs again.


Correct answer

Answer: 346


1) The liberation of peasants with land was mandatory for all landowners. (No, this was the desire of the landowners)

2) The peasants could pay the debt for the land within a certain time specified in the agreement. (No, they had to pay the entire amount at once)

3) Landowners received the right to provide their peasants with freedom and land for money.

4) The landowner determined the cost of purchasing the land independently.

5) Peasants could get a loan from the Peasant Land Bank. (No, such a bank has not yet existed; it will appear only in 1882)

6) The peasants were obliged to pay the full amount at once, otherwise they would become serfs again.


Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a blank, select the number of the required element.

A) After the end of the war with Napoleon, ________ was convened, at which the boundaries of states were determined, and a system for restoring monarchies was developed.

B) The crossing of the remnants of Napoleonic army took place across the river _________.

C) _______ played a big role in the creation of military settlements.

Missing elements:

1) Holy Alliance.

3) Congress of Vienna.

4) N.N. Novosiltsev.

5) Berezina.

6) A.A. Arakcheev.


Correct answer

Answer: 356


A) After the end of the war with Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna was convened, at which the boundaries of states were determined, and a system for restoring monarchies was developed. (1814-1815)

B) The crossing of the remnants of Napoleonic army took place across the Berezina River (November 1812).

C) A.A. played a major role in the creation of military settlements. Arakcheev.

1) Holy Alliance. (No, in 1815 it was created to preserve the world order determined by the Congress of Vienna; included: Russia, Prussia, Austria).

2) Neman. (No).

4) N.N. Novosiltsev. (No).


Establish a correspondence between the events and the participants in these events: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.





Correct answer

Answer: 6314


A) Reform project “Charter of Incorporation” Russian Empire" - N.N. Novosiltsev, 1815

B) Creation of the State Council - proposed by M.M. Speransky in “Introduction to the Code of State Laws”, 1809.

C) Activities of the “Unofficial Committee” - in 1801 -1803, members: V.P. Kochubey, N.N. Novosiltsev, A.S. Stroganov, A.Yu. Czartoryski.

D) The decision to leave Moscow to the French - this decision was made by Commander-in-Chief M.I. Kutuzov during the council in Fili, September 1, 1812


Read an excerpt from a novel by a Russian writer and write the name of the author of the work.

"June 12 forces Western Europe crossed the borders of Russia and a war began, that is, an event contrary to human reason and all human nature took place.”



Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each blank, indicated by a letter, select the number of the required element.

Missing elements:

1) Napoleon’s entry into Moscow.

2) “One Hundred Days of Napoleon.”

5) Tilsit world.

6) Gulistan Peace Treaty.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.







Correct answer

Answer: 648291


1) Napoleon’s entry into Moscow. (Napoleon occupied Moscow from September 2 – October 8, 1812)

3) 1814 (No).

5) 1805 (No)

6) Gulistan Peace Treaty. (1813, following the war with Iran in 1804-1813)

7) Opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (in 1811)


Read an excerpt from the document.

“The spectacle of the death of his troops is incredible! You can hardly believe your own eyes. Who could do this? Without taking away worthy glory from either the famous commander in chief of Our troops, who brought immortal services to the Fatherland, or from other skillful and courageous leaders and military leaders who distinguished themselves with zeal and zeal, or in general from all of Our brave army, we can say that what they did is superior human powers.

Great is the Lord our God in his mercy and in his wrath! Let us go by the goodness of our deeds and the purity of our feelings and thoughts, the only path leading to Him, to the temple of His holiness, and there, crowned by His hand with glory, let us give thanks for the generosity poured out on us, and let us fall to Him with warm prayers, that He may extend His mercy over us and, stopping wars and battles, will send us victories, the desired peace and silence. Given in Vilna on the 25th day of December in the year of the Nativity of Christ 1812, the second tenth of Our Reign.”

Using the passage and your knowledge of history, choose three true statements from the list given.

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) The document meant an appeal to the people in the first days of the war with the enemy.

2) The war discussed in the document lasted just over six months.

5) The war lasted for several years.

6) The war discussed in the document went down in history as the Patriotic War.


Correct answer

Answer: 246


1) The document meant an appeal to the people in the first days of the war with the enemy. (No).

2) The war discussed in the document lasted just over six months. (Yes. From June 12 to December 25, 1812)

4) The author of the document is the emperor, during whose reign Russia defeated Napoleon.(Yes. The war went on during the reign of Alexander I, this is an excerpt from his Manifesto “On bringing thanks to the Lord God for the liberation of Russia from the enemy invasion,” which put an end to the war).

5) The war lasted several years. (No).

6) The war discussed in the document went down in history as the Patriotic War. (Yes).


Write a number indicating the place where the council decided to leave Moscow.


Correct answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: It was at the council in Fili on September 1, 1812 that the decision was made to abandon Moscow.


Write the number indicating the place that gave its name to the famous maneuver during the War of 1812


Correct answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: This is the Tarutino maneuver.


Write the name of the commander-in-chief who led the expulsion of Napoleon


Correct answer

Answer: Kutuzov.



Which judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three judgments from the six proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) The enemy’s retreat took place along the Kaluga road.

2) M.I. Kutuzov was appointed Commander-in-Chief in the first days of the war.

3) The enemy failed to carry out the plan to prevent the Russian armies from uniting.

4) During the war, Moscow had to be surrendered to the enemies.

5) One of the reasons for the victory over the enemy was the enemy’s unpreparedness for waging war in the winter.

6) The enemy army significantly exceeded the Russian army in the number of soldiers and weapons.


Correct answer

Answer: 345


1) The enemy’s retreat took place along the Kaluga road. (No, along the Smolensk road).

2) M.I. Kutuzov was appointed Commander-in-Chief in the first days of the war. (No, only on August 17, before that these duties were performed by Minister of War Barclay de Tolly).

3) The enemy failed to carry out the plan to prevent the Russian armies from uniting. (Yes, it failed; the 1st and 2nd armies united in the Smolensk area.)

4) During the war, Moscow had to be surrendered to the enemies.(Yes, this happened after the council in Fili. From September 3 to October 10, Napoleon was in Moscow).

5) One of the reasons for the victory over the enemy was the enemy’s unpreparedness for waging war in the winter.(Yes, this was one of many reasons).

6) The enemy army significantly exceeded the Russian army in the number of soldiers and weapons. (No, the armies were approximately the same in armament. Compare: at the beginning of the war Napoleon had 610 thousand soldiers, 1370 guns; Russia had 600 thousand soldiers, 1600 guns, 400 thousand militias.)


Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.





Correct answer

Answer: 4625


A) Monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky - dedicated to the victory over the Poles, the liberation of Moscow by the people’s militia, 1804-1818, sculptor I.P. Martos.

C) St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg - second - O. Montferrand, the cathedral was built in 1818-1858.

D) The tragedy “Boris Godunov” - the work was written by one of the brightest representatives of the “golden age” of Russian poetry, A.S. Pushkin in 1825


What judgments about this architectural monument are correct? Choose two judgments from the five proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) The building is located in St. Petersburg.

2) The building is located in Moscow.

3) The building was built in honor of the victory over Napoleon.

4) The architect of the building is Thomas de Thomon.


Correct answer

Answer: 24


1) The building is located in St. Petersburg. (Yes).

2) The building is located in Moscow. (No).

3) The building was built in honor of the victory over Napoleon. (No).

4) The architect of the building is Thomas de Thomon. (Yes, this stock exchange building in St. Petersburg was built according to his design in 1805 - 1816.

5) The architect of the building is K. Rossi.

19 Which architectural monuments were built during the reign of Alexander I ? In your answer, write down the two numbers that indicate these monuments.



Correct answer

Answer: 24


  1. The Armory Chamber in Moscow, 1844-1851, architect K. Ton.
  2. Mikhailovsky Palace in St. Petersburg, 1819-1825, architect K. Rossi. Currently it is the Russian Museum.
  3. Historical Museum in Moscow, architect V. Sherwood, 1875-1881.
  4. Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, 1801-1811, architect A. Voronikhin.

To record answers to tasks in this part (21–29), use ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the task number (21, 22, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 20–22.

In the transformational experiments of the first years of the young emperor, a large role was assigned to the central administrative apparatus. Peter's colleges, which had already lost their original character under Catherine, were transformed. By the manifesto of September 8, 1802, they were transformed into eight ministries. These were the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Army, the Navy, the Interior, Finance, Justice, Commerce and Public Education, with a committee of ministers to discuss matters requiring general considerations. The main difference between the new central government bodies was their individual power: each department was controlled by a minister instead of the previous collegial presence; every minister was accountable to the Senate.

Simultaneously with administrative reforms, social relations were also affected. This direction consisted of equalizing all social conditions before the law. Among the first measures of the new emperor was the restoration of the chartered estates, which, as we have seen, were abolished by the former emperor in their main parts. The sensitive issue of serfdom was timidly touched upon. A number of measures from the beginning of the reign declared the government’s intention to gradually prepare minds for the abolition of this right. Since 1801, the distribution of inhabited estates into private ownership was prohibited. On December 12, 1801, on the emperor’s birthday, an even more important decree was promulgated, granting persons of all free estates the right to acquire ownership of real estate outside the cities without peasants; The Law of December 12 destroyed the centuries-old landowning monopoly of the nobility. On February 20, 1803, a decree was issued on free cultivators: landowners could enter into an agreement with their peasants, freeing them with the land as whole villages or individual families. These freed peasants, without registering in other states, formed a special class of “free cultivators”. The February 20 Law was the first decisive expression of the government's intention to abolish serfdom.

These were the first experiments in restructuring management and social relations; they constitute the first era of Alexander’s transformative activity. These experiments were not sufficiently thought out and suffered from important shortcomings: they did not sufficiently agree with each other, and were carried out extremely hastily. Then followed certain external events, which for some time distracted the emperor from internal work; This was participation in two coalitions against France - in 1805 in alliance with Austria, in 1806-1807. - in alliance with Prussia. During these wars, the intimate circle of the emperor's first advisers was upset. Campaigns and failures cooled Alexander’s initial liberal-idyllic mood; The observations he collected made him dissatisfied with those around him. One by one, the members of the informal committee withdrew from the emperor. Their empty places were filled by one man, who became the emperor's only trusted employee. It was Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky.

3.The outbreak of war with France delayed the implementation of reforms.


In historical science, there are controversial issues on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view existing in historical science.

“The adoption of the decree on free cultivators is undoubtedly a progressive step by Emperor Alexander I along the path of a civilized state.”

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support this point view, and two arguments that can be used to refute it. Be sure to use historical facts when presenting your arguments.

Write your answer in the following form.

Arguments in support:

Arguments to refute:


Correct answer

Arguments in support:

1). For the first time, peasants had the opportunity to buy their freedom, albeit at the behest of the landowners.

2). Serfs were given the opportunity to buy the land or bear duties for it; they became the owners of the land.

Arguments to refute:

1) The decree was not binding on landowners; the emperor was afraid of a repeat of the coup.

2) Only 2% of the peasants were freed. This is approximately 150 thousand people. The landowners did not want to part with either the land or the peasants.


You need to write historical essay about ONE of the periods of Russian history:

3) 1813 -1825 The essay must:

– indicate at least two significant events (phenomena, processes),

relating to a given period of history;

– name two historical figures whose activities are connected with the specified events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge historical facts, characterize the roles of the individuals you named in these events (phenomena, processes);


When characterizing the role of each person you named, it is necessary to indicate the specific actions of this person that significantly influenced the course and (or) result of the specified events (processes, phenomena).

– indicate at least two cause-and-effect relationships characterizing the reasons for the occurrence of events (phenomena, processes) that occurred in a given period;

– using knowledge of historical facts and (or) opinions of historians, evaluate the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of a given period on the further history of Russia.

During the presentation, it is necessary to correctly use historical terms and concepts related to a given period.


Correct answer

Sample essays for these periods are given on the website

istoricheskiy-portret.ru In chapter“Unified State Exam. Story. Task 25. Essay in Unified State Exam format.”

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