Tests for contract military personnel online. Service under contract. The process of selecting candidates for military service under contract. Psychological testing of military personnel

Russians entering contract service have the opportunity to take a professional aptitude test online - on the website of the Ministry of Defense. The site learned from psychologists what qualities a future professional military man should identify.

The Department of Defense psychological test consists of three parts. Before taking it, the respondent is asked to answer several questions about education and place of residence.

The first part asks you to choose one of the answer options. As reported in the test description, the tasks require “certain knowledge, attention and intelligence.” You have 15 minutes to complete. This part, according to the general opinion of psychologists, is a standard intelligence test.

In the second part, the respondent is asked to indicate his attitude to a number of statements concerning certain aspects of behavior, character and well-being. For example, deciding whether the statement “There have been times when I have not kept my promises” or “Many of those I know deserve punishment” is true. In this case, the time for completing the task is not limited.

"Since a person is almost always in a social environment, his activity is associated with the ability to build relationships with other people. Test No. 2 helps determine the level of communication abilities, neuropsychic stability, the general emotional state or emotionally negative state of a person, the level of socialization, an assessment of one’s places and roles in the team, the presence of a desire to comply with generally accepted norms of behavior,” a specialist in the field noted in an interview with the site’s correspondent applied psychology Andrey Sergeev.

He added that in this part of the testing it is possible to determine the respondent’s adaptive abilities, signs of obvious accentuations (character traits in which some of his traits are excessively enhanced) and psychopathy, and in some cases, characterize his condition as borderline. In addition, based on certain responses of a serviceman, one can identify his tendency to use alcohol and psychoactive substances.

As Alena Pavlova, a specialist in advisory and clinical psychology, clarified in an interview with the site’s correspondent, the second test performs the functions personality questionnaire, aimed at characterological features. Thus, depending on the answers, the candidate’s leadership qualities, self-esteem, desire for power, attitude to the law, punctuality and accuracy, depression, anxiety, and personality type (extroversion-introversion) can be identified. According to the agency’s interlocutor, a calm and balanced applicant who does not have obvious addictions to alcohol and conflicts is most suitable for military service.

What is curious is that in some cases, for example, when there is a predominant number of identical answers in the second part of the test, the message “Most likely, you did not take the test seriously, which casts doubt on the sincerity of your desire to serve in the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Thank you for your participation!” At this point the testing ends.

Applicants who have reached the third part are offered a number of statements regarding views on military service And the world around us, habits and daily behavior. The task is to choose the option that is most suitable for the candidate personally or to complete the statement.

The last test, according to psychologists, analyzes motivational preferences and helps determine the dominant factors in choosing a profession, and also shows life strategies professional self-determination of the respondent.

Self-testing of the applicant using the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense is included in the initial selection of a candidate for military service through contact. In total, the process of selecting candidates for military service under a contract includes three stages: initial, preliminary and in-depth selection.

Tests to determine professional suitability for entering military service under a contract were developed by the scientific and practical center of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

Test.Military service under contract

    In what year did the Federal Law “On Alternative Civil Service” come into force?

1) in 2001;

2) in 2002;

3) in 2003;

4) in 2004.

    Citizens have the right to submit an application to replace conscription military service with an alternative civilian service to the military commissariat where they are registered with the military within the following deadlines:

1) before July 1 - citizens who must be called up for military service in October-December of the current year;

2) before January 1 - citizens who must be called up for military service in April-June of the next year;

4) before April 1 - citizens who must be called up for military service in October-December of the current year.

    The term of alternative civil service in organizations subordinate to federal executive authorities is:

1) 42 months;

2) 36 months;

3) 21 months;

4) 18 months.

    The term of alternative civil service in organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies as civilian personnel is:

1) 27 months;

2) 18 months;

3) 36 months;

4) 21 months.

    The period of alternative civil service is not counted


1) absenteeism;

2) being in a medical institution due to illness;

3) being on a business trip;

4) time spent traveling to the place of alternative civil service.


Contract service is not just a job. A contract soldier is a professional defender of the Motherland.

Currently, the most important area of ​​activity of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is to improve the system of recruiting privates and non-commissioned officers for the Armed Forces.

The main priority in this work is the absolute advantage of qualitative characteristics over quantitative ones, which implies an increase in the number of contract professionals in the Armed Forces. In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the number of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen serving under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will amount to 425 thousand people by January 1, 2017.

For the purpose of timely and high-quality implementation of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed basic approaches to recruiting troops (forces) with contract military personnel.

The basis for recruiting troops (forces) with contract servicemen is a strict multi-level system for selecting candidates, compulsory sending them to training training centers or universities for preparation and subsequent conclusion of contracts, as well as a multi-stage system of military service, which provides, depending on qualifications professional growth contract military personnel.

Algorithm for selecting candidates for military service under contract

The process of selecting candidates for military service under a contract includes three stages: initial, preliminary and in-depth selection.

The staged process of studying candidates involves using the capabilities of the selection point itself, a mobile selection point (after its delivery to the Armed Forces), military commissariats (including their municipal departments) and military units.

However in-depth study is carried out only at selection points with the involvement of the capabilities of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (military medical commissions, professional psychological selection groups). At the same time, municipal departments of military commissariats (more than 2 thousand) are involved due to the significant remoteness of the candidates’ places of residence from the selection points.

Initial selection includes:

Firstly, self-testing of the candidate using the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The tests were developed by the scientific and practical center of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

Secondly, conducting an interview and testing the candidate at a mobile selection point (during his work in the field).

Preliminary selection is carried out by the municipal department of the military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the case of a significant distance from the candidate’s place of residence from the selection point. In this case, the candidate arrives at the municipal department independently or in the direction of a mobile selection point.

Pre-selection includes:

military-vocational guidance;

filling out a formalized document (application form);

study and verification of the candidate’s personal data and his trustworthiness (citizenship, characteristics from the place of work and study, results of requests to law enforcement agencies, examination of health status using a medical record from a clinic);

preliminary medical examination (by a non-staff medical commission);

preliminary professional psychological selection at the appropriate automated workstation.

The results obtained during the preliminary stage are sent to the selection point for subsequent in-depth selection and study.

Initial and preliminary selection can also be carried out in a military unit.

In-depth (final) selection is carried out at the selection point in relation to all candidates who have passed the preliminary selection or candidates who independently arrived at the selection point, if they live relatively close.

In-depth selection includes:

studying and checking the candidate’s personal data and his reliability;

in-depth medical examination;

in-depth professional psychological selection;

physical fitness test;

formation of the candidate’s personal file;

registration, if necessary, of access to information constituting a state secret.

The selection ends with a decision on the candidate’s suitability for military service under a contract and sending him to a training unit to conclude a contract and undergo the necessary training.

Before changes are made to the legislation, the decision is made by the commission of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and subsequently by the commission of the personnel management of the military district.

Depending on the scarcity of the candidate’s civilian education and military training for the Armed Forces, his place of residence, as well as the frequency of training in training units, from the moment the selection begins until the decision is made to accept the candidate for military service under a contract and send him to military training part can take from 1-2 weeks to 6 months.

In relation to military personnel who are completing their conscription military service and have expressed a desire to enter military service under a contract, the selection algorithm differs in that the initial and preliminary stages (if appropriate resources are available) are carried out in advance in a military unit with the subsequent sending of all results to the selection point ( in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation), where a decision is made on the candidate.

Vocational selection at the military registration and enlistment office is a procedure that is not necessary for all conscripts into the army. Only those who want to receive professional selection undergo professional selection officer rank or wish to enter a military higher education institution in order to then receive a high rank.

Vocational selection differs from a standard medical examination upon conscription to the military registration and enlistment office in the presence psychological tests and field verification. In general, it is much more difficult to undergo this procedure with a positive result, since the selection method is stepwise. People with mental disabilities, those who do not have the necessary character traits, are eliminated; Those who are not able to prove themselves in field conditions may also fail to pass the test at the military registration and enlistment office.

At the same time, some “refuseniks” can pass a simple commission, which will allow them to become lower-ranking military personnel. Therefore, before agreeing to go to professional selection, you should think: is there a chance to pass it? Wouldn't it be better, if you really want to join the army, to stop at a standard medical examination?

Who can pass

All conscripts can sign up for professional selection. Be sure to voice your desire at the very beginning, even when you get to the military registration and enlistment office. The commission will direct those interested to an additional aptitude test at the military registration and enlistment office, which will be held separately, only for people “aiming” to become officers. Conscripts who will be sent to serve as privates will undergo a medical examination at another time.

You can go to the selection not during the draft, but also at any other period. It is enough to express a desire to serve under a contract.

Applicants to higher military institutions are required to undergo professional selection educational institutions. It is advisable to go through this procedure before the wave of admissions begins. Then there is less chance that the future student will not have time to get all the required results.

The meaning of passing the test

Vocational selection is necessary for practical reasons. If you do not regulate the officer corps, then soon the army will have a larger number of unbalanced commanders who do not perform their duties correctly. In such a serious area as the military, this is unacceptable. The purpose of professional selection is to weed out and retain only suitable candidates, that is, people with the following qualities:

  • public speaking skills;
  • ability to manage people;
  • equilibrium;
  • high organization;
  • ability to obey higher ranks;
  • composure and intelligence even in an emergency situation;
  • high intelligence, the ability to quickly assess a situation and find the right way out of it.

The tests that are carried out during selection are aimed precisely at identifying these qualities. If such psychological and psychophysical qualities are absent, then the person is not allowed to serve in the officer ranks. The person failed the diagnostic test.

They pay no less attention physical qualities a future contract soldier, who may be rejected due to their lack of development, but more on that below.


There is a misconception on the Internet that a person aspiring to a high military rank must only pass an additional psychological test, during which he will be asked screening questions. Testing psychological qualities a recruit or a future student is indeed carried out, but this is not the most part of the check. How many different types of verification are there really?

In reality, to successfully pass screening, you need to pass three tests in a row. These are tests of intelligence, character and temperament, an extended medical examination and field tests. If the first test at the military registration and enlistment office is unsuccessful, re-examination at the military registration and enlistment office is available after some time.

Verification steps

A candidate for officer or other higher ranks must first of all have a suitable mentality and character. Therefore, a psychological test is prescribed first. The person then goes through other tests. The algorithm here is as follows:

  1. Psychological tests at the military registration and enlistment office. Not only the tendency to mental deviations and imbalance is determined, but also susceptibility to bad habits. At this stage, those who are not able to make decisions quickly, are unreasonably stubborn, suffer from outbursts of anger or even serious mental disorders are eliminated.
  2. Medical examination. An independent expert is hired for both mental and physiological examinations. The test results cannot be purchased, since basic tests can only be taken at the military registration and enlistment office. Therefore, there is no special preparation for this stage, except perhaps trying to get rid of flat feet before reaching 18 years of age. An advanced physical examination means that a person is tested to withstand higher stresses than ordinary privates, and both the heart and lungs must be stronger.
  3. Field check. During this procedure, candidates are most often asked to complete an obstacle course. There is a large amount of interference on it, and the time it takes to travel through the strip is limited. Sometimes elements of teamwork are introduced to test a person's ability to function or manage a team.

The verification stages are located one after another and are completed gradually. If a candidate has not passed the psychological test, then he is not allowed to undergo a medical examination; if he was found to have a physical abnormality, then there can be no question of a field test. Refusal of examination at the military registration and enlistment office is also a reason to refuse a person.

The decision is announced immediately after receiving the transcript of the tests and analyses.

Is it possible to challenge the selection results?

The candidate has the right to submit a request to review the results of the commission, this applies to both medical and psychological examinations. If the first is contested, a compelling justification must be provided for why the health professional previously found the person unfit. Perhaps he “rejected” the ECG results simply because the young man had a cold, etc. cases. If there are no serious excuses, then the medical examination is most often not repeated.

It is much easier to challenge the results of a psychological test. To do this, it is enough for a third-party psychiatrist (a psychologist or other expert with a diploma in psychiatry) to examine the person for a fee and confirm that he does not have any abnormalities. Then it will be possible to go to court or a commission without waiting in line for a full re-selection.

In what cases is professional selection considered unsuccessful?

The main reason for refusal of appointment to senior ranks is unsuitability psychological nature. The candidate may not have sufficient leadership traits and skills. The grounds for refusal are the following problems of the future serviceman:

  • speech defects that significantly interfere with giving orders to subordinates;
  • lack of restraint of character, hot temperament;
  • low psychological stability, manifestations of cowardice and hysterical reactions in unusual situations;
  • inability to obey orders from superiors;
  • tattoos (some bodily images may be considered a sign of psychological abnormality);
  • mental disorders.

But physical characteristics also play a significant role. First of all, the conscript is required to have an increased reaction speed, speed of recovery after physical exertion, good level endurance. The following deviations can spoil the examination:

  • vision problems of the disabled category;
  • hearing problems;
  • indistinguishability of colors.

Professional suitability is determined by a surgeon and a therapist. A paid medical clinic is also suitable for examination, if the conscript agrees with the commission. If a conscript has previously evaded the army, he may also not be accepted.

Is it possible to prepare or “buy”

On the Internet you can find many psychological tests that resemble occupational selection tests (VVK-type tests). However, one cannot fully rely on them. Although the correct answers are offered for such collections of tests, it is not a fact that they will actually be correct, and perhaps the test itself will be presented in a different form.

Some people suggest purchasing a collection of supposedly original tests, exactly those that are used in the military registration and enlistment office. Mostly these are scammers. You shouldn't pay them money for something that may turn out to be a scam.

Even if real questions come across the Internet, and the conscript manages to memorize the correct answers, the deception will be revealed later. A person who does not have leadership qualities and psychological endurance will, even at the preparation stage, give up the idea of ​​completing his studies high rank. The fact that he has learned to answer correctly will not help him in real actions, and tests for the military registration and enlistment office cannot be falsified at all.

The only way to prepare is to learn how to run military obstacle courses quickly. What should you say to the military registration and enlistment office? Only your inner instinct will tell you about this; no one will reveal the secret of the correct answers to anyone who wants it.

The main reason why tests for professional suitability are currently carried out in military registration and enlistment offices is to obtain information about the candidate’s desires and personality-forming qualities necessary for service in order to ensure high-quality recruitment of the Armed Forces. Such tests, for example, include the automated test by A. Basa-Darki, the MBTI questionnaire by I. Myers-Briggs, the MCV Luscher technique, SMIL 398 and MMRSh2. Before going to an interview and testing at the military registration and enlistment office, you must pass a self-test, which is available online on the official website of the Ministry of Defense.

Military registration and enlistment offices also use tests with a narrow specialization, designed to determine the specific characteristics of the subjects, for example, level of education. This criterion determines what positions a particular person can occupy. The test results are given to representatives of the selection point, and further research is carried out on it.

After the candidate passes all the tests, he will receive a category, based on which the level of his potential will be clear. There are four of them. The first category means that the person who has passed the test is recommended first of all, since he is able to master a military specialty within the required time frame and, during training, receive, generally, high scores. The second category is simply recommended. The third category means that those who pass the test are given a conditional recommendation. Well, the fourth category means that its owner is not recommended for service. He is given several days to answer the tests, with a short break for meals and other needs. Passing all tests is carried out before a military commission is organized. Upon final completion of testing, the results will be personally communicated to the respondent.

Professional selection at the military registration and enlistment office

The main task facing military service commissions is to understand what benefit each individual conscript represents to the Armed Forces. For this purpose, professional selection is carried out in military registration and enlistment offices, the development of tests for which, in most cases, is carried out in regional military commissariats. The plan must then receive approval from the head of the local government. Thanks to professional selection, it is possible, in particular, to find out whether the person being tested has been brought to criminal or administrative liability and how psychologically stable he is, and in what situations his personal qualities will optimally manifest themselves.

The aptitude test may consist of a maximum of 120 items. Basically, they comply with all standards and make it possible to show all the necessary characteristics of the subject. Test results are assessed not only by quantitative criteria, but also by qualitative ones. Monitoring of testing, collection of results and their analysis are carried out by special employees. His methods are being improved to this day.

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