The surge location core walkthrough. Production Center B. After gaining a high level, do not be lazy to return to already completed levels

Are you missing the hardcore gaming mechanics of Dark Souls? Do you want to feel the sweet taste of victory again after the twentieth attempt to defeat a particularly tricky boss? In this case, we advise you to definitely play the latest project from the studio Deck 13, which almost completely copies the gameplay of Souls, but at the same time develops in a completely different setting - post-apocalyptic cyberpunk. Naturally, completing this game will not be easy, and in order to somehow help you in this difficult test, we decided to publish a detailed walkthrough of The Surge.


The game takes place in the distant future, where the Earth is mainly governed not by the governments of different states, but by the boards of directors of large corporations. One of them is CREO Industries, which recently received an order from several countries to solve the problem of overpopulation and sudden climate change on the planet.

To accomplish its tasks, the corporation launched several rockets into space as part of the Resolve project. These missiles sprayed special chemicals all over the earth, supposedly aimed at stabilizing the environment. However, everything is much more complicated than we might have thought at the beginning. We will have to unwind this tangle of secrets and riddles when passing the game.

The main character will be an honest hard worker named Warren, who, due to several failures in life, had to get a job as a laborer in the above-mentioned company. One of the conditions for such work is the use of a special eco-suit implanted into the body. However, something goes wrong during the operation, and therefore our protagonist is sent to the local landfill. A few hours later, he wakes up on a mountain of scrap metal and decides to find out at all costs what is happening here and why he was treated like ordinary trash.

Abandoned workshop

First steps

We listen to information about new technologies, and then leave the trailer in a wheelchair. We turn left and go down the tunnel. We turn right and see two rooms ahead. Here we will have to choose a class for the hero: heavy or light equipment support operator. The second option assumes that we will mainly pump up agility, speed, and so on, and the second, vitality, strength, and so on. However, there is no strict binding here, so in the future we will be able to decide for ourselves what weapons and armor to use.

The passage of The Surge itself will begin in ruins, and the main character will have only useless makeshift weapons in his hands. Go through the robots, attacking them with weak and strong blows, performing attacks in different orders to create simple combos. To place a block, press the “Q” key.

Any of your actions aimed at attacking or defending will deplete your stamina, so it’s worth learning how to dodge attacks from enemies. If you spend all your stamina points, you will find yourself defenseless for a certain period of time, so we advise you to monitor this indicator during the battle.

Collect yellow pyramids along the way. These items are scattered throughout the game world and often drop from enemies. They contain materials, drawings and items that are randomly generated. You shouldn't try to collect them all, as they rarely contain valuable items.

Get to the destroyed ship, where you will find a terminal. During a short dialogue you will receive some information about the world and gain access to the Medical Bay (MedBay). Thanks to it, you can increase the characteristics of your character, save Crowbar (analogous to Souls) and heal the hero. If you die, you will appear in this location.

Before entering the next building you can find an implant - Medical Audit. Install it in a free slot on the Implants tab in the Medical Bay. It will give you the ability to see the health bars of your enemies.

Power Core Repair

At first you will not be able to take advantage of all the capabilities of the medical bay. You will only be able to change the implants. The point is that your kernel is damaged and you need to find something that can be used to fix it. Exit the ship through the opened door and go downstairs. Next, turn left. You will meet your first opponent. Note that his head is not protected - use auto-target and select the head while switching between limbs. Now your hero will try to attack only the selected limb. Since this part of his body has no protection, you will inflict maximum damage on the enemy.

Continue forward and take out two more enemies. Your main goal is the last opponent who is trying to get through the closed gate. He is much better equipped than past enemies. After defeating him, an item will drop from him. Take it and take it to the medical bay to restore your exoskeleton.

From now on, you will be able to upgrade limbs, create items from blueprints, and update your core (analogous to redistributing experience points). More information can be found in the Tips section. After issuing a “coupon” from the panel, you will receive a mechanized leg and arm. Open your inventory and put them on - these are parts of your exoskeleton that will improve your parameters. You should not try to collect materials for new items by any possible means, since most of them you can get by simply destroying enemies.

We go down the stairs and pass through the shell of the rocket standing in front. Next, we find a new audio recording. Now we return to the point where we previously fought with a powerful cyborg (we took away the power unit we needed from him). On the left side of the gate we notice a terminal. We reboot his power chain by applying an energy block charge. If its level is less than 10, then we won’t succeed, so don’t forget to increase it at the medical station.

Main assembly line

We pass through the gate and encounter several more cyborgs. We go to the opposite part of the location and open all the doors. It is imperative that we open the doors that lead to the previous zones, since many of them open only on one side.

We see an exolift ahead. We sit in it and go upstairs, where we collect a couple of valuable things. Then we activate the elevator located near the medical station.

We head to the end of the assembly line on the first level and deal with a couple of cyborgs. Then we run up and jump onto the container in which the loot lies. We jump from the rubble (by the way, to jump you need to press Space; besides, it is only possible while running). We climb onto the containers, jump even higher and climb the ladder to find another audio recording.

We get out and go through the large doors (it was against them that one of the opponents banged his head). On the right side we reboot the power chain. We open the door on the right, thereby gaining access to the previous area. We pass through the shell of the rocket located on the left. We find ourselves in a swamp with toxic air. Therefore, after the body of the first rocket we find a turn leading to the right straight into the bushes. Behind them we see a simple drone and a huge robot.

We get close to the combat vehicle and begin to circle around it, trying not to get caught under its bucket. From time to time we hit the robot’s body, constantly maintaining a sufficient amount of stamina for a possible retreat. The fact is that sometimes the enemy will fall to the ground and create a dangerous wave.

Having defeated the enemy, we take a shiny coin (if we collect 5 of these coins, we can exchange them for cool armor) and IRONMAUS comic book No. 1. We move forward, kill the enemy and go up the stairs. We go down from the opposite edge and go to the missile assembly area.

Rocket assembly station

On the right side we notice an exolift. We rise on it and see that the magnetic line is in a disconnected state due to the lack of electricity supply. We go down and go through the right door leading to the power plant.

In the new location we continue to go down and deal with the new cyborg, who will be much faster and more dexterous than the previous ones. However, he also has unprotected parts of the body, at which we should aim our blows. We reboot the power chain and go upstairs.

Note: on the upper level, we advise you to go to the left side of the entrance and find the road leading to the medical station. We store our spare parts there, and then run again to the rocket assembly station. It's just that in a few minutes we'll have a boss fight.

We inspect the location more carefully and look for a couple more audio recordings: one of them can be obtained during interaction with the console located on the left side of the magnetic road (we go up on the exolift to the place where the transition to the next zone takes place); we find the second in the lower level of the power plant.

PAX Boss Battle

We looked at the battle with this enemy in detail in the corresponding guide, so here we will give only a couple of recommendations to simplify the battle:

  1. We capture the target on one of the enemy's two legs.
  2. Next, we run up and jump so that we find ourselves between the boss’s two paws. We perform this trick every time the robot jumps away from us to keep us next to it.
  3. We try to constantly stand behind him. We actively use Space.
  4. We hit the robot’s legs no more than 1-2 times, since PAX will from time to time deliver stomping blows that can kill us with a couple of pokes.
  5. Over time, an orange streak will accumulate on top. When it is full, the robot will jump back and launch rockets. We quickly run up to the car and hide under its belly.
  6. After stunning, we hit the boss on the shoulders and head. Then the robot will rise again and we will need to repeat the previous steps.

After destroying the boss, we will receive a new weapon called “Emperor PAX”.

Production Center B

We go upstairs, watch the video that plays on the screen, and then find ourselves in the first area of ​​the new location.

Drone registration

We are in no hurry to go down. On the right side we find the console and activate it. Afterwards we talk with the assistant drone. We ask him about the state of affairs at the plant, and then move the drone to inventory. From now on we can use it if necessary. True, at the moment he has only one attack module, when used, he shoots an electric charge at the enemy.

To the left of the stairs we notice a pile of scrap metal. Next, we call the elevator and go into it, thereby descending to the next area of ​​​​the Production Center.

We turn right and see how a passage opens on the side (not far from the other door and console). This way we can get into the operations center. Now we can only use the medical station. To use the communication terminal, workbench and other devices, you will need to supply electricity to them. We exit from the left door and go into the next room.

Material storage

We head forward and kill one enemy. On the left side we see the energy chain of the 10th level. We reboot it in order to supply the operations center with electricity. We return to this location and examine the terminal. We get another audio recording. If necessary, activate the workbench. Don't forget to also talk to the girl through a holographic connection.

We go to the materials storage room again. We deal with the first opponent and notice a screen ahead, behind which there is a passage. He is protected by two powerful company robots. It will be almost impossible to deal with them, and besides, there is no point in doing so, since we will not be able to use the terminal anyway. In front of the screen on the left side there is a broken exolift. We jump down behind the boxes.

Next, we reboot the kernel from the stranger located in front near the terminal. We speak with Dean Hobbs - he will advise us to go to the operations center. We study the side terminal to obtain a new audio recording. Near the opposite wall we find the Aggression Amplifier implant v.1. However, we should already be wearing one.

We jump down and deal with the enemy. On the left side we come across a couple more enemies. There is a ladder leading to the operations center - on the way there we kill another cyborg with a hammer, standing right in front of a screen with two robot guards.

We stand with our backs to the ladder, without going up, and look for the door behind the box located in the right corner. Reboot the chain and open it. Here we find Davey. We talk with him and send him to the operations center. As soon as we have time, we also return to a safe location. We speak with Dean and Davey. The latter will ask us to find a cure - a unique implant. Let us immediately note that you can find it in the next area, in the “Solution” biological laboratory.

We head again to the previous ladder. With our back to her, we turn right and find an audio recording not far from the wall. Again we stand with our back to the stairs and look to the left. In the far left corner we see containers. Behind them we notice an exolift and rise to the upper level. However, this area ends in a dead end.

Below we find a small box that opens only at the 75th core level. Inside it we can find 2 nanonuclei.

Important: with the help of nanonuclei we can improve our weapons and equipment from level 4 to level 5, so we advise you to be careful when collecting them.

Recycled protective equipment

It is a secret location, at the end of which we can find the implant Mechanized Counterweight v.2, which temporarily increases damage from weapons. However, to obtain it we will have to fight several opponents at once.

Conveyor shop

We go down, stand facing the stairs and go into the left corridor. Behind the boxes we find a passage leading to a new area of ​​the location - the conveyor shop. We immediately repel the enemy’s attack, and then we deal with another enemy a little ahead. Then we go down the stairs and kill everyone on our way. Next, we go to the right and meet a new enemy, a huge robot moving on 3 legs. We hit the back paw, as it is the most vulnerable.

After destroying the fur, we go up and turn to the left wall in front of the passage. We head along the old path and find the Wellness implant v.1. We go into a room with a lot of containers at the top.

Inside one of the boxes we find the implant Energy Cell v.1. Then we will meet 3-4 enemies equipped with new equipment - Scarab. By the way, by collecting all the pieces of one armor you can get a good bonus. Here we find another container containing 2 nanocores (you can reload with a level 70 core). Next we find a door and an inaccessible terminal.

We go back and turn left from the stairs or go into the room ahead. In the second option, we deal with another fur on 3 legs. On the right side of the stairs we find an exolift, which leads to a technical tunnel, but we won’t go there yet.

We turn left, reach the tree, and then go down the steps. The ladder is on the left side. Here we talk to Irina and offer her our services in finding a pole. We can go down and end up near the Central Station, but for now it will be blocked.

We rise again and turn left. If we go through the pipes that lead to the opposite station, we can go to the location Support Line 2. However, let's not rush and walk along the ravine to find a staircase with several flights. On the way down we find a box with 2 nanocores (a level 60 core is required to open).

Even lower, among the loot on the ladder, we select a module for the drone called “Strike Module”. When using it, your robotic assistant will accelerate and crash into the enemy at full speed. At the bottom we can find another implant and a door with a closed terminal. We go to the place where we talked with Irina, but now we don’t go down to the girl, but turn to the right. In the corridor we kill several opponents and cross the bridge to the left. Here we will meet with a whole group of enemies. We don’t attack them, but start luring them out one by one. Afterwards we find ourselves in the processing department.

Recycling department

In a niche on the left side we find a pile of scrap metal, and in the right room, where the cyborg stands, we find a workstation with another audio recording. We destroy all the enemies in the room and in the far corner, at the top of the stairs we take the Universal Tactile Amplifier V.1 implant, which increases weapon mastery.

We get out of the room and turn right. As a result, we find ourselves at a fork in the road. On the right side we notice an exolift. We use it and go upstairs. Here we find two doors: the left one will lead us to “Support Line 2” (we will go here from the conveyor shop, and therefore we just open the door, go inside, take the audio recording and immediately leave), and the right one will lead to the control room. In the far corner of the second room we select an audio recording, and on the right we see a broken terminal for controlling the robot. We come even further to the console that controls the bridge. We use it to deploy bridges. On the left side there is a medical station, thanks to which we can restore the number of injections.

In the middle of the room on the left side there is a door control panel. We use it, and then press the “E” key and see how the doors open on the lower level. We find an elevator here and go down. We destroy two large robots with buckets to get two shiny coins.

We exit the elevator and turn right. Behind the bridge we notice several enemies, among them there will be both robots and cyborgs. On the right side, near the wall between the shelves, we select an audio recording. On the left at the end of the shelves we can find the Bloodhound weapon.

We go down the ladder and find under it an implant. Increasing endurance v.1. We reboot the power circuit and opens the door leading to the Toxic Waste Removal area. However, we are not going there yet.

We go back, climb the ladder and jump from it onto the pipe. We find a hole in the floor and jump into it. As a result, we find ourselves on the other side of the fence. We kill the enemy, destroy the bars and boxes in order to find ourselves in a technical tunnel. Here we come across an exolift that can lead us to the Wellness v.1 implant. We go back the same route.

Helpline 2

We come here from the processing department or conveyor shop. When choosing the second option, go along the pipes to the other side and turn right, and then go up. We break the box and find the audio recording.

After the pipes, we break the latticework in front and enter the tunnel. Next, we go up on the exolift, open the door with the console and destroy another grate, thereby returning to the arrival area.

Here we go down a little lower and look for a new implant. As a result, we will have a new aisle that allows us to quickly move from the processing department or assembly line to the medical station through the support line. Next we go to the Toxic Waste Removal department.

Toxic waste removal

We walk along the corridor and find ourselves in a new area called Toxic Waste Recycling. We deal with the enemy and listen to the audio recording. We look through the glass and see our next boss.

We go down, and then go up the stairs in the front part of the room. In the room on the left side, right behind the box, we find a robot and an implant. Mechanized counterweight v.1. At the top right of the ladder we find a new audio recording.

We go up using another ladder. In this room, on the left side, right behind the lockers, we find the “Fortified Pipe” weapon, which is a pole. Irina Beckett is trying to find him. We return to the girl and talk to her. In the same room we find an audio recording. We see a door on the right, but only staff can use it.

We go down and notice the exolift. We use it and go to the top level. There we select the implant Blue cable X.

We go back and go down towards the sanitization zone, but halfway there we turn left. Here we reboot the power circuit to activate the elevator. We use it to get to the materials storage facility. From now on we have another workaround.

We go along the corridor and turn left. By the way, the road above, which we can get to using the exolift, leads to the same area. We continue to move forward, overload the chain and find ourselves in the arena, where the second boss is already waiting for us.

Battle with the Maybug

We covered the battle with this enemy in detail in another guide, so only a brief description of the battle with him will be given here. Our main task when fighting this enemy is to destroy all six of its legs. With each lost limb he will become more and more aggressive.

At first, the Chafer will use two main attacks. The first is applied to one of his legs, provided that the character is next to him. The second is a quick spin of the legs, with the boss trying to get closer to the main character.

The first attack is quite easy to recognize. With it, we just need to dodge to the side. For example, if we see that the boss has begun to raise one of his limbs, then we immediately jump back. When he performs one of his attacks, we run up to him and hit him a couple of times. After four successful attacks, the May Bug's leg will fall off, causing it to topple to the ground. At this moment you need to hit him in his weak spots.

As soon as we destroy three enemy legs, the second stage of the battle begins. After this, the robot will begin to use much more techniques. In addition, his aggression will increase and he will begin to attack us even from afar. In addition to the previous attacks, the boss will have two new attacks.

We see that the boss has begun to retreat into the corner and is preparing to strike? Then we immediately jump to the side when he starts moving in our direction. In addition, the enemy will begin to use a flamethrower, but when performing this technique he will mostly stand still.

We continue to dodge and hit the Beetle once or twice. By the way, it is not at all necessary to destroy all the legs of the enemy - you can simply hit his body when he falls to the ground. If we were able to destroy all the legs, and the boss is still alive, then we stand right under him, and then immediately run away so that he sharply falls to the floor and is stunned. We use this to our advantage, attacking the enemy at any point with impunity.

After destroying the boss, we rise on the exolift. We can go down the stairs and rummage through the pile of rare scrap. On the upper level we find a door. We unlock it to find a shortcut to the waste recycling department.

We rise even higher and enter the room. We take the weapon “Biomaster Seru HSS” and find an audio recording on the left side. Let's add that Beckett may not like the pole, but she will definitely take the Biomaster. Next, we go down to Support Line 1 and head to a new location on a magnetic train.

Biolaboratory "Solution"

Blue Sky Station

We arrive at the station, and then immediately turn left and go up the steps. We pick up a pile of rare llama along the way and go along the platform to the right. We find a broken exolift and go to the upper level. Opposite the train we find an operations center.

We enter it and activate the terminal on the right to receive an audio recording. We can sit at the workbench or use the medical station. We will not be able to use the communication system now. We immediately find the implant Plasma regenerator v.3. We get out of the operations center and walk along the only path past the locked door. Then we go down the slope.

External sewerage

We deal with the robot and break the boxes on the right side to find the implant Vanadium cell v.1. In another part of the corridor we select a couple more useful things. We turn around the nearest corner and go to the right. On the left we find the energy chain and overload it. We break a couple of boxes and a little further we find a pile of scrap.

Let's go back and go down. We go around the hole on the bridge and use the console to unlock the door to pick up the Auto Help v.2 implant. We return, but now we go up the corridor to the upper level. We pass even higher and at the top of the cage we notice prey, which we cannot reach from here. We turn right and go down the stairs. We come across a closed door with an inaccessible control panel.

We go to the elevator and on the left side, around the corner, we reboot the electrical circuit, first dealing with several enemies. We find another door on the left, but it can only be opened if you have a certain pass. We currently do not have it. Thanks to the exolift, we find ourselves at the top. We go a little further and deal with a couple of opponents.


We go down as low as possible and pick up a useful thing near the left wall - a pile of scrap metal. After the ladder we go through the passage and turn the corner to the right. At the end of the path, we deal with two cyborgs and break a wooden box with another scrap metal. On the container we find the implant Energy Cell v.2. To do this, go up one flight of stairs and jump onto the yellow container. Then we jump over to the red one, where the item we need lies. Near the entrance to the location on the stage, right under the CREO monitor, we find another implant - Energy Generator v.2.

We go back and head in a straight line past the yellow tanks. Ahead we see a greenhouse - not far from the doors we notice a selector.

Dr. Chavez will contact us using the intercom. We talk with her. She will ask you to help her get out of the trap. To do this, we will need to get to the largest greenhouse, find the main control panel and open the structure. On the right side, in a puddle of acid, lies the Wellness implant v.1. If we go to the left of the door, then in the rubble in a small niche we can find another similar object.

To find the shortest path to the operations center, to the left of the selector we find a container with an energy chain. We reload it and go a little forward in the opposite direction, being on the other side of the tanks. We open the door using the console (if we cannot reboot the chain, the terminal will be locked). Behind the door we find an audio recording and pay attention to the exolift leading to the Blue Sky station.

We return and head left, to an area where we have not been before. Near the wall on the right side we look for the Fenris A-7 weapon.

A little ahead we notice a large assembly machine equipped with a bucket. We've seen these before. To destroy it, we need to run around it in a circle, avoiding getting hit by the bucket and hitting the robot from time to time. If we see that the enemy is planning to fall, then we immediately roll back. Sometimes hatches on the sides of the vehicle will open, behind which the enemy's weak points are located. We will definitely hit them whenever possible. The whole difficulty of the battle with this robot will be the presence of poisonous gas, which you can easily get into. Having defeated the iron opponent, we select a shiny coin and the “Rusty Butterflies” weapon.

We go to the selector in order to leave this area and turn left. Under the wall we find a hole in the floor - we jump into it.

External sewerage

We move along the corridor and, having passed through the stairs, turn in the other direction. On the right side of the steps we find an audio recording.


To the left of the screen, around the corner, an enemy is hiding. On the ground we find Aggression Amplifier v.2. We head to the opposite part of the corridor, but first we go upstairs and on the platform we find the implant Energy Capacitor v.2. A very valuable item, because thanks to it we will be able to conserve energy, that is, it will not fall below a certain threshold.

We go down and notice a room with a couple of glassed-in greenhouses.

Behind the boxes on the left side we find a pile of scrap metal. We walk a little forward and on the same side we come across a pile of rusty scrap metal. Here we also reboot the chain to activate the elevator. We deal with the drone and the three-legged robot, and then find an audio recording on the table. On the left side, before reaching the tables, we find a container (80th level of protection) in which 2 nanocores are stored.

We go up the stairs and find ourselves near the security door. At this stage, we will not be able to unlock it, and therefore we simply go into the elevator and go to the upper level.


We go down and find a pile of scrap behind the curtain. Then we go through the passage on the right side and find ourselves in a new area of ​​the location - the Savannah Climate Zone. Here we deal with two opponents and turn left.

Next we find ourselves in the “Eurasia” climate zone. We destroy several boxes in the right passage, deal with one enemy and pick up the implant Health Injection v.3 from the ground. Nearby we find a door with a disabled console. In the far left corner of the room we find a mail terminal, from which we download a new audio recording. Near the wall we come across an insulation control panel. Interact with her to unlock most of the doors in the area.

We get out of here through another door. As a result, we find ourselves in a familiar location – the Biolaboratory. We kill all the enemies and go into the room where the selector and Doctor Chavez herself are located.

Climate zone "Tropics"

We deal with the opponent and next to the right wall we find the weapon “Biomaster SERU HSS”. It can be an excellent replacement for the weapon that we decided to give to Irina Beckett earlier. On the left side of the passage we see a closed door with the console turned off. We eliminate the opponents, go up the stairs and reboot the chain (kernel level 22).

If we managed to reboot the circuit, then we head to the first floor, where the door was opened leading to the room in which we lie the implant Retractor v.2. This augmentation increases the size of spare parts received from slain enemies by 20 percent. Next we go down the road located to the right of the stairs.

Supply tunnels

We continue to move down. We destroy the boxes, destroy the robot and take the implant. Increased endurance. Let's go even deeper.

Pumping station

We find ourselves in a new zone. We deal with two cyborgs who are breaking into the door, and then we go into the room where Chavez is. We talk to her and agree to complete one more task for her - give the chip to Fox or Bonham.

On the table we find the BOTEX Power Unit (module for the drone). Thanks to it, we will be able to reboot circuits over a long distance. We find an audio recording in the corner of the room.

Note: note that the electrical circuits that our drone reboots have a slightly different appearance. Instead of a green sign, we will see a red sign with a picture of a drone. We can find a similar circuit, for example, in the common room of the pumping station directly above the door. We approach it, take aim and hold down the “1” key.

Having received a new ability, we continue to follow the same route that we took earlier.

External sewerage

Coming out of the corridor in which we needed to restart the chain, we go up the stairs and then turn right. There is a long staircase that leads to the lower level. We go down only a couple of flights and find an energy circuit on the wall intended for the drone. We reboot it and continue to go down. There we find a previously blocked door. We go inside and look for the implant Copper-electrochemical injection v.3.

Davey's Side Quest Walkthrough

To find the Modaxional Injection implant, we return to the main area of ​​the Solution Biolab and go to the greenhouse on the right side, where we turned on the insulation control panel. There is another locked door, above which hangs an energy chain. We reboot it using the drone and go inside. Here lies the item we need.

We return to the previous location by train.

How to get to the new location from Production Center B

We head to the operations center and give Davey the implant he needs to complete the side quest. As a result, we receive the Wellness Injection v.3 implant as a reward. We talk with Sally through the terminal located on the right side of the medical station and find out how to get to the administrative center, where the management turned out to be closed.

Having a new method of opening doors, we return to the starting area.

Abandoned workshop

Having arrived back, we go down to the power plant. In the corridor right before the descent leading to the place where the chain is rebooted, we find a closed door above which there is an energy chain that can only be rebooted with the help of a drone. We use our iron assistant and go inside. There we deal with two opponents and download a new audio recording from the computer.

We go to the previous corridor and look to the right. The last time we visited this area, we did not pass through this passage. We head there and go down to the lower level using the exolift. We remember the door located here, which can only be opened by security personnel.

We go along the corridor and interact with the terminal to receive another audio recording. We search all the rooms and climb the second ladder leading to the main assembly line.

However, to find the Forgotten Ghost weapon we will need to go even lower. Here we will see a lot of corridors that are filled with poisonous gases. We quickly run through them, pick up weapons and return back, not forgetting, if necessary, to inject injections to restore health.

We go to the beginning of the area to search for a locked box (protection level 55). We reboot it and get 2 nanocores.

Nearby we find a closed door, which we were unable to open earlier. We pass to the left and find the exolift. We rise and reboot the energy chain located a little further. We open the above door and find inside an audio recording and an implant Support Matrix v.1.

Administration Tower

We go to the previous location and head to the train on which we went to the biological laboratory. Next to it is a bridge leading to a blocked gate. On the left side of them there is a chain, to reload which we use our drone.

To get the implant Plasma generator v.3 and a shiny coin, we deal with a huge robot collector. We rise and turn into the cage on the left side. There we select an implant. Increasing endurance v.3. In the corridor with the energy chain, we move to the left corridor and see a large crowd of opponents. We lure them out one by one using a drone and destroy them. From one of them we find the Retractor v.2 implant and an audio recording.

When entering a new room, we select another audio recording.

Cleaning shop "Solution"

We go down the stairs and look for a module for the drone Emergency cooler not far from the first opponents. With this item, the drone will be able to release liquid gas to slow down enemies. Here we also come across a closed door. Near it in the corridor you can find an energy chain. Reboot it and open the door. Inside we take the audio recording and implant Implanted electrodes in.2.

We pass along the corridor and reach the door of the air tower. We unlock it and realize that we are back in the assembly line. Thus, we managed to find another workaround.

We go back to the room with moving mechanisms and find a ladder that leads up.

We deal with the enemy standing on the right side of the passage and select the implant Health injection v.3. We turn right from the boxes and notice a car on three legs and with a tail. We deal with the robot, jump into the hole in the floor and select the Support Matrix implant, which lies on the pipeline.

We reach the door, but are in no hurry to go through it - there is a terminal opposite. We approach it and load the audio recording. On the left side of the door we find the Auto Help implant. Now we are trying to open the door. We will not be able to do this as we will need security clearance. We go through another passage and go up the stairs.

air tower

Once at the top, we meet Irina Beckett, to whom we previously gave a pole (or maybe we didn’t).

We pass through the passage not far from her, not forgetting to first talk to the girl (she will not give us the task), and deal with the enemy. We turn right and notice a door with a console. We open it, thereby returning to one of the areas of the conveyor shop. We kill three enemies and break the glass stand, from where we can pick up the prototype of the CREO ex-2 exosuit. We can install it at the medical station.

Construction service entrance

Next, we rise to the upper level and cross the bridge to the other side. We destroy the ventilation grille and get to the exolift into the storage of materials for its restoration. We head to the medical station and install a new exoskeleton for ourselves. However, with the help of it we still will not be able to unlock the doors of the security service - this requires other equipment.

We go back and take the exolift. We jump onto the platform on which we notice a huge machine. Getting ready for the boss fight.

Battle with Big SISTER 1/3

This fight takes place in three stages. At the first stage, the main threat to the hero is represented by two large claws. However, the robot will only hit with one “hand”. We use the block and target lock key to focus our attention on one claw. Occasionally the enemy will attack us with a laser, so we make sure to keep an eye on his remaining limbs.

With the help of its claws, the boss will perform various attacks, many of which are flat strikes or lunges towards the protagonist. In both situations, we dodge so as not to get damaged. After each attack, the robot's hand freezes for a while. Then we should beat her. We repeat this process until both claws are destroyed. After this, the second stage starts.

We move forward to the next platform, where there will be many tentacles with lasers. The beams do not cause much damage, but 4 of them can hit us at once, which can be fatal. Therefore, we choose one of the sides and stay near it.

This stage will be quite hectic. We attack the tentacles as soon as we have such an opportunity and constantly monitor the main blow of the boss. We dodge all blows and destroy all the arms of the machine. Then we go to the core of the Big SISTER.

Here the third stage will begin, in which you need to hit the central control panel to destroy the boss's eye. The enemy's core will be protected by several paws that are capable of grabbing us and hitting us on the ground. Therefore, we try to evade their grabs and occasionally strike.

We hit the cannonball a couple of times, jump back, wait until the enemy calms down, and then hit the console again 2-3 times. We repeat this in a circle until the Big SISTER 1/3 turns off. As a result, we get the weapon Prut-firearm v.2.0.

Service shaft to CREO 1

After destroying the boss, we find a platform on the lower left, in the wall of which there is a ventilation grill. We break it and go through the tunnel to the next area of ​​the location.

We go up on the exolift, destroy another grate and move forward until we find ourselves in a new zone.

Research department

We climb the stairs to the very top, passing the door for security workers. We go through the grate on the last flight to get to the pressure control compartment.

Pressure control

When we get into a new room, the alarm system will immediately start screaming. We use our drone to reboot the chain located at the top. Next we interact with the terminal. We go into the room on the left side and take the sunglasses from the table. We can use them instead of a standard helmet.

We go back and climb even higher until we reach the exhibition hall.

Exhibition floor

We go along the upper level and behind the exhibition stands on the right side we look for the Mechanized Counterweight implant. We pass forward and at the end of the corridor in a dark corner we come across a pile of spare parts. We head to the common room and go into the operations center, located right in the middle of the room. Inside we take the audio recording and talk with Alec Norris. We agree to help him find his daughter. He will give us a key card. Next we talk to Sally through the terminal.

Applied nanotechnology

From here there will be only one way - we go up the stairs located in the opposite part of the room and find ourselves in a new area. First of all, we deal with the drone, which gives other opponents a shield, and then we destroy the cyborg. We go through the other door and listen to the message from Gene Barrett. In the corner next to the locked door we find a box. We break it and select the implant Ampoule with adrenaline v.1.

Forbidden Zone: Project Utopia

We go through the left door and deal with all the enemies in the room, standing near the laboratory tables. Here we find a workstation and listen to a new audio recording. On a small hill on the right side, we reboot the electrical circuit to open the door on the opposite side of the hall. We pass through the opened passage, deal with one enemy and select the Plasma Regenerator implant v.3. We return to the hall and try to find a container with level 65 protection. It contains 2 nanocores.

We go up the steps and deal with the enemy. We destroy the glass chamber on the right and select the Vanadium cell implant under the table. We break the ventilation grill and go forward. We get to the exolift located on the left and go up to the next floor. We continue walking, having overcome the maintenance tunnel, and jump down. We find ourselves in the corridor. We go forward and see a door on the right side, which requires a pass to open, and therefore we move to the end of the corridor and go through another door.

Biological effects study

We deal with all the enemies, go out to the balcony located on the left side of the room, and reboot the chain.

We return to the room and break the ventilation grille, behind which an enemy will immediately appear. Here we will have two paths: to the right or forward, however, no matter what we choose, we will still be able to use the exolift. If we go to it from the front, then after a while we will end up in the nanorobotics workshop, and if we go to it from the right, then we will go down and find the Health Improver v.3 implant. Ahead of us is a passage that leads to the exhibition floor with the operations center.

However, we shouldn’t go to the nanorobotics workshop just yet, since we previously rebooted the chain, which opened access to the console near the door next to the balcony. We go through the door and destroy the ventilation grille on the right side. At the end of the tunnel we go down on the exolift and jump into the applied nanorobotics department.

We have never been to this room before. We look at the control panel on the left and download the audio recording. Next we return to the room where the balcony with the electrical circuit was located. Afterwards we head into the tunnel again and go forward to the exolift, which will lead us to the workshop.

Nanorobotics workshop

We turn into the left tunnel, use the exolift and deal with the enemy. We interact with the console nearby to open the door. Inside we find two robotic collectors and a couple of boxes in which the Wellness Injection implant is hidden.

We go down and go through the door on the left side. At the top we notice an energy chain. We jump towards this object with a running start to reach it. Thus, we will be able to unlock the room on the right.

We go inside this room and find an implant here. There is also a console where we can download an audio recording. There is a box in the left corner behind the container. We break it and find Energy Cell v.3. We go forward along the corridor and notice on the wall an energy chain for our drone. We reboot it to open the right door. However, we are not in a hurry to go there, since we can find a workaround to the operations center. On the left side of the wall with the chain there is a well-camouflaged passage. We go through it and thereby find ourselves in a new location.

Hall "Future of the Earth"

We deal with all the opponents and open the door at the end of the corridor. As a result, we again find ourselves on the exhibition floor.

We go back, use the drone to reload the chain and go through the door on the right side. We are provided in a spacious room. Turn left and use the stairs. We kill all the cyborgs and download the audio recording from the console. At the bottom of the area we find a door, the terminal to which will be closed. We rise higher and find a chain. We reboot it and interact with the control panel to open the door below.

Utopia loading bay

We destroy the enemies on the upper tier and take the Exosuit Capacitor XL implant in the left corner. We break the grate and go through the tunnel. Next we sit in the exolift. We leave from the opposite side of the workshop where we saw the doctor.

Once in a room with another machine with a human face, we destroy the robot and get out through the window.

According to the plot, we need to get to the exolift on the left side. However, we are currently walking across the bridges to the second broken window. We accelerate and jump into it, and then destroy the drone and the cyborg. We go along the corridor and open the left door. Here we find Norris's daughter. The girl will turn out to be a machine. We talk to her and complete Alec's task. We get out through the window and get into the exolift.

We find a new audio recording in the tunnel. Then we turn right and reach the room with the implant. Increasing endurance v.5. Afterwards we head to the opposite part of the tunnel, not far from which the audio recording was located. Here we break the ventilation grill and go inside.

Again we find ourselves on the exhibition floor, but now on the upper level. We go forward and deal with one enemy. We go through the door and find boxes. We destroy them and find a medical station where you can replenish the injections. Then we use the exolift and go down.

Unregistered plot

We exit the exolift and download the audio recording from the console. We deal with several enemies. The door next to it cannot be opened, as it requires a special pass. We break the ventilation mesh and move forward. We go into the exolift and head upstairs. Breaks another grate. Don't forget to open the glass door using the control panel.

Classified objects

On the left side there is a door leading to the exhibition floor. We unlock it to get a new shortcut. We go through the far right passage. We fall into Jin's trap. There are laboratories on the right and left sides on the 1st and 2nd levels. Consoles make it possible to unlock/lock them both from the outside and from the inside. In laboratory number 12, located on the upper tier, there is a control panel from which you can download an audio recording.

We rise even higher and go along the left side. Next to the glass, behind which we notice the doctor, there is a console for controlling the laboratory at number 01. We use it and open the door. We go downstairs, deal with the enemies and reboot the energy chain inside the room.

We get out into the common room and find an open door at the bottom. We go through it, deal with the opponent and use the exolift. We enter the room with Jin and break the boxes on the right side to obtain an audio recording.

We talk to the doctor and go back to the first level. We go into lab 01 and turn left, where the ventilation is located. Next, turn right and take the elevator to another laboratory. Here we go out onto the balcony and select the implant Health injection v.3. We leave the room through the ventilation tunnel and immediately go upstairs on the exolift. Here we find the audio recording.

We return to the exhibition floor, where the large door was open. We deal with the guards and interact with the terminal to return to production center B through the gate.

Administration Hall

Having arrived in the previous area, we run to a large door located behind a screen and guarded by two members of the security service. Currently, it will be open, and next to it will be the Legionnaire MG weapon.

Secure access to CREO 1

We go into the elevator located on the right side and wait for the loading to start. We rise even higher and go into the operations center. We speak using the console with Sally. If necessary, we use a medical station and a workbench. We break the grate on the left side and see that the further path is blocked. To open the door, use the control panel located on the opposite side. Therefore, we go through the passage nearby.

All-seeing eye

Once in this location, we are in no hurry to run up the steps ahead. To the right of them there is a descent. We head there, break the mesh and climb into the tunnel. We destroy the boxes on the right side and look for an audio recording in the niche. Here we come across a dead end, and therefore we step onto another path. We go up on the exolift and deal with a couple of enemies. It turns out that we managed to get around the ladder. Next we head to the grate, break it and go along the second tunnel. Then we go down using the elevator. We find ourselves on the lower level, in which Black Cerberus gave orders to his comrades.

At first it seems that Black Cerberus is a simple soldier. However, you should not relax ahead of time, since he will remain like this only during the first half of the battle. Let's get closer to him to start the battle. During the first phase, it is worth using weapons with quick strikes, so that we can quickly dodge and quickly retaliate.

Dodging his powerful blows shouldn't pose much of a problem for us. As soon as he completes them, we immediately counterattack him. When Black Cerberus' life bar drops to 25 percent, he will throw us away and run away.

The PAX we fought earlier will come out of the large passage. We have to deal with this clumsy robot again, and then resume the battle with the main boss. We focus our attacks on the “paws of Pax” and perform the same technique that we described at the beginning of The Surge.

After destroying the car, we finish off Cerberus. We carry out the same attacks as before. Having dealt with this boss, we get a blueprint for the “Black Cerberus” equipment and the “MG Judge 2.0” weapon.

We go into the new room and go up the stairs. We select loot and download another audio recording from the console. We climb into the ventilation shaft and reboot the energy chain. We don’t miss this action, since it is thanks to it that we will be able to get the exosuit of the security service. We return to the operations center and break the left glass panel. We take a prototype of a security suit and install it in a medical station. From now on, we can easily unlock all the doors that required a certain pass.

Note: Before continuing with the main story, we decided to return to those same passages and pick up new implants and audio recordings.

Abandoned workshop

We go to this location and go down to the power plant. We turn left and head to the basement connecting the main assembly line and the power plant. The previously blocked door is located here. We unlock it and find the Wellness implant v.5.

Production Center B

In this area near the operations center we find an elevator and go down to the lower level. Next, turn right and look for a ladder. We rise and see the treasured door on the left. Let's unlock it. Here we find the same implant as in the previous room, and download a new audio recording from the console.

We go to the train, which leads to the Abandoned Workshop. Near him we find a dead body and an audio recording. We climb the air tower. There is also one closed door that requires a pass. We open it and find in the room the weapon “MG Negotiator” and the implant Vanadium cell v.3.

Biolaboratory "Solution"

Here we can find 3 locked doors at once, but they will all lead us to the same corridor. In it we deal with several opponents and find a couple of useful implants: Red Cable X and Pneumatic Calibrator.

Research department

There are also doors here that require security clearance, and they again lead to the same corridor. We get here from the air tower. We go to the exolift, where we previously fought with the Big SISTER. As a result, we will reach a pit - we jump into it and thereby move into the biological laboratory. The required door is ahead.

We open it and go inside. Here we will meet for the first time enemies who have the “Cocoon” equipment. We chop off their limbs to obtain drawings. There will also be two consoles here, from which you can download a couple of audio recordings. We pass to the left and deal with another enemy. Then we find a third workstation with another audio recording.

How to get a secret weapon: on the left side of the last console, where strange particles are floating, we find an energy chain. We hack it and receive a message that new exhibits have appeared in the foyer. We head to the operations center and notice a steel building near it. We break the glass panel and take the weapon – the “Code Name: Kamina” pole.

All-seeing eye

We go to the area in which we fought the boss “Black Cerberus”. At the top, near the exolift, there is a security door. We open it and find an audio recording lying next to the lockers. We call the elevator, deal with the enemy and rise higher. Here we find another audio recording.

After killing all the cyborgs, we take behind the boxes on the right side the implant Health injection v.5. We pass through a couple of doors and find ourselves in the administration hall.

CREO Administration Hall

We move along the only path. Behind the door ahead we notice a mesh grille. We destroy it and go through the tunnel into a new room. We destroy the boxes and get an implant Plasma regenerator v.5. We use the exolift located nearby and go down the tunnel. We break the lattice and select the implant. The nearby elevator can take us to the very beginning of the area. We approach it to save this short passage.

We pass through the upper tunnel again and head to the opposite part of the room. We go down to the lower level and select the audio recording. We destroy the mesh and unlock the door leading to a new room. We download a new audio message from the console.

The door in front will lead us to a new ventilation hole, and the door on the left side will lead us to the hall, which we have already been to before, but to a different part of it. We choose the second option and turn to the boxes, near which we find a Copper-electrochemical injection v.5.

We go up the stairs at the opposite end. We turn right and deal with a couple of opponents in front of the door. Behind the tree opposite the passage we find a Mechanized Counterweight, and in the office we load a sound recording.

A new voice message can be found next to the stairs along which we climbed here earlier. We stand with our backs to her and see a small fence on the left, and steps leading to the office on the right. We go around the fence and pick up the recording behind it.

Here we see a large staircase that leads to a huge passage. We deal with all opponents, but do not rush to go through the door. On the right side we notice a smaller door - we make our way there and find ourselves in the server room. We stand with our backs to the small door and head into the front aisle.

We kill all the enemies in the corridor and find two doors. We go first to the one on the right and see Hackett’s corpse. We watch the video he recorded, and under the body we look for an audio message. We find a console in the room and interact with it to open a small room on the right side of the corpse. There we select a Pneumatic calibrator v.4.

The next door can lead us to an exolift leading to the Retraining Camp. However, first of all, we will try to open the large door located in the previous hall, but we will not succeed. We go through the right door and go into the server room.

Server room

In the console nearby we download the sound recording. Another message lies next to a corpse lying near the stairs that lead down. We go along the stairs and find a container with level 85 protection, in which there are 2 nanocores. Here we also find an energy chain that removes insulation. We reboot it and head to the large door. Next, we enter the meeting room and watch the video. Afterwards we will hear that the launch of “Utopia” is being prepared.

We go outside and head to a new location.

Retraining camp

We go down and go into the room through the ventilation. Behind the stove on the right side we find a new sound message. To open the door, we reload the chain for the drone located on the wall. We return to the beginning of the area. Next, we go to the meeting room and from it we go along the right path to a power barrier with many enemies. We kill Cerberus and get SNS Disinhibitor v.4.

We make our way into the elevator to move to another area.


Launch pad 01

Once in a new area, we immediately take the audio message, and then head to the left. On the wall in front of the corridor leading down we find a chain. Were you able to reboot it? Great, in this case we go through the door located right around the corner. We go down and, not far from the stairs, we select Health injection v.5.

If we were unable to break the chain, then we simply go through the second door, located next to the previous one.

1st floor – loading bay

If we go down the right ladder, we can break the boxes that contain Plasma Regenerator v.5. We go further along the only path and call the elevator on the platform. It is there that we will be able to find the next operational center. There is also a workstation from which we can download a new sound recording.

We continue to move forward. We deal with the opponents in the “Cocoon” and unlock the door. We rise higher. The first door will be locked - it can only be opened using the console located on the opposite side. On the next floor there is a second door, through which we can go right now. We go through it and get to the technical tunnel leading to the roof of the elevator. Here we find SNS Disinhibitor v.4. We return and climb to the very top, where the audio message is located. Then we go through the door located here.

Second floor – refueling compartment

We go around the structure on the right side and look for the control panel to call the freight elevator, that is, the operations center will come right to you. We go to the beginning of the level and turn around in order to explore it more carefully. We deal with the enemy, turn behind the containers and encounter two more enemies. There's also a new audio recording and Wellness Injection v.5 here. On the right side we find a ventilation mesh. We break it and end up with a glass door, to open which you need to use the control panel on the other side.

We return to the main hall of the second level and continue to walk forward. We turn left again and deal with two cyborgs. If we go down, we can find a pile of scrap. After opening the door, we find ourselves in the corridor, but it will immediately be blocked and we will have to fight the enemy in “Cocoon”. You can leave here by using the exolift. At the third level we find a container with level 50 protection, in which 2 nanocores are hidden. Then we call the elevator and jump onto it.

Nitrogen supply station

We go down and break the boxes on the left side, which contain Vanadium cell v.5. We continue to walk along the corridors, go upstairs using the exolift, and in the far corner of the room we reboot the chain. We go forward and open the security door.

Preparation of "Utopia": classified

Download the audio recording from the workstation. We find another one near the dead body. We rise even higher and find a new audio message from Anna. We destroy the ventilation mesh and go through the tunnel until we find the energy chain. We reboot it and go downstairs. Next we head down the passage on the left side. Along the way, we can interact with the console to download the virus and get one of two endings.

Launch pad 02

During the transition to this area, loading will occur. Here we find an audio message and a weapon “Codename Death of the Gods”.

We go back and in the corridor into which we fell, we turn into a bend where there is a ladder leading down. Around the corner on the right is an exolift. We ride it up into the technical tunnel and find an audio message.

Next, we head to the lower level and deal with the strange creature. We unlock the security door and find a workstation in the corridor. Download the audio recording from it. When going in the other direction, we find a glass door that we were unable to unlock earlier. There is an elevator in the place where the monster appeared. We enter it and find ourselves on the top floor. We deal with the enemies and rise even higher.

Departure station

With the help of this train we can go to the first location - production center B. However, we do not pay attention to it and jump into the hole. As a result, we get to the desired room. To unlock the door, you must restart the chain. We enter the room and go upstairs. We reach the console and reboot it.

We go back to the first level into the loading bay. There will be a passage through which we can go. We continue to move towards the location where we have to fight the final boss - Unauthorized Access.

The battle with Unauthorized access - how to kill?

After we try to reboot the power circuit, “Unauthorized access” will immediately appear in the room, which has received material embodiment. It will be significantly different from what we saw before. We advise you to pick up the fastest possible weapon in order to inflict a large number of attacks on the enemy at the right moments.

We capture a point on the enemy’s body and begin to hit him, not forgetting to dodge his powerful blows. Having successfully dodged, we immediately attack the boss, inflicting 2-3 attacks on him. Then again we try not to fall under his combo.

When the enemy has about 25 percent health left, he will freeze for a few seconds. At this time, we run up to the power circuit and complete the reboot. Now we will be able to carry out this procedure, but the battle is still over.

In the second phase, the enemy will take on the form of a human, however, despite the seeming harmlessness, the enemy will become stronger. We stand as far away from the boss as possible and try not to fall under his three consecutive attacks. Then he will freeze for a second - that's when we should start hitting him. We make 1-2 hits, and then immediately retreat.

The drone will provide us with considerable support at this stage. To do this, we simply use a module that knocks the enemy down. This way we will be able to buy ourselves a few seconds to restore our health or reserves of strength.

As soon as “Unauthorized access” is destroyed, we will be given a “Chameleon” weapon and shown one of the endings. Congratulations, you've completed The Surge.

The developers of The Surge took inspiration from the gloomy worlds of Dark Souls and Bloodborne to create their own, futuristic and unusual. People are being modernized with the help of exoteric suits, and miracle mechanics are roaming the planet. The main character, Warren, immerses himself in this world quite quickly, forcing players to adapt on the fly. Which is quite difficult to do, given the number and quality of enemies in The Surge, the abundance of combat strategies and techniques. The editors of Game2Day, groaning and creaking, put on exo-armor: it’s time for instructive stories. Go! And first, some useful tips for beginners.

How to restore your stocks

Every time Warren dies under your “sensitive” leadership, all the technical “scrap” remains at the scene of death. Moreover, it’s for a limited time and it’s better to hurry after it immediately after respawning. You can stretch the limit by defeating your opponent. So, when you rush to the point where all your supplies are, kill everything you see.

For each frag killed you will be rewarded with in-game currency (Tech Scrap). With its help, you can unlock upgrades, increase your health, stamina and energy. "Scrap" is the main ingredient for crafting and upgrading items. In general, save up. The reserve doesn't hurt your pocket.

Transition points and drone

Another feature that The Surge borrows from Dark Souls is the ability for players to unlock fast travel points. They basically resemble doors or elevators and only work one way.

Yes, it is small and inconspicuous. But a drone, a tiny detail in a complex and large game, can be the key to success. Its level increases with the character's energy reserve in proportion to the damage dealt.

How to defeat the first boss of P.A.X?

The first boss in the game P.A.X was created for educational purposes in order to force the player to dodge dangerous attacks in time. This is the very first enemy that can attack an entire area, although its movements are shown in advance.

The first boss in the game P.A.X was created for educational purposes in order to force the player to dodge dangerous attacks in time. This is the very first enemy that can attack an entire area, although its movements are shown in advance. Immediately close the distance and try to stick to one of his giant legs. Circle around him and wait for the blow. After dodging, start attacking.

P.A.X has a modest arsenal of moves, but huge one-time damage. He stomps his feet frequently (sometimes once). Keep your distance as soon as you see these movements, but try not to go too far so that you can perform a series of strikes when you pause. Staying directly in front of the P.A.X is a bad idea, as the machine will try to slice you into sushi with its giant blades. We circle around it, using both legs as workarounds. Each hit on the boss fills the orange gauge. Once it is completely filled, P.A.X will crash to the ground. That’s when we rush forward and begin to treat the enemy with direct shots to the head. Continue until the robot gets to its feet and again continues to try to trample you into a cake. We repeat the tactic until the boss uses his “ult”, firing a volley of missiles in your direction. We shy away and endure. It is recommended to fight the first serious opponent with a fast weapon that deals a large amount of damage in a minimum period of time.

How to defeat the second boss LU-74 Firebug

During the first phase of the fight, Firebug has two main attacks: the first is an attempt to knock down the player using one of its many legs. The second is to furiously twist all your legs at once, imitating either Bruce Lee or a windmill, Don Quixote's main enemy. Catch the boss on the swing, leaning back. As soon as Firebug finishes with the attack, we jump forward and chop off his limb. After 4 hits, the leg falls off and the giant beetle falls to the ground, where it can get a good whack in the face.

After three severed limbs, Firebug will take offense at you and move on to decisive attacks, retaining the previous tricks. As soon as he retreats to the corner of the arena, jump in different directions and dodge. Your goal is the unfortunate limbs of a huge insect. Once all the legs are torn off, run directly under the boss for a second and he will collapse on you. The main thing is to dodge and immediately return to attack while he is trying to get up. We repeat the technique until we finally finish off the monster. And for those who don’t quite understand - video instructions with visual aids.

We still have a lot of interesting things ahead. The Surge is a worthwhile game. At least at first glance. What will happen at the second and third glance - time will tell. In the meantime, good luck and don't forget to play good games while reading Game2Day!


The exit took place. The game, from the very moment of its first announcement, seemed very intriguing. Therefore, I really, really wanted to join it, and, frankly, I considered it the main game of May, despite the presence of the same Prey. But in fact it turned out that this game is extremely far from the ideals that many of us have fantasized about. And, if initially I tried to designate this material simply as 10 unpleasant surprises, then in the course of compiling it, periodically turning this action on and off, I came to the conclusion that it is perhaps worthy of our traditional section, so meet: 10 reasons to hate The Surge.

Reason #1. Weapon

It’s strange, but in The Surge, for some reason I was counting on Dark Souls, with its drawn-out, sometimes even slow battles, but what I got was typical Bloodborne, without shields and with jumping. I don’t know who it is, but personally it seems to me that the combat mechanics of Dark Souls are more diverse. Trite: shields and weapons give more options than just weapons. In addition, this very weapon turned out to be criminally small, and the feeling of owning it practically did not change, regardless of what was in the hands of our hero. In general, this action cannot be classified as a game in which there is a cult of weapons.

Reason #2. Revival.

I experienced great disappointment when I saw that the enemies were reborn right away; all I had to do was run into the first aid station and improve my health a little there. Moreover, it would be nice to show that the hero was in a hospital bed for three weeks. During this time, a lot could have happened, but this: I ran into the base, ran out 20 seconds later - the same enemies in the same places. They stand up the same way, behave the same way, and when you see several of them patrolling the territory in different parts of the map, and at the same time walking synchronously in step with each other, the feeling of respect for the game diminishes. This very enemy respawn is very tiring and deprives you of the desire to go further. Moreover, in the game there are no “bonfires” known to fans of Dark Souls, so if you die from another one of these that has been reborn, you will have to replay a lot.

Reason #3. Complexity.

Just from the feeling, after just 10 minutes of completing The Surge, the difficulty in the game became the same as it was in Dark Souls 3 after the second boss - Vordt of the Cold Valley. At the same time: this is the gloomy and atmospheric Dark Souls, and this is the cheerful and colorful The Surge, which in terms of status could not hurt to be a little lighter, but it seems that the German developers decided to do everything to make their game last as long as possible, memorizing the attacks of each enemy, which, given past and future reasons, may not be as fun as it seems at first glance. On the one hand, it seems that complexity cannot be called an unambiguous drawback, but on the other hand, I personally see in this very complexity the desire of the developers to outdo the glory of Dark Souls, which was praised precisely for its difficult gameplay. Now get our game - it’s even more difficult, praise it too! This technique is readable, and hardly deserves encouragement.

Reason #4. Camera.

To be honest, I haven’t seen such a lousy camera in a long time. And when you fight with one enemy, everything goes wrong, but when there are at least two of them, and this is what happens most often, the camera chooses such an angle that it is absolutely impossible to fight normally, and meeting a couple of enemies is an almost guaranteed ticket back to the infirmary. This is probably, by the way, why the creators of Nioh abandoned fighting with several enemies at the same time. Consequently, as soon as the hero catches a couple of opponents on his tail, he urgently needs to run away into some narrow corridor, because the enemy entering from the side is completely invisible, and if there is some kind of shooting drone, then in general it’s a disaster. And I haven’t yet mentioned the controls, which are clearly designed for a gamepad, and the presence of a mouse in your hands, which, it seems, should improve the viewing angle, has little effect.

Reason #5. Graphic arts.

I immediately realized that everything would be very bad with the graphics when, sitting in the starting car, I looked with curiosity at its internal layout. I looked up at the long, orange lanterns along the doors, and was horrified: this is not even 2010, this is much worse. Sometimes the game, in those places where gamers’ eyes supposedly shouldn’t fall, displays such poor textures that it becomes scary. Therefore, I personally do not feel any enthusiasm for the excellent optimization, and it is really excellent, because the graphics we love so much were sacrificed to it. And in general, the level design turned out to be monotonous, and there was nothing for the eye to catch on at all. And everything would be fine, but the price of this action, in view of such, frankly, outdated technologies, is very confusing.

Reason #6. Sound.

I’ll talk briefly about the sound, but I’ll say it anyway. To many it seemed flat and uninteresting. But personally, I was sick of this beeping sound, indicating that there is something useful nearby, or, conversely, useless. Perhaps it can be disabled, but I don't understand how. I had never heard anything like this before: I could not imagine such a brazen attack on the ears of gamers. Honestly, I wouldn’t risk playing something like this without headphones if there’s someone nearby, because this very snoring will soon cause questions from others: “What is this strange thing going on with you, and isn’t it time to deal with it?” -what should I do?

Reason #7. Locations.

I already mentioned the locations in passing, saying that they are the same type and uninteresting, but on this wave I will also say this: the developers force you to run back and forth on the same map, just to stretch out the passage time. I saw a similar technique in the action game Bound by Flame, whose publisher, by the way, was also Focus Home Interactive. Well, to keep the players from whining, they came up with such a thing as finding a shortcut. This very path, for example, will open up a short path to the first aid station. You run to him, return, and find that the entire map you just cleared is again teeming with revived enemies. How much do you have to love the combat mechanics here in order to enjoy such a technique?

Reason #8. Enemies.

I personally have two complaints about the enemies in The Surge: they are monotonous and stupid. Moreover, if humanoid enemies turned out to be quite interesting, then pure robots are stupid and monotonous, but, at the same time, very dangerous, and getting hit by one single blow, which will remove 100% of your health, is a mere trifle. Some in the Western press have called this an "extreme level of difficulty", but I see this technique as a failure to make combat really interesting. However, that's not all. The enemies, among other things, are also the same. They move identically and synchronously, attack synchronously, and do not arouse interest. There are frankly few types of enemies, as well as weapons, and nothing can hide this shortage.

Reason #9. Plot.

The plot here is still the same. The plot, or rather the lack thereof, was incredibly upsetting. I scolded, scolded and will scold Dark Souls for the lack of a clear plot, a clear explanation of various phenomena, and for the developers’ approach: “We said so, so take it for granted,” but the creators of The Surge outdid even them. The hero's motivation is not clear; where and why he is running is not clear. It is not clear why he is running. Where the others are is unknown. The opening video, although impressive, was cliched. In a couple of days I would have come up with such a plot for them, which has not been seen in any Hollywood film, but, apparently, the lack of a clear story was not due to the stinginess of the minds of the writers from Deck 13, but simply due to the fact that the management The studio decided that the plot was not needed, just as the same fans of Endless Summer decided that Chan was not needed. In general, without a plot, we are left with only battles, which are not so much enjoyable as they are tiring, but I have already talked about this.

Reason #10. Combat mechanics.

The main character began by moving in a wheelchair. However, then, despite the acquired abilities, he continued to fight like a paralytic. This became especially noticeable when he came into possession of a weapon called the Ghost Bite. If I had to fight with the help of a rocker, crutches or a prosthetic leg, the blows would not look so ugly. Well, the useless and pretentious finishing animations are not only useless, but also completely impractical. Not everything is good on the enemy side either: the enemies have a frankly meager range of attacks. But against their background there are unique ones. For example, CREO-Security, not only do they attack in a completely incomprehensible manner, and the pattern of their attacks is not clear how to track, but they also teleport, restoring health in the meantime. I still don’t understand: is this a bug with the recovery, or is it really necessary, but all these small nuances, whether they are features or bugs, had a more tiring effect than an intriguing one


In general, dear guys, no signs of life were found. For all its potential, The Surge completely failed to live up to expectations. The developers ruined it as if deliberately, but it could have turned out very well. But, with all this, the game is still not bad. Not a masterpiece, of course, like the first Dark Souls was in its time, but not a failure either. The only thing that can be said for sure is that it is definitely not worth the money.

After watching the introductory video, in which the main character studies the corporation's advertising products Creo, you find yourself on a train. During the trip Warren, which is the name of the main character, continue to brainwash him with various videos. Later an announcement is heard: “Russo station. Exit on the right." Finally, get out onto the platform. Roll left along the platform to the zone registration. You have to make the most important choice in the game - which exoskeleton to choose? On the left is a room with the Lynx kit ( Lynx), this is a faster and more agile model. On the right side of the player is a Rhino set ( Rhino), strong but slow. Choose what you like and go for the operation.

During installation of the exoskeleton into the equipment, a failure will occur. By an absurd accident the whole operation will take place without anesthesia, and soon the hero will pass out. He will wake up not in the operating room, but in the local landfill. Fighting off drone, the hero will jump to his feet, grab a piece of iron lying nearby and control will pass to the player.

Restart Exo OS at the medical station

Attack the tin, open it inventory(I) and insert implant, which will give a nasty signal when approaching objects and secrets. After that, run forward, destroy the drones you come across, collect the objects that the implant alerts you about, until you get to the medical stations.

Having occupied the medical station, you are disappointed to discover that the exoskeleton is faulty. Power unit damaged, you need to look for new equipment. By the way, it’s not very noticeable yet, but the medical station is an analogue of the bonfire from Dark Souls. Here you can restore the hero’s health, replenish the fuse of medical injections, install some types of implants, and also invest scrap collected from enemies into pumping up the exoskeleton. But all this later, for now we need to deal with power unit.

Replace the faulty power unit

When an unknown person contacts you, you will use holograms. Talk to her and go outside. Outside, immediately go right and break through the crates. At the far end of the passage will lie implant. Take it and go down the stairs. Walking to the left, you will meet the first representative of the humanoid enemies. Undoubtedly, this creature was once a person like Warren, but apparently something happened. And now the pile of flesh and steel is very hostile to the main character.

This fight will be a target acquisition training session. Following the game's prompts, take aim hit the enemy in the head and make him happy with several blows to this unprotected place. After he is defeated, move on to the next one. The third enemy will be hiding in a rocket fragment, and the fourth is standing near the doors leading inside the large building, and persistently knocks on them with his head. Start with him, since this enemy will drop a serviceable power unit. Now finish off the enemy in the rocket and return to the medical unit together with a working unit stations.

Replacing the faulty power unit with a new one, Warren will finally have the opportunity to improve his exoskeleton, and will also be able to use the workbench. First, upgrade your suit with all the scrap metal you have, then start installing implants that require presence in a medical chair. After that, go to the workbench and use the issuance coupon equipment. Having received your things, immediately equip them on the exoskeleton and go outside.

It's time for pharma. Explore the surrounding area and use the implant to look for hidden things and secrets. While you're running around looking for swag, don't forget to deal with enemies to get scrap. Since your suit is now fully functional, you have a new option in battle - finishing off. When the enemy has few lives left, the letter “E” will appear; if you hold it (not press it and immediately release it, just hold it), Warren will perform a spectacular and deadly move. The part of the body that was targeted by attacks is more likely to separate from the rest of the body, and equipment can be obtained from it. So, for example, if you aim and hit only your right hand, after the fight you will most likely receive the enemy's weapon. But you shouldn’t forget about the rest of the body either. Everything here is extremely logical, if you hit the enemy in the legs, you will receive materials to improve equipment for the legs, if you hit the arms, then for the arms, respectively, and so on. But you need to hit only the armored part of the body.

Since you were given equipment for only one arm and one leg, you need to get scraps and parts for the remaining limbs. Leave the medical center and start exploring the area. After going down the stairs, go right, break a couple of robots and search the area. Stumbling upon elevator, go upstairs and search the small area, your reward will be a small pile scrap. This is the local equivalent of “prisoned souls”. The scrap pile is placed in inventory and can be used to obtain additional scrap. There is nothing else here, so go down and continue farming parts to create equipment and scrap.

Move towards the doors where you found power unit, and open them by overloading the section of the chain on the left. Once outside the gate, take out the two enemies on the left, then go right. There are two more opponents and one of them is a fully armored red cyborg. He hides behind a curtain, and he is interesting primarily for his weapon. So take aim at your right hand, reduce the cyborg’s health and finish him off. The chainsword is more likely to be yours.

Behind the enemy you got it from saw, go through the doors and turn right, you can open a short path to the base. Next, go right. Clear another room of enemies, search it, collect everything that might be useful, overload another section of the chain and go outside. There will be more to your right door, unlocking which will give you another shortcut to your base. If you wish, you can walk to it, improve and supplement your equipment, upgrade the suit’s power unit and install new implants.

Returning back to the second “cut”, deal with the renewed drones and go forward. Go forward through the ruins of the pipe straight into the bushes. Behind them you will meet a drone and smelting car. Kill the drone first, then get to work on the smelter. The fight with her is quite simple, the main thing is to get close to her as quickly as possible, after which you need to run in a circle, avoiding bucket, and strike until the equipment becomes unusable. The reward for this victory will be a shiny coin ( shining coin), collecting five of these will give you the craziest armor set in the game.

Having dealt with the smelting by car, go back through the bushes and go right. Squeezing through into the crack between the rubble and the wall, you will meet a cyborg and two drones with a long-range attack. Deal with them and rise up On the stairs. There is another enemy at the top, after he is neutralized, break through the boxes that are to the left of the stairs. You will find a passage into the workshop, directly onto the container on which the implant lies " Wellness person" After this you will have to jump down and run again to the stairs.

Once back upstairs, go right and go down the other stairs. Deal with the two drones and search the area. Now go left into the passage and you will find yourself at the station rocket assembly. To your right will be elevator, at the top you can find a transport that is not yet working and listen to the audio recording. Next, go downstairs and go to the closed door. Opening it, Warren will be on power plants. Near the entrance you will be met by two enemies. Having dealt with them, note that in the door on the right, someone is persistently hammering away. To the left of the door there is a passage blocked by a box. Break it and go under the platform, there a small pile of scrap is waiting for you.

Having finished all the work at the top of the power plant, go down, but not for long. Just go down the steps, take the resources that lie underneath them, and go up. The enemy knocking on the door has dealt with it and opened the passage for you. Following it, you can open another shortcut to the base. Deal with the former worker and carefully search the room, including looking behind the wooden boxes. Having collected everything that may be useful, go up by elevator up.

After running further along the upper level, you will meet two enemies, and one of them will be armed doubles weapons. Kill him with a finishing move with your right hand, and the weapon will be yours. After this enemy, go a little further and you will come out to an inactive elevator. Turn it on and ride it down straight to the operations center. Level up and return to power plants.

It's time to explore it lower levels. But it is recommended to do this only if you have already obtained body armor, since this is where the lights are located. Without them, it is quite difficult to navigate below. After going down and dealing with the enemies, go right and go through the door into the next room. Go down, but be careful, as there is a guard there cyborg with double blades. Having dealt with him, take the implant and call overload in the chain. You turn on the power to the site and the lights on the lower levels of the power plant will turn on. Basically, now you can go upstairs, to the boss, but it’s better to explore the location further more carefully.

Climb up and run straight into the passage. Run to the elevator and go down, now move along the corridor, making your way through enemies. Soon you will come across a door where someone is knocking and calling for help. Do not delude yourself, there is an enemy behind the door, and as soon as you open it, he will attack you. But nevertheless, it’s worth opening it, since the enemy is armed with a heavy two-handed club “ Titan ENDAS RS3" But you will only have one chance to get it, since you will not meet this enemy again.

After passing along the corridor further, turn left. The next level will be flooded chemicals and is inhabited by drones, so if you have absolutely no healing injections left, then it is better to pass by for now. If the treatment is in order, then at the end of the corridor you can find another good sample weapons. After taking it, go back and run to the right. After dealing with a couple more enemies along the way, you will finally make it to the surface right on main assembly line.

At this stage you need to prepare very carefully to battle with the first boss. First, upgrade your equipment at the workbench. The two-handed Titan has proven itself to be a very good weapon on the boss, so upgrade that too. Now sit down in the medical station and implant the “Copper-Electrochemical Injection” implant into yourself. Paired with Titan, it will give you almost unlimited healing. But also take a few additional modules that restore health, just in case. After finishing your preparations, go to the boss.

The easiest way to do this is this: after going down the steps of the operations center, run to the right through the “shortcut”. After running through the debris, turn left to the stairs. Go up it, and then go down the next one. Go beyond the broken wall, and on the left you will see an energy field blocking the passage. Behind the fog the first boss is waiting for you - P.A.X.

The battle with him will not be too difficult if you take your time and do everything according to the rules. Try to stay behind him, and he will only be able to attack you with a stomp, which is very easy to dodge. Hit his legs from behind until his gauge is charged. After which, P.A.X. will jump back and fire a volley rockets, which will most likely kill you. To prevent this from happening, immediately run to him and run under the boss’s feet. He will take the missiles on himself and fall. Immediately start hitting him in the back, reducing his health bar. After he gets to his feet, repeat the above sequence several times and the boss will fall.

Keywords: The Surge, Exoskeleton, Creo, Lynx, Rhino, implants, medical station, power unit, crowbar, part 1, welcome to Creo, shining coin, power station, P.A.X.

Jumping off the platform SISTER", break through the door and go forward. After passing through the tunnel, break down another door and take the exolift up. Break the door again and go forward, you will run into a blocked door. But don’t worry, the floor under Warren will break, the hero will fly down and fall into “ Research department».

Go forward and go up, but for now one flight. There will be a small one in front of you gap, after going through it you will find yourself in a corridor with gas. The health in the room will literally evaporate, so you need to act quickly. Without wasting time, run forward and use the drone to reload the area chains. The light on the wall will light up button, press it and run into the opened door. There will be sunscreens on the table glasses, which can be equipped instead of a helmet. It is recommended to wear it immediately after defeating the next boss.

Get out of the gas-filled nook and rise higher. Deal with the loader and the drone. After that, break the door and go through the tunnel to the location " Exhibition floor" Going down, find the orange building with your eyes and go to it - this is operations center. There's a man sitting inside named Alec Norris, and it's not related to Chuck. So don't expect him to do everything for you. Alec lost daughter. He will give you access key and asks you to look for her in his office.

Leave the center and take the stairs to the right of the door up to the open door. Deal with the drone and flamethrower. And in this order, since the drone will issue protective shield and even heal the enemy. Then open the door and move on. In the next room there will be a doctor standing behind the glass Gene Barrett. Classic mad scientist. Initially, he will think that Warren is an inspector who was sent to check everything here. After the conversation, one of the doors will open, go through it carefully, there is a flamethrower lurking on the left.

Go down the stairs and up to the platform on the right. Deal with the enemies on it, overload chain, and then jump back and clear the room of the remaining enemies. Open the door, be careful, inside there is a flamethrower in the “Elite Defense” set. Having dealt with it and picking up everything useful in the room, go out and look for stairs, going up.

There is one more “Elite” flamethrower available. After breaking through it, go into the tunnel to the left and stand on the exolift platform. Jump out into the corridor, deal with two " liquidators"and open the far door on right. Three opponents will immediately rush at you. Try to break the distance with them and eliminate them one by one. Indoors, be careful with window displays. If they are broken, poisonous gas will briefly escape from them. After clearing the room, exit to the balcony to the right door. Overload the circuit and the door opposite the balcony will become active. Leave the balcony, break down the lattice door and deal with the “liquidator” standing in the corridor. Go right and go down on the exolift. Go further along the technical corridor and pick up a healing implant. Then break through another door and go out to the operations center. Congratulations, you have opened another shortcut to the base.

After leveling up your character, leave the operations center and use exolift go back. Kill the “liquidator” and exit the corridor to the left. Now go in the door, which was unblocked by overload, and go down using the exolift. Below there will be a small room in which they do robotics. One of the experimental robots will attack you. This new type of enemy is very unpleasant. First of all, its speed. And, on top of everything else, you will have to deal with him twice. As soon as the robot burns out, open the door and break through the enemies to the operations center. Replenish your supplies, upgrade and go out. Go upstairs through the “cut” on the exolift and this time go right.

Having taken the exolift, you will find yourself in the “Robotics Workshop”. You will meet Barrett again, listen to his chatter, go left and deal with the worker who is banging his head on the wall. Then break the door and go to the exolift. Use it to go down and deal with the worker wandering along the corridor. A button that will glow invitingly in the dark should not be pressed. She will only release two loaders from behind closed doors. Here you need to find a broken grate and get out through it into a small room.

Use jumps to reach the cell at the top. By overloading it, you will unlock the doors. First, go through the door on the right. There will be a panel with audio recording and an implant " copper-electrochemical injection"version 3. Having picked it up, leave the room and go through the door opposite. Deal with the grenade launcher and use the drone to open door. In the next room there will be a large hall full of enemies. It's not worth going there yet. Go left into a small, inconspicuous passage. You will find yourself in the “Future of the Earth” hall. After breaking through the enemies, you can get to the exhibition hall and visit the operations center. After replenishing your supplies, go back, without even entering into battle, and go through the door.

The room is full of flamethrowers and grenade launchers, and even with the support of drones. They should be addressed first. First of all, go to the upper part of the hall and reload chain section. After that, go downstairs and look for the door. Behind it there will be a tunnel with a flamethrower, which will lead you to the “Utopia loading bay”. You have to deal with three “liquidators” and a drone. But you can simply run past them and slip into the technical corridor. There will be a robot loader inside, followed by an exolift. After going up, go out into the small robot assembly room and deal with one of them. In this battle you can get a new weapon - the one-handed Parsifal. After the robot lights up, get out of the room through the window.

Go forward to the exolift, but don't go up yet. Instead, go further, use the bridges to get to the broken window and jump into it. Having dealt with the enemies inside the room and moving on through the hall, you will stumble upon Norris's daughter. Talk to her and move on, she will get to the operation center on her own. Go back to the exolift and go up. In the technical corridor you will be greeted by an armored version of the robot. It’s better not to fight him in a narrow space; immediately jump down and deal with the robot in a spacious area. If you successfully finish off, you will receive part of the Proteus equipment.

Once again taking the elevator, go forward along the corridor. Along the way, deal with the loader and listen to the audio recording. Once outside, you will find yourself on the balcony " exhibition hall" Another robot in the Proteus wanders ahead. Beat him and go to the end of the balcony. Behind the drawers you can find an injection refill panel. Now open the door and get out of the small room into a new technical corridor. Go to the exolift and go down. Then even lower on the next elevator.

Moving further along the corridor, break the forklift and jump down. Next, deal with the robot and a couple of workers. In the panel on the right, listen audio recording. Now go forward until you reach the exolift. On it you will go up and open a short path to the balcony " exhibition hall" Return and exit along the corridor to the “Classified Projects” location. Having dealt with the enemies, open the door in the center of the corridor and you will find yourself in the “exhibition hall”. After visiting the operations center, talk to Alec and his “daughter”. Now the happy father will ask to get spare leg parts for Maddie. Any yellow robot from “Production Center B” is suitable for donation. But that will have to wait for now.

Go back to the corridor. After dealing with the Creo employee and the drone, go through the far door. You will run into Dr. Barrett. Go down without touching the “room 2 door control” panel and clear the area from robots. Now go to room 1, arrange an overload chains and listen to the audio recording. After leaving the room into the main hall, open the door and deal with the robot in the improved “Bloody Proteus” equipment. After the fight, go into the room where the strong robot was sitting, go right and take the exolift up. Along the corridor you will get to a personal meeting with the doctor Barrett.

After having a heart-to-heart talk with him, take everything useful from the room and get out of here. After leaving the laboratory, return along the corridor to " showroom"and run into the operations center. Next you need to make your way through the security personnel to the large gate and exit to the " Production center B" After passing through the large gate, you will find yourself in the room where you took the IRONMAUS kit. Now things are much worse in Center B than before. The zone is simply teeming with security personnel in "Gorgons" and three-legged robots.

The smartest thing to do now would be to run to the operations center, avoiding any fights. On the way to the operations center there will be Irina. Judging by her equipment, she works in security. If you wish, you can help her assemble a full set of armor, but again, thank you. She needs a helmet, one leg and a breastplate. After you visit the operations center, walk past Irina, then past the elevator. On the left, near the stairs, at the top of which there are screens and a security guard, pick up the Legionnaire blade. Deal with the lone “security guard” near the screen, go behind the screen and take the elevator to the “Administration Hall”.

Go forward until you reach the operations center. Go inside and talk to Sally. After that, exit and go through the door on the right. In this room, deal with three “security guards” and go downstairs. In the technical corridor, eliminate the loader and listen to the audio recording. Having taken the exolift upstairs, find another corridor and, having broken through the partition, go inside. Go to the next exolift and go down to the Arsenal. Go forward along the corridor, deal with the loader and turn left. You'll jump down to the upper area next to the next boss fight. There is something like a planning meeting going on there. " Black Cerberus"Gives instructions to subordinates. After the boss is left alone, go down and engage in battle.

In the first phase use " throttle" Just like in the battle with " Large SISTER 1/3“Mobility plays a very important role here. Dodge Cerberus' attacks and attack yourself. Don't hit too many times at once. Two or three will be enough; after the attack, jump away from the boss and circle around him, looking for a new moment to attack. Having lost a third of his life, the boss will make a small electrical surge and, stunning Warren, will hide behind the force field.

“He will immediately enter the arena.” P.A.X.“The boss is already famous, but still with differences. This time, P.A.X. will be less willing to use missiles, preferring to hit and kick Warren in hand-to-hand combat. So you will have to take down the boss yourself. Deftly jumping between the legs of a large robot, wait until he starts stomping. At the moment when one leg is raised, hit him on the supporting leg. A few hits and the car will fall on its side, giving you the opportunity to attack. If everything goes very well, then you can deal with “P.A.X.” in one go.

After the robot falls, it will return to the arena " Black Cerberus» with restored health. His attacks will become stronger, and the strongest ones will create small energy fields. Follow the old pattern, but be more careful. Now it is better to do no more than one or two strikes. If you're lucky, this part of the fight will be the final one; if not, the boss will run away again and release "P.A.X." again. And the next meeting with Cerberus will end in his complete defeat.

Keywords: The Surge, Exoskeleton, Creo, Lynx, Rhino, implants, crowbar, part 5, shining coin, Research Department, Melissa Chavez, melting machine, Alec Norris, Black Cerberus, P.A.X.

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