Typical diagrams of stations with arranged traffic lights. Typical diagrams of stations with arranged traffic lights How are traffic lights indicated?

Today it is very difficult to imagine traffic rules without the main tool for regulating traffic, which is a traffic light. It is designed to regulate and facilitate both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. There are different traffic lights depending on their functions. Although they are similar to each other, they have certain nuances that need to be remembered.

Traffic light: definition

A traffic light is an optical signaling device that is designed to regulate the movement of cars, bicycles and other vehicles, as well as pedestrians. It is used in all world countries without exception.

Interesting! Previously, there were no green lights in traffic lights in Japan. It was replaced by blue. But scientists have proven that green is more acceptable to human eyes.

Types of traffic lights

The most common are three-color traffic lights with round signals: red, yellow and green. Traffic regulations in some countries require the use of orange traffic lights instead of yellow ones. Signals can be located both vertically and horizontally. If other special traffic lights or additional sections are not provided, then they regulate the movement of all types of transport, as well as pedestrians. Next we will look at various types traffic lights, from everyday ones to special ones.

Classic three-section traffic light

Such a traffic light, as a rule, has three colors, arranged in order: red, yellow, green - from top to bottom or from left to right. Such traffic lights are installed at intersections. They are designed to allow simultaneous passage of all types of transport in all directions permitted by traffic regulations. They are also installed at controlled pedestrian crossings located between intersections. It is also possible to install such a traffic light at a railway crossing in populated areas, at the intersection of a road with tram tracks, in front of a bicycle path and a roadway. They can also be seen where the roadway is narrowed to allow oncoming traffic to pass alternately.

Interesting fact!The first three-section traffic light was installed in Detroit in 1920.


Traffic lights with two sections are used to regulate the flow of traffic in the territories of industrial enterprises and organizations, as well as during the narrowing of the roadway to organize a single-lane reverse traffic flow.

Single-section traffic light with yellow light

This one-color traffic light is found at unregulated intersections and pedestrian crossings.

Traffic lights with additional section

Traffic lights can also be equipped with additional sectional sections with arrows or arrow outlines. They regulate the movement of traffic in one direction or another. According to traffic regulations, such traffic lights operate as follows: the contours of the arrows on all signals of a conventional three-color traffic light mean that its action extends only in one indicated direction.

An additional section of a traffic light with a green arrow on a black background according to traffic rules allows passage, but does not provide advantages during passing. Sometimes you can find an always-on green signal, which is made in the form of a sign with a solid green arrow. This means, according to traffic rules, that turning is allowed, despite the prohibitory traffic lights.

Such traffic lights are installed in places where it is necessary to organize conflict-free traffic at intersections. If one of these traffic lights turns green, then when crossing the intersection you don’t have to give way. To avoid emergency situations, personal traffic lights are placed above each lane, which show the direction of movement that is allowed from a particular lane.

Reversible traffic lights

To regulate traffic along the roadway lanes, reversible traffic lights are used. These are special band control regulators. Such traffic lights can have from two to three signals: A red signal in the form of the letter “X” prohibits movement in a specific lane. A green arrow pointing down, on the contrary, allows movement. A yellow diagonal arrow signals that the lane mode has changed and shows in which direction you need to leave it.

Traffic lights for regulating traffic through a pedestrian crossing

Typically, such traffic lights have only two types of signals: the first one allows, the second one prohibits. As a rule, they correspond to green and red colors. The signals themselves can be of different shapes. They are often depicted as a stylized silhouette of a person: standing in red and walking in green. For example, in America, the prohibition signal is made in the form of a red raised palm, meaning “stop”. Sometimes the following inscriptions are used: red “stop” and green “walk”. In other countries, respectively, in other languages.

On highways with heavy traffic, traffic lights with automatic switching are installed. But there are cases when you can switch the traffic light by pressing a special button, which allows you to cross the road within a certain time. Modern traffic lights are equipped with a digital countdown display for convenience. For blind people, sound devices are installed in traffic lights.

To regulate the movement of trams

A traffic light for a tram is usually placed in front of areas with limited visibility, long ascents and descents, at a tram depot and in front of switches. Traffic lights for trams come in two types: green and red. They are installed either to the right of the tracks or hung centrally above the contact wire. Basically, such traffic lights notify tram drivers whether the path further is busy or not. They do not regulate the movement of other vehicles and are purely individual. Their work is built automatically.

Traffic signals: driving rules

The circular light signals mean the following: a static green signal allows the movement of vehicles or pedestrians, and a flashing green traffic light means that a prohibitory signal will soon come on, but for now movement is allowed.

Interesting fact!Residents big cities In general, they spend about six months of their lives waiting for the traffic light to clear.

What does a yellow traffic light mean? It warns that the prohibiting signal will be replaced by a permissive one or vice versa, and for the duration of its action it prohibits movement. A flashing yellow traffic light means that the section of the road on which the traffic light is located is not regulated. If it is located at an intersection and operates in this mode, then the intersection is unregulated. Drivers are guided by those articles of the traffic rules that stipulate the passage of unregulated intersections. A static and flashing red signal prohibits movement in any direction.

The red and yellow traffic lights that are on at the same time indicate that it is prohibited to move further, and the green light will soon turn on. The white-lunar traffic light signal informs that the alarm system is working and you can continue driving. Such traffic lights are installed on tram and railway tracks.

Traffic lights that look like arrows mean the following: red, yellow and green arrows mean the same thing as round signals, only they act in a certain direction. An arrow pointing to the left also allows a U-turn, unless the corresponding next priority traffic sign prohibits it.

The green arrow of the additional section has a similar meaning. If this signal is turned off or the red outline is on, it means that movement in this direction is prohibited. If the main green signal has a black outline arrow, then this means that there are other directions of movement than those indicated by the additional section.

What is more important: a sign, a traffic light or a marking?

Rules traffic imply the following priority: the main one is the traffic controller, then the traffic light, then the sign and then the markings. Traffic controller signals take precedence over traffic light signals and road sign requirements. They are mandatory. All traffic lights, except flashing yellow, are more significant than road signs. All road users are required to follow the instructions of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic lights, signs and markings.

In the capital of Germany there is a traffic light with thirteen signals. It is not so easy to understand his testimony right away.

Classic three-section traffic light.

Any of us knows from childhood that a red traffic light prohibits movement, and now both drivers are required to stop at the stop line.

But not everyone knows how a modern “advanced” traffic light works, what signals it may have and how exactly they alternate.

During the traffic police exam you will be asked:

What does the combination of red and yellow traffic lights mean?

The answer should not leave you in doubt - A brief combination of red and yellow signals informs drivers that the green signal will soon turn on.

The red and yellow lights go out, the green lights turn on, and you can move in all directions (unless, of course, signs or markings indicate otherwise).

But don't rush to start moving. The author of these lines has seen so many troubles and tragedies when neighbors along the road blindly followed the green signal. And this is not just advice, it is a requirement of the Rules.

Rules. Section 13. Clause 13.8. When the traffic light turns on, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles completing their movement through the intersection, and to pedestrians who have not completed crossing the roadway in this direction.

That is, before you start moving, you need to make sure that those who have now turned red have stopped. Someone may simply not have time to stop, but someone is in such a hurry that they are ready to rush through the intersection risking their lives (okay, only their own, but also someone else’s).

Well, finally, the drivers on the road being crossed have stopped at their stop lines, and now they can start driving. We still see green light.

The green one burned, burned and blinked.

And again, during the traffic police exam, someone will definitely get this question:

What does a flashing green traffic light mean?

And again the answer is obvious - The flashing green light informs drivers that its time is expiring and the yellow light will soon turn on.

Is it possible to move when the green light is flashing? Don't doubt it, it's possible. Its duration is expiring, but it has not expired yet!

Another thing is that the green light will not blink for long - it will blink only three times and then go out.

Green will go out, but then yellow will light up. And this is what is said about the lonely yellow signal in the Rules, in paragraph 6.2:

« Yellow signal prohibits movement and warns about the upcoming change of signals.”

And this is where it is important for the driver to understand!If the lone yellow light is on, then red will be next! That is, you will definitely have to stop!

Now imagine that the yellow light turns on when there are 5 - 10 meters left to the stop line. At a speed of 60 km/h, you can only hold the car by applying emergency braking! And even then, you will have to stop at the intersection (by crossing the stop line and risking getting hit from behind). Novice drivers often do this (sharply brake when the light turns yellow), and if an aggressive “experienced driver” was driving behind, then the novice is guaranteed to be hit from behind in this situation.

Meanwhile, the Rules prohibit sudden braking anywhere and everywhere (except for cases when it is necessary to prevent an accident):

Rules. Section 10. Clause 10.5. The driver is prohibited Brake sharply unless necessary to prevent a traffic accident.

That is, if the driver of a brown car suddenly brakes now, he will violate the requirement of paragraph 10.5 of the Rules. And in the event of an accident, both will be to blame - the driver of the red car is to blame because he did not maintain a safe distance, and the driver of the brown car is to blame because he braked unduly sharply.

The Rules treated this situation with understanding and allowed movement on a yellow traffic light (if it is no longer possible to stop smoothly in front of the stop line):

Rules. Section 6. Clause 6.14. Drivers who cannot stop when the yellow light turns on without resorting to emergency braking are allowed to continue driving.

And you may also be asked about this during the exam: “Are you allowed to continue driving if, when the traffic light turns yellow after the green light, you can only stop before the intersection by applying emergency braking?”

And here the answer should be absolutely clear to you - allowed. It’s simply allowed in any direction you want.

The lone yellow light will not burn for long - literally after a couple of seconds it will change to red, and the cycle will start all over again. But when the signal is red, drivers must definitely stop at the stop line.

And that's not all about traffic lights. If the traffic is not intense, then it is irrational to keep drivers at stop lines, and the traffic light can be switched to the so-called yellow flashing signal mode.

That is, red and green are not turned on at all, and only yellow is turned on all the time. Moreover, it does not just light up, but blinks at a frequency of once per second. This is how this signal is described in the Rules:

Rules. Section 6. Clause 6.2. Yellow flashing signal allows traffic and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing.

In this situation, drivers must independently determine the driving order, guided by general principle"interference on the right."

There is a problem in the traffic police book (shown below), which you often make mistakes when solving. Some of you for some reason choose the third answer. Most likely, because they did not read the question carefully. And the question says “when the traffic light is flashing yellow”! And, consequently, this intersection has become unregulated. And, therefore, we must be guided by priority signs.

Traffic lights with an additional section (or with two additional sections).

A classic three-section traffic light can be equipped with an additional section (right or left) or two additional sections (right and left).

This “rationalization” makes it possible to significantly increase the throughput of the intersection; it is only important that drivers correctly understand the signals of such a traffic light.

And, first of all, it is necessary to understand that movement in the direction of the arrow is only allowed when the additional section is turned on.

For example, traffic to the right is now open.

And only to the right and nowhere else!

Anyone who needs to go in other directions must stand and wait for the main green signal to turn on.

The main green signal is turned on, and note that there are black outline arrows on the main green signal.

This was not the case at a three-section traffic light, but for a traffic light with an additional section, the presence of contour arrows on the main green one is a must-have!

Now movement is allowed only in the directions indicated by the contour arrows.

But now traffic is open in all directions.

In what directions can the driver of the brown car continue driving?

1. Straight or left.

2. Just straight ahead.

What should he do if he needs to go to the right?

1. You'll have to go to the next intersection.

2. You need to stand at the stop line and wait for the right arrow to turn on.

Comment on the task

Now the traffic light allows you to turn left and make a U-turn. But only those in the left lane can do this. The driver of a brown car can only drive straight ahead at such traffic lights.

Traffic lights designed to regulate traffic in certain directions.

Creative thought does not stand still, and traffic organizers were not satisfied with the fact that they proposed adding additional sections to the traditional traffic light. If necessary, you can provide a classic three-section traffic light with additional functions without equipping it with additional sections.

You approach an intersection and see instead of one traffic light there are three (according to the number of lanes in your direction).

It should be assumed that the effect of each traffic light extends only to the lane above which it hangs. And since the red signal is on everywhere, it means traffic from all lanes is prohibited.

Students. But why do red arrows light up instead of the usual round signal?

Teacher. This is done so that drivers approaching the intersection can change lanes in advance.

And the same arrows will light up on the yellow signal, informing drivers about the directions in which they will be allowed to move from this lane when the green signal turns on.

Now traffic is allowed from all lanes.


It is necessary to adhere to the instructions dictated by the arrows on traffic lights.

Traffic light with a flashing yellow signal.

The most dangerous intersections in the driver's path are an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing and an uncontrolled intersection. At these intersections, drivers must independently determine the order of passage, guided by the relevant requirements of the Rules.

Traffic safety can be significantly improved if simple traffic lights with one yellow flashing signal are installed at such intersections. The continuous flashing of the yellow signal informs the driver in advance that he is approaching an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing.

There was no traffic light at this intersection. We hung it here with the help of graphic editor Photoshop.

But if he were actually here, this accident most likely would not have happened.

And these two-way traffic lights with a flashing yellow signal are not at all superfluous at an unregulated pedestrian crossing.

Reversible traffic lights.

Until recently, roads with reversible traffic were almost exotic in our country (although they have always been in the Rules).

And today you can often see such a warning.

And here it is - a section of the road with reverse traffic.

The roadway has appropriate markings (double broken lines with long strokes), and reversible traffic lights hang above the lanes designated for reversible traffic.

Now we have green arrows on at all traffic lights, and while they are on, these three lanes are given over to traffic in our direction.

On this section of the road, only one lane is allocated for reversible traffic. And now at the reverse traffic light we see a red cross. And, therefore, now the reversible lane is given to drivers in the opposite direction.

In our country, right-hand traffic is accepted and, in principle, everyone understands that when clearing the reverse lane, you need to change lanes to the right.

However, the Rules also provide for a three-section reversible traffic light - the yellow arrow, firstly, informs about the upcoming signal change, and, secondly, shows drivers where to change lanes, freeing up the reversible lane.

Now is the time for the driver of the blue jeep to turn on the right turn signals and immediately change lanes to the right. At the next reversible traffic light, a red cross will already be on.

Traffic lights for regulating traffic through railway crossings.

To regulate the movement of traffic through railway crossings, the Rules provide for three types of traffic lights.

This can be either one red light flashing once per second.

Or two alternately flashing red signals.

Or, along with two red signals, a white-lunar signal can also be installed, which, if turned on, also blinks at a frequency of once per second.

Now let's see what the Rules say about this:

Rules. Section 6. Clause 6.9. A round white-lunar flashing signal located at a railroad crossing allows vehicles to move through the crossing. When the flashing white-lunar and red signals are turned off, movement is permitted if there is no train (locomotive, handcar) approaching the crossing within sight.

That is, if one red signal is flashing or two red signals are flashing alternately, movement through the crossing is prohibited.

If the white-moon signal is flashing, movement through the crossing is permitted.

If nothing is flashing, movement through the crossing is also allowed. BUT! Not just allowed. First, the driver must make sure that there is no approaching train (within visibility!). And if there is one, then movement through the crossing is prohibited.

In conclusion, we note that GOST allows the use of conventional traffic lights at railway crossings.

Four-section traffic light with moon-white signals.

The use of such traffic lights makes it possible to organize conflict-free movement of route vehicles at intersections. We are talking about trams, as well as buses and trolleybuses, if they move along a lane specially allocated for them.

Now at the traffic light all four white-lunar signals are on and, therefore, the tram (bus, trolleybus) can move in all directions.

If the bottom signal and the top left signal are on, the tram (bus, trolleybus) is allowed to move to the left.

If the lower signal and the middle upper signal are on, the tram (bus, trolleybus) is allowed to move straight.

If the bottom signal and the top right signal are on, the tram (bus, trolleybus) is allowed to move to the right.

If the bottom signal is not on, then the tram (bus, trolleybus) is turned on “brick” - entry into the intersection is prohibited.

Now the tram is allowed to go straight or to the left, and we are allowed to go straight or to the right.

Indeed, a conflict-free movement.

Now the tram is allowed to go straight or to the right, and we will stand at the stop line.

And again, no conflict.

But now the tram will be stationary, but we can go in all directions.

And again, no conflict.

GOST 23545-79

Group P00



Symbols on diagrams and plans

Computer control systems for traffic.
Legends on schemes and plans

Date of introduction 1980-07-01

DEVELOPED by the Ministry of Instrumentation, Automation and Control Systems, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the USSR State Committee for Standards


B.I.Raspopov, L.A.Yakushin, V.V.Vasyutovich (development managers), V.V.Shirshova, V.N.Belov, Yu.B.Irz

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Instrumentation, Automation and Control Systems

Head of the Scientific and Technical Department M.S. Shkabardnya

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution State Committee USSR according to standards of March 30, 1979 N 1168

AMENDED Change No. 1, adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 04/05/83 N 1623 from 09/01/83

Change No. 1 was made by the legal bureau "Code" according to the text of IUS No. 7, 1983

This standard applies to documents on traffic management, as well as to electrical diagrams and cable route plans made on topographical plans of the area and building plans, and establishes conventional letter and graphic designations of technical means, elements of traffic management and methods for laying electrical communication lines, used in the design of automated traffic control systems.

The terms used in this standard and their definitions are given in Reference Appendix 1.

General requirements for the implementation of schemes are in accordance with GOST 2.701-76, GOST 24.302-80.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



1.1. Graphic and letter designations of technical means of automated control systems, control means and methods of their installation are given in Table 1.

A detailed explanation of the technical means is given in a detail element in the free field of the drawing. The controls are shown together with the methods of their installation.

Table 1





Road controller


Distribution switch cabinet

Vehicle detector:



checkpoint and presence

pass taking into account:



flow composition

flux density

ultrasonic (pass-through and presence)

Inductive loop of vehicle detectors for cable route plans, electrical diagrams and traffic management diagrams:

when laid in the road surface

1. Size - depends on the width of the traffic lanes; the minimum value is 3 mm.

2. - number of stripes.

3. =4 mm with a frame length of 2 m and more than 2 mm - with a frame length of 0.5 to 2.0 m

when laying under tram tracks

for situational plans and documents for comprehensive study of traffic organization:

single lane



Remote control panel

Communication device

Stationary part of the equipment set for priority passage of vehicles

Mobile part of a set of equipment for priority passage of vehicles

Guided traffic sign

Speed ​​indicator

Traffic camera

Traffic light installation:

Pedestrian call board

Simplified designation of a group of technical equipment on cable route plans and electrical diagrams

Methods for installing controls:

on the console

on the wall

on stretch

on the designed support

on an existing support

on an existing column

on the designed column

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.2. Designations of traffic management elements are given in Table 2.

Table 2



Traffic light:

transport three-section



to control lane entry

Additional traffic light sections indicating the direction of travel:





Tram traffic light signals allowing movement:




left and straight

right and straight

Tram traffic light prohibiting movement

Vehicle movement:




Pedestrian traffic:

by traffic lights

at pedestrian traffic lights

Traffic light signals in the timing diagram of the control mode:




red with yellow

green flashing

On state of tram traffic light lamps

Off state for additional sections traffic lights in coordination programs

Road sign:


prohibitive, prescriptive



Note. Next to the image of the sign you must indicate its number in accordance with GOST 10807-78*. If there is an additional plate, you must indicate its number next to the image of the sign.

Road fencing

* On site Russian Federation GOST R 52290-2004 applies, hereinafter in the text. - Note "CODE".

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.3. Designations for methods of laying electrical and telephone communication lines are given in Table 3.

Table 3

Change N 1).


2.1. The symbol for traffic light lamps must be written as a sequence of characters (numbers and letters) on one line without spaces according to the following principle:

where A is the number of a traffic light installation, a separate pedestrian or tram traffic light. For example: 1, 2, 1P, 2P, 3P, 3, 1T , 2T, etc.;

B - traffic light color (k - red, h - green, g - yellow);

B - number of the direction of action of a transport or pedestrian traffic light signal.

Note. If there are right or left additional sections of a transport traffic light, to designate them, instead of letters indicating the color of the traffic light signal, write down the letters indicating the direction of action of the signals of the additional sections (R - right, L - left).

2.2. The symbol for tram traffic light lamps should be written according to the following principle:

where A is the number of a separate tram traffic light or a combined traffic light installation;

B - combinations of numbers indicating the direction of movement of the tram: 24 - straight, 14 - left, 124 - straight and left, 34 - right, 234 - straight and right, 123 - movement is prohibited;

B - number of the direction of operation of the tram traffic light signal.

2.3. Examples of symbols for traffic light lamps are given in reference appendix 3.



Equipment for priority passage of vehicles- a set of equipment designed for detection and priority passage of transport units, consisting of a stationary part installed on the road and a mobile part located on vehicles.

Communication device- a peripheral device designed to exchange information via communication channels between the final elements of the system and the control center.

Guided traffic sign- an information device designed to quickly change the speed, direction or route of transport by changing road signs (indicators).

Inductive loop- a sensitive element of a transport detector, designed to convert the impact of passing transport into an electrical signal.

Pedestrian call board- a device intended for pedestrians to call a traffic light signal allowing movement.

Coordination Program- a program that regulates the operation of an automated traffic control system in a coordinated manner.

Route map- a diagram that determines the main volumes and directions of traffic flows.

Traffic light installation- one or more traffic lights connected by a single design and installation location.

Traffic signal direction- accepted conditionally in accordance with the main directions of traffic.

Controls- road signs defined by GOST 10807-78, traffic lights.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

APPENDIX 2 (for reference). Designation of elements of traffic light equipment and directions of movement on the intersection diagram


1-4 (on the leader shelf) - direction of movement of vehicles; Sv1-Sv4, Sv4P - designation of traffic light installation; 1-4 and 4P - designation of traffic management elements of traffic light installations Sv1 - Sv4 and Sv4P

APPENDIX 2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



Traffic light lamp of the fourth traffic light installation, red, second direction of the traffic signal:

The same, the second pedestrian free-standing traffic light, green, the second direction of the traffic signal:

Traffic light lamp of the fourth traffic light installation, red, third direction of action of the pedestrian section signal in a combined traffic light installation:

Traffic light lamp of a tram traffic light of the second traffic light installation, with the permitted direction of movement to the right, the first direction of the traffic light signal:

The same, for a tram, a separate second traffic light, with the permitted direction of movement straight and to the left, the first direction of the traffic light signal:

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1979

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

NameLaying in trench

Laying communication channels and unprotected cables in one trench

Note. The positions of the cables are indicated on the leader shelves. The first shelf indicates the cables laid in the trench, the subsequent ones indicate the positions of the cables laid in the communication channels

Laying a cable in a trench with protection (pipe, box, slabs, etc.)

Note. The type of protection and the length of the protected area are indicated on the extension shelf

Today, every person understands what a traffic light is. The colors: red, yellow and green are familiar even to a child.

However, there was a time when these optical devices did not exist, and crossing the street was not very easy. Especially in big cities, passers-by had to pass endless horse-drawn carriages for a long time.

On the cross streets there was confusion and endless disputes.

A short excursion into history

The traffic light was originally invented by the British. It was staged in London at the end of 68 of the 19th century. It was controlled by a man. The mechanism had two hands. When they were in a horizontal position, movement was prohibited, and when they were lowered, passage was allowed. At night they turned on a gas burner, which gave a red and green signal. It turned out to be unsafe. The gas exploded, injured a policeman, and the traffic light was removed.

It was only at the beginning of the twentieth century that an automatic traffic light was patented in America. Colors were not used in it; inscriptions replaced them.

The red color is very visible in any weather: when the sun is shining brightly, it is raining, or there is fog. From a physical point of view, red has the longest wavelength. This is probably why it was chosen as forbidden. The meaning of red is the same all over the world.

The other signal at the traffic light is green. This is the color of calm and tranquility. It has a relaxing effect on the human brain. Green allows movement. It can be seen far enough away; any driver sees this color long before passing the traffic light and calmly, without braking, crosses the intersection.

However, as they say, there is an unspoken rule according to which it is still worth slowing down when driving through a dangerous intersection, even when the traffic light shows green. This action often helps avoid serious accidents.

Yellow - pay attention

Yellow traffic light color is intermediate. It carries a warning function and calls on traffic participants to pay attention. The color yellow is said to symbolize intelligence, intuition and intelligence. It usually lights up after red, calling on drivers to get ready to move. As practice shows, many drivers perceive a yellow traffic light as permission and start moving. This is wrong, although it is not punishable by penalties. When the yellow light comes on, you need to depress the clutch and get ready, but to start driving it is better to wait for the green light, especially since the wait is only a couple of seconds.

In reverse order: green, yellow, red - the traffic light does not work. In modern devices, after green, red immediately lights up, while in the last minutes green begins to blink.

You can also sometimes see a continuously flashing yellow traffic light. This indicates that the traffic light is disabled or broken. Most often, traffic lights flash yellow at night.

Pedestrian traffic light

There is also a traffic light to regulate pedestrian traffic. What colors does it use? Red and green - definitely, but yellow is absent as unnecessary. A person does not need any special preparation to cross the road.

They are usually depicted as walking men. For the convenience of pedestrians lately a time counter is used. A special stopwatch counts down how many seconds are left before the opposite signal turns on.

As with regular traffic lights, red prohibits traffic, and green indicates that the passage is open.

When driving through an intersection, drivers should be aware that pedestrians have the right of way. So, for example, at an intersection a car turns right at a green traffic light, while pedestrians crossing a perpendicular road also see a green light. In this case, the motorist is obliged to let all pedestrians pass and only then continue driving.

What is a "green wave"

In large cities, traffic on highways is accompanied by a large number of traffic lights that regulate traffic. A traffic light, the colors of which are known to everyone, switches them at certain intervals. This frequency is adjusted automatically and ensures the safety of vehicle movement.

The “green wave” is tied to the speed of the car. It is assumed that, moving at a certain average speed, the driver, having encountered a green traffic light, will also encounter a green light along the entire length of the highway. The three traffic light colors switch at regular intervals, and there is consistency between a number of traffic lights. At all intersections of the route, coordinated according to this principle, there is the same cyclicity.

The “Green Wave” was developed for the convenience of passing intersections; technically, this is not particularly difficult to implement. As a rule, on such highways additional signs are installed with the recommended speed, which will ensure non-stop passage of intersections.

The three-eyed traffic light is an assistant to the driver and pedestrian. The colors switch in order and adjust the progress, ensuring the safety of all road users. By following them conscientiously, you can avoid serious accidents and unpleasant situations on the roads.

GOST 21.207-2013


System of design documentation for construction


System of design documents for construction. Graphical signs for drawings of motor-ways

ISS 01.100.30

Date of introduction 2015-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, acceptance, application, updating and cancellation

Standard information

1 DESIGNED Open Joint Stock Company- Center for Methodology, Standardization and Standardization in Construction (JSC "CNS") together with the Closed Joint-Stock Company "Design, Survey and Research Institute of Industrial Transport" (JSC "Promtransniiproekt")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IGS) (protocol dated November 14, 2013 N 44)

The following voted for adoption:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the body public administration construction



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan









4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 17, 2013 N 2315-st, the interstate standard GOST 21.207-2013 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2015.



Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system for public use - on the official website Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology on the Internet.

1 Application area

1 Application area

This standard establishes the basic graphic symbols and simplified images used in drawings of highways for various purposes.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.303-68 Unified system of design documentation. Lines

GOST 2.306-68 Unified system of design documentation. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

GOST 21.101-97 * System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation
*GOST R 21.1101-2013 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation

GOST 21.201-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic images of elements of buildings, structures and structures.

GOST 21.204-93 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic symbols and images of elements master plans and transport structures

GOST 21.302-2013 * System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic symbols in documentation for engineering-geological surveys

GOST 21.701-2013 * System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for highways
* Introduced simultaneously with the standard being developed

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 road markings: Lines, inscriptions and other designations used independently, in combination with road signs or traffic lights on the carriageway, artificial structures and road infrastructure elements, informing road users about the conditions and traffic patterns on the road section.

3.2 road sign: A technical means of organizing traffic safety with symbols and/or inscriptions informing road users about road conditions and traffic patterns, the location of populated areas and other objects.

4 General provisions

4.1 Designed highways are depicted in drawings using conventional graphic symbols and simplified images (hereinafter referred to as symbols) established by this standard, taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.701, as well as using symbols established by GOST 21.204, GOST 21.302, GOST 2.306. GOST 21.201 and other interrelated standards of the System of Design Documentation for Construction (SPDS).

4.2 Symbols are carried out to the scale of the drawing, except for images, the dimensions of which are defined in this standard and are given in millimeters or conventional units.

The types of lines used when making symbols must comply with GOST 2.303.

4.3 Abbreviated inscriptions are accepted in accordance with abbreviations adopted in road design, in Conventional signs for topographic plans at scales 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000, 1:500, as well as established by GOST 21.101.

4.4 Symbols not regulated by standards are given in general data on working drawings or on the corresponding drawings.

5 Symbols on road plans

5.1 Symbols used on highway plans are carried out in accordance with Table 1.

5.2 The width of the road on the plan is shown to the scale of the drawing, but not less than 2 mm. If numeric value images of the road width on an appropriate scale of less than 2 mm; the designed road is depicted as a solid thick main line.

Table 1



1 Highway:

a) with the designation of a road or route according to the list of highways

b) with road surface designation

Note - Numbers indicate the width of the road, letters indicate the coating material.

Note - in transfers A)-V) shows a simplified road symbol for a scale greater than 1:5000.

2 Coating seams:

a) expansion seam

b) compression seam

c) false seam

d) displacement seam

e) seam at the curb

3 Boundary of construction areas

Note - Roman numerals indicate site numbers. To the left of the ordinate (extension line) indicate the chainage position.

4 Sub-cuvette drainage network with inspection wells

5 Slope drains

6 Spillway from the roadway

7 Road barrier

9 Gallery

10 Underpass

11 Overpass

Note - In paragraphs 4-11 on the shelves of leader lines indicate the serial number of the structure, position number (brand), type or diameter of the device; under the shelves - designation of the document for their implementation.

6 Symbols on longitudinal road profiles

The symbols used when making longitudinal profiles of highways are carried out in accordance with Table 2.

Table 2



1 Crossing roads

2 Exit or junction with a highway

3 Interchange of highways at different levels:

A- at the intersection

b- at the junction

4 Picket and distances between breaking points of the actual ground surface

5 Wrong picket

It is allowed to use the full image of the sign in the drawing in accordance with national standards*.
* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51256-99 and GOST R 52290-2004 are in force.

The dimensions of road signs may be changed, but their size must be sufficient to designate the sign in compliance with the ratio of the established sizes.

When performing small-scale schemes, it is allowed to indicate: numbers of road markings - in a circle, numbers of road signs - in a rectangle, indicating their chainage position (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Table 3



Horizontal road markings

Lane markings.

Marking the boundaries of sections of the roadway where entry is prohibited.

Marking the boundaries of vehicle parking areas

Marking the edge of the roadway

Marking the edge of the roadway on two-lane roads

Separation of traffic flows in opposite directions

Marking places where stopping vehicles is prohibited

Separation of traffic flows in opposite directions.

Lane markings

Marking the approach to a continuous longitudinal marking line

Lane markings within the intersection

Marking the boundary between the acceleration or deceleration lane and the main lane of the roadway

Marking the boundaries of traffic lanes on which reverse control is carried out.

Separation of traffic flows in opposite directions on roads where reverse control is carried out (with reverse traffic lights turned off)

Marking places where parking of vehicles is prohibited

Separation of traffic flows in opposite or similar directions in places where it is necessary to limit maneuvering on the roadway.

Marking of places where it is necessary to allow movement only from the side of the broken line (at places of turn, entry and exit from parking areas, gas stations, stopping points of route vehicles, etc.)

Marking where vehicles stop - stop line

Marking the place where the driver must give way

Marking a pedestrian crossing with a width of 3.00 to 6.00 m

Marking a pedestrian crossing with a width of more than 6.00 m

Crossing markings for cyclists

Marking of islands separating traffic flows in opposite directions

Marking of islands separating traffic flows in the same direction

Marking islands at confluences of traffic flows

Marking of route vehicle stops and taxi ranks

Marking traffic directions by lanes

Designation of approach to a narrowing of the roadway or to a continuous line of longitudinal markings 1.1

Designation of approach to the transverse marking line 1.13

Designation of approach to the transverse marking line 1.12

Note - Applied in letters of the Russian or Latin alphabet.

Road number designation

Note - The value “a” is indicated in parentheses for speeds over 60 km/h.

Marking a lane of the roadway intended exclusively for the movement of route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses)

Duplication of warning road signs*

Duplication of prohibitory road signs

Duplication road sign"Disabled"

Marking artificial bumps

Continuation of Table 3



Vertical road markings

Marking of vertical surfaces of road structures (bridge supports, overpasses, end parts of parapets, etc.).

2.1.1 - to the left of the roadway;

2.1.2 - on the roadway;

2.1.3 - to the right of the roadway in this direction of travel

Marking the lower edge of the span of overpasses, bridges, tunnels

Marking of round bollards on traffic islands

Marking signal posts, gouges, cable fencing supports, etc.

Marking the side surfaces of road fences in dangerous areas

Road signs

Road sign support:

a) on one stand

b) on two racks

Warning signs

Priority signs

Prohibition signs

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