Requirements for additional education programs. Methodological recommendations for writing a general educational general development program of additional education for teachers of additional education; methodological development on the topic. VII. Organize

Natalia Polednova
Writing methods and requirements for additional education programs

Federal Law "About education» Article 2.

P. 9) educational program- a set of basic characteristics education(volume, content, planned results, organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work subject programs, courses, disciplines (modules, other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials;

P. 14) additional education - type of education which is aimed at comprehensive satisfaction educational needs person in the intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and (or) professional development and is not accompanied by an increase in the level education;

Continuing education program is developed by the teacher, discussed at the institution’s pedagogical council and approved by the head.

Structure programs:

1. Title page.

2. Explanatory note.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

6. List of references.

Design and content of structural elements programs

1. On the title page are indicated:

Name of the institution;

Where, when and by whom was it approved? program;

Name programs, you can also indicate the direction;

Age of children for whom it is intended program;

Implementation period programs;

Name of the city, locality in which it is sold program;

Year of development programs.


2. In the Explanatory Note (1-2 sheets, should be opened without headings, continuous text:

It is recommended to start an explanatory note with an introduction - a brief description of the subject, its significance and pedagogical rationale. In the introductory part, you can present information regarding this type of activity, art, its history, regions of distribution, and the like. It is necessary to justify the essence of the current situation, access to social reality and children's needs.

Focus programs

Additional educational programs may have the following focus: 1. Artistic and aesthetic; 2. Military-patriotic; 3. Scientific and technical; 4. Physical education and sports; 5. Ecological and biological; 6. Natural science; 7. Social and pedagogical; 8. Cultural; 9. Sports and technical; 10. Tourism and local history.

For example:

Program arts and crafts "Bead" artistic orientation, aimed at reviving folk crafts, developing children's interest in folk art and nurturing patriotism.

Novelty additional educational program involves: - new solution to problems additional education; - new teaching methods; - new pedagogical technologies in conducting classes; - innovations in the forms of diagnostics and summing up implementation results programs, etc. d.

Relevance programs- this is the answer to the question why modern children in modern conditions need specific program. Relevance may be based: - on the analysis of social problems; - based on scientific research materials; - on the analysis of teaching experience; - on the analysis of children's or parental demand for additional educational services; - on modern requirements system modernization education; - on potential educational institution; - on the social order of the municipal education and other factors. Pedagogical expediency emphasizes the pragmatic importance of the relationship between the built system of processes of training, development, education and their provision. In this part of the explanatory note, it is necessary to give a reasoned justification for pedagogical actions within the framework additional educational program, and specifically, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the selected forms, methods and means of educational activities and organizations educational process.

For example:

In creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality, developing motivation for knowledge and creativity, introducing universal human values, preventing antisocial behavior, creating conditions for social, cultural self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality, his integration into the system of world and domestic cultures, strengthening mental and physical children’s health, interaction between teacher and family)

A goal is what they strive for, what they want to achieve, to realize. A goal is specific, characterized qualitatively, and where possible, quantitatively, image of what is desired(expected) a result that can realistically be achieved by a certain point in time. To set a goal required preliminary analysis educational level and characteristics of children, characteristics of the region, environment, etc.

Goal and objectives programs(triune) Goals and objectives additional programs first, is to provide training, development and education. The goal must be set specific, feasible, and not global, which should be clarified and revealed in the tasks.

Purpose programs«….» is:

Formation (training…., development, education….

Objectives are a breakdown of a goal into stages. In tasks, like goals, you cannot use verbs teach, develop and educate, since these processes are long-term and sometimes last a lifetime, it would be correct writing verbs training, development, education.











The task is what requires fulfillment, permissions. (S. I. Ozhegov Dictionary of the Russian language.) The tasks of a circle or association are ways, ways of achieving a goal step by step, i.e. tactics of pedagogical actions. - educational objectives, that is, answering the question of what he will learn, what he will understand, what ideas he will receive, what he will master, what the student will learn after mastering program; - developmental tasks, that is, related to the development of creative abilities, capabilities, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, volitional qualities, etc. and indicate the development of key competencies that will be emphasized during training; - educational tasks, that is, answering the question of what values, relationships, and personal qualities will be formed in students. Tasks should be formulated in a single key, adhering to the same grammatical language in all formulations. forms: Verbs Nouns promote help develop development introduce familiarize educate upbringing teach training form formation provide provision support support expand expansion 7 deepen deepening introduce acquaintance provide opportunity, etc. providing opportunity, etc.

For example:

Target programs: formation of experience in mastering technologies for manufacturing arts and crafts products, development of creative abilities, education of patriotism and morality.



Acquaintance with the history of the emergence and development of different types of crafts;


Development imaginative thinking;

Development of individuality in solving creative problems;


Fostering a respectful and caring attitude towards folk art;

Cultivation of strong-willed and labor qualities of the individual;

Upbringing healthy lifestyle needs.

Distinctive features of this programs

Here such features as individualization or differentiation of training, integration with the general education, its principles and special or modern methods teaching or technology. Maybe, program is a social order of parents or institutions. Perhaps she written based on standard programs or copyrighted developments, but processed, modified or adapted, etc.


No. 1 Distinctive features programs is that that she written on the basis of a standard program on folk crafts, but new sections on beadwork and tatting have been introduced, and a large place is devoted to the study of color science and composition.

No. 2 A distinctive feature of this programs, is that the child has the right to study, at his own choice, proposed in crafts program, in accordance with your interests and needs. Mandatory sections programs What remains are composition, color science, and the history of arts and crafts.

Age of children for whom it is intended program and the deadline for its implementation

For example:

IN program Children from 4 to 7 years old participate.

Implementation period 3 year programs.

Forms and mode of classes

For example

Classes are held

1 year of training - 2 times a week for 2 hours

2nd year of study - 3 times a week for 2 hours

Forms of classes - communication of new material, consolidation of it in practice, excursions.

Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness

To write This section needs to be returned to the tasks and analyzed. Knowledge and skills are the result of problem solving.

For example:

Target programs: training in technologies for manufacturing arts and crafts products.



Acquaintance with the history of the emergence and development of different types of crafts;

Studying the basics of color science and composition;

Studying the basics of design from various materials.

As a result of implementation programs first year students

will know:

Fundamentals of safety and fire safety;

Rules for organizing the workplace;

A brief history of arts and crafts;

Theoretical information about the studied technologies.

Be able to:

Use safety knowledge in your work;

Apply the basics of color science in practice;

Carry out simple products in the studied types of arts and crafts according to sample

As a result of implementation programs first year students

will know:

Be able to:

The effectiveness of the training will be checked…. (for example, surveys, tests, etc. that is, your diagnostics)

The forms of summing up will be (for example, holidays, exhibitions, competitions, competitions, etc.)


No. List of sections, topics Theory

hours Practice

hours Total

total total total

The educational and thematic plan should not contain specific works, only technologies and directions. This is due to the fact that programs work for several years, during this period many other songs may appear, samples, the children’s interest will change and they will not want to sing this particular song, or sew this particular toy.

For example:

Here each topic is covered in theory and practice (no hours indicated) in the nominative case through a brief description of sections and topics within sections.

Title of the topic (numbering, number and name of sections and topics must coincide with the listed sections and topics of the curriculum);

Telegraphic style lists all the questions that reveal the topic (without techniques) ;

Indicate basic theoretical concepts (no description) and practical activities of students in the classroom;

When excursions, game activities, leisure and public events are included in the additional educational program, the content indicates the topic and location of each excursion, game, event, etc.

It is important that specific works or works are not indicated here, because children should have a choice.

Methodological support for the program

Your base is written here (illustrations, game development, conversations, samples, manuals, diagnostic tests, etc.) as well as a separate list of materials and equipment.


Literature is recorded in alphabetical order with all output data.

Reference lists must contain a list of publications, including those published in the previous five years: - in general pedagogy; - By methodology this type of activity; - By education methods; 14 - in general and developmental psychology; - on the theory and history of the chosen type of activity; - published educational methodological and teaching aids. The list of specified literature should reflect the level and breadth of the teacher’s theoretical preparedness in this area.

For example:

1. Boguslavskaya Z. M., Smirnova E. O. Educational games for primary preschool children age: Book. For the teacher of children. garden -M.: Education, 1991.-207 p.

Applications to educational program

TO program Various applications can be added character:

Illustrative material on the subject of classes;

Dictionary of special terms with explanations;

Test questions and assignments;

Notes, description of classes;

Technological maps;

Finished goods, samples;

Conditions for recruiting children into the team;

Listening conditions;

Testing materials;

Memos for parents;

methodological developments for organizing individual work with children;

Scenarios for creative events;

Diagnostic materials;

Video and audio recordings, photographic materials;

Electronic resources, etc.

font size

LETTER from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 12/11/2006 06-1844 ABOUT SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL CHILDREN’S EDUCATION PROGRAMS (2019) Relevant in 2018


Regulatory aspect

Additional educational programs include educational programs of various directions, implemented by:

in general educational institutions and educational institutions of vocational education outside the basic educational programs that determine their status;

in educational institutions of additional education for children, where they are the main ones (Model regulations on educational institutions for additional education of children are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 7, 1995 N 233), and in other institutions that have the appropriate licenses (Article 26, paragraph. 2).

Ensuring personal self-determination, creating conditions for its self-realization;

Formation in the student of a picture of the world that is adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (level of study);

Integration of the individual into national and world culture;

Formation of a person and citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society;

Reproduction and development of the human resources potential of society.

Responsibility for the implementation of educational programs not in full in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process, quality; The education of its graduates is borne by the educational institution in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 32 of the Law.

The goals and objectives of additional educational programs are primarily to ensure the training, education, and development of children. In this regard, the content of additional educational programs must comply with:

Achievements of world culture, Russian traditions, cultural and national characteristics of the regions;

The appropriate level of education (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

Areas of additional educational programs (scientific and technical, sports and technical, artistic, physical education and sports, tourism and local history, environmental and biological, military-patriotic, socio-pedagogical, socio-economic, natural science);

Modern educational technologies reflected in the principles of learning (individuality, accessibility, continuity, effectiveness); forms and methods of training (active methods of distance learning, differentiated training, classes, competitions, competitions, excursions, hikes, etc.); methods of control and management of the educational process (analysis of the results of children’s activities); teaching aids (list of necessary equipment, tools and materials per each student in the association);

be aimed at:

Creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality;

Development of the child’s personality motivation for knowledge and creativity;

Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

Introducing students to universal human values;

Prevention of antisocial behavior;

Creating conditions for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality, his integration into the system of world and domestic culture;

The integrity of the process of mental and physical, mental and spiritual development of the child’s personality;

Strengthening the mental and physical health of the child;

Interaction between the additional education teacher and the family.

Structure of the additional education program for children

The program of additional education for children, as a rule, includes the following structural elements:

1. Title page.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

5. Methodological support for the additional educational program.

6. List of references.

Design and content of structural elements of the program of additional education for children

Name of educational institution;

Where, when and by whom the additional educational program was approved;

Name of additional educational program;

Age of children for whom the additional educational program is designed;

Duration of implementation of the additional educational program;

Name of the city, locality in which the additional educational program is being implemented;

A year of development of an additional educational program.

2. The explanatory note to the program of additional education for children should disclose:

Direction of the additional educational program;

Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency;

The purpose and objectives of the additional educational program;

Distinctive features of this additional educational program from existing educational programs;

Age of children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program;

Timing for the implementation of the additional educational program (duration of the educational process, stages);

Forms and mode of classes;

Expected results and methods for determining their effectiveness;

Forms for summing up the implementation of an additional educational program (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

3. The educational and thematic plan of an additional educational program may contain:

List of sections, topics;

The number of hours on each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes.

5. Methodological support for the program of additional education for children:

Providing the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.);

Didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work, etc.

6. List of used literature.

“Requirements for the structure of the additional education program”

In general, the program consists of the following parts (blocks):

1) Title page; 2) Explanatory note; 3) Educational and thematic plan; 5) Contents of the program 6) List of references. 7) Methodological support of the program 8) Planned results of the teacher’s activities

Title page

Cap - the name of the institution in which the program was developed is written in full at the top of the title page in the center "Municipal government institution of additional education Center for extracurricular activities."

Below, on the right it is written “Approved by order of the director of MKU DO TsVR Borisova E.V by order No. ___ dated “___”______20__.” The program is considered accepted from the moment it is signed by the director.

In the central part is written the name of the program and how many years it is designed for (the period of its implementation).

Below, on the right, is the position of the program compiler and his full name. If the program is adapted (modified), the program on the basis of which it is adapted (modified) should be indicated.

At the bottom field in the center is written the name of the locality in which the program was written and the year the program was written.


Municipal government agency

additional education

Extracurricular Activities Center


Head of MS



Protocol No.________

From "______" _________ 201

"I affirm"

Director of MKU DO "TsVR"

Borisova E. V.

Order No.________

From "______" _________ 201

Additional general development program

artistic orientation

"Golden Hands"

for children 13-16 years old

implementation period of the educational program is 2 years

Additional education teacher

Full name (full name)

With. Cereal 20__g.

Explanatory note

It formulates goals and objectives work. Target- this is a specific image of the desired (expected) result that can actually be achieved by a clearly defined point in time, in other words, this is the expected result of the educational process that one must strive for. The goal statement should be as clear and concise as possible, complete and logically correct. Its purpose is to determine the strategy and tactics of the educational process. The goal should be related to the name of the program and reflect its main focus. Tasks lead to the final goal, that is, those stages, steps that allow you to achieve it through certain types of activities. It is more convenient to present problems asthree series of tasks:

    educational taskschi(develop cognitive interest in something through learning new material; facilitate the acquisition certain knowledge, skills, abilities through independent work; expand your understanding of something; develop motivation for a certain type of activity, include it in cognitive activity, etc.),

    • educational tasks(to form in students universal moral value orientations, social activity through participation in public events, civic position, environmental awareness through studying the world of living nature and the conditions affecting it, the culture of communication and behavior through joint activities, develop healthy lifestyle skills through participation in a poster competition, etc.),

      tasks developing aboutcess(develop business qualities - independence, accuracy, responsibility, activity, ensure harmonious aesthetic and physical development; form the needs for self-knowledge, self-development).

    Indicated view program (adapted, modified, original), its relevance and practical significance for students.

Currently, the use of the concept "adapted program" on the basis of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” is determined

“a program adapted for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.”

A brief characteristics of age and individualdual features children involved in the association. Described compound children's group (fixed, variable), set features students (free, competitive).

    Knowledge, skills and abilities are predicted, which students must acquire during the course of the program. Are listed personality traits, which can develop in children during classes. In the program, the evaluation criteria shouldusbe presentNecessarily! It is necessary to indicate ways to take into account knowledge and skills, possible options for assessing the personal qualities of students. Testing, tests, exams, exhibitions, competitions, concerts, competitions, open classes for parents, educational and research conferences, etc. can be used as assessment procedures.

    The necessity of using certain equipment, manuals, equipment, etc. is substantiated.

Educational and thematic plan

Characterizing mode of organizing classes , you must specify:

Lesson duration

Frequency per week

Number of hours per week

Total hours per year

3 hours

3 times

9 hours

324 h

Design The curriculum is recommended in the form of a table :

As a rule, this part of the plan is presented in the form of a table, and we offer two options for different types of children's associations.

First option(traditional) is suitable for those associations of additional education in which the content of educational activities is studied sequentially and has a more or less specific time for studying each topic of the educational program.

The calendar plan in these children's associations can be designed as follows:

Name of sections and topics

Total hours






Section title


Topic name


Topic name


Section title


Topic name


Topic name

Total hours:

Second option drawing up a calendar plan for educational work can be proposed for those children's associations in which all the educational topics indicated in the educational program are studied not sequentially, but in parallel. Among such children's associations, it is necessary to mention, first of all, musical, sports and choreographic ones, since each educational lesson in them includes all areas of educational work.

For these children's associations, we can propose the following form of calendar plan:

Titles of sections and topics










1. Section


Total hours




Total hours



Total hours:

With this planning option, in the “Name of topics” column,All educational topics are written out in accordance with the educationalprogram, and then in the columns with the names of the months reflectsstudy each topic throughout the school year.

    The section name is indicated, then itreveals itself promisingly, and thus creates an idea of ​​the volume and content of knowledge that is given in the classroom. The content of sections and topics should be disclosed in the order of their presentation in the curriculum. Usually the first topic of the program is an introduction to the subject being studied.

    Organizational forms of classes are indicated(individual or group, theoretical or practical), examples of classes, games, competition plans, tests, research can be given, that is, those forms of work that allow children to master the material most effectively.

    The methods of work of the teacher are indicated(verbal, visual, practical). The effectiveness of the lesson is ensured by good organization of children’s independent activities. The teacher must teach children how to work independently, create a work culture and teach them to work together, helping each other.

    The didactic material used is listed.

Requirements for the program:

The text is typed in the editorWordforWindowsfontTimesNewRoman, font 12-14 (in the table font 12 is allowed), single line spacing, no hyphens in the text, width alignment, paragraph 1.25 cm, left margins 3 cm, remaining 1.5 2 cm; centering of headings and paragraphs in the text is performed using toolsWord, sheets of A4 format. Tables are inserted directly into the text.

The title page is considered the first, but is not numbered.

Schedule-thematic planning can be presented in the form of a table or text.

The bibliography is constructed in alphabetical order, indicating the city and name of the publishing house, year of publication, number of pages of the document (book), EOR.


The list should be quite extensive. It should include both literature used by the teacher to prepare classes, and scientific literature that expands the horizons of the teacher himself. A separate list of literature can be compiled for children and parents on the subject of classes (to expand the range of educational impact and help parents in teaching and raising a child).

Requirements for the preparation of a list of references

The list of references is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST. They are as follows.

All literature sources are placed in strictly alphabetical order from 1 to last.

When describing a book, you should indicate: the author's surname, then initials (if any); the full title of the book (without quotes!). After a slash (“/”) - it is indicated under whose editorship the book was published (/Ed.

P. P. Volkova), as well as a translator (/Translated by A. Levina). Pay attention to the placement of initials! At the beginning of the line, the author's surname comes first, then the initials; when indicating the person under whose editorship the work was published, first the initials, then the surname.

If an article from a book is cited, then “//” is placed, after which the title is indicated without quotes.

After that there is a dot and a dash.

Then the city where the book was published is indicated; publishing house; number of the year of publication (the word “year” is not written). It is allowed to omit the publisher, then indicate the city and year. Only the names of cities are abbreviated: Moscow - M.; Leningrad - Leningrad; St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg.


    Kalashnikov A.G. What is the pedagogical process. - M., 1926.

    Naumenko G.M. Songs of the winter round of courtyards // Folk art. - M., 1982. - No. 11.

    Regional program for the development of general education in the Saratov region for 1996-1998 /Ed. L. G. Vyatkina, N. P. Kornyushkina. - Saratov: Slovo, 1996.

Methodological support for the additional educational program:

Providing the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, excursions, competitions, etc.).

Didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work, etc.

Planned results of the teacher’s activities

A structural element of the program, including a list of control and measuring material. If the control and measuring material has been developed and recommended for use in specific areas, then a link is made to the training manual.

    Economy. Grades 10-11: control tasks, tests\aut.-comp. O.I. Medvedeva.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-166 p.


(Appendix is ​​an example form of an explanatory note)


Additional general developmental program …………….. with a “_____________” focus, developed on the basis of:

Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children (approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r), Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 29 August 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs”,

When developing an additional general development program………. directions "___________________" were used:

Model (Approximate) program……….., approved (approved) ………… (if available), indicate the output data (publisher, year of publication), authors - compilers.

Note : If several standard (example) programs were used when developing an educational program, it is recommended to indicate all sources used.

The purpose of the additional general development program “___________________” “___________________”: ……………

Objectives of the additional general development program ………… focus “__________________”: ……………

Relevance of the additional general developmental program……….. with a focus on “___________________”………….

The novelty of the additional general development program…………………. directionality “___________________”……………(indicated if available). Age of students for which this educational program is designed……… Minimum age of children for enrollment in education………

Time frame for the implementation of the additional general development program………………… with the focus “___________________”……………

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