Three-dimensional reality. Dismantling Three-Dimensional Reality. Hathors via Tom Kenyon. And now, Dear Family, let us return to the Man who stands on the mountain and feels Grace. What dimension is He in now?

    For thousands of years now, people have been thinking about the topic of Time and Space. At the very beginning, almost all the basic principles for using these concepts in our thinking were formulated. Since then, all this has only been clarified and supplemented. But nothing fundamentally has changed. In this work we will not analyze the historical development of views on Space-Time. We'll try something different. We will assume that the development of our consciousness and thinking has approached a boundary where the thousand-year-old formulations of these concepts have become a brake and a limiting factor. We will assume that this manifests itself in all human relationships, and primarily in science. We will proceed from the fact that it is possible to understand this boundary, and, therefore, to at least partially define the concepts of Time and Space, if we try to draw an analogy between this situation and the process of transition of human thinking from a geocentric model to a heliocentric one.

1.2. Structure of the Unified Reality Model

    A person comes into life from afar. He appears as a small spark from the black void of history, flying in the first nine months of his existence several billion years of the existence of Life - a cell, an amphibian, a monkey, a man. Over the next 20-30 years of its development, it catches up with humanity in its universal history by learning, adopting the knowledge, culture and experience accumulated by humanity. He becomes not just a person, but a person of some kind of action. For the next 50-60 years he will perform this action. But on the clock of humanity, its last years will be an unnoticeable moment. The development of a particular person from this point of view looks like a slowing down process. The development of all humanity, on the contrary, is an accelerating process.

1.3. Space and time

    In this chapter we will finally answer the main questions for which we started - “What are Space and Time?”

    “To define a thing, you need to go beyond its limits” - this principle was formulated a long time ago. Is it possible to go beyond Space-Time? In our model with a hierarchical structure this is possible. Of course, if we assume that there are more general things than reality and Space-Time. We will proceed precisely from this - from the assumption that in the unified Reality there is a higher level than those that we have talked about so far.

1.4. 3D reality

    Developing new logic is very similar to putting together a picture of cubes. You sit, heaps of cubes are piled up around you, you pick one up, twist it, twirl it, then another, a third. Finally, one seemed to come up. You sit, admire, and fold again. Suddenly you realize it’s not the same. Out of anger you will scatter everything, trample your feet, yell, and leave. Then you’ll still come back and do it all over again. Of course, now that I have experience and intuition, everything has become easier. But the essence is still the same - cubes, nerves and simple selection.

The Elevatron sound meditation is designed to help us through the current passage, which the Hathors estimate is one of the most difficult stages of planetary transformation.

Discussing the effect of this sound meditation, they said that "your cellular structure will relax, freeing itself from stress and illusory states of perception." What they mean by this cryptic statement is that Elevatron meditation reduces the body's stress reactions, and, in their opinion, an excessive reaction to stress creates delusional states of consciousness.

In other words, when we are exposed to excessive stress pressure, our mental and emotional perspectives become twisted, and we respond less appropriately to our life situations than in a more “relaxed” state.

I believe that the Hathors' description of working with meditation requires no further explanation. So I won't discuss this further except to say that it's best to listen to it on headphones. Moreover, listening is believing. If this meditation “tells” you anything, I would include it in your daily anti-stress program. If she does not resonate with you, then there is no point in working with her. But whether you choose to work with this meditation or not, I think it would be wise to use some method of mentally, emotionally and spiritually centering yourself on a daily basis.

Feeling the strong energy messages coming to me from the Hathors during the transmission of this message, I remembered how our algebra teacher liked to say in the 9th grade, when we began a more complex section of mathematics: “Before it starts to get better, it will get better.” even worse".

Ultimately, how we respond to the problems and challenges of intersecting Chaotic Nodes and radical changes to our 3D reality is and always will be solely our responsibility. No one is going to save us from ourselves.

Although the tone of this message is indeed alarming, I think we would do well to maintain a reasonable sense of humor. As Mark Twain once said, “Some things in life are so serious that all you have to do is laugh.”

In my experience, this type of humor arises from the understanding that our world is largely illusory. And although our embodied part is forced to fight changes in three-dimensional reality, our transcendental, spiritual part is above this “fight”, since it exists in dimensions that do not depend on time, space and the gravity well of the Earth.

Somewhere between these two polarities, embodied man and interdimensional freedom, there is a funny place in our consciousness.

If you find this place, it will become an invaluable ally in your search for your higher path.

2014 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved

You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you desire so long as you do not charge for it, alter it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice.

Translation: Yan Lysakova

Edited by Valery Lysakov

Emergence theory is a new physical model currently being developed by a group of scientists in Los Angeles. The theory's goal is intimately but simply to weave together quantum mechanics, general and special relativity, the standard model, and the other basic theories of physics into a complete, fundamental picture of a discretized, self-realizing Universe.

At the heart of the formalism of the physical theory of emergence is a concept that is quickly gaining a place in the community of theoretical physicists: all reality consists of information. What is information? Information is the meaning conveyed by symbols. Languages ​​and codes are groups of such symbols that convey meaning. The different possible arrangements of these symbols are governed by rules. The language user makes arbitrary choices about how to arrange these symbols to produce meaningful meaning, according to rules. Therefore, the existence of information must involve a chooser or some form of consciousness for it to be actualized.

We identify two classes of symbols. One class contains those symbols that subjectively represent something other than the symbols themselves. For example, the shape of two intersecting diagonal lines ("X") may represent the mathematical concept of multiplication, an English letter, or a kiss (as a common abbreviation in English). The letter shapes "K-O-T" can represent a specific animal that we all know and love, but can also represent something else if we choose. The second and perhaps more fundamental class of symbols are those that represent ultra-low subjectivity. An example is the shape of a square, which represents the shape of a square. Such a geometric language using geometric symbols can express geometric meaning.

Experimentally observed reality turns out to be geometric on all scales, from the Planck level to the largest structures. Theoretical physicists hypothesize that a purely geometric language, or code using geometric symbolism, represents the fundamental way in which meaning is expressed in our physical reality. We will return to this later.

The central feature of reality exhibiting geometric behavior is that all fundamental particles and forces in nature, including gravity, can transform into each other in a process called gauge transformation. The symmetry of these transformations can be represented as exactly corresponding to the vertices of an 8-dimensional polyhedron, the E8 lattice. However, we do not live in an 8-dimensional universe. Experimental evidence shows that we live in a universe consisting of only three spatial dimensions.

What kind of geometric language or code, then, could express a geometric three-dimensional reality that is deeply connected to the 8-dimensional E8 lattice?

Scientists believe the answer lies in the language and mathematics of quasicrystals. A quasicrystal is an aperiodic, but not random, pattern or circuit. A quasicrystal in any single dimension is created by the projection of a crystal—a periodic pattern—from a higher dimension to a lower one. For example, imagine a projection of a 3-dimensional chessboard—or a cubic lattice made of equally spaced cubes of equal sizes—on a 2-dimensional plane at a certain angle. This 3-dimensional cubic lattice represents a periodic pattern that can stretch indefinitely in all directions. The 2D projected object is not a periodic pattern. It is distorted due to the angle of projection and contains not one shape that repeats endlessly, as in a 3-dimensional crystal, but a finite number of different shapes (prototiles), which are oriented in a certain way among themselves, obey certain rules and laws and fill the entire two-dimensional plane in all directions.

By analyzing a 2D projection, with the right mathematical and trigonometric tools, it is possible to reconstruct the “mother” object in 3D (in this example, a cubic lattice crystal). A famous example of a 2-dimensional quasicrystal is the Penrose tiling, which was conceived by Roger Penrose in the 1970s, in which a 2-dimensional quasicrystal is created by projecting a 5-dimensional cubic lattice onto a 2-dimensional plane.

Penrose mosaic

Emergence theory focuses on the projection of the 8-dimensional E8 crystal into 4- and 3-dimensional space. When a basic 8-dimensional lattice cell E8 (a 240-vertex shape called a "Gosset polyhedron") is projected into 4D, two identical 4-dimensional shapes of different sizes are created. The ratio of their sizes is the golden ratio. Each of these figures is constructed from 600 3-dimensional tatrahedra, rotated away from each other at an angle based on the golden ratio. Scientists call this 4-dimensional shape "Cell-600". Such shapes interact in a certain way (intersect in 7 ways related to the golden ratio, and “kiss” in a certain way) to form a 4-dimensional quasicrystal. By taking the 3-dimensional subspaces of this 4-dimensional quasicrystal and rotating them away from each other at a certain angle, we form a 3-dimensional quasicrystal that has only one type of prototile: a 3-dimensional tetrahedron.

On a television screen or computer monitor, the smallest, indivisible unit is a 2-dimensional pixel. In our three-dimensional quasicrystalline reality, the tetrahedron is the smallest indivisible unit. A three-dimensional pixel of reality, if you will. Each tetrahedron represents the smallest possible three-dimensional shape that can exist in this reality: the length of each of its edges is the Planck length (the shortest length known in physics), which is 10 35 times less than a meter. These three-dimensional pixels combine with each other according to specific geometric rules, filling the entire space.

On a 2D screen, pixels never move. They simply change the values ​​of brightness and color, and the illusion of value (in the form of a pattern) is created by their combined values. Similarly, tetrahedra in a three-dimensional quasicrystal never move. Instead, they act like a binary language: at any time, each tetrahedron can be selected as "on" or "off" by a code statement. If it is "on", it can be in one of two states: "turned left" or "turned right".

Imagine one frozen moment in time in the entire universe. Let's call this moment "moment 1" for illustration. At moment 1, the three-dimensional quasicrystal that fills the entire universe is in "state 1", and in this state some tetrahedra are on, some are off, some are turned to the left, some are turned to the right. Now imagine the next frozen moment in time “moment 2”. At moment 2 the quasicrystal is in “state 2”. In this new state, many tetrahedra are in states different from their states at moment 1. Now imagine a hundred such moments. Now imagine the movement of all these frozen moments.

If you think of movies, a moving image consists of single, still frames that are shot and projected at a specific speed (24 frames per second in most modern films). In the scientists' model, one second contains 10 44 still frames. Many of the patterns of these frame patterns occur on the 3D quasicrystal. These patterns become more meaningful and complex over time. Gradually, forms appear on the quasicrystal that resemble particles and act like them. In particular, one of the many interesting predictions of emergence theory concerns the special pixel substructure of electrons, particles that are currently believed to be dimensionless, albeit without evidence. Over time, these particles take on more and more complex forms until they form the reality we know.

The theory of physical emergence considers space-time within the framework of Einstein's space-time model, when the future and past exist simultaneously in one geometric object. Scientists view this object as a system in which all frames of space-time interact with all other frames constantly. In other words, there is a constant, dynamic, cause-and-effect loop of relationships between all points in time, with the past influencing the future and the future influencing the past.

They consider consciousness to be both emergent and fundamental. In its fundamental form, consciousness exists within each tetrahedron/pixel in a three-dimensional quasicrystal in the form of so-called view vectors. These view vectors can be represented by microscale observers in the traditional quantum mechanical sense. These observers actualize reality by making ultra-fast choices on Planck scales about the binary state of pixels (on, off, left, right) at each moment in time. This fundamental, primitive, yet highly sophisticated form of consciousness directs the patterns of quasicrystalline point space towards ever greater significance. Ultimately, consciousness expands to higher degrees of order, such as nature and life as we know it. Life and consciousness continue to expand from this point on, expanding into all corners of the universe. Imagine how humans will one day fill trillions of galaxies - their instantaneous network of communications and high levels of consciousness will grow into a giant neural network of universal proportions, a kind of collective consciousness. This collective consciousness conceals the fundamental, "primitive" consciousness that powers the quasicrystal from which it emerges.

A creates B.

B creates C.

C creates A.

There are no known laws in physics that set an upper limit on what percentage of the universe can exponentially self-organize into free systems like us humans. Physics allows for the possibility of transforming all the energy of the Universe into a single conscious system, which itself will be a network of conscious systems. Given enough time, anything can happen. And what is possible is inevitable.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because, and at each level of consciousness and

A three-dimensional universe defined by density, structure and shape; everything has its height, width and depth.

Consists of matter, particles, people, places, things, objects and time (locality).

Separation, polarity and duality.

Reality is determined by feelings.

Based on the known and predictable.

Space is infinite and eternal.

Time is finite and linear.

Feelings of duality, polarity and separation.


Consciousness of someone alone, someone, something, in some space and time.

Since we experience the material universe through our senses, they give us information that is deposited in our brain in the form of patterns that we recognize as patterns of behavior, and through this process we gain knowledge, that is, we learn about various things and phenomena in the external world. environment. Also through this process we become an individual, a person, we acquire something, we are somewhere and in some time. Finally, because we experience the universe with our senses, we experience separation; therefore it is a world of duality and polarity.

Now take a look at Figure 11.7. If the Newtonian world is a material world perceived through the senses, then in the quantum world the opposite is true. This intangible world perceived Without feelings; in other words, there is nothing there that can be felt, there is no matter there. While the Newtonian world is based on predictable, known quantities such as matter, particles, people, places, things, objects and time, the quantum dimension is unpredictable and consists of light, frequency, information, vibration, energy and consciousness.

If our three-dimensional world is a dimension of matter, in which there is more space than time, then the quantum world is a dimension antimatter– a place where there is more time than space. Because there is more time than space, all possibilities exist in the eternal moment of the present. While the three-dimensional world represents our universe (Latin word universum literally means "single totality"), that is, a single reality, the quantum world is a "multiverse", that is, many realities. If the reality of space-time is based on separateness, then the immaterial quantum world, or unified field, is based on unity, connectedness, wholeness and generality (non-locality).

To move from the known space-time (three-dimensional) universe, consisting of matter, where we experience duality and polarity, into the unknown time-space (five-dimensional) multiverse - a place where there is no matter, but there is light, information, frequency, vibration, energy and consciousness, we need to cross the bridge. Such a bridge represents the speed of light. When we free ourselves from our personality and become pure consciousness, no one and nothing, beyond space and time, we cross this border from matter to energy.

When Einstein introduced the equation E=mc 2 in his special theory of relativity, he demonstrated for the first time in the history of science that, from a mathematical point of view, energy and matter are related. The speed of light converts matter into energy. This means that any matter that travels faster than light leaves our 3D reality and becomes immaterial energy. In other words, in the three-dimensional world, the speed of light is the threshold for matter—that is, anything physical—to hold its shape. Nothing material can travel faster than the speed of light, not even information. Anything that moves from one point to another slower than the speed of light takes time. Thus, time becomes the fourth dimension.

Time connects the three-dimensional world with the fifth-dimensional and other worlds.

When something travels faster than the speed of light, there is no time or separation between two points of consciousness, because all matter becomes energy. This is how you move from three dimensions to five, from the universe to the multiverse, from this dimension to all the others.

Figure 11.8

Let me give you an example to make this complex idea a little easier. French physicist Alain Aspect conducted a famous quantum physics experiment in the early 1980s, called the Bell Control Experiment. In this study, scientists combined two photons, forming a bond between them. Then they shot two photons in different directions, creating distance and space between them. When they affected one photon, causing it to disappear, the other photon disappeared at the same time. This experiment became a cornerstone in the history of quantum physics because it proved that Einstein's theory of relativity was not entirely correct.

This experiment proved the existence of a unified field of information that exists beyond three-dimensional space and time and unites all matter. If two particles of light were not connected by some invisible field of energy, it would take time for information to move from one local point in space to another. According to Einstein's theory, if one particle disappeared, another particle should disappear a moment later - unless they occupied the same place at the same time. If the second photon were impacted a millisecond later, because they were separated by space, time would play a role in the transfer of information. This would confirm that the ceiling of this physical reality is the speed of light and everything material that exists here is separated.

But since both particles disappeared at the same time, it proved that all matter - bodies, people, things, objects, places and even time - is connected by frequency and information in a world beyond 3D reality and time.

Any “things” beyond matter are in a state of unity.

Information was transferred non-locally between two photons. Since there is no separation between two points of consciousness in fifth-dimensional reality, there is no linear time. There are all times.

Physicist David Bohm called the quantum world an implicit order in which everything is connected to everything. And the material world of separation was called by him explicit order. If you look again at Figure 11.7, it will help you understand the structure of both worlds.

Figure 11.9

When you take your attention away from your own personality and cease to be someone in some place and time, becoming no one and nothing, outside space and time, you become pure consciousness. Your consciousness merges with the unified field of consciousness and energy, and connects with the consciousness of everyone and everything, every thing, place and time. Therefore, as you plunge deeper into the black void, where there is nothing physical, you-consciousness becomes less separated from the consciousness of the unified field. If you can increase your awareness and awareness of the field by directing your attention to it, you will be putting your energy and attention directly into the field. And thus, as you move towards it, you will experience a decrease in separation and an increase in wholeness.

And finally, since in the unified field there is only the eternal moment of the present, because there is no linear time there (all time is there), the consciousness and energy of the unified field, which gives form to all matter, always resides in the eternal now. Thus, in order for you to connect and unite with it, you yourself must be completely in the present moment. If you look at Figure 11.9, you will see how you can eliminate your separateness and individual consciousness to experience the unity and wholeness of the unified field.

One last note about the speed of light. In this material world, visible light has a frequency based on polarity (electrons, positrons, photons, etc.). If you turn a few pages and look at Figure 11.10, according to the scale, light is produced approximately around the third wave. Above this frequency wave, matter moves from form to energy and singularity, and below this frequency, separation and polarity begin. When the formation of light occurs, photons, electrons and positrons are created because its visible field holds the information pattern of matter as an organized frequency in the patterns of light.

At this point of light formation, the Big Bang occurred - here the singularity became duality and polarity, and as a result the universe appeared in the form of organized information and matter. This is why this void is an eternal blackness: there is no visible light there.

Since matter vibrates at a very low frequency, in order to enter the time-space dimension, or unified field, you do not have to be a body or matter, you have to become nothing.

You cannot take your personality with you, you have to become impersonal. You cannot take anything with you, you must be left with nothing. You cannot be there somewhere, you must be nowhere. Finally, if you live with a familiar past and a predictable future and perceive time linearly, you must experience timelessness in order to enter the world of time-space. So how do you do this? You will direct your attention to the unified field - not with feelings, but with consciousness. When you change your consciousness, you will raise your energy. The more you become aware of this invisible field, the further you will move away from material separation and approach unity.

So now you are in the quantum or unified field. This is a world of information connecting everyone, every thing, every place and time.

One of the criteria for our (spiritual) self-development is the degree of expansion of our consciousness. Probably many people know about this and even have an opinion about what this expression means. We will not consider this issue now; we will only note two points:
1. The expansion of consciousness is accompanied by an expansion of the range of perception of information and a deepening of understanding of what is perceived - in the process of moving along the path of self-development, our ability to perceive information that was previously inaccessible to us increases. For example, we begin to see the aura, internal organs without the use of technical means, understand the true reasons for human behavior without logical analysis, the possibility of telepathic communication appears, etc.
2. Gradually, our usual mechanisms of information distortion are replaced by the possibilities of obtaining direct knowledge - reflecting the perceived information directly in consciousness. With this method of perception, we cease to introduce purely rational distortions into our understanding, and instead, our capabilities are limited only by the existing field of understanding - life experience that has formed the internal picture of awareness of the world.
When direct perception becomes possible, even to a minimal extent, the flow of information directed towards us begins to increase, understanding expands, and the volume of knowledge rapidly increases.
If a person manages to remain in a state of direct perception for a long enough time, this state begins to develop rapidly, and his information capabilities grow like a snowball.

Self-tuning, expanding our perception, can serve understanding thatour world is not limited to three-dimensional physical reality. Such understanding itself can weaken the effect of rational blockages formed by the traditional system of views and a spontaneous (spontaneous) opening of sleeping (inactive) paraphysical channels of information perception may occur, or we will have the opportunity to search for new possibilities of perception, both within ourselves and outside.
Let's speculate a little.

Many teachings and systems have long offered people to activate and master our innate, but still little manifested, paraphysical abilities associated with other dimensions. The term itself, “multidimensionality,” is more of an abstraction than something concrete. But abstraction cannot be successfully used in a very concrete world. This means that the abstraction needs to be specified or supplemented with obvious analogies. Only in this case can it be used in practice.
The concept of “multidimensionality” is easier to imagine if, for example, we call the subtle planes of consciousness – other dimensions. But such an approach will not be too correct from the point of view of geometry-planimetry. Still, the internal understanding of two-dimensionality-three-dimensionality-four-dimensionality is more of a geometric-spatial structure than an information-energetic one.
It is easier to imagine the subtle planes of reality in the form of, for example... the world of ultra-high-frequency radio waves that permeate the physical world. This analogy is more understandable to us, because invisible radio waves are easier for us to imagine. Then the understanding and presentation of subtle planes becomes a little clearer... although in my perception (?), understanding (?), any subtle plane of reality has a number of dimensions - more than three!

But multidimensionality, like geometry, like space, is also very important, because without it, it is IMPOSSIBLE to imagine the mechanisms of instant interactions, ultra-high-speed processes, contacts over long distances, at which there are no distances, etc. For us, beings accustomed to three-dimensionality, it is difficult, even impossible, to imagine a World containing more than three dimensions. But you need to imagine, and people have long come up with an analogy that makes this task easier.

Let's imagine that we are TWO-DIMENSIONAL beings. And a world that has more dimensions than a plane is a world of multidimensionality. This is a classic, reusable model.

So, let us be two-dimensional creatures and our world is the surface of a lake, a film of zero thickness. Let us ask ourselves a question: how will the creature of this two-dimensional world perceive an ordinary three-dimensional person slowly entering the lake?
First, in a flat world, out of nowhere (!), two objects will appear (materialize) - human legs. More precisely, not the legs themselves, but two spots on the film of the flat world - in the places where the legs contact the film itself. Then the spots (two-dimensional objects) will “merge” into one spot, but of a larger size - the torso... more precisely, two spots will be transformed, united into one - the projection of the person’s torso onto the two-dimensional world, its “CUT” by the plane of the surface of the lake. Even later, suppose two more objects are added - hands.
If a person enters the water up to his neck, then all these objects will turn into one, sharply decreasing in size. And if hair also gets into the water, then the picture will become completely unusual - one (single) object (person) is manifested, materialized in the form of many different types, different-sized objects. Those. from the position of a “flat” observer, miracles of transformation and materialization-dematerialization occur - new separate (!) objects can appear, or existing ones can disappear, dematerialize...

Particularly “enlightened” flat beings will claim that all this multitude of objects is, in fact, a single being called “Man bathing, three-dimensional” J . And it is unlikely that such an “enlightened one” would be believed. At best, he will be laughed at if there are no natives who are more aggressive.
(Do you see some analogy with human reactions - how many people today relate to poorly explained facts and unusual, unconventional views of the world?)

Let's agree to call these "spots" PROJECTIONS of a multidimensional object onto a world with fewer dimensions. The term "section" would be more accurate, but only for people with technical education. It's better to have a projection.

What if all these “spots” had their own consciousness (!) with self-identification as individuals? Imagine that the projection of our index finger would suddenly consider itself a separate two-dimensional intelligent being, not realizing its true nature!... and how could it know who it really is if it perceives the world as a plane? ...then the hair projections would be separate beings or objects that have nothing to do with the finger projection. Funny? - Not sure.
I wonder what would happen if the Finger Projection were imbued with the idea of ​​multidimensionality and began to seek contact (sensation of contact, contact information, awareness of contact) with the entire Human organism? After all, theoretically this would be possible, because The projection of the Finger has a direct, IMMEDIATE connection with that object-subject-consciousness, the search for which he is so concerned about! True, it is not clear how he can be taught to perceive the world in three dimensions, without which a successful search for contact is hardly possible, or is very limited.

What is the point of this often used example, which has become a classic because of its clarity (the surface of a lake, like a flat world)? The fact is that this analogy perfectly demonstrates and easily explains many consequences of the “Object – Projection” interaction. In particular, it becomes almost clear that the projection (slice) of a multidimensional being (object) onto the World with a smaller number of dimensions,
1. may change dynamically
2. gives an extremely incomplete and distorted idea of ​​the object itself
3. can “appear” and “disappear” (without violating the laws of the world with b
O larger number of measurements)
4. can serve as a channel for accessing a multidimensional object.
5. that leaving the three-dimensional plane of reality is not the death of consciousness (personality).

Moreover, using this analogy, you can explain a lot of what is happening on our planet today...

The only question is, won’t these explanations be pure fantasies? After all, in the same way you can use the idea of ​​aliens, evil spirits or... anything and, without violating logic, explain and justify facts related to UFOs, poltergeists, or, for example, shift the reasons for your bad actions onto the shoulders of someone else’s “external” uncles
Still, the main criterion for the truth of any explanation is experience. Both my statements and reasoning about multidimensionality are no better than religious, scientific or children's hypotheses about the structure of the world. You need practice, internal – in this case – experience in applying this or that idea.

After all, none of the modern ideas are correct or complete. All ideas, to one degree or another, are wrong. But if they “work”, then why not use them?

... In accordance with the above analogy, three-dimensional objects can (and are) a projection (three-dimensional slice) of four- and more-dimensional objects. And through projections, you can organize access to multidimensionality, if you have the appropriate means of access and developed understanding.

If we accept the described concept, then materialization-dematerialization, resurrection, the use of unknown forces (the Creator can also be considered as a being with the Consciousness of Multidimensionality), etc. - these are completely “legal” phenomena that have nothing to do with violations of the laws of nature and other “miracles”.
And the methods of teachings and systems that produce results that are inexplicable from the point of view of “three-dimensional” science are simply tools of interaction, means of using objects, laws and technologies that implement communication with the multidimensional world.

And one more thing about projections.
Our thoughts, intentions, images, ideas, etc. – any manifestations of the activity of consciousness – are also objects-projections of multidimensionality. They, with the appropriate method of application, can serve as tools for communication with the forces of a multidimensional (divine from our point of view) level.
And the laws of our three-dimensional World are nothing more than a consequence of the laws of the four-dimensional World, its particulars. For example, the law of Universal Gravitation is just a consequence of attraction, the “sticking together” of objects floating on the surface of lake J.
Our “material” objects, including atoms and molecules - slices of objects that have b O greater number of measurements.

In nature, there are many objects formed according to geometric laws (angles, triangles, rectangles, cubes, sphere circles...). If we use the principle of projection, we can see that the shape of a flat “cut” of almost any spatial geometric figure depends on its orientation relative to the cut plane. If we take the shape of an Egyptian pyramid as an example, then in a cut you can get a square, a triangle, a trapezoid...
The only figure whose cut shape remains unchanged is the SPHERE. Maybe that’s why in some teachings it is called the “ideal structure.”

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