Training options for the Unified State Exam in literature. Exam in literature. Unified State Examination dates in literature

On April 1, 1,200 graduates passed early Unified State Exam according to literature, the rest can still prepare until May 27

Text: Natalya Lebedeva/RG, especially for the “Year of Literature”
Collage: Year of Literature.RF

On April 1, graduates passed the early Unified State Exam in literature. According to official data, in 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 1.2 thousand people took part in the early stage. The main stage, according to the approved schedule, will take place on May 27.

Let us remind you that this is an optional exam. The exam version consists of 2 parts, including 17 tasks. Students will have 3 hours 55 minutes to complete all the proposed tasks. The established minimum possible score in literature is 32 points.

If you are planning to receive liberal arts education, it’s worth finding out in advance what the passing grade in literature was at your desired university last year. To enter pedagogical universities usually it is enough to dial 65–70 points. At Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, RUDN University, Russian State University for the Humanities, HSE, the passing score for future linguists and journalists is much higher - no less 80 . It is also worth considering that winning the Literature Olympiad is equivalent to 100 points provided that victories in specialized Olympiads count towards admission to the chosen university.

An equally important question that worries all graduates is what textbooks to use when preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature. Here is a list of teaching aids that teachers and tutors most often recommend to their students:

  • “Russian literature of the 19th–20th centuries. Tutorial for those entering universities", 2 volumes, published by the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University
  • "Text. Russian manual XIX literature century" N. M. Azarova
  • “Unified State Exam. Literature. Universal reference book", L. A. Skubachevskaya, N. V. Slautina, T. V. Nadozirnaya and others, Eksmo publishing house
  • "Literature. Thematic workbook FIPI", E. L. Erokhina, publishing house "Exam"
  • “Unified State Exam. Literature: examination tasks”, S. A. Zinin
  • Demo version of the Unified State Examination in literature from the FIPI website and accompanying documentation.

Sergei Aleksandrovich Zinin, leading researcher, talks about how best to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature, which will be in 2016. Federal Institute pedagogical measurements, head of the Federal Commission for the development of control measuring materials for state final certification in educational programs basic general and secondary general education in literature, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. He hopes that the return to the compulsory curriculum will be an additional lever to ensure that schoolchildren read literature.

And of course, as we have already written, the main advice that can be given to graduates is read books!

The main goal of the Unified State Examination in literature is to identify basic and highly specialized knowledge during the period of studying world and Russian literature.

Possible execution test tasks with multiple choice answers and writing an essay, most often on moral and ethical topics.

Distribution of tasks into parts exam paper Unified State Examination 2019 in literature indicating primary points below infographic.

Maximum points - 42 (100%)

Total exam time - 235 minutes


Part 1

12 tasks B1–B12
(With a short answer)


Part 2

4 tasks С1–С4
(Detailed response)

Changes in the Unified State Exam KIM 2019 compared to 2018

  1. The requirements for completing tasks 9 and 16 have been clarified (the requirement to justify the choice of an example for comparison has been cancelled).
  2. The fourth topic of the essay has been introduced (17.4).
  3. The criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer (8, 9, 15, 16, 17) have been completely redesigned.
  4. The maximum score for the entire work has been increased from 42 to 57 points.

All this takes 235 minutes, which is enough if you know the subject.

To be fair, it is worth noting that anyone can pass the Unified State Examination in literature with a fairly high score. The main thing is to know the theory of the subject and understand the works of Russian literature. The website will help you understand all the basics of the discipline and feel confident at the Unified State Exam in Literature.

The portal presents different options for tasks. All of them are structured exactly in the way that awaits you during the exam process. Just practice and study every unclear question you encounter in the online Unified State Exam in Literature, and success is guaranteed.

Textbooks for grades 9-11 will come to the rescue. They can be downloaded directly from the site without any problems.

Before the practice of passing national exams was introduced in our country, literature belonged to the category of compulsory school exams. The examination in this subject involved writing a final essay, and the resulting grade was divided into two components. The first of these is direct assessment from the literature.

She was assessed on the basis of her ability to write a logical text, express a reasoned position, formulate conclusions and give examples of authoritative critics on a given topic. The second grade was given in the Russian language. It was influenced by the number of mistakes made in the essay. Today this examination is considered to be selective. The popularity of the “literary” exam is quite low - only 5% of schoolchildren indicate it among their priorities.

The Unified State Exam in Literature is not difficult, but does not cause any excitement

This fact can be explained: the results of the literature exam are accepted by universities that train philologists, linguists and future teachers of language and literature. These specialties today attract few graduates, as they are not classified as prestigious. The Unified State Exam in Literature is rated as uncomplicated - only 5% of examinees fail to complete it every year. The average test score is stable and has not dropped below 53.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2016

Unified State Examination dates in literature

Early period

  • April 1, 2016 (Fri) - Main Exam
  • April 21, 2016 (Thu) - Reserve

Main stage

  • May 27, 2016 (Fri) - Main Exam
  • June 24, 2016 (Fri) - Reserve

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2016

Fundamentally, the 2016 exam is no different from the 2015 version. One could even talk about some simplification of this Unified State Examination. If a year ago in this subject it was necessary to score 40 minimum test points, then in 2016 this figure was reduced to 32 points for the Unified State Exam (which is equal to only 8 primary points out of the maximum 42).

General information

Students are given 235 minutes to solve the exam task. There are not so many questions – 17. They are grouped into three categories:

  • B1–B12– tasks that require a short answer consisting of a word or phrase. Questions are asked based on the passages of works given on the ticket. Each task is worth 1 point and takes 5 minutes;
  • C1–C4- belong to a more complex category. They provide for the formulation of a detailed answer to a question regarding the given passage of the work. You can use general knowledge of the literature and refer to criticism and examples. Each task is worth 4 points and should take you no more than 15 minutes;
  • C5– in this task, students are asked to write a mini-on one of three mentioned topics The total volume of the essay is at least 200 words. You can devote almost 2 hours to the essay (provided that you met the time frame with previous assignments). Maximum primary score for him - 14.

What is important in an essay is the ability not to answer questions, but to think critically!

How to prepare?

To prepare for the literature exam, you need to start working on the demo version of this Unified State Exam in advance. You can download it on our website (see the beginning of the article). This will help you get used to this form of examination control, give you an idea of ​​the content and wording of the tasks, which will ultimately reduce the stress of the real exam. You will not only increase the level of your knowledge, but also provide important psychological preparation.

Don't forget the importance of the essay. Review previous years' topics and write a short essay on each of them. Re-read the criticism of the works and the works themselves from school curriculum. Remember that the literature exam is not just tests. You can earn maximum points only if you demonstrate the ability to competently express your thoughts, give critical assessment and argue your point of view.

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