In which nations is the name Joseph found? The meaning of the name Joseph. Diminutive and endearing forms of names

Since ancient times, people have known that the name has a sacred character. It was already known then that if you name the boat incorrectly, it won’t float. Therefore, the choice of a name for the child was approached with all responsibility. With the advent of Christianity, a child was often named after the calendar. It was believed that this helps children find guardian angels. In addition, people believed that this could influence the future character of the baby. For example, those named Anastasia are mostly proud people. From Greek it is translated as “resurrected.” Therefore, people with this name will not have any problem in overcoming difficulties in life. But Joseph different nations translated differently.

Name Joseph: origin

It is believed that its ancestors were the Jewish people. In Russia it was transformed from the hero Yosef. Literally it was translated as “God reward.” In other words, this had to be understood as the fact that God will give and multiply everything. Among Muslims, the name Joseph was transformed into Yusuf, one of the prophets. In general, among Asian peoples you can find different versions of it - Zhusup, Zhusip, Yosop and Yosyf.

Now the name Joseph is rare. More often children are called Osips. What is the interpretation of this name. In Orthodoxy, name days are appointed in accordance with the calendar. IN catholic church patron angel - Saint Joseph.

Joseph - the meaning of the name in childhood

It’s not for nothing that they say that children “resemble” their names. Therefore, you should not neglect his choice. So, Joseph in childhood is not distinguished by an easy-going disposition. Most often, their characteristic is extreme irritability. This lasts for seven years; by school the character is leveled out. Until this moment, parents should be patient and calmly find out what the child wants. Since childhood, Joseph has been characterized by whims and a pathological craving for lies.

During school time, the boy's character becomes calmer. True, during puberty there is a danger of making a teenager’s self-esteem extremely vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. In the future, this can develop into serious disturbances in the character of the individual.

Another feature of those named Joseph is respect for the female sex from an early age. If he likes a girl, then he sincerely protects and protects her, gives her gifts. There will be only tenderness and care on his part. Even as an adult, Joseph remains a gallant gentleman.

Dangerous aspects of the name Joseph

Few parents know that Joseph is a name that is often associated with certain difficulties. Under unfavorable circumstances, there is a risk of raising a person who is not of the best type. Because of their sensitive soul and vulnerable pride, such people become extremely irritable and react negatively to any criticism.

By the way, people named Joseph are resistant to addictions. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find drug addicts or alcoholics among them.


Much depends not only on what a person was named, but also on how he was raised and in what environment he grew up. In general, the young man will be distinguished by his kind-heartedness and complaisance. He is a skilled craftsman and will fix anything at home. Apparently, thanks to the biblical origin of the name, Joseph grows up to be so flexible. The secret of the name gives it protection from temptation. It is difficult to find a more highly moral and moral person than the bearer of this name. He will always come to the rescue of his friends.


Joseph is a name that is biblical in nature. Perhaps that is why its owner will make a good religious figure. Or esotericists advise paying attention to the sphere of politics or any social activity.

It is also worth considering the connection with the nature of people named Joseph. The meaning of the name, as mentioned earlier, is “God will increase.” Remember what profession Jesus Christ was? The correct answer is carpenter. His father, by the way, was called Joseph (meaning earthly father). Therefore, people with this name can choose to work as a woodcarver or forester. Creative professions, especially journalism, are not alien to them. According to numerologists, Josephs achieve great success in the field of art or trade.

Sex life

Few people think about the fact that the name leaves an imprint on the intimate side of life. How would you characterize people named Joseph in this question? The meaning of the name indicates that they have at least two children (since God gives everything, including fertility). Typically, Joseph makes an excellent father and cares fiercely for his children.

However, the Josephs often married more than once. In the first union they are often unhappy. The thing is that such men are usually indifferent to sex and do not have a hot temperament. Therefore, many women remain dissatisfied with the intimate side of marriage and file for divorce. Of course, a not very active sex life can have a negative impact on a young man’s self-esteem, but he will not make love against his will.

Woman for Joseph

Like any man, Joseph should think about choosing a life partner. Then his marriage will be happy. So, his ideal companion would be a girl who has an extremely strong-willed character and perseverance. She will need to organize her life perfectly. It is important to become for Joseph not just a wife, but a muse, an inspirer. She will need to instill confidence in her chosen one over and over again. With such support, Joseph achieves maximum success. The meaning of this man’s name is not in vain - “God gives everything.” A good option: a woman is older than her partner. It is important that she is undemanding about the intimate side of marriage.

Numerology of the name

It has long been clear to all esotericists that the formation of personality is influenced by a combination of factors. For example, in addition to an astrological forecast, they make a numerological forecast. It is based on a series of numbers calculated in a special way. So, Joseph is a name that is under the protection of the number five.

People born under this number are distinguished by freedom and independence. From an early age they are distinguished by special stubbornness, unwillingness to listen to anyone’s advice and accept it. The most important thing for boys will be to gain their experience and do things based on it. It is not in their nature to sit in one place; they love to travel. Therefore, their element is trade. The main pitfall is the desire to avoid responsibility.

Famous personalities

Before you give your child a name, look at the people who bore it. It is best to follow the example of historical figures. For example, Joseph Brodsky had a difficult character since childhood. During Soviet times, he openly played with fire, not wanting to write poetry that was pleasing to the authorities. Friends repeatedly warned him about the possible threat, but the poet did not listen to them. He was experiencing serious mental trauma, as he was betrayed by the woman he loved.

As you remember, the meaning of the name Joseph is “everything given by God.” If we take Brodsky’s personality, he ideally realized himself in creativity, achieving unprecedented success. But his life can hardly be called easy.

Another a famous person, already from our days - Joseph Prigogine. He also connected his life with creativity, becoming a producer. Well-known organizer of concerts and other performances. Since childhood, he was extremely hardworking. From the age of 12 he worked as a hairdresser in his native Makhachkala. Then he rushed to the capital of Russia, sincerely wanting to succeed in the field of an artist. I searched for myself for a long time. Unfortunately, Joseph Prigogine was a complete failure in his marriage. His conflicts with his ex-wife have already become public knowledge. money has become, and screenshots of correspondence between father and daughter are actively circulating on the Internet. The “happy daddy” himself more than once attacked his offspring with angry criticism, calling them mediocrities and losers.

In general, if you look at the examples, Joseph Brodsky is a famous and successful person who was able to make his name in history forever. And the same can be said about I. Prigogine good words. And failures happen in everyone’s life, even the most talented and famous person.

P. Rouget: the opinion of an esotericist

Many experts view the mystery of the name differently. So, Pierre Rouget believes that Joseph has the meaning of the name - “those who will come to us.” Such people are the most mysterious and balanced individuals. The basis of their character is will and activity. Therefore, if they wish, they achieve great status. Interesting fact: Their totem is the chestnut tree. Remember its fruits? A nut under a thick shell.

TO negative traits personality can be attributed to increased distrust and reluctance to listen to others. Joseph is demanding of himself and expects the same from everyone else. Prone to depression, this is especially noticeable in the example of Brodsky, whose gloomy poems have long become classics of the genre.

But on the positive side, you cannot find a more diligent person than Joseph. He is decent, which is an advantage for professions related to money. It is difficult to find a more reliable person as a friend. These are such interesting and extraordinary personalities - people named Joseph. The origin of the name is connected with biblical stories, and this imposes certain obligations on a person.

In any case, remember that ultimately much depends on the bearer of the name rather than on esoteric knowledge. Don't forget about the environment in which the child will grow up.

Joseph - God's reward (Hebrew). Russian folk form of the name Osip, which has become independent. The name was most common in the 19th - 1st half of the 20th centuries. Nowadays children are called it much less often.

Zodiac name: Virgo.

Planet: Mercury.

Name color: lilac.

Talisman stone: cornelian.

Auspicious plant : olive, aster.

Patron name : pigeon.

Happy day : Wednesday.

Happy time of year: summer.

Main features : dynamism, success.

Name days, patron saints

Joseph the Songwriter, Rev., April 17 (4). Born in Sicily into a pious Christian family. He became a monk at the age of 15. Then, during a difficult time for the church of iconoclastic persecutions, he found himself in Constantinople, preaching on the streets of the city, visiting the homes of Orthodox Christians, strengthening them against heretics. Orthodox monks chose Joseph as envoy to the Pope to inform him of the danger threatening the church. During the journey, Joseph was captured by Arab robbers and sent to the island of Crete. There he spent six years in prison and gained freedom only with the death of the iconoclast emperor Leo the Armenian.

Joseph built a church in Constantinople in the name of the Apostle Bartholomew; he wanted to solemnly honor his memory, but lamented that there were no songs of praise that glorified the memory of the saint. On the eve of the feast of the apostle, Bartholomew himself appeared to him at the altar and blessed him to write church hymns. They wrote about their strength and spirit like this: “When he began to write poetry, he amazed his ears with the wonderful pleasantness of the sound, and struck his heart with the power of his thoughts...” Joseph died at a ripe old age in 883.

The Monk Joseph was born in 1440 and at the age of 20 he chose the path of monastic exploits. After spending about 18 years in the monastery of St. Paphnutius of Borovsk, the monk decided to found a new monastery with strict communal rules and fulfilled his intention on the lands of the Volokolamsk principality.

The monastery of St. Joseph educated a whole school of famous monks. The monk himself served as an example to the brethren in everything. Many lay people came to him for spiritual advice, and those in need for help; at other times, the monastery fed up to 700 people every day.

In a difficult time for the Russian Church, the Lord raised up Saint Joseph to fight the heresy of the Judaizers that threatened the Church, and the confessional labors of the saint and his comrade-in-arms, Saint Gennady of Novgorod, were crowned with the victory of the Orthodox doctrine.

The Monk Joseph reposed peacefully in his monastery in 1515, in the 76th year of his life.

Folk signs and customs

People called Joseph the hymn-writer a hymn-singer: it is from April 17 that the voice of the cricket begins to sound and the crane gives its voice.

Name and character

As a child, Iosya is a rather capricious child: he is picky about food and can throw a tantrum in the store if he doesn’t buy the toy he likes. At all costs, he wants to prove to everyone around him his exclusivity. Parents need to restrain him. At school he is restless and a bully, he knows how to stand up for himself and for the girl he likes. He develops reverence for women from childhood.

The adult Joseph is an easy-going, kind, sympathetic person. At the same time, he is cunning and does not disdain lying if it helps achieve his intended goal. He is a person who knows how to wait, but at the same time his thoughts work intensively, he carefully analyzes, thinks through, and calculates everything, after which he suddenly becomes energetic, impetuous, and strong-willed. He completes all his tasks and strives for recognition of his activities.

Joseph has good math skills. He can be a scientist, designer, teacher of mathematics, physics. He has a good memory, is not devoid of a literary gift, the ability to popularize complex subjects, and can work in the editorial office of a technical magazine. Joseph can make a good career in trade.

Joseph is sociable, does not let his friends down, but does not promise much. He loves to travel and sometimes drinks even more than he should.

Joseph's wife must be beautiful and be able to cook well. Joseph is squeamish; he won’t eat in any house. He is a good, caring husband and father. His first marriage is not always successful, his second is usually much better. But he is always dissatisfied with his marriage; it seems to him that his wife underestimates him. Joseph has a very developed sense of duty. He takes care of the children from his first and second marriage until the end of his days. In his old age, Joseph becomes stingy and selfish.

The name Osip sounds somewhat firmer and greater firmness, pride and emotionality are added to the characteristics of the name.

Surname: Iosifovich, Iosifovna, Osipovich, Osipovna.

Famous personalities with the name Joseph

Osip Mikhailovich de Ribas (1749-1800), a Spaniard by nationality, was born in Naples. At the age of 17 he began serving as an officer, and in 1769 he volunteered for the navy. During the stay of Count A.G. Orlov with the squadron in Livorno, he managed to gain the count's favor. He took part in the capture of an impostor posing as the daughter of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Tarakanova, after which he was sent by Orlov to St. Petersburg. On the way to Russia, he very cleverly found out from his companion, a Russian officer, about the state of affairs at court, about influential persons, and upon arrival in St. Petersburg he quickly found himself a patron in the person of I.I. Betsky, a statesman under Catherine II, and through him became known to the empress herself.

In 1776, Ribas married the beloved maid of honor of Catherine II and pupil of A.I. Betsky. Sokolova. The wedding took place in the presence of the empress herself.

Soon O. de Ribas acquired a new patron - the famous G.A. Potemkin, whom he managed to please with a project to improve the fleet. His further fate continued under the command of Potemkin in the south, where he rose to the rank of major general. While serving in the navy in 1791, he was renamed rear admiral.

During the 2nd Turkish War, de Ribas showed outstanding courage and was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 3rd and 2nd class, St. George 3rd and 2nd class, a diamond sword and 800 souls of peasants. In 1789, he took the Turkish fortress of Hadzhibey and, paying attention to its advantageous location, presented a project for the founding of the port of Odessa in its place, the construction of which began under his supervision. The future showed that de Ribas was not mistaken. In honor of the founder of Odessa, one of its main streets is called “Deribasovskaya”. In 1793 he was awarded the order St. Alexander Nevsky, promoted to vice admiral and appointed commander of the Black Sea Rowing Fleet.

Osip de Ribas managed to hold out both during the reign of the Empress’s favorite P. Zubov and under the new autocrat. Paul I in 1798 appointed him a member of the Admiralty Board. In 1799 he was promoted to admiral and appointed manager of the Forestry Department. In 1800, for abuses in the forestry sector, he was dismissed, but for the presented project for strengthening Kronstadt, he was again accepted into service and assigned to correct the Kronstadt fortifications.

Ribas became famous for his cunning, which can be characterized by the words of A. Suvorov about M. Kutuzov: “... even Ribas will not deceive him.” The moral level of Osip de Ribas was low, and he stopped at nothing to achieve his goal. He knew no limits when it came to embezzlement: according to Count F. V. Rastopchin, Ribas stole over half a million rubles annually. Despite this, Ribas was a useful figure. Bezborodko said about him that he was “a man of excellent abilities and concepts in business.” He was distinguished by a flexible mind, quick intelligence, extensive memory, extraordinary abilities and cunning.

Osip de Ribas's passion was drawing up projects, for which he spent sleepless nights. In his youth, he was involved in mechanical inventions and even presented a project for a bridge across the Neva. In his mature years, he was occupied with issues of national importance, including a conspiracy against the emperor. At the end of 1799, Count N.P. Panin, the English mayor Whitworth and Ribas plotted against Paul I.

A contemporary wrote: “According to the general opinion, he was the first to plot against him, and it remains in doubt who he would betray: him to the conspirators, or the conspirators to him?” The death of Osip de Ribas on December 2, 1800 leaves this question open.

What to give a man named Joseph

Do you have the wonderful name Joseph? Fabulous! We have what you need - the best gift that will last a long time - a fork or spoon with your name on it! Is your friend, father or brother also named Joseph? Make them happy too! A name is a symbol of a person’s character. The name holds the mysteries of the soul and mood, so engraved cutlery with the name will serve as an excellent gift for those who are really important to you.

You can buy personalized spoons with the male name Joseph, personalized forks and other cutlery Joseph in our online store

Description: God will increase

Origin: Hebrew

The name Joseph does not have excessive firmness, and is this why the greatest dictator of the communist era, Joseph Dzhugashvili, took the pseudonym Stalin? In terms of its energy, it is quite calm, but there is a significant strength felt in it, similar to the force sea ​​wave, slowly rolling onto the granite shore and methodically turning the invincible rock into sand. Joseph usually knows how to wait, he is not in a hurry, as if he has an eternity ahead of him.

The strange, slightly bewitching melody of a name can awaken a rather powerful imagination in a person with that name, it’s just a pity that Joseph’s fantasies are often colored in dark tones. The reason for this is that the main force of the name is aimed at overcoming any obstacles and suggests a tendency towards discontent.

Another thing is that a balanced Joseph is usually in no hurry to vent his dissatisfaction, but at the same time he does not accumulate negative emotions, directing his energy towards gradual progress towards the goal.

Joseph is very persistent and is unlikely to easily give up on his goals. At the same time, he is gentle and even in disputes prefers to defend his beliefs calmly. Often his entire life is devoted to one thing, and with such a character, he, of course, has every chance of achieving success. His calmness can bewitch and at the same time provide him with the sympathy of others.

In its other form - Osip - the name sounds much firmer, but in this case its stable energy does not have a clear focus on achieving the goal. Rather, on the contrary, the name Osip represents the very shore on which the wave breaks.

Osip is firm and proud, but he lacks some activity and openness. At the same time, the closed energy of the name presupposes the accumulation of emotions, and therefore a sufficient strength of feelings, bordering on passion.

It is possible that Osip’s pride will be too painful, while if Joseph smooths out his pride by searching for a solution to the problems that have arisen, then Osip simply carries his grievances inside himself, which sometimes can greatly complicate his life and turn him into a nervous, irritable person.

In both cases, the energy of the name can ensure success in a career, especially in creative fields, however, in order to ensure complete happiness and avoid problems in family life, it would not hurt both Joseph and Osip to become a little more open and have a little more fun attitude towards life.

In early childhood, Joseph can be irritable. This boy is difficult to please: either the porridge is not the same, or the toy is not the same. TO school age this quality passes unnoticed.

Josephs grow up to be flexible, kind, warm-hearted people, responsive to any misfortune, always ready to help those who need it. They are good husbands and fathers. Moreover, Joseph usually has at least two children, whom he loves very much and takes care of tirelessly until the end of his days. Although many Josephs are unhappy in their first marriage—for some reason they end up with wives with bad character—the second marriage is usually successful.

Most often, Josephs work in art and trade. In old age, many suffer from polyarthritis.

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AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those who have the letter "O" in their name are hardworking and possess creative abilities. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on a partner.

F- adapt well to conditions environment. Always have lots of great ideas. In their stories they are able to embellish and lie a little. They really love helping people. There's never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

“God will increase” (biblical). The name is literally translated as “he will increase,” but often in ancient Israel the pronoun “He” replaced the name of God, so as not to once again mention his name in vain. The folk form of the name Joseph is Osip.

Energy name

It is not difficult to notice that the name Joseph does not have excessive firmness, and is this why the greatest dictator of the communist era, Joseph Dzhugashvili, took the pseudonym Stalin? In terms of its energy, it is quite calm, but a significant force is felt in it, similar to the force of a sea wave, slowly rolling onto a granite shore and methodically turning an invincible rock into sand. Joseph usually knows how to wait, he is not in a hurry, as if he has an eternity ahead of him. The strange, slightly bewitching melody of a name can awaken a rather powerful imagination in a person with that name, it’s just a pity that Joseph’s fantasies are often colored in dark tones. The reason for this is that the main force of the name is aimed at overcoming any obstacles and suggests a tendency towards discontent. Another thing is that a balanced Joseph is usually in no hurry to vent his dissatisfaction, but at the same time he does not accumulate negative emotions, directing his energy towards gradual progress towards the goal.

Joseph is very persistent and is unlikely to easily give up on his goals. At the same time, he is gentle and even in disputes prefers to defend his beliefs calmly. Often his entire life is devoted to one thing, and with such a character, he, of course, has every chance of achieving success. His calmness can bewitch and at the same time provide him with the sympathy of others.

The energy of the name can ensure success in a career, especially in creative fields, however, in order to ensure complete happiness and avoid problems in family life, it would not hurt Joseph to become a little more open and have a slightly more cheerful attitude towards life.

Characteristics of the name Joseph

These children are usually capricious, perhaps because they often get sick. They don't get along with their peers. “Winter” children are nervous and cunning. They are little liars and dreamers. They are compassionate and often bring home stray cats and dogs. They look like their father, but in character they resemble their mother. With age, their character hardly changes. They react very emotionally to everything, and some people simply annoy them.

They master the professions of engineers, sculptors, hairdressers and artists, musicians and tailors.

They are good family men, but family life theirs is not cloudless.

They will find happiness by marrying someone named Galina, Dina, Eva, Zinaida, Zoya, Lyudmila, Rada, Christina. A lasting marriage with Anfisa, Evgenia, Larisa, Nadezhda, Olga, Yana is unlikely.

Secrets of communication

If you decide to joke about Joseph, then it is better to do it more carefully or not to do it at all. In the first case, you can run into a rather harsh answer, and in the second, you risk the fact that if he doesn’t like the joke, Joseph will remember it for a very long time, every now and then in conversation returning to the unpleasant incident, like a wave to the shore.

Diminutive and endearing forms of names

Iosya, Iosenka, Iosechka.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name correspondence: Capricorn.
Planet: Jupiter.
Name colors: brown, steel, purple.
Most favorable colors: orange, yellow.
Talisman stone: amber, carnelian, noble opal.

Joseph's name day

On the Sunday of St. forefather,April 13 (March 31)– St. Righteous Joseph the Beautiful, one of the 12 sons of the Old Testament Patriarch Jacob; died 1700 years BC, but with his life he prefigured Jesus Christ.
On the Sunday of St. myrrh-bearing women– Joseph of Arimathea, secret student Christ.
In the week of R. X.. – Joseph the Righteous, betrothed to the Most Holy Theotokos.
September 22 (9)- Rev. Joseph of Volotsky founded a monastery in Volokolamsk, Moscow province; denounced the Judaizing heretics and wrote a furious book against them, “The Enlightener” (XVI century).

Trace of a name in history

After the release of the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" with the song "Every moment has its own reason", brilliantly performed Joseph Davydovich Kobzon(1937-2018), a joke immediately appeared among the people: “Every moment has its own Kobzon.” And in general, there were so many of them - jokes, anecdotes, gossip about the life and work of the famous singer. Perhaps the only thing that such human indifference speaks about is the enduring interest in everything that concerns the personality of Joseph Kobzon.

“A document of the era” – this is how the artist Ilya Glazunov respectfully called the singer. However, in order to become such a “document,” Kobzon had to go through a long and difficult independent path: first a mining technical school, then work on the radio with parallel studies at the Gnessin Institute... Perhaps it is precisely thanks to his rich life experience that he is so unpretentious (according to according to his wife) in everyday life and so easy to communicate with? The embodiment of respectability, secularity and charm combined with talent, Joseph Kobzon on the Soviet stage was one of the few truly bright stars, an idol and symbol of his generation.

At the moment, Joseph Kobzon is not only a popular singer, but also a successful businessman. About plans related to politics, he prefers to just laugh it off: “I’m not going to join any parties anymore. Unless someone creates a party of honest people... And then only if I’m accepted there.”

Other famous namesakes of Joseph

  • Josip Broz Tito(1892–1980) - President of Yugoslavia.
  • Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky(1940–1996) - poet, essayist, playwright, translator, laureate Nobel Prize on literature. He wrote poetry mainly in Russian, essays in English. One of the largest Russian-language poets of the 20th century.
  • Joseph Samuilovich Shklovsky(1916–1985) - Soviet astronomer, astrophysicist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966), author of nine books and more than three hundred scientific publications, laureate of the Lenin Prize (1960, for the concept of an artificial comet), founder of the school of modern astrophysics - the radio astronomy department of the State Astronomical Institute Institute named after P.K. Sternberg (GAISH) Moscow University, Astrospace Center of the Lebedev Physical Institute (then the Department of Astrophysics of the Space Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences). He is also known as the author of works on the problems of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and popular science articles.
  • Joseph Haydn(1732–1809) - Austrian composer, representative of the Viennese classical school, one of the founders of such musical genres as symphony and string quartet. The creator of the melody, which later formed the basis of the anthems of Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  • Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili)(1878-1953) - Russian revolutionary and Soviet state, political, party and military figure. Secretary General Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1925-1934), Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1934-1952), Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1952-1953); Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (1941-1946), Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1946-1953); Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR (since 1941), Chairman State Committee Defense (1941-1945), People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR (1941-1946), People's Commissar Armed Forces USSR (1946-1947). Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1919-1952), the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1952-1953), member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (1917-1953), Central Executive Committee of the USSR (1922-1938), deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st-3rd convocations; member of the Executive Committee of the Comintern (1925-1943). Marshal Soviet Union(since 1943), Generalissimo of the Soviet Union (since 1945). Honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1939). Hero of Socialist Labor (since 1939), Hero of the Soviet Union (since 1945), holder of two Orders of Victory (1943, 1945). During the period Stalin was in power there were a number of major events in the history of the USSR and the world in the 20th century, in particular: the accelerated industrialization of the USSR, the creation of a large mechanized Agriculture USSR, the main contribution of the peoples of the USSR to the defeat of Nazism in World War II, mass labor and front-line heroism, the transformation of the USSR into a superpower with significant scientific, military and industrial potential, the entry of the USSR into the club of world nuclear powers, strengthening the geopolitical influence of the Soviet Union in the world; and also: forced collectivization, famine in 1932-1933 in part of the USSR, the establishment of a dictatorial regime, numerous human losses (including as a result of wars and German occupation), the preservation of the division of the world community into two warring camps, the establishment socialist system V Eastern Europe and East Asia, the beginning of the Cold War.
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