The educational and methodological department of the university has the problem of load distribution. Regulations on educational and methodological management. Main and additional leave

In general, the number of teaching staff in the field of higher education in the world has reached 6 million people. Approximately 40% each falls on developed and less developed countries, and about 15% falls on countries in transition. The average student/teacher ratio is 14:1. Higher ratio (17:1) in North America, lower in transition countries (11:1).

Personnel management is the most important component of the management of every enterprise and organization. “Personnel decides everything,” but personnel can also become the main reason for failures. There are 4 key problems in managing university teaching staff. These are age, qualification and job structures and remuneration. Each of these problems requires control by the administration and the development of principles for solution, long-term and current management. This publication will examine one problem - the age structure of teaching staff.

The effectiveness of the educational process, the prestige and prospects of individual scientific and pedagogical schools and the university as a whole depend on the state of the teaching staff of the university. The age composition of the staff determines the continuity of knowledge in the scientific and pedagogical school, the activity of mastering new areas of knowledge, and the breadth of connections between the university and enterprises and organizations. The main difficulty of the age structure problem is the objective connection between the hiring of a new employee and the simultaneous dismissal of one of the employees. And here the heads of the university, faculty and department have to solve difficult psychological issues. It is necessary to dismiss a long-time teacher who has established long-term connections with members of the department and faculty staff, who have given many years of their work to the university. A young man is hired, who still needs to be looked after, who will gain 35 years of teaching experience and will become a leading associate professor of the department in 5-10 years. It is not easy to take responsibility for resolving such a situation. Unfortunately, the prevailing principles for electing teachers in higher education do not help the director resolve personnel problems. Very rarely in practice does real competitive election of teachers take place; the role of scientific and educational developments in election has decreased.

The current personnel situation in universities has been characterized in recent years by a constant increase in the average age of teachers and an outflow of young employees. Until the early 90s, it was considered very prestigious to stay after graduation to work at the department. Only the best graduates could apply for this. Then the economic situation in the country changed dramatically and this was reflected in the age structure of university personnel. Young people actively entered the sphere of commerce and services, and earnings increased. Departments (especially fundamental, general engineering) began to lose middle-aged teachers (3045 years old), who changed their field of activity.

I would like to think that the current situation in Russia with the prestige of professions is temporary. In developed countries (USA, Japan, Germany, etc.), teaching at universities is considered very prestigious. His social status is 84 (with a maximum score of 100 points), while the position of a trade worker is characterized by a score of 50, a manager - 79, a skilled worker - 1525 points. Job satisfaction in a university is characterized by a score of 93, in trade - 52, in the legal field - 80, in the management field - 69. From the point of view of the impact on health, working at a university is also the most favorable. Studies in SC1A showed that the national average rate of heart attacks among university teachers is 71% of the national average, and in management - 116%, among lawyers - 124%, among sales workers - 126%.

It should be borne in mind that the age of teachers should not and cannot be a goal in personnel policy. Moreover, the teaching and research experience of a university employee appears after 1015 years of work, and the retention of the most outstanding professors and associate professors is the key to high scientific and pedagogical prestige. However, an actively working department, faculty and university as a whole must plan the internal process of self-reproduction of personnel and take the necessary measures to cultivate and attract the most qualified specialists.

The selection of personnel at the university is characterized by significant distribution across departments. The principles of personnel policy are developed by the academic council and the university administration, but the actual selection of personnel is carried out by each department independently. This is explained by the specificity of the scientific and pedagogical tasks of the departments, differences in the current financial situation, the possibility and need to attract a new employee at a specific moment. The general personnel problem of a university is divided into more than 150 separate departmental personnel problems.

The number of departments in most departments does not exceed 20 people, so the overall personnel situation at the university turns out to depend on the decisions of a large number of department heads. The turnover of staff at the university is traditionally very low. Practice shows that dismissals of teachers due to transfer to another job (similar in profession) are very insignificant. Most often, teachers work at a university as long as they are physically able to do so. It turns out that already at the moment of hiring a new teacher to the department, the personnel situation for the next 5-10 years is laid down. If we take the average tenure of a teacher as 40 years (from 25 to 65 years), then for a team of 20 people. the annual renewal will be 1 person if the composition is uniformly renewed. once every two years. Each individual employee who remains in the department after 65 years, or a new employee hired at the age of 45-55 actually stops the uniform renewal of the composition and thereby increases the average age of the department as a whole. With a uniform age structure of personnel, the distribution by age intervals should be: under 30 years old - 12%, 30-40 years old - 24%, 40-60 years old - 50%, over 60 years old - 14%.

The development of an intra-university system for managing the age of teachers involves relying on a number of standard techniques. It is possible to formulate typical age models and typical principles of age control. Typical elements are certain reference points when constructing a real system of management decisions.

The model of stable renewal is based on maintaining a constant average age of the department's teachers. In each age interval, in this case, approximately the same number of workers is maintained.

The uneven renewal model allows for a group of teachers of the same age, whose replacement occurs in a short time interval (13 years). During this period, the older age group is replaced by a significantly younger one, and a new age cycle of the department begins.

Each of these standard models can be used quite effectively by department heads. For large departments, the first model is most convenient, for small departments - the second.

A rigid barrier system involves the introduction of age barriers for working positions. Under such a system, an age limit is introduced for those holding the positions of assistant, associate professor, professor and head of the department. Such experience was in a number of universities and suggested an age limit for assistants - 30 years, associate professors - 55 years. A teacher who had reached the age limit was no longer hired, and the position was made available for a younger employee. In a number of countries, there is a legal ban on working as a full-time teacher at a university after retirement age.

A rigid structural system involves the allocation of regulated quotas for age intervals of workers. These quotas are allocated to a department or faculty as a specific proportion of workers of a certain age hired per year. For example, of those hired per year there should be assistants - 20%, associate professors - 60%, professors - 20%. This ensures the constant emergence of a junior position group focused on the influx of young personnel.

The quota can also be set by directly allocating the number of places. For example, a certain number of places may be allocated for the admission to professors of doctors of sciences under the age of 40, to associate professors - candidates of sciences under the age of 30, etc.

The soft incentive system is focused on gentle moral and material pressure on employees in order to maintain the preferred personnel structure. It favors employees in the relevant job group to the detriment of the interests of employees in other age groups.

The control system for average age is based on the introduction of the main controlled parameter - average age. For each department or group of departments, the real average age should differ from the normative age by no more than 10%. If this condition is met, the unit is free to recruit personnel, and violation of it implies the introduction of strict administrative requirements for updating the composition.

Managing the age structure of personnel is a complex psychological problem, as it affects the interests of specific people. Economically, it is necessary to take into account the low salaries of assistants, the increase in salaries only after an increase in academic degree, and the drop in material support after a teacher retires. A set of personnel management measures should smooth out these negative objective material features.

The entire set of activities aimed at managing the age structure of personnel can be divided into four groups, aimed at different age groups of employees. These are actually personnel events that “accompany” a person in the process of his work activity.

The first group of activities (selection) is aimed at working with applicants. These are senior students or graduates. Here, targeted work is needed to intensify the applicant’s scientific activity, develop an internal desire for scientific and teaching activities (you cannot want something if it is poorly known), assistance in completing a foreign student internship, and involvement in student scientific conferences. It is possible to sign a contract on behalf of the faculty or university with an additional payment from the scholarship fund and a guarantee of subsequent work at the university.

The second group of activities (training) is aimed at young employees and is intended to assist in the rapid growth of scientific qualifications. Here, constant supervision is required from the head of the department, scientific supervisor, in order to select the current direction of scientific work, prepare a candidate's dissertation, design publications, and prepare teaching aids.

A young employee needs to go through the period before official scientific recognition in a short time, which will increase his official salary and give him the opportunity to begin active independent scientific and teaching work.

Among the specific activities of the groups highlighted above, the following can be noted:

Purposeful selection of future employees of the department among senior students;

Support for student scientific societies;

Active involvement of gifted students in scientific and independent additional work;

Participation of the university in city programs for selecting talented youth;

Promoting student participation in student competitions and conferences;

Introduction of the title “Outstanding Alumnus of the Year”;

Allocation of guaranteed places for assistants in departments.

2. Skill development:

Organization of enhanced control on the part of the faculty and university administration over the growth of scientific qualifications of young teachers;

Organization of unions of young scientists;

Organization of part-time work for graduate students;

Allocation of a limit of intra-university printing capacity for the publication of materials from students and young teachers;

Introduction of additional payments (up to 100%) for young teachers for active work, for combining teaching with scientific activities, for combining teaching with postgraduate studies;

Expanding the conditions and options for intra-university part-time work for young teachers;

Introduction of a system of contracts with teachers sent abroad for training and advanced training;

Temporary increase in teacher pay with subsequent guaranteed temporary assignment in the states;

Allocation of annual grants from extra-budgetary funds for young employees in each job group of teachers;

Moral and material encouragement for young teachers through competitions for the best teacher of the faculty and university;

Advanced promotion for young employees with increasing scientific qualifications (after pre-defense or defense of a dissertation).

3. Promotion of independent development:

Conducting regular collective seminars, meetings (scientific and ceremonial) at departments;

Involvement in the organization of university-wide events;

Involvement in the development of fundamental university decisions;

Facilitating participation in Russian and international competitions for individual grants and scientific works;

Advanced promotion after pre-defense of a doctoral dissertation;

Nomination for participation in city and federal commissions, examinations;

Promoting the expansion of scientific and teaching contacts of leading associate professors and professors.

4. Psychological support:

Transition of qualified teachers after retirement age to shortened terms of election and positions of consultants to managers;

Allocation of guaranteed positions for teaching consultants;

Creation of expert positions under managers (heads of departments, deans, university administration);

Involvement in traditional university ceremonial events;

Maintaining additional payments to personnel who have worked in management positions for a long time (15 years or more).

Staffing table

Higher educational institutions provide positions for scientific and pedagogical (faculty, teaching staff, researchers), engineering, technical, administrative, production, educational support and other personnel.

The teaching staff includes the positions of dean, head of department, professor, associate professor, senior teacher, lecturer, and assistant.

According to the instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the staffing table of the university is established in accordance with the approved structure (institute, faculty, branch, educational and consulting center, department, administration, department, etc.) in the context of personnel categories:

Teaching staff;

Educational support staff;

Administrative and management personnel;

Other service personnel.

Sources of budgetary funding for personnel are divided into:

1305171 - institutes for advanced training;

1306172 - higher educational institutions.

The staffing schedule of the university is linked to the consolidated calculation of the wage fund, the distribution of positions of teaching staff according to tariff and qualification categories, and the distribution of positions of all university personnel according to tariff and qualification categories.

Staffing limits for university teaching staff are tied by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to the number of students (according to the state order for admission to the first year).

The amount of wages according to the staffing schedule takes into account official salaries and mandatory allowances and additional payments. At the same time, a 10% surcharge for reimbursement of expenses for book publishing products is especially highlighted. It is not included in the salary and goes in the payments section under the heading “in addition.”

The amount of budget funds for labor costs at the university is allocated to a separate expense item - 110100. It should ultimately be equal to the costs of full-time personnel, non-staff personnel and hourly wages. Each of the components of expenditure item 110100 is planned and controlled. In particular, the amount of additional payments and wage supplements is highlighted - Article 110102; allowances for performing the duties of a dean, head of department, deputy dean and other similar ones - Article 110103; compensation payments to women on partially paid parental leave - Article 110105.

All positions of scientific and teaching staff at the university are filled under an employment agreement (contract) concluded for a period of up to five years. The conclusion of the contract is preceded by a competitive selection.

The positions of dean of the faculty, head of the department, and head of the branch are elective.

Staffing management is handled by three services: the planning and financial department, the training department and the personnel department. The planning and financial department calculates and controls staffing limits by department, the educational department keeps personal records of the status and changes of teaching staff by department (within the allocated limit), the personnel department prepares orders for personnel changes and records them in the personal files of employees, and also controls correctness of execution of official documents when hiring and dismissing employees, professional compliance? employee capabilities and job requirements.

Organize the distribution of staffing limits within the university:

In areas of activity - first vice-rector;

Between faculties and departments - vice-rector for the relevant area of ​​activity;

Within the faculty, by departments and divisions, there is a dean;

Within the department there are departments and groups - the head of the department.

Principles of remuneration at a university

Remuneration at a university is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Labor Laws, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation on the establishment of bonuses for academic degrees of candidates and doctors of science, for knowledge and use of a foreign language, on differentiation and levels of payment labor of public sector workers on the basis of a unified tariff schedule, a resolution of the Ministry of Labor on the procedure for establishing additional payments and allowances for employees of institutions, organizations and enterprises receiving budgetary funding, instructional letters from the Ministry of Education, the charter of the university, orders for the university.

Expenses not related to the wage fund and social payments include insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, compulsory medical insurance funds, and state employment funds; contributions from the enterprise's funds to non-state pension funds; payments from extra-budgetary funds; travel expenses; expenses for paid training of employees.

The wage fund at the university is formed on the basis of various sources, the main of which are state budget funding; self-supporting financing for completed research, educational and consulting services; government grants and scholarships.

The wage rules are determined by:

Staffing schedule;

The procedure for using budget funds;

The procedure for concluding contracts;

The procedure for using extrabudgetary funds;

Rules for remuneration of employees of the military-technical faculty (military department).

Until 1936, the number of teaching staff was determined on the basis of annual calculations of the teaching load of universities and teaching load standards for a teaching position. Every year, the university submitted to the ministry a consolidated calculation of the teaching load for the next academic year. In 1936, a scheme was introduced for calculating the number of teachers using the average annual student population. Full-time education was taken as the basis, and the rest were reduced to it using special coefficients. For various universities, the reduction coefficient, for example, for evening courses was 0.40.6, for correspondence courses - 0.10.4. In 1936-1957 The ministry carried out work to unify staffing coefficients across universities. In the 50-70s, the practice of allocating additional teaching staff for individual universities was introduced, training specialists in new relevant specialties (rocket, nuclear, computer technology, microelectronics, etc.). A separate staffing ratio was introduced for universities that taught foreign students (at the level of 6 students per teacher). By government decree in 1987, student-to-teacher ratios were introduced depending on the form of study: for full-time education - 8:1 (calculation is based on the sum of the admission target figures for the entire period of study); in the evening - 15:1; correspondence - 35: 1 (calculation is based on the actual average annual contingent). For postgraduate studies, this ratio was set at 9:1 for full-time and 12:1 for correspondence courses. For students of preparatory departments, the same ratio is established as for students.

In the 90s, the established methodology began to be used to justify the estimated number of teaching staff, and not to set target indicators, as was previously the case. Individual universities received individual ratios for the university as a whole. A departmental methodology was developed for calculating the basic wage fund, in which the estimated number of teaching staff was the sum of teaching staff rates for all forms of education and levels of educational programs, as well as taking into account established ratios for individual specialties and universities.

When calculating the standard number of teaching staff, the following terms are used (one of the possible standard options is in parentheses):

Full-time students (standard number of teaching staff 1: 8);

Foreign students (standard 1: 6);

Evening students (standard 1:15);

Correspondence students (standard 1: 35);

Full-time graduate students (standard 1: 9);

Postgraduate students of correspondence courses (standard 1: 12);

Foreign students of the preparatory faculty (standard 1: 4);

Students of the Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers (standard 1: 6).

Through the standard number of teaching staff and the average tariff rate of remuneration, they determine tariff base of remuneration for the university as a whole.

Regulatory allowances are established to the tariff base (based on the staffing table):


For an academic degree;

For the position of dean;

For the position of head of the department;

Hourly rate (10%).

The wage fund for educational and support staff is determined as a percentage of the teaching staff's remuneration (40%).

The wage fund for business personnel is determined through the wage standard per unit area (0.901 thousand rubles/m.). The areas leased and put for major repairs are deducted from the total area of ​​the university premises.

The remuneration of management personnel is determined as a percentage of the amount of remuneration for teaching staff, teaching staff and business personnel (10%). Personal allowances for managers and additional payments for special orders are allocated separately.

The amount of remuneration for the personnel of the faculty (department) of military training is separately allocated.

At the end of the 90s, the ministry introduced groups of universities on remuneration. For a university of the first group, the coefficient of adjustment of the payroll fund is 1.01.25, for the second - 0.81.0, for the third - 0.60.8.

A university is assigned to a specific group based on the following indicators:

Availability of master's degree programs at the university;

Presence of at least 40 specialties in postgraduate and doctoral studies;

The presence of IPPC and FPC in the structure of the university, financed from the state budget;

The presence of at least 50% candidates of science participating in the educational process.

The staffing of departments and the assignment of salaries are controlled by the planning, financial and educational departments, as well as the personnel department.

Basic amount of remuneration The basic amount of remuneration for teaching and educational support staff is established on the basis of the wage scale in state-funded enterprises. The official salary of a university employee is paid for the performance of his functional duties. It is calculated by multiplying the legally established wages for the first category by the tariff coefficient.

The purpose of establishing bonuses is to stimulate the work of employees, aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of activities and characterized by the individual contribution of a particular employee to the results of the university. Additional payments are established for employees for performing additional duties.

Allowances and additional payments are established at the expense and within the salary fund (from all sources of funding) of the university, structural unit or research team.

The number of allowances and additional payments established for a specific employee is not limited.

Involving an employee in additional work is permitted only with his consent and if this does not lead to a deterioration in the quality or reduction in the volume of work for the main position.

In addition to the basic salary of teachers, allowances for academic degrees and positions are established by law. University employees may receive additional payments for an academic degree, for the positions of associate professor and professor. For the position of associate professor, the bonus is equal to 40% of the salary, for the position of professor - 60%, for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences - 3 minimum wages, for the academic degree of Doctor of Science - 5 minimum wages.

According to the law of the Russian Federation on education, teaching staff receive an additional payment for the purchase of special books and magazines, the amount of which is not included in wages and is not subject to income tax.

Additional remuneration may be established for university employees for performing additional duties:

Fulfilling the duties of a long-term absent employee;

Performing the duties of an employee undergoing treatment;

Work on the University Council and its permanent commissions;

Knowledge and use of a foreign language in practical work;

Working with secret documents;

Acting as dean;

Acting as Deputy Dean;

Fulfilling the duties of the head of the department;

Acting as deputy head of the department;

Work in harmful and especially harmful conditions;

High achievements in work;

Class and work in urban conditions of vehicle drivers;

Fulfilling the duties of the scientific secretary of the faculty and university council;

Work on the academic council of the university and its permanent commissions;

Increasing the teaching load beyond the stipulated maximum limit.

Allowances and additional payments to wages are withdrawn in the following cases:

Failure to perform basic job duties,

Failure to meet completion deadlines or unsatisfactory quality of assigned work,

Violations of the university’s operating principles,

Appearing on campus while intoxicated,

Causing damage to property and prestige of the university,

Violations of labor safety and fire safety rules.

Through accounting, the following deductions can be made from an employee’s salary:

To pay income tax;

Mandatory payments to the Pension Fund;

According to writs of execution;

To compensate for material damage caused to the university;

To repay debts on advances issued and overpaid amounts;

To pay administrative and judicial fines;

On instructions-obligations for goods purchased on credit;

By written instructions for the transfer of insurance premiums under personal insurance contracts;

By written instructions to pay dues to the trade union organization of the university.

Main and additional leave

One calendar month of vacation is provided to employees under 18 years of age (Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

On a general basis, vacation of 24 working days is granted, taking into account a six-day working week (Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The teaching, teaching and educational support staff of the university are usually granted leave during the summer student holidays. An exception is made for employees who are involved in the work of the admissions committee during this period or who perform work, a break in which may adversely affect the work of the university.

Additional leave for long work experience at the university (subject to the availability of the necessary financial resources and the request of the head of the department) is provided to employees who do not have penalties for violation of labor discipline:

With work experience at the university from 5 to 10 years - up to 5 working days;

If you have worked at the university from 10 to 30 years - up to 10 working days;

If you have worked at the university for more than 30 years - up to 15 days (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Additional leave for hazardous working conditions (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is provided to the following categories of workers:

Laboratory assistants, engineers, technicians, chemists, craftsmen, researchers, laboratory managers working on analysis using gaseous and highly volatile toxic substances - up to 12 working days;

For workers directly involved in physical research methods when working with an electron microscope and electron diffraction machine - up to 12 working days;

For laboratory workers directly involved in the analysis of semiconductor materials and the study of their physical properties - up to 12 working days;

For workers directly involved in the mechanical processing of lead and lead alloys - up to 12 working days;

For employees of electrical insulation laboratories - up to 12 working days;

For workers directly and permanently employed on electric and gas welding machines - up to 12 working days;

Workers of laboratories engaged in the research and production of semiconductor materials: silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, phosphorus and their toxic compounds; on the decomposition and production of selenium and chloride compounds - up to 12 working days;

For workers constantly engaged in soldering work with lead, tin, their alloys, copper-phosphorus solder and brass - up to 12 working days;

For workers directly involved in testing UHF (VHF) generators and equipment, as well as setting up and monitoring these generators during their operation - up to 12 working days;

For employees who are constantly engaged in repairing and setting up X-ray machines and installations, or working on a computer display - up to 12 working days;

For plumbers who constantly work on sewer cleaning – up to 6 working days;

Boiler room operators, loaders, cleaners, copying and duplicating machine operators - up to 6 working days;

Drivers of trucks and special vehicles with a carrying capacity from 1.5 to 3 tons - 6 working days, and with a carrying capacity over 3 tons - 12 working days. Additional leave for long work experience and for work in hazardous working conditions is added to the annual leave. At the same time, the total duration of annual leave cannot exceed 56 calendar days, with the exception of the leave of teachers who have the right to additional leave due to harmful working conditions.

Employees studying on the job are granted study leave. Their duration is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

Students in grades 8 and 10 have from 4 to 6 days off from work;

9th grade students - 8 working days;

11th grade students - 20 working days;

Students of vocational schools - 30 working days to take exams;

1st and 2nd year students of evening courses at the university - 20 calendar days to take exams;

Students of the 3rd and senior years of evening study at the university - 30 calendar days to take exams;

1st and 2nd year students of correspondence courses at a university - 30 calendar days to take exams;

Students of the 3rd and senior courses of correspondence courses at the university - 40 calendar days to take exams;

Students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions - 30 calendar days to take state exams;

Students of higher educational institutions - 4 months to defend their diploma project;

Students of secondary specialized institutions have 2 months to defend their diploma project.

Without pay, educational leave is provided to employees admitted to take entrance competitive exams to a university - 15 calendar days and to a secondary specialized educational institution - 10 calendar days.

A sabbatical leave of up to 1 year, by decision of the Academic Council of a university, can be granted to employees for the purpose of improving their qualifications or working on a dissertation. To complete a candidate's dissertation, teachers may be granted leave of up to 3 months (candidate's dissertation) or up to 6 months (doctoral dissertation).

Involvement of employees to work on a day off is carried out by written order of the administration and is compensated by the provision of additional leave, the duration of which is established by order of the administration (at least double the amount).

Leave without pay may be granted:

For family reasons with the permission of the head of the unit (up to 2 weeks);

Veterans of combat operations on the territory of other states (up to 3 weeks);

Disabled persons of the Second World War and combat operations on the territory of other states, participants of the Second World War, military personnel transferred to the reserve, who served from 02.22.41 to 09.03.45, blockade survivors, persons who worked at military facilities during the war, veterans of military service, bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, justice and courts, labor veterans, victims of political repression (up to 1 month);

Home front workers who worked during the Second World War for at least 6 weeks or who were awarded orders and medals for selfless work during the Second World War (up to 2 weeks);

Former prisoners of concentration camps during the Second World War (up to 2 weeks);

For final year students of higher and secondary evening and correspondence educational institutions (1 month);

University employees due to illness without providing medical documents (3 days);

Women with two or more children under 12 years of age (up to 2 weeks).

Maternity leave is granted for 70 calendar days before childbirth and 70 calendar days after childbirth.

Partially paid leave is provided for child care (0.5 of the minimum wage) until the child reaches 3 years of age (RF Government Decree 1206).

Annual paid leave for those working at a university is provided to all part-time workers, unless otherwise provided by a personal statement or contract (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 173, instruction letter of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation 8, Article 75 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Payment of vacation pay is made on the eve of going on vacation, but no later than one day before leaving. To determine the amount of payments, the average daily earnings are multiplied by the number of working days of vacation.

The average daily earnings are equal to the total earnings for the previous three months, divided by 3 and 25 (25 is the average monthly number of working days when paid vacation). When calculating average earnings, payments for which insurance premiums are calculated are taken into account. Annual and quarterly bonuses are pre-divided by the corresponding number of months, and one-time payments are included in the earnings of the month in which these payments occurred.

If during the employee’s vacation there is a change in the tariff conditions of remuneration, then from the moment the new conditions are introduced until the end of the vacation, the amount of vacation payments must be recalculated.

Cash compensation for unused vacation is paid only upon dismissal of an employee. Unused vacation for the next year must be used in the next calendar period.

The university administration retains the wages of employees for the period:

Study leaves for employees studying in educational institutions;

Training of employees aimed at vocational training, advanced training or training in a second profession;

Involving an employee in the performance of government duties;

Assigning an employee to perform other work as decided by the university management;

Lack of work (downtime) is not the fault of the employee;

For days of rest (time off) provided in connection with work beyond normal working hours;

For days of blood donation and rest after the day of blood donation to donor employees.

Funds for paying for vacations (including additional ones) must be provided for in the relevant cost estimates:

For employees receiving wages from the state budget - in budget funding estimates and corresponding staffing schedules;

For employees receiving wages from economic contract funds - in the estimates of economic contract research work;

For employees who receive wages from overhead costs - in the overhead cost estimate;

For employees receiving wages from extra-budgetary sources - in the estimate and the corresponding staffing table of the departments. Heads of structural divisions of the university annually, before May 1, submit a vacation schedule for employees to the HR department. The basis for granting additional leave is a university order.

In the event of a change in the terms of annual leave specified in the unified schedule, it is reissued upon the personal application of the employee with the consent of the head of the department.

Dismissal procedure

Staff reduction. Termination of an employment contract can be carried out at the initiative of the administration on the basis of a reduction in the number of employees. This procedure must be preceded by a special set of actions. The basis for implementing measures to reduce staff at a university and its individual departments may be changes in the organization of the educational process and work. The first step of the administration is to approve the new staffing table. If there is a “mass” dismissal (of 50 or more people within 30 calendar days), then the rules of action of the administration are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 99. First of all, it is necessary to submit the relevant data to the state employment service at least three months in advance population and relevant trade union bodies. No later than two months in advance, information is submitted to the employment service authorities and the trade union organization of the university (if the university has a trade union organization and the employee being laid off is a member of the trade union) about the upcoming dismissal of each specific employee. This is necessary due to the fact that the employment service authorities are developing a program to promote employment and provide social guarantees and determine the sources of its financing. Employees are personally warned about the upcoming release by the administration against a signature. The two-month warning period begins to be calculated from the day the employee actually becomes familiar with the release order. Reducing the notice period is possible only with the consent of the employee, which is indicated in the dismissal order.

Dismissal at the initiative of the administration of pregnant women and women with children under three years of age, single mothers if they have a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 16 years of age is not allowed.

The candidacy of each dismissed person is considered taking into account the opinion of the team. It is advisable to document the position of the collective in the minutes of the meeting of the labor collective. The minutes must indicate the objectivity of the consideration of information on each candidate, the employee’s familiarization with the meeting’s decision, or the employee’s refusal to become familiar. Employees with higher labor productivity or qualifications have an advantage in remaining at work. Given equal productivity and qualifications, certain categories of workers are provided by law with certain advantages and benefits compared to other workers.

Simultaneously with the notice of dismissal, the administration is obliged to offer the employee another job at the university that corresponds to his qualifications, specialty, profession, and in its absence, another job at the university. Dismissal is permitted if it is impossible to transfer the employee to another job with his consent. The employee’s refusal to take the offered job must be made in writing. According to established judicial practice, it is considered that the administration has not violated the procedure if the employee refuses the third offer of transfer.

If there are vacant positions, staff reductions are made through their elimination, rather than dismissal of employees. The dismissal of one employee and the hiring of another in his place is considered as the absence of an actual reduction and is the basis for the reinstatement of a previously dismissed employee.

When carrying out redundancy measures, the administration has the right, within homogeneous professions and positions, to rearrange workers and transfer a more qualified employee whose position is being reduced, with his consent, to another position, dismissing a less qualified employee from it on the specified basis.

Upon dismissal due to staff reduction, the administration is obliged to provide the following payments to the released employees:

Severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings,

Cash allowance for unused vacation,

Maintaining the average salary for the period of employment, but not more than two months,

Maintaining the average salary for the period of employment, as an exception, during the third month from the date of dismissal by decision of the employment authorities, provided that the employee applied to this authority in advance and was not employed.


The list of students nominated for a scholarship is signed by the dean, who is responsible for maintaining the limit of the faculty scholarship fund. The composition of the faculty scholarship committee is approved by the dean, and the participation of representatives of the student body is mandatory.

The scholarship is awarded twice a year based on the results of the examination session from the 1st day of the month following the examination session. Summer vacation time is paid based on the results of the spring session. For students whose session was extended for valid reasons, a scholarship is awarded on a general basis if the session is completed on time (if there is a scholarship fund reserve at the faculty). Until the end of the session, these students are not withdrawn from the scholarship.

A student who does not agree with the decision of the scholarship committee may appeal its decision to the dean of the faculty and the head of the university.

Differentiation of scholarships depending on the average score can be based on the following conditions:

Scholarship from the academic council of the university, personalized scholarships from the university;

Student scholarship with an average score of 5;

A scholarship for a student who has only 4 and 5 marks in exams;

Other Students Scholarship.

Grades are considered based on the results of passing exams, course projects, coursework and practice for the next session. In this case, elective subjects and subjects studied by the student beyond the compulsory program are not taken into account. Practice grades received after the examination session are taken into account when assigning scholarships based on the results of the next examination session.

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The term “personnel” unites the components of the organization’s workforce. Domestic scientists (Dyatlov V.A., Kibanov A.Ya., Pikhalo V.T., Egorshin A.P. Rumyantseva Z.P., Salomatin ON THE. , Akberdin R.Z., Glukhov V.V. etc.) personnel include all workers performing production or management operations. In management theory, there are different approaches to the classification of personnel depending on the profession or position of the employee, the level of management, and the category of employees. This classification provides for the identification of two main parts of personnel for participation in the production process: production and management personnel.

In the education system, the following terms are most often used to characterize various categories of personnel: researchers; faculty; managers; scientists and specialists; educational support staff.

The teaching staff of higher educational institutions includes the positions presented in table. 3.1.

Table 3.1

Classification of teaching staff positions

Management personnel carry out labor activities in the process of production management with a predominant share of mental labor. He is busy processing information using technical controls. In addition, the manager must be a skilled psychologist in the field of business and human relations, possessing the art of communication and a culture of behavior in a production environment. The main result of their work is the study of problems in making management decisions, and after choosing the most effective option, the implementation and control of the execution of decisions.

The activities of a higher education institution as an organization are carried out under the direct control and with the participation of management personnel. Thus, managerial work in this area is directly involved in the creation of the final product, i.e. in the training of specialists, and also influences the increase in the efficiency and competitiveness of a higher education institution.

Management personnel are identified as one of the most important resources of a higher education institution.

According to the classification accepted in theory, the following main management levels are distinguished in the university management structure: rector; vice-rectors; deans of faculties; heads of departments (the basic level of the university); heads of services and departments. At the same time, the deans of the faculty and heads of departments also belong to the teaching staff.

The activities of the university management system are organized through the relevant departments and services, headed by people who also belong to the management staff.

Managerial personnel of a higher educational institution are employees of a higher educational institution holding the positions of rector, vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments, heads of departments and services, performing the functions of: a) planning the activities of university departments; b) organizing the educational, methodological, scientific and economic work of the university’s scientific and pedagogical staff; c) motivating the university’s scientific and teaching staff to work effectively; d) monitoring and recording the actual performance indicators of the teaching staff.

If we take into account the variety of activities performed by teaching staff in the afternoon (Table 3.2), then university teachers can also, to some extent, be classified as management personnel.

Analysis of state statistics data shows that the share of rectors and vice-rectors of state universities in the total number of teaching staff from 2000 to 2009. increased from 1.58 to 1.72%. In particular, the number of vice-rectors of state universities increased from 3.6 to 5.2 thousand people, or by more than 40%, and is 78 people per university.

The share of deans in state universities has stabilized at 1.76% (6.0 thousand people), and heads of departments - at 7.8% (26.6

thousand people). Due to the increase in the number of higher educational institutions, the number of university management personnel is also increasing (Table 3.3).

Table 3.2

Structure of working time in the second half of the working day teaching staff 1

Types of jobs

Characteristics of work

Educational and methodological

Preparation for lectures and practical classes, preparation of materials for monitoring independent work, development of educational and methodological materials, advanced training, mutual assistance lectures



Career guidance for young people when entering a university, participation in meetings of the department, faculty councils, and universities; performing the functions of deputy head of the department, fulfillment of organizational and methodological assignments

Research work

Carrying out research, writing and preparing for publication of articles in publications of various levels, participation in conferences, participation in grant competitions, participation in dissertation councils, supervision of students' research

Educational work

Work as a curator, participation in the public work of structural divisions of the university

Number of teaching staff at state and municipal universities by position (at the beginning of the academic year; thousand people)

Table 3.3

  • 2000/
  • 2004/
  • 2005/
  • 2006/
  • 2007/
  • 2008/
  • 2009/
  • 2010/
  • 2011/

Teaching staff (staff) - total

women from it

Of the total number of teaching staff, management positions are occupied by:

vice-rectors, branch directors

deans of faculties

heads of departments

Total management personnel

Note: at the time of the survey, some data were missing. Features of the composition of management personnel by gender can be traced according to the data in tables 3.4 - 3.5.

At the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year. only 9% of rectors were women. The number of vice-rectors and directors of branches - women - until 2009 was slightly more than a third - 37.3%, and at the beginning of the 2009-2010 academic year. year amounted to 29%.

Table 3.4

Distribution of the number of rectors of state and municipal higher educational institutions by year, thousand people.



Thousand people

Table 3.5

Distribution of the number of vice-rectors and directors of branches of state and municipal higher educational institutions by year, thousand people.



Thousand people

Based on a study of the activities of managers and teaching staff of universities, a classification of the management personnel of a higher educational institution is proposed according to the criteria: level of line management and areas of functional activity (Fig. 3.1).


Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "USGU"

“__” ______________20____




Version 2.0

Date modified: "__" _______ 20__

Ekaterinburg – 20__


The educational and methodological department was created to manage the educational and methodological work of faculties and departments, organize and monitor the progress of the educational process, monitor compliance with licensing standards, certification conditions and accreditation indicators, coordinate scientific, methodological and research work departments on problems high school, generalization and promotion of experience in improving the educational process.

The Educational and Methodological Department (AMD) is the main structural unit of the university, the activities of which are based on a combination of centralized leadership from the administration with the independence and initiative of the department itself.

The educational and methodological department is directly subordinate to the vice-rector for the educational and methodological complex of the university.

The structure of the educational and methodological management, the functions of its constituent departments are formed in accordance with the directions of educational, organizational and scientific-methodological work adopted at the university.

UMU is financed from funds received from the budgetary and extra-budgetary activities of the university. Spending Money produced according to estimates.

2. Structure and staff of the Educational and Methodological Department

The Educational and Methodological Department includes the following main divisions:

Educational process planning department;

Methodological department;

Distance learning department.

The staff of UMU is staffed in accordance with the staffing schedule approved by the rector of the university. All departments of the UMU are headed by department heads, who report to department engineers.

3. Tasks and functions of the Educational and Methodological Department

Educational and methodological management with the help of its departments:

Organizes long-term and current planning of the educational process and monitoring its progress;

Studies, generalizes and implements advanced technologies of the educational process and experience in improving its quality, and also organizes scientific research aimed at improving the educational process;

Coordinates the educational process between all levels educational programs ;

Plans and controls the preparation for publication of textbooks, teaching aids and other educational and methodological materials, as well as their submission for assignment of the corresponding stamps;

Provides training, retraining and creative development of teaching staff;

Collects, summarizes and provides reporting necessary for analysis educational activities the university and its departments;

Monitors the implementation of state educational standards in the content and level of training of university graduates;

Analyzes, summarizes experience and monitors the development and implementation of educational programs and training systems;

Forms an application for the State assignment for the training of specialists;

Ensures compliance with licensing, certification and accreditation requirements of the university;

Controls the provision of the university with forms of diplomas, certificates and other documents on educational activities.

3.1. Educational process planning department

The educational process planning department performs the following functions in its activities:

Studies the experience of planning the educational process of other universities and develops proposals for improving the planning of academic classes at the university;

Develops annual schedules for the educational process and monitors their implementation;

Provides assistance to university departments in developing curricula vocational education ;

Organizes work on the preparation and execution of semester plans in accordance with state educational standards of vocational education, requirements for the mandatory minimum content and level of training of graduates, as well as in accordance with the curricula of vocational education;

Develops and submits for approval to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs a schedule of classes for university students, and also monitors its implementation;

Provides methodological assistance to dean's offices in scheduling examination sessions;

Regularly monitors the state of the university’s classroom fund, distributes it for training sessions and examination sessions;

Carries out prompt one-time provision of free classroom fund upon request.

3.2. Methodical department

The main tasks of the methodological department are planning, organizing, coordinating and monitoring educational, methodological, scientific, methodological and research work on the problems of vocational education, developing practical recommendations and proposals for improving the educational process, generalizing, promoting and disseminating advanced teaching technologies, calculating educational workload of departments, analysis and control over its implementation, calculation of the staff of teaching staff of departments.

The methodological department organizes its work in contact with other divisions of the UMU, dean's offices, departments and services of the university.

Methodological department:

Coordinates the management of methodological work at the university, ensures the implementation and implementation of methodological developments and recommendations of the University Methodological Council and methodological commissions of faculties into the educational process;

Summarizes and promotes advanced teaching methods and technologies by organizing consultations, seminars, exhibitions, disseminating information about the achievements of departments of the university and other universities;

Organizes and controls the work of university departments to provide all disciplines of the curriculum with mandatory teaching materials, assists graduating departments in creating sets for them curricula in all disciplines of relevant areas of study;

Systematizes and stores electronic samples of basic educational and methodological documentation for departments and areas;

Organizes and conducts annual scientific and methodological conferences of the university teaching staff;

Organizes a regular exchange of teaching materials with related universities, interacts with educational and methodological associations in the areas of specialist training being implemented;

Organizes the planning, conduct and implementation of the results of scientific and methodological research on the problems of higher education in the educational process;

Liaises with educational and methodological departments (departments) of other universities on issues of scientific research to improve the educational process;

Plans and organizes work to improve the qualifications of university teachers, monitors the implementation of the professional development plan;

Summarizes and controls the reporting of departments and the university in the section of educational and methodological work.

The main types of reporting are:

Annual statistical report of the university in forms VPO-1 and VPO-2;

Annual university module submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

Monitoring of the university, areas and specialties of training, submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

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