Learning to write an essay: Argumentation of one’s own opinion (Arguments scored by one point). Why you need to dream A person should strive to make his dream come true

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All people tend to dream and this is wonderful. It is the desire to realize your dreams that often becomes a good incentive.

“Any dream can become a reality if you believe in it,” he said, and it’s hard to disagree with him, because this man discovered the formula for success. What needs to be done, where to start, to make your dream come true?

You should know that making a dream come true is possible only when it has real basis. In addition, you should not put off realizing what you want, coming up with various excuses and justifications.

How to make your dream come true, what is needed for this

First of all, break the entire path to your dream into steps, that is, small, specific goals. After all, it’s difficult to eat an entire elephant, so let’s eat it piece by piece. Treat the process not as work or difficulties, but as a gambling, interesting and exciting game where you must become a winner!

Strive for every goal you set, as it is actually the same dream. To implement your plan, you can adhere to a certain plan:

  • Reality. Think about how realistic what you want is;
  • Believe in yourself;
  • Proper distribution of personal time is also an important component on the path to making your dreams come true;
  • Take action;
  • Overcome obstacles;
  • Enjoy the results you get.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the points and find out how to make your dream come true.

Reality or illusion

To start fulfilling your dream, compare it with reality; you should not wish for something unrealistic (getting a rainbow or the Moon from the sky and other “magic”). This point is very important.

A desire without support in reality cannot be realized. Don't dream about many things, concentrate on one dream that is more important in your opinion. Formulate what you want to achieve.

Write everything down on paper. If you indicate what you want on paper, you can understand whether you really want it or not. It is advisable to describe everything in detail, as much as possible. Indicate all the pros and cons of getting what you want.

Try to imagine that you have achieved your dream. The more complete and clear the picture you create in your imagination, the better. Try to dream every day, it is better to do it before bed.

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Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) Most often a person is looking for his dream, but it also happens that a dream finds a person. (2) Like a disease, like a flu virus. (3) It seems that Kolka Velin never looked at the sky with bated breath, and the voices of birds soaring in the blue heights did not make his heart tremble. (4) He was an ordinary student, moderately diligent and diligent, went to school without much enthusiasm, was quieter than water in class, loved to fish...

(5) Everything changed instantly. (6) He suddenly decided that he would become a pilot. (7) In a remote, distant village, where the nearest station is more than a hundred kilometers away, where any trip becomes a whole journey, this very thought seemed madness. (8) The life path of every person here was smooth and straight: after school, boys received a license to drive a tractor and became machine operators, and the bravest ones completed driving courses and worked as drivers in the village. (9) Traveling on earth is man’s lot. (10) And then fly on an airplane! (11) They looked at Kolka as an eccentric, and the father hoped that the absurd idea would somehow disappear from his son’s head by itself. (12) You never know what we want in our youth! (13) Life is a cruel thing, it will put everything in its place and indifferently, like a painter, will paint over our ardent dreams drawn in our youth with gray paint.

(14) But Kolka did not give up. (15) He dreamed of silver wings carrying him over the wet snow of clouds, and thick elastic air, clean and cold, like spring water, filled his lungs. (16) After the graduation party, he went to the station, bought a ticket to Orenburg and took the night train to enter the flight school.

(17) Kolka woke up early in the morning from horror. (18) Horror, like a boa constrictor, squeezed his numb body with cold rings and dug its toothy mouth into his very chest. (19) Kolka went down from the top shelf, looked out the window, and he became even more scared. (20) Trees protruding from the semi-darkness stretched crooked hands to the glass, narrow lanes, like gray steppe vipers, crawled through the bushes, and from the sky, filled to the brim with shreds of tattered clouds, darkness flowed down to the ground in purple-black paint. (21)Where am I going? (22) What will I do there alone? (23) Kolka imagined that he would now be dropped off and he would find himself in the boundless emptiness of an uninhabited planet... (24) Arriving at the station, he bought a return ticket that same day and returned home two days later. (25) Everyone reacted calmly to his return, without mockery, but also without sympathy. (26) I’m a little sorry for the money spent on tickets, but I went, looked, checked myself, calmed down, now I’ll throw all nonsense out of my head and become normal person. (27) These are the laws of life: everything that flies up sooner or later returns to the ground. (28) A stone, a bird, a dream - everything comes back...

(29) Kolka got a job at the forestry enterprise, got married, is now raising two daughters, and goes fishing on weekends. (30) Sitting on the bank of a muddy river, he looks at jet planes flying silently in the sky and immediately determines: here is a MiG, and there is a Su. (31) His heart groans from aching pain, he wants to jump higher and at least once take a sip of that freshness that the sky generously feeds the birds. (32) But the fishermen are sitting nearby, and he timidly hides his excited gaze, puts the worm on the hook, and then waits patiently until it starts to bite.

(According to S. Mizerov)


What is a dream? This desire, this goal, which gives meaning to life or simply nurtures our pride, makes existence more attractive.

Is it possible to live without a dream? Undoubtedly yes. But why? Just spend your days as usual? Get up in the morning, have breakfast, go to work, have dinner and go to bed again? This is scary, but in reality this is what happens most often. Even if we have a dream - something without which life will lose its meaning - we sometimes throw it into a distant box, covering it with a layer of petty daily problems, needs and responsibilities.

In other words, very often, when faced with reality, the dream is forgotten.


This is exactly what S. Mizerov talks about in the proposed text. He raises the problem of the collision of the main dream in life with everyday life, with habitual existence.

A comment

The text begins with the author’s statement that many people try to find their dream, and for many the dream finds itself. This is what happened with Kolka Velin, an ordinary village boy. He was an ordinary teenager who attended school without much enthusiasm, had exemplary behavior and loved to fish.

Unexpectedly for himself, he wanted to become a pilot, to fly high in an airplane, to overcome the vast expanses of heaven. But for a remote village his desires seemed crazy. For all village boys, their fate was predetermined: after graduating from school, they received a license to drive a tractor and became machine operators. The bravest managed to become drivers.

Kolka’s father hoped that dreams of flying were childish, and after a while his son would come to his senses and follow his path. the right way, because life puts everything in its place. Under its yoke, the brightest youthful dreams perish. However, Kolka did not give up and, after graduating from school, bought a ticket to Orenburg and set off towards his dream - to enter a flight school. But waking up alone, the young man felt a chilling horror.

He did not understand where and why he was going, it began to seem to him that he was about to be thrown out of the train, and he would find himself alone in the whole world in a completely unfamiliar place. This fear forced him to buy a return ticket as soon as he arrived at his destination.

In the village he was greeted calmly, without ridicule or mockery. The family understood that this was a test for the boy, where he tried his hand and assessed his possibilities. Now he will calm down and throw all nonsense out of his head.

And so it happened. Kolka started working, started a family, and went fishing on weekends. But when he saw a plane flying in the sky, his heart sank, and he wanted to jump to get at least a little taste of height and freedom. But looking at the fishermen sitting nearby, he hid his excited gaze and continued to wait for the bite.

Author's position

The author tells that a dream dies under the yoke of reality, that life indifferently puts everything in its place. The main law of life, according to S. Mizerov, is that everything that flies upward necessarily returns to the ground: a stone, a bird, and a dream.

Your position

Argument No. 1

How impossible this turned out to be for the hero of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri". Having been captured by the Russians at an early age, the boy, named Mtsyri, always dreamed of returning to his homeland in the mountains, dreamed of freedom. Having matured, he escaped from the monastery, and several days in freedom became the happiest moments in his life.

However, after fighting with the leopard, the young man got lost and again went to the walls of the monastery, which were a prison for him, and soon died.

Argument No. 2

The dreams of the hero of I. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” also did not coincide with reality. Ilya Ilyich dreamed of a happy, calm life in love, but in reality he turned out to be unable to build this very happiness due to his inability to live.


You can dream a lot, but it is very important not to forget about reality. Reality is cruel and can break the best expectations. In order for a dream to have the opportunity to come true, you need to work hard and hard for this, having the appropriate strengths and capabilities.

There is probably no person in the world who has not indulged in dreams at least once in his life. It all starts from childhood - thoughts about the future arise in our clean heads. Psychologists say that in this way the child’s thinking is formed and the person’s imagination develops. They also note that most children’s dreams are illusions that are unlikely to ever come true. But this fact does not bother the little ones in any way; fortunately, they have a short memory for disappointments. Streams of thoughts form in their heads and what is important to them is what is happening now, at the moment. Everything else flows away like a river that has no future or past.

Adults often become the main listeners to the dreams of their beloved child - he can talk for hours on end about what he would like. Because the world of dreams, magic and all possibilities is the world of a baby. In addition, they have an amazing imagination that has no boundaries. But as soon as years are added, a person grows up - dreams become more meager. We only think about what is possible. And what older man, the more impossible for him. That is, dreams become scarcer. And in vain! Psychologists are alarmed by the pragmatism of people. They have lost the opportunity to think, even if it is not possible, but good.

Dreaming is not only pleasant, but also useful! And then together we will learn a number of reasons why people should be dreamers.

You are your dreams

Everyone knows that in our dreams we create an ideal future. That is, we are planning an ideal situation, without which not a single expected event is possible. Therefore, it is important to know what a person dreams of, what he expects from life. Not everyone, surprisingly, can decide on specific desires. This is the reason that they do not come true. Everything should have clear outlines. But don't be upset this situation You can always fix it, it’s like a mirror that you just need to wipe with a clean rag.

What do dreams give a person?

Adults know very well that any business must begin with a clear plan and project. Dreams are the outlines by which you should build your life. Put order in your thoughts, establish an order of desires and achieve each of them in order of priority. If there is a mess, a pun, then nothing will be achieved. It's easier to make plans, find resources and act.

As we move towards our goal, we will learn a lot of new things and open up new opportunities. Also, even if it is thorny, the path strengthens our faith, makes us wiser and more patient. At these moments, everyone can pay attention to something that did not interest him before. The boundaries of knowledge expand, experience accumulates, new acquaintances and relationships arise. A person “grows up” good habits, changes his taste, becomes more inspired by small victories. The once sad pessimist turns into an optimist. A new personality is born in him, capable of climbing to the heights of luck and success, seeing a goal and achieving it. He expects miracles from heaven, but relies only on himself, his mind, his logic. At the same time, it is necessary to turn off the seasoned realist in yourself, for whom dreams are a waste of time.

  1. Realization of positive desires. If a person really wants something in all seriousness, then there is every chance that the dream will come true. A positive type of thinking forces a person to act, to do everything to realize it. And positive thoughts always change life for the better. There is harmony in the soul, pleasant expectations, there is no time to think about problems. Unlike losers, dreamers are always filled with positive energy, they are kind, witty, and sensitive to other people's troubles.
  2. Don't just dream, but also act. A lot of people over 30 often complain that life has not turned out the way they once dreamed. They look for the reason not in themselves, but in the inconsistency of reality, they say the whole world is structured this way, it is unlikely that anything can be achieved in an honest way. They criticize everyone around them, but do not think about their own guilt. It’s not enough to just dream, you need to take firm steps towards your dream. You need to work on yourself, study, achieve. A rolling stone gathers no moss!
  3. Dreams improve a person. Few people dream about bad things. There is hardly a person who thinks that in the future he will easily deceive, offend, and destroy. Dreams are positive thinking and having them makes us better. We are improving, trying to live up to only the good things we desire.
  4. A dream corrects life. A clearly defined goal is a kind of guideline towards which dreamers go. They try to do everything so that troubles and wrong behavior do not interfere with the chosen path. Here it is important to be patient, wise and not to stop. Thanks to perseverance, the idols of millions achieved what they wanted, some built a good house, some started a large family, and some flew into space.
  5. A dream fills life with meaning. Empty and worthless thoughts only depress our existence, but a pleasant, beautiful dream fills us with special meaning and makes our life bright and rich. Thanks to our dreams, we can discover new talents and opportunities. You will understand what your soul is really drawn to, what gives it true pleasure.
  6. The dreamer has better health and well-being. To achieve what he wants, a person needs to live longer. This means he will be more attentive to his health. In addition, there will be no time to get sick; all thoughts and actions are directed towards realizing your dreams. According to statistics, it is pessimists who often form queues to see doctors, while optimists and goal-oriented people are on the way to their dreams at this time. Also, this positive trait allows a person to grow in his own eyes and set even more adventurous goals.
  7. Increased self-esteem. By dreaming and achieving his goal, a person takes on serious responsibility. At the same time, his self-respect grows. The dreamer also needs to be selective so that nothing leads astray. Therefore, he treats everything carefully and makes only the right decisions on a subconscious level. This is the key to good earnings, career growth, and a high reputation.
  8. Harmony in the family. Psychologists unanimously say that families of dreamers are the most happy people. If a person respects himself and his life, the same will be projected onto loved ones and relatives. He has no desire to change anything, to change the character of his spouse. Dreamers think only about a bright future, which instills confidence in the future for their household members.
  9. Relationships with children. Dreamers make the best parents. Firstly, they are easy to find mutual language with his “colleagues” – dreamy children. Secondly, their home is always cozy, warm and positive. The dreamer thinks not only about his own life, but also about the child’s life, strives to create all the conditions for him so that the dream of the reliability of the younger generation comes true.
  10. We resist the pressure of far-fetched circumstances. We all have set ourselves some task at least once in our lives, and we have always encountered certain circumstances. And then panic began, fear that they could not be overcome. But as for the dreamers, for whom the goal was born from a desired dream, they steadfastly endure trials and besiege the fortresses of circumstances. It turns out that the goal gives special powers, spiritual and psychological strength, dexterity, logical thinking, thanks to which all obstacles are unaffected. But pessimists immediately give up and nothing goes well. And there is only one thing left for them - to blame for failures not on their “beloved”, but on those around them.

It turns out that a dream is an engine that pushes us to exploits in order to achieve them.

What to do to make your dreams come true

Imagine for a moment that you are a programmer who is asked to create a program for the human brain. The work should be done in such a way that when finished you can press the Inter key and everything will work. But this program is called Dream, which needs to be loaded onto the flash drive of our thinking. But it’s not enough to just write a project, you also need to make it so that you can click on Inter, that is, make your wishes come true. Let’s find out in detail what is needed for this.

  1. Imagine for a moment that your wish has come true. And look at the current situation as if from above, play it out in your thoughts. Well, do you like it? Is this what you wanted? Believe me, this exercise allows everyone, without exception, to remove unnecessary dreams from the list and will allow you to focus only on the necessary and important ones. Thanks to the action, you will be able to refine your aim and shoot at the target without interference. And if you waste time on trifles, think about absurdities, then there can be no talk of any realization. Because time and effort are wasted on unnecessary things.
  2. Formulate your thoughts clearly. Many people construct sentences incorrectly and project the future poorly. For example, if a person thinks that he wants a lot of money, then if it appears, it will flow away like water. Another is thinking about visiting England - also wrong. You need to think - I want to be wealthy, have a good job. Thanks to the complexity of the goal, there will be a lot of money and opportunities to realize other desires.
  3. Make an accurate calculation. If you want to achieve what you want, take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts with a strip. On the left we write the desire, on the right the actions that need to be carried out. This makes it possible to clearly calculate the steps of what and who needs to be attracted. For example, there is a desire to occupy a certain position. Why they don’t take it - we write all this on the right side. And we begin to work on the mistakes, step by step.
  4. Let's get rid of doubts. If you don’t believe in anything, then nothing will come true. Wishes come true for those who believe in their dream and its realization. Also, you should not question your desires because of age, poor income and other circumstances. Are you not familiar with the amazing stories of those who overnight became millionaires and received an inheritance from an unknown person? Categorically do not allow viruses into your thoughts that can disable the program for a prosperous future.
  5. Hurry up slowly. The dream must be real and achievable. This isn't to say that you shouldn't covet what others have, just be careful with the scale. This is necessary in order not to be upset because of an unrealizable desire and wasted effort and effort. In any case, most people shouldn’t expect much right away; this is only possible with a miracle, which also takes place in our lives. Hurry towards your dream in equal and slow steps. Divide the segment to the desire into parts and go through each of them in turn. It's like doing abdominal exercises. Fitness club trainers know that long classes and heavy workload only lead to breakdowns. Cubes appear if a person exercises for 20-30 minutes a day for a long time. Remember the Chinese proverb: “A millennium begins with the first steps.”

Dream is the parent of miracles

Yes, and this is not a reservation. All that humanity can boast of are the fruits of the dreams of those who created them. When humanity dreamed of getting rid of a number of terrible diseases, thanks to the dreams of scientists and their work, they were defeated. People wanted to go into space - the dreams of scientists and astronauts came true. You can give a lot of examples of a person who managed to grasp his dream and realize it to the delight of those around him. At the same time, many pioneers heard a lot of insults, reproaches, and ridicule behind their backs. But they were persistent on the path to their desires and achieved their goal.

Do dreams have negative features?

In this regard, everything depends on the nature of the dreamer. Some are so absorbed in their desires and their realization that they forget about those around them and are ready to walk, as they say, “over corpses.” And if you fail to realize them, then the meaning of life is lost. In this case, you immediately need to clarify - what did you dream about? Perhaps it is too early or it was initially unfeasible. Or maybe you didn’t put in enough effort, gave in, missed the moment? No problem, try again and everything will work out. Before you begin implementation, weigh whether there is at least one percent that it will be implemented.

And there's no harm in dreaming

Whether you need to dream or not is up to you to decide. Psychologists say that daydreaming is a kind of risk. A person already believes in a good future, hopes and is completely absorbed in anticipation. What to do if you didn’t achieve what you wanted? Or what you dreamed about turned out to be negative, a disaster. Often the situation leads to complete despair. A disappointed person becomes depressed, and there may be serious nervous breakdowns, even suicide.

Agree, it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that time has passed, the desired is impossible. These thoughts represent serious psychological trauma. What to do? Experts insist that in life there must be other interests besides dreams. Otherwise, a person will be broken by failure, like a glass vessel. Also, you can’t wish for just one thing, let there be at least 5 items on the list. Something will come true and make rainbow adjustments to existence.

False dreams

In psychology there is a term “false dream”. This speaks of a wish that initially could not come true. Moreover, such a dream is simply dangerous for people. For example, a girl dreams of becoming a famous singer, but at the same time she has neither vocal nor external qualities. As the saying goes, “An elephant stepped on its ear.” Well, is there any point in hoping for anything in this situation? But problems with self-criticism, stubborn character and illusory vision force such girls to continue moving forward. The time spent could be devoted to another activity in which you can really show your abilities. But no - and that very moment of complete disappointment and nervous breakdown comes. In such cases, it would be correct to say that it is not dreams that are harmful, but an incorrect idea of ​​reality.

So, we have studied what a dream is, what it gives and the negative aspects associated with it. Thinking about good things, we are filled only with positive things and rejoice, even if only for future use. If people didn't dream, then we wouldn't have much of what we have. The same culture, history, politics were created by dreamers. Cinema, theater, music - gifts from dreamy people. The absence of desires would lead us like the flow of a river, in the waters of which we would feel like an ordinary sliver. We would not have made discoveries, travelers would not have sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, museums would not have opened, amazing skyscrapers would not have been built, beautiful clothes would not have been made, etc.

Without a dream, a person would not be able to believe in a great future; nothing would stimulate him to work diligently. Imagine at least for a second what life means in which there is no place for joyful anticipation of the future. Let alone discoveries, there would be no life, no civilizations.

Dream and achieve your desires. But be careful in them, think about what is feasible and drive away thoughts about the unreal. Get rid of the behavior. Also get rid of viruses that create doubts. Wish regardless of age or social status. Let them not become an obstacle negative situations, which have developed at this moment, a ray of sunshine will in any case break through the dark clouds and warm you with its warmth.

And lastly: for your dream to materialize, look at it every day. To do this, hang a photo of the desired house, car, dress, etc. on a large panel. Every morning, as soon as you open your eyes, your dream will look at you, and you will think about it. You iron, after a short time, as the happy owner of what you want, you will want to hang up a picture of something else that you dream about again.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Many people have cherished dreams, make plans to achieve them, and strive for them. But statistics show that not many can realize their dreams, and the majority fail on this difficult path. Why is this happening? In this article we will try to figure out the mistakes that make the realization of a cherished dream impossible.

1. Lack of a clear plan to realize your dream

Without an action plan, it is impossible to achieve not only any significant goal, but even complete a simple task. When building a house, doing renovations, preparing for exams or sports competitions, a plan for future actions is always drawn up. You need to do the same with your dreams. , and this requires a specific and detailed action plan.

2. Inaction

Realizing your dream becomes a reality only when you start taking concrete actions for it. Visualization is very good, but it must be supported by action. Without this, everything will be in vain. You need to accomplish some things every day that will bring you closer to your dream.

3. Overimportance of dreams

If you consider the sword too important, then it is your idealization. For this reason, its implementation may simply be blocked. Nobody knows how it works, but you get the opposite result. Never idealize your dream, enjoy life now and it will definitely come true.

4. Negative Constraints and Beliefs

You can strive with all your might to achieve your dream, but negative attitudes in your head will block it. How does this happen? There may be statements inside you such as “I’m not worthy of this,” “I won’t be able to get that much money,” “I don’t have enough abilities,” and so on. To remove these attitudes, you should learn to work with negative beliefs.

5. Low energy

You may have very low energy levels. And for this reason, realizing the dream becomes impossible. The body's energy needs to be increased and there are various techniques for this. It is also important to be able to defend yourself from negative people ().

6. Low self-esteem

To achieve any goal, you need to love yourself, and with low self-esteem, this is impossible. If a person does not love himself, then he believes that he is unworthy of the best in his life. Therefore, by any means.

7. Lack of proper faith

At this point everything is incredibly simple. If you do not believe that you can achieve your goal, then you will not be able to realize this dream. The Bible says that faith is the main component of success in any endeavor. Therefore, believe that you can realize your cherished dream.

8. This dream is not yours

This is one of the most important mistakes that people make. Often they don’t even know that the dream is not theirs. It is imposed on them by parents, neighbors, acquaintances and relatives. There are many exercises that will help you determine whether this is your dream or not.

9. People don't listen to their intuition.

When realizing your dreams, you should listen to hints and signals from the outside. This could be random meetings with some people, an email with an offer, some kind of training, etc. and respond to all signals from the outside.

10. A person visualizes his dream incorrectly

There is nothing complicated in this point, but you must imagine your dream in specific images - it must be bright and understandable. Create a dream map, hang reminders on your wall or desk, imagine how you will feel when you realize it.

Consider all these points and continue moving forward. Only then will the realization of your cherished dream become a reality!

Each of us begins our journey through the complex labyrinths of life from childhood. From an age that is filled with fairy tales, dreams, fantasies... We all live in a world of illusions and have no fear of reality, easily intertwining the real and the fictional. We are princesses and knights, brave heroes who fight the world's evil, and good fairies who reward those who deserve it with magical gifts.
But at one fine moment, reality comes upon us with all its obviousness, and we understand that there is so much that is unfair in this life, and that we decide practically nothing here. So what should we do? Give up your dreams, everything that is dear to your heart and hunt for the notorious “tit”?

Why can't we achieve our dreams?

Life goes on day after day, and sooner or later, we get used to what is happening around us. Yes, we come to terms with the fact that we didn’t become employee of the month, didn’t receive a diploma with honors, didn’t marry the best girl from the institute class...

Somewhere, deep down, everyone continues to dream. No, don't even dream, eh. But if you ask any person who considers himself a failure to make one single, most important wish, very few will be able to formulate it. And again this eternal question: why?

The thing is that only a few are able to realize what they really want. Win a million? What for? Become a beauty? What purpose? Get a prestigious job or become a fashion model? Where will this road lead? And so, fantasizing about something that seems attractive to us, in reality we are not fully aware of whether we need it or not.

The ability to formulate your own goals is a complex science. And it starts with being honest with yourself. After all, many live guided by a value system that in the real world can already be considered outdated.

People who are not too scrupulous, who do not want to give in, in any situation, who first of all think about themselves turn out to be more viable. And not every dreamer is ready to remake himself in their image and likeness. As a result, fairy tales, education and the principles that they impose on us prevent us from at least formulating our goal.

What prevents us from achieving our dreams and changing our lives?

Starting a new business is extremely difficult, and starting to change your life completely is almost impossible. The leading positions in the list of excuses are occupied by the following:

  • Not enough money.
  • There is no time for... (studying, going to the gym, reading, getting ready, etc.).
  • It's too late to change anything.
  • I am not like this/that... (greedy, cunning, aggressive, persistent, etc.).
  • If it doesn't work out, I'll completely lose faith in myself.

As you can see, there is no self-flagellation here: I am, they say, a quite capable person, but I lack something for complete happiness. If I were a rich bastard, and even younger, I would show you!

In reality, there will always be excuses, and whether you are Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or Catherine Deneuve, it is your life attitudes and false moral values ​​that prevent you from taking at least one step towards achieving your dreams.

Let's strive for a dream. From “who should live well” to “what to do”

To take this very first step, study the experiences of others. You may be surprised to learn that stories like Cinderella are quite rare: no one takes pity on the poor, submissive, silent girl and does not present her with all the joys of life on one platter.

The opposite is true. So be prepared for the fact that you will be disturbed, and you will have to show by no means the best human qualities, at least in your understanding.

Be a little crazy?

Belief in the success of a seemingly hopeless cause is a prerequisite. Without it, you cannot achieve even the smallest thing. Yes, the smarter we are, the more often we prefer to “not walk uphill,” but sometimes this approach turns out to be wrong.

Forget that any result must have some basis. Just do it. Theory without practice is complete zero, but practice without theory may well exist. Turn off your critical perception of reality, turn it on and - go ahead!

At least buy a lottery ticket.

Everyone has a chance, and more than one, believe me. This becomes especially obvious when we start giving advice to our friends or discussing someone we know who couldn't do this or that.

So, once again: take advantage of opportunities, don’t refuse. It’s better to give a less-than-excellent speech at a presentation and be rated “less than excellent” than to go completely unnoticed. It is better to puzzle over how to repay a loan taken for business development than to quietly and peacefully wither away against the background of competitors.

Love yourself, don't care about everyone.

Remember how Malysh and Carlson shared nuts? The boy's good manners told him that he had to give in, but in the end he turned out to be the injured party: Carlson outwitted him. And what happened in the end? Never mind! The kid was somehow comforted, the friendship did not break, and Carlson received all the best, in fact, what he sought. What's stopping you?

Just occasionally refuse requests from people that you do not want to fulfill, inform your boss that he additional task will require additional time expenditure from you, and this is a sure bonus for overtime. Bargain with sellers, demand to heat up a cold dish in a restaurant, do not ignore rudeness... Start small, and big things will follow.

We are not only a collection of certain psychophysical characteristics that nature and heredity have endowed us with. Being a civilized person, each of us is able to strangle any “gifts” in the bud: an aggressor will become an intelligent doctor, a libertine will become a harmless ladies' man, a hysterical woman will become a physical education teacher. So what is given by nature needs to be polished and sharpened, but not to “turn back the rivers,” but only to slightly correct their direction. And this is where various assistants come to our aid.

For some, all life should have a mystical background, others believe more in friendship and, well, for others, give it strictly scientific approach. Main - do not give up on your dream, clearly understand it and take small, slow, snail-like steps in its direction. But then - every day.

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