Physical education teacher. Technological map of a physical education lesson "teaching technical elements and techniques in volleyball" Physical education teacher


TEACHER: ZAMOROVSKY Sergey Gennadievich

BOU "Sorochinskaya Secondary School"

Kalachinsky district

Omsk region

Topic: “Lower straight ball serve (training). Consolidating the movements of a volleyball player, receiving a volleyball from above with both hands through a relay race.”

Educational objectives:
1. Create an introduction and provide basic knowledge about the technique of the low straight serve in volleyball.
Wellness tasks:
1. Formation of correct posture.
2. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system and increasing the physical fitness of students.
Educational tasks:
1. Fostering a conscious attitude towards physical education classes.
2. Fostering independence.
3. Fostering a sense of collectivism.
Developmental tasks:
1.Promote the development of coordination.

Location: gym. Time: 45 minutes.

Inventory and equipment: volleyballs, medicine balls, tennis balls, volleyball net, stopwatch, whistle.

During the classes:
Stage 1 - preparatory
1.Organization of students for the lesson. (1 min.)
A ) Formation in one line;
b) execution of commands: “Be equal! Attention! At ease!”
2. Identifying the topic of the lesson. (1 min.)

- Guys, what do I have in my hands? (ball)

What is he like? What is it for? (for playing volleyball)

Now I will give you this ball. What did I do and how? (feed from below)

That's right, guys. What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?

A) Identifying lesson objectives

- - Guys, in your opinion, what tasks will we set for ourselves?
- get acquainted with the technique of performing a lower straight serve;
- learn the basic elements of the serve technique;
- we will strengthen the technique of passing the ball from above with two hands;
- develop physical qualities, speed and coordination
3.Organization of students for warm-up
a) Execute the command “To the right, follow the guide around the hall, march!”
4. Preparing the students’ bodies for the main part of the lesson:
- develop correct posture;
- help strengthen the ankle joint;
- help strengthen leg muscles.
A) Walking around the hall:
- on toes, arms up;
- walking without a task;
- rolls from heel to toe;
- walking task bases;
- walking on the outside of the foot;
- walking without a task.
b) Running around the hall with and without a task:
- running without a task at a slow pace;
- running with a side step on the right side;
- running without a task;
- running with a side step on the left side;
- running without a task;
- running with high hip lifts;
- running without a task;
- running with the shin choking;
- running without a task;
- running with straight legs;
- running without a task at a slow pace.
While running, make sure you place your feet correctly.
When running with an extended step, the legs are slightly bent at the knee joint, arms to the sides. The gaze is directed forward. Monitor the height of your hip lift.
The body is slightly tilted forward, the foot is placed on the toe.
Do not bend your knees. The back is straight. The foot is placed on the toe.
5. Organizing a group to conduct outdoor training - help strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle;
- help strengthen the elbow joint;
- help strengthen the hands
- help strengthen the back muscles;
- help strengthen the muscles of the hip joint;
- help strengthen leg muscles:
A) Breathing exercises while walking.
b) Executing commands: “Guide, in place! Cool, stop! Pay off the first and second! Form in two lines! Become the first line to exercise! Second line, get ready to exercise! Hands to the sides, open with side steps!”
a) I. p. - hands to shoulders; - forward rotation; - reverse rotation.
b) I.p. - arms to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart; - forward rotation of the arms at the elbow joints; - rotation of the arms at the elbow joints back.
c) I.p. - arms to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart; - forward rotation of the hands; - rotation of the hands back.
d) I.p. - o.s.
1- left foot on the toe, hands on the belt;
2- tilt to the left, hand up;
3.4- return to i.p.
e) I.p. - o.s.
1.step left, arms to the sides;
2- tilt to the left leg with the right hand;
3.4- return to i.p.
f) I.p. - o.s.
1- sit down, arms forward;
3- sit down, arms forward;
g) I.p. - o.s.
1 - step with your left foot to the side, arms forward;
2- swing the left leg to the right hand;
3.4- i.p.
h) I.p. - crouching position;
1- jumping point-blank;
3- jumping point-blank;
i) I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt; - jumping on two legs;
Rotate 180 degrees
Restore breathing.
Stage 2 - Main
1.Create a visual representation of the technique of the lower straight ball serve.
a) A short story from the teacher.
Serving the ball in volleyball is needed to put the ball into play. The serve immediately scores a point. If a player from the opposing team cannot receive the ball from a serve, then the serving team receives the point. If the serving player makes a mistake when serving the ball, the opposing team receives a point.
In modern volleyball, the top straight serve, the top side serve and the jump serve are used. But it is better for beginner athletes to learn from the lower straight serve. The server stands behind the baseline facing the net.
b) Demonstration by the teacher of a lower straight serve.
2.Provide the basic knowledge of the technique of lower straight ball delivery.
A ) Teacher's explanation of the main elements of the lower straight serve technique:
- left leg is in front, right leg is behind.
- center of gravity on the right leg,
- the ball lies on the left hand, the right hand is in the starting position for the swing,
- the hand is open, the fingers are closed,
- throw the ball 20-30 cm, at the same time make a swing, moving the right hand back,
- the hand passes by the right leg,
- the ball is hit at waist level with a straightened arm with an open palm from behind and below.
3.Create a motor representation of the lower straight serve of the ball.
a) Imitation of an exercise without a ball:
I.p. - left leg in front, right behind, left hand in front, right hand prepared for swing;
1- imitate throwing the ball up, at the same time making a swing;
2- imitate hitting the ball with a straight hand with an open palm;
4. Organize students to conduct introductory exercises.
Execute the command: “Class, to the left, line up in opposing columns.”
5.Preparing the arm muscles for learning the lower straight serve.
a) Exercises with medicine balls:
- throw with two hands from below;
- throw with one hand from below.
b) Exercises with tennis balls:
- use your palm to hit the tennis ball from below like a tennis racket
6.Teaching the technique of lower straight feed
a) Performing lower direct feed in counter columns from a distance of 2-4 m
7. Organization of students to conduct a volleyball relay race.
a) Execute the command to the oncoming columns: “March forward with your left foot, stand still, circle!”
8. Strengthening the technique of moving a volleyball player, the technique of passing the ball from above with two hands, coordination through a relay race.
A) Shown by student:
- run to the net,
- throw the ball, crawl under the net, catch the ball from the other side,
- run to the wall with side steps with your right side, turn around, run with side steps to the net with your left side,
- throw the ball over the net, catch the ball on the other side,
- run to the mark on the floor, pass the ball with both hands from above (throw it up, hit it).
Stage 3 - Final
1.Organizing students to play a game to reduce activity (relaxation)
a) Execute the command: “Class, stand in one line, arms to the sides, open up!”
2.Help reduce physical activity through attention games.
A) Game "Forbidden Movement".
The teacher names the prohibited movement and begins to show different movements that the children must repeat. If children repeat a prohibited movement, they leave the game. The one who remains until the end of the game wins.
3.Organize students to sum up.
a) Run the command:
“Class, stand in one line!” Be equal! Attention! At ease!”
4. To develop a conscious attitude towards physical exercise through physical activity.
a) Repeat the technique of performing a lower straight serve at home.
5. Lesson summary.
- What is the topic of the lesson?

What goals did you set and did you achieve them?

Raise your hands if you completed the tasks with an “excellent” or “good” rating.

Who didn't succeed? Why? What needs to be done to make it work?

  1. Serving and receiving the ball in volleyball
        1. Serving is the psychology of the entire team, which is built by each player with his ability to perform this element. The stronger and more stable the serve, the stronger the player’s technical preparation in other elements.
          The serve is an element of the game that prevents the players of the opposing team from coordinating their actions and executing the intended game plan.
          The serve must be improved throughout the entire training session, practicing both individual hitting techniques and group actions.
      1. Serving the ball
        1. Which serve should you choose?

Young children (8–10 years old) who come to play volleyball are poorly developed physically. Their arms and shoulders are still weak due to the fact that they made few throws, especially with a straight arm. Teaching younger schoolchildren game sports disciplines should be built through games. At this age, they love to perform many different motor exercises that cause emotional excitement: their eyes light up, and most importantly, children get little tired.

Exercises on serving techniques are mandatory, difficult and boring even for students in grades 5–7, especially younger ones.

When teaching serving techniques, the coach must clearly understand what kind of serve he will teach and how to practice it:

1) lower straight line;
2) lower side;
3) upper straight line;
4) upper side.

When choosing the type of serve, the principle “from simple to complex” cannot be used (for example, from the lower straight to the upper straight). For beginners in volleyball, all movements are unusual, unnatural, and therefore difficult.

Of the four types of volleyball serve, the advantage today remains with the top line.

    Firstly, the server sees the court, and therefore the balance of power of the opponent.

    Secondly, with good technique, the server can hit the ball at a specific player, disrupting the opponent’s plans.

    Thirdly, the upper direct serve can also be a power serve, which makes reception even more difficult.

A strong straight serve could be rivaled by a strong side serve. But this does not happen, because it is more difficult in terms of leg movement and tossing the ball.

There are four main methods of overhead straight feed:

1) with a bent arm throwing the ball high;
2) with the shoulder and arm abducted to the side;
3) throwing the ball behind the head;
4) serve with a straight hand.

I would like to focus on the last serve. The main principle of learning is consistency. At each lesson, in any exercises, the movement of the straight arm is controlled.

        1. Exercises to prepare muscles for serving

1. Stand on straight legs, arms extended upward and holding a medicine ball (up to 1 kg) in “wide” palms. Without bending your legs, quickly move your heels off the floor and throw the ball up with your hands, then also catch the ball with your straight arms.

2. Throws in pairs with game and small medicine balls.

3. The same - in threes with two balls (two players are in place, the third is in motion).

This is a very useful exercise that can be performed by all groups of students in the future, but it requires discipline from the players serving the balls. The slightest carelessness and the ball can hit your partner in the face. At the initial stage, you can use a volleyball to consolidate the skill, then gradually alternate balls: for the younger group - a game ball and a small stuffed ball; for middle and senior groups - stuffed ones weighing 1 and 2 kg. To develop arm and shoulder strength, the main thing is not to increase the number of throws (5 for the younger group and 10 for the older group), but only the number of series: 2, 3, 4. The series should be repeated throughout the entire workout. After a month or two, with regular practice of this movement, you will be able to make sure that your players have noticeably strengthened their arms and shoulders: the range of throws will increase.

4. Two players lie on their backs, sideways to each other, at a distance of 3–4 m. The third, standing between them, alternately throws them to one or the other partner.

5. Two players stand with balls: one at the net, the second at the baseline. Between them lies a third player facing the player at the net. The player at the net throws the ball to the lying person, catches it, returns it back, while sitting makes a turn to the baseline, quickly lies down and receives the ball from the second player.

6. One player stands with the ball, the second lies facing him, the third stands behind the second at a distance of approximately 2 m. Having caught the ball from the player standing in front and secured it between his feet, the lying player quickly throws the ball with straight legs to the third partner, who returns it the ball goes into the hands of the person lying down, and that one goes into the hands of the partner standing in front.

7. One partner lies on the baseline, the second stands behind his head with the game balls. The ball is thrown into the hands with straight arms and immediately - a throw to the distance. The continuity of the chain is important: pass – receive – throw. The strength of the shoulders is monitored - from what throw their range decreases (fatigue sets in).

8. Two players stand at a distance of 1–1.5 m from each other. The third player rolls, receives the ball from one of the partners, returns it back and rolls again.

        1. Feeding technique

The training begins with an explanation and demonstration of all aspects - from the player's stance to hitting the ball.

I.p. – the left leg stands on the entire foot, the right – on the toe at the level of the heel of the left foot. The player holds the ball on his bent left hand at the level of the lower part of his face. The right arm is extended upward. The player begins the movement with the right foot: takes a step forward, touching the floor first with the heel, then with the foot, then immediately takes a step with the left foot, and always on the heel. Before you take a step onto the support, you should throw the ball to a height of 30–40 cm from the fingers of your outstretched hand. The step of the foot and the blow should merge into a single movement.

        1. We start at the wall

When learning to serve, players begin their first steps at the wall, since, firstly, not every school can provide a separate ball for each player. In this case, the player without the ball stands 3–4 m from the wall and makes an imitation of serving; secondly, after serving, the player catches the rebounded ball with both hands in open hands, which contributes to the development of his physical qualities; thirdly, serving against the wall increases the motor density of the lesson, allowing you to avoid unnecessary movements around the hall after the ball; fourthly, serving against the wall gives the coach the opportunity to be close to the players, monitor their movements and correct mistakes.

When a player makes a serve error, it is important to record not the error itself, but its cause. The process of learning serving technique should not come down to the number of serves, but to the question of how to serve correctly. The coach must be able to explain the reason for the error. When learning to serve, pay attention to the following points:

1. Where to hold the ball - at what height, on a bent or straight arm?
2. What should the beating hand be like - straight, bent; Is your elbow pulled back or to the side?
3. At what height should the ball be thrown in relation to the height of the hitting hand?
4. How to throw the ball: sharply or smoothly, or with a fully straightened arm?
5. What is the relationship between foot placement and hitting hand?

The quality of the serve is directly dependent on the location of the ball before the striking movement of the hand. In my opinion, you can always throw the ball with greater accuracy from a short distance.

        1. Mesh feed

Regardless of the quality of the serve at the wall, the player always has the desire to serve the ball over the net. When starting to perform such a serve, the player must be at such a distance from the net that he can throw the ball over it, receiving an emotional charge from this. But, as a rule, the first serves through the net cause more grief than joy for many. Average height players will serve the ball over the net faster than shorter players because they are more agile and their movements are better coordinated. As for tall students, they cope worse with this task and generally require an individual approach to learning, taking into account the characteristics of their physical development.

Learning to serve in the early stages should not be boring, but should create an emotionally positive mood.

These and other exercises have one goal - to practice the serving technique in a variety of movements, without trying to increase the distance from the player to the net. Only after the movement technique has been well established should the distance be gradually increased.

1. Three players each serve through the net. The distance to the net is determined by the coach. The serving technique is determined according to a five-point system: step, toss the ball, hit through the net with a straight hand. The coach evaluates the serve, explaining why it is the way it is. Three players after their serves score a total amount of points, and the best three are determined by their number.

2. On the front line, three players perform jumping ropes. At the coach’s signal, everyone runs to the serving place and serves one by one.

3. I.p. - Same. There are benches in the center of the site. At the coach’s signal, the players run from the baseline to the service point, jumping over the bench along the way, after which they take turns serving.

4. At the serving point, three players rotate the hoops, stop at the coach’s command and serve the ball.

5. On the front line, three players perform a gymnastic “bridge”; At the coach’s command, they bend down, run to the serving place and take turns serving the ball.

6. In the center of the court, players on the mats perform rolls. At the coach’s command, everyone stands up, takes the balls and takes turns serving.

      1. Receiving the ball from below in volleyball

If the serve can be practiced independently, then the reception depends entirely on the serve.

The serving player and the receiving player are in different conditions. It is psychologically easier for the first one, since his results depend only on himself. Nobody interferes with him in handling the ball: he chooses the target, the distance to the front line, and the force of the blow. The second player is deprived of these advantages. Therefore, in order for the serve to not be a weak point in the team’s game, it is necessary to include in the training program exercises that develop speed, dexterity, and coordination of movements.

        1. Reception technique

In order for the execution of the ball from below to correspond to the quality of the tactical play of the team as a whole, the coach must know well the individual level of capabilities of each player and only after that build the tactics of the game. The quality of receiving the ball from below depends on the player’s stance: the position of the legs, body and arms.

1. Legs should be in a comfortable wide stance, bent and parallel to each other.

2. The body is straight. When teaching how to receive the ball from below, the coach must pay attention to the student’s back in order to quickly correct mistakes. If the body leans slightly forward, the back arches, and over time, a stoop may develop. Therefore, the back should be arched forward, the shoulders should be turned, the position of the head should be such that the eyes look straight. The flight of the ball, its level, and changes in directions are determined only by your gaze. Choosing a position to receive the ball is the basis for subsequent accurate passing. To do this, each player must know: it is necessary to take a position to receive the ball after the ball has flown half or a third of the way. When the ball is near the player or already above his head, a mistake is inevitable.

3. Hands in the “lock”, arms straight, extended and lowered down. Reception goes to the forearms. The position of the body and arms is as interconnected as possible. It all depends on the flight of the ball, its strength and the purpose of the pass.

        1. Tactical tricks

If, when receiving the ball from above, the coach can put poorly receiving students in safe zones, then everyone should be able to perform the low reception. To achieve this, a protection system is being built that requires strict compliance.

1. The quality of receiving the ball from below depends on the strict game discipline of the receivers and on the actions of the players of the attacking team. Each player must know his task, his place on the court, so as not to interfere with his friend in choosing a position. Serves are accepted only from the right (with the exception of the player in zone 5).

2. When receiving offensive blows from zone 4, players must stand diagonally.

3. When receiving, the back line players move to the right. This can be achieved by maintaining strict discipline in the tactical formation of players. A player in zone 6 can only be positioned in two positions: at the three-meter line when belaying his front line players, or 1–2 m further to the back line in relation to the position of players in zones 1 and 5. Positioning of players in zones 1, 5 and 6 in one line - a gross mistake.

        1. Exercises for learning to receive the ball from below

When assigning players for appointments, you should focus on their performance of complex exercises that provide great physical activity.

Receiving the ball from below is practiced both individually (throws against the wall and receiving a bounced ball) and in groups.

1. In pairs and triples, the receiving player practices taking strong hits or throws on his side of the court.

2. The same - through the net.

3. The same - in a certain playing area.

4. To develop a low stance, strikes must be done downwards. A proper low stance can be achieved by quickly dropping to one knee while maintaining an upright body position. Possible mistake: the technique is performed on almost straight legs by bending the back and lowering the forearms.

5. To rotate the forearms to the right or left, throw the ball straight to the chest. The weight of the body is transferred to one leg, and the forearms take the place of the body. This movement is often used with low blows to the body, when there is no possibility of escape.

6. Moving in a low stance without moving your arms to the sides. The quality of passes is always higher if the hands move from bottom to top in front of the body. To do this, you must first take 2-3 steps to the side and then accept the ball.

7. Exercise with several balls. The receiver immediately improves 2-3 options for receiving the ball from below: after a strong serve, short throws, throws to the body.

8. The player throws the ball from the opposite side of the court. His partner must perform the technique and, together with his partners, draw the ball. The main thing in this exercise is attentiveness and the correct choice of position.

9. Three people remain at the reception: two receiving players and a breeder. The main task of the receivers is to bring the ball to the thrower. When this task is completed, the team can solve any tactical problems in the attack.

        1. Group interactions during low ball reception

1. Players in zones 5, 6 and 1 roll on the mats and immediately receive the ball from their server. After the reception, the ball is played for an attacking shot.

2. Exercise in pairs. Players stand on the front line. At a signal from one player, the other runs with a high hip lift towards the net, turns around, quickly runs into the field and receives the ball from below from his server.

3. Three players on their side of the court sit on the floor with their backs to the net; At a signal from one of the servers, they quickly stand up, turn around and receive the ball. After the reception, the ball is played for an attacking shot.

4. Two (three) players jump behind the end line with skipping ropes. At the signal, they throw the jump ropes, run out to the receiving areas and receive serves from their servers.

5. Two (three) players sit on chairs with their backs to the net. At a signal from one server, they quickly stand up, run behind the chair and receive the ball from their servers.

6. Two (three) players behind the baseline jump with ropes, at the server’s signal, throw them, jump over the benches located 2 m from the baseline, and receive their serves.

7. Pairs of players on opposite sides of the court jump over each other (“leapfrog”). At a signal from one on the left side, the pairs make a leapfrog jump. Whoever jumped on the left side of the court, at the coach’s signal, serves, whoever jumped on the right side, receives. Then the pairs change roles.

8. The same - in threes followed by a ball.

9. Players in zones 4 and 2 make a block, then run back 6-7 m from the court, turn around and receive the ball from their server. In this exercise, you can add a passer, who does not participate in the reception, but helps to play the ball after the reception. In this case, the serve is performed by one player.

10. On the right side of the court, players in zones 1, 6 and 5 receive hits through the net from players in zones 4, 3 and 2. After which they immediately serve to zones 1, 6 and 5. After the reception, an attack is organized.

11. Exercise in pairs. The player at the net throws the ball onto the three-meter line, the second one runs up from the baseline, performs a technique, and then returns back. Change after 3-4 repetitions.

12. Exercise in pairs. The players near the wall perform passes from below, then pass into the wall one at a time, changing the rebound distance of the ball.

13. Exercise in triplets. One player stands 1 m from the wall with the ball, the other in the center of the court, the third at the net with the ball. The player near the wall holds the ball with outstretched arms and throws it sharply at the wall. The player in the center of the court performs a technique and directs the ball to the player at the net, after which he goes for an attacking shot. Change after 10 reps.

14. Exercise in pairs. The player at the net (in zone 4) takes 5 balls, the other player stands on the opposite side of the court (in zone 5). The first player jumps up and throws the ball with his arms outstretched into the air at the zone 5 player, who takes the ball from the bottom of the ball. Then the players change roles.

15. On one half of the court, three players stand behind the end line, the other three players are located in zones 5, 6 and 1 at the reception. The players are also located on the other side of the court. After three serves, each three players change their positions, and at this time the players on the other side of the court serve. The coach determines which zone to serve the ball into.

Lesson plan for volleyball training in 5th grade. Lesson topic: “Lower straight serve of the ball.” Outdoor game “Give and hit.”

Lesson objectives: perform a complex of outdoor gear with a volleyball, conduct special running exercises; introduce the technique of lower straight serving of the ball: serving the ball into the wall, serving the ball in pairs - across the width of the court with subsequent reception; learn the outdoor game “Pass and Hit.”

Formed universal educational actions:

  • subject: have an initial understanding of the technique of lower direct feed; organize health-saving activities through general developmental exercises with a ball and the outdoor game “Give and Hit”;
  • meta-subject: accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, determine general goals and ways to achieve them; agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities; resolve conflicts constructively by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;
  • personal: development of motives for educational activities, responsible attitude to the assigned work; understanding of physical culture as a means of organizing a healthy lifestyle and preventing bad habits; careful attitude towards your own health and the health of others.
    Equipment: stopwatch, whistle, volleyballs according to the number of participants, volleyball net.

During the classes
I. Introductory part
1. Construction. Organizational teams. Student report, greeting, announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
2. Walking in a formation step. Warm-up run (3 min). After running, the teacher moves the class to a walk. Students perform breathing exercises: at 1-2 - inhale, arms up. At 3-4 - exhale, arms down. When students walk around the perimeter of the hall, they take one volleyball ball.
- Cool, stay where you are! Left!
(The teacher stops the class on the long side of the hall.)
- Pay off the first or second! The first remained on this side, the second marched to the opposite side of the hall! Seconds, all around!
Having thus formed two lines, they proceed to warm-up.
3. Warm up with a ball

Well done guys, warm-up is over.
4. Running exercises
Each student places their ball next to them as a guide. The exercises are performed in turn, first the first numbers, then the second. The teacher announces in advance: “The first ones are ready” or “The second ones are ready.”

  • I. p. - sitting on the floor with his back to the direction of movement. At the signal, stand up, run to the opposite side, touch the line with your hand and return.
  • I. p. - with the ball in his hands. At the signal, move with an extended step to the opposite side, and return back with an extended step on the other side.
  • I. p. - with the ball in his hands. At the signal, run forward, at the next signal, turn around and run back, i.e., at each signal, you need to turn around and run in the opposite direction. The run continues until one of the students crosses the opposite line. Then the students walk back. If someone drops the ball during the execution, they are eliminated.

II. Main part

- Repeat passing the ball over your head (perform the exercise for at least 1 minute).

- Repeat receiving and passing the ball from below (at least 2 minutes). Try not to throw yourself with your hand and then clasp your hands, you need to immediately play with correctly folded hands.
3. Lower straight serve: introduction and lead-up exercises

- Let's check your homework. Who understood the technique of performing a straight bottom serve (Vilensky’s textbook for grades 5-6-7)?

Sample answers: This is the easiest and simplest serve option in volleyball. When performing a low serve, the ball is struck below head level. Accordingly, those strikes that are delivered at or above the level of the head are top serves. This serve is called a direct serve because the player stands facing his partner, the wall or the net. If the player turns sideways, then this will be a side serve.
- Our task is to work on the lower straight serve. Let's look at the technique: facing the target (net, partner, wall), put the ball on the palm of your left hand, put your left leg slightly forward, transfer the weight of your body to it, tilt your body forward, and take your right leg back.
Let's look at the striking technique: the blow must be struck with a palm folded in the shape of a boat, and not with the palm itself, but with its upper part. If a left-handed person serves, then we do everything the other way around: the ball is on the right hand, we hit with the left, etc.
- Let's do training exercises.

  • Imitation of serve. You need to practice the movement of your hand and the place where the blow will be struck. We hold the ball in the palm of our hand, but do not knock it down, but only touch it. The exercise is performed for 1-2 minutes. We try to serve against the wall, moving 3 m away from it. The exercise is performed for at least 3 minutes. If students are able to complete the exercise correctly, they move on to exercises in pairs.
  • Exercises in pairs. Students divide into pairs and leave one ball for each pair.
  • Bottom feed. Partners stand opposite each other on opposite sides of the hall (widthwise) and practice the bottom serve. While the students are completing the task, the teacher can evaluate the work of each student, suggest something to someone, simply praise someone, etc.
  • Repeating overhand passes (1 min).
  • Repetition of passing the ball from below (1 min).
  • Any transmissions (1 min).
  • Outdoor game “Give and Hit”

Although students have not tried hitting a ball over a net in this lesson, this is an option you can introduce to them.
The teacher divides all students in the class into two teams. By lot, one of them has all the balls. They begin to serve while standing no further than six meters from the net. At the signal, the members of the first team take turns serving the ball to the opposite side, but they must hit the given half, more precisely, a quarter, since we divide the enemy’s territory in half and designate one of the halves as the target. You can choose which place to serve from, that is, stand exactly opposite the place where you need to hit, or slightly to the side, or diagonally. The number of hits is counted. When the first team has completed its serves, the second team collects the balls and prepares for its serve. The team with fewer errors receives 1 point. The next serve is made, etc. The quarter in which the serve should be made should be changed periodically. If students serve confidently, then we increase the distance to the net to 8-10 m.

III. Final part

  1. Students finish the exercises a few minutes (4-5) before the end of the lesson. Inventory is put into storage. At the teacher’s command, quickly form a line one at a time.
  2. Summing up the lesson. Analysis and self-analysis of student work.
  3. Evaluating student work: the teacher notes the best performance. Praises students for their efforts and successful submissions.
  4. Homework: read the text “Exercises for mastering the lower straight serve” on p. 121 textbooks Physical education in grades 5-6-7, M.Ya. Vilensky.
  5. Organized departure from the hall.

Technological map of a physical education lesson

Lesson topic : Volleyball training.

Location : Secondary school No. 20

Teacher: Eshmurzinova I.N.

Inventory : volleyballs, whistle, stopwatch.

Target: Teaching technical elements and techniques of volleyball training in physical education lessons

Lesson objectives:

Educational :

    Stances and movements of a volleyball player;

    Teaching the technical elements of playing volleyball

a) upper, lower gear with both hands;

b) lower straight, side feed, top feed;

3. Educational game. Terminology of the selected game.


    Promote the formation of correct posture.

    Support and strengthen the vital functions of the students’ body.

    Contribute to the hardening of the body during speed skating lessons.

    Develop physical qualities: agility, speed, jumping ability.

Educational :

    Contribute to the development of hard work, attentiveness, and mutual assistance;

    Encourage independent exercise.

Lesson type : Lesson on improving knowledge, skills, abilities

Part of the lesson

Lesson stage

Lesson Objectives

Contents of educational material

Teacher activities

Student activities

UUD (cognitive, communicative, personal, regulatory)

Preparatory part

8-10 min.

Organizational stage

To focus on instilling organization, order, and self-control in students. Psychologically prepare students for communication and the upcoming lesson.

Preparation for the lesson - emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students to master the material being studied. Report.

Forms a line. Checks students' readiness for the lesson, organizes students' activities at the preparatory stage of the lesson. Greetings. Sets objectives for the lesson and gives brief explanations

Perform construction. Listen and discuss the topic of the lesson.

Every student

takes the ball and lines up.

1. Prepare for communication.

2. Form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity

Prepare the body for physical activity.

Stances and movements of a volleyball player

1. Walking and its varieties:

On toes

On your heels

In a full squat



High hip lift

With choking of the shin

Moving with side steps

left (right) side

Special warm-up.

Divide the children into pairs and distribute one ball each.

    Throwing the ball from behind the head;

    Throwing the ball to the floor;

    Right, left hand;


    An offensive strike to the floor with the right and left hand.

Explains and demonstrates the exercise.

Creating a situation for choosing a physical exercise to develop muscle strength and performing it.

Carrying out individual work to improve methods

Doing the exercise

Be able to determine heart rate

Consider preparatory and lead-in exercises for warming up certain muscle groups and joints (before studying technical techniques in volleyball)

1.Develop the ability to express your guess based on the demonstration of exercises

2. Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the assigned task.

3. Predict upcoming work (make a plan.)

4. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

5 . Establish the role of warm-up in preparing to work with volleyballs

Main part 30 min.

Learning new material

Upper, lower gear with both hands;

From one bounce from the floor, catch the ball in the top gear position above your head

Work in pairs: one student throws the ball to a partner, the second catches it with an overhead move

Work in pairs: one student throws the ball to a partner, and with the second top gear returns the ball back to him

To remind you to perform the exercise correctly:

Timely access to the ball and choice of starting position.

Legs are bent at the knees and spread, one leg in front.

The torso is in a vertical position, the arms are extended forward and upward and bent at the elbows.

The hands are in contact with the ball at the level of the face above the head, the hands are in a dorsiflexion position, the fingers are slightly tense and bent, they tightly cover the ball, forming a kind of funnel

They do the exercise, help each other, evaluate each other, and suggest mistakes.

1. Enrichment of motor experience with physical exercises

2. Self-regulation of heart rate

3. Coordination of movements.

4. Ability to work in pairs.

5. Self-assessment and analysis of performed movements.

Receiving the ball from below.

One student, from his own throw, performs an overhead pass over himself and passes it to his partner with a lower pass.

Partners perform upper, lowerpasses without catching the ball.

Perform the transfer after moving forward and backward.

The main load during transmission (the transmission itself) falls mainly on the index and middle fingers.

Legs and arms straighten. Extension in the wrist joints and elastic

Development of coordination abilities

Focuses on the technique of performing the exercise.

Trying to perform the exercise as accurately as possible


Learning new material

Bottom straight, side feed, top feed;

Development of jumping ability

Educational game

Simulation of straight top feed.

Teaching the starting position and tossing the ball.

Execution by students under the guidance of a teacher.

Mastering the striking movement of the ball and the coordination of movements of individual parts of the body:

The right side serves, the left side catches;

The right side serves, the left side receives the ball over itself;

From a place (at a distance of 5 m from the net), starting with your left foot, take 3 steps forward and on the 4th, push as hard as possible and jump forward and up over the net, while swinging your arm up

The class is divided into three teams

Gives complicated tasks taking into account the student’s individual abilities, corrects and corrects errors, evaluates the student’s performance

Explanation and demonstration by the teacher.

Player's stance during a straight top serve.

If he has a strong right arm, place your left leg slightly forward, with your knees slightly bent. The left arm is straight and extended in front of the body, the ball lies on its palm. The right arm is raised up and preparing to swing. Smoothly throw the ball up with your left hand to a height of 1 m above your head. Simultaneously with throwing the ball with your right hand, swing back and up. When the ball is lowered to the palm of your right hand, you swing your straight right hand from behind - up - forward to perform a striking movement. As the striking movement begins, the legs straighten and the body weight is transferred to the leg in front. The ball is struck with the heel of the palm. After the impact, the arm is extended in the direction of the ball moving forward and down.

Monitors the execution of exercises.

Be able to organize collective joint activities

Do the exercise. help each other

Be able to insure a friend while performing an exercise

Be able togive a self-assessment of your own activities

Examples of children's self-esteem:

-I believe that now I can do the exercises without the help of a teacher.

Development of hard work and responsibility for the quality of one’s own and collective activities.

Active involvement in the performance of motor actions;

interaction with peers;

development of attention

Development of collective activity.

1.Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the assigned task.

2.Develop the ability to listen and understand others.

3. Evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.

4. To create motivation to master new exercises and purposeful practical activities.

Ability to concentrate to achieve a goal

Final part 5 min.


Restoration of breathing and pulse.


Summing up, evaluating results.

Analysis and evaluation of success in achieving the goal

Lines up the students in one line, gives the command to pass the balls, sums up the results, and gives homework.

They stand in a line, listen to the teacher, take the balls to their place, and write down their homework.

Homework information

Repeat the safety precautions for playing volleyball, do morning exercises, outdoor and sports games in the fresh air.

Ensuring an understanding of the content and method of completing homework.

1.Review safety precautions and rules of the game volleyball


3. Prepare an essay on the topic “Volleyball”

1. Received by completing homework on theory and practice.

2. Choosing a way to complete homework, showing creativity and initiative.

To form motivation for creative implementation of purposeful practical activities, choosing ways to complete homework

Lesson plan for physical education No. 11 in 9th grade.

Curriculum section: Sport games

Subject: Volleyball



Educational objectives:

A game with volleyball elements.

Wellness tasks:

Educational tasks:

Lesson type: educational - training

Method: frontal

Location: School gym.

Time spending: Scheduled

Inventory: volleyballs, volleyball net, whistle

Lesson parts

Particular tasks for specific exercises

Contents of educational material


Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory-12 min

Provide initial organization and psychological readiness

Create a mindset to achieve results

Specification of attention

Preparation of the cardiovascular system

Organize outdoor switchgear for implementation

Promote muscle elasticity, joint mobility

1.Construction. Form verification. Greetings.

2.Communication of lesson objectives.

3.Turns in place.

4.Walking: on toes

On your heels

5. Running with side steps

Slow running

6.Walking with breathing exercises

Rebuilding based on first second

General development exercises:

I.p -o.s. circular movements of the head

2.ip.-hands to shoulders, circular rotations with arms

3.ip. hands on the belt, legs wider than shoulders. Forward bends

4.ip.-o.s. squat

5.ip.-o.s. jumping in place

15-20 s.

10-15 s.

3-4 turns

1-2 min.

2-3 min.

4 times

4 times

4 times

Achieve speed of construction

Ensure that students are specific and understandable

Keep your hands on your belt

Hands behind your head

Keep your distance

Range of motion is moderate

Monitor the accuracy of the exercises

Main-25 min

Promote accuracy of execution

Teach player interaction

Achieve accuracy in performing the exercise

Contribute to the improvement of the studied material

1.Repetition of the top pass of the ball in teams

2. Alternating the upper and lower passes of the ball through the net

3. Feeding the ball into a certain area

4.Volleyball game

5-7 min.

5-7 min.

5-7 min

7-10 min.

Control the technique of performing exercises

Learn to play three-touch game

Final part -3 min

Promote reflection on performance

Construction. Summarizing. Grading.

3 min.

Encourage self-analysis of one’s own activities

Lesson Analysis in physical education No. 11 in 9th grade.

Curriculum section: Sport games

Subject: Volleyball

Target: improving the technique of performing volleyball elements


Educational objectives:

  • Improve the technique of receiving and passing the ball from above and below.
  • Improve the technique of serving and forward hitting.
  • A game with volleyball elements.

Wellness tasks:

  • Develop students' coordination abilities
  • Instill self-control skills
  • Develop speed and strength qualities

Educational tasks:

  • To develop students' collective action skills in the game of volleyball.
  • Cultivate courage, perseverance, mutual assistance

Lesson type: educational - training

Method: frontal

Location: School gym.

This lesson corresponds to his work plan.

The objectives of the lesson correspond to their program requirements, are set specifically and competently, are aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious development of students, and are feasible for students of this age to complete.

The methods used correspond to the stages of learning and the objectives of the lesson. Organizational and methodological instructions are presented in full.

The summary corresponds to the generally established form, there is sufficient literacy and accuracy of writing.

Analysis of physical education lesson methodology.

Lesson organization.

Class locations, equipment, and supplies were prepared in a timely manner. The sanitary and hygienic condition of the gym fully complies with SanPin standards. The teacher's appearance: neat, smart, no unnecessary items. All students wear sportswear and shoes. The lesson began at the bell with formation and greetings. Fizorg submitted a report on the readiness of the class students for the lesson.

The teacher briefly and clearly communicated the objectives of the lesson. The time allocated for each part of the lesson is distributed correctly and rationally, and complies with the rules and regulations for conducting a volleyball lesson (preparatory part 10-12 minutes, main part 25 minutes, final part 3-5 minutes). The area of ​​the gym was fully used, and the equipment was used for its intended purpose.

Characteristics of teaching aids used in the lesson.

The selection of tools for the preparatory part of the lesson corresponds to the objectives of the main part of the lesson and is distinguished by a variety of exercises for posture, breathing and the development of all muscle groups. Performing exercises in combination with moving the hands and shoulder girdle in a volleyball player’s stance aimed at preparing the hands and shoulder girdle was justified.

The teacher chose exercises with balls very well. I systematically paid attention to safety precautions when performing exercises with balls. Elena Anatolyevna supervised the completion of tasks by students on bent legs with yielding movements of their hands.

The selected means of the main part of the lesson fully correspond to the tasks being solved, the capabilities of the students are taken into account, a rational sequence in the presentation of the material is observed, the teacher uses lightweight tasks, a positive transfer of skills, systematicity and variability of tasks are visible.

The selection of means for the final part of the lesson was carried out correctly, the nature of the work in the second part of the lesson was taken into account, and the restoration of the students’ body was correctly ensured. Heart rate check performed.

Characteristics of teaching methods used in the lesson.

During the lesson, frontal, group and individual methods of organizing student activities were used. All methods correspond to the content and objectives of the lesson, the age of the students, maintaining the required load and density of the lesson.

During the lesson, verbal and visual teaching methods were mainly used. Verbal methods (explanation, story, conversation, instruction) used by the teacher during the lesson correspond to the objectives of the lesson, the contingent of students, and the information conveyed is meaningful and informative. The quality of mastery of the verbal method is at a high level: explanations are clear, concise, understandable, appropriate for a specific student, sports terminology and methodological techniques are used correctly that enhance the impact of the word (comparison, repetition, intonation, humor is appropriate). The general culture of the teacher’s speech is distinguished by literacy, clarity, and emotionality.

Elena Anatolyevna knows how to use the demonstration method, correctly chooses a place on the court, performs exercises technically, and at the same time explains their role in the volleyball player’s technique.

Elena Anatolyevna skillfully switches from one task to another, as a result, the exercises seem to flow sequentially; In this regard, training has a holistic nature.

In the control task, the teacher skillfully organized a test of ball serving skills, where students were assessed using the in-line method.

The holistic method of practical learning used in the lesson corresponds to the characteristics of the students, the tasks being solved and the observance of consistency.

The preparatory part includes exercises to develop physical qualities and lead-in exercises aimed at solving the main part of the lesson.

In the main part, the exercises are chosen correctly, the complexity increases gradually, the exercises effectively develop coordination of movements, and the skills of receiving and passing the ball are improved.

The load is apparently high, but corresponds to the age characteristics of the students, its volume and intensity is regulated, there are rest pauses between exercises, during which the teacher notes mistakes and explains new tasks.

The educational work of the teacher is aimed at developing an active life position of students, their desire for self-improvement and is carried out throughout the lesson.

Methods of training physical qualities.

Much attention was paid to the formation and improvement of posture during the lesson. Work on developing physical qualities was carried out in the preparatory and final parts of the lesson (development of coordination of movements and endurance). The following methods were used: frontal and repeated. The tasks and methods used were appropriate and corresponded to the age, objectives of the lesson, and conditions. The load in the lesson fully corresponded to age characteristics, tasks, stages of learning, a sufficient amount of sports equipment and allowed us to achieve high motor skills and clarity in the lesson.

Educational work.

Particular attention was paid to solving educational problems. The tasks of mental education (intelligence, resourcefulness, creating search situations, organizing mutual learning), moral education (formation of cultural behavior skills, nurturing discipline, organization, collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance) were completely resolved. Objectives of aesthetic education (formation of beautiful posture, gait, beauty of movements, beauty of action); tasks of labor education (hard work, simple work skills) all these tasks are solved during the lesson.

Conclusions and offers. 1. The lesson has a high educational, health (developmental) and educational value 2. Positive aspects of the teacher: - ability to organize, interest students, maintain discipline at the proper level throughout the lesson - high culture of speech; - the ability to combine technical demonstration and competent explanation with an indication of possible errors; - competent management of the educational game: stopping the game in a timely manner, showing and explaining various situations, asking problematic questions and solving them in an effective way by students. 3. The lesson showed poor preparation and physical development of individual students. Elena Anatolyevna applied a differentiated approach to them, giving them easier tasks where possible.

In general, the lesson can be assessed at a high level.

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