Coal industry in Russia coal is a type of fossil fuel formed from parts of ancient plants underground without access to oxygen. coal industry. Presentation "coal industry" Presentation TEK coal industry

COAL INDUSTRY IN RUSSIA Coal is a type of fossil fuel formed from parts of ancient plants underground without access to oxygen. The coal industry is engaged in the extraction and primary processing (enrichment) of hard and brown coal and is the largest branch of the fuel industry in terms of the number of workers and the cost of production fixed assets.

The mine operates on average for about 40 years. Coal is mined in layers, each layer is removed for about 10 years, after which the horizon is reconstructed and the next, deeper layer is mined. The reconstruction process is required to ensure the environmental safety of the environment and the people working in the mines. To maintain production levels, it is necessary to constantly build new mines. Every year, 5 to 7 depleted enterprises leave the industry.

A processing plant is an enterprise for processing coal. It first sorts the coal according to the size of the pieces, and then enriches it, reduces the content of mineral impurities and waste rocks, and then sends the coal to the consumer. In terms of coal production, Russia ranks fifth in the world (after China, the USA, India and Australia)

Coal basins of Russia Kuznetsk basin (Western Siberia, Kemerovo region); Kansk-Achinsk basin (Southern Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Territory); Pechora basin (the largest in the European part, Arctic); Donetsk basin (Rostov region); Irkutsk - Cheremkhovo basin (Irkutsk region); South Yakut basin (Far East) The distribution of coal throughout the country is extremely uneven. 95% of reserves are in the eastern regions, of which more than 60% are in Siberia. The bulk of general geological coal reserves are concentrated in the Tunguska and Lena basins. The Kansk-Achinsk and Kuznetsk basins are distinguished by industrial coal reserves.

Consequences of the coal industry The natural landscape, soil cover, and along with it flora and fauna are destroyed (due to the formation of quarries and dumps). Plowing of land, logging, fires, construction of access roads and roads negatively affect the environment. Coal processing pollutes surface waters and the atmosphere. As a result, not a single river within the Kuznetsk Basin is suitable for drinking (ecological deterioration in the Kemerovo region)

Social problems (the standard of living of the population is extremely low) Problems of the coal industry A sharp increase in transport prices For many areas, coal is prohibitively expensive Most coal mines and quarries need technical re-equipment

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"Presentation "Coal Industry""

Presentation on geography. Completed by Lyudmila Ivanovna Zayarnaya, geography teacher

MOBU Kerch RK secondary school No. 1IM. V. Dubinina

Coal industry is an industry that mines, transports and processes coal.

Importance of the Coal Industry



Raw materials for the chemical industry

Ferrous metallurgy

Electric power industry

Fossil coals are assessed according to three parameters:

  • carbon content in coal
  • by content of combustible component (calorific value)
  • the amount of ash-forming substances, moisture content, sulfur and other elements


Coal It has a high calorific value and low ash content.

Anthracite - top quality coal.

Coke – coal that reduces iron

Brown coal

has low calorific value, high ash content

Extraction methods coal



Underground gasification


The most productive and cheapest method of coal mining is open-pit (in open-pit mines or quarries).

Underground mining method


MINING MINE, a combined machine that destroys rock masses and loads them into vehicles .

Mining machine: 1 - loading table; 2 - milling crown; 3 - arrow-shaped executive body; 4 - loader; 5 - chassis.

At coal gasification you can get carbon monoxide with hydrogen, pure hydrogen, gases - reducing agents for metallurgy, hydrocarbon gases

Underground gasification

1 - sulfur layer; 2 - zone of molten sulfur; 3 - combustion zone; 4 - burnt out area; 5 - roof of the deposit; 6 - base of the deposit; 7 - blow well; 8 - gas pipeline well.




During enrichment, dumps of “waste rock” are formed

waste heap

Burning waste heap

Burning waste heap

Kuznetsk basin (Kuzbass)

Located in the Kemerovo region. Discovered in 1721. Reserves up to a depth of 600 m 114.3 billion tons. 120 working layers. Mining by open and underground methods. Production centers are the cities of Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Prokopyevsk

Pechora basin

Located in the Komi Republic and Nenets A. O. Industrial development since 1934. Total geological reserves and resources 265 billion tons, 250 coal seams. The main production centers are the cities of Vorkuta and Inta.

Kansk-Achinsk basin

Located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, partly in the Kemerovo and Irkutsk regions. Development since 1905. 15 seams. Industrial centers - Krasnoyarsk, Kansk, Achinsk, Sharypovo.

The economic assessment of the deposit takes into account:

  • Fuel reserves
  • Fuel quality
  • Mining conditions
  • Development of the territory
  • Proximity of the consumer

“Carbonic acid” - Carbonic acid corresponds to: Carbonic acid but c = o no. 3. Decomposition when heated. 6. Acylation of urea. Alkylation produces alkyl urea derivatives. Carbonic acid. Carbamide (urea) is characterized by the following chemical properties: Chinese wisdom. * Calculate the mass fraction (%) of nitrogen in carbamide (urea).

“Geography of industries” - The leading industry is the textile industry. Territorial changes. Focus on “cheap” labor. World production and consumption of primary energy resources. Great mining powers. USA Foreign Europe CIS Japan. Practical work No. 15 Drawing up a map of the location of the main industrial areas of the world.

“Carbonic acid and its salts” - What oxides of carbon are mentioned in the following statements? Marble. What phenomenon are we talking about? Chalk. Very toxic Does not burn and does not support combustion Used in metallurgy when smelting cast iron Formed during complete combustion of fuel Magnesium burns in it Typical acidic oxide.

“Branches of Law” - Modern Russian legislation. Between unrelated organs. Marriage. : Constitutional Administrative Civil Labor Family Criminal Environmental. 1. Constitutional law. The main source of administrative law is the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO).

“Norms and branches of law” - Administrative. The area of ​​freedom, decentralization. Financial. The legal system includes: “If (hypothesis)..., then (disposition)..., otherwise (sanction)...”. Disposition. Special. Constitutional. Right. Criminal. Lesson plan. Properties of a legal institution. Municipal. 2. Branches of law. Presentation materials § 8, 9 Bring the Constitution.

“Industrial sectors of the world” - TASK. Metallurgy. Major automobile manufacturers and exporters. World steel production is about 750 million tons annually. Chemical industry. Table. Ferrous metallurgy. - There is a progressive process in the world to reduce the metal consumption of products; Colored. - Metals are actively being replaced by plastics;

Geography teacher of MKOU "Akimovskaya Secondary School"

Koroleva I.V. 02/13/2015

  • Create conditions for studying the coal industry.
  • The importance of the industry for economic development
  • Development of the industry at the present stage
  • Develop concepts about methods of coal mining and the location of deposits
  • Characteristics of one of the coal basins (optional)

General characteristics of the coal industry

Russia is one of the world leaders in coal production.

More than a third of the world's coal reserves are concentrated in Russia, of which about 70% is brown coal and a fifth of proven reserves are 193.3 billion tons. Of these, 101.2 billion tons are brown coal, 85.3 billion tons. hard coal (including 39.8 billion tons of coking coal) and 6.8 billion tons of anthracite. Coal basins, at the same time, are very accessible, and their development in combination with the use of modern technologies is not difficult in any way.

The industrial reserves of operating enterprises amount to almost 19 billion tons, including coking coal - about 4 billion tons. The Russian Federation ranks second in reserves and fifth in terms of coal production (more than 320 million tons per year). At the current level of coal production, its reserves will last for more than 550 years.

A new longwall with reserves of about a million tons of coal was launched at the Vorgashorskaya mine

  • As a result of the neglect of the entire mining industry, the aging of the mine stock, the decline in labor and technological discipline and the high accident rate, labor productivity at coal enterprises began to decline sharply. At the beginning of 1993, at the mines it corresponded to the level of 1954, at the open pits - to 1956. The problems of coal industry enterprises were aggravated by the extremely technically imperfect state of the social infrastructure of mining towns and villages. Most of these facilities were in urgent need of repair and reconstruction.
  • Thus, production, technical, environmental and socio-economic problems have sharply worsened in the coal industry, and it has found itself in the grip of a systemic socio-economic and organizational and managerial crisis.

Methane explosions occurred at the Raspadskaya coal mine in the Kemerovo region

  • In order to bring the coal industry out of the systemic crisis and adapt it to market competition with other fuel resources, it was considered necessary to begin deep structural sectoral and intersectoral transformations, that is, to carry out industry restructuring. The following were adopted as the fundamental principles for restructuring the Russian coal industry:
  • Russia must remain among the leading coal-producing countries in the world;
  • the importance of Russia's gigantic coal resources (more than 5 trillion tons) in the fuel and energy balances of our country, neighboring countries and, probably, far abroad should increase as the world's oil and gas reserves, whose geological resources are significantly smaller than coal ones, are depleted;
  • volumes of coal production, in the country as a whole and in its coal-producing regions, should be determined by the level of market demand and trends in its change in the domestic and world energy markets;
  • increasing the competitiveness of coal should be ensured mainly by reducing production costs for its extraction and enrichment, as well as involving in the development of the most favorable coal deposits and the use of new technologies.

prospects for the development of the coal industry

Prospects for the development of the coal industry in Russia are associated with the integration of coal production and energy, which will make it possible to create modern energy facilities based on mines. Development should take place along the path of converting existing mines with electric power generators to generate energy. It is also possible to re-equip the processing plant for the production of synthetic motor fuel.

It is expected that in the coming years Russia will not be threatened by a coal shortage, and the balance of supply and demand in the market will be maintained. However, domestic prices for coking coal may increase significantly in the near future.

  • using atlas maps, textbook text, and statistical materials, characterize one of the coal basins according to the following plan:
  • Location
  • Extraction method
  • Depth and thickness of layers
  • Calorific value of coal
  • Reserves, production, resource availability
  • Problems and development prospects

  • Study the text of the paragraph
  • Place the main coal deposits on the map.

2.›Coal industry

3.›Coal industry



5.›photo of environmental problems

coal industry

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