Sergei Kushnerev died. Sergei Kushnerev, a famous journalist and television producer, creator of the program “Wait for me,” has passed away. Why did Sergei Kushnerev die?

Published 02/27/17 13:45

Journalist Sergei Kushnerev has died. About this in on your Facebook said the general director of the radio station “Moscow Speaking” Vladimir Mamontov. According to him, Kushnerev was ill for a long time.

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"Now they said that Sergei Kushnerev died. 54. Early, wildly. He is known as the creator of the TV programs Wait for Me, The Last Hero. TEFI and all that. Friend of Sergei Bodrov, godfather of his children. But he did a lot of imperceptibly important things and for Komsomolskaya Pravda. He was the first to get a computer. I called him recently: we talked about now, he said that on TV he has intkbbach pause, that he was writing a book and helped me with my request. I feel terrible for Seryozha,” wrote Mamontov.

In mid-February, the media reported that the journalist was urgently hospitalized with a stroke. Doctors assessed his condition as serious: he was unconscious in intensive care.

Sergey Kushnerev - Soviet and Russian journalist, member of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (EMMI), for 19 years - editor-in-chief of the VID television company, author of many projects on Channel One, in particular, "Wait for me" and "The Last hero".

Kushnerev’s fruitful work was recognized with many awards. So, in 1985 he received the medal "For Labor Valor", and in 2006 - the Order of Friendship. During his television career, Kushnerev more than once received TEFI and the Moscow Union of Journalists award.

On February 27, Sergei Kushnerev, the author of the projects “Wait for Me” and “The Last Hero,” passed away. In early February, Sergei Kushnerev suffered a stroke. On February 17, the help of doctors was again required - Sergei Kushnerev was brought to the hospital in an unconscious state. The examination revealed a serious illness, and for more than a week doctors fought for his life.

Sergei Kushnerev was born on March 8, 1962 in Moscow. He began his career at the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication, where he worked as an intern, and then as a correspondent and head of the student youth department. Kushnerev also worked at Novaya Daily Gazeta and Moscow News.

In 1994, a capable journalist was invited to the “Vzglyad” program. Two years later, Sergei became editor-in-chief of the VID television company. While filming the program, Kushnerev met Sergei Bodrov Jr., with whom he later launched the show “The Last Hero,” which quickly became one of the most popular on Russian TV.

Among Kushnerev’s awards one can find several TEFIs, a medal “For Labor Valor”, the Order of Friendship, an honorary badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and an award from the Moscow Union of Journalists. The man considers his life motto to be a quote from Ivan Bunin’s poem “The Testament of Saadi”: “Be generous like a palm tree, and if you can’t, be like a cypress trunk - straight and simple, noble.”

The famous producer was a close friend of Sergei Bodrov Jr., who tragically died in September 2002 during a glacier collapse in the Karmadon Gorge. Kushnerev was the godfather of the heirs of the director and actor. In a documentary dedicated to the deceased star, the journalist talked about how his children grew up. " Sasha is a box just like him. He likes to hide everything, put it on shelves. Don't touch his things. And Olya, for all her outward simplicity, is such a very deep girl. As Seryozha said: “Look how she looks with her little eyes.” Each of them looks like him in his own way“, the man shared.

Sergei Kushnerev was the godfather of Sergei Bodrov’s children // Photo: Still from the documentary film “Sergei Bodrov. "What is the strength in, brother?"

"Serezha Kushnerev died. The most honest, bright and talented thing that happened to our television. The best thing that ever happened to him. So unclaimed, as if superfluous in recent years. There are no words to talk about all this. It hurts a lot" - Katerina Gordeeva.

"If there is a god of producers, then he is already drinking with Kushnerev and is stunned by his new ideas. Books should be written and films made about creators like Sergei Kushnerev. The most annoying thing is that you understand this best when you write something like an obituary..." - Stanislav Kucher.

"He registered the first letters to the “Wait for Me” program himself. Personally. Editor-in-chief of the television company "ViD". I sat down at the computer and did it with incredible speed...
This was the beginning. Now these first dozen letters have turned into two and a half million stories...
A program that has been alive for eighteen years.
And he will live on.
If, with the help of the “Wait for Me” program, you found relatives or people close to you, please remember today about Sergei Kushnerev.
You did not know him personally - but he played a role in your destiny. This is true
" - Editorial staff of the program "Wait for me."

February 27, 2017

Today it became known about the death of the journalist.

In mid-February this year, information appeared in the media that 54-year-old Sergei Kushnerev was hospitalized with a stroke. The man's relatives and friends hoped that he would recover. Today, General Director of Moscow Speaks Vladimir Mamontov announced the death of Sergei. Colleagues and relatives are shocked that the journalist passed away so early. According to Vladimir, recently he discussed with Sergei his plans for life. Kushnerev was working on his own book, for which he decided to take a break from working on television.

“Sergei Kushnerev died. 54. Early, wild. He is known as the creator of the TV programs “Wait for me”, “The Last Hero”, TEFI and all that. Friend of Sergei Bodrov, godfather of his children. But he did a lot of unnoticed important things for Komsomolskaya Pravda. He was the first person to actually get a computer - they asked: “Sereg, what is this, and why?” He changed the newspaper format using small deeds - realizing that post-Soviet readers needed to be taken to the quick, he fought against long, bad essays, dividing the page into “quarters”. Then it became A3 format. But if he came across a masterpiece, he was the most generous answerer in the world,” said Mamontov.

Sergey Anatolyevich Kushnerev is a producer, creator and author of many Russian television projects, and a screenwriter. His contribution to the development of Russian television art will be impossible to replace. On February 27, 2017, Sergei Kushnerev died. During his life, he filmed a huge amount of material, but always remained behind the scenes of filming. Having done a lot for television, Sergei Anatolyevich Kushnerev forgot about his personal life. He almost always devoted himself to his favorite work.


An outstanding Russian journalist and producer of television projects was born in the Russian capital in March 1962. After graduating from school, the young man entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. Already in his second year, Kushnerev showed himself as a talented journalist with his own view of the events taking place in the country.

That is why he was enrolled as an intern on the staff of Komsomolskaya Pravda even before completing his education. Kushnerev was a proponent of a dynamic style of presenting news. His articles were highly appreciated by management, so the career of the young journalist developed very quickly.

Sergei Kushnerev in his youth

Immediately after starting work at Komsomolskaya Pravda, Kushnerev put forward the initiative to hold a Fair of student developments. At these events, young professionals could demonstrate their talents. This event was held several times under the leadership of a young employee of the publication. In the 90s Kushnerev actively advocated the computerization of the publication. Management always listened to his opinion.

After 6 years of work in the publication of Komsomolskaya Pravda, Sergei Kushnerev became a member of the editorial board. After another 2 years, he took the post of executive secretary of the newspaper. It was during Sergei Kushnerev’s work in this publication that Komsomolskaya Pravda reached its maximum circulation.

In 1990, the journalist was awarded the medal “For Labor Valor,” which is awarded to workers from various fields of activity.

Sergei worked as an editor at the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication

At that time, Sergei Kushnerev was not at all interested in the personal life; he strived to achieve heights in the professional field. In 1993, Sergei Kushnerev, together with a group of other former employees of Komsomolskaya Pravda, created a new publication, which is now known as Novaya Gazeta. The journalists did not have the funds to organize a full-fledged publication. In order to save money, Kushnerev mastered layout in the shortest possible time.

Sergei Kushnerev was directly involved in the publication of the first copies of this publication; he personally typed up the first issue. The new format publication covered important social and political events in the country and carried out its own investigations. Over time, Novaya Gazeta became a very authoritative publication.

In 1994, Kushnerev began working for another, no less famous publication, Moskovskiye Izvestia. He worked in this organization for 2 years and also proved himself to be a talented, creative journalist.

Working on television

In 1994, Sergei Kushnerev was invited to the post of editor-in-chief of the talk show “Vzglyad”. It was Sergei Kushnerev, together with a group of journalists, who changed the format of this program. From an entertaining youth program, “Vzglyad” turned into a serious analytical program that discussed important political and social events in the world.

Sergei Kushnerev on television

In 1996, the journalist headed the VID television company, which included several programs that were broadcast on Channel One. Colleagues claim that it was Sergei Kushnerev who proposed the mask that became the trademark of the VID television company. The personal life of Sergei Kushnerev, his relationships with women and family matters have been discussed more than once in the media. But all this did not prevent him from occupying leadership positions.

Sergei Kushnerev knew how to not only propose relevant ideas for television, but also contributed to the promotion of young talents. It was this producer who invited Maria Shukshina, Sergei Bodrov (junior), Chulpan Khamatova and other famous personalities to his programs.

"Wait for me" program

The activities of Sergei Kushnerev are associated with the creation of a number of striking projects on television:

  • "Women's Stories";
  • "How it was";
  • "Scandals of the week."

He is the author and main producer of the “Wait for Me” program, which has no analogues in the whole world. This unique project has helped several hundred thousand people in search of loved ones. For this program, Sergei Kushnarev was awarded the “TEFI” figurine three times. He was awarded both as the best producer and as the best screenwriter. Such famous projects as “The Last Hero” and “Star Factory 7” were also launched on Channel One thanks to Sergei Kushnerev. Sergei Kushnerev knew how to create rating projects without scandals and intrigues. Colleagues note that the producer was a supporter of “good” programs that could soften the hearts of viewers.

Sergei Kushnerev, creator of the reality show “The Last Hero”

All the programs to which this journalist was involved invariably won high viewership ratings. However, the producer and journalist himself always remained in the shadows. Only his work colleagues and people working on television knew him.

In 2001, the journalist became a member of the Russian Television Academy. Sergei Kushnerev produced not only television programs, but also some films. For example, “Dreams about War”, “New Year in Chechnya”, “Soldiers of Love”.

The journalist worked on television until 2014. He stopped producing major projects and began writing historical books in which he described political events and biographies of prominent political figures of the 20th century. For many fans, the personal life of Sergei Kushnerev is not the main factor in the biography, since everyone looks only at his merits.

Alexander Lyubimov and Sergei Kushnerev receive the Teffi Prize for their activities

Sergei Kushnerev always devoted himself completely to his work. On the projects he created, he controlled every detail. In 2017, the journalist’s health condition deteriorated sharply, and he was urgently hospitalized. Doctors fought for Kushnerev’s life, however, the measures taken were not enough for his recovery. The outstanding journalist died of a stroke on February 27, 2017. Serey Kushnerev’s funeral was attended by his students, colleagues and simply connoisseurs of his work.

Personal life

Colleagues and friends characterize the journalist as an intelligent, smart and kind person. To strangers he might seem a little strange and even eccentric. However, Kushnerev’s colleagues knew that behind this eccentricity lay enormous talent, producer’s intuition and frantic efficiency.

S. Kushnerev in the last years of his life

Sergei Kushnerev did not have a wife or children, because he devoted himself entirely to working in publications and on television. Sergei was a very hospitable person. He often received guests, including famous people, in his large house. Despite this, the personal life of Sergei Kushnerev remained empty. His friendly attitude was always appreciated by friends and acquaintances.

A close friend of Sergei Kushnerev was Sergei Bodrov (junior). The journalist even became the godfather of the actor’s children. Kushnerev was deeply affected by the tragic death of his friend. After the death of Sergei Bodrov Jr., Sergei Kushnerev helped his friend’s family and took part in the lives of his godchildren.

On Monday, February 27, from the consequences of a repeated stroke, Sergei Kushnerev - journalist, famous television producer, multiple TEFI winner. Over the course of 54 years, he went from an intern at "" to an influential television producer, under whose leadership the projects "Wait for Me", "The Last Hero", "Women's Stories" and other cult television programs were launched. He opened the country and as TV presenters. For many years, Kushnerev headed the VID television company, and many remember him specifically for his highly rated television projects in the 2000s. Few people know that it was Kushnerev who put together the first issue of Novaya Gazeta with his own hands and began his career in order to somehow feed himself. Former colleagues and friends of Kushnerev told how they remembered him and how, without being a revolutionary, he destroyed stereotypes in editorial offices.

It was quite simple to play him in the skit - to stand up, snore loudly, pat everyone on the shoulder, speak abruptly. And at the same time, be absolutely in himself, close himself off, look a little eccentric - but this is only for those who did not know him. Because those who knew him understood that behind this eccentricity, behind this wheezing, there was real editorial talent, a terrible ability to work, a deep mind and a journalistic sense. Reading two hundred pages of materials a day - even when I was an answering officer at Komsomolskaya Pravda, and understanding and thinking through every phrase!

On television, no one remembers their teachers - who brought you on air, who taught you this work. I can proudly say that my first teachers in television were two great television personalities - Sergei Kushnerev and. Sergei Anatolyevich passed away.

Everyone who worked in Ostankino knows: if a real master leaves (no matter in what position), his photograph is exhibited in the hall of entrance number one. I haven’t been to Ostankino for a long time, so in memory of Sergei Anatolyevich I will put his photo on my Facebook.

Dmitry Muratov, editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta

From Komsomolskaya Pravda Kushnerev left with us to create Novaya Gazeta. There was no money, there were only two rooms in “Moscow News” and some kind of porridge that the wife of our general director cooked. We did the first number on our knees. Kushnerev mastered layout, typed up the first issue of Novaya Gazeta all day and all night, and, having put an end to it, simply leaned back, stood up, sank into a corner and fell asleep. The first number was made exclusively by Seryozhka’s hands.

As in Komsomolskaya Pravda, in Novaya Kushnerev was responsible for the production and inventing of new topics. He came up with several new formats on the spot. For example, the “Latin Quarter” tab, entirely dedicated to students. He invented the first sociological magazine in our country, in which, with the help of sociologists, we conducted surveys on sensitive social topics. We published beautiful blue books with graphics - it was a printed institute of public opinion. He came up with another wonderful thing - a pocket magazine for girls. The edition was in the back pocket format of jeans, even the cover was denim. The diaries of our readers were published there - long before the appearance of LiveJournal.

Kushnerev gathered around him incredibly talented people who came after him from Komsomolskaya Pravda. This is Eric Schur, Vlad Tupikin - now a well-known expert on counterculture, Yulia Budinaite, Vladimir Umnov, Anya Rybina, Pavel Gutiontov. One can endlessly list the names of the young animals he raised. All these young people literally hovered around Kushnerev, whose favorite phrase was “The spirit lives everywhere.” He also had another phrase: “You’re doing something too hard, but you should take into account that the most technologically advanced feeling in the world is a buzz.” He believed that in every story, even an ordinary one, something interesting could be unearthed, and he did it with curiosity.

In February 1995, we suspended publication of the newspaper. There was nothing to feed the newspaper. We were evicted seven times and driven all over Moscow. Now we are the best newspaper of 2016 according to the International Congress of Publishers, but then we were in complete crap. After all, we all still have young families, small children... We went from good salaries at Komsomolskaya Pravda to simply nowhere.

In order for our employees to have something to feed themselves, Alexander Lyubimov invited part of our team to create the “Vzglyad” program. And Kushnerev, together with his guys, actually held a draw: who stays to make the newspaper and who goes to Vzglyad. At the same time they found Sergei Bodrov Jr., who was a specialist in the culture of the Italian Renaissance - Kushnerev, in essence, discovered him for the country.

By friendly agreement, we released part of the team for food. A couple of people went to, and someone else went to Ogonyok. Then they returned, but Kushnerev had already become closely associated with television.

But we Kushnerev never had any gap, neither human nor ideological. Moreover, he abandoned any ideology. You can investigate, you can persecute or expose, or you can soften morals and feelings. He chose this path for himself. He wanted a person’s emotions to be cleared, so that people could feel the goodness of others. This is exactly what the “Wait for Me” program is built on. In a genre sense, our roads diverged, but in a human sense, we never did.

As for work, Sergei was talented and ferocious in his work. He was never soft or diplomatic. Kushnerev is a demiurge, and talent needs a certain dictatorship. He puffed, puffed, puffed, insisted on his own and proved his point, he had no way back. Otherwise, there would not have been this complex project “The Last Hero”, which was done by the army of the people. I never understood how he managed this whole thing.

But it was impossible not to fall in love with him. He was a man who was very loved by women and squirrels. At his dacha in Valentinovka, not only all the surrounding squirrels came running to his wooden house, but also, it seemed, the squirrels of the entire central zone of Russia. And everyone knew that when visiting Kushnerev it was enough to bring only nuts. He swung on such a swing all his life: from a talented but tough manager to the most gentle creature in everyday life, absolute breadth and wasteful kindness. Until recently, I received text messages from Petya Tolstoy about Seryozha’s health; his death was a complete shock to me. I lost a close friend, and the newspaper lost a founding father.

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