University educational space ways of action. Modern problems of science and education. How a child’s life space expands

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Zherebyatnikova Galina Vladimirovna

postgraduate student of Transbaikal State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after. N.G. Chernyshevsky,

The work was carried out within the framework of the State assignment to the University of Min. arr. Sciences of the Russian Federation, No. 6.2266.2011

The appearance of the category “educational space” in state legislative documents and agreements, both at the international and Russian levels, aims us at a fundamental theoretical analysis of this area of ​​​​pedagogical knowledge. The purpose of this article is a modern understanding of the concept of “university educational space”, a description of its main characteristics, levels and operating conditions.

An analysis of scientific and pedagogical works has shown that in recent years a lot of research has appeared on various aspects of the educational space of higher educational institutions, since the role of universities in the development and functioning of the country’s educational system is extremely large. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly obvious that “improving the quality of professional education can only be achieved by activating all educational factors covered by the university space and their integration into a harmonious unity.”

The educational space of a modern university is studied by such Russian scientists as E.K. Samerkhanova, L.L. Redko, A.V. Shumakova, V.G. Veselova, T.A. Zhdanko, N.A. Bocharnikova, A.I. Bondarevskaya, S.A. Borodachev, I.S. Ponomareva, S.V. Shmachilina, L.O. Sulima, T.A. Olkhova et al. Analysis of the researchers’ works made it possible to identify the types of educational space of a modern university, presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Types of educational space of a modern university and authors studying them

Characterizing the educational space of a modern university, research scientists highlight its main characteristic, a system-forming component, which is reflected in Table 1.

Table 1.

Views of scientists on the main characteristics of the educational space of a modern university

The main characteristic, system-forming component of the educational space of a modern university

E.V. Bondarevskaya

Joint educational activities of collective subjects of education

M.N. Filatova

The socio-cultural environment of the university, motivating staff and students for continuous development

A.I. Bondarevskaya

Orientation towards a personality-oriented type of education

E.K. Samerkhanova

Humanistic orientation of educational activities, expressed in the priority of self-development goals

T.A. Olkhovaya, S.V. Mazova

Orientation towards the personal and professional development of a future specialist

S.V. Shmachilina

Multivariate learning models

I.V. Marichev

The presence of conditions influencing the formation of a personality ready for effective interaction

L.S. Onokoy

Openness of the space of a modern Russian university with the aim of its integration into the global educational space

L.Ya. Shames

Formation of the future teacher’s readiness for pedagogical interaction, research and development of pedagogical innovations

Analysis of the presented system-forming components gives us grounds to identify the following main characteristics of the educational space of a modern university:

  • ensuring the active nature of education, gaining experience in joint activities;
  • focus on creating conditions for self-development and self-determination of students;
  • openness of the educational space and its innovative nature.

Based on the research of S.E., we discuss the main characteristics of the educational space of a modern university. Starostina, we attribute:

  • focus on developing competencies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education of the third generation;
  • increasing the share of independent work by students;
  • changing the role of a university teacher (consultant, moderator, facilitator, tutor);
  • introduction of teaching technologies that correspond to the implementation of the competency-based approach in teacher education (technology for the development of critical thinking, contextual learning, project-based learning, etc.).

Describing one of the characteristics of the educational space of a modern university - the focus on developing competencies, we note that the logic of constructing a modern Federal State Educational Standard for pedagogical education “sets” the requirements for the level of training of graduates, specifying the goals of pedagogical education as expected results formulated in the language of competencies. A graduate of a modern pedagogical university must have professional competence, including general cultural competencies (GC), general professional competencies (GPC) and competencies in the field of pedagogical activity (PC). Mastering a certain level of competence is the ability to use and combine knowledge, skills and broad competencies depending on the changing requirements of a specific situation or problem. The goal and result of training in a modern higher school is the formation of a competent professional prepared to be included in the production process and carry out active life activities. In other words, the knowledge orientation inherent in the domestic education system is gradually being replaced by a competency-oriented approach to education.

Preparing graduates for professional activities in line with the competency-based approach involves increasing the share of independent work of students, since this preparation is impossible without increasing the role of independent work on educational material, increasing the responsibility of teachers for developing the skills of such work, for stimulating the professional growth of students, nurturing their creative activity and initiative .

In this characteristic we adhere to the point of view of S.E. Starostina, who believes that “the increasing role of independent work is associated with a change in the position of the teacher and student. The teacher provides support for the student’s independent work.”

So, in the educational space of a modern university, the position of the teacher is changing. Now he not only “transmits” knowledge, but provides accompaniment and support for the student’s educational activities, that is, he performs the functions of a consultant, moderator, facilitator, and tutor. Let us display these functions in Fig. 2 (according to N.V. Bordovskaya).

Figure 2. Functions of teachers - consultant, moderator, facilitator and tutor (according to N.V. Bordovskaya)

An analysis of the modern functions of teachers shows the uniqueness of the modern professional activity of a teacher, which lies in the fact that the true meaning and purpose of the teacher’s activity are being revived: introduction, support, accompaniment of the student, promotion of his learning.

Also, one of the characteristics of the educational space of a modern university is the introduction of teaching technologies that correspond to the implementation of the competency-based approach in teacher education (technology for the development of critical thinking, contextual learning, project-based learning, etc.).

The transition of higher education to a level learning model requires new technologies for organizing independent work, pedagogical support and psychological support, the implementation of modular training and credit rating assessment of educational results. As part of the innovative educational program at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen developed a conceptual vision of the essence of modern pedagogical technologies, which were called humanitarian. “Humanitarian technologies are means of organizing social activity and social interaction of a person with the world around him, allowing him to express his personal attitude towards the world around him and regulate the nature of his relations with the world, be it human interaction with nature, technology, information, people, himself” . Of particular interest are such humanitarian technologies as design and technology for the development of critical thinking.

As noted by I.Yu. Stepanova and V.A. Adolf, pedagogical education must be aimed at the implementation of project-productive technology, in which the student is in an active position as a subject of choice and becomes a participant in the formation of his educational route, professional educational program, and the search for various ways to solve educational problems. Only with such preparation can a graduate of a pedagogical university have the readiness to creatively solve both educational and professional problems, and the ability for constant professional improvement.

Having revealed some of the main characteristics of the educational space of a modern university, let us turn to the analysis of the levels and vectors of space. Considering the levels of the educational space of a modern university, we rely on the research of A.S. Gayazov, who also identifies the levels of educational space (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Levels of educational space according to A.S. Gayazov and our vision

So, the educational space of a modern university can be characterized as a complex systemic multi-level education, reflecting changes in the modern educational process in the field of higher professional education, represented at the global, federal, regional levels and the level of the higher educational institution itself.

Being multi-level, we define the educational space of a modern university as multi-vector. When determining its multi-vector nature, the position of G.N. is significant for us. Serikov, according to which four vectors are identified in the educational space that make up the coordinates of the educational space (normative-regulatory, perspective-orienting, communicative-informational and activity-stimulating). In our opinion, these coordinates can also characterize the educational space of a modern university.

Since, according to N.V. Bordovskaya, the main system-forming characteristic of the pedagogical system is function, we consider it necessary to identify the functions of the educational space of a modern university. At the same time, understanding the conditions of existence of the system will help to identify the various structural components of the space being studied. We present the functions, conditions and structure of the educational space of a modern university in Table. 2.

Table 2.

Functions, conditions and structure of the educational space of a modern university

Functions of the educational space of a modern university

(according to I.L. Becker and

V.N. Zhuravchik)

Conditions for the functioning of the educational space of a modern university

(according to I.V. Marichev)

Structure of the educational space of a modern university

(according to N.A. Bocharnikova)

· educational (training);

· educating;

· formative;

· developing;

· health-improving;

· socializing

· normative documents;

· economic conditions;

· scope of request and application of educational results;

· educational content information posted on media;

· teaching staff;

· contingent of recipients of educational content;

· educational territory and educational equipment;

· scientific and methodological support


· general social, general scientific levels;

· level of the educational space of the university and subspaces-clusters;

personal space of subjects


· administrative bodies;

· educational and scientific departments;

· research centers;

· scientific and production complexes;

· Institute of Education

Analysis of Table 2 allows us to draw the following conclusions in the context of the topic of this article:

  • the most significant functions of the educational space of a modern university are formative and developmental (in other words, the main function is to ensure the possibility of harmonious movement of the student’s personality, creating optimal conditions for its development and self-realization);
  • Among the conditions for the functioning of the space, we especially highlight the regulatory documentation (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education) and the contingent of recipients of educational content;
  • structure of space, designated by N.A. Bocharnikova, corresponds to the structure of the educational space of a modern pedagogical university.

To summarize the understanding of the definition of “university educational space”, we note that this educational space is:

  • modern, as it has a number of characteristics characteristic of the modern level of development of education (competency-based approach, openness, innovation, changing the position of the teacher, introducing humanitarian technologies, etc.);
  • multi-level, as it is represented at the global, federal, regional and university levels;
  • multi-vector, as it has four interconnected vectors: normative-regulatory, perspective-oriented, communicative-informational and activity-stimulating;
  • multifunctional, since under certain conditions it carries out a variety of functions, the main of which are formative and developmental.


  1. Bekker I.L., Zhuravchik V.N. Educational space as a social and pedagogical category // Izvestia of Perm State Pedagogical University named after. V.G. Belinsky. 2009. No. 12 (16). pp. 132-140.
  2. Bordovskaya N.V. Humanitarian technologies in university educational practice: theory and methodology of design: textbook. allowance. St. Petersburg: Book House LLC, 2007. 408 p.
  3. Bocharnikova N.A. Formation of the professional culture of a social worker in the educational space of the university: abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. ped. Sci. Chita, 2012. 25 p.
  4. Marichev I.V. Maritime Academy in the educational space: monograph. Novorossiysk: MGA im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2006. - 143 p.
  5. Samerkhanova E.K. Organization of a unified educational space in a higher educational institution: dis. ...Dr. ped. Sci. N. Novgorod, 2006. 398 p.
  6. Starostina S.E. Science education: theoretical aspect. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2010. - 206 p.
  7. Stepanova I.Yu., Adolf V.A. Professional training of teachers in the development of post-industrial society: monograph. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk. state ped. univ., 2009. - 513 p.


UDC 37.013.73

In the article, the author explains the differences between the terms “educational space” and “educational environment”, seeing this as a necessity, because in the vast majority of scientific and methodological publications there is confusion when using these terms. It is known that inaccuracy in concepts and definitions, initial erroneous ideas lead to incorrect formulation of problems and lead astray from the right path in the search for solutions. In connection with the need to implement the legislative principle of the unity of the educational space and the formation of a modern educational environment, such terminological clarification seems relevant.

Key words: educational space, educational environment.

S.V. Ivanova

This article serves the purpose of defining the differences in the concepts of “educational space” and “educational environment”, which have become widely used in pedagogical science and educational practice. At the same time, reference to the concepts of “space” and “environment” in a distant historical and philosophical retrospective is excluded. This is an important and interesting subject, but its detailed study is beyond the scope of this article.

A consideration of how these terms are understood in published materials reveals a bewildering variety of interpretations that arise. This is not surprising if you look historically at the original concepts of “space” and “environment”, but for scientific and practical purposes it is advisable to clarify the interpretation of those concepts that currently determine much in the education system and are included not only in scientific and methodological reflections, but also in regulations.

Interpretations of the concepts of “educational space” and “educational environment” are still practically not included in pedagogical encyclopedias, professional dictionaries, regulations and monographs devoted to terminology in pedagogy.

© Ivanova S.V., 2015

Educational space and educational environment: in search of differences

In particular, this concept is absent in the “UNESCO Thesaurus - IBE on Education” of 1983, in the “EFA World Monitoring Report - 2011” of UNESCO, and is not taken into account by V.M. Polonsky in the “Rubricator “Comprehensive school”. Pedagogy of a comprehensive school”, in the Pedagogical Encyclopedia, etc.

The first use of the concept of “educational space” in domestic scientific literature was recorded in 1993 in an article by I.D. Fru-mina and B.D. Elkonin “Educational space as a space of development (“school of growing up”).” In 1998, S.K. Bondyreva characterized “a single educational space as a special socio-cultural phenomenon, the decisive factor in the structuring of which can be the interaction of subjects individualizing in their positions.” She believed that “complexly organized, hierarchized, multifaceted interaction of subjects of education” will make it possible to create “common sociocultural structures and a single educational space.” B.L. Wulfson in 2005 describes a “new concept” - “the global educational space, which denotes the totality of all educational and educational institutions, scientific and pedagogical centers, government and public educational organizations in different countries, geopolitical regions and on a planetary scale, their mutual influence and interaction in conditions of intensive internationalization and globalization of various spheres of public life." A.M. Novikov explains the educational space in post-industrial society through objectivity and subjectivity as “the totality of all subjects and objects directly or indirectly participating in educational processes, or interested in them, or influencing them.” I.G. Shendrik calls space “a systemic set of real human interactions with reality, given to the subject through perception and action,” and he also considers space “an environment mastered by man (natural, cultural, social, informational),” while specifying that for the emergence of space “it is necessary specially organized specifically human activity."

The frequency of use of this concept is expanding. In Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” in Art. 2 provides a thesaurus in which among the 34 definitions of the main concepts of the Law there is no concept of “educational space”. However, the Law introduces this term in Art. 3 and 11. In paragraph 4 of Art. 3 states the principle of “unity of the educational space”, and clause 1 of Art. 11 states that federal state educational standards and federal state requirements ensure “the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation.”

It is logical to approach the interpretation of space from a philosophical position: “Space is 1) a form of contemplation, perception of the representation of things, the main factor of higher, empirical experience; 2) method of existence

Educational space and educational environment: in search of differences

formation of the objective world, inextricably linked with time.” If we turn to topology and evaluate space through metric systems, then it is obvious that the object (educational institution, educational system, state, etc.) and the subject (which, from the standpoint of non-classical methodology, cannot be eliminated from the educational space) depending on their framework ( sizes) can set the framework (dimensions) of their topos (place), by which we mean space. Thus, two vectors for defining the educational space are specified.

Educational space is an objective world, a set of objects related to education that create and fill this space, and at the same time the subject of subjective activity, which consists in the perception, action, and influence of subjects on this space.

The semantic richness of the term “educational space” forces us to pay more attention to it, especially in terms of identifying compliance with the goals of education regarding the individual, society, and state.

It is important to caution against interpreting the terms “educational space” and “educational environment” as identical or even synonymous.

What is the educational environment?

Dictionaries interpret the concept in a single key. Let's take one of the definitions: “Environment is the totality of natural or social conditions in which the development and activity of human society takes place. The social and everyday environment in which a person lives, the surrounding conditions, the totality of people connected by common conditions, environment.” Probably, D. Dewey was the first to speak about the educational environment as a creation of conditions at the beginning of the 20th century. This idea, in one interpretation or another, can be seen in many of his works. It can be recalled that, by and large, issues of the educational environment, which can be changed in the course of activities, were dealt with (to one degree or another) by V.V. Davydov, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin et al. A.M. Novikov argued that “the educational environment is a system of influences and conditions for the formation of personality, as well as opportunities for its development, contained in the social and spatial-subject environment.” Following Novikov I.M. Elkina defines the environment as “a certain set of conditions for the implementation or occurrence of a certain process.” We will find many such more or less similar definitions.

I would like to expand these ideas. Educational environment is the environment of participants in the educational process in the educational space, including pedagogical conditions, situations, a system of relations between individuals united by a community of pedagogical and educational activities. The educational environment has qualitative characteristics, its own environmental factors and has a multi-level

Educational space and educational environment: in search of differences

structure with vertical relationships between levels. The educational environment is part of the megasystem of the social environment.

The qualitative characteristics of the educational environment are associated with the result of its influence on the subjects of the educational process; the quality of the educational environment is directly related to the assessment of the quality of education. At the same time, the environment is the product of the targeted efforts of the subjects who carry out their activities in it, under the influence of various factors. This dichotomy creates difficulties in determining and assessing the effectiveness of the formed educational environment.

The main characteristics of the educational environment include:

Activity (joint activity of environmental subjects);

Subjectivity (the presence of subjects - participants in the educational process);

Situationalism (the emergence of various situations under the influence of various factors);

Evaluativeness (the ability to qualitatively assess the environment);

Formative influence on environmental subjects;

Projectivity (the ability to create a new environment or reproduce the main features of an existing environment if it is necessary to replicate experience);

Variability, uncertainty (the ability to constantly change);

Connected with time and space.

These characteristics are the essence of rhizomality - a characterological property of modern education, considered from the standpoint of non-classical methodology.

The structure of the educational environment has several levels. Let us define two classifications of levels.

The first classification is related to pedagogical comparative studies, it distinguishes the following levels:

Global (world educational environment, including global information networks, etc.);

Regional (educational environment of large regions of the world - according to UNESCO classification);

National (educational environment of the country, according to international terminology);

Territorial or municipal (within the country, for example, lands in Germany, territories and regions (as well as districts) in Russia, etc.);

Local (institution, family).

The second classification can be used for application within the country, the levels are distinguished here:

National, federal;

Regional (region as part of the Federation);

Educational space and educational environment: in search of differences




At the same time, the level is not decisive when assessing the influence of the educational environment on subjects. Thus, the local/individual environment can have a greater impact on the subject compared to the influence of, say, the global environment.

It is methodologically advisable to consider environmental factors in conjunction with the classification of levels. Factors interrelated with the educational environment include:

External factors (socio-political, geopolitical, media, natural-climatic, socio-cultural, socio-economic);

Internal factors (professional skills of teachers, adherence to certain pedagogical approaches, theories and concepts, quality of making pedagogical and management decisions, system of interaction between all participants in the educational process, etc.).

The introduction of the concept of “educational environment” contributes to the development of innovative processes in the education system and clarifies the specifics of modern didactic approaches. If, when introducing innovative directions and approaches, we use methodological grounds related to the study of issues of organizing the educational environment, taking into account qualitative characteristics, levels, factors, as well as the motives and needs of subjects, then the design of a modern educational environment will be effective.

The educational environment is a didactic concept that allows us to build the didactic foundations of a new educational process, taking into account the diversity of modern space, the new role of the teacher in the learning process and his place as the creator of the educational environment-situation, and the tasks of forming a modern personality.

The educational environment influences both students, the formation of their personality and educational achievements, and teachers - through the acquisition of certain educational experiences created in a specific environment.

The concept of “educational environment” allows us to take a fresh look at the possibilities of implementing a person-centered approach to learning and makes it possible to create effective conditions for a humanistic model of the educational environment.

The use of the concept of “educational environment” clarifies the tasks of education as a part of society; legitimizes special consideration of the influence of diverse external factors on the educational environment.

The educational environment, acting as a narrative, communicative phenomenon, clarifies the essence and significance of modern education, emphasizing

Educational space and educational environment: in search of differences

nods to the need to design the educational space as the world of the future.

2. Belyaev G.Yu. Pedagogical characteristics of the educational environment in various types of educational institutions. M., 2006.

3. Bondyreva S.K. Sociocultural foundations for the development of a unified educational space in the CIS: structural, content and functional characteristics of interaction between subjects. M., 1998.

4. Vulfson B.L. Educational space at the turn of the century. M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2006.

5. Ivanov O.B. Global risks and economic trends in the modern world // STAGE: Economic Theory, Analysis, Practice. 2014. No. 1. P. 18-33.

6. Ivanova S.V. Educational space in scientific research and legal documents: concepts, practice of application, difficulties and risks // Values ​​and meanings. 2014. No. 5 (33). pp. 4-17.

7. Klimenko I.L., Elkina I.M. Organization of the educational environment during independent work of economics students while teaching a foreign language // STAGE: Economic Theory, Analysis, Practice. 2014. No. 1. P. 94-103.

8. Kulyutkin Yu.N. Educational environment and personality development. [Electronic resource] URL:

9. New philosophical encyclopedia: in 4 volumes / Institute of Philosophy RAS; National social-scientific fund; Pred. scientific-ed. council V.S. Stepin. 2nd ed., rev. and additional M.: Mysl, 2010. [Electronic resource]. URL:

10. Novikov A.M. Pedagogy: dictionary of the system of basic concepts. M.: IET Publishing Center, 2013. P. 137.

11. Sorina G.V., Meskov V.S. Sociocultural change in the educational space // Values ​​and meanings. 2013. No. 5 (27). pp. 83-99.

12. Ushakov D.N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes / Ed. D.N. Ushakova. Reprint edition: M., 2000. P. 462.

13. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. "Russian newspaper". December 31, 2012, Federal Issue 5976.

14. Frumin I.D., Elkonin B.D. Educational space as a space of development (“school of growing up”) // Questions of psychology. 1993. No. 3.

15. Shendrik I.G. Educational space of the subject and its design. M.: APKiPRO, 2003. P. 3-59, 149-154.

Analysis of the concept of “educational environment”

Term "educational environment" came into common use at the end XX century. In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly clear that education individuals should not be identified with mastering special training programs under guidance of teachers. Education is the result of a wide range of heterogeneous factors.

At the end of the twentieth century, there was a surge of interest in the educational environment as a complex of factors, defining training and personal development. At the same time, the authors give different interpretations of the definition of the concept of “educational environment”, understanding of its structure, functions, attitude to the methods of its design and examination.

Yes, according to I.G. Shendrick, education as unity process and result of movement subject To I will prototype contained in the culture can be considered as his mastery of the educational environment and thereby expanding the educational space, which can be described by a combination of four concepts: educational environment, position, place and space. The educational environment is a set of prototypes that are necessary for culture for its implementation and development.

Wednesday contains opportunities for creating conditions conducive to human education, those. has educational potential. Educational environment defined as a combination of factors, components and parameters planned at the level of the system of educational institutions. The environment sets limits of existence subject. The cultural environment in which a person finds himself after birth carries within it certain ways of interacting with the reality around him and himself. Education purposefully influences a person’s position in the cultural environment . It influences the formed or/and he his environment.

The educational environment appears as a system of cultural facts that is invented by man. Formative the impact of the educational environment on a person is carried out directly but through his educational environment, in which, first of all, it is necessary to highlight content And educational practice. The adequacy of the educational environment in the educational environment (modern culture) is a determining factor in the demand for education by society. The educational process appears as a process of understanding the meaning of cultural facts of the educational environment and thereby transforming it into an educational space. Education is nothing else, How process and result mastering and creating culturally acceptable ways by the subject solving the problems of their existence in some environment, society, i.e. his existence primarily as an individual.

V.V. Rubtsov defines educational environment as an “established polystructuralsystem of straight lines And indirect educational and training influences, implementing explicitly or implicitly presented pedagogical attitudes of teachers, characterizing the goals, objectives, methods, means and forms of the educational process in a given school.”

The educational environment is a process of specially organized, purposeful formation of a personality according to a certain pattern, which is always socially conditioned.

To design an educational environment, it is important to identify its components. To do this, it is necessary to analyze existing models of the educational environment.

Communication-oriented model educational environment developed by a team of authors under the leadership of V.V. Rubtsova. It highlights the following structural components of the educational environment: the internal orientation of the school, the psychological climate, the socio-psychological structure of the team, the psychological organization of knowledge transfer, the psychological characteristics of students, etc.

Anthropological-psychological model educational environment proposed by V.I. Slobodchikov. He proposes to consider its saturation as the main parameters of the educational environment (resource potential) and with structuredness (way of organizing it). Depending on the type of connections and relationships structuring a given educational environment, the author identifies three different principles its organizations: uniformity, diversity And variability.

Psychodidactic model educational environment of the school was proposed by V.P. Lebedeva, V.A. Orlov, V.A. Yasvin and others. The authors, based on the concept of student-centered education, emphasize the ever-increasing role of differentiation and individualization of education in modern conditions, however, they understand this role somewhat differently than what was traditionally accepted. The authors propose to orient education towards recognizing the priority of the student’s individuality, while in traditional education the student became an individual as a result of a special organization of training and education, with targeted pedagogical influences.

According to G.A. Kovaleva V The scope of structural psychological analysis of the educational environment, aimed at identifying its different-quality components, most often falls into three interrelated factors:

    physical environment(architecture of the school building, the degree of openness-closedness of internal school design structures, the size and spatial structure of classrooms and other premises, the ease of their spatial transformation if necessary, the possibility and breadth of spatial movements of students in them, etc.);

    human factors(the degree of crowding of students and its impact on social behavior, personal characteristics and academic performance of students, changes in personal and interpersonal space depending on the conditions of a particular school organization, distribution of statuses and roles, gender, age and national characteristics of students and teachers, etc.);

    training program(structure of student activity, teaching style and nature of control, cooperative or competitive forms of education, content of training programs (their traditionalness, conservatism or flexibility), etc.).

Typological features of the educational environment are:

    The educational environment at any level is a complex object of a systemic nature.

    The integrity of the educational environment is synonymous with achieving a systemic effect, which means the implementation of the complex goal of training and education at the level of lifelong education.

    The educational environment exists as a certain social community that develops a set of human relationships in the context of a person’s broad socio-cultural and ideological adaptation to the world, and vice versa.

    The educational environment has a wide range of modalities, creating a variety of types local environments different, sometimes mutually exclusive qualities.

    In evaluation-target planning, educational environments provide a total educational effect of both positive and negative characteristics, and the vector of value orientations is ordered with the target settings of the general content and educational process.

    The educational environment acts not only as a condition, but also as a means of teaching and education.

    The educational environment is a process of dialectical interaction of social, spatial-subject and psychological-didactic components, forming a coordinate system of leading conditions, influences and tendencies of pedagogical goal setting.

    The educational environment forms the substrate of individualized activity, transitional from the educational situation to life.

The parameters of examination of the educational environment include:

    modality, as a qualitative and meaningful characteristic of the environment, given from the typological point of view developed by him;

    breadth, as a structural and content characteristic of the environment, showing which subjects, objects, processes and phenomena are included in a given educational environment;

    intensity, as a structural and dynamic characteristic, showing the degree of saturation of the educational environment with conditions, influences and opportunities, as well as the concentration of their manifestation;

    awareness as an indicator of conscious involvement in the educational environment of all subjects of the pedagogical process;

    generality, as an indicator of the degree of coordination of all subjects of a given educational environment;

    emotionality as an indicator of the relationship between the emotional and rational components in the educational environment;

    dominance, as an indicator of the significance of a given local environment in the value system of subjects of the educational process;

    coherence, (consistency) as an indicator of the degree of consistency of the influence on the personality of a given local environment with the influence of other environmental factors;

    social activity as an indicator of socially oriented creative potential in the expansion of a given educational environment into the living environment;

    mobility, as an indicator of the ability of the educational environment to organic evolutionary changes, in the context of relationships with the environment;

    sustainability, as an indicator of the stability of the educational environment over time.

Functions of the educational environment (According to A.I. Artyukhina):

1- integrative, based on premises -

a) the human body reacts not so much to the surrounding circumstances as such (situation), but to cognitive ideas about them,

b) these cognitive representations are functionally related to the processes and parameters of learning,

c) most human knowledge is cognitively mediated,

d) thoughts, feelings and forms of behavior are causally interconnected, which “ensures the integrity of the reflection of the diverse manifestations of existence, conditioned by the integrity of the human personality and the isolation of the learning process on the personality of the student”;

2 - adaptive, provides the conditions for the subject to fully enter the educational process, leveling out the manifestations of normative and other crises, promoting the assimilation of norms and values ​​of the educational environment, as well as transforming the environment in accordance with new conditions and goals of activity;

3 - sociocultural, which characterizes the transmission and assimilation of social and cultural values ​​from generation to generation, orientation towards the value-semantic entry of a person into culture.

4- the function of professional and personal development is immanent for a special type of educational environment - personal development, teaching in which is based on the humanitarian-personal paradigm. Criteria that allow us to characterize the educational environment of a medical university as personal developmental, that is, as an environment of professional and personal development and self-development:

Currently, both in science and in practice, there are different interpretations of the concepts “educational space” and “educational environment”. As a rule, “educational space” is considered in the context of the development of educational systems of a region, city, etc. Those. geographically connect the education system (preschool, general, vocational, etc.) and the place where it operates.

According to Kozyrev V.A. the most general idea of ​​space is associated with the arrangement order (mutual arrangement) of simultaneously coexisting objects. Under educational space is understood a set of conditions interconnected in a certain way that can influence a person’s education. At the same time, the very concept of an educational space does not imply the inclusion of the student in it. The educational space can exist independently of the student.

Concept"educational environment" also reflects the interconnection of conditions that ensure a person’s education. In this case, the presence of the student in the educational environment, mutual influence, interaction of the environment with the subject (in our case, the student) is assumed.

A.A. Zucker under educational spaceunderstandsplace to commitpersoneducational movement.Place, in which a person can move or advance about own education, i.e. the general condition of any education. At the same time, the main principle of identifying or generating a particular space is the limitation of a certain territory with the simultaneous designation of some quality that is homogeneous and evenly distributed within the drawn boundaries, the presence of which will distinguish this space from everything else.

Fomina T.A. )

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