Transport universities. Rostov Railway College at RGPS Technical College of Rostov State Transport University is recruiting applicants for specialties

On September 6, 2019, students of the Tikhoretsky Technical School of Railway Transport, a branch of the Russian State University of Railway Transport, took part in competitions in ultimate Frisbee and cheerleading as part of the event “Another virgin land behind us!” in the village of Parkovoy. The meeting was timed to sum up the results of the third labor semester of student labor teams at the end of their practical training.

September 03. This memorable date of Russia, established in 2005 by the Federal Law “On the Days of Military Glory of Russia,” is associated with the tragic events in Beslan (North Ossetia) September 01-03, 2004.

This year the technical school traditionally opened its doors to students. This event caused particular excitement among first-year students and their parents. More than four hundred young men and women, yesterday’s schoolchildren, became students of the Tikhoretsk Technical School of Railway Transport, a branch of the Russian State University of Railway Transport. And even though the grade books and student cards have not yet been handed over, the most important thing is that the entrance examinations are already behind us, and a bright and eventful student life lies ahead!

Dear students, lyceum students, teachers! I cordially congratulate you on Knowledge Day! Our university looks to the future with confidence. Over its 90-year history, the university has graduated many wonderful specialists into independent working life, devoting all their knowledge and strength for the benefit of our Motherland. On this day, special words of gratitude and appreciation to teachers - those whose work, professionalism and high spiritual qualities largely determine our future. The success of our younger generation in their studies and future life depends on you.

DEAR COLLEAGUES, STUDENTS AND PARENTS! CONGRATULATIONS ON THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR AND ON KNOWLEDGE DAY! Knowledge Day is a wonderful holiday close to each of us. This year, the Day of Knowledge takes place on the eve of the significant anniversary of the Rostov State University of Transport and Communications! 90 years ago it was founded to become an alma mater for many talented people, true professionals in their field. And may future generations of students be worthy of their predecessors.

DEAR FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS OF TIKHORETSK TECHNICAL SCHOOL OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT - BRANCH OF RGUP! ON AUGUST 28, 2019, THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF FIRST-YEAR FULL-TIME STUDENTS WILL BE HELD IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF TTZT - RGUP BRANCH: 9.30 o'clock. – specialties: Computer systems and complexes; Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment (by type of transport); Economics and accounting (by industry); Electricity supply (by industry); Welding production; Technical operation of hoisting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry); Construction and operation of buildings and structures; Construction of railways, track and track facilities. 11.00 o'clock – specialties: Technical operation of railway rolling stock (electric locomotives, diesel locomotives, cars); Organization of transportation and management of transport (by type); Automation and telemechanics in transport (railway transport). Administration of TTZhT - branch of RGUP PROGRAM

Very soon a very important and responsible time will come - the time for enrolling applicants as students at the technical school is approaching. Both parents and applicants experience a lot of anxiety and worry. For a large number of applicants, choosing a specialty and profession is a very important and responsible step in life, since changing the place of study greatly changes the way of thinking and outlook on life of many applicants. The enrollment procedure raises many questions.

On August 9, 2019, on the eve of the celebration of the 145th anniversary, a monument to the railway worker was unveiled on Station Square in Tikhoretsk. The grand opening of the monument was attended by veterans - railway workers, government officials, guests and residents of the city of Tikhoretsk and the Tikhoretsk region. The director of TTZhT, a branch of the Russian State University of Railway Transport, I.V. Durynin and students were also present at the ceremony.

In August 1879, by order of the head of the Vladikavkaz Railway department in Rostov-on-Don, a three-class railway technical school was founded, which was supposed to train junior and mid-level technical personnel for the Russian railways. Since 1886, the school began to consist of three technical classes, training in which was carried out in the following specialties: construction and operation of railways, steam locomotives, office work, telegraphy.

In 1921, the technical and architectural and construction schools merged, which led to the creation of the Polytechnic of Railways (RPPS). In December 1929, on the basis of the RPPS, the Rostov Institute of Railway Engineers (RIIPS - the current RGUPS) was opened, which was located there until 1932. In 1934, the multidisciplinary training was eliminated and 3 specialties were assigned to the RPPS - locomotive, construction and pavement. In 1938, RPPS was renamed the Rostov Technical School of Railway Transport - RTZhT. In 2008, the College of Railway Transport became a structural unit of the Rostov State University of Transport.

During their studies at the technical school, students have the opportunity to master working professions and take advanced training courses (in the profile of their specialty). The technical school accepts students from both 9th and 11th grades.

Forms of training

  • Daytime
  • Correspondence



  • Automated information processing and control systems
  • Transport service
  • Construction of railways, track and track facilities
  • Technical operation of railway rolling stock
  • Economics and Accounting
  • Electricity supply
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