Uo "Belarusian State Academy of Arts". Belarusian State Academy of Arts Belarusian State Academy of Arts passing score

It trains specialists in the field of theatrical, fine, arts and crafts, film, television and other types of screen arts and design.

Academy structure
Theater Department
Art Faculty
Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts
Faculty of Screen Arts
Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel
General academic departments
Master's degree
Postgraduate and doctoral studies
Preparatory department
Training Division
International Relations Department
Department of educational work with youth
Research Department
Editorial and publishing department
Academy Museum and Gallery
Primary organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union
Theater-studio named after. E. Mirovich
Trade union organizations
Academic dormitory

Monumental and decorative art
Graphic arts
Arts and crafts
Acting art
Theater directing
Film and television directing
Art history


220012 Minsk, Independence Ave., 81
Educational building No. 1 - Independence Ave., 81 (K1)
Educational building No. 2 – st. Surganova, 14a (K2)

Dormitory – st. Surganova, 14

Educational building No. 3 – st. Chicherina, 1 (K3)
Educational building No. 4 – st. Kalinovsky, 50A (K4)
Educational building No. 5 – st. Budyonny, 6 (K5)

Borozna Mikhail Grigorievich
Rector of the Academy, tel: +375 17 292 15 42

Vinokurova Svetlana Petrovna
First Vice-Rector, tel: +375 17 292 02 32

Berezkina Lidiya Vladimirovna
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, tel: +375 17 292 03 63

Vasilevsky Andrey Gennadievich
Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Work, tel: +375 17 292 62 80

Vasilyeva Oksana Glebovna
Academic Secretary, tel: +375 17 292 76 43

Khomchenko Oksana Sergeevna
assistant rector, tel: +375 17 292 15 42, tel/fax: +375 17 292 20 41

Theater Faculty (TF)

Mishchanchuk Vladimir Andreevich
Dean of the Faculty, tel: +375 17 292 12 21

Semikova Elena Viktorovna
deputy Dean, tel: +375 17 292 12 21

Monakova Lidiya Alekseevna
head Department of Acting Skills, tel: +375 17 331 29 74

Grigaliunas Vytautas Algerdovich
head Department of Directing, tel: +375 17 202 13 06

Kabanova Irina Ivanovna
head Department of Stage Speech and Vocals, tel: +375 17 237 30 68

Faculty of Art (HF)

Prokhorov Alexander Viktorovich
Dean of the Faculty, tel: +375 17 331 34 78

Tovstik Vladimir Antonovich
head Department of Drawing, tel: +375 17 292 50 23

Maslenikov Vladimir Pavlovich
head Department of Painting, tel: +375 17 202 13 06

Khilko Yuri Ivanovich
head Department of Graphics, tel: +375 17 331 70 08

Zinkevich Vladimir Leonidovich
head Department of Monumental and Decorative Arts (MDA), tel: +375 17 280 99 09

Slobodchikov Vladimir Ivanovich
head Department of Sculpture, tel: +375 17 331 18 35

Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts (FD and DPI)

Strikeleva Kristina Aleksandrovna
Dean of the Faculty, tel/fax: +375 17 292 51 53

Olesyuk Irina Nikolaevna
deputy Dean, tel: +375 17 281 72 71

Dyatlova Alexandra Evgenievna
and about. head Department of Decorative and Applied Arts (DPI), tel: +375 17 292 05 42

Perelygina Lyudmila Gennadievna
head Department of Interior and Equipment, tel: +375 17 237 36 74

Kolomiets Valentin Ivanovich
head Department of Industrial Design, tel: +375 17 334 32 92

Semenko Vyacheslav Yakovlevich
head Department of Graphic Design, tel: +375 17 263 70 90

Bartlova Valentina Petrovna
head Department of Costume and Textiles, tel: +375 17 334 11 24

Gordienok Igor Leonidovich
and about. head Department of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, tel: +375 17 292 04 91

Lensu Yakov Yurievich
head Department of Theory and History of Design, tel: +375 17 281 73 29

Faculty of Screen Arts

Ivanov Pavel Vladimirovich
Dean of the Faculty, tel: +375 17 284 81 49

Kibin Tamara Stanislavovna
deputy Dean, tel: +375 17 284 81 49

Zabello Vladimir Pavlovich
head Department of Film and Television Directing, tel: +375 17 288 15 69, +375 17 334 02 31

Sukhanova Anastasia Alexandrovna
head Department of Cinematography, tel: +375 17 334 37 26

Medvedeva Olga Alexandrovna
head Department of Theory and History of Screen Arts, Management, tel: +375 17 288 15 69

Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel

Anisko Andrey Vyacheslavovich
Dean of the Faculty, tel: +375 17 331 67 99

General academic departments

Pechenko Mikhail Fedorovich
and about. head Department of Humanitarian Disciplines, tel: +375 17 331 29 74

Bokhan Elena Sergeevna
head Department of History and Theory of Arts, tel: +375 17 292 00 83

Kovalev Valentin Petrovich
head Department of Physical Education, tel: +375 17 284 07 89

Preparatory department

Sharangovich Konstantin Petrovich
head department, tel: +375 17 292 04 91

Master's degree

Kondratovich Tatyana Mikhailovna
methodologist for work with undergraduates, tel: +375 17 292 00 83

Postgraduate studies

Galak Vladimir Anatolievich
methodologist for work with graduate students, tel: +375 17 292 76 43

Training Division

Gromyko Lyudmila Vasilievna
Head of Department, tel: +375 17 292 15 82

Research Department

Dovgulevich Natalya Nikolaevna
Head of Department, tel: +375 17 292 76 43

International Relations Department

Koenigsberg Ekaterina Yakovlevna
Head of Department, tel/fax: +375 17 292 81 51

Department of educational work with youth

Vyshinskaya Irina Borisovna
Head of Department, tel: +375 17 237 36 30

Primary organization of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union"

Tretyakova Ksenia Sergeevna
Secretary of the organization, tel: +375 17 237 36 30

Editorial and publishing department

Kharitonenko Viktor Evgenievich
Head of Department, tel: +375 17 202 11 31


Tikhonovich Tatyana Nikolaevna
head of the library, tel: +375 17 237 36 40

Theater-studio named after E. Mirovich

Selitsky Alexey Vladimirovich
and about. Director, tel: +375 17 292 62 80

Academy Museum and Gallery

Persikova Irina Vasilievna
Head of the Museum and Gallery, tel: +375 17 331 69 79


Prach Irina Sergeevna
Head of the Office, tel: +375 17 202 11 31


Larchik Oksana Vladimirovna
chief accountant, tel: +375 17 331 19 70

Kovaleva Galina Stanislavovna
deputy chief accountant, tel: +375 17 292 10 24

Human Resources Department

Kharitonov Mikhail Alexandrovich
Head of HR Department, tel: +375 17 292 77 34

Legal support sector

Shestak Elena Leonidovna
Head of Sector, tel: +375 17 292 00 83

Aleshkevich Elena Gennadievna
Chairman of the trade union committee, tel: +375 17 237 36 30

Operational and technical department

Benevich Liliya Vatslavovna
Head of Department, tel: +375 17 296 63 38

Gubkevich Galina Aleksandrovna
head housekeeping, tel/fax: +375 17 292 84 32

Kirgetova Tatyana Nikolaevna
head warehouse, tel: +375 17 290 02 88

Kovalkova Lyudmila Ivanovna
Commandant of the 1st Corps, tel: +375 17 292 84 32

Kolesnikova Nadezhda Ivanovna
Commandant of the 2nd Corps, tel: +375 17 292 00 34

Tarlikovskaya Nina Konstantinovna
Commandant of the 3rd Corps, tel: +375 17 334 13 75

Shapoval Alla Vladimirovna
Commandant of the 4th Corps, tel: +375 17 263 88 41

Lomako Nadezhda Mikhailovna
head hostel, tel: +375 17 292 14 45

Contact phone number of the admissions committee: 8044 5737450 (Velcom).

Email: abiturient@site

Dear applicants!!!

Acceptance of documents will be implemented

Opening hours: 9.00 - 18.00

room No. 308 (Independence, 81)

Theater Department

Art Faculty

Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts

Faculty of Screen Arts

Before submitting documents, you must pass the selection committee

Working hours: 9.00 – 18.00


ACTING (Dramatic theater and cinema, puppet theater)

Audi. 316, Independence, 81


Audi. 202, Independence, 81



Audi. 515, st. Surganova, 14



Audi. 515, st. Surganova, 14




ART Studies (Organization of film and television production)

Audi. 520, st. Surganova, 14

FILM AND TV OPERATORY (TV cameramanship)

Audi. 512, st. Surganova, 14

General meeting of applicants

at 19.30 in room 519 at 81 Nezavisimosti Ave. (gym, 5th floor).

After the meeting, consultations will be held for applicants on the issues of conducting entrance tests in the subject “Creativity”

Selection committee


positions, professions, types of entrepreneurial activity, specialties of vocational and secondary special education, giving the right to participate in the competition for higher education of the first level in correspondence or evening forms at the expense of the republican budget

1-17 01 01-01 Acting (drama theater and cinema)

1. Positions, professions, types of business activities corresponding to this specialty (area of ​​specialty, specialization):

– artist of dramatic, musical and puppet theater;

– film artist;

- ballet dancer;

– choir artist;

– pop artist;

– circus performer;

– supporting actor;

– radio and television presenter;

– radio and television announcer.

2. Specialties of vocational and secondary special education corresponding to this specialty (specialty area):

– direction of education 17 “Stage and Screen Art”;

– direction of specialty 2-16 01 10-01 “Singing (academic)”;

– direction of specialty 2-18 01 01-01 “Folk art (choral music)”;

– direction of specialty 2-18 01 01-31 “Folk art (folk rituals and holidays)”;

– direction of specialty 2-18 01 01-32 “Folk art (dance).”




1) an application addressed to the head of the university in the prescribed form (to be filled out at the educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the HEI) when submitting documents);

2) originals of the education document and attachments to it (with the exception of persons applying for a second higher education);

3) originals of certificates of centralized testing conducted in the Republic of Belarus in 2018 or 2019;

4) a medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Health;

5) documents confirming the applicant’s right to benefits when enrolling for higher education;

6)6 photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm.

7) a passport or identification document is presented by the applicant in person (if documents are submitted on behalf of the applicant by his representative, an identification document of the representative and a copy of the identity document of the applicant are presented).

8) photocopy of pages 31–33 of the passport.

9)envelope with stamp (2 pcs.)

10) notes for the accompanist (for applicants to the specialty “Acting (musical theater)”).

11) portfolio of works (for applicants to the specialty “Cinema and television cameramanship”)

If it is impossible for an applicant to arrive at the admissions office of the HEI for a valid reason (illness, participation in international competitions and competitions, business trip or other circumstances beyond the applicant’s control, confirmed by documents), documents are submitted by the legal representatives of minor applicants (upon presentation of documents confirming the status of the legal representative of the minor applicant) or representatives of applicants acting on the basis of a power of attorney certified by a notary or an authorized official.

In addition to the listed documents, the following must be additionally submitted to the admissions committee:

for higher education in correspondence form of higher education)

An extract (copy) from the work book, and (or) a copy of the civil contract, and (or) a copy of the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur;

for persons with visual, hearing, and musculoskeletal impairments, disabled children under 18 years of age, disabled people of group I, II or III

Conclusion of a medical consultation or medical rehabilitation expert commission on the absence of medical contraindications for training in the chosen specialty (specialty area, specialization) and assigned qualifications;

for persons with visual, hearing, and musculoskeletal impairments

Conclusion of the state center for correctional and developmental training and rehabilitation or certificate of completion of the educational program of special education at the level of general secondary education;

for persons applying for a second and subsequent higher education at the expense of the budget for the first time

A copy of the higher education diploma with an attachment, and for students of the higher education institution - the written consent of the head of the higher education institution from the place of primary study and a certificate stating that the citizen is a student (indicating the results of mastering the content of educational programs of higher education at the time of issue of the certificate), as well as a certificate of that higher education is obtained on a paid basis. The consent of the head of the educational institution and the specified certificates are certified by the signature of the head of the educational institution and the seal of the educational institution.

The admissions committee has the right to additionally request from the applicant the documents necessary to make the appropriate decision.

Today the Academy has three faculties: theater, art, design and decorative arts, where citizens not only of Belarus, but also of other countries of the world study. Training of foreign students and graduate students is carried out on a paid basis (under contract).

The Theater Faculty of the Academy provides training in four specialties and 16 areas: acting (directions: acting in dramatic theater and cinema, acting in puppet theater, acting in musical theater), directing (directions: drama directing, puppet theater directing, feature film directing , directing a documentary film, directing a video film, directing television, sound engineering, directing musical theater), theater studies (specializations: history and theory of theater, organization and management of theatrical activities, film and television studies), film and television cameramanship (directions: film cameramanship, television cameramanship).

The duration of training in acting is 4 years; in the specialties of directing, theater studies - 5 years; in the areas of television directing, film and television photography - 4 years. Classes start on September 1st.

At the Faculty of Arts, the Academy provides training in the following specialties:

painting (directions: easel painting, theatrical and decorative painting, visual design of the film)

graphics (directions: book design and illustration, easel graphics, posters)


monumental and decorative art

art history (directions: fine arts, decorative and applied arts, integrated art history)

The duration of study in the specialty of the art faculty is 6 years, in the specialty of art history - 5 years. Classes start on October 1.

At the Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts, the Academy provides training in the following specialties:

design (directions: three-dimensional design (specializations: design of household products, design of means of production and transport, furniture design))

design of object-spatial complexes (specialization: interior design)

graphic design

communication design (specialization: television advertising)

costume and fabric design (specializations: garment design, knitwear design, textile design)

decorative and applied arts (directions: artistic ceramics, artistic glass, artistic metal products)

The duration of training in the specialties of the Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts is 5 years. Classes start on October 1.

The Academy has postgraduate courses in the following areas: theatrical art; film, television and other screen arts; fine and decorative arts and architecture; art theory; technical aesthetics and design.

Duration of study: 3 years - full-time; 4 years - part-time.

The conditions and procedure for admission of applicants for full-time and part-time higher education to the educational institution "Belarusian State Academy of Arts" are determined by the Rules for admission to higher educational institutions, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of February 7, 2006 No. 80 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for admission to higher education educational institutions) and this Procedure.

The educational institution "Belarusian State Academy of Arts" has a special permit (license) for the right to carry out educational activities No. 02100/0453983, issued by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.


Admission of applicants is carried out:

on full-time getting an education

Subsystem of the system of specialties and qualifications, within
which the competition is held



Theater Department

Acting art drama theater and cinema

history of Belarus (HT),

Theater directing

Director. Teacher

history of Belarus (HT),

Faculty of Screen Arts

A separate competition is held in areas of specialties and specializations:

Cinematography cinematography


Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),

Cinematography teleoperation


Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (video filming in the pavilion (still life), video filming in the pavilion (plaster or portrait), colloquium)

Directingcinema and television
cinema (feature film)

1-17 01 04 – 01 01

Director. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (directing (written), directing (practically), acting)

Directingcinema and television

Director. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (directing (written), directing (practically), acting)

Film and television directing sound engineering

Sound engineer. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (directing (written), directing (practically), acting)

Art Faculty

A separate competition is held by specialty and in the following areas of specialty:


Artist-painter. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),

theatrical and decorative

Theater artist. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing, painting, composition)

Monumental and decorative art

Artist of monumental and decorative art. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing, painting, composition)


Artist-sculptor. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing, modeling, composition)

Graphic arts

Graphic artist. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing, painting, composition)

Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts

A separate competition is held in areas of specialties and specializations:

ceramic products

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),

Arts and crafts
textile products

Artist of decorative and applied arts. Teacher.

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (portrait), painting (still life), composition)

Arts and crafts

Artist of decorative and applied arts. Teacher.

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (portrait), painting (still life), composition)

Arts and crafts
glass products

Artist of decorative and applied arts. Teacher.

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (portrait), painting (still life), composition)

volumetric (design of means of production and transport)

1-19 01 01-01 01


Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),

volumetric (design of household products)

1-19 01 01-01 02


Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (portrait), graphic composition, three-dimensional composition)

volumetric (furniture design)

1-19 01 01-01 03


Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (portrait), graphic composition, three-dimensional composition)

exhibition design

1-19 01 01-02 01


Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (portrait), painting (still life), composition)

subject-spatial environment (interior design)

1-19 01 01-02 02


Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (portrait), painting (still life), composition)



Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (head cast from an antique copy and portrait), painting (still life and portrait), composition)

communicative (TV advertising)

1-19 01 01-04 03


Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (portrait), painting (still life), composition)

virtual environment


Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (drawing (portrait), graphic composition, three-dimensional composition)

on correspondence form getting an education

Theater Department

A separate competition is held in areas of specialties and specializations:

Acting art drama theater and cinema

Dramatic theater and film actor

Belarusian (Russian) language (centralized testing (CT)),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (stage speech and vocals, stage movement, acting skills)

Faculty of Screen Arts

A separate competition is held in areas of specialties and specializations:



Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (video filming in the pavilion (still life), video filming in the pavilion (plaster or portrait), colloquium)

Film and television directing TV

Director. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (directing (written), directing (practically), acting)

Film and television directing sound engineering

Sound engineer. Teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (directing (written), directing (practically), acting)

Art history
film and television dramaturgy

Film and TV expert. Screenwriter. Editor

Belarusian (Russian) language (BT),
history of Belarus (HT),
creativity (written literary development of a screenplay idea (synopsis), history of Belarusian and foreign cinema, colloquium/interview on modern film studies, film criticism and film dramaturgy)


When accepting documents at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, there is a selection committee, the composition of which is determined by the rector.

Applicants who enter the specialty of the Faculty of Art, Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts present to the selection committee their works of drawing, painting, composition (originals), completed by the applicants independently or in educational institutions.

Applicants who enter the theater department to major in “Acting” and “Theatre Directing” demonstrate to the selection committee their abilities in stage speech, plasticity and vocals, and the skill of an actor.

Applicants who enter the Faculty of Screen Arts for the specialty “Cinema-television photography” submit their photographs of casts, still lifes, and psychological portraits to the selection committee.

The decision of the selection committee on admission to participation in the entrance examinations is advisory in nature.


  • on payment terms: from July 9 to July 13, 2012;
  • at the expense of the budget: from July 9 to July 13, 2012;
  • at the expense of budget funds from persons who passed the entrance examination to BSAI, but did not pass the competition for full-time education: from July 24 to July 25, 2012;
  • on payment terms: from July 9 to July 13, 2012



Full-time education (full term of study)

  • at the expense of the budget: until July 24, 2012;
  • on payment terms: until July 28, 2012;

For part-time education (full term of study)

  • at the expense of the budget: until July 26, 2012;
  • on payment terms: until July 28, 2012

If the total number of points is equal, admission is made in accordance with clause 24 of the Rules for Admission to Higher Education Institutions.

Specialties (specializations), upon admission to which admission is not competitive not implemented:

  • Acting (drama theater and cinema) (full-time and part-time education);
  • Cinematography (TV cameramanship) (full-time education);
  • Film and television directing (sound engineering) (correspondence education);
  • Volumetric design (furniture design);
  • Design of subject-spatial environment (interior design);
  • Design (graphic);
  • Design (virtual environment).


The academy offers preparatory courses in special disciplines (drawing, painting, composition, acting, directing, art history).

The Academy of Arts in Minsk recruits creative people to study. Many young people who are gifted with some kind of talent in the field of culture dream of going here after school.

Before enrolling, future students collect as much information as possible about this university.

Where is

The Academy of Arts in Minsk has 5 academic buildings and one student dormitory. They are all located at different addresses:

  • No. 1 - Independence Avenue, 81 (the administration is located there);
  • No. 2 - st. Surganova, 14 a;
  • No. 3 - st. Chicherina, 1;
  • No. 4 - st. Kalinovsky, 50 a;
  • No. 5 - st. Budyonny, 6.

The hostel is located on the street. Surganova, 14. The legal address of the Academy of Arts in Minsk is st. Independence, 81.

You need to be very careful about the name of the educational institution. The Academy of Culture and Arts does not exist in Minsk. This is an erroneous interpretation of the name of the educational institution.

Theater Department

Many people dreamed of becoming actors as children. After watching your favorite movie or play, you really wanted to feel like a celebrity! But not everyone is given the talent of such skill.

Applicants who want to enroll in the theater department must be able to expressively and with feeling read poetry, excerpts from various works, sing and not be shy about speaking in public.

Upon admission, the results of centralized testing in the Belarusian or Russian language are taken into account. Students choose one of these categories independently when taking the CT. The second subject, the scores of which are taken into account for admission, is the history of Belarus.

All applicants entering the theater department must pass specialized tests depending on the chosen direction. Young people who have applied to the acting department take:

  • stage speech and vocals;
  • plastic;
  • actor's skill.

Applicants applying for directing pass tests according to their profile:

  • in writing;
  • on practice;
  • acting skills.

Art critics write a review of a theatrical production and take an exam in cultural history.

In 2017, the passing score for this faculty at the Academy of Arts in Minsk was on average 295 for budget education and 268 for paid education.

Art Faculty

Children who have talent in the fine arts strive to enroll here. The faculty was founded in 1953. It has several departments:

  • painting;
  • monumental and decorative art;
  • sculpture;
  • graphic arts.

Upon admission, the results of centralized testing in the Belarusian or Russian language and the history of the country are taken into account. Additionally, you need to complete creative tasks:

  • drawing;
  • painting;
  • composition;
  • modeling

Applicants take tests directly at the academy and bring their work from home for evaluation by the admissions committee. The average score in 2017 was 284 for free tuition.

Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts

These specialties are increasingly popular among modern applicants. It produces designers with different areas of work. Now more and more people in the country are using their services, and graduates always find promising jobs.

When entering this faculty, the results of centralized testing in the Belarusian or Russian language and the history of the country are taken into account. Creative tasks are carried out directly at the academy, which include:

  • academic drawing;
  • painting;
  • composition;
  • sculpture.

The average score for passing free education in 2017 was 295, and for contract training was 269.

Faculty of Screen Arts

Directors, cameramen, playwrights and other specialists in the field of television are trained here. This faculty was formed in comparison with others not so long ago, in 1994, and only in April 2010 it was completed with all the areas that function now.

During admission, the results of centralized testing in the Belarusian or Russian language and history are credited. Applicants pass creative exams at the Minsk Academy of Arts, depending on the chosen specialty:

  • video filming in the pavilion;
  • directing (written and practical);
  • acting skills;
  • literary development of a screenplay idea;
  • review of a work of screen art;
  • interview on the basics of television art.

The average passing score for admission on a free basis in 2017 was 292, and for contract education - 276.

Reception features

During the submission of documents, a special commission works at the academy, whose members are appointed by the rector. Drawings that applicants have completed at home or in art schools are also submitted here.

Those wishing to enroll in the Faculty of Screen Arts bring their portfolios with photographs of various subjects. It should contain:

  • landscapes (at least 7);
  • themed with images of people;
  • genre (everyday scenes);
  • reporting events or your observations.

Applicants entering the theater department demonstrate to the commission how to stage a stage speech, perform plastiques, and recite an excerpt from any work.

After passing test tasks in the admissions group, members decide on admission to the entrance exams.

Applicants who pass the first stage are allowed to take creative assignments directly at the academy. Applicants come here with the necessary set of supplies and perform work in the presence of a commission. It is strictly forbidden to bring ready-made samples of drawings, drawings and other visual aids.

After the entrance exams to the Academy of Arts in Minsk, the commission displays the overall scores of each applicant, and based on their results, they are admitted to the educational institution. After the order is signed by the rector, the guys officially become students.

The list of applicants to the Academy of Arts in Minsk is published at the educational institution on stands, as well as on the official website.

Student hostel

The Academy has about 2,000 students. Many of them come to study from other cities all over the country. For such students, housing is provided in a dormitory. It also houses masters and graduate students who study full-time.

In 2007, the hostel was completely reconstructed. We carried out renovation work in the corridors, kitchens, and bathrooms. The hostel has 72 rooms. They can accommodate 201 students.

On each floor there is a laundry room with modern washing machines, a room for drying clothes, and a kitchen. The dormitory has recreation rooms where the guys spend holidays or just relax in front of the TV.

The rooms have modern furniture. Each block has built-in wardrobes, a refrigerator, a toilet and a shower.

Educational base

The Academy of Arts has created all the conditions for students to study successfully. There is a theater studio here, where practical classes in acting, directing, and technical work are held.

In the large assembly hall, students stage graduation performances and take exams. Here future directors apply their knowledge in practice. The theater studio organizes classes in stage speech, dancing, and vocals.

All events of the Academy of Arts in Minsk take place in the assembly hall. Famous actors, directors, and cameramen come here to give master classes to students from different faculties.

The academy has a large library. It contains about 100,000 copies. There are 5 librarians working here who are well versed in the range of educational material.

The library has computers and Internet access. Students can freely use them for educational purposes. A branch has also been opened in building No. 4, where materials on graphic art are mainly collected. It also has a small reading room for 52 people.

The Academy has two exhibition spaces at its disposal. Here students undergo practical training and attend master classes from famous artists and photographers. These centers regularly host exhibitions of the best student work.

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