Literature lesson Simonov, son of an artilleryman. Summary of the literary reading lesson "K. Simonov's Son of an Artilleryman." What happened to the prototypes of the heroes

SOGBOU "Vyazemskaya special (correctional) comprehensive boarding school of VII-VIII types"


Artilleryman's son Final lesson 7th grade

1 . Educational: developing skills in working with text: expressive reading, understanding the content.

2. correctional and developmental:

- enrichment vocabulary;

- development of coherent speech, logic of thinking, attention, memory;

- development of teamwork skills

3. educational: - instilling a sense of pride in one’s people, respect for the heroic past of one’s Motherland, the courage of the defenders of the Fatherland.


Konstantin Mikhailovich


Prototypes of the heroes of the poem "The Artilleryman's Son"

A. M. Loskutov - Lenka's father.

I.A. Loskutov -


E. S. Ryklis - Major Deev.

All his life and after the war, K.M. Simonov remembered the war and wrote about it.

In 1975, addressing the peoples of the Earth, he said:

« People who want the Second World War to really be called the last in history books... must think about peace and especially remember the lessons of war ».

Sections: Literature

Lesson objectives:

  • acquaintance with K. Simonov’s poem as a whole;
  • reveal moral issues, standing in the work: on the example of a courageous act Major Deev and feat Lieutenant Petrov show spiritual beauty Soviet people;
  • help students realize that war is a terrible tragedy that should not be forgotten;
  • develop the skills of independent analysis of a work;
  • to cultivate a high sense of patriotism among the younger generation.


  • portrait of the writer, recording of A. Alexandrov's song to the words of Lebedev - Kumach " Holy War";
  • recording of an excerpt from the poem “Son of an Artilleryman” performed by K. Simonov;
  • dedication ( 65th anniversary Great Victory dedicated.)

What is war? This is us, lonely guys,
Each on his own, among thousands of the same men.
You decide the fate of battalions, divisions and armies,
Remaining, as an equal, face to face with death.
Yuri Sevruk.

Lesson progress

I. Pre-communicative stage. (Preparation of students to perceive the text of the poem).

A song by A. Alexandrov to the words of Lebedev - Kumach sounds "Holy War".

1). Conversation.

What feeling and what thoughts does this music give you?

(anxiety, sadness, solemnity; call for defense of the Motherland etc.)

Our country is approaching a significant date. Which one?

(65 - anniversary of the Victory in World War II over Nazi Germany).

What do you know about this war?

Who fought with whom?

What kind of war was this for our people? (liberation)

What did they fight for?

Who won this war?

What does war bring with it? (War is blood, it is monstrous, it is an unnatural state; orphans, widows, the endless sorrow of mothers who have lost their sons, etc.).

What books, poems about WWII, about heroes (adults and children) have you read?

Who has living war veterans in their house?

What awards (orders, medals) remain in your family?

II. Communication stage.

Teacher: The theme of war has always been and will be relevant in both music and literature, since in

During the days of mortal danger hanging over our country, Soviet people at the fronts and in the rear performed miracles of heroism.

"The great feat will never be erased from the grateful memory of mankind. Soviet people in the Second World War, the feat of millions of famous and nameless heroes who broke the back of fascism and brought freedom to the peoples of many countries."

K. M. Simonov, our contemporary, talks about one of these feats in his poem.

Student: K. M. Simonov worked a lot and in recent years of your life. He wrote poems, plays, novels. And the main theme of his work, as before, was war. And this is no coincidence.

When the war began in June 1941, Simonov, like many other Soviet writers and poets, went to the front. During the four years of the war he could be seen in the most dangerous sectors of the front. Simonov knew and understood well what war is, how much grief and suffering it brings to people, he felt how unbearably difficult it can sometimes be for a soldier.

For military service, for personal courage and fearlessness during the war, Simonov was awarded Order of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st degree and Military Cross of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.

Teacher: Many of the works written by Simonov during the war were based on actual facts and events. The heroes of his works often became real people with whom the poet fought the enemy side by side. So it was with the heroes of the poem "The Artilleryman's Son."

The teacher reciting the poem "The Artilleryman's Son" by heart.

Pause. Analysis of the poem in the unity of content and form.

What mood did the poem create?

What impression did it make on you?

Which episode do you remember most?

Which lines did you particularly like? Read them expressively.

What is the theme of this poem?

Confirm with words from the text that the main theme of the poem is “War.”

(See p. 373 textbook for 2002 or p. 239 for 2006. "War rumbled like thunder over the Motherland").

What artistic and expressive means gives the poem sound and intonation expressiveness? ( Alliteration, repetition of the sound "r").

Who main character poems? (Lyonka).

Expressively read the lines telling about Lyonka’s childhood.

(p. 372-373: for 2002 or p. 238-239: for 2006)

Which keywords Can you highlight the characteristics of the boy?

(A tomboy, a kid - that is, he is an ordinary boy, your age).

Select the verbs that characterize Lyonka in childhood

Read the major's saying expressively. What does the saying sound like and for what purpose does the major say it? (The saying sounds like an instruction from a wise and experienced warrior. The major strives to support the boy and instill in him faith in his own strength. He seems to want to say that everything starts small, that Lenka will encounter many more barriers (obstacles) on his way and that you need to learn to overcome them.

For how many years did life separate Lenka from Deev? (for 12-13 years).

What led to their next meeting? (War). How did this meeting happen?

Paint a picture of this meeting in words. (Development of imaginative thinking).

"A low dugout. Twilight, Streams of sand pour through the cracks of the log beam. Two smoky candles illuminate the table covered with a tablecloth." And suddenly “Entered: p. 374: for 2002 or 240: for 2006).

Highlight the details of Lenka's portrait. (A tall military man, slanting fathoms in the shoulders, a lieutenant's basso, the same childish lips, a snub nose).

Read expressively the dialogue of Lyonka’s meeting with the major and try to convey feelings (surprise) Major and Lyonka ( joy) from meeting his second father. ( The meeting reveals the psychological state of the heroes).

What is Lyonka’s reaction to the major’s words: “It’s a pity that my father didn’t have to live to see such happiness.” What does this reaction mean?

How does the major's saying sound in this situation? (The saying sounds like a call to take courage, not to give in to grief. To be faithful to the military traditions of your father. It sounds like a call to take revenge on your enemies).

Why did Lieutenant Petrov have to go behind enemy lines? (The situation in that area was difficult. “There was a heavy battle in the rocks.”)

Why did Major Deev entrust a dangerous task to his adopted son?

(The major knew Lyonka as himself, and therefore, if he himself could not go, then Lyonka, the closest and dearest person to him, would go).

Why couldn’t Deev go himself? ( It would have been easier for Deev to go himself. But he had no right. After all, he is the commander and his place is at the command post. Deev could, of course, send someone else, because Lyonka was not the only one so brave. But in in this case Deev should send him).

Do you think Major Deev understood that Lyonka could die? (Yes). And yet he sends it. How does this characterize Deev? What does such an act mean? (Essentially, Deev also accomplishes a feat, sacrificing in the name of life a common cause, in the name of saving hundreds of people, the most precious thing he has - his son. By sending Lyonka on such an important and dangerous task, Deev puts such force of conviction into his saying that death itself must recede).

What does Deev experience when he sends his son behind enemy lines? What artistic and visual means of language helps us understand his experiences? Prove with words from the text. (Comparison. “All night, walking like a pendulum,” p. 377: for 2002, p. 243 for 2006.)

Why is Major Deev so confident in Lyonka? (Deev himself instilled in Lyonka courage, bravery, courage, taught him not to give in to dangers, not to whine when things are difficult).

How does Lieutenant Petrov behave when performing a mission? (Extremely collected and businesslike. Carefully observes the actions of the enemy and transmits clear and concise commands over the radio).

What artistic and visual means help us see the terrible picture of the battle? (Metaphor, comparison on p. 377: for 2002 or p. 244: for 2006).

And finally the most terrible team. Which? Tell me, was Lyonka scared? (Yes. Very much small square, where Lyonka was sitting, there were 6 batteries, i.e. 24 guns).

What feat did Lyonka Petrov accomplish? ( He called fire on himself to completely defeat the Nazis).

What qualities should a person who has caused fire on himself have? (Boundless courage, strong will and fortitude).

Was Lyonka scared? (Yes). Support with words from the text. S. 378..for

2002 With. 245: for 2006.)

Guys, what are the origins of Lyonka’s feat? What helped Lyonka become a person capable of accomplishing a feat? (Since childhood, Lyonka was taught to overcome difficulties. He was taught to be brave, courageous, courageous, taught not to get lost in moments of danger. Moreover, Lyonka had someone to follow by example. His father and Major Deev are courageous people, sealed in the fire of the civil war. They They did everything to make Lenka grow up to be a brave warrior.

Teacher. Now listen to an excerpt from the poem “The Artilleryman’s Son” performed by the author K. Simonov (recorded).

What do the last four lines of the poem say? (Not only Lyonka could accomplish such a feat. “This is a glorious path for many.” Hundreds of thousands of Soviet people fought the hated enemy just as bravely, with the same determination they were ready to fulfill their military duty. And this is understandable. After all, they fought for freedom and independence of his homeland).

What role does the epigraph play? (It reveals the main idea of ​​the poem)

Lesson summary.

1. What is the main theme of K. M. Simonov’s poem “Son of an Artilleryman”? ("War").

So what is war? (This is grief, tears, devastation, hunger, horror, hell, tragedy. These are orphans, widows, the inescapable grief of mothers and people in general who have lost their loved ones:) What is the main idea of ​​this poem? (Defense of the Motherland).

What feat did Lyonka accomplish? And Deev?

2. Commenting and marking.

3. Homework:memorize a passage (students' choice).

III. Post-communication stage.

1). Guys, read the dedication ( Dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory).

Pay attention to the color scheme. Why are there two colors? (red and black).

2). What does black mean in this case? What about red?

Teacher: This is truly a “celebration with tears in our eyes.” I had to go to victory

inhumanly difficult way. More than 20 million of our compatriots did not return from the war: they fell on the battlefields or died in Hitler’s dungeons.

I ask you guys and everyone present honor the dead with a minute of silence. :. Thank you.

The lesson is over. (Performed by Lev Leshchenko (recording) the song sounds "Victory Day").

Ballad Lesson

K. Simonov “Son of an Artilleryman”

Developed by: librarian Butalova Tatyana Leonidovna

Lesson objectives:

    acquaintance with K. Simonov's poem as a whole;

    reveal the moral problems in the work: using the example of a courageous act Major Deev and feat Lieutenant Petrov show the spiritual beauty of Soviet people;

    help students realize that war is a terrible tragedy that should not be forgotten;

    to cultivate a sense of patriotism among the younger generation.


portrait of the writer, recording of the song “Holy War”, “Victory Day”, presentation.

What is war? This is us, lonely guys,
Each on his own, among thousands of the same men.
You decide the fate of battalions, divisions and armies,
Remaining, as an equal, face to face with death.
Yuri Sevruk.(SLIDE No. 2)

Lesson progress

I. Pre-communicative stage. (Preparation of students to perceive the text of the poem).

A song by A. Alexandrov to the words of Lebedev - Kumach sounds “Holy War.” (SLIDE No. 3,4,5)

1). Conversation.

What feeling and what thoughts does this music give you?

(anxiety, sadness, solemnity; call for defense of the Motherland etc.)

Our country is approaching significant date. Which one?

(66 — anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War over Nazi Germany).

What do you know about this war?

Who fought with whom?

What kind of war was this for our people? (liberation)

What did they fight for?

Who won this war?

What does war bring with it? (War is blood, it is monstrous, it is an unnatural state; orphans, widows, the endless grief of mothers who have lost their sons, etc.).

What books, poems about the Second World War, about heroes (adults and children) have you read?

What awards (orders, medals) of the Second World War do you know?

II. Communication stage.

Librarian: The theme of war has always been and will be relevant in both music and literature, since in the days of mortal danger hanging over our country, Soviet people at the fronts and in the rear performed miracles of heroism.

“The great feat of the Soviet people in the Second World War, the feat of millions of famous and nameless heroes who broke the back of fascism and brought freedom to the peoples of many countries, will never be erased from the grateful memory of mankind.”

K. M. Simonov, our contemporary, talks about one of these feats in his poem. (SLIDE No. 6)

K. M. Simonov worked a lot in the last years of his life. He wrote poems, plays, novels. And the main theme of his work, as before, was war. And this is no coincidence.

When the war began in June 1941, Simonov, like many other Soviet writers and poets, went to the front. During the four years of the war he could be seen in the most dangerous sectors of the front. Simonov knew and understood well what war is, how much grief and suffering it brings to people, he felt how unbearably difficult it can sometimes be for a soldier. (SLIDE No. 7)

For military service, for personal courage and fearlessness during the war, Simonov was awarded Order of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st degree and Military Cross of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.

Many of the works written by Simonov during the war were based on actual facts and events. The heroes of his works often became real people with whom the poet fought the enemy side by side. So it was with the heroes of the poem "Son of an Artilleryman" (SLIDE No. 8,9)

Reading an excerpt from the poem “The Artilleryman’s Son.”

Questions for the class:

    What mood did the poem create?

    What impression did it make on you?

    Which episode do you remember most?

    Which lines did you particularly like? Read them expressively.

    What is the theme of this poem?

Confirm with words from the text that the main theme of the poem is “War.”

(See page 5 of the book “Konstantin Simonov “Son of an Artilleryman” Izhevsk, Udmurtia Publishing House, 1978)

"It thundered

There is war over the Motherland."

    Who is the main character of the poem? (Lyonka).

    Expressively read the lines telling about Lyonka’s childhood.

There was Lenka, my beloved son.

Without a mother, at the barracks.

The boy grew up alone.

And if Petrov is away, -

Happened instead of father

His friend remained

For this tomboy.

    What key words can you highlight in the boy’s characteristics?

(Tomboy, kid - that is, this is an ordinary boy, your peer).

Highlight the verbs that characterize Lyonka in childhood.

    Read the major's saying expressively. What does the saying sound like, and for what purpose does the major say it?

-Hold on, my boy: in the world

Don't die twice.

Nothing in life can

Knocked out of the saddle!-

Such a saying

The major had it.

(The saying sounds like an instruction from a wise and experienced warrior. The major strives to support the boy and instill in him faith in his own strength. He seems to want to say that everything starts small, that Lenka will encounter many more barriers (obstacles) on his way and that you need to learn to overcome them.)

    For how many years did life separate Lenka from Deev? (for 12-13 years).

    What led to their next meeting? (War).

    How did this meeting happen?

Deev sat over the map

With two smoldering candles...

    Paint a picture of this meeting in words. (Development of imaginative thinking).

“Low dugout. Twilight, streams of sand pour through the cracks of the log ramp. Two smoldering candles illuminate the table covered with a tablecloth.” And suddenly “A tall military man came in, with slanting fathoms in his shoulders...

    Highlight the details of Lenka's portrait. (A tall military man, slanting fathoms in the shoulders, a lieutenant's basso, the same childish lips, a snub nose).

    Read expressively the dialogue of Lyonka’s meeting with the major and try to convey feelings (surprise) Major and Lyonka ( joy) from meeting his second father. ( The meeting reveals the psychological state of the heroes).

    What is Lyonka’s reaction to the major’s words:

“It’s a pity, such happiness

My father didn’t have to live.”

What does this reaction mean?

    How does the major's saying sound in this situation? (The saying sounds like a call to take courage, not to give in to grief. To be faithful to the military traditions of your father. It sounds like a call to take revenge on your enemies).

Why did Lieutenant Petrov have to go behind enemy lines? (The situation in that area was difficult.)

“There was a heavy battle in the rocks”

    Why did Major Deev entrust a dangerous task to his adopted son?

(The major knew Lyonka as himself, and therefore, if he himself could not go, then Lyonka, the person closest and dearest to him, would go).

My father's duty and right

To risk your son;

Before others I must

Send your son ahead.

    Why couldn’t Deev go himself? ( It would have been easier for Deev to go himself. But he had no right. After all, he is the commander and his place is at the command post. Deev could, of course, send someone else, because Lyonka was not the only one so brave. But in this case, Deev should send him).

    Do you think Major Deev understood that Lyonka could die? (Yes). And yet he sends it.

    How does this characterize Deev? What does such an act mean? (Essentially, Deev also accomplishes a feat, sacrificing in the name of life a common cause, in the name of saving hundreds of people, the most precious thing he has - his son. By sending Lyonka on such an important and dangerous task, Deev puts such force of conviction into his saying that death itself must recede).

    What does Deev experience when he sends his son behind enemy lines? What artistic and visual means of language helps us understand his experiences? Prove with words from the text. (Comparison.)

All night, walking like a pendulum,

The major did not close his eyes,

Bye on the radio in the morning

The first signal came...

    Why is Major Deev so confident in Lyonka? (Deev himself instilled in Lyonka courage, bravery, courage, taught him not to give in to dangers, not to whine when things are difficult).

    How does Lieutenant Petrov behave when performing a mission? (Extremely collected and businesslike. Carefully observes the actions of the enemy and transmits clear and concise commands over the radio).

    What artistic and visual means help us see the terrible picture of the battle? (Metaphor, comparison

Give me a sea of ​​fire! -

    And finally the most terrible team. Which?

“Fire!” - shells were flying.

"Fire!" - Charge it quickly!

Square four, ten

There were six batteries.

    Tell me, was Lyonka scared? (Yes. In the very small square where Lyonka was sitting, there were 6 batteries firing, i.e. 24 guns).

    What feat did Lyonka Petrov accomplish? ( He called fire on himself to completely defeat the Nazis).

    What qualities should a person who has caused fire on himself have? (Boundless courage, strong will and fortitude).

Was Lyonka scared? (Yes)

    Guys, what are the origins of Lyonka’s feat? What helped Lyonka become a person capable of accomplishing a feat? (Since childhood, Lyonka was taught to overcome difficulties. He was taught to be brave, courageous, courageous, taught not to get lost in moments of danger. Moreover, Lyonka had someone to follow by example. His father and Major Deev are courageous people, sealed in the fire of the civil war. They They did everything to make Lenka grow up to be a brave warrior.

    What do the last four lines of the poem say? (Lyonka was not the only one who could accomplish such a feat.

This is a glorious path for many...

Hundreds of thousands of Soviet people fought the hated enemy just as bravely and were ready to fulfill their military duty with the same determination. And this is understandable. After all, they fought for the freedom and independence of their homeland).

    What role does the epigraph play? (It reveals the main idea of ​​the poem)

Lesson summary.

1. What is the main theme of K. M. Simonov’s poem “Son of an Artilleryman”? ("War").

- So what is war? (This is grief, tears, devastation, hunger, horror, hell, tragedy. These are orphans, widows, the inescapable grief of mothers and people in general who have lost their loved ones:) What is the main idea of ​​this poem? (Defense of the Motherland).

What feat did Lyonka accomplish? And Deev?

2. Commenting and marking.

III. Post-communication stage.


I ask you guys and everyone present honor the dead with a minute of silence. : Thank you.

The lesson is over. (Music to the song plays "Victory Day").

Lesson literary reading on the topic "The Artilleryman's Son" by Konstantin Simonov.

Learning Objectives:

learn to work with works about children and for children;

introduce the literary terms ballad, poem;

teach to imagine and interpret the images of heroes based on the text;

teach to determine main idea works;

practice reading skills;

introduce Simonov’s work and biography;

to cultivate tolerance, morality, patriotism, love for the Motherland;


interactive whiteboard;

music center;

a disc with songs of the war years;

stand of veterans of the Great Patriotic War of Ossetia;




Literary reading lesson on the topic "The Artilleryman's Son" by Konstantin Simonov.

Learning Objectives:

learn to work with works about children and for children;

introduce the literary terms ballad, poem;

teach to imagine and interpret the images of heroes based on the text;

learn to determine the main idea of ​​a work;

practice reading skills;

introduce Simonov’s work and biography;

to cultivate tolerance, morality, patriotism, love for the Motherland;


interactive whiteboard;


music center;

a disc with songs of the war years;

stand of veterans of the Great Patriotic War of Ossetia;

Progress of the lesson.

I. Motivation for educational activities.

Today our lesson will be held under the motto “Great success begins with little luck.”

II. Updating knowledge.

Tell us about Van Solntsev. Describe him.

How did the boy get to the scouts?

Tell us about Vanya's escape.

Why was the boy distrustful of people before meeting the scouts?

What is the rear? How is it different from the front?

What attracts readers to Vanya?

Why did the writer give his hero such a first and last name?

In his story, Valentin Kataev shows the incompatibility of the concepts of war and childhood. Childhood is the beginning of life, joy, and war is fear, violence, every minute, mortal danger. Adult fighters, soldiers understand this, and that’s why they send Vanya to the rear.

III. Setting a learning task.

1. Listening to the song "Holy War".

2. Epigraph.

War! Your terrible trail

Lives in dusty archives,

In the banners of victories

And in sensational films.

War! Your bitter trail -

Both in books and on the shelves.

N. Starshinov

3. Presentation of a stand about veterans of the Great Patriotic War of North Ossetia-Alania.

It would have been impossible without the heroism of our people at the front and in the rear. The entire Soviet people rose to defend their Motherland and showed miracles of heroism. On classroom hours and in our lessons, we talked a lot about the contribution of the residents of our multinational republic to the victory over fascism. At this stand you see heroes and fellow countrymen who have been awarded the highest military awards. I think that they life path and exploits will arouse your interest, which can be satisfied through the materials of the presented stand.

We went on a tour of the places military glory, in including to the memorial to fallen soldiers in the village. Mayramadag, with the remains of three soldiers recently discovered by search engines buried in it. Our class takes part in the St. George's Ribbon, Immortal Regiment, Letter to a Veteran campaigns. In addition, we annually congratulated our veteran Georgiy Dzhavaev, who passed away three months ago. May his memory be blessed.

IV.Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Student’s message about Simonov.

Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov was born on November 28, 1915 in the family of Colonel of the General Staff Mikhail Afangelovich Simonov and Princess Alexandra Leonidovna Obolenskaya. His father went missing at the front in the First World War. The boy was raised by his stepfather, a Red Army commander. Konstantin's childhood was spent in military camps and commander's dormitories. The family was not rich, so the boy had to go to school after finishing 7th grade and work as a metal turner. After 2 years, he entered the literary institute and graduated in 1938. His works were published in the magazines "Young Guard" and "October". In 1939, he was sent to the front as a war correspondent. Simonov's talent is multifaceted. He is the author of poems, ballads, poems, novels, plays, scripts, diaries, memoirs, and essays.

2.Acquaintance with literary terms.

A ballad is a poem of a special form, mainly on a historical, usually legendary theme.

A poem is a poetic plot narrative, a poetic story or a story in verse.

2. Characteristics of the genre of the work.

In terms of size, this work is closer to a poem, and in terms of the exclusivity of the situation - to a ballad.

3. Prototypes of the characters in the work.

A prototype (Greek prototypon - prototype) is a real person. which served as the author’s prototype when creating an artistic image.

The poem reflects an event from the history of the 104th cannon artillery regiment that fought in the Arctic. The prototypes are Lyonka (Ivan Loskutov - topographic reconnaissance commander), friends Majors Deev (Efim Ryklis) and Petrov (Alexei Loskutov).

4. Joint recitation of the work by the teacher and well-read students. The most profound semantic passages of the ballad are read by the teacher.

5. Vocabulary work.

A barracks is a special building for housing military units.

Major - officer rank, a middle rank between captain and lieutenant colonel.

Lieutenant is the first officer rank.

A battery is an artillery or mortar unit consisting of several guns and mortars.

Topographic reconnaissance - reconnaissance of the location of individual terrain points.

V. Primary consolidation.

Dividing a work into semantic parts and titling them.

Part I. (Chapters 1 - 5). Lenka's childhood. Friendship between two majors. Lenka is a boy 8-10 years old.

Part II. (Chapters 6 - 7). Meeting of Lieutenant Petrov with Major Deev. Peaceful life is over. Lyonka's father is killed. Lenka finished military school and assigned to the front. He is 20 years old. He falls into the favor of his father's friend, Major Deev.

Part III. (Chapter 8). Dangerous task.

Part IV. (Chapter 9). The task is completed.

Part V (Chapter 10). Hard fight in the rocks. Glory to the heroes.

VI. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition.

Quiz using an interactive whiteboard.

1. When was the work written and what event in our history is it dedicated to?

(In 1994. Great Patriotic War.)

2. When did Major Petrov and Major Deev become friends?

(We were still friends with a civilian,

Ever since the twenties.")

3. Major Deev’s favorite saying?

("Hold on my boy: in the world

Don't die twice.

Nothing in life can

Kick you out of the saddle!")

4. How many times does this saying sound in the ballad, who pronounces it and with what intonation?

(Lyonka pronounces it 5th time, 4 times by Major Deev.

1) instruction

2) a call to take courage and take revenge on enemies

3) encourage, instill confidence

4) pride in his adopted son)

5. What feat did Lyonka accomplish?

(Caused fire on himself.

"I believe my shells

They can't touch me.")

6.What was Lyonka’s rank?

("Assigned to Deev in the regiment

There was Lieutenant Petrov.")

7.What do Lenka’s commands 3/10, 4/10, 5/10 mean?

(The territory is divided into squares, each of which has its own number.)

8. "Oblique fathoms in the shoulders." How much is it?

(The Russian measure of length equal to 3 arshins is 2 m 13 cm. This is what they said about a broad-shouldered man of great stature.)

9. How many batteries hit the square where Lyonka was?

("There are four squared,


Six batteries hit.")

10. How many guns are in the six batteries?

(Each battery has 4 guns, respectively, 6 batteries have 24 guns.)

11. Who is the prototype of Lyonka and Major Deev?

(Lyonka - Ivan Alekseevich Loskutov, Major of the Deev - Major Ryklis Efim Samsonovich.)

7. Activation of students’ mental activity through the analysis of proverbs.

Which of the following proverbs more fully reflects the meaning of Simonov’s work?

1) See the tree in its fruits, and the man in his deeds.

2) One’s own land is sweet even in sorrow.

3) The homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for it.

4) Friends are known in trouble.

8. The final part of the lesson.

We must remember and respect the heroes and participants of the Great Patriotic War who gave us a peaceful life.

People! As long as hearts are knocking,


At what price is happiness won?

Please. remember!

R. Rozhdestvensky

The Great Patriotic War was the most terrible war in the history of our country. But even today the world is turbulent, and even small wars, which are sometimes called “armed conflicts,” terrorist acts, bring terrible grief to people, destroy families, make children orphans, disabled people, and cripple their souls.

Books about war help us to see and understand the depth of other people’s grief, to experience it at least a little, to remember those who died during the Great Patriotic War and other wars in which the citizens of our country participated.

Let's honor the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence.

9. Reflection on educational activities.

What new did you learn in the lesson? Where can you apply the acquired knowledge?

Reading lesson in the 7th grade of an adapted school
Lesson topic:
Poem by K. M. Simonov “Son of an Artilleryman” part 1
Lesson type: Communication of new knowledge + presentation
Type of lesson: combined, integrated
Lesson method: verbal, visual, search
Forms of work: collective, individual, creative
Principles of the lesson: the principle of accessibility, scientificity, logic and clarity
Lesson objectives:
introduce students to the biography of K. Simonov;
introduce students to new a work of art;
expand students’ understanding of the Great Patriotic War;
activate the cognitive activity of students through integration
educational material and prepare students for successful learning
subsequent material on the topic;
bring students’ factual knowledge to the level of cause and effect
connections and generalizations.
Correctional developmental:
correction and development of coherent oral speech through correct formulation
answering questions through the ability to characterize the hero of the work;
develop the skills of independent analysis of a work;
correction and development personal qualities students through the formation
the ability to express one’s feelings towards the characters of the work;
development of expressiveness of reading, logic, thinking, attention;
expanding the vocabulary and horizons of students;
communication development monologue speech students, ability to answer
questions with detailed answers.
instilling in students a sense of national pride for the best sons
Fatherland and awakening interest in reading and history lessons;
promote the development of a sense of citizenship in adolescents and
patriotism, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.
Lesson objectives:
show a presentation and briefly talk about the life and work of the poet;
read and analyze the poem;
consolidate the learned material.

1. Computer, projector
2. Reading textbook. 7th grade. Author – compiler: A.K. Aksenova M.,
"Enlightenment" 2012
3. Portrait of K. M. Simonov
4. Illustrations for the work
5. Presentation “Konstantin Simonov “Son of an Artilleryman””
6. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary
No. Stage and content of the lesson
goal: psychological and practical preparation of students for academic
Greetings. Organizational moment
II Motivation for learning activities. Lesson topic message
goals and objectives
goal: to prepare students for a conscious perception of educational
material and arouse interest in the topic under discussion
Slide number 1
November 15 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet
Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov. Today in class we
Let's get acquainted with the biography of the poet, read the poem
“Son of an Artilleryman”, let’s try to understand its contents,
and also, we will continue to work on teaching expressive
reading a poetic work and analyzing it.
Topic of today's lesson:
“Konstantin Simonov “Son of an Artilleryman”.”
Updating knowledge and working on the topic
goal: to prepare students for conscious perception new topic
1.Communication of new knowledge: A word about the poet
Konstantin Simonov was born on November 15, 1915 in Petrograd.
I didn’t know my father, because... he went missing in the First
World War. The boy was raised by his stepfather, who
taught tactics at military schools, and then became
commander of the Red Army. Konstantin's childhood passed in
military camps and commander's dormitories. The family was
poor, so the boy had to after seven
classes, go to a factory school (FZU) and work
as a turner, first in Saratov, and then in Moscow, where the family
No. 23

moved in 1931. This is how he earned work experience and
continued to work for two more years after entering
Literary Institute named after. A. M. Gorky. When in June 1941
the year the war began, Simonov, like many other Soviet
writers and poets went to the front. During four years of war
he could be seen in the most dangerous sectors of the front.
Simonov knew and understood well what war is, how much grief
and it brings suffering to people, I felt how sometimes
It can be unbearably difficult for a soldier. He was a soldier in the war
Who is a correspondent? (please note
spelling of this word) Let's turn to Explanatory dictionary.
For military merits, for personal courage and fearlessness Simonov in
during the war he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, two
Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree and Military
Cross of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
Konstantin Mikhailovich died in Moscow on August 28, 1979.
According to the writer’s will, his ashes were scattered on Buinichesky Field
near Mogilev, from where he miraculously escaped alive, then, in
July forty-first. Now there, on the battlefield, there is a boulder, on
in which “Konstantin Simonov” is carved, and in some hundred
meters - an obelisk to the soldiers of the 388th regiment, almost entirely
died near Mogilev. The poet's ashes mixed with the ashes
died in '41. He returned to them forever.
2. Consolidation of the studied material:
Using the textbook's introductory article (page 214), answer
to questions:
1. What is the main theme of K.M. Simonov’s works?
3. Read the last paragraph of the article. As you understand
How did the poet himself define the task of his work?
words by Konstantin Simonov?
Teacher’s word: “The topic of war has always been and will be relevant and
in music, and in painting, and in literature. Grateful memory
humanity will always remember the great feat of the Soviet
people in World War II, a feat of thousands of famous and
nameless heroes. He talks about one of these feats
in his poem K. M. Simonov.”
The history of the creation of the poem: “At the basis of many
works written by Simonov during the war formed
actual facts and events. The heroes of his works
often became real people with whom the poet side by side
Slide number 48
Slide number 9
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fought with the enemy. So it was with the heroes of the poem “Son
artilleryman." In 1941, Konstantin Simonov published
the poem "The Artilleryman's Son", which was created based on
government order to boost morale
military personnel. However, the work is based on
true story friendship between two front-line officers who
went through the Civil War together and decided to tie their
life with the army. One of his comrades had a son growing up,
who rightly believed that he had not one, but two
father. Fate scattered the fighting friends to different garrisons, and
Great Patriotic War they met for a thousand
kilometers from each other. Soon one of his comrades
died, and his friend was lucky to meet his son Lenka, who
From a tomboy he turned into a brave soldier. And it was him
an experienced officer sent him to certain death, because with his life
he could risk the named son, but the life of any other
soldier - no.
Physical pause
goal: creating conditions of psychological and physical comfort
Conducting physical exercises.
Watch the video “Son of an Artilleryman”
Consolidating new material
goal: to comprehend, systematize and consolidate the studied material
1. The poem is called “Son of an Artilleryman.”
Vocabulary work: who is an artilleryman? what's happened
artillery? And again let's turn to the Explanatory Dictionary. On this
Alexey Antonov will answer the question.
2. Commented reading and analysis of the work:
A) Reading 1 column
Slide number 14
Slide number 15
Slide number 16
How were Major Deev and Major Petrov related to each other?
Tell me, what did the friends have in common, what made them akin?
Historical information: Civil war. White and Red
№ 17
B) Reading 23 columns

Who is Lenka?
What does the author affectionately call Lyonka? What are the keywords in
Can you identify any characteristics of the boy? (Tomboy,
kid i.e. this is an ordinary boy, your age).
Who raised Lyonka? Why did he have two fathers?
(Read expressively the lines telling about Lyonka’s childhood)
What did Major Deev teach Lyonka?
Explain the meaning of the word and expression: pass, “will go
trot, and then into the quarry.”
What words did he constantly repeat to Lenka? Expressively
read the major's saying.
For what purpose does the major pronounce it?
The saying sounds like the advice of a wise and experienced warrior. Major
strives to support the boy and instill in him faith in his own strength. He
wants to say that everything starts small, that Lenka is on the way
There will still be many barriers (obstacles) that need to be learned.
B) Reading part 1 of the poem to the end
What happened to Lenka's father?
How did the meeting between Major Deev and Lyonka take place?
How did everyone feel during the meeting?
Paint a picture of this meeting in words: “Low dugout.
Twilight, streams of sand pour through the cracks of the log ramp.
Two smoldering candles illuminate a table covered with a tablecloth. And suddenly
"I entered..."
What did Lyonka become? Highlight the details of Lenka's portrait.
A tall military man, slanting fathoms at the shoulders, a lieutenant's bassoque, the same
baby lips, snub nose.
Read expressively the dialogue of Lyonka’s meeting with the major and
try to convey the feelings (surprise) of the major and Lenka

(joy) from meeting my second father. Meeting
reveals the psychological state of the characters.
What is Lyonka’s reaction to the major’s words: “It’s a pity, it’s so bad
Father didn’t live to be happy.” What is this talking about?
How does the major's saying sound in this situation? Saying
sounds like a call to take courage and not give in to grief. Be faithful
father's military traditions. It sounds like a call to take revenge on enemies.
3. Working with illustrations:
Look at the illustrations, tell us what episode they are for
made, match them with the text.
goal: to analyze the work in the lesson.
Did you like the poem? Do you have any questions?
Lesson summary.

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