Introductory meeting for parents of the speech therapy group. Parent meeting “Let’s get to know each other” (senior speech therapy group). Games with fairy tales

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 3 “Swallow” p. Mishkino

Parent meeting

on the topic of:

Logo center in preschool educational institution

Prepared by:

Art. teacher Bikbulatova T.V.

Good evening, dear parents, we are glad to see you in our cozy hall. Today our parent meeting will be devoted to the topic of Logopoint in preschool educational institutions. Parent meeting agenda:

  1. What is PMPk, logopunkt. The purpose of creation in preschool educational institution. (senior teacher Bikbulatova T.V.)
  2. Recommendations from a speech therapist for the prevention of speech disorders. (teacher-speech therapist Bikmurzina A. Yu.)
  3. Miscellaneous (presentation of certificates) (chair L. V. Sharipova)

Today I want to talk to you about the development of children’s speech and why a child needs a speech therapist and speech therapy classes. This topic seems relevant to me today; many parents are faced with this problem, if not with their first child, then with their second.

A child is not born with developed speech. Gradually, step by step, he learns to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly, connect words with each other, construct sentences, and clearly and consistently express his thoughts. But, unfortunately, sometimes speech development occurs with a delay or with developmental features. In this case, a speech therapist, a specialist who corrects speech disorders, will help.The most fertile period for overcoming speech disorders- This preschool age. It is important not to miss it, contact a speech therapist in time! Remember that as a child grows up, the habit of speaking incorrectly becomes fixed and is less susceptible to correction. Correct, beautiful, coherent speech is the key to a child’s successful education at school, mastering not only his native, but also foreign languages.Contrary to popular belief, a speech therapist not only “produces” sounds. After all, our speech is not only sound pronunciation (the ability to correctly pronounce sounds native language), but also develops:

  • lexicon;
  • phonemic perception (the ability to hear and distinguish sounds);
  • grammatical structure (the ability to form new words, combine words in a sentence, correctly use the endings of words, etc.);
  • coherent speech (the ability to speak coherently, compose stories from pictures, from one’s own experience, and finally, compose fairy tales and fantasize).

Unfortunately, in our kindergarten there are a lot of children who are either delayed in speech development, or they have speech impairments, which includes this incorrect sound pronunciation, etc., teacher-speech therapist Alena Yuryevna Bikmurzina will tell you in detail.

To get to a speech therapist, we must register and examine your child for PMPK, what it is. PMPK is a psychological-medical-pedagogical council, it exists in our kindergarten, and it consists of the head, senior teacher, teacher-speech therapist, head nurse, teacher.

The task of PMPK is the early identification and examination of a child with peculiarities in speech development, psychophysiological characteristics, and the creation of pedagogical conditions.

Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC). What is it and how to prepare your child?

“People are wary of commissions, and when it concerns a child, the parents’ defensive reaction kicks in: I won’t let them be torn to pieces, my child is not a fool, etc.! Blind parental love and faith in the exclusivity of their own child overshadows the reasonable rule: “Do no harm!” But the conclusion of specialists is not a death sentence, but real help for both parents and children. The sooner the cause of failure is identified, the easier it can be eliminated. Everything is like the doctors.”

What is PMPC?

PMPK is a commission at which a comprehensive diagnosis of the child takes place by different specialists for the presence of diagnoses, that is, whether you have speech underdevelopment or not, everything may be in order, and at a certain time, upon reaching age, the child may have all the missing sounds etc., as well as determining the possibility of transferring to a correctional group (speech group).

Both preschoolers, from 3 years of age, and children are referred for PMPK examination school age, as a rule, students in grades 1-4, because at this age it already becomes clear whether the child has insurmountable obstacles to studying in a regular school or not.

Also, children with disabilities undergo a commission every year.

You shouldn’t be afraid of going through the commission and think that “if your child is sent to PMPK, there’s something wrong with your child.” Children in speech group, undergo PMPK annually to consider the dynamics of development.

How is the PMPK examination carried out?

Parents and their child are invited to the commission on a pre-agreed day. Usually the commission meeting takes place in one office, where the child falls into the hands of several specialists at once. The commission includes: psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist, teacher, parents.

All specialists can sit at one table, and the child stands (sits) in front of them, or the specialists sit at different tables, and the child approaches them in turn. They ask questions and give assignments. It is worth saying that the very form of performing PMPC is uncomfortable for the child: doctors often do not encourage him, rush him, and do not give him a break. The examination takes approximately an hour or two. It is important for parents to reassure the child, support, and protect in case of harsh questions or voicing of diagnoses. You need to take food and drink with you to the commission.

Preparing a child for the PMPC

When going to a commission, a child must know in what form they will work with him and be prepared for this. PMPC questions depend on the age of the child and the diagnoses being tested.

What do they ask at PMPC?

  • Tell us about yourself, your family and friends: what’s their name, where they live, where they work, what age. Tell about your activities and the activities of your friends: what do you and your friends do together? What do you and mom/dad do together? How they spend their time. Talk about the world around you: morning-night, weekend-weekdays, lunch-dinner, daily routine, differences. The child must be oriented in the concepts: more - less, longer - shorter, living - inanimate, must know the colors, shapes of objects, their location (on the table, under the table, etc.).
  • They test the ability to generalize and logic. The child must combine objects by attribute (soup, tomatoes, candy - food). Choose an extra item from several and explain why. What are the objects used for and what do they do with them? Know the parts of the body and their purpose. What professions are there?
  • They test their memory: they name words by ear and ask them to repeat them, lay out pictures or objects, then rearrange them and ask them to explain what has changed.
  • They check the child’s speech: whether he constructs sentences correctly, whether he pronounces all sounds, whether he correctly changes the endings of words depending on the gender of nouns and the tense of verbs. They are asked to name or explain the meanings and give examples:
  • synonyms (words that are close in meaning, for example, happy - joyful)
  • antonyms (opposite in meaning, for example, hot - cold)
  • homonyms (words that have several meanings, for example, pen, scythe, key).

We ask you, if your child has any problems, voice them to the specialists, do not say that everything is fine and there are no problems. After all, if they exist, then in the future, without help, they will not disappear on their own.

For parents in the speech centerthere are consultinghours daily from 12.00 to 13.00: you will communicate with speech therapist, you will learn “+” and “-“the success of your child. Remember speech therapist and educators are not your enemies, they want to help you and your child.

If the speech therapist , educators recommend showing the child to medical specialists - do not be alarmed. In some cases(that's 80% out of 100) The help of medical professionals is essential for your child's success. Listen to the opinions of teachers.

On September 7, 2017, our kindergarten openedspeech therapy center.

I would like to tell you that is a logopunkt.


The speech therapy center is a place, where assistance is provided to children with speech disorders without transferring the child to a specialized group, where children can receive timely help speech therapist . In our kindergarten, such assistance is provided, which allows our institution to most effectively solve the problems of the comprehensive development of children.


To speech therapy The item enrolls children from 5 years of age with simple speech disorders.

For speech therapy the points take all kindergarten children who need help. There is a priority depending on the severity of the speech disorder.

First of all, children 6 years old are enrolled and will start school in a year. That is, the guys from the preparatory group. And also those who did not complete classes withspeech therapist last year.

Some of the children in the older group are enrolled in the remaining places. Everyone else who needs help speech therapist , are put on the queue.

Most often, children with suchspeech therapy reports:

1. Violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds - absence of sounds (fish-fish; moon - una, replacements (hand-bow; hare-hare, distortion of sounds(chicken - chicken)

2. Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech - FFND, i.e. impaired phonemic hearing (recognition of speech sounds - most often when children do not hear the difference between very similar sounds - house-tom; scythe-goat) and disturbances in sound pronunciation


In the spring, a survey of PMPK children will be carried out, as a result of which children who require enrollment in logopoint . 9 people were recruited from the list, from among the senior and middle group. To enroll a child in logopoint inspection required doctors , as well as make an extract from the medical history. We will give you directions for this. The referral will be issued in March. Without examination by doctors, enrollment of the child in logopoint will not be produced.


Total number of children for speech therapy Work during the year in kindergarten is 20 people. Because speech therapy A large number of children with different types of speech diagnoses require help, so the time frame for working with each child can vary greatly. Therefore, with logopunkt in kindergarten, children are not sent out as a whole group, but individually, as their speech impairment is corrected. And another child from those standing in line is immediately enrolled in the vacant place. Thus, logopoint in kindergarten it is an open and extremely mobile system.


1. Group 2 times a week.

2. Individual 2-3 times a week.

How often individual lessons are provided to your child and their duration determines speech therapist depending on the severity of the speech disorder, the age of the baby and his psychophysical characteristics. Mostly individual lessons logopunkt last from 15 to 20 minutes. The purpose of individual speech therapy classes – correction of sound pronunciation and development of phonemic processes.

WHAT IS HE DOING Speech therapist at speech center?

First of allspeech therapist at speech therapyitem carries out work on the following directions:

1. Correction of sound pronunciation is the production and automation of sounds.(Development of correct movements of lips and tongue)

2. Formation of phonemic processes - learning to recognize speech sounds, to clearly identify each sound of the native language by ear.

Enrichment vocabulary, formation grammatical categories language are parallel tasks that are solved jointly by the teacher in speech development classes, speech therapist in group classes.

Work on sound pronunciation is carried out in stages

VI. Preparatory stage. The purpose of this stage is to prepare for the correct perception and reproduction of sound. At this stage, work occurs simultaneously on several directions.

II. Sound production stage.

III. Sound automation stage. The goal of this stage is to achieve the correct pronunciation of sounds in syllables, words and phrases. At this stage, gradually, consistently delivered sound is introduced into syllables, words, sentences(poems, stories)and in independent speech child.(RA-RO-RU-RY; FRAME, CANCER, RAINBOW; Roma and Rita cut the watermelon.)

VI. Stage of differentiation. Sometimes it turns out that in the process of automation the child begins to mix the correct pronunciation of a sound with the incorrect one, i.e., for example, a child before starting to work withspeech therapist replaced the sound R, to the sound L, he can say : Gleka was driving across the river, and he saw a crayfish in the river. That is, the child slips from correct articulation to incorrect, then work is carried out to distinguish between these sounds by ear and articulation.


There are several main differences:

Speech therapist's work in a mass preschool institution, its structure and functional responsibilities differ significantly from workspeech therapist at speech kindergarten. This is primarily due to the fact thatspeech therapist at the speech centeris integrated into the general educational process, and does not go along with it in parallel, as is customary in speech gardens and groups. Job speech therapist is built taking into account the internal schedule of the preschool educational institution. The work schedule and schedule of classes are approved by the head of the preschool educational institution.

In speech therapy group, the composition of children does not change during the year, for one speech therapist there are up to 16 people, depending on the speech conclusion. On logopunkt children enter and leave during the year, while at the same time one speech therapist up to 20 people are engaged

In speech therapy In a group, children have the same speech conclusion, which determines the lesson program. On logopunkt Children with different speech impediments study at the same time.

- Speech therapist at the speech centeroperates in a different mode from the speech garden. The main forms of organizing work with children with speech impairments are individual and subgroup classes. Our classes are short-term (15-20 minutes, short-term(2-3 times a week)and are designed for a 6 or 12 month training period.

At the logo station children with speech disorders receive correctional assistance in portions, and not daily, like childrenspeech therapy garden or group. All this leaves a certain imprint onspeech therapy work.

As for the program. IN speech therapy group - a general developmental program is built into the correction program.

At the logo station – a correctional program is built into the general developmental program.

In conclusion, I would like to make some recommendations(recommendations, answers to questions, additional information).

Thank you for your attention!

Parent meeting.

Topic: “Specifics of teaching and raising children in a speech therapy group. The role of the family in overcoming speech defects.”

Time: I period of study, October.

Event plan:

1. What is “speech therapy”? Who is a speech therapist?

2. Features of speech therapy work:

Forms of speech therapy work.

3. Familiarization of parents with the results of a speech examination of children in the senior speech therapy group.

4. The role of the family in overcoming speech disorders in children.

5. Positive aspects of teaching and raising children in speech therapy groups.

1. Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders and their correction through special education and education.

The term “speech therapy” is derived from the Greek words “logos” (speech, word), “paideo” (educate, teach). Which in translation means “speech education.” Accordingly, a specialist involved in speech correction (or “speech education”) is called a speech therapist.

2. How does the work of teachers of speech therapy groups differ from work in mass kindergarten groups?

Speech therapy groups carry out specialized work with children in the following areas:

Formation of correct sound pronunciation;

Development of articulatory movements, movements of the speech organs (lips, cheeks, tongue);

Improving phonemic processes, i.e. the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of speech, syllables, words in speech that are similar in sound, articulation;

Improving the grammatical structure of speech;

Enrichment, activation of speech vocabulary;

Development of fine motor skills of the hands, i.e. finger movements (scientists have proven that the development of small finger movements is interconnected with the development of speech areas of the brain); preparing the hand for writing;

Development of coherent speech, which implies the ability to compose stories, retell texts, tell poems, riddles, proverbs;

Improving the prosodic side of speech, including developing diction, expressiveness of speech, proper breathing, working on correct stress, and tempo of speech.

All of the above work is carried out in speech therapy groups in the form of classes with all children, in subgroup classes, and in individual work. In addition, educators work on speech development every day, using routine moments, walks, free activities of children and everyday communication with them.

3. Work in speech therapy groups is divided into 3 periods depending on time and correctional tasks. At this point in time, the first period of study is in progress. One of the main tasks of this period is the examination of children’s speech, which is carried out in September. A speech examination was carried out with each child separately; the results of the examination and questionnaire of parents were entered into the children’s speech cards. You can review speech cards individually. What did the speech examination reveal?

Of course, violations of sound pronunciation (whistling, hissing sounds, L and R sounds). But, in addition, common to all children in the group is a disorder called General Underdevelopment Speeches Level III. This disorder is characterized by such features as unformed grammatical structure of speech, poor vocabulary, inability to compose a complete story with detailed sentences, and imperfect grammatical processes. Of course, within the framework of this disorder, the level of speech development of all children is different. You can learn more about the survey results individually after the meeting.

4. What is the role of the family and parents in overcoming speech disorders in children?

Don’t think that speech defects will disappear on their own over time. To overcome them, systematic, long-term correctional work is necessary, in which parents play a significant role, since the child spends more time at home with people close to him. Parents should form the correct attitude towards a child’s speech disorder:

Do not scold your child for speaking incorrectly;

Unobtrusively correct incorrect pronunciation;

Do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words;

Encourage the child to have a positive attitude during classes with teachers.

In addition, parents themselves must learn how to perform and show their child simple articulation exercises to prepare the speech apparatus for correct sound pronunciation. Parents should pay special attention to homework. The speech therapist writes down advice, comments and recommendations on an individual basis.

I note that there are certain rules homework work:

Notebooks are picked up over the weekend and returned on Monday;

Tasks for the development of fine motor skills (drawing, shading, etc.) are performed with pencils;

All speech material must be worked out, i.e. parents must ensure that the child completes the task correctly and clearly, even by memorizing;

The assignments must be read to the child;

All tasks are completed to completion.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child’s speech environment. Parents should monitor the correctness of their own speech. Speech must be clear, clear, competent, and expressive. At home, read poems, fairy tales, riddles, and sing songs more often. On the street, watch birds, trees, people, natural phenomena, discuss what you see with your children. Avoid frequent viewing of television programs, especially adult content. Play with your child, establish verbal and emotional contact.

5. What are the advantages of your child attending a speech therapy group? This:

Correction of sound pronunciation;

Formation of competent, expressive speech;

Teaching reading (from the third period of the senior group) and writing in preparatory group;

Development of fine motor skills of the hands, preparing the hand for writing at school;

Enhanced preparation for school through additional classes on speech development, reading and writing, graphics;

Individual approach to the child;

Improving mental processes of perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

I would like to note that only in close cooperation between family and teachers can good, high-quality and relatively quick results be achieved in the correction and development of a child’s speech. Continuity in the work of the family and kindergarten is carried out through individual consultations, visual information for parents and in classes that parents can attend by agreement with teachers.

6. Training for parents “Articulation gymnastics”.

Articulation gymnastics is carried out with the child in front of the mirror. The child repeats articulation exercises after the adult; the mirror serves as a means of controlling his own articulation.

During the training, parents repeat basic articulation exercises after the speech therapist, preparing the child’s speech apparatus to produce impaired sounds and developing his mobility.


The success of correctional education is largely determined by how clearly the continuity in the work of the speech therapist, educators and parents is organized. Currently, in speech therapy practice there are stable forms of working with parents that are quite effective. The first organized meeting of the speech therapist with parents is held at the end of September. At this meeting, the speech therapist covers the following issues in an accessible form:

The need for special targeted training for children in a speech therapy group.

Analysis of the results of psychological and pedagogical examination of children.

Organization of the work of a speech therapist and teacher throughout the year.

Information about the content of speech therapy and educational classes in the first period of training.

At this meeting it is useful to give parents the opportunity to listen tape recordings speech utterances of children during the initial examination.

Experience in communicating with parents shows that their attitude towards children’s speech defects is ambiguous: some see only shortcomings in the pronunciation of individual sounds (p, l, s, w), others believe that everything will “correct itself by school” and only under pressure from specialists did they bring child to the group. Therefore, the first conversation of the speech therapist takes on special significance, when he must tell and show in an accessible and convincing form (using samples written works students with dysgraphia) the negative impact of insufficiently formed speech on the process of children acquiring literacy. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the idea that early detection of speech pathology and provision of timely assistance to children will help prevent difficulties in learning at school. Thus, the speech therapist justifies the need for the opening and existence of preschool speech therapy groups.

Much attention is paid to covering issues related to the organization of children's lives in a special kindergarten. Parents should know the mode of work in the group, the requirements for children throughout their entire stay in the kindergarten. Revealing tasks and content speech therapy sessions, the speech therapist introduces (selectively) the methods of pedagogical influence necessary for the implementation differentiated approach to every child. The speech therapist especially notes the role of parents in the complex of psychological and pedagogical activities:

A) euniformity of requirements for the child;

b) Tomonitoring the completion of tasks;

V) Passistance in designing the child’s notebook, games,didactic material;

d) active participation in all events,conducted for parents in kindergarten(open classes, holidays, parent meetings, design of a group room, stands for parents, etc.).

Thus, the speech therapist creates an attitude for the conscious inclusion of parents in the correction process.

For school year Consultations for parents are systematically conducted. The speech therapist shows methods of individual correctional work with the child, emphasizes his difficulties and successes, and suggests what needs to be paid attention to at home. Each child has his own notebook where the content of speech therapy work is recorded. Parents are explained how to design this notebook and are given examples of completing homework (sketching objects, sticking decals, writing down poems, stories, etc.). The notebook should always be neat and well-designed. This is also one of the moments of pedagogical influence.

Sample conversation topics:

1. Speech violations And causes their aroseVenia.

Psychological peculiarities children With sisdark violations speeches.

Brief adviсe parents, having childrenWith ONR 1- th level. Upbringing And education childka With general underdevelopment speeches.

Teach children observe.

What do, If at child bad memory?

How develop auditory perception at children.

Movable games V system correctionalwork.

A game - best assistant V classes With childrenmi Houses.

Need to whether parents hurry With trainingchildren reading?

How learn remember poems?

How And What read children With general underdeveloptime speeches?

Gaming exercises, developing smallmotor skills child.

Work - most important means V correctionBut- educational work With children Houses.

14. We teach children to tell stories.

It is useful for parents to visit open classes of speech therapist and teacher. They are carried out systematically once every 2-3 months. Parents get the opportunity to monitor their children’s progress, see their difficulties in communicating with friends, observe routine moments, organization of play activities, etc. In the middle of the school year, the 2nd parent meeting is held. It sums up the work for the first half of the year. The dynamics of each child’s speech progress are briefly covered, the tasks and content of classes in the subsequent period of education, and the requirements for children’s speech are determined. The role of each family in the system of complex influence is assessed. At this time, the speech therapist can already give a forecast of the final outcome of speech therapy work and provide parents with guidance regarding the child’s future stay in kindergarten or school.

The 3rd parent meeting is planned for the end of the year. It sums up the results of all correctional work. An analysis of a repeated examination of children's speech is given, along with recommendations for their further education (in kindergarten, at school). A ceremonial graduation ceremony for children is organized, where everyone has the opportunity to demonstrate their successes.

A series of speech therapy presentations at parent meetings in the senior speech therapy group.

Parents' meeting No. 1.Topic: “Specifics of teaching and raising children in a speech therapy group. The role of the family in overcoming speech defects.” Time spending: I period of study, October. Plan of implementation: 1. What is “speech therapy”? Who is a speech therapist?2. Features of speech therapy work: - content of speech therapy work; - forms of speech therapy work.3. Familiarization of parents with the results of a speech examination of children in the senior speech therapy group.4. The role of the family in overcoming speech disorders in children.5. Positive aspects of teaching and raising children in speech therapy groups.6. Training for parents “Articulation gymnastics”. Contents. 1. Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders, their correction through special training and education. The term “speech therapy” is derived from the Greek words “logos” (speech, word), “peideo” (educate, teach). Which in translation means “speech education.” Accordingly, a specialist involved in speech correction (or “speech education”) is called a speech therapist.2. How does the work of teachers of speech therapy groups differ from work in mass kindergarten groups? In speech therapy groups, specialized work is carried out with children in the following areas:

Formation of correct sound pronunciation; - development of articulatory movements, movements of the speech organs (lips, cheeks, tongue); - improvement of phonemic processes, i.e. the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of speech, syllables, words in speech that are similar in sound, articulation; - improvement of the grammatical structure of speech; - enrichment, activation of the vocabulary of speech; - development of fine motor skills of the hands, i.e. finger movements (scientists have proven that the development of small finger movements is interconnected with the development of speech areas of the brain); preparing the hand for writing; - development of coherent speech, which implies the ability to compose stories, retell texts, recite poems, riddles, proverbs; - improvement of the prosodic side of speech, including the development of diction, expressiveness of speech, correct breathing, work on the correct stress, tempo of speech.

All of the above work is carried out in speech therapy groups in the form of classes with all children, in subgroup classes, and in individual work. In addition, educators work on speech development every day, using routine moments, walks, free activities of children and everyday communication with them.3. Work in speech therapy groups is divided into 3 periods depending on time and correctional tasks. At this point in time, the first period of study is in progress. One of the main tasks of this period is the examination of children’s speech, which is carried out in September. A speech examination was carried out with each child separately; the results of the examination and questionnaire of parents were entered into the children’s speech cards. You can review speech cards individually. What did the speech examination reveal? Of course, disturbances in sound pronunciation (whistling, hissing sounds, L and R sounds). But, in addition, common to all children in the group is a disorder called General Speech Underdevelopment of level III. This disorder is characterized by such features as unformed grammatical structure of speech, poor vocabulary, inability to compose a complete story with detailed sentences, and imperfect grammatical processes. Of course, within the framework of this disorder, the level of speech development of all children is different. You can learn more about the survey results individually after the meeting.4. What is the role of the family and parents in overcoming speech disorders in children? One should not think that speech defects will disappear on their own over time. To overcome them, systematic, long-term correctional work is necessary, in which parents play a significant role, since the child spends more time at home with people close to him. Parents should form the correct attitude towards a child’s speech disorder:

Do not scold the child for incorrect speech; - unobtrusively correct incorrect pronunciation; - do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words; - keep the child in a positive attitude during classes with teachers.

In addition, parents themselves must learn how to perform and show their child simple articulation exercises to prepare the speech apparatus for correct sound pronunciation. Parents should pay special attention to homework. The speech therapist writes down tips, comments and recommendations on an individual basis. I would like to note that there are certain rules for working in home notebooks:

Notebooks are taken away on the weekend and returned on Monday; - tasks for the development of fine motor skills (drawing, shading, etc.) are completed with pencils; - all speech material must be worked out, i.e. parents must ensure that the child completes the task correctly and clearly, even by memorizing; - tasks must be read to the child; - all tasks are completed to the end.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child’s speech environment. Parents should monitor the correctness of their own speech. Speech must be clear, clear, competent, and expressive. At home, read poems, fairy tales, riddles, and sing songs more often. On the street, watch birds, trees, people, natural phenomena, discuss what you see with your children. Avoid frequent viewing of television programs, especially adult content. Play with your child, establish verbal and emotional contact.5. What are the advantages of your child attending a speech therapy group? This:

Correction of sound pronunciation; - formation of literate, expressive speech; - learning to read (from the third period of the senior group) and writing in the preparatory group; - development of fine motor skills of the hands, preparing the hand for writing at school; - enhanced preparation for school through additional development classes speech, reading and writing, graphics; - individual approach to the child; - improvement of mental processes of perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

I would like to note that only in close cooperation between family and teachers can good, high-quality and relatively quick results be achieved in the correction and development of a child’s speech. Continuity in the work of the family and kindergarten is carried out through individual consultations, visual information for parents and in classes that parents can attend by agreement with teachers.6. Training for parents “Articulation gymnastics”. Articulation gymnastics is carried out with the child in front of the mirror. The child repeats articulation exercises after the adult; the mirror serves as a means of controlling his own articulation. During the training, parents repeat basic articulation exercises after the speech therapist, preparing the child’s speech apparatus for producing impaired sounds and developing his mobility. Parents' meeting No. 2. Topic: “Speech therapy work in the II period. The relationship between the work of the family and the speech therapist.” Time spending: II period of study, February. Plan: 1. Structure of speech therapy work:

Lexico-grammatical classes; - classes on the development of coherent speech; - classes on sound pronunciation; - individual work with children.

2. Features of working with homework in children's notebooks.3. Results of speech therapy work at this stage.4. Questions from parents, individual conversations with parents. Content. 1. Speech therapy work with children is carried out daily: 4 days a week speech therapy frontal classes with all children; Individual lessons are held daily. Schedule individual work with children is at the information stand in the group. You could see what frontal classes represent on open lesson on the development of coherent speech in November. In the second period (December–March), the following types of frontal classes are conducted: Lexico-grammatical classes. For a week, a specific lexical topic is taken, within the framework of which the work is carried out:

To expand and activate children's vocabulary; - to practice the correct use of grammatical categories (changing nouns by gender, number, case; using verbs in different tenses; agreement of nouns with adjectives and numerals in gender, number, case); - to highlight prepositions in speech , developing an understanding of their meaning; - learning to answer the question posed in complete sentences, etc.

Classes for the development of coherent speech include teaching children retelling; storytelling based on a picture or a series of pictures, according to a plan-scheme; memorizing poems; guessing and memorizing riddles. Compared to the first period, sound pronunciation classes have been added, in which children learn sounds and letters. There is a difference between the concepts of sound and letter: “We hear and speak sound, but we see and write letters.” The sounds are vowels and consonants. In classes, children learn to distinguish vowels and consonants. In addition, the concepts of words and syllables are introduced (a word is a part of speech that has a semantic meaning; a syllable is a part of a word in which there is a vowel sound, but does not have a semantic meaning). In such classes, the development of phonemic hearing is carried out (i.e., children learn distinguish a sound by ear, isolate it from speech) in the form of exercises. For example. “Say a word”, “Repeat a series of sounds, words in the same order”, “Say the opposite” (voiceless - voiced or hard - soft sounds), etc. Game with parents.“Catch the sound” (isolating a sound from a scale, syllable series, word series). “As soon as you hear the sound “K”, clap your hands, catch it: - A, U, K, T, M, P, K; - PA, MA , KA, IT, IS, IR; - HOUSE, TOM, ROOM. Attention! We call consonant sounds and letters not “KE, ME, SE...”, but “K, M, S...”. The correct name is to prevent mistakes when learning to read (“MOM, not “MeAMeA”). The development of fine motor skills of the hands occurs in frontal classes and in individual work in the form of finger gymnastics, in classes in fine art activities, in classes of teachers according to the schedule in senior group, on writing in the preparatory school group. Game with parents.

Finger game“Family”: This finger is grandfather, This finger is grandmother, This finger is dad, This finger is mom, This finger is me, That’s my whole family!

Starting with the little finger, bend the fingers one at a time. We rhythmically clench our fingers into a fist. Movements must be accompanied by words. First, we do gymnastics with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands. Another goal of speech therapy work is the development of speech motor skills in children, which are carried out in the form of logorhythmic exercises and dynamic pauses. For example, in classes on the topic “Wild Lively...

Parents' meeting No. 1. Topic: “Specifics of teaching and raising children in a speech therapy group. The role of the family in overcoming speech defects.” Time: I period of study, October. Plan of implementation: 1. What is “speech therapy”? Who is a speech therapist? 2. Features of speech therapy work: – content of speech therapy work; – forms of speech therapy work. 3. Familiarization of parents with the results of a speech examination of children in the senior speech therapy group. 4. The role of the family in overcoming speech disorders in children. 5. Positive aspects of teaching and raising children in speech therapy groups. 6. Training for parents “Articulation gymnastics”. Contents.1. Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders and their correction through special training and education. The term “speech therapy” is derived from the Greek words “logos” (speech, word), “paideo” (educate, teach). Which in translation means “speech education.” Accordingly, a specialist involved in speech correction (or “speech education”) is called a speech therapist.2. How does the work of teachers of speech therapy groups differ from work in mass kindergarten groups? In speech therapy groups, specialized work is carried out with children in the following areas: - formation of correct sound pronunciation; - development of articulatory movements, - movements of the speech organs (lips, cheeks, tongue); - improvement of phonemic processes, i.e. the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of speech, syllables, words in speech that are similar in sound, articulation; - improvement of the grammatical structure of speech; - enrichment, activation of the vocabulary of speech; - development of fine motor skills of the hands, i.e. finger movements (scientists have proven that the development of small finger movements is interconnected with the development of speech areas of the brain); preparing the hand for writing; - development of coherent speech, implying the ability to compose stories, retell texts, tell poems, riddles, proverbs; - improvement of the prosodic side of speech, including the development of diction, expressiveness of speech, correct breathing, work on the correct stress, tempo of speech. All of the above work is carried out in speech therapy groups in the form of classes with all children, in subgroup classes, in individual work. In addition, educators work on speech development every day, using routine moments, walks, free activities of children and everyday communication with them.3. Work in speech therapy groups is divided into 3 periods depending on time and correctional tasks. At this point in time, the first period of study is in progress. One of the main tasks of this period is the examination of children’s speech, which is carried out in September. A speech examination was carried out with each child separately; the results of the examination and questionnaire of parents were entered into the children’s speech cards. You can review speech cards individually. What did the speech examination reveal? Of course, disturbances in sound pronunciation (whistling, hissing sounds, L and R sounds). But, in addition, common to all children in the group is a disorder called General Speech Underdevelopment of level III. This disorder is characterized by such features as unformed grammatical structure of speech, poor vocabulary, inability to compose a complete story with detailed sentences, and imperfect grammatical processes. Of course, within the framework of this disorder, the level of speech development of all children is different. You can learn more about the survey results individually after the meeting.4. What is the role of the family and parents in overcoming speech disorders in children? One should not think that speech defects will disappear on their own over time. To overcome them, systematic, long-term correctional work is necessary, in which parents play a significant role, since the child spends more time at home with people close to him. Parents should form the correct attitude towards a child’s speech disorder: - do not scold the child for incorrect speech; - unobtrusively correct incorrect pronunciation; - do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words; – to ensure that the child has a positive attitude towards classes with teachers. In addition, parents themselves must learn to perform and show the child simple articulation exercises to prepare the speech apparatus for correct sound pronunciation. Parents should pay special attention to homework. The speech therapist writes down tips, comments and recommendations on an individual basis. I note that there are certain rules for working in home notebooks: - notebooks are taken away on the weekend and returned on Monday; - tasks for the development of fine motor skills (drawing, shading, etc.) are completed with pencils; - all speech material must be worked out, i.e. parents must ensure that the child completes the task correctly and clearly, even by memorizing; - tasks must be read to the child; - all tasks are completed to the end. It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child’s speech environment. Parents should monitor the correctness of their own speech. Speech must be clear, clear, competent, and expressive. At home, read poems, fairy tales, riddles, and sing songs more often. On the street, watch birds, trees, people, natural phenomena, discuss what you see with your children. Avoid frequent viewing of television programs, especially adult content. Play with your child, establish verbal and emotional contact.5. What are the advantages of your child attending a speech therapy group? These are: – correction of sound pronunciation; – formation of competent, expressive speech; – teaching reading (from the third period of the senior group) and writing in the preparatory group; - development of fine motor skills of the hands, preparation of the hand for writing at school; - enhanced preparation for school through additional classes in speech development, reading and writing, graphics; - individual approach to the child; - improvement of mental processes of perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking. I would like to note that only in close cooperation between family and teachers can good, high-quality and relatively quick results be achieved in the correction and development of a child’s speech. Continuity in the work of the family and kindergarten is carried out through individual consultations, visual information for parents and in classes that parents can attend by agreement with teachers.6. Training for parents “Articulation gymnastics”. Articulation gymnastics is carried out with the child in front of the mirror. The child repeats articulation exercises after the adult; the mirror serves as a means of controlling his own articulation. During the training, parents repeat after the speech therapist the basic articulation exercises that prepare the child’s speech apparatus for producing impaired sounds and develop his mobility. Parent meeting No. 2. Topic: “Speech therapy work in the second period. The relationship between the work of the family and the speech therapist.” Time: II period of study, February. Plan: 1. Structure of speech therapy work: – lexical and grammatical classes; – classes on the development of coherent speech; – sound pronunciation classes; – individual work with children. 2. Features of working with homework in children's notebooks.3. Results of speech therapy work at this stage.4. Questions from parents, individual conversations with parents. Contents.1. Speech therapy work with children is carried out daily: 4 days a week speech therapy subgroup classes with all children; Individual lessons are held daily. The schedule of individual work with children is on the information stand in the group. You could see what subgroup classes represent at an open lesson on the development of coherent speech in November. In the second period (December–March), the following types of subgroup classes are conducted: Lexico-grammatical classes. For a week, a specific lexical topic is taken, within the framework of which work is carried out: - to expand and activate children's vocabulary; - to practice the correct use of grammatical categories (changing nouns by gender, number, case; using verbs in different tenses; agreeing nouns with adjectives and numerals in gender, number, case); - on highlighting prepositions in speech, developing an understanding of their meaning; - on learning to answer the question posed in full sentences, etc. Classes on the development of coherent speech include teaching children retelling; storytelling based on a picture or a series of pictures, according to a plan-scheme; memorizing poems; guessing and memorizing riddles. Compared to the first period, sound pronunciation classes have been added, in which children learn sounds and letters. There is a difference between the concepts of sound and letter: “We hear and speak sound, but we see and write letters.” The sounds are vowels and consonants. In classes, children learn to distinguish vowels and consonants. In addition, the concepts of words and syllables are introduced (a word is a part of speech that has a semantic meaning; a syllable is a part of a word in which there is a vowel sound, but does not have a semantic meaning). In such classes, the development of phonemic hearing is carried out (i.e., children learn distinguish a sound by ear, isolate it from speech) in the form of exercises. For example. “Say a word”, “Repeat a series of sounds, words in the same order”, “Say the opposite” (voiceless - voiced or hard - soft sounds), etc. Game with parents. “Catch the sound” (isolating a sound from a scale, syllable series, word series). “As soon as you hear the sound “K”, clap your hands, catch it: - A, U, K, T, M, P, K; - PA, MA, KA, IT, IS, IR; – HOUSE, VOLUME, ROOM. Attention! We call consonant sounds and letters not “KE, ME, SE...”, but “K, M, S...”. The correct name is to prevent mistakes when learning to read (“MOM, not “MeAMeA”). The development of fine motor skills of the hands occurs in subgroup classes and in individual work in the form of finger gymnastics, in classes in fine art activities, in classes of teachers according to graphics in the senior group , writing in a pre-school group. Game with parents. Finger game “Family”: This finger is grandpa, This finger is grandma, This finger is dad, This finger is mom, This finger is me, that’s my whole family! Starting with the little finger, we bend the fingers one at a time. We rhythmically clench our fingers into a fist. Movements must be accompanied by words. First, we do gymnastics with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands. Another goal of speech therapy work is the development of speech motor skills in children, which are carried out in the form of logorhythmic exercises and dynamic pauses. For example, in classes on the topic “Wild animals of our forests”, you can spend the following dynamic pause: We will jump like bunnies, We will run like foxes, And like a lynx on soft paws, And like a big horned elk. Moving in a circle, children imitate the movements of animals, necessarily accompanying them with speech. This contributes to the effective development of speech and consolidation of words in the active vocabulary of children. As for individual work, it is carried out in the following areas: - checking, practicing homework; -consolidation of materials from frontal classes; – development of mental processes of perception, memory, imagination, thinking, attention; - articulation exercises; - correction of sound pronunciation, including production, automation of sound, its differentiation from similar sounds. Sounds are placed and automated in a certain order: S - Z - L - W - F - R.2. Work in home notebooks. The material that is studied during the week in class is given home for consolidation in the form of various exercises. They are new for children, so they must be read to the end by parents, explained and practiced under parental supervision. Once again I would like to emphasize that the child must draw, shade, cut out, and paste into notebooks with his own hand. An adult can show and explain how to complete a task. Don’t try to make an exemplary notebook out of a notebook; the main thing is that the child trains his hand, develops fine motor skills, and prepares his hand for writing. As for sound pronunciation, the more often you practice, the faster the corrected sound will be fixed in speech. Exercise should ideally be daily. The task of the speech therapist is to create a sound, automate it in syllables and words, but if home studies are not enough, then there may not be noticeable progress. The work of automating corrected sounds can be compared to sports: the result depends on the training.3. In general, after a period of time from September to February, progress in the speech development of children is already noticeable. These are corrected sounds in children's speech; this is the desire of children to work in class, speak out, answer questions (which is called speech motivation); children learn to listen and hear speech addressed to them. Do you think the speech development of children has changed? How does this manifest itself?4. Questions from parents to the speech therapist. Individual conversations with parents on work in home notebooks. Working with the sound pronunciation screen as a means of monitoring work on sound pronunciation. Parent meeting No. 3. Topic: “Results of speech therapy work for the 2007/2008 academic year.” Time: III period of study, May. Plan: 1. Results of work for the year.2. Summer assignments.3. Individual conversations with parents. Contents.1. At the end of the school year, there are 12 children in the group, of which 1 child is admitted to a mass kindergarten with corrected speech. The results of the work on correcting sound pronunciation are as follows: Rotacism (violation of the pronunciation of the sound “R”): there were 10, corrected 5, at the automation stage 3; Lambdacism (violation of the pronunciation of the sound “L”): was 8, corrected 5, at the stage of automation 4; Sigmatism of sibilants (violation of the pronunciation of sounds “S, Z”): was 8, corrected 5, at the stage of automation 3; Sigmatism of sibilants (violation of the pronunciation of sounds “Sh, Zh”): there were 12, 6 were corrected, 2 are in the automation stage. During the year, planned work was carried out on, subgroup, individual lessons on sound pronunciation, on the development of coherent speech, on the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. The knowledge gained in class was consolidated by doing homework. By the end of the school year, the children learned the basics of sound-letter analysis (singling out sounds at the beginning, middle, end of words), learned to read syllables and simple words. The children's coherent speech improved: they learned to determine the sequence of events in a story, compose a story based on a plan, and answer the question posed in complete sentences. Next year these skills will be improved. During the lessons, children practiced the correct use of grammatical forms of speech (verbal games “What’s missing?”, “1, 2, 5”, “One is many”, “Call it kindly”, etc.). At each lesson, games were held to develop fine motor skills and speech motor exercises. In the process of speech therapy work, exercises were carried out to develop proper breathing and the tempo-rhythmic side of speech. In general, positive changes are observed in the speech development of children, in the development of mental processes. Thus, verbal negativism in the behavior of children disappeared. Children are not afraid of speech mistakes, willingly make verbal contact, and actively participate in classes.2. In the summer, it is recommended to continue the development of speech at home. This is: – Reading fairy tales, short stories, poems by children's writers A.S. Pushkina, A.N. Tolstoy, S.Ya. Marshak, S. Mikhalkova, N. Nosova, J. Rodari, G.Kh. Andersen, Brothers Grimm, etc. – Development of fine motor skills of the hands, i.e. cutting with scissors, working with plasticine, drawing in “coloring books”, working with special copybooks for children 5-6 years old. Sound pronunciation is reinforced in work on notebooks, in addition, parents monitor automated sounds in the child’s normal speech.3. Individual conversations with parents. Working with the sound pronunciation screen as a means of monitoring sound pronunciation work.

Parent meeting materials

“What do parents need to know about children’s speech development problems?”

Target: pedagogical education of parents on the problem of speech development of preschool children

Event plan:


Causes of delayed speech development.

Problems of speech development in preschool children.

Speech alphabet for parents and preschoolers (advice from a speech therapist).

Pedagogical box.

1. From explanatory dictionary: speech- this is one of the types communicative activities human - the use of language to communicate with other members of the linguistic community. Speech is understood as the process of speaking ( speech activity), and its result (speech works recorded in memory or writing).

2. Mastering speech is a complex multilateral mental process. Her appearance and further development depends on many factors. Speech begins to form only when the brain, hearing, and speech motor apparatus have reached a certain level of development.

In order for a child to develop – and subsequently develop – speech, a speech environment is necessary. In addition, it is important that he himself develops a need to use speech.

Many parents believe that their baby has all the necessary conditions for development, but why, some problems still arise. One thing is clear - “some” speech problems - delayed speech development.

Ideally, by the age of two, a child already has a decent vocabulary (from 100 to 300 words), he actively constructs sentences of two to four words, and uses various parts of speech. Sometimes there is no speech at all, or the vocabulary is very small.

For attentive parents, the diagnosis of “delayed speech development” is given to children under three years of age. In addition to the obvious social reasons for such a delay (no one communicates with children as much as is necessary for full development), there may also be somatic reasons. The child may for some time lag behind in speech development if the mother had an unfavorable course of pregnancy or childbirth (for example, hypoxia or asphyxia of the fetus, rapid or prolonged labor). If in the first years of life the baby was often sick, had a weakened immune system or chronic diseases, and is significantly behind his peers in weight, height or motor development indicators, he also falls into the risk group for developmental disorders. Traumatic brain injuries and serious intoxications also affect speech development.

3. Delayed speech development in a child is a lag behind the normal speech development of children under four years of age. Children with speech delays acquire speech skills just like other children, but the age range is significantly shifted.

Unfortunately, delayed speech development is sometimes the key to speech problems at an older age, but even in this case, early start of classes with the child, if it does not solve all his problems, will at least mitigate the manifestation of speech deficiencies in the future.

GSD – general speech underdevelopment.

This is not a diagnosis at all, but rather a speech therapy conclusion. Any child can have speech underdevelopment. In general, OHP is a violation of all components of speech - phonetics, grammar, vocabulary: the syllabic structure of words is disrupted (the child rearranges the syllables “kolomo” instead of “milk”, “titiki” instead of “chasiki”), sounds are pronounced incorrectly (more than one or two , and five, ten, twelve). OHP comes in three levels.

Level 1 speech development

is characterized by a complete or almost complete absence of means of communication in children with ODD at an age when a normally developing child has mostly developed speech communication skills. Phrasal speech in such children is almost completely absent; when trying to talk about an event, they are able to name only a few words or 1-2 highly distorted sentences.

The main contingent of preschoolers in ONR groups are children with levels 2 and 3 of speech development.

At level 2 of speech development

communication is carried out not only with the help of gestures and incoherent words, but also through the use of fairly constant, although very phonetically and grammatically distorted speech means. Children begin to use phrasal speech and can answer questions and talk with an adult using a picture about familiar events in their surrounding life. However, children with this level of speech development practically do not speak coherent speech.

Most common in children 5-6 years of age with OHP level 3 speech development. Children already use developed phrasal speech, but at the same time they have phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical deficiencies. They manifest themselves most clearly in different forms. monologue speech– description, retelling, stories based on a series of paintings, etc.

Limited vocabulary and a lag in mastering the grammatical structure of the native language complicate the process of developing coherent speech and the transition from a dialogic form of speech to a contextual one.

Speech therapists, speech pathologists, psychologists and neurologists are sounding the alarm about underdevelopmentspeeches, focusing on the fact that the overall psychological development of the child and the formation of the sphere of interpersonal interaction depend on it. The development of the child’s cognitive processes also depends on the development of speech: memory, thinking, attention, imagination.

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment is a violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system of the native language in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes. Correct speech is one of the indicators of a child’s readiness for school, the key to successful development of literacy and reading: written speech is formed on the basis oral, and children suffering from underdevelopment of phonemic hearing are potential dysgraphics and dyslexics (children with writing and reading disorders).

How can we adults help children with various speech disorders?

4. Advice from a speech therapist.

Articulation gymnastics

This is gymnastics for the lips, tongue, lower jaw. Teach your baby to open and close his mouth in front of a mirror, lift his tongue up, make it wide and narrow, and hold it in the correct position.

Rapid speech is not acceptable when talking to a child

Speak clearly, clearly, naming objects correctly, using both “childish” and “adult” words ( This is a car -bb. But the dog -aw-aw! ). Control your baby’s speech, don’t let him speak quickly. Always tell your child what you see. Remember that if everything around you is familiar and familiar, then your baby needs to be introduced to everything that surrounds us. Explain to him that the tree grows, the flower grows, why there is a bee on it. It depends on you whether your baby will be developed.

The main components of beautiful speech: correctness, clarity, intelligibility, moderate pace and volume, rich vocabulary and intonation expressiveness. This is how your speech should be.

Breathing exercises

important in the development of speech in preschool children. Teach your child to blow in a thin stream on light toys, balls, boats on the water (you can’t puff out your cheeks!)

If a child is 3 years old, he must be able to speak in phrases. The absence of phrasal speech indicates a delay in speech development, and the absence of words at 3 years of age indicates gross violations of general development.

Gestures complement our speech. But if baby instead of speech uses gestures, do not try to understand it without words. Pretend you don't know what he wants. Encourage him to ask. The longer you understand the child’s “gesture” speech, the longer he will remain silent.

The “golden mean” is what we should strive for in the development of a child, i.e. to normal. Take a closer look at the child. Is he different from his peers? Don't overload him with information, don't speed up his development. Until a child has mastered his native language, it is too early to learn a foreign language.

Illustrations in children's books

Appropriate for the child's age, it is an excellent aid for speech development. Look at the illustrations with him, talk about what (who?) is depicted on them; Let the child answer the questions: Where?ToThat? Which? what is he doing? what colour? Whichforms? Ask questions with prepositions behind, under, over and etc.


This is not a deviation, but individual feature a person, laid down in the prenatal period, and does not accept relearning. This can lead to neuroses and stuttering.

Fine motor skills

This is usually called the movement of the hands and fingers. The better developed the fingers, the better developed the speech. Therefore, strive to develop the muscles of your baby’s hand. Let it be a finger massage, games like “Magpie, Soroka”, then games with small objects under your control, lacing, modeling, buttoning, etc.

You can't work with your child if you're in a bad mood.

It is better to postpone the lesson even if the baby is upset or sick with something. Only positive emotions ensure efficiency and high effectiveness of the lesson.

Daily regime

very important for a small child, especially a hyperactive one. Constant overstimulation of the nervous system and insufficient sleep lead to overwork, overstrain, which, in turn, can cause stuttering and other speech disorders. If the baby does not sleep well, you can place a sachet (bag) with valerian root at the head of the bed. You can also use natural oils that have a calming effect.

The pacifier is harmful

If the baby sucks it for a long time and often. Firstly, he develops a high (gothic) palate, which negatively affects the formation of correct sound pronunciation. Secondly, the pacifier interferes with verbal communication. Instead of pronouncing words, the child communicates using gestures and pantomimes.

Mental development

inseparable from speech, therefore, when working with a child, you need to develop all mental processes: thinking, memory, speech, perception.


The best speech material accumulated by the people over centuries. Nursery rhymes, sayings, tongue twisters, poems, songs develop children's speech and are accepted with pleasure. Tongue twisters develop diction. But first they need to be pronounced at a slow pace, in front of a mirror, clearly pronouncing each sound, then increase the pace.

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is often found in those children who speak late: words - after 2 years, phrases - after 3. We can talk about GSD when a child has underdevelopment of all components of speech: sound pronunciation is impaired, vocabulary is limited, phonemic skills are poorly developed hearing, grammatical structure of speech is impaired.

Imitation is common to all children, so try, if possible, to limit your child’s communication with people who have speech disorders (especially stuttering!).

Only the complex influence of various specialists (speech therapist, doctor, educators, parents) will help to qualitatively improve or correct complex speech disorders - stuttering, alalia, rhinolalia, OHP, dysarthria.

ATTENTION, parents! The sooner work begins to overcome speech disorders in children, the more effective the results will be!

5. Pedagogical box.

Memo for parents.

Dear parents! We bring to your attention a number of games that can be used to develop children's speech!

Development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing

Determining the sound of toys. Take 3 - 5 toys that sound differently (bell, pipe, rattle, squeaking and wind-up toys:), invite the child to look at them and listen to what sounds they make. Then take the child to the side (3-5 meters), turn his back to the toys and play the sound of one of them. The baby should come up and point to the sounding toy (name) (play its sound.

Determination of sounds and noises coming from the street (cars, trams, rain:)

Moving objects according to instructions, for example, taking a teddy bear from the table and placing it on the sofa (on a chair, on a shelf, under a closet:)

Familiar toys, pictures, objects are laid out on the table. Invite your child to look at them carefully, and then hand you 2 objects at once. In the future, the task can be complicated: ask to submit 4 items at the same time, etc.

Repetition of combinations of sounds and syllables: A, U, I, A-U, A-I, O-A, TA, PA, TA-TA, MA-MA-MA, TA-MA-SA, etc.

Repetition of words, phrases, small sentences. To make it more difficult: the child stands with his back to the speaker and repeats all the phrases after him, maintaining their number and order.

Blow off finely chopped colored pieces of paper and cotton wool from the table:

Blow on sticks and pencils of different shapes and lengths lying on the table, trying to move them from place

Blow on plastic and paper toys floating in a basin, plate, bowl of water

Inflate rubber balls, paper and cellophane bags, blow into a pipe, whistle.

Blowing soap bubbles

Articulation exercises

For the face: puff out your cheeks, make a cheerful, surprised face:

For lips: protrusion of lips with a tube, clicking with tightly compressed lips

For the tongue: show a wide and narrow tongue, licking the upper and lower lips, moving the tongue to the right and left, flicking the tongue (“horse”)

Development of correct onomatopoeia

Sound imitation: rocking a child (a-a-a), the hum of a steam locomotive (oo-o-o), the cry of a child (wa-wa-wa), screaming in the forest (ay-ay)

Imitating the sounds of transport (beep, knock-knock, tick-tock)

Fine motor skills exercises

Going through cereals, peas, beans, picking out garbage, spoiled grains.

Sort the buttons by size, color, shape:

Sort the coins by size.

Put on and take off gloves and mittens.

String beads and rowan berries onto a thick thread or wire.

Working with plasticine, pencils, brushes. Design.

Games with fairy tales

At home, all family members can participate in such games.

“Guess the name of the fairy tale”

All participants take turns throwing the ball to each other and calling out the first word or syllable of the intended tale. The one who caught the ball guesses and says the full name. Sivka: Zayushkina: Horse: Ugly: Frost: Princess: Geese: Boy: Red: Tiny: Inch: Flower: Scarlet: Golden: Bremenskie: Doctor:

“What’s extra?”

One of the players names several words that appear in the intended fairy tale, and one that does not relate to this fairy tale. Other players guess the fairy tale and name superfluous word. Fox, hare, hut, palace, dog, rooster (fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”). Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, turnip, cucumber (fairy tale “Turnip”). Mashenka, ducks, Vanyusha, Baba Yaga, geese - swans (fairy tale “Geese - Swans”). Emelya, old man, pike, sons, swan, Marya the princess (fairy tale “At the command of the pike”). Old man, fish, old woman, washing machine, trough (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”).

MerryABC studies.

This group of games helps children learn a lot of new things from the life of words, expand their vocabulary, and knowledge about the language.

Ball game “Say the opposite.”

Winter - summer, Heat - cold, Truth - lies, Rich - poor, Bitter - sweet, Useful - harmful:

“Fairy magic wandDictionaries

To play, you need a “magic” wand. One end of the wand reduces, and the other increases. An adult player names a word, then touches one of the children with a stick. The child calls this word either diminutive or increasing depending on the end of the stick that touched the child. House - house - house, Bridge - bridge - bridge, Rain - rain - rain, Cat - cat - cat:

We wish you a pleasant leisure time!

A series of speeches by a speech therapist at parent meetings in the senior speech therapy group “Solnyshko”

for the 2014 – 2015 academic year

Zakharova Oksana Yurievna, teacher speech therapist

Parents' meeting No. 1.

Subject: “Specifics of teaching and raising children in a speech therapy group. The role of the family in overcoming speech defects.”

Time spending: 3rd week of September.

Event plan:

1. What is “speech therapy”? Who is a speech therapist?
2. Features of speech therapy work:
- content of speech therapy work;
- forms of speech therapy work.
3. Familiarization of parents with the results of a speech examination of children in the senior speech therapy group.
4. The role of the family in overcoming speech disorders in children.
5. Positive aspects of teaching and raising children in speech therapy groups.

1. Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders and their correction through special training and education.
The term “speech therapy” is derived from the Greek words “logos” (speech, word), “paideo” (educate, teach). Which in translation means “speech education.” Accordingly, a specialist involved in speech correction (or “speech education”) is called a speech therapist.

2. How does the work of teachers of speech therapy groups differ from work in mass kindergarten groups?
Speech therapy groups carry out specialized work with children in the following areas:

Formation of correct sound pronunciation;
- development of articulatory movements, movements of the speech organs (lips, cheeks, tongue);
- improvement of phonemic processes, i.e. the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of speech, syllables, words in speech that are similar in sound, articulation;
- improving the grammatical structure of speech;
- enrichment, activation of speech vocabulary;
- development of fine motor skills of the hands, i.e. finger movements (scientists have proven that the development of small finger movements is interconnected with the development of speech areas of the brain); preparing the hand for writing;
- development of coherent speech, which implies the ability to compose stories, retell texts, recite poems, riddles, proverbs;
- improvement of the prosodic side of speech, including the development of diction, expressiveness of speech, proper breathing, work on the correct stress, tempo of speech.

All of the above work is carried out in speech therapy groups in the form of classes with all children, in subgroup classes, and in individual work. In addition, educators work on speech development every day, using routine moments, walks, free activities of children and everyday communication with them.

3. Work in speech therapy groups is divided into 3 periods depending on time and correctional tasks. At this point in time, the first period of training has begun. One of the main tasks of this period is the examination of children’s speech, which is carried out in September. A speech examination was carried out with each child separately; the results of the examination and questionnaire of parents were entered into the children’s speech cards. You can review speech cards individually. What did the speech examination reveal?
Of course, violations of sound pronunciation (whistling, hissing sounds, L and R sounds). But, in addition, common to all children in the group is a disorder called General Speech Underdevelopment of level III. This disorder is characterized by such features as unformed grammatical structure of speech, poor vocabulary, inability to compose a complete story with detailed sentences, and imperfect grammatical processes. Of course, within the framework of this disorder, the level of speech development of all children is different. You can learn more about the survey results individually after the meeting.

4. What is the role of the family and parents in overcoming speech disorders in children?
Don’t think that speech defects will disappear on their own over time. To overcome them, systematic, long-term correctional work is necessary, in which parents play a significant role, since the child spends more time at home with people close to him. Parents should form the correct attitude towards a child’s speech disorder:

Do not scold your child for speaking incorrectly;
- unobtrusively correct incorrect pronunciation;
- do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words;
- keep the child in a positive attitude during classes with teachers.

In addition, parents themselves must learn how to perform and show their child simple articulation exercises to prepare the speech apparatus for correct sound pronunciation. Parents should pay special attention to homework. The speech therapist writes down advice, comments and recommendations on an individual basis.
I note that there are certain rules for working in home notebooks:

Notebooks are picked up over the weekend and returned on Monday;
- tasks for the development of fine motor skills (drawing, shading, etc.) are performed with pencils;
- all speech material must be worked out, i.e. parents must ensure that the child completes the task correctly and clearly, even by memorizing;
- assignments must be read to the child;
- all tasks are completed to completion.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child’s speech environment. Parents should monitor the correctness of their own speech. Speech must be clear, clear, competent, and expressive. At home, read poems, fairy tales, riddles, and sing songs more often. On the street, watch birds, trees, people, natural phenomena, discuss what you see with your children. Avoid frequent viewing of television programs, especially adult content. Play with your child, establish verbal and emotional contact.

5. What are the advantages of your child attending a speech therapy group? This:

Correction of sound pronunciation;
- formation of competent, expressive speech;
- preparation for learning reading (from the third period of the senior group) and writing in the preparatory group;
- development of fine motor skills of the hands, preparing the hand for writing at school;
- enhanced preparation for school through additional classes on speech development, reading and writing, graphics;
- individual approach to the child;
- improvement of mental processes of perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

I would like to note that only in close cooperation between family and teachers can good, high-quality and relatively quick results be achieved in the correction and development of a child’s speech. Continuity in the work of the family and kindergarten is carried out through individual consultations, visual information for parents and in classes that parents can attend by agreement with teachers.

6. Training for parents “Articulation gymnastics”.

Articulation gymnastics is carried out with the child in front of the mirror. The child repeats articulation exercises after the adult; the mirror serves as a means of controlling his own articulation.
During the training, parents repeat basic articulation exercises after the speech therapist, preparing the child’s speech apparatus to produce impaired sounds and developing his mobility.

Parents' meeting No. 2.

Subject : “Speech therapy work in the II period. The relationship between the work of the family and the speech therapist.”

Time spending: 4th week of February.


1. Structure of speech therapy work:

Lexico-grammatical lessons;
- classes on the development of coherent speech;
- sound pronunciation classes;
- individual work with children.

2. Features of working with homework in children's notebooks.
3. Results of speech therapy work at this stage.
4. Questions from parents, individual conversations with parents.

1. Speech therapy work with children is carried out daily: 2 days a week speech therapy frontal classes with all children; Individual lessons are held daily. The schedule of individual work with children is located in the folder between the speech therapist and the teacher.
You could see what frontal classes represent at an open lesson on the development of coherent speech in November. In the second period (December–March), the following types of frontal classes are conducted:
Lexico-grammatical lessons. For a week, a specific lexical topic is taken, within the framework of which the work is carried out:

To expand and activate children's vocabulary;
- on practicing the correct use of grammatical categories (changing nouns by gender, number, case; using verbs in different tenses; agreeing nouns with adjectives and numerals in gender, number, case);
- on highlighting prepositions in speech, developing an understanding of their meaning;
- for training, answer the question posed in complete sentences, etc.

Classes for the development of coherent speech include teaching children retelling; storytelling based on a picture or a series of pictures, according to a plan-scheme; memorizing poems; guessing and memorizing riddles.
In sound pronunciation classes, children learn sounds. There is a difference between the concepts of sound and letter: “We hear and speak sound, but we see and write letters.” The sounds are vowels and consonants. In classes, children learn to distinguish vowels and consonants. In addition, the concepts of word and syllable are introduced (a word is a part of speech that has a semantic meaning; a syllable is a part of a word that has a vowel sound, but does not have a semantic meaning).
In such classes, the development of phonemic hearing is carried out (i.e., children learn to distinguish sounds by ear and isolate them from speech) in the form of exercises. For example. “Say a word”, “Repeat a series of sounds, words in the same order”, “Say the opposite” (voiceless - voiced or hard - soft sounds), etc.

Game with parents.

“Catch the sound” (isolating a sound from a scale, syllable series, word series).
“As soon as you hear the sound “K”, clap your hands and catch it:
- A, U, K, T, M, P, K;
- PA, MA, KA, IT, IS, IR;
Attention! We call consonant sounds and letters not “KE, ME, SE...”, but “K, M, S...”. The correct name is to prevent errors when teaching reading (“MOM”, not “MeAMeA”).
The development of fine motor skills of the hands occurs in frontal classes and in individual work in the form of finger gymnastics, in classes in fine art activities, in classes of graphics teachers in the senior group, in writing in the preparatory group for school.

Game with parents.

Finger game "Family":
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mom
This finger is me
That's my whole family!

Starting with the little finger, bend the fingers one at a time. We rhythmically clench our fingers into a fist. Movements must be accompanied by words. First we do gymnastics with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands.
Another goal of speech therapy work is the development of speech motor skills in children, which are carried out in the form of logorhythmic exercises and dynamic pauses. For example, in classes on the topic “Wild animals of our forests,” you can conduct the following dynamic pause:

We'll jump like bunnies,
Let's run like little foxes,
And like a lynx on soft paws,
And like a big horned elk.

Moving in a circle, children imitate the movements of animals, always accompanying them with speech. This promotes effective speech development and consolidation of words in children’s active vocabulary.
As for individual work, it is carried out in the following areas:

Checking, practicing homework;
- consolidation of materials from frontal classes;
- development of mental processes of perception, memory, imagination, thinking, attention;
- articulation exercises;
- correction of sound pronunciation, including production, automation of sound, its differentiation from similar sounds.

Sounds are placed and automated in a certain order: S – Z – L – W – F – R.

2. Work in home notebooks.
The material that is studied during the week in class is given home for reinforcement in the form of various exercises. Once again I would like to emphasize that the child must draw, shade, cut out, and paste into notebooks with his own hand. An adult can show and explain how to complete a task. Don’t try to make an exemplary notebook out of a notebook; the main thing is that the child trains his hand, develops fine motor skills, and prepares his hand for writing.
As for sound pronunciation, the more often you practice, the faster the corrected sound will be fixed in speech. Exercise should ideally be daily. The task of the speech therapist is to create a sound, automate it in syllables and words, but if home studies are not enough, then there may not be noticeable progress. The work of automating corrected sounds can be compared to sports: the result depends on the training.

3. In general, after a period of time from September to February, progress in the speech development of children is already noticeable: automation of a number of sounds in children’s speech; this is the desire of children to work in class, speak out, answer questions (which is called speech motivation); children learn to listen and hear speech addressed to them.
Do you think the speech development of children has changed? How is it shown?

4. Questions from parents to the speech therapist. Individual conversations with parents on work in home notebooks. Working with the sound pronunciation screen as a means of monitoring sound pronunciation work.

Parents' meeting No. 3.

Subject: “Results of speech therapy work for the 2014/2015 academic year.”

Time spending: 4th week of May.


1. Results of work for the year.
2. Summer assignments.
3. Individual conversations with parents.

1. At the end of the school year there are 16 children in the group. The level of formation of sound pronunciation was 42% (at the beginning of the year, 128 sounds were broken, 54 were corrected), the formation of phonemic processes was 61%, the formation of coherent speech was 48%. During the year, planned work was carried out in frontal, subgroup, and individual lessons on sound pronunciation, on the development of coherent speech, and on the development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. The knowledge gained in class was consolidated by doing homework.
By the end of the school year, children learned the basics of sound-letter analysis (singling out sounds at the beginning, middle, and end of words), and learned to read syllables and simple words. The children's coherent speech improved: they learned to determine the sequence of events in a story, compose a story based on a plan, and answer the question posed in complete sentences. Next year these skills will be improved. During the lessons, children practiced the correct use of grammatical forms of speech (verbal games “What’s missing?”, “1, 2, 5”, “One is many”, “Call it kindly”, etc.). At each lesson, games were held to develop fine motor skills and speech motor exercises. In the process of speech therapy work, exercises were carried out to develop proper breathing and tempo-rhythmic aspects of speech.
In general, positive changes are observed in the speech development of children and in the development of mental processes. Thus, verbal negativism in the behavior of children disappeared. Children are not afraid of speech mistakes, willingly make verbal contact, and actively participate in classes.

Reading fairy tales, stories, poems by children's writers A.S. Pushkina, A.N. Tolstoy, S.Ya. Marshak, S. Mikhalkova, N. Nosova, J. Rodari, G.Kh. Andersen, Brothers Grimm, etc.
- Development of fine motor skills of the hands, i.e. cutting with scissors, working with plasticine, drawing in “coloring books”, working with special copybooks for children 5-6 years old.
- Sound pronunciation is reinforced in workbooks, in addition, parents monitor automated sounds in the child’s normal speech.

3. Individual conversations with parents. Working with the sound pronunciation screen as a means of monitoring sound pronunciation work.

Speech therapist parent meeting

1. Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders and their correction through special training and education.

The term “speech therapy” is derived from the Greek words “logos” (speech, word), “paideo” (educate, teach). Which in translation means “speech education.” Accordingly, a specialist involved in speech correction (or “speech education”) is called a speech therapist.

2. The group carries out specialized work with children in the following areas:

Formation of correct sound pronunciation;

Development of articulatory movements, movements of the speech organs (lips, cheeks, tongue);

Improving phonemic processes, i.e. the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of speech, syllables, words in speech that are similar in sound, articulation;

Improving the grammatical structure of speech;

Enrichment, activation of speech vocabulary;

Development of fine motor skills of the hands, i.e. finger movements (scientists have proven that the development of small finger movements is interconnected with the development of speech areas of the brain); preparing the hand for writing;

Development of coherent speech, which implies the ability to compose stories, retell texts, tell poems, riddles, proverbs;

Improving the prosodic side of speech, including developing diction, expressiveness of speech, proper breathing, working on correct stress, and tempo of speech.

Individual approach to the child;

Improving mental processes of perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

All of the above work is carried out in the form of classes with all children, in subgroup classes, and in individual work. In addition, educators work on speech development every day, using routine moments, walks, free activities of children and everyday communication with them.

3. What is the role of the family and parents in overcoming speech disorders in children?

Don’t think that speech defects will disappear on their own over time. To overcome them, systematic, long-term correctional work is necessary, in which parents play a significant role, since the child spends more time at home with people close to him. Parents should form the correct attitude towards a child’s speech disorder:

Do not scold your child for speaking incorrectly;

Unobtrusively correct incorrect pronunciation;

Do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words;

Encourage the child to have a positive attitude during classes with teachers.

In addition, parents themselves must learn how to perform and show their child simple articulation exercises to prepare the speech apparatus for correct sound pronunciation. Parents should pay special attention to homework. The speech therapist writes down advice, comments and recommendations on an individual basis.

I note that there are certain rules for working in home notebooks:

Notebooks are picked up over the weekend and returned on Monday;

Tasks for the development of fine motor skills (drawing, shading, etc.) are performed with pencils;

All speech material must be worked out, i.e. parents must ensure that the child completes the task correctly and clearly, even by memorizing;

The assignments must be read to the child;

All tasks are completed to completion.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child’s speech environment. Parents should monitor the correctness of their own speech. Speech must be clear, clear, competent, and expressive. At home, read poems, fairy tales, riddles, and sing songs more often. On the street, watch birds, trees, people, natural phenomena, discuss what you see with your children. Avoid frequent viewing of television programs, especially adult content. Play with your child, establish verbal and emotional contact.

I would like to note that only in close cooperation between family and teachers can good, high-quality and relatively quick results be achieved in the correction and development of a child’s speech. Continuity in the work of the family and kindergarten is carried out through individual consultations, visual information for parents and in classes that parents can attend by agreement with teachers.

4. Training for parents “Articulation gymnastics”, development of speech breathing.

Articulation gymnastics is carried out with the child in front of the mirror. The child repeats articulation exercises after the adult; the mirror serves as a means of controlling his own articulation.

During the training, parents repeat basic articulation exercises after the speech therapist, preparing the child’s speech apparatus to produce impaired sounds and developing his mobility. Several exercises to develop speech breathing.

5. Speech therapy work with children is carried out 2 days a week (literacy and speech development). The rest of the time is spent working individually with children.

Lexico-grammatical lessons. For a week, a specific lexical topic is taken, within the framework of which the work is carried out:

To expand and activate children's vocabulary;

By practicing the correct use of grammatical categories (changing nouns by gender, number, case; using verbs in different tenses; agreeing nouns with adjectives and numerals in gender, number, case);

By identifying prepositions in speech, developing an understanding of their meaning;

For training, answer the question posed in complete sentences, etc.

Classes for the development of coherent speech include teaching children retelling; storytelling based on a picture or a series of pictures, according to a plan-scheme; memorizing poems; guessing and memorizing riddles.

In phonics classes, children learn sounds and letters. There is a difference between the concepts of sound and letter: “We hear and speak sound, but we see and write letters.” The sounds are vowels and consonants. In classes, children learn to distinguish vowels and consonants. In addition, the concepts of word and syllable are introduced (a word is a part of speech that has a semantic meaning; a syllable is a part of a word that contains a vowel sound, but does not have a semantic meaning).

In such classes, the development of phonemic hearing is carried out (i.e., children learn to distinguish sounds by ear and isolate them from speech) in the form of exercises. For example. “Say a word”, “Repeat a series of sounds, words in the same order”, “Say the opposite” (voiceless - voiced or hard - soft sounds), etc.

Game with parents.

“Catch the sound” (isolating a sound from a scale, syllable series, word series).

“As soon as you hear the sound “K”, clap your hands and catch it:

A, U, K, T, M, P, K;



Attention! We call consonant sounds and letters not “KE, ME, SE...”, but “K, M, S...”. The correct name is to prevent errors when teaching reading (“MOM”, not “MeAMeA”).

The development of fine motor skills of the hands occurs in frontal classes and in individual work in the form of finger gymnastics, in classes in fine art activities, in classes of graphics teachers in the senior group, in writing in the preparatory group for school.

Game with parents.

We went for a walk in the yard

One, two, tee, four, (Bend fingers one at a time)


We went into the yard (“They walk” on the table with their index

Walk. and middle fingers)

They sculpted a snow woman (“They sculpt” a lump with two palms)

Birds with crumbs (“Crush the bread” with all your fingers)


From the hill we then (Lead with the index finger of the right hand

Rolled, palms of the left hand)

And also in the snow (They put their palms on the table, then one,

Lying around. then the other side)

Everything in the kindergarten is covered in snow

They've arrived (Dust off palms)

We ate soup and went to bed. (Movements with an imaginary spoon,

Hands under cheek)

Another goal of speech therapy work is the development of speech motor skills in children, which are carried out in the form of logorhythmic exercises and dynamic pauses. For example, in classes on the topic “Wild animals of our forests,” you can conduct the following dynamic pause:

We'll jump like bunnies,

Let's run like little foxes,

And like a lynx on soft paws,

And like a big horned elk.

Moving in a circle, children imitate the movements of animals, always accompanying them with speech. This promotes effective speech development and consolidation of words in children’s active vocabulary.

As for individual work, it is carried out in the following areas:

Checking, practicing homework;

Consolidation of materials from frontal classes;

Development of mental processes of perception, memory, imagination, thinking, attention;

Articulation exercises;

Correction of sound pronunciation, including production, automation of sound, its differentiation from similar sounds.

Sounds are placed and automated in a certain order: S – Z – L – W – F – R.

6. Work in home notebooks.

The material that is studied during the week in class is given home for reinforcement in the form of various exercises. They are new for children, so they must be read to the end by parents, explained and practiced under parental supervision. Once again I would like to emphasize that the child must draw, shade, cut out, and paste into notebooks with his own hand. An adult can show and explain how to complete a task. Don’t try to make an exemplary notebook out of a notebook; the main thing is that the child trains his hand, develops fine motor skills, and prepares his hand for writing.

As for sound pronunciation, the more often you practice, the faster the corrected sound will be fixed in speech. Exercise should ideally be daily. The task of the speech therapist is to create a sound, automate it in syllables and words, but if home studies are not enough, then there may not be noticeable progress. The work of automating corrected sounds can be compared to sports: the result depends on the training.

7. Questions from parents to the speech therapist. Individual conversations with parents on work in home notebooks. Working with the sound pronunciation screen as a means of monitoring sound pronunciation work.

Yes, knowledge of errors is useful and often necessary. But they need to be pointed out with extreme caution. This especially applies to the correction of sound and speech errors, since the child may not immediately pronounce the given sound in all cases. You shouldn’t notice every mistake instantly and demand correction. Sometimes you can correct it in parallel mode, giving the child the correct sample. In some cases, a game system of fines is introduced and for an incorrectly pronounced word, it must be repeated correctly 3 (5) times. It is good to determine the “place of correct speech” in the house, where the child should try to pronounce the given sounds correctly, and gradually expand it. Finally, try to make comments against the backdrop of general approval. If you cannot do without reproaches, then you need to try to express them in the form of dissatisfaction with the “action”, and not with the child as a whole.

You can invite parents to remember themselves as children. How long have they been unable to write a letter, sweep the floor clean, or hammer a nail? Now these things seem simple to them. So, when we show and impose this “simplicity” on a child who is actually having a difficult time, we are acting unfairly. The child has the right to be offended. You can give an example with a one-year-old baby who is learning to walk. Here he is taking his first hesitant steps. With each step he has difficulty maintaining his balance, sways, and tensely moves his arms. But he is happy and proud! Few parents would think of lecturing: “Is this how people walk? Look it right! Well, why are you still rocking? How many times have I told you, don’t wave your hands! Well, go through it again, and do it right!” Comical? Ridiculous? But just as absurd are any critical remarks addressed to a child who is learning to do something.

Often, faced with a child’s reluctance to do anything required, some parents take the path of “bribery.” This path is very dangerous, not to mention the fact that it is ineffective. Every effort must be made to arouse the child's interest. You can force him to memorize tasks mechanically, but such “science” will settle in his head as a dead weight. At some point, it may be necessary to take a risk and let the child have a negative experience in the form of reprimand from the teacher, ridicule from friends, etc.

When communicating with a child, it is necessary to avoid the words no, no, imperative advice, ready-made solutions, criticism, reprimands and accusations. The first and main way is to try to pay attention to the positive aspects of the child’s behavior. Don't be afraid that words of approval will ruin it. At the same time, try to use the pronouns I, me, instead of you. For example, “I’m glad you’re doing well!”, and not “What a great guy you are!” It is better to punish a child by depriving him of something good than by doing something bad to him. Therefore, you need to have a supply of “pleasures”, traditions, big and small holidays.

The parents’ arguments that “no one bothered with us so much, and nothing, we grew up” are now inappropriate. The requirements for children entering school have increased. The child must have developed speech. He must already be able to read, write, and have academic skills. Therefore, we need to start working now. And for these classes to be successful it is necessary:

1. Determine a clear time for classes. To do this, you and your child can make a “mark” on the watch indicating the start of classes. The rule of studying at a certain time must be followed daily, and not occasionally. This is the time for the child to develop by you and with you. Self-organization of parents is very important, because There are always “1000 urgent things to do.” The parent chooses the order of importance himself. And it can help them in this choice known fact that correcting what was missed in correcting speech and raising children then takes many times more time and effort.

2. For each age, classes should be regulated: 10-15 minutes - for children of the younger group;

15-20 minutes - for children of the middle group;

20-30 minutes - for older children.

3. By the time of class, study the task in advance (do not do this in front of the child). Distribute which part of the task to complete in game form(on the road, in the kitchen, in transport, etc.), and what you need to “sit” on in front of the mirror, at the table at the set time. Anticipating a refusal, use alternative questions, such as: “What should we do first - learn a tongue twister or compose a story?” Adults' speech should be clear and precise.

4. Conduct classes in the form of a game or during the game. With young and middle-aged children, try not to use direct instructions “Say!”, “Repeat!”.

5. Carry out the current correction gently and not authoritarianly.

6. Introduce variety and surprise moments into classes, try to react in a way that is appropriate to the situation (with a joke, recording on a tape recorder, taking photographs, etc.). You can try to complete the task “for company” with a peer, brother, sister.

7. Reinforce the child’s achievements with praise and joyful exclamations. Emphasize that you enjoy working with him.

8. Parents must have patience, endurance, and a desire to help their child succeed.

Thus, a properly organized system of interaction between a speech therapist and parents will allow them to become more literate, consciously and effectively participate in the process of correcting the speech of children and their upbringing.

It is necessary that they learn the following idea: if now the children decide that there is nothing wrong with an unfinished task, that they forgot to bring a notebook to kindergarten, and their parents condoned them, then in the future none of the adults will be able to demand a firm commitment from them compliance with school rules.

The most important thing that parents must understand is that without their participation and support, the result of the work will be minimal.

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