Terrible prophecies about the third world war. Athos elders made incredible predictions about Russia: what will happen to the country after World War III Where there will be no World War 3 elders

The editorial mail of the Publishing House "Holy Mountain" and the AgionOros.ru website receive many questions regarding the prophecies of Paisius Svyatogorets about the liberation of Constantinople and the coming Russian-Turkish war.

Due to the fact that publications have appeared on the Internet that cast doubt on the reliability of these prophecies, the Holy Mountain publishes fragments of an interview with Metropolitan Neophyte of Morphus (Cypriot Orthodox Church).

Vladyka was personally acquainted with many contemporary ascetics of the Orthodox Church: Elders Jacob (Tsalikis) and Sophronius (Sakharov), Saints Paisios the Athonite and Porfiry Kavsokalivit.

- Vladyka, this is the third World War?

Three years ago, I gave an interview to your colleague Nikos Kyriak, in which I spoke about the upcoming events. Then there was a certain risk in such bold forecasts, but I was based not only on assessments of the geostrategic situation in the world, but on the opinions of the people of God, whom I met in my youth or those with whom I continue to maintain relations today (after all, in our time there are saints who can see into the future).

We knew that the “big war” (as the perspicacious elders called it) would begin in Syria. At a time when life in this state was calm, the ascetics accurately indicated the place where the conflict would break out.

- And now Russia has joined the events ...

We knew that Russia would take part in them. I remember how I told Sigma-Live journalist Phanasis Afanasiou about this, and he answered me: “How do you, an educated person, believe the prophecies of Paisius Svyatogorets?” He said this as if the words of Father Paisius meant nothing. But Paisius Svyatogorets is a modern saint! If we, hierarchs, do not trust the words of modern saints and their gift of clairvoyance, who then should we trust? Their words have already partially come true, partially await their fulfillment.

- What will happen to Cyprus?

The result of the Russian-Turkish conflict will be the liberation of Cyprus, because Turkey will be defeated in this war ...

Erdogan's dream is to become Caliph of Sunni Islam. Not only Russia (where many Sunni Muslims live), but also the United States and Israel do not want the implementation of such ambitious plans. They do not benefit from the creation of a powerful caliphate in the East.

- Will the liberation of Cyprus from occupation be carried out thanks to peace negotiations?

No. The events in Syria and the Russian-Turkish war, which is gradually beginning to unfold before our eyes, will lead to this.

Events are developing very quickly. Last year, on the day when Russia launched an operation in Syria, we just served the night duty. Only four and a half months have passed since that day, and so much has happened!

- How to behave in the light of such events to ordinary people, is it possible to do something?

Repentance is needed. We will be amazed at the extent to which repentance for our personal sins and errors will benefit society. Repentance inspires a person, frees his soul from the shackles of sin. The same applies to the whole society.

- What can you say about the prophecies of St. Paisius the Holy Mountaineer?

The Monk Paisios was guided by the Holy Spirit; Holy Mother of God! His prophetic gift can be confirmed by many. I personally heard predictions from the elder, which have already come true and are coming true before our very eyes.

He was glorified by our Church as a saint. His prophecies (including the collapse of Turkey) were known before his canonization, including in the Patriarchate of Constantinople. This is the same part of his heritage as books and instructions.

Doubts in the prophecies of the elder are connected with the fact that some Orthodox Christians are guided by rationalism and positivist consciousness. They think their faith is sufficient, but it is fragmented.

The prophet does not want war, does not want destruction. On the contrary, he asks God (who respects the freedom of man), according to the faith of the possibility (if people are worthy of it), to reduce the consequences of evil.

This is our mission. Pray that the events that are to come to pass do not last long and cause people as little suffering as possible.

The prophet sees events that must come to pass. But it is in our power to postpone them, or even cancel them (if we have a bold and fervent prayer to God).

It is necessary to intensify prayer, since the war predicted by the elders will be of a global nature, it will not be a bilateral Russian-Turkish one, and given modern weapons, imagine what dangers this poses.

I have an acquaintance, now an elderly man, to whom the Most Holy Theotokos appeared several years before the occupation of Cyprus. She revealed to him that a big disaster would happen to Cyprus and ordered him to pray every evening for two hours. “The trouble will happen anyway, why then pray? I have a family, children, responsibilities,” my friend questioned. “So that she would not be so terrible,” the Mother of God answered. See how God works and how important prayer is. The Mother of God appeared to ordinary people (as it turned out later, there were several of them) and called them to prayer.

The war will break out suddenly and at the end of it people will be given great blessing and grace. Very many people of a good disposition through pain and deprivation will repent that they have moved away from God, reconsider their lives and come to the true faith - Orthodoxy. We are talking about peoples who previously had nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

- Will Türkiye fall apart?

It will fall apart and part of the Turks will believe in Christ. There will be many of them, up to one third of the population.

I heard prophecies not only from Elder Paisios. When I was a little boy, in our village of Pano Zodya there lived a pious Christian, the singer Demetrius Protopapas, who (even before the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus) used to say:

Ah, my children, we will become refugees, and Turks will settle in our village.

Will we leave our homes forever?

No, many will die away from home. But some will survive until liberation and return to their homes without a war. This will happen when Turkey is founded new country under the name of Kurdia.

After the conflict in the Aegean Sea (in one of the episodes of which Cyprus will be involved), the Russian-Turkish war will begin. Russia's pressure on Turkey will be so great that it will be forced to withdraw its troops from the occupied Northern Cyprus. As you understand, this will open the way to the solution of the Cyprus issue.

- In the prophecies of Elder Paisios it is said that Türkiye will lose Constantinople? Is it really true?

Yes it is. Great things will happen. Not only Türkiye will fall apart, the European Union will fall apart.

In Turkey, they are attentive to the predictions of Paisius the Holy Mountaineer, Cosmas of Aetolia and other Orthodox saints. They also have their own eschatological tradition associated with the loss of Constantinople.

Not only social, but also spiritual changes are taking place in this country. Recently, a member of the Turkish parliament not only converted to Orthodoxy, but also confessed her faith in public. An unprecedented event!

In conclusion, I want to urge everyone to trust the Providence of God. The Lord, our Father, will not leave His children and will take care of us.

What is needed now is repentance. Only by confessing our sins will we be able to make the right decisions in the face of the coming trials and avoid panic and despair. Prayer and regular Communion are also needed.

Translation by Thassos Mikhailides (specially for AgionOros.ru).

Today we are all witnessing such historically large-scale events that we did not even think about yesterday. As they say, even in a nightmare we could not have foreseen this. Ukraine, which was tormented by the fascists, and which heroically fought the fascists, has itself become fascist! Fraternal Ukraine has become hostile to Russia! As a person, I really live it. As an Orthodox Christian, I see that the inevitable is happening and therefore I perceive these seemingly unnatural events as the natural course of world history, which is entering the phase of the Third World War. Or rather, she's already in. As in the first world wars, almost all of Europe, associating Ukraine and supporting the fascist regime in it, started a war with Russia. At the same time, the Third World War is not like ordinary wars. Today it is conducted not only and not so much on the military front. It goes on the information, economic and political fronts.

But why did I call this war inevitable? As a believer, I see that world history is determined from Above. It seems that neither Putin, nor Obama, nor Merkel in any way expected the start of the Third World War. And yet it began.

It is very difficult to accept this. And there would be something to become discouraged if we did not know the prophecies that tell us about the inevitability of the Third World War and the victory of Russia in it. That is why I want to bring here especially significant prophecies, arranging them in chronological order. But first, I will give a video story by Archpriest of the Lugansk diocese Maxim Volynets about the latest prediction in connection with the war in Ukraine.


Rev. Theodosius of the Caucasus (1948).“There will be a war ... From all sides, like pruzi (locusts), enemies will crawl to Russia. Many countries take up arms against Russia, but she will stand, having lost most of her lands.

"Will world war. There will be such strong bombs that the iron will burn, the stones will melt ... And then they will start shouting “Down with the war and install one king.” “There will be a war in Russia ... Big sorrows are coming, but Russia will not die in the fire. Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia... But then Ukraine will not unite with us; and then weep a lot more!"

Blessed Pelageya Zakharovskaya (+1966)“The Russian people will be strangled by all means! Still ahead! There will be a war, and then they will choose the Antichrist!”

Elder Matthew Vresfensky (+1950).“There will be persecution, harassment, marks. And then there will be war. It will be short but powerful."

Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky) (+1978)“The battle will begin ... Russia will stand in this battle and a revival will begin after complete impoverishment. The Lord will send his help to Russia, but the state will lose most of its mineral deposits. There will be new ones! For Russia, the Lord will leave those lands from which the Great Russian country was once founded.

Schemarichimandrite Christopher (Nikolsky) (+1996).“The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.”

Elder Joseph of Vatopedi (+2009).“There will be wars and we will experience great difficulties. … Trials should not terrify us, we should always have hope in God. After all, thousands, millions of martyrs suffered in the same way, and the New Martyrs suffered in the same way, and therefore we must be prepared for this and not be horrified. Patience, prayer and hope in the Providence of God must be. Let us pray for the revival of Christianity after all that awaits us, so that the Lord would really give us the strength to be reborn. But this harm must be endured ... "

I cited these predictions only to once again emphasize the inevitability of the course of world history, which is destined for mankind by God. But most importantly, he brought them so that we would not lose heart. The victory will be for Russia. And therefore I give here predictions about the revival of Russia.

Righteous John of Kronstadt (+1909).“I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, a new Rus' will be erected - according to the old model, strong in its faith in Christ God and the Holy Trinity - and it will be, according to the testament of Prince Vladimir, as a single Church.

Elder Alexy Zosimovsky (+1928).“To those who say that Russia is doomed or has been destroyed for a long time, this is a complete lie. It will not disappear and will never perish, however, for this, everyone will have to go through a complete cleansing of the entire Great Russian people from all filth and vices, which means going through great and difficult trials. Pray to God for repentance. Russia will not perish and will not be destroyed until the end of time!”

Archbishop Feofan (Bystrov) (+1940).“Russia will rise from the dead. And the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it... The great elders said that Russia would be reborn, the people themselves would restore the Orthodox monarchy. God Himself will put a strong king on the throne.

Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov (+1950).“Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will make up a mighty kingdom. The Orthodox Tsar, God's Anointed One, will nourish him. All schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church. The Lord will have mercy on holy Rus' ... In Russia there will be a flourishing of faith and the former rejoicing ... ".

In most cases, according to the prophecies, the country should become almost a pillar of peace and faith in a better future. This was talked about by Nostradamus and other great people who left their mark on history.

From time immemorial, the Slavs believed that Rus' could become the successor of Byzantium and a highly moral and highly spiritual country, and if the people of Russia united, they would resist any obstacles. Among Athos elders there were also visionaries who declared the great future of our country. We offer to recall the most famous prophecies.

Joseph Jr. at the age of 18 made his prophecy about how exactly it was to begin. Joseph Jr. was a student of the famous Joseph Hesychast and his words were taken quite seriously. The prophecy said that the war would start because of a petty conflict between the Greeks and the Turks, and Europe and America would push Turkey into a full-scale war. According to the prophecy, Russia will intervene in the conflict and, as a result, about 8 percent of all people may disappear from the face of the Earth, the consequences of actions between countries will be so serious.

"Darkness will cover all the Balkans and the Middle East." Most likely, nuclear weapons will be used, but the victory will remain with Russia, the United States of America will “burst like a balloon”, and the Vatican will fall and never regain its influence.

It is also interesting that Joseph spoke about the role of the Vatican in this war and after the victory of Russia in this war, the influence of the Vatican will disappear forever. The date of the beginning of the Third World War was named - 2053.

He also talked about another war that will arise due to sodomy and other sins of people, but the exact countries that will be involved in this conflict are not specified. Joseph argued that after the war, peace would reign for several decades, and then the Antichrist would rule the world.

The Greek schemamonk Anatoly argued that in modern Russia the tsar will rule and many people compare with the tsar Vladimir Putin, who rules Russia for many years. In the West, his power is compared not with the usual position of the president, but with the power of the tsars under the Russian Empire.

Skimonakh Anatoly also said that Russia would be able to scare even a strong America, which would get away from our country.

Hieroschemamonk Maxim of the Iversky Monastery was also sure of the appearance of a tsar in modern Russia. He lived for about seventy years on the Holy Mountain and many people turned to him for advice and to know the future.

Paisiy Svyatogorets also spoke about Russia and the war between our country and Turkey. He lived in the monasteries of Athos for more than forty years and was a respected elder, whose advice was listened to.

He talked about 2018, when Turkish troops had to block the Euphrates, after which our country had to intervene in the conflict and started a war with the Turks. There are similar lines in the Apocalypse.

“The sixth angel poured out his bowl into the great river Euphrates: and the water dried up in it, so that the way of the kings from the rising of the sun was ready”

The future can be predicted not only by astrologers and clairvoyants, but by elders. One of the most famous seers is Paisius of Athos. He was one of those monks who had visions, many of which are believed.

Paisiy Svyatogorets was born on July 25, 1924. After graduating from school, Arsenios Eznepidis (his real name) went to serve in the army, and in 1950 he went to Mount Athos, where he dedicated himself to the Lord as a novice of the Kutlumush Monastery.

In this place the monk spent most of his life. Since 1978, Afonsky lived in a cell and received people from different parts of the world. The soothsayer died in 1994. He was buried in the Theological Monastery.

He talked about the imminent third world war, although he did not name the exact date. The elder predicted that the military conflict would come from the Mediterranean, and that the Russian army would be actively involved in these hostilities. Many sides will participate in the bloody battle, and a new redivision of the world will begin with the participation of various European countries. And even the Eastern peoples will not stand aside, but will transfer an army of two hundred million and cross the Euphrates and reach Jerusalem itself.

In a world where power will pass to the Antichrist and his army, the believer will have only one hope, - said the Svyatogorets.

The elder also said that in the coming war, Greece would defeat Turkey and expand its territories, regaining Constantinople. A third of the Turks will convert to Orthodoxy, another third will become refugees, and the rest will die during the conflict.

Thought tells me that many events will happen: the Russians will occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because a third of the Turks will convert to Christianity, a third will die and a third will go to Mesopotamia, Paisius Svyatogorets considered.

Some Russian media remembered this prophecy after the Turkish aviation was on November 24, 2015.

2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, will be dangerous for the Ukrainian authorities, especially November-December, but the next year will start smoothly. Difficulties will begin for Poroshenko and other politicians with a solar eclipse, this is February-March. The stars are talking about very big revelations in power, says Odessa astrologer Vlad Ross.

Matrona Nikonova was born on November 22, 1881 in the Russian village of Sebino. She was born blind. Matrona's parents were no longer young and even before birth they wanted to leave her, the fourth child, in an orphanage. But Matroona's mother had a prophetic dream with a white and beautiful, but blind dove, and the woman refused to give her daughter away.

Many say that Wolf Messing was a great prophet, others that he was a talented charlatan. However, people still read with interest the predictions that he left behind. He also talked about 2017. It is known that Messing did not talk about the end of the world predicted by some seers. 2017, in his opinion, will be turbulent, but it will not come to war. People are waiting for unknown diseases that will be defeated.

Astrologer, doctor, scientist and fortuneteller Michel de Nostrdam was born back in 1503 in France. At age 53, he published his first predictions in a book called The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus, which were written in rhyming quatrains that were grouped into hundreds. Nostradamus encrypted and wrote down his vision of the future in a mixture of four languages ​​- Latin, Old French, Italian and Greek.

Evgenia was born in 1949. The girl was distinguished by a strong strong-willed character and dreamed of playing in the theater. When she met her future husband Viktor Davitashvili, the rumor spread around the world that an ordinary doctor had supernatural powers and could predict the future. After such fame, the clairvoyant, nicknamed Juna, was often invited by various stars, politicians, writers and artists.

One of the most famous seers in the world, Vanga, foresaw many events of the 21st century. She made a forecast for 2017. According to her vision of the future, next year will be a year of economic crises associated with hostilities, famine, a general decline in the economy and living standards on Earth.

On December 8, 2019, Elder Ephraim of Arizona (Ioannis Moraitis), a clergyman of the American Archdiocese of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, died in the United States.

Archimandrite Ephraim of Philotheus (Arizona), in the world Ioannis Moraitis, Greek. Ιωάννης Μωραΐτης was born on June 24, 1928 in the city of Volos (Greece).

Elder Ephraim began to be called Philotheus since 1973, when he became abbot of the Philotheus monastery and in a short time revived monastic life in it. Then the Kinot of the Holy Mountain blessed Elder Ephraim for the spiritual leadership of three Athos monasteries: Xiropotam, Kostamonit and Caracal.

A few years later, he left for the United States, where he began to found Orthodox monasteries. The most famous of them is the monastery of St. Anthony the Great in Arizona, which is why the elder is called Ephraim of Arizona, or "the apostle of America."

Ephraim of Philotheus was endowed with a certain prophetic gift and is known for a number of fulfilled predictions. And about one of them, in connection with the death of the elder, all the Greek newspapers write today, reprinting the sensational news from each other.

It turns out that many years ago, a certain Nikolai, a young cadet of a flight school, went with other cadets to Athos to the same monastery of Philotheus, where Ephraim of Arizona was hegumen. And when he approached the monastery, Ephraim of Arizona met him personally, saying: “Father Nicholas, welcome!”

Since the cadet had nothing to do with the monks, he was a little taken aback and began to turn his head in search of the monk to whom the abbot was addressing. And then, seeing his confusion, Ephrem of Arizona told him the following:

"Yes! My child, I'm talking to you! .. Decades later, my child, when you are done with higher education in the Air Force, you will become a monk on Mount Athos. And when you ascend the Holy Mountain, when scissors touch your head, the events of the world war will begin ... ".

And now, as it became known to Greek journalists, this Nicholas has completed all the procedures with lawyers for the transfer of property to the heirs and went to Athos, where he will be tonsured a monk.

Thus, the signs that speak of the approach of the Apocalypse keep coming true and coming true, each time information comes from the most unexpected side. (We also recall that almost all the prophecies and signs associated with the End of the World have already come true: We recommend reading this publication again, because additional materials have appeared in it - ed.)

Our reader Alina found blog of Mr. Nikolay Melnichenko, a priest from Kemerovo, who writes the following on December 8, 2019:

“One of the last Athos elders, a disciple of St. Joseph the Hesychast, the founder of 20 Orthodox monasteries in America, the author of the book “My Life with Elder Joseph,” Ephraim of Arizona, went to heaven!

According to insider information that I received on Athos in October 2019, Elder Ephraim predicted his death before the New Year, and also said that at the time of his death, Athos would be split, and two months after his death, a war would begin that the world had not yet seen!

Two points of the prophecy out of three came true - the death of the elder before the New Year and the schism on the holy Mount Athos (although the whole world Orthodoxy has already split).

Thus, the information of the Greek publications was confirmed. Therefore, if you believe the prophecy - and we believe it - there are two months left before the start of the Third World War, so we are following the development of events. (We published important material: Remembrance of the spiritual daughter of the great Tula elder, Schema-Archimandrite Christopher!”

At first glance, such a statement looks at least strange and ... creepy. However, if you look thoughtfully and without emotions, then, unfortunately, war today seems to be the only way of salvation for many! As the Lord said in the Gospel, "do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but be afraid of those who kill the soul." Today, they just KILL THE SOUL: through the imposition of antichrist documents, the numerical “name of the Beast”, the collection of biometric data, etc. - everything that darkens the spirit and mind so much that people themselves, voluntarily go to accept the mark of the antichrist (which already, in fact, sometimes it is done in the form of applying laser marks when receiving certain documents). It turns out that only death can PREVENT these people from the last, so detrimental and irreversible action for the soul: the adoption of the "mark of the Beast" - after all, those who inflicted the mark, as they say in the Holy Scripture, THERE WILL BE NO FORGIVENESS!

In addition, the situation with the Great Patriotic War when a huge number of our ancestors had to GO TO HELL for the sin of allowed, admitted and, importantly, APPROVED Regicide! Instead, according to some visions of those times, the souls of the soldiers who died on the battlefields climbed the stairs ... to Heaven - and even with CROWNS on their heads! Death for the Fatherland and the "state of life" for "friends" washed away many of their sins! This, apparently, will also be possible in a possible future war (as opposed to, say, death due to a God-permitted pandemic pestilence or other reasons for a relatively peaceful death). That is why the elders prayed so paradoxically - that ... THERE WAS WAR! On the possibility of starting the war itself, read: - ed.)


As the portal "Moscow - Third Rome" writes: "And on the morning of Friday, December 13, in the monastery of St. Anthony in Arizona,. The death occurred six days after the death of Elder Ephraim. On the night when Elder Ephraim rested, the monk Elijah saw in a dream Elder Joseph the Hesychast and Elder Ephraim in a bright light. And Elder Ephraim said to him: "Don't worry, you'll be with us soon." Indeed, six days later, father Elijah departed to the Lord.”

Dear brothers and sisters! We do not aim to scare you with such publications, let alone plunge you into a panic! Such materials are printed not to intimidate, but to WARN all the faithful: after all, forewarned means forearmed! It so happened that the Lord, and this is already a given, led us to live in the last days of this dilapidated world, and some saints even dreamed about it - because the crown of those who stood at the same time in God would be simply great: according to the well-known prophecy of Elder Ischarion, the LAST will be above the FIRST (despite the fact that they will not perform any special feats and hard work - they will be saved only by PATIENCE and HUMILITY, and by those who resisted the worship of the Antichrist)! Therefore - NO DESPAIR AND DEPRESSION! And one should always remember another prophecy of many saints: GOD WILL ALL HIS ALL IN SOME MIRACULOUS WAY, BUT ALWAYS SAVE FROM DISASTERS AND SAVE! The Lord grants martyrdom only to those who are PARTICULARLY WORTH it and who are ABLE to accept it (although it is known that at the same time God will allow these martyrs and confessors only such a measure of pain as they are able to endure - the rest will take upon Himself: read on this very important topic material about the providential miracle, which the Seven Youths of Ephesus were honored with, and the courageous death that the Lord sent to the Seven Martyrs of Maccabees - God will manage each one, in accordance with his strength)! So take heart, and in no case do not become discouraged! God bless! Amen!

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