What is the integrative nature of the goals of additional education? Prospects for the integration of general and additional education. Self-test questions

Integration is the most important factor in the development of modern society. Integration processes are taking place today in economics, politics, culture, and science, reflecting the global trend toward a united world.

In recent years, the topic of integration of schools and additional education institutions has become increasingly relevant. It was born in pedagogical practice in the 80s of the twentieth century and was carried out on the initiative of individual innovative leaders in line with the search for new ways of school development. It should be noted that cooperation between the school and non-school institutions has always taken place, but integration is not just cooperation, it is a merger into a single socio-pedagogical system. This is a complex process, associated with overcoming departmental barriers, searching for additional funding and involving the work of two teams in an intense innovation mode.

In the 90s, the practice of creating integrative educational complexes “school - parole” was continued, but did not become widespread due to organizational and financial difficulties. However, it has received official recognition as effective and progressive. The Concept of Modernization of Russian Education, the Interdepartmental Program for the Development of the System of Additional Education for Children for 2002-2005 emphasizes the importance of interaction between education and culture, schools and institutions of additional education. In addition, the upcoming transition to specialized education also involves the integration of school with additional education. Additional education is multifaceted. In this article we will focus on institutions of primary art education, i.e. at art schools, and we will show the possibilities of building educational complexes “secondary school - art school”.

Each integrative model is unique. The art school can expand its activities

in one class(gymnasium No. 2 of Arzamas, Moscow schools No. 744, 739 - music classes);
in one parallel(theater classes at Moscow school No. 624);
in one vertical(a branch of the Kostroma children's choir school works from 1 “B” to 11 “B” of secondary school No. 4);
in the whole unit: a branch of the Children's Art School of Sarov works with middle-level children of school No. 7 (grades 5-8); branch of the Children's Art School No. 1 - in the primary grades (grades 1 to 4) of school No. 5 of the same city.

So, there are many options for merging. This applies to both form and content. However, let us ask ourselves: why do institutions belonging to different departments and operating in a stable mode take the path of integration?

The decision of legal entities to combine the work of teaching staff is influenced by a number of factors, the main one of which is demographics. Both secondary schools and additional education institutions are currently experiencing a difficult situation with student enrollment. In practice, there is a struggle for every child, which is essentially a struggle for the survival of the educational institution itself. Integration with a cultural institution makes a comprehensive school attractive for parents of future first-graders who have the right to choose an educational institution. For an art school, this is a great opportunity to stabilize the student population and provide teachers with workload.

The initiative, as a rule, comes from the primary school – it is the school that brings additional education under its roof. In parallel with making a fundamental decision, there is a choice of the content of additional education, which should merge into the main one and enrich it. This choice is determined by the profile of the school, its conceptual and methodological guidelines. Thus, Sarov Lyceum No. 3 considered the architectural and construction direction acceptable for itself. Teachers at Children's Art School No. 1 work with young lyceum students to construct complex compositions from paper and other materials, which is quite consistent with the students' mathematical mindset. Humanitarian secondary schools No. 5 and 7 chose music and fine art respectively as areas of additional education, inviting the music department of the art school No. 1 and the art school to cooperate.

In 1997, secondary school No. 20 in Sarov, which at that time was experiencing problems with enrollment of students, initiated a merger with art school No. 2, proposing to open a branch based on the primary level. Children's Art School No. 2 works with children in 8 specialties. For the branch in the secondary school, the specialty “folklore” was chosen.

The idea of ​​folklore classes was accepted by everyone: the employees of the two schools, who were to collaborate from now on, the City Administration (Founder), which allocated funding for this project, as well as the parents of future first-graders. If in 1997 school No. 20 managed to enroll only one first grade, then in 1998 (and this is the year the branch opened) there were two first grades. Let us add that to this day there are no problems with enrollment, and this indicates the popularity of the school among the townspeople.

The preparatory stage of designing the complex was devoted to the drafting of regulations regulating the relationship between the parties and defining ways of working together. Here are excerpts from the "Regulations on the branch of the folklore department of Children's Art School No. 2 on the basis of municipal secondary school No. 20." This document defines the goal of the work: “systematic moral and aesthetic education and development of every primary school student.” The tasks facing the branch are also formulated here:

  • 100% coverage of school students in grades 1-4 with artistic activities;
  • developing the creative potential of students through art classes;
  • identification of gifted children for further training in folklore in adolescence;
  • providing low-income families with the opportunity to give their children a full-fledged additional education.

The chapter "Provisions" regarding the organization of work establishes the following key points: " The branch's operating hours correspond to the school's operating hours. Group classes of the folklore department are included in the school schedule; individual – held after school lessons and during dynamic breaks. The branch's work is managed by the administration of school 20 and the administration of the Children's Art School. General control, creation of normative documents, and development of the material base are carried out by the directors of both institutions. Drawing up a schedule, checking classes, replacing lessons, resolving organizational issues are the functions of the supervising head teachers of the two schools." So, there is no main school and no secondary school - both of them are in equal positions. These are partners doing the same thing.

The question of scheduling is fundamentally important here. Practice shows that in most secondary schools, lessons from such branches are held outside the main schedule, in the afternoon. But in this case, the meaning of cooperation is lost: the art school automatically fades into the background, into the status of a circle, its lessons seem optional, their importance in the child’s consciousness decreases, then - absences from classes, falling behind the program and applications for expulsion. In fact, a high school in such a situation looks like just a landlord providing its space for free for art classes - there is no merger, no common work.

In our case, both sides realize the inadmissibility of such an approach to the educational process. As an example, here is the schedule of some classes for the 2004-2005 academic year ( Annex 1 ). We see that the group lessons of the art school (in italics) are organically included in the main schedule. Individual disciplines lasting 0.5 hours are taken outside its boundaries: teachers of Russian folk instruments and general piano work according to a special schedule. Children come to individual lessons from an extended day group. Here it is impossible not to note the role of the primary school teacher: he is an assistant to the branch teachers. Junior schoolchildren live on a call basis, and everyone has individual lessons at their own time - the risk of missing or being late is high. The school teacher has a schedule of all art school lessons and supervises their attendance by the children in his class. This is another moment of interested cooperation – here at the teacher level.

So, all special lessons are conducted while the child is in secondary school. From 15.00 the children are free, there is half a day ahead to prepare lessons, walks, sports, hobby classes, and relaxation. Over the course of six years, this practice has fully justified itself: both students and parents are satisfied.

Children take the art school classes with sincere interest. They learn a lot of songs, dances, games, and get acquainted with folk rituals. Every year, all classes prepare events related to traditional holidays of the folk calendar, in which both teachers and students participate. These events outgrow the scope of ordinary concerts: sometimes they last for several days and not necessarily in the school premises - some of them are held on the street, and especially significant ones - in the halls of Children's Art School No. 2, which are equipped with high-class light and sound equipment. Children's music competitions, as well as applied arts classes, are often timed to coincide with national holidays (in this case, teachers from the craft and art departments of Children's Art School No. 2 come to the children). I note that to conduct such classes, the school gives labor lessons - this also shows a tendency towards the merger and interpenetration of the two educational institutions.

Plan of Maslenitsa week 2004 ( Appendix 2 ) illustrates this area of ​​work and shows various forms of joint activities of both schools in the moral and aesthetic education of children through folk art. Speaking about methods of work, we will highlight the method of “immersion” in tradition or included action, which in modern folkloristics is characterized by the following elements:

  • active inclusion of all participants in the action;
  • knowledge of the tradition itself;
  • switching activities (from cognitive to gaming, from artistic to communicative, etc.);
  • a combination of traditional and modern material.

Working together, schools strive to create for children a “social situation of development” (Vygotsky L.S.), a field of activity that allows them to realize themselves and assert themselves through creativity. Schoolchildren are included in intensive concert work. They perform in front of people belonging to different age and social groups. Their viewers are kindergarten students and peers, outpost soldiers and residents of the nursing home. The guys bring people the joy of contact with their native culture, and this allows them to understand the significance of their work. Self-affirmation is helped by shows and competitions, in which our children, as a rule, take prizes. Every year we have to go to festivals in other cities. In each of these cases, the children are accompanied by teachers and sometimes head teachers of both schools, and their success is perceived as a common victory. Thus, the cooperation of educational institutions goes beyond not only school walls, but also beyond the city.

On the eve of the third graduation of students, in the spring of 2004, a diagnostic of the effectiveness of the experimental work was carried out, which revealed that graduates of the integrative complex have developed aesthetic, moral, civic and social qualities, which in the future will allow them to successfully self-realize, take their rightful place in society, and reach the top in professional activities.

Six years of experience in the joint work of two educational institutions of different departmental affiliations allows us to determine what integration gives to all subjects of the educational process, schools, the city, and society as a whole.


1. They gain the opportunity to receive additional education without leaving the school walls.

2. The integrated schedule allows you to conduct art school lessons in the first shift. Children have time for activities based on their interests (sports, technical creativity, computer club, etc.).

3. The humanistic, personality-oriented, adaptive environment of the complex, variable curricula, and individual educational routes make it possible to create a positively colored and emotionally rich learning atmosphere in which everyone’s creative individuality is revealed.


They get the opportunity to give children a full-fledged additional education simultaneously with the main school one in 1 shift (there is no need to accompany the child to the art school and back, spending working or personal time on this).

Comprehensive school:

1. The practice of “2 schools under one roof” attracted the attention of the townspeople. Since the beginning of the work of the Branch of the Children's Art School, the enrollment of students in the first grades has been carried out without problems.

2. The school has acquired high-level specialists (musicians, vocalists, choreographers) who actively participate in organizing the cultural life of the entire school (not only the junior level).

3. The school took a leading place among 18 schools in the city in aesthetic education (results of shows, festivals, volume and quality of concert work), which helps strengthen its authority and popularity in the city.

4. Contacts between the school and cultural institutions have expanded and strengthened, which has opened up new opportunities for educational work.

School of Art:

1. The student population has stabilized.

3. The school’s contacts with educational institutions have expanded and strengthened, which has opened up new opportunities for educational work and methodological improvement.


1. A center of national culture has appeared in the city, creating conditions for the moral, aesthetic and civic education of the younger generation.

2. The emergence of a new educational space united educational and cultural institutions. Common work smoothed the boundaries between departments.

3. The work of the UVK “comprehensive school - art school” gives other schools an example of solving a long-standing problem associated with the extremely small number of hours allocated in the curriculum to subjects of the aesthetic cycle. Integration with an art school provides a real opportunity to provide students with a full-fledged aesthetic education, to form artistic taste and aesthetic needs, thereby counteracting the decline of the culture of society. It is also important that their parents join their children in the world of art.

4. The dynamic, constantly expanding educational space that exists around the complex provides ample opportunities for the establishment of children in society through national art, for their identification as carriers of the culture of their people and, ultimately, for the development of civic position and patriotic consciousness of schoolchildren.

Thus, the integration of schools and cultural institutions actively contributes to solving the tasks of patriotic and spiritual-moral education of children, which are set for educational institutions by the Government of Russia.

The experience of two Sarov schools, described by us in this article, may have not only educational value: in the near future it may become a “survival guide.” Due to upcoming changes to the legislative framework, free clubs in schools are becoming a thing of the past. The future of additional education institutions is also not optimistic. Realistically assessing the prospects, 7 out of 18 secondary schools in Sarov have already embarked on the path of integration with art schools (Nos. 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 20).

For leaders interested in preserving additional school education, I consider it advisable to give what we have worked in practice algorithm of actions for creating branches of art schools:

  1. Two legal entities come to an agreement on cooperation.
  2. The founder gives his consent in principle to opening a branch of the art school in a particular school.
  3. The School of Arts receives a license to conduct educational activities in a new structural unit.
  4. The necessary funding for this project is allocated.
  5. Changes are being made to the Charters of both schools.
  6. Local acts are created to regulate the relations of the parties:
  7. Agreement on joint work;
  8. Regulations on the branch of a cultural institution based on a secondary school.
  9. The branch's curricula are being developed taking into account the specifics of the chosen art form (theater, fine arts, music...), existing standards and sanitary and hygienic requirements for the educational process.
  10. The material and technical base of the branch is being created.
  11. Teaching staff is being recruited to work in the branch.
  12. The branch's student staff is being staffed.
  13. A training schedule is drawn up that takes into account the interests of both parties.
  14. The educational process begins.

Practice has shown that integration with a comprehensive school gives the art school the opportunity to live and carry out its high cultural mission, and the country - the opportunity to preserve centers of genuine culture, where spiritually rich people, humanists and patriots are educated.

Annex 1



1. Reading
2. Mathematics
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes *
3. Russian language
4. ISO
Ind. classes


1. Reading
2. Mathematics
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes *
3. Russian language
4. ISO
Ind. classes


1. Russian language
2. ISO
3. Mathematics
4. Literature
5.Folklore ensemble
Ind. classes*


1. Russian language
2. Mathematics
3. ISO
4. Literature
6.Folklore ensemble
Ind. classes*


2. Russian language
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes
3. Mathematics
4. Labor
Ind. classes


1. Reading
2. Russian language
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes
3. Mathematics
4. Labor
Ind. classes


1.Vocal ensemble/dance ***
2. Mathematics
3. Russian language
4. Literature
5.Tools ensemble
Ind. classes


1. Mathematics
2.Vocal ensemble/dance ***
3. Russian language
4. Literature
5. Folk art
Ind. classes


1. Russian language
2. Mathematics
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes
3. Dance
4.Nar. creation
Ind. classes


1. Russian language
2. Mathematics
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes
3.Nar. creation
4. Dance
Ind. classes


1. Russian language
2. Physical education
3. Mathematics
4. Natural history
5. Folk art
6. Dance


1. Physical education
2. Mathematics
3. Russian language
4. Literature
Individual classes


1. Reading
2. Russian language
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes
3. Mathematics
4. Wok. ensemble
Ind. classes


1. Reading
2. Russian language
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes
3. Wok. ensemble
4. Mathematics
Ind. classes


1. Dance/vocal ensemble
2. Mathematics
3. Russian language
4. Literature
5.Instrumental ensemble/Dance
Individual classes


1. Mathematics
2.Dance/wok ensemble
3. Russian language
4. Literature
Individual classes


1. Russian language
2. Rhetoric
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes
3. Physical education


1. Russian language
2. Rhetoric
Dynamic pause:
Individual classes
3. Physical education
4. Mathematics and design


1. Natural history
2. Mathematics
3. Physical education
4. Literature
Individual classes


1. Physical education
2. Natural history
3. Mathematics
4. Literature
5.Instrumental ensemble/dance


1. The world around us
2. Labor
3.Folklore ans.
(even weeks)**


1. The world around us
2. Labor
3.Folklore ensemble.
(odd weeks)


1. Russian language
2. ISO
3. Literature
4. Labor
5.Instrumental ensemble


1. Russian language
2. ISO
3. Literature
4. Labor
5.Instrumental ensemble


* in 1st grade, individual lessons on Russian folk instruments are held for 0.5 hours during dynamic breaks and after the 4th lesson. From 2nd grade, individual lessons in general piano are added.

** subject "Folklore ensemble" is held in first grades once every two weeks.

*** Starting from grade 2, the curriculum provides for dividing students into subgroups in a number of special disciplines.

Appendix 2


Event plan

Day of the week

According to the folk calendar


Place and time



Monday "Meeting Maslenitsa" “And we celebrated Maslenitsa” - a theatrical performance. Hall of the Children's Art School branch No. 2, 14.00. Andreev N.I - for the event,
teachers of school 20 - for delivering children.
Costumes, props, lighting, sound - employees of the Children's Art School.
Tuesday "Flirting" Competition of performers on folk instruments Small hall school 20, 12.30. Loginov S.P.,
Grachikova L.A.
The jury - teachers of the Children's Art School, teachers of the beginning. class
Wednesday "Gourmet" Tea party with pancakes.
Class watch "Traditions of our people"
12.00 – school canteen
School administration 20;
early teachers classes.
Librarian of the Children's Art School - assistance with literature on folklore.
Thursday "Range-four" Solo and choral singing competition "Young Vocalist". Small hall school 20, 12.30. Beldyugin S.N.,
Kitina I.E.
The jury - teachers of the Children's Art School, teachers of the beginning. cl
Friday "Mother-in-law's evening" Ceramics lessons: "Dymkovo toy".
Concert for parents.
Awarding music laureates competitions.
Classrooms: 2, 3, 4 lessons.
School hall 20, 16.00.
Ceramics teachers at the Children's Art School.
Andreev N.I.
Deliver clay to school.
Children bring aprons and oilcloths.
Prepare certificates and diplomas.
Saturday "Seeing off Maslenitsa" Horse riding, outdoor games, burning effigy. 1)12.00 – area around the school School administration 20,
primary school teachers
The horse is from the city park,
make a scarecrow during labor lessons.

Notes. In Rus', during Maslenitsa week, an atmosphere of general joy and extreme emancipation reigned. Of course, the conditions of school education do not allow it to be fully realized. And yet, we try to fill these 6 days with activities that give children a lot of positive emotions (modeling folk toys, performing on stage, horse riding) and immerse them in tradition. By the way, this week is historically characterized by a combination of both ritual and non-ritual actions, which is what we have in this case.

The above plan clearly illustrates the joint educational work of the staff of 2 schools, the goal of which is to familiarize children with the culture of their people.

Features of the development of an integrated program for the institution of additional education for children

Basic terms

Theoretical material

Self-test questions

Assignments for creative work


Key terms: integrated program, end-to-end program, integrated course .

Integrated program it is a product of the joint activities of teachers, uniting individual educational areas into a single whole. The term “integration” in this case includes the concept of interrelation, interdependence and interpenetration of two or more leading ideas or objects, which implies a qualitative and quantitative change in the parameters of a new idea or new object. Integrated programs are based on cognitive theory and the understanding that the search for knowledge is the best way of inquiry that establishes connections between academic disciplines. Integrated programs unite and restore integrity on the basis of one or another unity. For example, in the program “Earth and Sky” (author), the core basis is the paleontological component, on which knowledge from the subject areas of geology, paleontology, geography, astronomy is strung and provides an integrated approach to the study of the problem “Nature, man, space environment”, necessary to form a holistic vision of the problem being studied

Cross-cutting programs– thematic or targeted, with a limited number of hours, necessarily included in the programs of each association of a structural unit, taking into account the age characteristics of children, their number in groups, physical condition, moral and psychological comfort. Examples include the “Health” program (the purpose of which is to create conditions for children’s health-improving activities), “Gifted Children” (the purpose of which is to support general creativity in the institution, to create a base for the educational and research work of students).

Integrated course unites several subject areas around a specific core topic. For example, the integrated course “Components of Professional Success” (the purpose of the student’s professional self-determination).

Theoretical material


1. Classification of integrated programs.

2. Stages of designing an integrated program.

3. Integrated course.

4. The pedagogical potential of integrated programs in the development of an individual educational route for a student.

In the system of additional education for children, teaching staff are given the opportunity to take a creative approach to designing the educational process and creating various types of educational programs.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the content of the activities of the educational institution is determined by a comprehensive Educational Program, which is developed and implemented by the institution independently. When developing an educational program, the developer must be guided by state requirements and methodological recommendations made by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the preparation of educational programs in the preschool education system, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (with amendments and additions approved by the Law of the Russian Federation of January 13, 1996), and the Model Regulations on educational institution of additional education for children (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 7, 1995 No. 000) with amendments and additions (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 22, 1997 No. 000).

The educational program is a factor of initiative and creativity of teachers of additional education and the result of understanding its activities, purpose, feasibility, effectiveness and usefulness. Specifics The educational program is determined by the main conceptual ideas contained in the Concept and Development Program for Educational Education.

Changes in the demands of children and parents for educational services are largely related to the transition of the additional education system from an informational type to a creative one, designed to develop children’s motivation for knowledge and creativity. Integrated programs aimed at acquiring skills that contribute to the successful socialization of children are becoming in demand. To implement integrated educational programs, two or more teachers can be involved, the distribution of the teaching load between them is fixed in the educational program.

1. Classification of integrated programs

For the system of additional education, the classification developed is of interest. Scientists propose a classification:

1. By subject of activity There are 3 types of joint activity programs: teachers (adults); children; children and teachers from various associations.

2. According to essential characteristics There are 4 groups of programs. By scale of activity(external cooperation; internal cooperation). By goals and objectives(single-purpose, multi-purpose). By content(unidirectional, complex). According to the system-forming factor(academic and subject orientation, cross-cutting).

2. Stages of designing an integrated additional educational program for children.

Based on theoretical research, we will reveal the algorithm for designing integrated programs. The author identified the following stages of designing this type of program: preparatory, analytical, conceptual, development, implementation, control and correction, analytical and reflective. Let us give a brief description of the step-by-step actions of the developers of the integrated program.

Preparatory stage:

Meeting of stakeholders to discuss the field of problems requiring solutions: identification of priority problem(s), identification of the interests of the parties; identification of subjects of design and implementation of an integrated program; the degree of participation in the program by its potential subjects; definition of the object and subject of design; determining the program implementation period; creation of an initiative group to develop an integrated program; conceptual goal setting (initial idea about ways to solve a problem);

8. identifying those responsible for developing and ensuring the implementation of the program (scientific, methodological, psychological, leisure, etc.); selection of information and teaching materials; formation of the material base for the implementation of the program.

Analytical stage:

1. diagnostics of the conditions of joint activities, opportunities and risks of program implementation (difficulties of program subjects, features of the educational process, identification of contradictions that need immediate elimination, etc.);

2. study of the social demand of various social groups and subjects interested in the development of this program;

3. analysis of the problem, its structuring and justification of its relevance.

Conceptual stage (strategic design stage):

1. collection, analysis and synthesis of ideas to solve the problem (problems);

2. defining the main ideas of the program;

Studying the theory of the problem and accumulating theoretical material; formulation of goals and strategic objectives of the integrated program; identifying priority areas of activity.

Development stage:

Modeling: identification of the main components and leading connections of the program; identifying stages (levels) of program implementation; determination of means, forms and methods for implementing the program; adjustment of goals: coordination, orientation of goals, formulation of tactical tasks; long-term planning.

Implementation stage:

Joint discussion, coordination, adoption and approval of the integrated program; creation of a coordinating council for the implementation of the program (organizing committee, headquarters, temporary creative team); development of a stage (operational) plan; start of an integrated program; development of methodological support for program activities; development of the material base of the program.

Control and correction stage:

Determination of parameters, criteria and performance indicators of the program; development and implementation of a system for monitoring the results of the implementation of the integrated program; control over the progress of the program; correction of goals, content, organizational actions and forms.

Analytical-reflective stage:

Regular use of the program; collective analysis and evaluation of the results of program implementation; summarizing the results of the analysis; reflexive activity of subjects of programming and program implementation; determining prospects for further improvement of the program.

The integrated program makes it possible to manage the processes of solving specific problems. In the process of developing an integrated program, pedagogical self-government develops when teachers jointly identify a problem, look for ways to solve it, develop methods of action to solve the problem, rationally distributing functional roles and workload.

The effectiveness of the implementation of integrated programs is facilitated by the creation coordinating council. This is a representative body, which includes heads of all programs, representatives of the administration and supporting services. The main task of the coordination council is to find optimal ways for interaction between program participants, including the implementation of the idea of ​​saving their efforts; solving problems related to process support. Integrated programs make it possible to differentiate the educational process, corresponding to the age, needs, desires, and strengths of the student. It makes it possible to develop an individual educational route and put into practice a person-oriented approach to education for children with different capabilities, needs, and abilities. This type of program allows you to differentiate the educational process for different categories of children (gifted, children with disabilities, those in need of social protection, etc.).

Integrated programs also have developmental potential both for the teacher (for example, by ensuring the scientific activities of students within the framework of the relevant program, the teacher improves his research work) and for the institution (areas of work with parents and high school students are developed).

3. Integrated training course.

An integrated training course is an organizational unit of the educational process in the system of additional education for children. Strengthening the relationship between similar parts and elements of the content of additional educational programs contributes to a greater extent to the formation of interdisciplinary connections in all subject areas. Such integration involves increasing the level of integrity and organization of the educational process through the interaction of knowledge from different fields, common tasks and goals, as well as a unified system of cognitive tools for the practical implementation of goals and objectives.

Integrated courses build tasks, principles and methods, implemented semantic guidelines, connections, specified technological conditions that determine the transition of cognitive analysis to the stage of the creative creative process, implemented in various areas of activity. Let us outline the main objectives of the course:

Ensure integration of content from different subject areas;

To develop skills in the practical implementation of basic theoretical principles in the aspect of practical application of the fundamentals of the theory;

To facilitate the necessary continuity in terms of interaction in the learning process, which takes place according to the following scheme: teacher - pupil - teacher;

Show the main content and methodology of courses by organizing the interaction of subject areas;

The construction of integrated courses is based on the following principles:

Didactic (aimed at changing the characteristics of the educational process);

Managerial (reflects the features of managing the educational process in the study of interdisciplinary disciplines of all cycles);

Methodological (clarifies the methodology for conducting classes);

Technological (considers activity as a means of developing abilities and needs).

When introducing integrated courses, a system of methods is used (monological, demonstrative, dialogical, heuristic, research, algorithmic, programmed, situational).

Integrated course programs are implemented in the form of exercises, trainings, laboratory, practical, creative classes, games, problem situations, as well as in the form of the development of training, monitoring programs and test tasks on various topics in subject areas. This helps to activate the mental and cognitive activity of students and expand their knowledge.

The integrated course is characterized by a block presentation of educational material and is a systematically presented material covering the content of a number of context-dependent academic disciplines.

The specific features and differences of integrated training courses are as follows:

The specifics of the subject of analysis, which are multifaceted objects, information about their essence is contained in different subject areas and areas of activity;

Expanding and deepening the range of knowledge related to the original problem, which is not lost from the students’ field of view. There is an increasing complication of the relationships between elements and a deepening of knowledge.

In the topic under study, intra-subject and inter-subject connections can operate simultaneously. To do this, it is necessary to revise the educational material and plan it in such a way that a new concept or phenomenon is perceived by students completely, comprehensively;

An integrated lesson combines knowledge from different subject areas, so it is important to correctly determine the main goal of the integrated unit;

When planning, a careful selection of the block structure, methods and means of teaching and education, as well as determining the optimal load with various types of student activities in the classroom is required;

Mandatory presence of educational and methodological support for the student in educational activities.

Today, the practice of additional education institutions for children includes the following scheme of educational and methodological support for pupils:

Integrated Course Study Guide;


List of basic and additional literature, including Internet links;

Case assignments;

Tasks differentiated by level for laboratory and practical work.

Algorithm creating an integrated course ():

Diagnostics of the level of preparedness of students, their psychological characteristics and cognitive interests;

Identification of fields of interaction in subject areas that bring together promising goals of training, education and self-education;

Elimination of chronological and semantic discrepancies in programs;

Unification of the conceptual and information sphere of knowledge areas;

Drawing up a course plan;

Writing an integrated course program.

When designing an integrated training course, the set of academic disciplines included in the course is considered as an object-by-object basis for integration. For example, many integrated training courses, the subject of study of which are economic processes, contain, along with the “economics” itself, also elements of the mathematical and information blocks of academic disciplines.

Integrated courses provide a real opportunity for a systematic presentation of both knowledge in a subject area (for example, biology, ecology, geography), and mathematical measures of processes occurring in a given subject area, and a description of the socio-natural environment in which the circulation of substances and energy occurs.

4. The pedagogical potential of integrated programs in the development of an individual educational route for a student in an institution of additional education for children.

The educational process in an institution of additional education for children is aimed at meeting the individual needs of the child’s personality development. Due to the fact that the level of knowledge in each subject is different for all students, the additional educational program provides assistance in drawing up an individual work plan with mandatory subsequent self-assessment of its implementation and providing each student with the opportunity to:

Determine the meaning of studying this material;

Choose the optimal forms, topics and pace of learning;

Apply those learning methods that best suit his individual characteristics;

Reflective awareness of acquired knowledge;

Evaluate and adjust your activities.

An individual approach to the development of educational routes has been developed and includes the following principles:

Refusal to focus on the average student;

Search for the best personality traits;

Application of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality (interests, abilities, orientation, self-concept, character traits, features of thought processes);

Taking into account personality characteristics in the educational process;

Forecasting personality development;

Design of individual development programs.

When completing an individual educational route, a child can reach one or another level of education in accordance with his abilities, capabilities, and needs.

An individual educational route is built on the basis of both external and internal cooperation, and can be either single-purpose or multi-purpose. In terms of content, an individual educational route can be unidirectional or complex.

Structuring an individual educational route involves going not from the content of education to the child, but from the student to the content of education; on the opportunities available to the pupil; teach him in accordance with those potential capabilities that need to be developed, improved, enriched.

The didactic activating and developing complex of educational content is considered in the individual educational route as a means of personality development; Variability and differentiation of learning are assumed, processes of integration of knowledge from different subject areas are underway, and positive stimulation of education is used.

An example of developing an individual educational route - experience of the school of pedagogical orientation (SHPO) of the Yaroslavl City Center for Extracurricular Activities (teacher -).

Many years of experience in the work of secondary schools have shown that classes at school not only provide an opportunity to satisfy the cognitive needs of students, but also help many high school students in self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-determination and self-actualization. A positive result, as a rule, was achieved where, along with general (educational) classes, additional consultations, trainings, classes were carried out at the request of the children, and individual classes were carried out to choose from, based on the interests of the students.

A new stage in improving the SHPE program was the addition of its variable part - “Individual educational trajectories for personal and pre-professional improvement.” The goal is to provide any student with the freedom to choose their educational path for more targeted development of personal potential and help them achieve success.

High school students are offered four individual educational trajectories for personal and pre-professional improvement: “Olympus of Knowledge”, “Organizer”, “Creator”, “Self-Knowledge”. Students have the right to choose one of the variable trajectories and improve in this direction by participating in the proposed step-by-step tasks, or based on the trajectories, build their own individual educational route for personal growth (self-improvement).

The proposed invariants of the program will allow students not only to work in depth in the chosen direction, but also to compare such concepts as the goal and the proposed steps to achieve it. This type of work is especially important for high school students, as it provides freedom of choice, identifies individual strengths, and teaches targeted actions to achieve results.

Providing students with freedom of choice in order to develop personal potential and help them achieve success is possible as a result of building a system of psychological and pedagogical work, including the organization, collection, processing, storage and dissemination of information about their readiness to continue studying at the stage of choosing the path of further education and professions; providing students with ways to study themselves, their characteristics, and character traits. Materials for organizing psychological and pedagogical work can be found in the educational manual “Methodological support for professional self-determination of students in pre-vocational training” (Orenburg, 2008).

Educational trajectory "Olympus of Knowledge" recommended for high school students who, in their own opinion, have established themselves in choosing the teaching profession.

Additional tasks as part of training sessions (messages, collecting materials, etc.);

Special group classes on the history of pedagogy, pedagogical university, history of education in the Yaroslavl region;

Acquaintance with YaGPU named after. (excursions, business games);

Participation in city and regional conferences (abstracts, reports);

Essay competitions on pedagogical topics: “If I were a teacher”, “My dream school”, “The school that children dream of”, etc.; participation in city and regional pedagogical Olympiads; participation in city competitions of pedagogical skills, pedagogical classes of the system of interschool educational centers; defense of creative projects in exams;

Individual consultations on this issue;

In-depth work with pedagogical literature;

Writing presentations on pedagogical topics.

Educational trajectory " Creator" is designed for those students who want to develop their creative abilities, work in creative groups and self-realize in individual or collective creative activities.

Successful progress along this trajectory is facilitated by:

Additional creative homework, for example “Defend your favorite color”, “Write a poem based on this rhyme”, “Defend an idea”, etc.;

Variable exercises for the development of acting abilities within the framework of educational classes, for example, “Mirror”, “Message through glass”, “Create and show a hero, monument, picture or situation”, etc.;

Trainings for the development of creative abilities (on the basis of various educational institutions);

Individual consultations with a psychologist on the development of creative abilities;

Protection of creative scripts;

Game program project competition;

Creation of holiday newspapers;

Cooperation with the leisure association “Zigzag” to develop the acting and vocal abilities of high school students;

Defense of creative projects at the final final exams.

Educational trajectory "Organizer" It is recommended for students who strive to develop their organizational abilities and leadership qualities, to prove themselves in organizational, socially useful activities.

The successful advancement of a student along this trajectory is facilitated by:

Variable exercises to develop organizational skills, for example the game “Creating a New Year’s greeting envelope”, KTD “Creating a game program”, the task “Do an interesting warm-up”, etc.;

Organizational skills training (on the basis of various educational institutions);

Working with specialized literature;

Participation in city events, forums on the activation and implementation of youth social programs;

Individual consultations on the organization of game programs, cultural activities, and school events.

Educational trajectory "Self-Knowledge" is chosen by high school students who strive to know themselves, to master methods of self-education, and to self-improvement.

Successful progress along this trajectory is facilitated by: additional tasks during work in the sections of the invariant part of the program “Fundamentals of Psychological Knowledge” in the 1st-2nd years of study and “Self-Knowledge” - the 2nd year of study;

performing abstracts on the problem of personal self-knowledge;

Mastering self-education technology by high school students;

Participation in the training “Me and My World” (an end-to-end program for students of the Center for Extracurricular Activities) during the holidays;

Diagnosis of the level of self-education of children;

Determining the personality traits that children should consciously and purposefully develop in themselves (designing personal development);

Determining the goals of self-education related to the formation of these qualities;

Building joint activities between teachers and students aimed at developing these qualities;

Selection, modification and application of means to achieve goals;

Psychological and pedagogical preparation of students to work on themselves;

Identification of the effectiveness of the final result (re-diagnosis of students’ self-education);

Participation in the work of the children's public organization “Young Yaroslavl”.

From the above it follows that in order to develop an individual educational route it is necessary to make students active participants in the educational process, to use developmental tasks, active teaching methods, the method of specific situations, brainstorming, role-playing games, etc. It is important to remember that a mandatory feature of classes is The individual route is, as already noted, a high degree of integration, a merging of content, methods, means and modes of activity.

It is also important that individual educational routes are largely aimed at developing technological educational thinking; acquiring the skills to organize, plan, standardize and algorithmize educational and independent activities; mastery of learning and teaching technology.

To summarize, it is necessary to note the following: the integrated construction of the educational process, compared to the subject one, contains significantly more technological opportunities in conditions of convergence and fusion of different-quality knowledge, methods of activity and methods of thinking.

Self-test questions

1. Consider the possibility of using your educational program as an independent unit in an integrated course implemented in your institution of further education.

2. Disclose how you use the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the student’s personality (interests, abilities, personality orientation, self-concept, character traits, characteristics of thought processes) to build an individual educational route.

Assignments for creative work

3. Plan an integrated lesson, select the content of the material, reflecting both intra-subject and inter-subject connections.

4. Using the example of a specific integrated lesson, determine the goal, which is aimed at highlighting the information from the content of the subject areas that is necessary for its implementation.


1. Evladov, general and additional education: A practical guide / Ed. , . – M., 2006. – 296 p.

2. Lebedev, children's education: Proc. manual / Ed. . - M., 2000. – 256 p.

3. Tavstukha, support of professional self-determination of students in pre-vocational training: educational and methodological. allowance /, . – Orenburg: OGPU publishing house, 2008. – 212 p.

4. Tavstukha, ecological culture of students in institutions of additional education for children: Monograph /. – Orenburg, 2001. – 260 p.

5. Shchetinskaya, and the practice of modern additional education for children: Textbook. allowance /, . – Orenburg, 2001. – 404 p.

For the first time, the idea of ​​integrating general and additional education for children as a leading trend in the development of school education was voiced in the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010. Modernization of education involves the integration of general education schools (hereinafter - educational institutions) and institutions of additional education for children (hereinafter - ECEC) into a single educational space, where each institution, being unique in its goals, content, methods and forms of activity, complements the other, makes its contribution to development of the child's personality.

At the same time, in pedagogical science and practice the concept of “integrated lessons or activities” has been quite clearly formed, and the concept of “integration of educational institutions and preschool educational institutions” is still extremely vague and general. Currently, this concept can hide both lists of various types of activities common to educational institutions and educational institutions, as well as complex systems of their interaction at the level of the educational process.

In our republic, objective reasons have arisen for the intensification of integration processes in education, in turning to this method as a way to resolve issues of continuity and improve the quality of education, preserve the system of additional education for children, resolve issues of specialized and pre-profile training of students, as a tool for implementing the state minimum social services for issues of education and socialization of growing citizens.

Integration of general and additional education within educational institutions is an effective method that allows you to most fully address issues of improving the quality of education through expanding subject areas, introducing integrated educational programs within the framework of specialized training and developing special projects for working with gifted children.

The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education emphasizes the special role of ECEC as one of the determining factors in the development of children’s inclinations, abilities, interests, social and professional self-determination. Individual development trajectory of students, freedom of choice, development of children's giftedness, variability of programs and their practical orientation - these terms determine not only the content of the concept of specialized education, but are also fundamental guidelines for additional education of children, and, therefore, the experience accumulated by the ECEC system can enrich general education system.

The interaction of general and additional education is of great importance in the development of children's talent. The level of giftedness can be judged already in childhood by interests and inclinations. In gifted children they are often very broad and at the same time stable and conscious. This is manifested in special persistence in achieving goals and breadth of interests. They succeed in a lot, they like a lot, and therefore they want to try themselves in different areas. But natural talent is just potential. To obtain a successful result, it is necessary to constantly and systematically develop the abilities of students, which requires both independent work and work in a team.

The interests of high school students, as a rule, are quite diverse, and the possibilities of educational institutions in satisfying the requests and wishes of adolescents and their parents are limited. This problem can be solved by a network model for organizing pre-profile training and specialized training. A network is a collection of institutions that have common goals, resources to achieve them and a single control center. The choice of a specific model of network interaction at the level of an individual district is determined only on the basis of the resources available to the municipal system as a whole, educational institutions and organizations, social partners, without taking into account the factors that determine the strategy and directions for the development of education in the region. This is the essence of the main integrative processes associated with the development of models of network interaction between educational institutions and educational institutions. Moreover, the development of this process can come both from the school and from the institution of additional education.

Analyzing the existing experience of the republic in this direction, it is worth noting, first of all, the work of the education department of the Administration of the Ustinovsky district of the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk” (head, Ph.D.) in building a model for the network organization of specialized training, which for 6 years has been republican experimental platform on this issue. In the region, the most important direction in organizing the educational process within the framework of pre-profile preparation and specialized training is the development of social partnership at various levels based on cooperation between educational institutions and educational institutions and vocational training (lyceums, technical schools, colleges, universities, etc.) with the necessary resources.

The educational space of the Ustinovsky district has determined the following organizational model of network interaction:

1. According to the degree of centralization of management - centralized.

2. By correlating the boundaries of the network with the administrative-territorial division of the territory and subordination to educational authorities - municipal.

3. In terms of the density of interaction of educational institutions with each other, there is a developed network with a high degree of integration and the presence of interconnections between all institutions.

4. In terms of the architecture of connections between institutions and the degree of their involvement in network interaction, it is complex, including several levels of networks operating almost independently.

5. In terms of the number of institutions, the network is average.

6. According to the prevailing methods of network interaction between institutions - real, connections are realized in the forms of real exchange of students, teaching staff and material and technical resources.

The experiment involved 18 educational institutions (schools, lyceums, state educational institution gymnasium), 2 UDOD (SUT and CDT) districts, 4 institutions of higher professional education (Association “Izhevsk University Complex” at Izhevsk State Technical University, Ud State University, a branch of the Vyatka State Humanitarian University, Law Academy) , 2 institutions of secondary vocational education (Izhevsk Polytechnic, College of Finance and Law), 1 institution of primary vocational education (Financial and Industrial Lyceum No. 22 of Izhevsk) and other institutions.

The positive results of such integration can be considered:

Attracting students from other schools in the city and the republic;

Preservation of the student population at the educational institution;

Formation of models of intra-school profiling of educational institutions of various types (school, school with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums, gymnasium);

Creation of a municipal model for staffing universal and specialized classes at the senior level of education (grades 10-11);

Attracting additional resources to the educational institution, including financial ones from the budgets of vocational school institutions;

Expanding the network of institutions and organizations.

Another striking example of the integration of additional and general education for children is the activity of the republican UDEC, especially the Republican Ecological and Biological Center (hereinafter - REBC, director Puzyreva N.A.), in building network interaction within the framework of specialized education with municipalities of the republic: Izhevsk , Zavyalovsky, Malopurginsky and Uvinsky districts.

In this case, the main function of additional education is to create an effective educational environment and expand the capabilities of basic education. Additional education strengthens the variable component of general education, helps in the professional self-determination of students, and contributes to the expansion of subject areas and forms of organization of educational activities. Students receive a diverse range of additional educational services and the opportunity to build individual learning routes. At the same time, relationships are built between institutions on a partnership basis and on a contractual basis; there is a practice of drawing up unified curricula and integrated development programs for educational institutions and educational institutions, for example, the educational institution of the Leninsky district of Izhevsk with the REBC.

It should be noted that in the practice of this center, various forms of work are used:

1. Implementation of a comprehensive educational program “Ecological and Biological School”, within the framework of which the principle of continuous environmental education of UDOD and educational institutions is implemented. Children are given the opportunity to in-depth study of school subjects and other areas of knowledge at the center that are not studied in other types of educational institutions. Training is organized at different levels: pre-profile (stage of choosing a specialization) and profile (in-depth study of subjects, training in narrow specialties of an applied nature) group. As part of the implementation of this program, the REBC actively cooperates with the educational institutions of Izhevsk, Zavyalovsky, Malopurginsky and Sharkansky districts.

2. One of the forms of work is the conduct of Republican part-time and correspondence schools (hereinafter referred to as ROSSH). They are created, first of all, for rural schoolchildren in order to improve their educational level, teach research activities, develop independent work skills, develop their creative abilities and provide them with the necessary teaching materials. Many RHS graduates become winners of republican competitions and olympiads, and also successfully pass entrance tests to universities.

3. Specialized camps form part of the work with talented children, prize-winners and winners of republican events, where children learn to apply their acquired knowledge in practice.

4. The next form of work with gifted children is the creation of scientific societies of students (hereinafter - NOU), in which children are engaged in research activities. The educational activities of NOUs include excursions, practical and laboratory classes, and thematic camps.

5. Traditionally, the center hosts scientific and practical conferences within the framework of the republican competition for young environmental researchers using active forms of work - environmental workshops, expeditions, Olympiads, project activities, which allow identifying successful and talented children. REBC has been actively cooperating with educational institutions and universities (Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy and Udmurt State University) for a number of years.

In modern conditions, additional education is rightfully considered as the most important component of the educational space, as one of the determining factors in the training, education and development of children. The Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly spoke about the National Educational Strategy, the embodiment of the main idea of ​​which is the “Our New School” initiative. The first direction of the strategy is to create an opportunity for children to discover their abilities already at school and prepare for life in a highly technologically competitive world.

Effective development of this area is not possible without the integration of general and additional education for children. In the republic there are also addresses of positive experience in this direction - these are the Municipal Educational Institution “Artistic and Aesthetic Lyceum No. 98” and the Municipal Educational Institution “Choreographic Lyceum No. 95” in Izhevsk. The activities of these educational institutions, which actually grew out of the preschool education system based on the creation of a unified curriculum for basic and additional education, allowed students not only to find a field of application for the acquired knowledge at school, but also to multiply and develop existing skills.

Another basis for the integration of general and additional education is the upcoming transition to a new generation of federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard), which involves interaction within the educational process in extracurricular activities. The variable part of the basic curriculum (educational) plan takes into account the characteristics, educational needs and interests of students. The time allocated for the variable part within the maximum permissible classroom teaching load can be used to increase the hours for studying individual subjects of the invariant part, to organize courses in which the student, parent, teacher, educational institution, or subject of the Russian Federation are interested.

The section of the variable part “Extracurricular activities” will allow you to fully implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education. Using the hours for extracurricular activities specified in the basic curriculum (educational) plan, the educational institution implements additional educational programs, a student socialization program, and educational programs. The organization of classes in the areas of the “Extracurricular Activities” section is an integral part of the educational process at school. Educational institutions provide students with the opportunity to choose a wide range of activities aimed at the development of the student. The hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students and are aimed at implementing various forms of its organization, different from the lesson system of education. Classes can be conducted in the form of excursions, clubs, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, KVNs, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, etc. not only by teachers of the educational institution, but also by teachers of UPOD. Hours allocated for extracurricular activities are not taken into account when determining the required student workload, but are required for funding.

Thus, in the approximate curriculum, 10 hours per week of extracurricular activities in elementary school are allocated and its 6 areas are defined:

Extracurricular activities




Sports and recreation

Artistic and aesthetic

Scientific and educational


Socially useful activities

Project activities

With this approach, it is not possible for any educational institution to independently ensure the full organization of the educational process and the selection of course content in given areas of extracurricular activities. A strategically competent decision by the heads of educational institutions would be to build network interaction with the UDOD. This will not only preserve the preschool education system, but also give it a new impetus for progressive development. Thus, educational institutions and preschool educational institutions must form an integral multi-level system that individualizes the child’s educational path within the framework of a single socio-cultural and educational space of the republic.

The development of a network interaction system and the formation of a unified educational space at the level of a municipality or republic should be carried out from the perspective of the above external factors, dictating the need to develop integration mechanisms in the following directions:

Introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards;

Development of a system of pre-professional training and specialized education;

In working with gifted children.

In each of these areas of integration, the heads of municipal education authorities and educational institutions must implement a balanced policy on organizing and coordinating actions, developing regulations that ensure the creation of conditions for the formation of a unified educational space, taking into account the specifics of the territory.

Conditions for integration may include:

Analysis of the potential of UDOD in providing additional educational services;

Analysis of the educational institution's capabilities in the implementation of extracurricular activities;

Construction of a meaningful line of educational programs for basic and additional education.

To actually implement the integration of educational institutions at the level of territorial entities, it is necessary to take into account the following principles:



Long term;


while maintaining the direction of integration across educational areas (groups of subjects) of the Basic curriculum (educational) plan for educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

For example:

Educational area

Integration focus

Natural science

Preparation for the Unified State Exam, Olympiads, research activities

Physical Culture

Formation of a healthy lifestyle, rhythm, choreography, tourism

History, social studies

School museums, life in society, history of the native land, social projects


Arts and crafts, clothing design, culinary traditions


World culture, folk art

Thus, we see that there is an overlap, interpenetration and complementarity of educational programs of UPEC with standard educational programs, and accordingly, what goals, content, methods, forms and means of teaching need to be taken into account in order to obtain qualitatively new results of integration.

An integrative approach to the development of educational programs and design of the organization of the educational process can be expressed in the following scheme:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/283/images/image004_33.gif" width="386" height="330 src=">

In the republic, when considering this issue in detail, there are objectively a number of problems:

There is no practice of generalizing and disseminating the best pedagogical experience of institutions and teachers on the topic of integration of general and additional education;

This area has not received proper development in the work of methodological services of municipalities, UDOD and IPKiPRO UR.

There is a problem of involving students in project and socially significant activities;

It is difficult to resolve the issues of motivational mechanisms for stimulating the work of teachers working in the conditions of the integration process;

The system of organizing and managing this process requires improvement.

But the right choice of integration models can provide real results.

Integration results for students:

· Increases the space for the development of creative and cognitive activity;

· Allows you to implement an individual educational learning path;

· Expands the topics of the material being studied;

· Demonstrates abilities unclaimed by basic education;

· Increases the range of educational subjects;

· Increases the role of independent work;

· Realizes the best personal qualities.

Integration results for the educational institution:

· Adequacy of modern requirements of education and upbringing;

· Uniting the efforts of different specialists in solving common problems;

· Wide range of activities;

· Emergence of new development prospects;

· Obtaining high-quality pedagogical results.

In the future, an extensive system of searching for and supporting talented children, as well as accompanying them throughout the entire period of personality formation, should be built. It will be necessary to create both a special support system for mature, talented schoolchildren, and a general environment for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each child.

Currently, Russia is undergoing a global reformation of all spheres of life, including education. Adoption of the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010." led to increased trends in a variable, multi-level educational system. This, in turn, required the search for a new approach to organizing the educational process in educational institutions in order to improve the quality of education.

The adoption of Federal educational standards places increased demands on school graduates. He must be diversified, socially adapted to modern society, and have a clear civic position.

Consequently, with the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard, the role of the system of additional education for children increases significantly. It combines education, training, supports and develops talented and gifted children, forms a healthy lifestyle, prevents neglect, delinquency and other asocial phenomena in children and youth, implements programs of spiritual, moral and patriotic education, scientific, creative and social -project activities.

In the professional activity of a teacher of additional education, there is always room for search, pedagogical creativity, and no longer at the level of traditional methodology, but at the level of integration of knowledge in subjects and teaching technologies. The difference between educational technologies and any other is that they contribute to more effective learning by increasing students’ interest and motivation in it.

Over the past years, the teaching staff of our institution has identified one of its main goals as improving the quality of education. To this end, teachers actively use modern pedagogical technologies and integration forms during training sessions for a more complete, rich educational process.

On the slide you can see the integration of various educational areas in training sessions.

For example, classes in general physical training associations, rhythmics are integrated with choreography; chess - with computer science; classes in associations of the "Technology" cycle - with various fields of art, etc.

Examples of integration of additional education programs for children

Educational area Integration focus
Sports and technical (general physical training, rhythmics, chess) Formation of a healthy lifestyle, choreography, computer science
Socio-pedagogical (journalism, leadership school) Museum and exhibition activities, life in society, history of the native land, social projects
Technology (knitting, clothing design) Arts and crafts, hairdressing, makeup, art (music, literature, painting, theater)
Arts (theater, vocals, choreography, fine arts) World culture, folk art, arts and crafts
Subject (foreign languages, computer science, floriculture) In-depth study of subjects, preparation for Olympiads, research activities, art (music, literature, painting)

Thus, we see that when studying subjects of the same focus, there is an overlap, interpenetration and complementarity of educational programs of different directions. Depending on the goals set, the choice of forms, methods, and pedagogical technologies, a qualitatively new result of the level of education is determined.

This process can be expressed in the following diagram:

Coordination of common goals and mechanisms for the implementation of educational programs of UPEC

Based on experience at the institution, the following forms of using integration in classrooms have been identified:

  • designing and conducting classes by two or more teachers of different disciplines;
  • designing and conducting an integrated lesson by one teacher;
  • creation of integrated topics, sections, courses.

Let's take a closer look at each of the forms.

1. Conducting binary classes.

Integrated training session on technology and fine arts in the association "Design and modeling of clothing."

Teachers: Zile Olga Dmitrievna, teacher of sewing technology; Karasova Farida Mikhailovna, art teacher.

During the lesson, students get acquainted with the history and painting of fabric using the batik technique, independently paint the fabric using this technique, and ultimately make a neckerchief, which is one of the clothing accessories. This lesson has a practical orientation, namely: in addition to acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, students develop an aesthetic taste for the use of this accessory in clothing.

2. Integrated training session in English and computer science at the English Language Association.

Teachers: Elena Viktorovna Khasanova, English teacher;

Sukhomlinova Maria Vladimirovna, computer science teacher.

In the classroom, computer science acts as an integrating discipline.

When using a computer in the educational process, the student becomes a full participant. The teacher does not provide ready-made knowledge, but encourages children to search independently.

Computer tools make it possible to ensure the best implementation of the principle of visibility, which has a leading place in educational technologies.

The widespread use of computer capabilities has a great application focus. Classes are based on game-based learning technologies. This type of task activates students’ activities and forces them to meaningfully carry out each stage of work from setting a goal to obtaining a result.

2. Design and conduct of classes by one teacher:

So, for example, the teacher of the “French Language” association in one of his classes on the topic “Seasons” uses reproductions of famous artists to create a presentation for the lesson. This allows the child to develop creative thinking, artistic taste, imagination, and a desire to get acquainted with other works of great artists.

3. Creation of integrated topics, sections, courses.

At the Istoki Educational Center, four proprietary cross-cutting educational programs have been developed and are being implemented:

"Exhibition Hall" program.

Aimed at creating a special cultural and educational environment that contributes to the formation of a general culture of students, spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, the development of the creative abilities of children through their own artistic activities in various fields of folk art, and ensuring the creative self-realization of students.

The “School of Musical Culture” program is complexly organized, i.e. When implementing the program, intraspecific integration constantly occurs, cultural areas are integrated: dance - music, music - literature, theater - music, music theory - solfeggio - choral singing, folk dance - pop dance - classics, etc.

The integrated lesson is designed to connect the present with the past, to cultivate in children not a consumerist, but a sensitive and humane attitude towards culture.

Program "The Many Colors of Yamal".

The integrated educational course provides both theoretical and practical study of life, traditions, folklore and decorative and applied arts of the peoples of the North; is a system of targeted pedagogical influence and is an effective means of raising and teaching children. The integrated development of the riches of national culture includes an organic combination of different types of arts, education and upbringing, education and leisure, communication and games, theoretical and practical classes. In the process of implementing the educational program, children gain new knowledge.

This program is a systematization and generalization of many years of experience in the joint work of additional education teachers in the field of integration of various types of children's activities and socio-cultural space. The result of studying this program is not only knowledge, abilities and skills, but the child’s embodiment of this knowledge into a real product of activity: an arts and crafts product, a dance, a role played, etc.

The integrated approach requires the teacher to have an increased level of pedagogical skill, the universality of his education, additional training, high professionalism and erudition. But at the same time, it provides quality indicators in the implementation of educational programs and the activities of the institution as a whole. This is, first of all,

  • final certification of students - a high and average level of knowledge is determined;
  • the safety of the contingent has had a positive trend over the past 3 years;
  • pupils of the associations continue their studies at universities in the direction previously chosen at the institution of additional education: journalism, design, hairdressing, technology, cultural institutes, etc. This is one of the main indicators of the quality of education in the institution.

The effective use of pedagogical innovations makes it possible for teachers of the Municipal Educational Institution of Kindergarten Education Center "Istoki" to generalize their accumulated experience at the municipal and regional levels in the form of seminars, at the federal level - in the form of various publications: these are methodological recommendations, development of lessons and scenarios.

So, in February 2011, a training seminar was held at our institution

The system of additional education in Russia is 95 years old. I am proud to declare that for almost 40 years secondary school No. 56 has been associated with the House of Children's Creativity named after. V. Dubinin has close friendship and fruitful cooperation.

It is not for nothing that the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D. Livanov said: “The system of additional education is one of the factors of development, including innovation, not only of the entire education system, but also of our entire country.”

Considering the features of the development of the Russian education system at the present stage, it is worth highlighting the tendency to strengthen integration processes in this area. The introduction of new state standards places higher demands on the preparedness of a modern graduate, which cannot be achieved without creating a special educational space for the educational institution. In other words, the creation of such an educational space requires an intensive transition of a modern institution to a new format of education – competency-based.

The competency-based paradigm of education, in contrast to the traditional one, is focused on the formation of personal, subject and meta-subject competencies of the student, which is extremely difficult to do without active interaction with the system of additional education.

It is the integration of general and additional education for children that provides the conditions for:

– effective implementation of individual educational trajectories of students;

– successful life and professional self-determination;

– development of versatile abilities of different categories of children;

– formation of key competencies of students.

The student masters a number of integrated skills:

– ability to navigate in various subject areas of knowledge;

– work effectively with large flows of information, create your own databases;

– develop the foundations of critical, creative, productive thinking;

– ability for productive creativity, etc.

Active interaction with the system of additional education makes it possible to pay special attention elective courses and electives, clubs, studios, working in a secondary school setting. Elective courses, being interdisciplinary (orientation) courses, involve going beyond traditional academic subjects. They introduce schoolchildren to complex problems and tasks that require a synthesis of “personal knowledge” and knowledge in a number of subjects.

In this regard, our school was designed multi-level integration model for preparing a modern school graduate. The creation of such a model implied integration not only of level, subject, software, but also integration with additional education and other social institutions.

This model implies the need to integrate various education levels: (pre-school education, primary general education, secondary general education), as well as intra-subject, inter-subject and transdisciplinary integration education in a modern school.

Trans-subject integration is a synthesis of the components of the main and additional content of education.

An example of transdisciplinary integration can be various integrated programs, elective and elective courses, creative laboratories, club activities and other areas implemented in the educational and extracurricular activities of school No. 56.

We can outline a number of basic principles on the basis of which integrated programs of general and additional education for children in a comprehensive school are developed and implemented; P the principle of personal significance, the principle of adaptability, the principle of creative orientation, the principle of collective character and the principle of individual interest, etc.

Basic and additional education are links in one chain - the staff of our school came to this conclusion a long time ago. That is why this problem is key in the school’s activities and is solved by integrating basic and additional education. To achieve positive results, it is not enough to load teachers and students with the work of clubs; it is not enough to work according to the disparate work plans of each teacher. It is necessary to create a system of systematic work of all structural links of an educational institution.

I would like to dwell on some examples of the integration of general and additional education in our school.

Classes in a folklore group (headed by G.I. Popova) develop in the participants of the process not only subject competencies in the Russian language, literature, history, but also universal educational activities, meta-subject competencies. Participation in competitions and festivals contributes to the development of cognitive, regulatory, and communicative competencies, the cultivation of creativity, and a socially oriented view of the world around us.

An example of transdisciplinary integration is the integrated elective course “Psychology of Communication” (led by E.V. Chub) in grades 10-11, which includes the blocks “Fundamentals of the Psychology of Interpersonal Communication” and “Family Studies”.

Within the framework of such integrated courses, innovative models and teaching technologies are successfully implemented. A common teaching method is the solution offered to students meta-subject problem situations:

- Case Problem Method(case problem method) - a method for solving a practical situation;

- Case Incident Method(case-incident method) - incident cases;

- Case Study Method(case study method) - action-packed cases that stimulate inductive/deductive thinking;

- Stated- Problem- Method(stage-problem method) - expert discussion.

These technologies, based on the analysis of real or imaginary situations of interpersonal communication, are aimed at:

· to identify possible causes of emerging problems of interpersonal interaction;

· search for constructive ways to resolve the conflict;

· identifying the essence of situations of uncertainty and ambiguity in the process of communication, etc.

Another example of transdisciplinary integration can be work of the Ecology Association (headed by N.E. Turilova).

The Ecology program is designed for 2 years. There are 3 groups of students in the Ecology association: the senior group - students in grades 8-9 and the younger group - 3 “B” grade.

The program is implemented according to the following blocks:

  • Studying the basics of ecology.
  • Participation in the organization and implementation of environmental initiatives:

Campaign “Plant a tree”.

Annual participation in international bird watching days.

Annual holding of the “Let's Help the Birds” campaign.

Successful participation in the XIV interschool environmental festival of children's environmental associations in Novosibirsk “MEF-2014”.

Victory in the environmental poster competition “World of Ecology”.

Intellectual tournament “Connoisseurs of native nature”.

Participation in the annual city competition of children's environmental photography “LIVE LOOK”.

Production of environmental leaflets for environmental holidays.

Tourist gathering of DDT students named after. V. Dubinina.

Participation in the All-Russian open competition of research and creative works “Steps into Science”.

Work in the botanical garden is carried out in the following areas: plant growing, plant protection, floriculture, etc.

Members of the “Poisk” association systematically demonstrate themselves in school and city patriotic events, shooting competitions, and in regional competitions “Victory” and “Aty-Bati”. They are participants in the “Search for MGiV” expeditions to search for, raise and rebury the remains of soldiers who fell during the Second World War near Leningrad; annual ski ice crossing along the Ob River; Operation “Memory” to care for the graves of those who fell during the Second World War and were buried on Siberian soil.

In the context of the transition to new educational standards, the integration of general and additional education has a positive effect on the development of independence, cognitive interest, and critical thinking of students.

In the process of active participation in various electives, clubs, studios, and electives, students develop not only subject and personal competencies, but also meta-subject ones, allowing them to become more successful at the next stages of education.

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