A concert was held in honor of those who came for the evening. Presentation of the lexical meaning of the word. Purity and appropriateness of speech

Tasks on lexical norms of the Russian language

Theoretical block.

1. The concept of norms and types of linguistic norms.

2. What does the lexical norm study?

3. What types of lexical errors can be distinguished?

Practical block.

1. Mark the incorrect statements.

1. Lexical norm regulates stress.

2. The lexical norm regulates pronunciation.

3. The lexical norm regulates word usage.

4. Paronyms are similar-sounding words with the same root with different lexical meanings.

5. When choosing a word, you should take into account not only the meaning of the word, but also its lexical compatibility.

6. To clarify lexical compatibility, you can use the “Spelling Dictionary”.

7. When choosing a word from a number of synonyms, one should take into account their functional and stylistic coloring.

8. Tautology is the use of logically unnecessary words in speech.

9. Pleonasm is the use of logically unnecessary words in speech.

2. Connect the words and the interpretation of their meaning.

1. Virshi. A. Exactly corresponding, equal to something, coinciding with something.
2. Booklet. B. Syllabic verses, common in Russian literature in the 17th-18th centuries.
3.Bucolic. B. Two works by the same author, connected by unity of concept and continuity of plot.
4. Adequate. G. Old, inveterate.
5. Aplomb. D. A type of poetry that ideally depicts shepherd life; pastoral.
6. Dilogy. E. Scientific research dedicated to one question, one topic.
7. Obdurate. G. Printed publication in the form of a book that opens like a screen.
8. Memorandum. 3. Excessive self-confidence in behavior and speech.
9. Monograph. I. Direction of development from higher to lower; backward movement, decline
10.Regression. K. A diplomatic document stating the government's views on an issue.

3. Write down the words used without taking into account their semantics. Replace with words with appropriate meaning.

1. The children began to look for the way home.

2. A teacher was intended for Masha.

3. The expression on people's faces was sad.

4. Everyone listened to him attentively.

5. The picture evokes a sad and pitiful mood.

6. The remains of the royal family have finally been discovered.

7. An icebreaker set off for the long expanses of the Arctic.

8. The students began to make fires on the river bank.

9. We express a feeling of compassion towards the barge haulers.

10. They found a note from Arkady asking for Katya’s hand.

11. Poverty is the impetus for the internal contradictions of the characters in the play.

12. My friend had her appendix removed.

13. There was painting on the walls of the office.

14. I have a passion for three things: journalism, photography and culinary arts.

15. I read both fiction and modern detective stories and science fiction.

4. Choose from the attached paronyms the one that suits the meaning.

1. The student quickly (learned, mastered) the material.

2. The young worker (learned, mastered) the profession of a turner.

3. The boy answers questions with some kind of (guilty, guilty) look.

4. Mother prepared a (hearty, filling) breakfast.

5. In the new quarters of the city there are the highest (highest, high-rise) houses.

5. Write down the phrases in which lexical compatibility is violated. Correct the mistakes.

1. It was pouring heavily outside.

2. In the conversation he made a big mistake.

3. My sins are heavy!

4. Never use strong words, even if others allow themselves to do so.

5. When preparing for a performance, we maintain strong secrecy.

1 | | |

Replace with words with appropriate meaning

He tries his best to impress Sophia.

Our class is considered economic, that is, we are future management.

The entire audience was already in triumph.

If I were the director of the college, I would pay great attention to the students.

The stories I could rely on were not yet published.

They were only doing their job.

After reading “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” I was amazed.

The woman took out a loan to raise her child.

We must not forget that our goods are imported.

A concert was held in honor of those who came for the evening.

It seems that he is deliberately late for work.

A teacher was intended for Masha.

The expressions on people's faces were sad.

Everyone listened to him attentively.

The picture evokes a sad and pitiful mood.

The children began to look for the way home.

The remains of the royal family have finally been discovered.

An icebreaker set off for the long expanses of the Arctic.

The guys began to make fires on the river bank.

We express a feeling of compassion towards the barge haulers.

They found a note from Evgeniy asking for Katya's hand.

In the 14th century, architecture began to flourish in Rus'.

He tries his best to IMPRESS Sophia.

Our class is considered economic, that is, we are future ECONOMISTS.

The entire audience was already DELIGHTED.

If I were the director of the college, I would PAY a lot of attention to the students.

The stories I could rely on were not yet published.

They only PERFORMED their position.

After reading “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” I received SATISFACTION.

The woman went on maternity leave while raising her child.

We must not forget that our goods are for EXPORT.

In honor of those who came to the evening, a concert was given (?).

It seems that he is late for work on purpose.

There was a DEFINITE teacher for Masha.

The expression on people's faces was SORRY.

Everyone listened to him with ATTENTION.

The picture evokes a sad and dejected mood.

The children began to LOOK for their way home.

The REMAINS of the royal family have finally been discovered.

An icebreaker set off for the distant expanses of the Arctic.

The guys began to MAKE fires on the river bank.

They found a note from Evgeniy asking for Katya's hand.

“Please tell me,” the first neighbor shook his head with disappointment. - Why would it be him, huh?

The second neighbor spread his hands and looked sternly at his interlocutor, then added with a soft smile:

- Now, comrade, I suppose you don’t approve of these plenary sessions... But somehow they are closer to me. Everything somehow, you know, comes out in them minimally on the essence of the day... Although I will say frankly that lately I have been quite permanent about these meetings. So, you know, the industry is going from empty to empty.

“That’s not always the case,” the first objected. – If, of course, you look at it from the point of view. To enter, so to speak, into the point of view and from the point of view, then - yes, the industry specifically.

? Look up the meaning of words in the dictionaryplenary, quorum, permanent, industry. Make up a dialogue using these words.

Exercise 14. Correct the sentences by choosing words with the appropriate meaning.

1. The picture evokes a sad and pitiful mood. 2. The remains of the royal family have finally been discovered. 3. They found a note from Arkady asking for Katya’s hand. 4. The stories that I could rely on were not yet published. 5. A woman took out a loan while raising a child. 6. The district architect must reconstruct the village club. 7. During February, the length of the day increased by two hours. 8. Many offensive words were said. 9. This film is doomed, without any doubt, to a rare success.

! Relevance– selection and organization of linguistic means in accordance with the goals and conditions of communication.

Exercise 15. Analyze the speech recordings of the same person talking in different situations about his business trip. Determine the specifics of each situation.

    And this protoplasm had to... no, not even examples or anything... to be found, but to crawl through the entire card index. And who knows, maybe they aren’t there at all, these terms.

    It was very difficult to find the terms I needed in the card index: I did not have an exact list, I had to largely go by touch.

    During the business trip, I collected material about the group of terms I was researching. Despite the difficulties: the lack of an exact list of words and insufficient information about the presence in the card index of terms on the topic that interests me, I managed to find a number of linguistically meaningful examples.

Situations:– Official written report on the trip,

- conversation with friends,

– oral report on the business trip at a department meeting

? What factors influence the speaker’s choice of certain linguistic means in speech (words, sentences, ways of expressing thoughts).

! Expressiveness, imagery – such features of speech (phonetic, word-formation, lexical, stylistic, etc.) that support the attention and interest of the listener (reader), influencing not only his mind, but also his feelings and imagination.

Exercise 16. Change the texts to remove definitions. Think about what role they play in the text? Try replacing them with synonymous descriptive expressions. How do the texts change as a result?

Which visual arts do authors use? Highlight comparisons, metaphors, figurative epithets in the text. What role do they play in the text?

Think about how the texts differ? What words are the most significant in them, creating the appropriate mood?

1. And above the whole world, all over the midday sky - white clouds, flat below and unusually bizarre, round, curly above. They rarely scatter across their blue pasture, and almost do not interfere with the sun’s frying and soaring in the midst of a summer day. Only sometimes a light shadow will come, a cool feeling will come, and then from the distant forest, across the meadows, across the fields, spreading wider and wider and as if picking up speed, a new solar wave rolls. (V. Soloukhin).

2. The light went out, the shadows died, and everything around became pale, dumb and lifeless. From where the hot sun had previously sparkled, dark piles of clouds silently crawled upward and, step by step, devoured the light blue space. The clouds swirled, collided, slowly and heavily lost the outlines of the awakened monsters and reluctantly moved forward, as if they themselves, against their will, were being driven by some inexorable, terrible force. Breaking away from the others, a light, fibrous cloud, weak and frightened, darted about alone. (L. Andreev).

3. It rains all the time, there are pine forests all around. Every now and then, in the bright blue, white clouds accumulate above them, thunder rolls high, then brilliant rain begins to fall through the sun, quickly turning from the heat into fragrant pine steam... Everything is wet, greasy, mirror-like...<…>And from the calm that reigned everywhere, from the purity of the sky and air, it seemed that there would be no more rain. But then I fell asleep, having escorted her to the station, and suddenly I heard: a downpour with thunderclaps was falling on the roof again, darkness was all around and lightning was falling vertically... (I. Bunin).

4. Smaller clouds rose up in clouds from below towards the black cloud, which obscured the entire east. It was as if something was pulling them up and picking them up, like curtains, and all over it there was a no-no and would cut through with fire. Like a magician, ready to give a terrible performance, he examines the dark stage for the last time, with a lantern in his hand, before he lights all the lights and lifts the curtain. A black cloud is creeping, and the closer it is, the more impenetrable it seems. Will God carry her through?<…>The sun is no longer there: clouds covered its disk, and its long, sword-like rays, shining for a moment, also sparkled and disappeared. The whirlwind whistled and clicked. The clouds began to ripple like banners.<…>At the road boundary, the wind is shaking the ear of corn so strangely that it’s as if it’s not the wind, but someone alive hiding at the root and getting angry.

(N. Leskov).

! Euphony speech lies in the ability to correctly use the diversity of the phonetic structure of the language, avoiding contraction of consonants or vowels, repetition of sounds and words with the same root, and rhyming.

Exercise 17. In excerpts from scientific articles and newspaper materials, indicate shortcomings in the sound organization of speech and eliminate them.

1. A friend suddenly became sad; soon he will meet an enemy. 2. The unit is often visited by family members of soldiers. 3. Which river is as wide as the Oka? 4. These are the tasks we have been given regarding participation in the competition. 5. Information on sending goods can be obtained by phone. 6. Heroes demonstrate fearlessness and nobility in the fight against bandit gangs. 7. It is impossible not to note such a striking feature of South Russian dialects as akanye. 8. Zhuravlev is a born landscape painter, consistently following the best traditions of the Russian art school.

Exercise 18. Read the following examples and think about their purpose.the rules of euphony are violated.

1. Satisfied with the festive dinner, the neighbor snorts in front of the neighbor. ( A.S. Pushkin)

2. Puddles drunk by frost are crunchy and fragile, like crystal. ( I. Severyanin)

3. The streams rumble clearly at night, The pure speeches of the streams are hot. ( I. Severyanin)

4. The mermaid swam along the blue river,

Illuminated by the full moon.

And she tried to splash to the moon

Silvery foam waves ( M.Yu. Lermontov).

5. I fly quickly along cast iron rails, I think my thoughts. ( ON THE. Nekrasov)

6. Beavers go into the forests, beavers are brave, and they are kind to beavers.

7. Bristles on a pig, scales on a pike.

8. In the shallows we lazily caught burbot, and we exchanged the burbot for tench.

9. The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull’s white lip was blunt.

2.3 Listening and reading as types speech activity

2.3.1 Culture of listening

! Speech communication involves not only the ability to speak, but also to listen. For this, one physiological function - hearing - is not enough; you also need close, complex attention to the speaker, you need to be able to see and understand his gesture, gaze, and even understand silence. There are three psychological types of people: auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners. Audials – these are people who remember and assimilate information better when they hear and listen to it carefully. Visuals prefer reading - this is the specificity of their perception. Kinesthetic learners memorization is guaranteed by a hand-written note, a diagram, a table, a matrix, etc.

Exercise 1. Do we always hear and listen to our interlocutor? Do we always want to hear it? Why?

A passerby approaches an Odessa resident and asks:

– Excuse me, do you know where Deribasovskaya Street is?

- I?! I don’t know where Deribasovskaya Street is?! I don’t know where Deribasovskaya Street is?! I don’t know where Deribasovskaya street is...

! Functions of listening. The ability to listen and delve into the content of a speech allows you to better understand the speaker and mentally enter into a dialogue with him, prepare for discussion, discussion (highlight the main, controversial, unacceptable). In this case, the utterance is instantly translated from the language of the speaker into the language of the listener. This is the main condition for understanding what is heard.

There are two problems that arise during the listening process: is it always necessary to listen to the end and is it possible to ask questions without listening to the end of the message. Ultimately, listening can be boiled down to the following: to hear without distortion, to understand, to reproduce correctly and accurately.

? On what conditions does understanding what we are told depend? Are hearing and understanding the same thing?

Exercise 2. For what purpose can we use inaccuracy of statements and ambiguity in speech behavior?

One day Pushkin was sitting in Count S.’s office and reading a book to himself.

The count himself was lying on the sofa. Two of his children were playing on the floor near the desk.

“Sasha, say something impromptu...” the count turns to Pushkin.

Pushkin, instantly, without hesitation at all, answers quickly:

The crazy kid is lying on the sofa.

The Count was offended.

“You are forgetting yourself too much, Alexander Sergeevich,” he said sternly.

– Not at all... But you don’t seem to understand me... I said: – children on the floor, smart guy lying on the couch.

! Listening Mechanisms (the mechanism of auditory memory, the mechanism of anticipation (anticipation), the mechanism of identifying semantic blocks, etc.). The listening mechanism is complex, it includes perception And understanding speech.

The first step is to hear the message without interference and distortion (knowing your capabilities, choose the appropriate place in the audience), understand every word heard (or at least note it in order to then receive the necessary explanations), and finally understand the entire phrase.

The next step is to include the heard statement in the context of the issue under discussion and connect it with previous judgments.

A qualitatively new level of listening, which is not accessible to everyone - detection hidden meaning, allusion, extended metaphor. To do this, you need to have a broad outlook and general cultural erudition.

Another function of listening as a human speech activity is aesthetic. The speaker's lecturing skills evoke respect for him, admiration for his art arises, vivid speech enriches our vocabulary and serves as a lesson in speech skills for the listener.

Exercise 3. How should you behave in a situation when you are not heard (not listened to)?

-Did you follow my orders? – asked the empress.

“No, madam,” answered Krechetnikov.

The Empress flushed.

- Why not!

Krechetnikov began to set out the reasons that did not allow him to carry out the highest commands. The Empress did not listen; in a fit of great anger, she showered him with reproaches and threats. Finally, the empress fell silent and began to walk up and down the room. A few minutes later the empress turned to him again and said much more quietly:

- Tell me, what reasons prevented you from fulfilling my will?

Krechetnikov repeated his previous excuses. Catherine, feeling his justice, but not wanting to admit her temper, said to him with an air of complete calm:

- This is a completely different matter. Why didn't you tell me this right away?

(Russian literary joke)

! The process of semantic perception of sounding speech. The meaning of spoken speech is formed in the mind of the listener not only under the influence of the words heard, but also of intonation, omissions, tone and timbre of the speaker’s voice. The meaning of what is said is not always comprehended immediately; it often takes time to comprehend all the nuances of the meanings of the words used, the associative connections between them and figurative metaphorical meanings.

Exercise 4. Is it only the language factor that explains this curiosity?

When Karamzin was appointed historiographer, he went to visit someone and told the servant: if they don’t accept me, then sign me up. When the servant returned and said that the owner was not at home, Karamzin asked him: “Did you write me down?” - “Wrote it down.” - “What did you write down?” - “Karamzin, Count of History.”

(Russian literary joke)

! Ways of listening ( unreflective, reflective, emphatic ). Non-reflective listening involves silent perception of information, without questions or comments. Reflective Listening- this is interference in someone else’s speech with the aim of providing verbal assistance (for example, leading questions to a very worried student answering in class, nodding his head as a sign of approval, saying “yes, yes,” etc.). Emphatic listening- this is empathy, emotional involvement in what is happening (tears and laughter in the viewer in the theater), willingness to participate and compassion when listening to sad information or laughter caused by a story about some comic situation.

Culture of listening. By the way the interlocutor listens, one can judge his understanding of the message. Russian speech etiquette prescribes listening while looking into the eyes of your interlocutor. The listener's posture indicates his attitude towards the topic being discussed and the speaker. The richer the listener’s dictionary (thesaurus), the deeper and more complete the understanding of speech.

2.3.2 Reading culture

! Specifics of reading as a type of speech activity. Reading – special kind speech activity. It allows, for example, to enter into a conversation with an artist of words who died long before you were born. The text can be re-read repeatedly and new meanings can be discovered in it. Mental dialogue with the characters of the book, comparison of the author’s view of things with one’s own experience can be carried forward in time for an indefinite period.

Reading functions. Reading is one of the forms of culture in a civilized society. The functions of reading are very diverse: educational in school, aesthetic - reveals the beauty in man, society and nature, cognitive - encourages reflection on the mysteries of existence, educational - reports, stores and transmits useful scientific and social information, reading (for example, letters and messages) expands the scope of communication. In addition, reading is a powerful stimulus and tool for human self-knowledge.

? What determines our reading comprehension? Which text, in your opinion, is remembered better (impeccably correct or with violations of the norm) and why?

Exercise 5. What is needed for a complete reading?

Parsley... character... was more silent than talkative; he even had a noble impulse to enlightenment, that is, to read books whose contents did not bother him: he did not care at all whether it was the adventures of a hero in love, just a primer or a prayer book - he read everything with equal attention; if they had given him chemotherapy, he wouldn’t have refused it either. He liked not what he read about, but more the reading itself, or, better to say, the process of reading itself, that from the letters some word always comes out, which sometimes means God knows what.

(N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”)

! Types of reading (studying, educational, etc.). You can read in different ways: out loud and silently. Working with text (on paper and in electronic form) has its own specifics, which boils down to differences in the functions of language and speech.

When working with text professionally, you can read more than 200 pages a day. Traditional reading(line by line) quite slowly. IN last years becoming more and more popular speed reading technique. This requires special training.

“You can independently learn to read a traditional text faster by reading it like an orchestral score (it is read simultaneously and synchronically: from top to bottom, that is, in columns, columns and diachronically: from left to right, column by column.) The fact is that all the musical notes located on one vertical line, constitute in the score a large constitutive unit, or a bundle of orchestral relations, and are perceived as a single whole" ( Kosarev A.F..). In a similar way, you can read the text, while discovering keywords and semantic centers. Each type of reading has its adherents. Slow reading provides depth of comprehension of the meaning of what is read. Speed ​​reading(does not mean superficial) preferably at the stage of familiarization with the material and its classification.

Reading Mechanisms (mechanism of anticipation (anticipation), equivalent substitutions, memory). What happens in the mind of every person at the moment of reading is a mystery. We do not read letters, not even words, not even just sentences. We read minds. Words are a tool for their expression. We are interested, first of all, in what new the author said about this issue. No matter how a person reads (aloud or silently), he is primarily interested in understanding what he read. Interest in the topic fuels attention to the text. Interest, attention, understanding, memorization - this is the main vector of reading any text. The reading mechanism of each person is quite individual: something is read fluently, something slowly, something out loud, something with a remark of admiration, amazement, objection, bewilderment (title, table of contents, viewing the entire book or article, searching for new information in text, careful and thoughtful reading of individual pages, bookmarks, extracts, etc.)

Exercise 6. Try to read this text right away. Then prepare it properly for reading aloud (rewrite for correct spelling and punctuation if necessary). Read it again. Comment on what happened.

It's not hard to put in place, that's what the thing is in my pocket, a browning in a holster, came to my friend, my heart sank when I still heard him screaming through the door, my mother, I could hear the voice of the old woman of his mother, the plumber, what happened, asked while taking off his coat, the other looked and whispered the revolver, today from the guesses, he said where the virgins are holding asked in the office of a friend, opened the left drawers, showed an empty space, I don’t understand, I said, shrugging my shoulders, a really mysterious story, yes, it’s clear that he was stolen, my friend was completely upset, but still, I think that he wasn’t stolen, he said, after a while, after all, if no one was there, you can also steal something, a friend, I groaned, I always put it in water, and the same place, nervously, my friend exclaimed. He opened the middle drawer of the desk, then the left one stuck his hand in it, then with the same curse, he opened the right one, looking at me, here’s the thing, Mashana found it.

(M.A. Bulgakov)

! Stages of working with text in the process of comprehending what is being read. The content of work on the text is determined by the task for the exercise. Comprehension of the text, the path to the reader’s own meaning, is carried out through an adequate perception of the topic of the text read (what is this text about?), its problematics (what questions are relevant to the author?), understanding the author’s position in solving the identified problems (main thought, main idea), developing own position on this issue.

Exercise 7. Read the text. Determine the topic and problem of the text. Formulate the main idea of ​​the author of the text. What is your opinion on this issue?

And now and going forward, I think it makes sense to focus on the precision of your language. Try to expand your vocabulary and treat it like you treat your bank account. Pay a lot of attention to it and try to increase your dividends. The goal here is not to promote your eloquence in the bedroom or your professional success—although that may be possible later—nor is it to turn you into a social savvy. The goal is to enable you to express yourself as fully and accurately as possible; in a word, the goal is your balance. For the accumulation of unspoken, unspoken things can lead to neurosis. Every day a lot changes in a person’s soul, but the way of expression often remains the same. The ability to express oneself lags behind experience. This has a detrimental effect on the psyche. Feelings, shades, thoughts, perceptions that remain unnamed, unspoken and not content with approximate formulations accumulate inside the individual and can lead to a psychological explosion or breakdown. You don't have to become a bookworm to avoid this. You just need to buy a dictionary and read it every day, and sometimes read books of poetry. Dictionaries, however, are of utmost importance. There are many of them around; some come with a magnifying glass. They are quite cheap, but even the most expensive among them (equipped with a magnifying glass) cost much less than one visit to a psychiatrist. If you do decide to visit a psychiatrist, treat the symptoms of vocabulary alcoholism.

(Joseph Brodsky)

! The Role of Illustrative Components (diagrams, tables, drawings, photographs, graphs, font selections, etc.) in the process of comprehending the text.

Illustrative materials are designed, first of all, for memorization, for mechanical, visual memory, and not for logic, not for understanding (for example, questions and the order of cases in the Russian language). Their role in the text is twofold: they can act as a means of argumentation, a clear example, an explanation, or they can also be a starting point in the process of birth of a new thought. These are symbols of knowledge verified by experience, excluding the possibility of any doubt about their truth (for example, road signs, national flag, Ohm's law formula, etc.). This is one of the ways to turn text into hypertext. This compression of information in memory can be likened to the process of archiving text by a computer. When constructing the text in this way, you should indicate a source that allows you to fill in the missing link in the logic of presentation and is a necessary condition comprehension of the text read.


(training exercises)

Write down the words used incorrectly.

Replace them with words with the appropriate meaning.

1. In the 14th century, architecture began to flourish in Rus'.

2. He tries his best to impress Sophia.

3. Our class is considered economic - we are future managers.

4. The public scanned: “Bravo, Salvini!”

5. The entire audience was already in triumph.

6. If I were the dean, I would pay more attention to students.

7. The stories that I could rely on were not yet published.

8. They were only doing their job.

9. After reading “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” I received admiration.

10. A woman took out a loan while raising a child.

28.​ There was painting on the walls of the office.

29.​ I have a passion for three things: journalism, photography and culinary arts.

30.​ I read both fiction and modern detective stories and science fiction.

31. Karachentsov’s fame was brought to him by the title role in the legendary play “Juno” and “Avos,” where he created the image of Count Rezanov.

32. We present to your attention a report on the work of M. Zoshchenko.

33. Her explanation was very profitable.

34. Powder metallurgy is a modern, effective technology.

35. After mom’s rich borscht, you don’t want to eat for a long time.

36. She was a very efficient woman.

37. The title role in the film “Anna Karenina” was played by Tatyana Samoilova.

38. I am ashamed of this person.

39. The business traveler has already completed the task completely.

40. They bought me new oil paints.

Insert the verbs dress/wear into these sentences.

1. Mom___________ suitcase cover.

2. The girl _________ Katya doll.

3. The older brother___________ sister.

4. Today the girl _____________ new shoes.

5. Brother ___________ the watch on his hand.

6. The girl was given the game “___________ teddy bear.”

7. The boy _____________ a dragonfly on a pin.

8. Grandmother _____________ grandson.

9. Grandma _____________ a new coat.

10. The astronaut ____________ spacesuit.

1. Useful. A. Secretive.

2. Talented. B. Deceitful.

3. Sincere. B. Absent-minded.

4. Truthful. G. Harmful.

5. Frank. D. Untalented.

6. Attentive. E. Hypocritical.

7. Generous. J. Illustrious.

8. Hostile. 3. Thrifty.

9. Wasteful. I. Stingy.

10. Unknown. K. Friendly.

Make up word combinations, taking into account lexical compatibility.

1. Flock. A. Verblyudov.

2. Herd. B. Cow.

3. Caravan. V. Curious.

4. Flock. G. Demonstrators.

5. Jamb. D. Sheep.

6. Herd. E. Pisces.

7. Crowd. J. Bees.

8. Column. 3. Pigeons.

9. Roy. I. Horses.

10.Group. K. Tourists

Write down the word combinations in which lexical compatibility is violated.

Correct the mistakes.

1. It was pouring heavily outside.

2. In the conversation he made a big mistake.

3. Her sins are serious!

4. Never use strong words, even if others allow themselves to do so.

5. When preparing for a performance, we maintain strong secrecy.

6. A good certificate plays a big role.

7. We must boldly set our demands.

8. The main emphasis is on knowledge of the theory of the issue.

9. The lion's share of tasks have already been completed.

10. Television has a great influence on young people.

Mark the phrases in which the adjective is used in its literal meaning.

1. Cold wind.

2.​ Cold look.

3.​ Iced tea.

4.​ Ice expanse.

5.​ Icy look.

7. Loud shot.

8. Loud scream.

9.​ Loud case.

10.​ Icy smile.

For color adjectives (A, B, C), select synonyms from the adjacent columns.

A. Red. 1. Boiled.

B. White. 2. Chestnut.

V. Brown. 3. Brown.

4. Chervonny.

5. Chocolate.

6. Pomegranate.

7. Chalky.

8. Carmine.

9. Ruby.

10. Snowy.

Complete the synonymous rows of adjectives by determining the main color of each row.

1. Herbal, emerald, malachite.

2. Azure, azure, turquoise, heavenly

3. Gold, amber, saffron, lemon, canary, straw, egg, mustard.

4. Steel, mousey, ashy, smoky.

5. Vubine, cornflower blue, indigo, ultramarine, sapphire.

1. Ask, plead, fuss, whine, beat, intercede.

2. Think, reflect, indulge in thought, brainstorm.

3. Hide, lay low, take cover, hide, lurk.

4. Study, master, go through, comprehend, work through.

5. Surpass, overtake, outstrip, outshine, outshine.

From each group of synonyms, write down the word

which is typical for colloquial speech.

1. To do, to accomplish, to make, to accomplish, to undertake.

2. Disgusting, terrible, disgusting, vile, vile.

3. Thick, respectable, pot-bellied, overweight, portly, well-fed.

4. Be sad, grieve, hang your nose, get bored, grieve.

5. Long-standing, ancient, immemorial, ancient, old, former.

Cross out the logically unnecessary word.

1. Each hero has his own individual traits.

2. The bear was taken out into the yard and an empty empty barrel studded with nails was rolled up to it.

3. In his speech he uses dialect and regional words.

4. Alexei mentally thought that this was the end.

5. Specific feature artistic speech is that it contains a lot of figurative words and expressions.

You write foreign words, used inappropriately.

Replace with suitable synonyms.

1. The young man imitated his older brother in everything.

2. The experience of production innovators is well popularized at enterprises.

3. In the last round of the competition, the team of our institute suffered a fiasco.

4. An unforgettable precedent occurred during our trip along the Volga.

5. Last year there were serious defects in the renovation of the building.

6. The reviewer noted that the poems were written on non-cardinal topics in our lives.

7. The teacher informed about the upcoming test.

8. Senior students prevailed among those gathered.

9. My parents opposed my trip out of town.

10. In winter, Denis was warmed by memoirs about his summer vacation.

11. Evolution in nature is inevitable.

12. The speaker spoke very pompously, which had a negative effect on the audience.

13. The new season opens up great opportunities for the evolution of individual sports.

14. The law must reliably protect the rights of teenagers in Russia.

15. The newspaper published an exclusive interview with a “visiting celebrity.”

Write down colloquial and colloquial words.

Replace them with literary synonyms.

1.​ The huntsman hid himself in the bushes.

2.​ The children wandered through the forest for a long time, then came out into a clearing.

3.​ The store received a new batch of recorders.

4.​ The mother wanted to stuff the child.

5.​ The boy’s bare knee sparkles.

6.​ The guys didn’t notice how dark it was getting.

7.​ Haymaking is bad because the summer was dry.

8.​ There was a haystack in the middle of the clearing.

9.​ They all jumped into the water at once.

10. Wait a little, don’t rush.

13. In this way you can criticize any useful thing.

14. The detainee became so angry that he resisted the police.

15. Managers are looking for an “uncle” to push responsibility onto him.

16. A mistake was made, and the bureaucratic system immediately started working.

17. Mom always yells from the window when it’s time to go home.

18. We are crazy about these apples.

19. There should be mutual understanding between friends.

20. Swear words were rushing after us.

Select from the words given in brackets those that are used as part of the phraseological units given here.

1.​ The (animal, bird, beast) runs towards the catcher.

2.​ (Turtle, goose) step.

3.​ Stroke (head, hair, fur).

4.​ Insert (boughs, logs, sticks) into the wheels.

5.​ Brew (soup, porridge, tea).

6.​ Like (mouse, bird, squirrel) in a wheel.

7. Stationery (mouse, rat).

8.​ Catch (crayfish, jellyfish, fish) in muddy water.

9.​ Wrap it around (finger, mustache, head).

10. Let (sheep, goat, goat) into the garden.

Mark the phrases that are phraseological units.

1.Bear's den. 6.Ravenous appetite.

2. Disservice. 7. Important detail.

3.Golden hands. 8. Important bird.

4.Gold watch. 9. Bitter truth.

5.Wolf tail. 10. Bitter mixture.

Mark the phrases that are not sustainable.

1. Tie a knot. 6. Fainting.

2. Start a correspondence. 7. Knock down from a tree.

3. Lose your temper. 8. Confuse.

4. Leave the room. 9.Set a record.

5. Fall into a hole. 10. Install the antenna.

Find a sentence without violating syntactic norms.

1) The narrow road was covered with falling snow underfoot.

2) I was disappointed with the review given by the reviewer to my thesis.

3) The director said: “We are currently working on two productions: “ The Cherry Orchard"Chekhov and Volodin's play "Don't part with your loved ones."

4) Having been to the cinema, I wonder if I am capable of such actions as the characters in the film do.

1) Fearing that censorship would not let it through, the poet did not publish this poem.

2) The analysis of this study was not very critical.

3) There are also many who have become disabled.

4) Worship and idolize Molchalin - this is the meaning of Sophia’s life.

Find a sentence without violating syntactic norms.

1) The affected area with acid or alkali must be quickly and carefully wiped with a clean rag, bandage or cotton wool.

2) The teacher said that I won’t ask today.

3) Due to the fire, a large area of ​​the forest was destroyed.

4) Bourgeois journalists and those who support them are trying to hide the truth.

Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Varvara tells Katerina that I didn’t know how to lie, but I learned.

2) The driver must remember that when turning right from the avenue, he will have to cross the tram tracks.

3) Spectators followed the course of dramatic events that occurred in the early summer of 1928.

4) The path that the hero has chosen is wrong, wrong.

Sending a telegram

1) the return address is always indicated.

2) be sure to include a return address.

3) they will not accept it without a return address.

4) I didn’t have enough money.

Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence: Making mistakes

1) the chance of entering university is very small.

2) a dictionary can help you.

3) you should not count on a high mark.

4) spelling rules are often not applied.

not violated in a sentence:

1) During the day the air temperature warmed up to 14 degrees.

2) There is a monstrous improvement in living conditions.

3) The students listened intently to the teacher’s story.

4) Everyone else expressed deep doubt that he would cope.

Lexical compatibility of words not violated in the phrase:

1) strong love;

2) strong hatred;

3) heavy rain;

4) intense heat.

The word “spare” is lexically combined with the word:

4) option.

Which sentence does not contain an error related to the use of paronyms?

1) Black colors mixed with brown stripes make the drake's plumage very effective.

2) He did not like to work and led a festive lifestyle.

3) This man was a complete ignoramus in art.

4) The director today signed an application to grant me leave.

State the sentence without ambiguity.

1) There is a great desire to get the next edition of the detective story.

2) Let’s touch on Russian dialects.

3) This is a book about technology.

In which sentence should we use BUDDIN instead of the word EVERYDAY?

1) One day, on a weekday morning, my grandfather and I were shoveling snow in the yard.

2) From one EVERYDAY environment it would be necessary to drag her into another that is the same or even more monotonous and boring.

3) This artist devotes significant space to depicting the EVERYDAY side of war.

4) “So we’ve arrived home,” the captain said in a different, everyday voice.

In which series are all nouns classified as masculine?

1) shampoo, table, parcel;

2) bulletin, tulle, piano;

3) house, sofa bed, CIA;

2) donya, months, sectors;

3) years, creams, evenings;

In which row are both forms formed correctly?

1) 6 kilograms, 7 Georgians;

2) came from the nursery, a lot of waffles;

3) 8 rakes, choice of shoes;

4) 10 pokers, 5 tangerines.

1. The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly? 1. Addressee – the person or organization to whom the postal item is addressed. 2. Archaic – out of use, not consistent with new views and rules. 3.Friendly – ​​friendly, mutually benevolent. 4. Business traveler – a person on a business trip.

2. The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly? 1.Dramatic – expressing strong feelings, full of drama. 2. Reminder - an appeal that reminds you of something. 3. Dynamic – having great internal energy. 4. Economic – related to housekeeping.

4. The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly? 1. Scam – an unscrupulous, fraudulent enterprise, business, action. 2. Briefing - the use of false promises. 3.Delegate – representative (elected or appointed). 4.Design is a comprehensive design and artistic activity.

5. The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly? 1. Consensus – an agreed opinion on controversial issues, developed during the discussion process by participants in negotiations, conferences, etc. 2.Mentality – mindset, character of feelings and thinking. 3.Rating – level of popularity. 4. Force majeure – failure, failure.

8. The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly? 1. Corpuscle is a particle. 2. Anabiosis – adaptation of the body to unfavorable living conditions. 3. Tactile – having a sense of proportion. 4.Diagnosis – definition of a disease based on examination of the patient.

9. The meaning of which term is incorrectly defined? 1.Metaphor - replacing one word with another, adjacent in meaning. 2. Amphibrachium - a three-syllable poetic foot with stress on the second syllable. 3. Inversion - arrangement of the members of a sentence in a special order that violates the usual order. 4. Allegory is an allegory, the expression of something abstract in a specific image.

Replace each interpretation with one word. 1. Brief welcome speech. 2.Wall lamp made of one or more lamps. 3. An auxiliary historical discipline that studies and describes coats of arms. 4. Tiles made of baked clay for cladding walls and stoves, covered with glaze on the front side. 5.The art of making bouquets, widespread in Japan, as well as the bouquet itself, compiled according to the principles of this art.

6. A poem, a piece of music created without preparation, at the moment of utterance or performance. 7. One who, together with someone else, is the author of something. 8. A rude, ill-mannered person. 9. Homesickness. 10. Living space in the attic with a sloping ceiling or sloping wall.

Replace words used without taking into account semantics with words with the appropriate meaning 1. In the 14th century, architecture began to flourish in Rus'. 2. He tries his best to attract Sophia's attention. 3. Our class is considered economic, that is, we are future management. 4.The public scanned: “Bravo, Salvini!” 5. The entire audience was already in triumph.

Replace the words used without taking into account semantics with words with the appropriate meaning 1. If I were the school director, I would pay more attention to the students. 2. The stories that I could rely on were not yet published. 3.They were only doing their job. 4. After reading “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” I received admiration. 5. A woman took out a loan while raising a child.

Replace words used without taking into account semantics with words with the appropriate meaning 1. In some literature manuals, paragraphs contain quotes from the works of Pushkin, Yesenin, Gogol. 2. If I were the school director, I would establish rules of discipline and study that are completely alien to today’s. 3. We must not forget that our goods are imported. 4. A concert was held in honor of those who came to the evening. 5. One gets the impression that he is deliberately late for work every day.

Replace the words used without taking into account semantics with words with the appropriate meaning 1. The children began to look for the way home. 2. A teacher was intended for Masha. 3.The expression on people's faces was sad. 4. Everyone listened to him attentively. 5.The picture evokes a sad and pitiful mood. 6.The remains of the royal family have finally been discovered. 7.An icebreaker set off for the long expanses of the Arctic. 8.We express a feeling of compassion towards the barge haulers.

Test yourself: task A-11 in the Unified State Exam format Indicate the lexical meaning of the word side in the sentence: We did not come to this city by chance: our relative on our mother’s side lives here. 1) terrain, space 2) surface 3) line of kinship 4) point of view

Test yourself: task A-11 in the Unified State Exam format Indicate the lexical meaning of the word ticket in a sentence: Schoolchildren brought the teacher an invitation card to the prom. 1) a document indicating the right to use something 2) A document certifying membership in an organization 3) A paper banknote 4) A piece of paper with some text

Test yourself: task A-11 in the Unified State Exam format Indicate the lexical meaning of the word tastes in a sentence: The etiquette, fashion and tastes of the French reached the highest development and perfection with the accession to the throne of Louis XIV. 1) Addiction to something 2) Style, manner 3) Feeling, understanding of grace 4) habit

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