The flight school in Orenburg will not be reanimated. Orenburg Vvaul Orenburg Higher Military Aviation Red Banner Pilot School

Nowadays they often talk about the collapse of industry that we received after the Soviet Union ceased to exist. But no less terrible and sad are the consequences of the closure of military schools. Orenburg Higher Military Aviation Red Banner Pilot School named after I.S. Polbina is one of those who fell under the tragic distribution of short-sightedness, stupidity and economy. Of the 7 military schools, 5 were closed - it turned out to be a painfully expensive pleasure to train great pilots capable of piloting all particularly complex flying equipment - from the helm of an airplane to a rocket, because the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was a graduate of this school.

You can also remember the Grasshopper and his friends in the film Only Old Men Go to Battle - an accelerated release of the Orenburg tap hole.

I've been very lucky in my life. My dad is a military pilot, and I owe my existence on earth to the OVVAKUL named after Polbin, where my dad came to fulfill his dream of the sky from Samarkand and where he met my mother. My sister owes her existence to him - her dad came to enroll here from Novokuznetsk, found a friend, my dad, for life, whose sister he married! And also many other already matured children who received a unique chance in life - a decent, responsible, intelligent, reliable, loving father - a graduate of the Orenburg Flight School.

Serious entrance exams, 4 years of training in the most difficult task - flying airplanes. The strictest discipline, the highest level of teachers and a ticket to a dangerous profession - all this was provided by the Orenburg Flight School named after Polbin. And also reliable friendship for life. Dad has three of them, especially close ones. And besides them, there are many more truly reliable fellow students. Offhand, some material but important examples include getting a demobilized dad a good job in Orenburg and helping him buy good cars in Novosibirsk. And all this is easy, because we studied together for 4 years and became comrades.

Graduates of the training camp served in garrisons throughout the country, and we served in the Far East. It is no coincidence that I say we - the whole family served. Service is both dangerous and difficult - these words apply not only to law enforcement officers. The Orenburg summer school released its cadets to where the words Duty are. Honor. Homeland was not an empty phrase.

After four years of flight school, where the level of education was incredibly high, those who got into heavy aircraft spent the same amount of time mastering this complex technique. And how to finish studying, and how to relearn. The reasons for one of the crashed planes were a complex of underestimated problems: little time for retraining from the captain of the ship, only 5 hours of flights and a pilot in charge, and his own insufficient physical parameters - a heavy plane required a powerful pilot. Remember the tragedy of Yaroslavl Lokomotiv? Wrong actions of good pilots who did not have time to retrain for another aircraft.

Only now am I beginning to realize the fragility of that family, that peaceful life, the value of those chocolates and juices in metal jars that were taken for granted. Strategic reconnaissance in the Pacific and Indian Oceans (Far Eastern garrisons) - that’s what my dad did with his fellow students and other graduates of the Orenburg Flight School, as well as other military schools. During the 9 years that I lived in the Far East, a regiment of 24 aircraft lost 4. They didn’t talk about this then. The reasons were different, out of 4 three - in the Pacific Ocean - no sound, no trace - nothing. At that time, Soviet planes “did not fall.”

Now Russia does not have strategic reconnaissance on heavy aircraft like the Tu 95. NOT AT ALL. And only Shoigu was the first to speak again about this important area of ​​the country’s defense capability - our enemies have not gone away, unfortunately - instead of Letka there is now a Diocese and a cadet corps. But what will be used to form the corps of reconnaissance pilots capable of flying heavy aircraft is unclear.

It’s been 21 years since there has been an Orenburg entrance. There is no school of duty, patriotism, reliability, decency, friendship. There is no school for great pilots. How much we have lost!

Over the years, the legendary Orenburg Flight School has produced outstanding Heroes of the Soviet Union, cosmonauts, future generals, scientists and famous pilots. More than twenty years ago it ceased its activities, but the memory of the school is still preserved by its former cadets and aviation enthusiasts. On the website of the educational institution you can find a lot of information about the activities of the school with photographs and eyewitness accounts of that time.

Early years

The Orenburg Military Flight School, whose official website is www.ovvakul.rf, was founded in 1921. Despite the fact that the then school of aerial shooting and bombing was founded in Moscow, and six years later moved to Orenburg, this date is considered the opening of the Orenburg Flight School.

In 1928, the Higher School of Military Pilots from Leningrad was moved to Orenburg. In 1939, the school was divided into two independent parts, the first of which trained pilots, and the second - navigators. This division made it possible to train cadets in both professions in more depth and quality.

Years of the Great Patriotic War

The Great Patriotic War became a huge test for the entire country. They also affected the Orenburg flight school. The school coped with its responsibility: in two years, pilots who formed front-line regiments were trained here. In total, during the war, the school trained more than 2,700 bomber pilots, many of whom distinguished themselves at the front. There were also losses: a large number of pilots died heroically while performing their duty.

Post-war transformations

After the war, the school began to seriously train personnel for the USSR Air Force. In the 1960s, a global change occurred in the school's activities. Now the educational institution is awarded the title of the highest military aviation school. In order for the new educational institution to meet all standards, a navigator school and a pilot school from Kirovabad are attached to it, along with their scientific and material equipment.

Now the Orenburg military flight school has become the largest in the country. The first cosmonaut school is being created on the basis of the educational institution, at the instigation of the administration of the school and the district. During this period, the school trains long-range and naval aviation pilots.

End of the school's activities

In 1993, the Orenburg Civil Aviation Flight School ceased its work. For some time, an aviation regiment was based on its territory, which was transferred from the Baltic countries due to the collapse of the Soviet Union. On the basis of the former military school, a cadet corps was created, which over time became an independent multidisciplinary educational institution.

In the year when the former school celebrated its eightieth anniversary, former graduates from all over the country came to congratulate the “letka”. The school building and its airfields were partially looted, despite the fact that the premises are classified as the cultural and historical heritage of the state. In 2013, a criminal case was opened in this regard, but it did not bring results. Today, the school buildings are shared by a cadet corps, a space museum and a theological seminary. The latter received part of the territory due to the fact that after the revolution, the Soviet government took away the building from the Orthodox diocese.

In 2016, the school celebrated its ninety-fifth anniversary. On this occasion, ceremonial events were held in the city with the participation of officials and former college cadets. On this day, an important issue was raised about restoring the former pride of the country - the legendary military flight school. The buildings of educational buildings, airfields, and control towers have long since fallen into disrepair and are in almost disrepair.

Aviators and concerned people spoke of the closure of the school as a big mistake by the authorities. Activists, led by some deputies, wrote a collective appeal to the administration with a request to reopen the school. However, due to the lack of need for personnel, the labor-intensive and costly nature of such a process, no positive decision was made.

Famous students of the Orenburg Air Force Aviation School

Among the huge number of former cadets of the school there are many famous heroes, cosmonauts and test pilots, famous scientists, musicians and poets. They all spoke with warmth and pride about their time studying at the Orenburg Flight School. Many OVVAKUL graduates deserve special mention.

Polbin Ivan Semenovich

The name of this man was given to the Orenburg Flight School in the late sixties. He was a brave and desperate hero who risked his life more than a hundred times in the fight against enemies during the Great Patriotic War.

The future hero was born in prison, where his mother, being a peasant, was sent for rebellious sentiments. The boy faced a difficult childhood, where he had to engage in heavy physical labor from an early age. However, one day he saw an article in a newspaper about airplanes and since then he became “sick” of aviation. After graduating from school, the young man joined the army, where he had every chance of making a good career on the ground, but his obsession with airplanes still haunted him. At Ivan’s request, the party facilitated his enrollment in the Orenburg flight school.

At flight school, Polbin stood out among his peers for his ability to master the material, his discipline and enthusiasm. After graduating from school, he stayed here to work as an instructor. After several years of work, Ivan is sent to study new types of equipment, in particular bombers. Polbin's first combat missions took place at Khalkhin Gol, where he developed effective combat tactics in which bombers not only successfully defended themselves against the enemy, but also inflicted heavy losses on them. For his services, Polbin received the first order.

During the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Semenovich led a dangerous operation to blow up an enemy fuel and lubricants warehouse. It only took two planes to bomb the warehouse and sow panic among the enemy. Already in the first year of the war, Polbin accurately destroyed more than 3,500 opponents, including officers, as well as a large amount of enemy equipment.

During the war years, Polbin repeatedly participated in combat missions to blow up bridges, warehouses and destroy enemy equipment. Eyewitnesses recalled him as an exceptionally gifted, courageous and balanced person. Ivan Semenovich received many valuable awards for his activities and made a significant contribution to the training of pilots, using innovative teaching and combat methods. During the next flight, the hero died six months before victory. Not only the school bears the name Polbina, but also other educational institutions and his place of birth.

Polbin Ivan Semenovich during the Great Patriotic War

Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich

Every schoolchild knows the name Gagarin. Many people dreamed, like him, of going into space. The life of this great man was cut short too early, but he managed to do a lot for the country during this time. The boy was born into a large family in the Smolensk region. Gagarin and his family spent the war years under occupation. One day he saw a plane in the sky. The sight deeply impressed Yuri: he sincerely admired the pilots and powerful machines.

Before mastering the aviation profession, the young man graduated with honors from a vocational school. The strong guy had no health problems and went in for sports. Before entering aviation school, Gagarin studied at a flying club, where he made several parachute jumps.

Gagarin received his flying profession in Orenburg, at the Voroshilov Pilot School. He always remembered this time with warmth, saying that it was here that he made friends, met his future wife and learned to fly an airplane.

Before the famous flight, Gagarin managed to build a good career in his field. Thanks to him, the Orenburg School was often called “Gagarin” in memory of the eminent cadet. In 1963, a cosmonaut school was opened here, which bore the name of the first Russian cosmonaut.

Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich

Airplanes at the Orenburg Flight School

The country's aviation experienced changes during various periods of its life. New models of equipment were created, sometimes aircraft were purchased from Germany and other countries. The Orenburg School provided training on most running aircraft models. The entire history of OVVAKUL aircraft can be divided into three major stages:

  • pre-war years (1920-30s);
  • war period;
  • post-war years until the closure of the school.

Until 1930, the country not only produced its own equipment (airplanes M, Lebed, I, SB, R, U, UT, MIG, Yak of various models), but also purchased popular models from abroad. With the development of their own aircraft construction, the USSR and the Orenburg School switched to domestically produced equipment.

MiG-15, front view

Since 1939, due to the outbreak of World War II and the unstable international situation in the country, new models were urgently released: LaGG, MiG, Yak, Pe and many others. During the war, the Orenburg School rapidly trained pilots for combat operations at the front.

After the war, the development of new aircraft was actively underway. We cannot lag behind Western countries: tensions between major states are growing. Then jet and supersonic models of fighters and bombers are developed. OVVAKUL begins to train cadets for naval aviation. Such activities were carried out until the collapse of the USSR and the closure of the school. The main aircraft on which OVVAKUL cadets flew were Il-10, Yak-18, MiG-15, Il-28, Yak-28, L-29, Tu-134UBL. The flights were carried out at several airfields and training grounds, which are now empty.

In contact with

Preparation and holding of the 95th anniversary of OVVAKUL named after I.S. Polbin
August 10, 2016 marks the 95th anniversary of the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation Red Banner Pilot School (OVVAKUL) named after. I.S. Polbina, which during its existence produced about 32 thousand pilots, of which 343 were Heroes of the Soviet Union and Socialist Labor, 10 of them twice. The first cosmonaut on the planet, Yu.A. Gagarin, is a graduate of the I.S. Polbin OVVAKUL.
(Chairman of the Council of Veterans of OVVAKUL V.N. Sorokoletov)
PLAN for preparing and holding the 95th anniversary of the I.S. Polbin OVVAKUL
Foundation of the Council of Veterans of OVVAKUL named after I.S. Polbin
Orenburg Higher Military Aviation Red Banner School of Pilots named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union I.S. Polbin (OVVAKUL named after I.S. Polbin) is one of the oldest educational institutions of the Air Force of the USSR Armed Forces, created in 1921. The Orenburg School is a school of heroes , rich in historical heritage and military traditions. It became famous for its command personnel, teachers, and flight instructors, and therefore many of its graduates glorified the Motherland far beyond its borders. About 32 thousand pilots, navigators and ground specialists are trained and educated here. In the orders of the Minister of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, the Orenburg Aviation School was noted among the best military educational institutions in the country. Its graduates worthily protected the peaceful labor of the Soviet people. Many times they pleased the Fatherland and the world community with the words “for the first time”, “the first”, and their exploits became the main events of the century. The first cosmonaut of our planet, Yu.A. Gagarin, graduated from the Orenburg flight school in 1957. Graduates heroically and courageously performed their international duty in Spain, China, Mongolia; in air battles on Khasan and in the Soviet-Finnish war. They showed particular maturity and talent during the Great Patriotic War, defeating the fascist invaders and Japanese militarists on all fronts, in all 20 Air Armies, in the Navy aviation, and in the country's air defense forces. Together with ground troops, thirteen states of Europe and Asia were liberated from enemy occupation. Among the graduates of the Orenburg School are over 340 Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation (including 10 twice Heroes), 150 generals, 250 well-known test pilots and honored military pilots in the country and the world, 4 cosmonauts, several laureates of state awards, dozens of scientists . The Orenburg School fulfilled a state task, training flight personnel for Albania, Hungary, China, Mongolia, and Poland. The names of over a thousand famous pets are embodied in bronze busts and monuments; in the names of cities and villages, squares and streets. Their lives and exploits are mentioned in encyclopedias, described in books, songs and poems, and filmed in feature films and documentaries.
August 10, 2016 marks the 95th anniversary of the creation of the Orenburg VVAKUL named after. I.S. Half a pint!

For our Soviet Motherland!
Orenburg Higher Military Aviation Red Banner Pilot School (OVVAKUL) named after. I.S. Polbina
(doc. film, 35 min.)

Until 1993, in Orenburg, on the picturesque bank of the Ural River, one of the oldest educational institutions in the Air Force was located - the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation Red Banner Pilot School named after I.S. Polbin.
The school traces its history back to the Moscow School of Air Combat and Bombing, the formation of which began by decree of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 1951 of August 10, 1921. On August 9, 1922, she was transferred to the town of Serpukhov near Moscow. The most famous graduate of the school was V.P. Chkalov. Orenburg bore his name from 1938 to 1957.
In the period from June 20 to October 16, 1927, the Serpukhov Higher Air Combat School was relocated to Orenburg. On the long route Serpukhov-Penza-Orenburg, instructor pilots ferried the planes. For the first time in the history of aviation, the flight of a large group of aircraft was carried out without flight incidents and was enthusiastically received by Orenburg residents. The grand opening of the school took place on November 7, 1927.
On October 1, 1928, by Order of the Revolutionary Military Council No. 280, the “Leningrad Higher School of Pilot Observers” was relocated to Orenburg, which became part of the Third Military School of Pilots and Pilot Observers.
Over the past years, the school has gone through a long and glorious military path, acquired rich experience in training pilots with secondary, and since 1960, with higher education. In June 1938, the 3rd VASHL was transformed into VAUL named after. K.E.Voroshilova.
In February 1939, the school was divided into two independent schools: the First Chkalov Military Aviation School of Pilots named after. K.E.Voroshilova (Sovetskaya St.) and the Second Chkalov Military Aviation School of Navigators (Chelyuskintsev St.). This division made it possible to improve the training conditions for pilots and navigators.
The school trained tens of thousands of air fighters. It brought up many of those who glorified the Soviet Motherland with heroic deeds and enriched aviation science and technology with new discoveries and achievements.
About 350 generals, graduates of the school, commanded aviation units in various years. Thousands of pilots, navigators and other aviation specialists have served and continue to carry out military service in almost all aviation garrisons of the country.
Such prominent pilots as S.I. Gritsevets, A.K. Serov, P.F. Zhigarev, A.B. Yumashev, F.P. Polynin gained their wings at the school. Honored military pilots of the USSR L.I. Beda, S.D. Prutkov, M.S. Kobyakov studied there. Hero of the Soviet Union A.M. Antonov became an honored military navigator of the USSR. The high title of Honored Test Pilots of the USSR was awarded to A.P. Yakimov, N.I. Rusakova, K.K. Rykov, E.F. Milyutichev, V.P. Khomyakov and others. The world's first jet aircraft tester, Hero of the Soviet, graduated from the school Union of G.Ya.Bakhchivandzhi.
The students of the Orenburg Flight have increased the heroic traditions of aviation. They wrote outstanding pages in its history. These are the heroic flights of V.P. Chkalov and M.M. Gromov with their crews across the North Pole to America, this is the courage and bravery of the Orenburg pilots in air battles in the area of ​​Lake Khasan, on the Khalkhin Gol River, on the Karelian Isthmus. The names of the school's graduates are well known not only in our country. They are remembered both in Spain and Mongolia.
During the Great Patriotic War, despite great difficulties, the school successfully trained aviation personnel for the active army. With the help of the 1st Chkalov Military Aviation Pilot School in June-November 1941, the 593rd, 611th, 616th, 617th and 624th bomber aircraft were formed for the front from the flight and technical personnel and aircraft of the school. shelves. Five issues were produced over two years. A number of front-line units underwent flight training, formation and retraining. A battalion of special purpose cadets and a number of marching companies were sent to the Voronezh Front (1942). In February 1942, the School began training cadets for the Il-2 attack aircraft. More than 2,700 pilots were graduated by the end of the war. Orenburg residents demonstrated massive heroism on all fronts of the Great Patriotic War. In the battles for the honor and independence of the Motherland, 33 of them carried out aerial rams, 52 pilots repeated the feat of Nikolai Gastello. N.V. Gomanenko, I.F. Pavlov, I.S. Polbin, E.I. Pichugin are forever included in the lists of personnel of the aviation regiments. Among the students of the school there are 341 Heroes of the Soviet Union. And pilots S.I.Gritsevets, L.I.Beda, T.Ya.Begeldinov, S.D.Lugansky, V.N.Osipov, I.S.Polbin, I.F.Pavlov, A.S.Smirnov and E.P. Fedorov was awarded this title twice.
The names of the school's graduates have been assigned to many cities, villages and educational institutions, dozens of squares and streets, and hundreds of schools.
After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the school, in accordance with new conditions, restructured its work on training aviation personnel. His team successfully completed the training of pilots for the air force.
The sixties occupy a special place in the history of the school. In accordance with new requirements, in the spring of 1960, the school was one of the first in the Air Force to be transformed into the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (OVVAUL). To staff the school, it received personnel and educational facilities from the Orenburg School of Navigators and the Kirovobad School of Pilots (previously transferred to Orsk).
The school became one of the largest educational institutions of the Air Force. Its graduate Yu.A. Gagarin made the world's first flight into space on April 12, 1961 and laid the foundation for the profession of cosmonaut pilots. In 1960, USSR pilot-cosmonaut Hero of the Soviet Union V.V. Lebedev studied at the Orenburg Flight School. In 1969, pilot-cosmonaut Hero of the Soviet Union A.S. Viktorenko graduated from the school with honors.
On December 23, 1963, on the initiative of the Orenburg Regional Committee of the Komsomol and the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, the first school of young cosmonauts in the Soviet Union was created.
Since May 1967, OVVAUL began to bear the name of a student of the school, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation Ivan Semenovich Polbin. Since 1970, naval and long-range aviation pilots have been trained here.
In 1993, the flight school was disbanded. On its basis, the Orenburg Cadet Corps was created, which not only continues the traditions of the legendary “flight school”, but also leads its own history. The first anniversary is behind us - the fifth anniversary, 649 parachute jumps, 75 independent flights on a combat aircraft. From an Air Force school, the cadet corps gradually turned into a multidisciplinary educational institution, providing initial training in flight, helicopter, aviation engineering, missile, anti-aircraft missile, and firefighting.
Since 1993, the Berlin Order of Kutuzov III degree military transport aviation regiment, withdrawn from the Baltic states, has been located on the territory of the former flight school.
On August 10, 2001, the Orenburg “letka” turned 80 years old. During this time, about 32 thousand pilots, navigators and ground specialists were trained and educated there. Many of them (some with gray hair) fulfilled their promise and came to Orenburg on the anniversary of their school.

Names of flight school:

  • August 10, 1921 - Moscow School of Air Combat and Bombing
  • August 9, 1922 - Serpukhov Aviation School of Aerial Shooting and Bombing
  • March 1925 - Serpukhov Higher Military Aviation School of Air Combat
  • autumn 1928 - Third military school of pilots and pilot observers
  • June 1938 - Military Aviation School named after K.E. Voroshilov
  • February 2, 1939 - First Chkalov Military Aviation School named after K.E. Voroshilov
  • February 2, 1939 - Second Chkalov Military Aviation School of Navigators
  • January 15, 1941 - First Chkalov Military Aviation Pilot School named after K.E. Voroshilov
  • October 1, 1945 - First Chkalov Military Aviation School named after K.E. Voroshilov
  • 1957 - First Orenburg Military Aviation School of Pilots
  • spring 1960 - Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (OVVAUL)
  • May 1967 - Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School named after I.S. Polbin

Information sources:

  • Orenburg flight / I.S. Kopylov, A.N. Lazukin, G.L. Raikin, M., Voenizdat, 1976 /


  • I.S.Kopylov

Orenburg Higher Military Aviation Red Banner Pilot School named after I. S. Polbin (OVVAKUL) is a former military flight school that existed in the city of Orenburg.

The school traces its history back to the Moscow School of Air Combat and Bombing, the formation of which began on August 10, 1921. On August 9, 1922 she was transferred to the city of Serpukhov, and on June 20, 1927 she was relocated to Orenburg. The instructor pilots moved the planes along the route Serpukhov - Penza - Orenburg. In the fall of 1928, the Higher Military School of Observer Pilots was relocated from Leningrad to Orenburg, which became part of the Third Military School of Pilots and Observer Pilots. In June 1938, the 3rd VASHL was transformed into VAUL named after. K. E. Voroshilova. In February 1939, the school was divided into two independent schools: the First Chkalov Military Aviation School of Pilots named after. K.E. Voroshilova and the Second Chkalov Military Aviation School of Navigators, which made it possible to improve the training conditions for pilots and navigators. At the end of the 1940s, training at the school was carried out on Il-10 aircraft; in the first half of the 1950s, the Orenburg Aviation School received Il-28 and MiG-15 jet aircraft. In 1960 it received the status of a higher educational institution; The school received personnel and educational and material resources from the Orenburg Air Force Navigation School and the Kirovobad Pilot School (previously transferred to the city of Orsk). On December 23, 1963, on the initiative of the Orenburg Regional Committee of the Komsomol and the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, the first school of young cosmonauts in the Soviet Union was created. Since May 1967, it was named after the twice Hero of the Soviet Union, General Polbin. In the orders of the Minister of Defense of the USSR and the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, the school was noted among the best military educational institutions in the country in 1931, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1944, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1956, 1957, 1967, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1983. On February 12, 1993, the school was disbanded. On the basis of the school, the Orenburg Cadet Corps was created - a multidisciplinary educational institution that provides initial training in flight, helicopter, aviation engineering, missile, anti-aircraft missile, and firefighting. At the same time, the Berlin Order of Kutuzov III degree military transport aviation regiment, withdrawn from the Baltic states, was located on the territory of the former flight school (its aircraft are based at the Orenburg-2 airfield). In 2013, the Orenburg prosecutor's office initiated a criminal case for failure to preserve a historical and cultural monument - the building of the Orenburg Higher Military Flight School - under Art. 243.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of the requirements for the preservation of a cultural heritage site, resulting in large-scale damage through negligence). Since 2003, the non-residential premises of the former school were transferred by local authorities to federal ownership and were under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Now the building houses the Space Museum, which is a branch of the Orenburg History Museum, the Orenburg Cadet Boarding School...

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