The greatest secrets of Mars. Mysterious and mysterious planet mars

In the solar system, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, there is an asteroid belt. Scientists believe that in this orbit there used to be a planet called Phaethon, which collided with the planet Nibiru and broke up into asteroids. It's right?

Scientists suggest that a highly developed civilization lived on Mars, which ceased to exist about 1 million years ago. What caused the death of civilization on Mars?

On Mars, there is a huge extinct Olympus volcano with a height of 27 km and a crater diameter of 85 km. On the other side of the planet there is a huge depression symmetrically located. What are the reasons for this cataclysm?


One of the mysteries of the planets Mars and Phaeton is that in ancient times, Galactic wars took place in their orbits between alien highly developed civilizations (HCs) with negative polarity, which used powerful explosive beam weapons. The cause of the wars was the struggle for the colonization of the planets of the solar system in order to conduct experiments on them with intelligent life and for their resources. This period coincided with the approach of a planetary system orbiting a neutron star to the Solar System.

Planet X (or Nibiru) of this star system is 4 times larger than Earth in diameter and even larger compared to Phaethon and Mars. In an elongated ellipsoidal orbit, it passes through the orbits of the planets of the Solar System once every 3600 years. The powerful gravitational forces of Planet X were able to displace Phaeton from its orbit. There was no collision between them, but under the influence of strong gravity and the resulting instability of the core, Phaeton was torn into fragments that formed the asteroid belt.

In addition, the gravitational force of Planet X tore the atmosphere from Mars, some of whose inhabitants took refuge in pre-built cities under the surface. Your observers reminded the warring parties about the approach of Planet X and the upcoming cataclysms. But the war is a distraction. The energy spent on military operations weakened the energy resources of the warring parties, which did not allow them to save Phaeton, even by joining forces at the last moment. But these joint efforts made it possible to preserve and stabilize the core of the Earth, which did not escape cataclysms.

The death of Martian civilization on the surface

One of the large fragments of Phaeton reached Mars and crashed into it. At the site where the asteroid fell on Mars, a huge depression was formed, and on the opposite side, where tectonic plates broke, a super volcano formed with a powerful eruption of magma. At the same time, there were significant casualties among the Martians. The strong gravitational influence of planet X and the collision of the asteroid with Mars led to the loss of its atmosphere, a drop in the magnetic field strength, a decrease in the planet's gravity, the activation of the eruption of all volcanoes, a shift of tectonic plates and the appearance of a super volcano.

Living on the surface of Martians became impossible. Such wars, which contributed to serious cataclysms and loss of planets, were then prohibited by the Creator. Now on Mars, in cities under the surface, a civilization of Martians has been preserved, where they have built dome-shaped and pyramidal buildings in vast cities, the tops of which are visible on the surface. In the depths of the planet there are large water basins. People from Earth live with them there, and by interbreeding with the inhabitants of Mars, they have already created several generations. They are already adapted to living conditions and gravity. Corrugated pipes, partially extending to the surface, are communication structures for Martians and are used to move vehicles and cargo.

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Hundreds of NASA scientists and engineers continue to oversee the work of the Opportunity and Curiosity rovers. High-tech chemical laboratories on wheels daily send information about the planet to Earth, to which it is planned to send the first expedition, which will include people, in a relatively short time.

At the moment, the estimated period of active operation of the devices on the surface of Mars has long expired, but thanks to the genius of their creators, the rovers continue to work for the benefit of humanity to this day, from time to time presenting scientists with the most complex mysteries.

While scientific luminaries are trying to find a logical explanation for the mysteries of the fourth planet, conspiracy theorists and ufologists often use the obtained materials to announce evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence.

Opportunity and the Jelly Donut Mystery

The Opportunity rover's workload in 2014 was relatively small. The reason for this is the considerable service life of the robot on the surface of Mars, which it touched on January 25, 2004.

At that time, scientists called the effective operating life of the device 90 sols (Martian days, which last a little longer than Earth ones), but the successful design of the rover and innovative technologies allow it to collect information to this day. It was Opportunity that proved that in the distant past fresh water existed on Mars, which formed river beds.

Opportunity is preparing to celebrate its 11th anniversary on Mars

During its work on Mars, Opportunity has worn out quite a bit, some of its equipment has failed, so the rover is practically standing still. However, on January 8, 2014, the robot still managed to drive its engineers into a dead end, as well as that part of the Earth's population that monitors the research of the neighboring planet.

In the picture sent by the device, right next to the Mars rover, which was not there a few days ago.

A strange rock that scientists discovered in one of the Opportunity images

While geologists and project engineers were trying to understand the reasons for the appearance of an unknown object near Opportunity, the news had already spread across the Internet, giving rise to a heated discussion of the event. Some Internet resources related to ufology immediately tried to explain the appearance of a strange stone as evidence of the presence of intelligent life on Mars, and also to accuse NASA of hiding evidence.

Steve Squires (the lead scientist of the Opportunity project) added fuel to the fire with his joke at one of the presentations when he said that the discovered stone looked like a “jelly donut.” This gave rise to another wave of humor on the Internet, and some managed to take the statement seriously.

After some time, NASA employees were still able to explain the reasons for the appearance of an unknown object near the rover. When the scientists managed to move the car a short distance, the cameras examined the area under it and found nearby rock, from which a small pebble fell off. This most likely happened at the moment when the Opportunity chassis was slipping in an attempt to move the device.


However, the scientists were not particularly disappointed, because the chemical composition of the found stone turned out to be extremely interesting for geologists and allowed them to draw several conclusions about the concentration of substances in the rock of Mars under the influence of water currents.

Curiosity: 28 months on Mars

Like Opportunity, Curiosity, the third-generation rover, has already passed its planned time on Mars. At the same time, the device continues its research mission.

Over two and a half years of work on the neighboring planet, the robot collected a large amount of information necessary for scientists to ensure the safety of interplanetary flights for the human body, as well as living on the surface of an alien planet.

The other day, The New York Times published a video, “28 Months on Mars,” dedicated to the rover’s work on the Red Planet. The creators put together a two-minute video from footage taken by Curiosity itself during its entire stay on Mars, starting on August 6, 2012. The last image is dated December 3, 2014, on Sol 827 of the device’s operation.

During the routine work of exploring the surface of Mars, Curiosity often witnesses mysterious events that baffle NASA scientists.

A strange glow in Curiosity images and a theory about Martians

April 3 on the NASA website, where with the naked eye you can see a strange white spot, most similar to light of artificial origin.

American ufologist Scott Waring was the first to notice this and hastened to post the photo on his website. The ufologist claimed that the strange glow, in his opinion, is not a sun flare or a graphic artifact in the photograph, opaquely hinting that aliens were involved. Here Waring accused scientists from NASA that they could “take a ride” on a rover to the source of the strange glow, but they deliberately slow down the research and do not try to find life on Mars.

A mysterious glow in one of the Curiosity photographs has caused a lot of controversy among astronomy enthusiasts.
Photo: NASA

While less radical readers on the Internet joked that the Martians managed to unscrew the “spare tire” from the rover and are now burning tires behind the hill, scientists from the NASA laboratory tried to explain to the public that such artifacts in the photographs are not uncommon.

Doug Ellison, who is one of the JPL employees, explained on Twitter that the appearance of this glow in the image is caused by cosmic rays. This theory is confirmed by the fact that the artifact is only present in the image from the right lens of the Navcam system, while the left “eye” did not detect the anomaly.

Detection of the first possible signs of life on Mars

In December 2014, a message appeared on the NASA website that Curiosity experienced a short-term anomalous increase in the concentration of methane in the atmosphere near the probe. For scientists, such data may become the main evidence of the presence of life on Mars, but they are wisely in no hurry to draw conclusions and continue to analyze the data.

The release of methane was recorded twice - at the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014, at which time the concentration of gas near the rover was ten times higher than normal. If we take into account the fact that almost all microorganisms on our planet produce methane during their life activities, then such a discovery could become sensational and radically change the methodology for the exploration of Mars.

Curiosity's second discovery has scientists even more excited. When the robot extracted samples from the rock, which received the name Cumberland, and carried out their chemical analysis, organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen were found in the rock - the main building material of life on our planet.

Researchers treated such information with distrust, since the molecules could have been brought to the surface of Mars by Curiosity itself. It took many months to verify the data, and only now scientists have published the results and confidently stated that the organic compounds are of Martian origin.

Hole in Cumberland Rock. It was from it that a rock sample with organic compounds was obtained.
Photo: NASA

Of course, hydrocarbons can exist separately from organic forms, but such a discovery gives scientists great hope for discovering life beyond our planet.

Despite the fact that in conspiracy theorist circles there are still theories according to which none of the rovers have ever reached the Red Planet, and all the pictures were allegedly taken in the Nevada desert, the crowns of humankind’s technical evolution work tirelessly on the alien planet every day. Little robots are extracting information for those earthlings who are expected to soon set off on the first manned expedition to Mars.

04/07/2016 6 242 0 Jadaha

Secrets of the Universe

“Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars - science does not know” - this is a difficult aphorism from the popular film comedy “Carnival Night”, which has widely entered our colloquial language and has become a running joke. The main thing here is that this phrase is very has long reflected our actual level of knowledge about the existence of life on the Red Planet. And only now, in recent years, when the latest scientific observations, research, facts have been collected and processed, all this allows us to say: “There was life on Mars!”

Why is Mars red?

Since time immemorial, Mars has been called the “Red Planet.” The bright red disk hanging in the night sky during the years of the Great Controversies, when this planet was as close as possible to the Earth, has always evoked some kind of alarming feeling in people. It is no coincidence that the Babylonians, and then the ancient Greeks and The ancient Romans associated the planet Mars with the god of war Ares or Mars and believed that the time of Great Confrontations was associated with the most brutal wars. This gloomy omen, oddly enough, sometimes comes true in our time: for example, the Great Confrontation of Mars in 1940-1941 coincided with the first years of World War II.

But why is Mars red? Where does this blood color come from? Oddly enough, the similarity in the color of the planet and blood is explained by the same reason: the abundance of iron oxide. Iron oxides stain blood hemoglobin; Ferric oxides combined with sand and dust cover the surface of Mars. Soviet and American space stations making a soft landing in the Martian deserts transmitted color images to Earth of rocky plains covered with red ferruginous sand. Although the Martian atmosphere is very thin (it is as dense as the Earth's atmosphere at an altitude of 30 kilometers), dust storms here are unusually strong. Sometimes it happens that due to dust, astronomers cannot see the surface of this planet for months.

American stations transmitted information about the chemical composition of Martian soil and bedrock: deep dark rocks predominate on Mars - andesites and basalts with a high content of iron oxide (about 10 percent), which is part of silicates; these rocks are covered with soil - a product of weathering of deep rocks. The content of sulfur and iron oxides in the soil is sharply increased - up to 20 percent. This indicates that the red Martian soil consists of iron oxides and hydroxides with an admixture of ferruginous clays and calcium and magnesium sulfates. On Earth, soils of this type are also found quite often. They are called red weathering crusts. They are formed in conditions of a warm climate, an abundance of water and free oxygen in the atmosphere.

In all likelihood, red-colored weathering crusts arose under similar conditions on Mars. Mars is red because its surface is covered with a thick layer of “rust”, which corrodes the dark deep rocks. Here one can only be amazed at the insight of medieval alchemists who made the astronomical sign of Mars a symbol of iron.

In fact, “rust” - an oxide film on the surface of a planet - is a rare phenomenon in the solar system. It exists only on Earth and Mars. On other planets and numerous large satellites of planets, even on those that are believed to have water (in the form of ice), deep rocks remain unchanged for almost billions of years.

The red sands of Mars, scattered by hurricanes, are particles of the weathering crust of deep rocks. On Earth, in our time, such dust is cursed by drivers on the dirt roads of Africa and India. And in past eras, when our planet had a greenhouse climate, red-colored crusts, like lichens, covered the surface of all continents. Therefore, red sands and clays are found in sediments of all geological eras. The total mass of red colors on Earth is very large.

Red-colored weathering crusts appeared on Earth a very long time ago, but only after free oxygen appeared in the atmosphere. It is estimated that all the oxygen in the earth's atmosphere (1200 trillion tons) is produced by green plants almost instantly by geological standards - in 3700 years! But if the earth's vegetation dies, free oxygen will disappear very quickly: it will again combine with organic matter, become part of carbon dioxide, and also oxidize iron in rocks. The atmosphere of Mars is now only 0.1 percent oxygen, but 95 percent carbon dioxide; the rest is nitrogen and argon. To transform Mars into the “Red Planet,” the current amount of oxygen in its atmosphere would be clearly insufficient. Consequently, “rust” appeared in such large quantities not now, but much earlier.

Let's try to calculate how much free oxygen had to be removed from the atmosphere of Mars to form Martian red flowers? The surface of Mars is 28 percent of the Earth's surface. To form a weathering crust with a total thickness of 1 kilometer, about 5,000 trillion tons of free oxygen were removed from the atmosphere of Mars. This suggests that there was once no less free oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars than on Earth.

So there was life!

Frozen rivers of Mars

There was a lot of water on Mars. This is evidenced by photographs obtained by spacecraft of an extensive river network and grandiose river valleys, similar to the famous Colorado Canyon in the USA. The frozen seas and lakes of Mars are now likely covered in red sand. It seems that Mars went through the Great Ice Ages together with the Earth. On Earth, the last great glaciation ended only 12-13 thousand years ago. And now we live in an era of global warming. Photographs of Mars show that many kilometers of permafrost are also thawing there. This is evidenced by giant landslides of melting red soil along the slopes of river valleys. Since the climate of Mars is much colder than that of Earth, it emerges from the era of the last glaciation much later than us.

So, the combined influence of water and oxygen in the atmosphere and an even warmer climate than now could have led to Mars being covered with such a thick layer of “rust”, and now visible from many hundreds of millions of kilometers away as a “red eye”. And one more condition: this “rust” could only arise if the “Red Planet” once had lush vegetation.

Is there any evidence that this was the case? Americans discovered a meteorite in the ice of Antarctica, thrown by some terrible explosion from the surface of Mars. This stone preserved something similar to the remains of primitive bacteria. Their age is about three billion years. The ice shell of Antarctica began to form only 16 million years ago. But it is unknown how long a fragment of Martian rock was spinning in space before falling to Earth. Strong explosions on Mars, according to many experts, occurred not so long ago - 30-35 million years ago.

The history of the development of life on Earth shows that in just 200 million years, the primitive blue-green algae of the Precambrian turned into the mighty forests of the Carboniferous period. This means that on Mars there was more than enough time for the development of complex life forms (from those primitive bacteria that were imprinted on stone to lush impenetrable forests).

That is why, to the question: “Is there life on Mars?..” - I think we should answer: “There was life on Mars!” Now it is apparently practically absent, because the oxygen content in the Martian atmosphere is negligible.

What could destroy life on this planet? It is unlikely that this happened due to the Great Glaciations. The history of the Earth quite convincingly shows that life still manages to adapt to glaciations. Most likely, life on the “Red Planet” was destroyed by impacts of giant asteroids. And evidence of these impacts is red magnetic iron oxide, which makes up more than half of the iron oxides in the red colors of Mars.

Maghemite on Mars and on Earth

Analysis of the red sands of Mars has revealed an amazing feature: they are magnetic! The red flowers of the Earth, which have the same chemical composition, are non-magnetic. This sharp difference in physical properties is explained by the fact that the “dye” in earthly red flowers is iron oxide - the mineral hematite (from the Greek “hematos” - blood) with an admixture of limonite (iron hydroxide), and on Mars the main dye is the mineral maghemite. It is a red magnetic iron oxide having the structure of the magnetic mineral magnetite.

Hematite and limonite are widely distributed iron ores on Earth, but maghemite is rare among terrestrial rocks. It is sometimes formed during the oxidation of magnetite. Maghemite is an unstable mineral; when heated above 220 degrees, it loses its magnetic properties and turns into hematite.

Modern industry produces large quantities of synthetic maghemite - magnetic iron oxide. It is used, for example, as a sound carrier in tapes. The reddish-brown color of tapes is due to the admixture of the finest magnetic iron oxide powder, which is obtained by calcining iron hydroxide (an analogue of the mineral limonite) to 800-1000 degrees. Such magnetic iron oxide is stable and does not lose its magnetic properties upon repeated calcination.

Maghemite was considered a rare mineral on Earth until geologists discovered that the territory of Yakutia was literally covered with a huge amount of magnetic iron oxide. This unexpected discovery was made by our geological group when, during the search for diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes, many “false anomalies” were revealed. They were very similar to kimberlite pipes, but differed in an increased concentration of magnetic iron oxide. It was heavy red-brown sand, which remained after calcination magnetic, like its synthetic counterpart. I described it as a new mineral variety and called it “stable maghemite.” But many questions arose: why does it differ in properties from “ordinary” maghemite, why is it similar to synthetic magnetic iron oxide, why is there so much of it in Yakutia, but not among the numerous red flowers of ancient deposits or in the equatorial belt of the Earth?.. Doesn’t that mean is it that some mighty stream of energy once calcined the surface of northeastern Siberia?

I see the answer in the sensational discovery of a giant meteorite crater in the basin of the Siberian river Popigai. The diameter of the Popigai crater is 130 km, and to the southeast there are also traces of other “star wounds”, also considerable - tens of kilometers in diameter. This terrible catastrophe occurred about 35 million years ago. Perhaps it determined the boundary of two geological eras - the Eocene and Oligocene, at the border of which archaeologists find traces of a sharp change in types of life.

The energy of the cosmic impact was truly monstrous. The asteroid's diameter is 8-10 km, its mass is about three trillion tons, its speed is 20-30 km/s. It pierced the atmosphere like a bullet through a sheet of paper. The impact energy melted 4-5 thousand cubic kilometers of rocks, mixing together basalts, granites, and sedimentary rocks. Within a radius of several thousand kilometers, all living things died, the water of rivers and lakes evaporated, and the surface of the Earth was calcined by cosmic flame.

The fact that the temperature and pressure at the time of impact were monstrous is evidenced by special minerals that are now found in the rocks of the Popigai crater. They could only arise under “unearthly” pressures of hundreds of thousands of atmospheres. These are heavy modifications of silica - coesite and stishovite, as well as a hexagonal modification of diamond - lonsdaleite. The Popigai crater is the world's largest deposit of diamonds, but only non-cubic ones, as in kimberlite pipes, and hexagonal. Unfortunately, the quality of these crystals is so low that they cannot be used even in technology. And finally, another result of powerful calcination. The red-colored limonite crusts that came to the surface received such a burn that the iron hydroxides turned into red magnetic iron oxide - stable maghemite.

The discovery of huge quantities of red magnetic iron oxide in Yakutia is the key to unraveling the magnetism of red crusts on Mars. After all, on this planet there are more than a hundred meteorite craters, each of which is larger than Popigaisky, and there are countless smaller ones.

Mars was “hard hit” by meteorite bombardment. Moreover, many of the craters are relatively young. Since the surface of Mars is almost four times smaller than the Earth’s, it is clear that it was subjected to powerful calcination, a cosmic burn, during which the magnetization of the ferruginous weathering crusts occurred. The content of maghemite in the soil of Mars is - 5-8 percent. The current thin atmosphere of this planet can also be explained by an asteroid attack: gases at high temperatures turned into plasma and were forever thrown into space. The oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars seems to be relict: this is an insignificant remnant of the oxygen that gave birth to life destroyed by asteroids .

The third satellite of Mars?

Why did asteroids attack the “Red Planet” so violently? Is it only because it is located closest to the “asteroid belt” - the fragments of the mysterious planet Phaeton, which may have once existed in this orbit? Astronomers suggest that Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos were once captured by the planet's gravitational field from the asteroid belt.

Phobos orbits Mars in a circular orbit at a distance of only 5920 km from the planet's surface. During a Martian day (24 hours 37 minutes) it manages to fly around the planet three times. According to some calculations, Phobos is almost very close to the so-called “Roche limit,” that is, to the critical distance at which gravitational forces tear the satellite apart. Phobos is shaped like a potato. Its length is 27 km, width -19 km. The collapse and fall of fragments of such a giant “potato” will cause terrible impacts on Mars and new calcination of its surface. The remnants of the atmosphere, of course, will be torn off and go into space in the form of a stream of hot plasma.

The idea arises that Mars has already experienced something similar in the past. It is possible that he had at least one more companion. A better name for him would be Thanatos - Death. Thanatos passed through the Roche limit, ahead of the now dying Phobos. It may very well be that it was these debris that destroyed all life on Mars. They wiped out plant life from the surface of Mars and destroyed the dense oxygen atmosphere. During their fall, the red crust of Mars became magnetized.

The next few million years were enough for Mars to turn into a lifeless desert with frozen seas and rivers covered with red magnetic sand. Similar or smaller cataclysms are not at all a miracle in the world of planets. Does anyone on Earth now remember that on the site of the gigantic Sahara desert, just 6 thousand years ago, high-water rivers flowed, forests rustled and life was in full swing?..

The best scientists in the world started talking about the existence of life on this planet.

In 1976, the American Viking orbital station, flying around Mars, sent photographs that scientists still argue about.

“A clear image of the face of a man wearing a headdress. It has an unambiguous connection with the pyramid complex. The complex of pyramids and sphinx on Mars and on Earth was built in the same architectural style,” says expert in the field of space research Alexander Semenov.

After this, even serious scientists started talking about the possible existence of life on Mars. One of them was Academician Shklovsky, founder of the school of modern astrophysics, laureate of the Lenin Prize for the concept of an artificial comet. Shklovsky is one of the few academic scientists who seriously discussed the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

It was Shklovsky who first suggested that the Martian satellite Phobos has anomalous properties. Phobos is the only planetary satellite in the solar system whose orbital period is shorter than that of the planet itself. It makes one revolution in 7 hours 39 minutes 14 seconds, which is about a third faster than the rotation of Mars around its own axis. According to all laws, Phobos is behaving “wrongly.”

“It rotates on its axis in a strange way. Mathematical calculations were made, and it turned out that if Phobos were a completely solid object, it would have a completely different mass, it would have a different trajectory,” says Sergei Sukhinov, candidate of technical sciences.

Explaining such an anomaly, Academician Shklovsky put forward a truly revolutionary version. The scientist stated that Phobos is empty inside, which means it is a satellite of artificial origin.

According to scientists, 4 billion years ago a global catastrophe occurred on Mars that destroyed all life. One after another, several asteroids fell onto the planet, turning Mars into a cold, lifeless planet. And life, if there was any, was lost. On the other hand, no one knows for sure whether there were intelligent living beings on the planet, whether they would have managed to escape or not.

In November 2011, NASA sent the most technically complex and expensive probe in the history of planet Earth – Curiosity – to Mars.

Nine months after launch, the probe landed in Mars' Gale Crater. It is a crater with a diameter of 150 kilometers, inside of which there is a 5-kilometer mound of sedimentary rocks. This mound could have been formed as a result of the flow of one of the ancient Martian rivers.

Thanks to automatic probes, it was found that in the southwestern hemisphere, in the Eberswalde crater, there is an ancient river delta with an area of ​​115 square kilometers. And the river itself, which washed out the delta, was more than 60 km long.

Moreover, there is still water in Gale Crater. Images taken by the Opportunity rover show dark streaks on hillsides.

The fact that there was once life on Mars is confirmed by the study of the Martian meteorite ALH 84 001.

The rock was dislodged from the surface of Mars approximately 17 million years ago by an asteroid impact. For centuries, the meteorite drifted in space until it fell into the Earth's gravitational zone. He fell in Antarctica, where he was found 10 years ago. Imagine the amazement of scientists when, after a thorough examination of the meteorite, they discovered fossils in it that were very reminiscent of the remains of bacteria and single-celled algae. This means that this is proof of the existence of microbial life on Mars.

But most importantly, analysis of the meteorite showed that about 4 billion years ago, the temperature of Mars was about 18 degrees Celsius, the atmosphere was most likely denser, and the climate was warm and humid. Such conditions were quite suitable for the birth of highly developed creatures.

But if there was once intelligent life on Mars, then why did it disappear? What happened to the inhabitants of the planet? Some scientists have hypothesized that a huge meteorite fell on Mars. Many scientists considered this version to be science fiction. However, it recently became clear that perhaps 5 million years ago the red planet actually experienced a terrible catastrophe...

And most importantly, this crater was formed as a result of a large meteorite hitting the planet. As a result, a giant crater 10 thousand kilometers long and 8 and a half wide was formed.

What happened after the disaster? Did the inhabitants of Mars die? Scientists believe that if there was ever intelligent life on Mars, then after the fall of a huge meteorite, hardly anyone could have survived.

In addition, today life on Mars is impossible due to too low pressure and temperature.

But these earthly life forms cannot exist under such conditions. Independent researchers hypothesize that Martians could have survived and settled beneath the surface of the red planet.

One such researcher is amateur astronomer David Martinez. In photographs of Mars taken by NASA, he discovered a strange cylinder-shaped object measuring 200 meters in length and 45 in width. The researcher believes that this is an artificial structure. Perhaps it was built by creatures living inside the planet. And the structure is the upper part of giant underground buildings.

However, NASA employees do not even consider such versions. They explain all the oddities and anomalies in photographs from Mars either as a defect in the video or as an optical illusion. Maybe that's true. But why then do the scientists of the American Aerospace Agency themselves create optical illusions...

A group of independent researchers recently discovered that NASA employees are color correcting images from Mars. After comparing dozens of photos, experts found that, for example, parts of the Opportunity all-terrain vehicle, which were blue on earth, began to look red in pictures from Mars. By performing the reverse procedure, experts recreated the natural colors of Mars.

The photographs showed that the Martian sky was not red at all, but blue, like on Earth. Brown areas were repainted red, and green colors, which may indicate the presence of life on Mars, were completely removed during color correction.

But why is NASA hiding the true color of Mars? Some experts suggest that the United States prefers the whole world to think of Mars as a lifeless planet, while they themselves will independently study life on Mars... But there is a less fantastic version, NASA tints the photos so that the true character cannot be determined from them Martian landscape. Perhaps the United States hopes to discover rare minerals on the planet and be the first to mine them. So will the most expensive Curiosity probe really serve not for the scientific search for extraterrestrial life, but will once again be a means for enrichment...

No other planet has attracted as much attention as Mars. People are accustomed to treating this planet as a mysterious object, because, according to some scientists, only on Mars is there really evidence of the presence of life. Further delving into the mysteries of this planet only increases this assumption.

For more than a century, geologists, astronomers, microbiologists and other representatives of the world of science have shown great interest in the study of Mars. However, despite this, the Red Planet still remains a mystery to us, shrouded in a halo of many secrets. One of these secrets is a mysterious phenomenon that was once described by G. Wells in the famous novel “War of the Worlds.” Here we are talking about Martian flares, which manifest themselves most clearly with the onset of the Great Confrontation between Mars and Earth. The mysterious flash was first noticed by Illing, an English astronomer. This happened on December 11, 1896, while he was observing Mars. The flash was a small shiny point that lit up for a few moments and immediately went out. And the Soviet astronomer Barabashov observed a longer flare. In 1934, he noticed a white and very bright stripe above the surface of the Red Planet, which did not fade for several minutes. The most severe outbreak was recorded on June 4, 1937. It lasted about five minutes.

In 1956, another outbreak was recorded. Then Soviet astronomers noticed a point with a bluish-white glow. It was comparable in brightness level to the southern cap of the planet. Until now, the nature of the occurrence of such phenomena has not been studied. Researchers are at a loss as to whether these were the consequences of the impact of large meteorites on the planet or the explosions of volcanoes on its surface. However, according to the results of recent studies, it becomes clear that the possibility of flares as a result of volcanic explosions is unlikely, since their power will not be enough to notice the explosion from the Earth. So, for example, in order to repeat the brightness level of the 1937 flare, the volcano would have to leave behind a crater that would be hundreds of thousands of times larger than any known on our planet. Of course, there is a high probability of such strong explosions occurring after the fall of an asteroid or meteorite. But the likelihood is extremely low that at least four such asteroids have fallen onto the surface of Mars over the last century.

Astronomer V. Davydov, based on this, made the assumption that flares on Mars are probably a reflection of sunlight from a surface that has the properties of a mirror. This theory, despite its unreality, has a well-founded confirmation - in winter, small ice crystals are present in the atmosphere of Mars. It is quite possible that it was from such crystals that the light was reflected, which was also visible on Earth. This theory has not yet been confirmed, but it fully explains the nature of the appearance of Martian mirrors.

The mysteries of the Red Planet began with a discovery made by Italian astronomer Schiparelli during one of the great oppositions. He discovered on the surface of this planet a whole grid of straight, even lines. At that time, the biggest news on Earth was the construction of such great canals as the Panama, Kiel and Suez canals. Therefore, the discovery of Schiparelli was announced as Martian “canals”. In other words, it is the result of the activity of intelligent beings. The most interesting thing is that these same straight lines had been found on Mars before, but no one considered them canals until people began to build canals themselves.

The Red Planet continues to excite the imagination of earthlings with its mysteries. Not long ago, data obtained by the European probe “Mars-Express” was processed and another mystery appeared. Data indicate that in the depths of Phobos, one of the satellites of Mars, there are huge voids that occupy about a third of its volume. Therefore, the theory that Phobos is an asteroid captured by Mars is rejected. Each expedition to the Red Planet brings more and more new mysteries, which attracts writers, scientists, and ordinary people to it.

It is now known that there is definitely no liquid water on Mars. But, apparently, the white polar caps, which were discovered in 1704, are water ice mixed with solid carbon dioxide. In winter, they extend a third of the distance to the equator. This ice partially melts in the spring, and a darkening wave spreads toward the equator from the poles. Previously, this wave was mistaken for Martian plants.

The total volume of ice contained in the polar cap of the northern hemisphere, according to modern ideas, is about 1.5 million km3. This means that this melted ice could not have formed a giant ocean, which, according to many scientists, once covered almost the entire northern hemisphere of the Red Planet. Therefore, it remains a mystery where the water that once abounded on the now arid planet could have gone.

According to modern ideas, Mars and Earth developed at an early stage of evolution according to similar scenarios. It is possible that later, due to a global catastrophe, the humid and warm climate of Mars changed to a cold and modern one. In this case, most of the atmosphere could be lost. Questions about where the water went from its surface, about the causes of the cataclysm, about whether primitive life had time to arise on young Mars are the most pressing problems of research on this planet.

Many scientists believe that a huge meteorite that fell on Mars contributed to the destruction of water bodies. After all, the planet cannot be protected from solar radiation and meteorites. This version is proven by the huge canyon that exists on Mars. Its depth is more than 10 kilometers. If we compare our Mariana Trench with this canyon, then the trench will be just a small point in comparison. If there was such a canyon on our planet, it could easily divide it in half.

Among the formations that have been discovered on the surface of the Red Planet, meander valleys or channel-like channels attract special attention. The presence of “tributaries” and their appearance in general can hardly be explained in any other way than by assuming that these are river beds. But currently, rivers cannot flow on Mars; there cannot be any liquid water there at all. But no other liquid could form such channels - liquid carbon dioxide cannot exist even in terrestrial conditions, and lava hardens very quickly. So, meanders appeared due to the existence of water streams and rivers. Currently there are no conditions necessary for this, which means that they were in the past. It is likely that Mars in the distant past was a wetter and warmer planet on which life could have arisen. Scientists now know that billions of years ago the climate on the Red Planet changed. The cause of this climate catastrophe remains a mystery. This catastrophe destroyed all the rivers, lakes and seas on Mars that were there in the distant past.

The most inexplicable mystery is the “Face of Mars.” Is this just a distortion of light or is it actually an image in the form of a stone formation that looks like a human face. It really looks a lot like a human face. It is 2.5 kilometers long, 2 kilometers wide, and 0.4 kilometers high. The sizes are huge. This “face” is located in the northern hemisphere of Mars. It was never taken seriously by scientists. They refuted the belief that the “face” photograph proves the existence of a civilization on Mars in the past. They justified this miracle by the fact that it was just a play of shadows and light. However, after a certain number of years, photographs were discovered that were examined by Gregory Molenaar and Vincent DiPetro under a different light and angle. They began their own investigation. And after that the version of the play of light and shadows disappeared. The protrusion really looked like a human face. But this still remains a mystery.

It is worth noting that such finds on the Red Planet are not uncommon. Researchers are confused by the fact that the location of large volcanoes on this planet coincides with the Giza plan. But, according to E. Gilbert and R. Bauval, the Egyptian pyramids were oriented by the stars. This cannot be said about volcanoes, since they are of natural origin. The perfectly round formation at the very top of the Martian Olympus looks very mysterious - it looks very much like a landing site.

An unusual planet, with unusual mysteries, is still mysterious to the inhabitants of the Earth. We now have to make do with only the answers that the scientists of our planet currently provide. To get answers to all questions related to Mars, we can only wait for now.

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