You are on the right path, comrades! "Comrades Lenin you are walking the right road

You are going the right way, comrades!
(V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin)

Oh, if only I knew which way
Among the impenetrable lies
The country is going uphill today,
And tomorrow - head over heels from the hill.
Forward, backward, left, right?
Where is the beaten path?
Politicians lead us well,
And as a result, to Nowhere
We end up in a common heap,
And again we run in a crowd there,
Where the slogans hang cooler,
And talk smarter.
Which road did you choose?
I'm not smart enough to know
We are in a new hurry in the circle
Have time to get lost in the tracks.


Dear Olga Inzhelevskaya, it’s a pity that the presenter of the “On the Top of the Day” column, Vyacheslav Kostikov, in the article “Hybrid Russia” cited only the first part of this poem, which interested me, because IT IS NOT POSSIBLE to disagree with this.
Because next is a brilliant sketch:
Which road did you choose?
I'm not smart enough to know...

The choice is not conscious, without awareness of responsibility, without the height of spiritual flight, but this is a direct accusation of those in power of deliberately fooling their own people - it’s easier to manage:
where the slogans hang cooler,
And talk smarter.

Stop chatting...

Naturally, people who are not used to, not trained to REMEMBER the rules, and even more so the LAWS, and even more so to be interested in the LAWS of the Cosmic order and DEMAND their implementation in the territory intended by God for the last and decisive PEACEFUL confrontation with the destroyers of these XXXXX XXXXX LAWS.
FOR EXAMPLE: The Law of Standard. "Nothing that does not correspond to the Standard accepted in Space can be released into Space." This means that Midgard-Earth is a kindergarten for growing MIND in Space. And there are many such kindergartens...
And therefore, without preparing cosmically highly educated Personalities, humanity has slipped into a bestial state, which representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations do not want to deal with due to low development, reporting that some representatives of the animal world on other planets have a more complex information base for expressing their thoughts than our human one. civilization.

Law of Will. Each of us, earthlings, after three to four months, as a rule, takes tests at night, that is, answers about a hundred questions on all the problems of humanity on a global, regional, local and personal level. Answers the Spirit-replant, which received a body-suit for existence in this physical, dense world in a neutral biozone.
Based on the results of this vote, certain governments, rulers are displaced, courses are changed, personal changes occur in fate. Presidential rulers = weather vanes of public opinion.

Law of Track (Wheels within a wheel). All the main routes of humanity are written down, issued in the form of predictions recorded in various sources of literature: fairy tales, myths, legends. They are clarified and corrected in order to prepare humanity for certain events of different levels and scales.
One of the sources of such a prophecy is the Bible, which includes my version of the divine influence on the NUTRITIONAL process (Prophet Jonah)... which continues to this day.
So your poem is the best confirmation of this.
But I WAS warned about this, so I LOOK at all this with a smile:
And it was. This too shall pass...

But they still listen to our writing brotherhood, they understand: we are closer to divine fulfillment... and we write works in poetic form, at least our Souls are pure (the Light Ones) and you can’t hang noodles on them. AND THIS IS FOR REAL!
IN THE PAST AND THE FUTURE THERE ARE DIFFERENCES, because we are from DIFFERENT regions, we represent DIFFERENT LEVELS, SECTORS, AGGREGORIES (under the mountains a society with its own platform, base, philosophy, ideology is encoded). But Atlas also had a mountain... moved beyond Hyperborea...


Yes, by the way, the slogan that became the epigraph was spoken by Christ in a past life, but it is relevant, as you can see, because it is true to our path... and we are still hesitating, waiting for resonance...

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

June 14th, 2013 , 05:05 pm

A congress of the ONF, which has already been called the “Oprichna Popular Front,” was held in the capital. And the first comments appeared on the ONF tablet, enshrined in the program document.

So the ONF proposes:
- carry out new industrialization
- strengthen the unique Russian civilization
- realize the historical mission of Russia as an integration center of the Eurasian space.

Ivan Gladilin on the KM.RU website comments on Putin’s “strengthening” of the unique Russian civilization:

"Our government has decided to implement a peculiar, to put it mildly, version of “interethnic harmony” in Russia. Having convened the first meeting of the Council on Interethnic Problems that he created last Friday, August 24, in Saransk, Vladimir Putin calmly stated that in terms of the number of arriving migrants, Russia has already reached in second place in the world after the U.S. And the President of the Russian Federation actually proposes to take such a grandiose insemination of Russia by migrants (noticeably, by the way, superior to the level of the United States, if we take into account the size of the indigenous population of the two countries) as a given (one remains to ask: not to increase it yet, Vladimir Vladimirovich ?), ordering the creation of proper conditions for their (migrants) integration. And all this, you see, in the name of “strengthening Russia as a unique world civilization,” according to Putin...

But why then - and in the name of “strengthening Russia as a unique world civilization”! - so ruthlessly barbaric to dissolve this truly unique civilization, bequeathed to us by our ancestors, in hordes of alien foreigners who don’t even know how to speak Russian?”

The congress somewhat disappointed those supporters of the ONF leader who expected from him some encouraging assurances about the “state-forming status” of the Russian people. Neither in the leader’s speech at the congress, nor in the “manifesto” does the word “Russian” appear even once.

In the manifesto “For Russia!” the term “solidary society” appears, which was not previously present in the lexicon of the federal government. Yaroslav Butakov believes that “under the brand of “solidarity society” is now being pushed ideology of an authoritarian state of strict paternalistic guardianship. Historical analogies convince us of this even more.

The term “solidarism” appeared among Russian emigrant organizations of the 30s. last century under the direct influence of the ideology of fascism. The “National Labor” (later “People’s Labor”) “Union of Russian Solidarists” - the famous NTS - is known for its cooperation with the Hitlerite administration in the occupied territories of the USSR in 1941-1944.

Now the brand of “solidarity society” has been adopted by a social movement headed by the President of Russia.

At the gates of the “solidarity society” its Orthodox ideologists must honestly write: “Forget about democracy and human rights, everyone who enters here.”

Belief in the uniqueness of “Russian civilization” refers us to those not so distant times in the history of Western Europe, when some of its peoples also believed in their originality and chosenness.

We can only hope that playing at a unique civilization and an alternative to democracy will not cost Russia as catastrophically as it cost Germany in 1933-1945.”

To break the official official style of the newspaper, he is from "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - Grigory Osheverov, Yuri Filonovich, Lyubov Ivanov, Semyon Garbuzov, Nina Aleksandrova... Including the "quartet" of the secretariat - Margarita Abaji-Kirklissova, Natalya Ivanovskaya, Maria Velichko and Valentina Kitaina...

I had just been transferred from Leningrad (where I started as a correspondent) to Moscow and two months later I was appointed first deputy executive secretary.

It was then that Valentin Semenovich Kitain and I became involved in the vast array of editorial affairs. Since then, the omnipresent Kitain has remained in my memory: he threw his jacket over the back of a chair, grabbed his favorite blue pencil from a stack of colored pencils in his left hand - and was already walking around the newspaper layout. All this - quickly, swiftly, to your room!

At that time, electronics had not yet invaded the newspaper business. Every now and then I had to go to the printing house, change pages on the fly, hurry up the typesetters, linotypists and layout designers, cut the “tails” of articles and reports, come up with catchy headlines and “caps”. In this matter, Valentin Kitain had no equal. Except Adzhubey himself.

Kitain accustomed himself to such sparkling work back in Martenovka, a large circulation plant of the Hammer and Sickle plant, where he began his journalistic career. Well, and then, of course, the Komsomolskaya Pravda school...

One day, while puzzling over the slogan text for a Lenin poster, he suddenly blurted out: “You are on the right road, comrades!” And he explained to those around him: “The connection of times should not be interrupted.” (I suddenly imagined that today Valentin Semenovich himself is addressing these words to the current generation of Izvestia workers).

It was a wonderful time. New Izvestia were born, and many of the affairs that were accomplished by the newspaper were due to the restless and passionate newspaperman Valentin Kitain. The transition of Izvestia to the Moscow evening edition... The newspaper campaign "Day of Peace", which ended with a unique 800-page volume that captured one day in the life of the planet - September 27, 1960... The birth of the incredibly popular Izvestia "Week"... All these innovations were realized largely thanks to the participation and energy of Valentin Kitain.

He was sensitive and responsive to joy and misfortune. I remember that on my birthday I came to work and found a printed congratulatory text on the Goznak desk calendar. It was Kitain who came early, asked for a special set and stamped it on my calendar. And on the wall hung a congratulatory and comic strip, on which all the Izvestians left autographs. This Chinese initiative subsequently became a tradition.

Valentin Semenovich himself rarely spoke in the newspaper - they did not release layouts. But, when he went on business trips, he brought juicy travel essays - from Holland, Italy, Bulgaria... And once, in collaboration with a young colleague Anatoly Druzenko, he came up with a long essay “How are you living, Kolka, Kolya, Nikolai Sergeevich?” - about the lathe operator at the Ordzhonikidze machine-tool plant, Chikirev, who as a boy stood at the machine during the war and grew up to become the head of the workshop. At the same time I remembered my youth...


In Izvestia from 1959 to 1987, first deputy executive secretary

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions Vadim Vasilievich Serov

You are on the right path, comrades!

You are on the right path, comrades!

Text of a poster released (autumn, 1961) for the XXII Congress of the CPSU (artist N. Tereshchenko). The poster depicts V.I. Lenin, indicating the direction - “the right road” with his outstretched hand.

Perhaps the text for the poster was taken from the report of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars to the IX Congress of Soviets, which was delivered by V.I. Lenin (December 23, 1921): “And our road is the right one. [...] We began to walk along this right road.”

Quoted humorously and ironically.

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From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Forward, towards the dawn, / Comrades in the struggle! From the revolutionary youth song “Young Guard” (1922), written by the Soviet poet Alexander Ilyich Bezymensky (1898-1973) to the music of the German revolutionary song “Young Guard”, composed in 1907 and around the same time

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Our goals are clear, our tasks are defined. Get to work, comrades! Concluding words of the speech at the XXII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1962) by its leader. First Secretary Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1894-1971). In the original (according to the shorthand report of the congress):

From the book The Complete Encyclopedia of Our Misconceptions author

Bravely, comrades, keep up The first line of the song of the same name by the professional revolutionary, chemist and poet Leonid Petrovich Radin (1860-1900), the words and music of which he wrote in a solitary confinement cell in the Moscow Tagansk prison: Bravely, comrades, keep up! Let us strengthen our spirit in the struggle,

From the book The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Our Misconceptions [with illustrations] author Mazurkevich Sergei Alexandrovich

Comrade descendants From the first introduction to the poem “At the top of my voice” (1930) by Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930): Dear / comrade descendants! Rummaging / in today's / petrified city..., studying the darkness of our days, you / perhaps / will ask about

From the book The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Our Misconceptions [with transparent pictures] author Mazurkevich Sergei Alexandrovich

The goals are clear, the tasks are defined. Get to work, comrades! see Our goals are clear, our tasks are defined. For work,

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From the book 100 Great Feats of Russia author Bondarenko Vyacheslav Vasilievich

Dear Aeneas, the Mediterranean Sea knows neither ebbs nor flows, nor strong constant winds. This doesn't mean there aren't storms here. But the bad weather does not last long, the storms quickly fade, and the excitement is temporary. The sun rising from behind the Lebanese mountains, only after two

From the book Informing. The path of personal success author Baranov Andrey Evgenievich

From the author's book

“Not now, dear...” A husband and wife are walking along a narrow forest path. Suddenly, a huge orangutan jumps out of the thicket and, grabbing his wife, drags her up a tree. The husband stands below and gloatingly shouts to his wife: “So you tell him that you’re not in the mood today, that you’re tired, that

From the author's book

“Not now, dear...” A husband and wife are walking along a narrow forest path. Suddenly, a huge orangutan jumps out of the thicket and, grabbing his wife, drags her up a tree. The husband stands below and gloatingly shouts to his wife: “So you tell him that you’re not in the mood today, that you’re tired, that

From the author's book

Dear Aboriginal! I would like to know how to make rope from plant fibers. There are a lot of stinging nettles in the area where I live. I would like to somehow put it into action. Is it possible? Thank you. - Golden

From the author's book

Dear Aboriginal! There's something that really worries me. Have you ever met anyone who tried to hunt deer with a knife and bare hands? I've heard of people who were able to do this, like Tom Brown, Michael the Survivalist, who hunted a wild pig.

From the author's book

“Comrades, take revenge!”: Evgeny Nikonov August 19, 1941 Monument to E. A. Nikonov in Tolyatti Evgeny Aleksandrovich Nikonov was born on December 18, 1920 into a peasant family in the village of Vasilyevka (now Samara region). He didn’t remember his parents - they died when he was one and a half years old.

From the author's book

Dear reader! You want to live in comfort, prosperity and joy, without stress and its consequences. You've probably already studied a lot of literature that you've come across along the way in life, or received a lot of advice, and this has led you to the fact that now you are reading anyway

You are on the right path, comrades!
Text of a poster released (autumn, 1961) for the XXII Congress of the CPSU (artist N. Tereshchenko). The poster depicts V.I. Lenin, indicating the direction - “the right road” with his outstretched hand.
Perhaps the text for the poster was taken from the report of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars to the IX Congress of Soviets, which was delivered by V. I. Lenin (December 23, 1921): “And our path is the right one. (...) We began to walk along this right road.”
Quoted: humorously and ironically.

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  • - Text of the poster issued for the XXII Congress of the CPSU. The poster depicts V.I. Lenin, pointing with his outstretched hand in the direction - “the right road”...
  • - From the first introduction to the poem “At the top of my voice” by Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky: Dear / comrades descendants! Rummaging / in today's / petrified city.....

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  • - pl., R....

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  • - ...
  • - ...

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  • - gentleman "a-tov" arishchi, gentleman "od-tov" ...
  • - from comrade "...

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“You are going the right way, comrades!” in books

Comrades (“Comrades, comrades, here!...”) The beginning of an unwritten play in verse

From the book Tenderer than the Sky. Collection of poems author Minaev Nikolay Nikolaevich

Comrades (“Comrades, comrades, here!...”) The beginning of an unwritten play in verse - “Comrades, comrades, here! I found…” – “A rascal will always find it” – “Beautiful view, water nearby!” - “And in general, apparently, it’s not bad here?!.” - “What kind of plants grow?..” - “In my opinion

6. Conspiracy and disgrace of a faithful wife

From the author's book

6. Conspiracy and the disgrace of a faithful wife In the story of Esther, a powerful king grows cold towards his wife and removes her from the throne. The biography of Ivan III says the following. From his marriage with Sophia Paoleologa a son, Vasily, was born, and from the marriage of his son, Ivan the Young, with Elena Voloshanka.

Napoleon's strategic mistakes due to lack of correct information

From the book Cossacks against Napoleon. From Don to Paris author Venkov Andrey Vadimovich

Are you going the right way, comrades?

From the author's book

Are you going the right way, comrades? Soon after the Bolsheviks took power in 1917, it became clear that the party that had seized power, led by the leader of the world proletariat (which, by the way, the bulk of the world proletariat had no idea about) was about to establish a normal life


From the book 100 Great Mysteries of Nature author Nepomnyashchiy Nikolai Nikolaevich

RETURN OF THE FAITHFUL MURKA The Kiev cat Glafira, having escaped from her owners in the Crimea in the summer of 2001, then set off to catch up with them. She walked for six months, covered more than a thousand kilometers, wore out her paws and lost half her tail, but returned home! An incredible case... Actually similar

You are on the right path, comrades!

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

You are on the right path, comrades! Text of a poster released (autumn, 1961) for the XXII Congress of the CPSU (artist N. Tereshchenko). The poster depicts V.I. Lenin, indicating with his outstretched hand the direction - the “right road”. Perhaps the text for the poster was taken from the report of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars to the IX Congress

Dear, dear, dear Lilik.


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