The entire German alphabet is in capital letters. German alphabet. Pronunciation R r

This article presents pictures of the written letters of the German alphabet. German alphabet and written language signs. You can use the written letters of the German alphabet to learn the language.

Written letters of the German language

In the picture of the written letters of the German language we see 26 letters and 4 special purpose letters. It also presents numbers and symbols that are often used in conjunction with the basic alphabet. These signs can be used both to help write texts, and they can also have their own special purpose, for example

(numbers). The remaining signs are punctuation marks.

Written letters of the German alphabet

The second picture also shows the German alphabet. Black letters in written form are depicted on a white background; in the column of each letter there is a repetition in printed form, so that when studying German writing you will not be mistaken in the meaning of the desired letter.
This alphabet depicts the large and small (Upper and small) letters of the written alphabet. I mainly use a capital letter or, as it is called, a capital or capital letter when writing the first word in a sentence, as well as in other special cases. In the majority

Cases, a capital letter is used to write names, city names, etc.
The lowercase letter or ka is called “small” and is used to write ordinary words and to continue writing after a capital letter. In general, if we take any German text, we will see that 95 percent are lowercase letters. So in writing we will use lowercase letters more than their higher, uppercase ones.

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German alphabet capital letters

The main occupation of schoolchildren and students is study. Children spend more than 50 percent of their time on textbooks, notebooks and computers - this is an integral part of the life of a modern teenager.

But children do not always have to learn what they like - most subjects cause boredom, you have to force the child to learn lessons, draw up a schedule with him, and much more. IN website They will tell you how to make German interesting for students of any age.

Teachers website We have developed special tips that will help to interest a child in a new subject. Toddlers and teenagers are the most difficult age when it is most difficult to force learning.

  • It never happens that a child does not want to learn for no reason. There's a reason for everything. It is necessary to work out all aspects - the psychological plan, the program, the teacher, the school. It is necessary to eliminate the cause, then a desire to learn will appear, for example, choose a different teacher or switch to a different program for mastering the subject.
  • Without good fluent reading skills in a foreign language, a child will not progress further. Make sure that he has mastered this stage one hundred percent - otherwise, hire a tutor, talk to the teacher.
  • It is important to organize your workplace correctly. A teenager's daily routine should have a clear schedule. A certain time is allocated for study, leisure, sports, additional classes, clubs and sections. Leisure must be a must, otherwise the child will quickly get tired and lose interest in learning.
  • It is necessary to be supportive of the baby and support him in his difficult work. You don’t need to sit with him on homework every day, but he should always feel your support. Ask how things are going with him. Help if necessary.

Print German in pictures, or basic study methods

Pay attention to how your child’s German lessons with the teacher go. It is good if the following methods are used in the process.

  • New knowledge must be applied in practice: conversations in German, watching children's films, reading books, poetry by heart, etc.
  • Use picture cards when learning new words and letters.
  • Using specific examples, the child needs to be told that speaking a new language is convenient and useful. He will need it in the future for work and travel abroad.
  • During conversational classes in German, various topics should be covered: sports, computer technology, the world around us, etc.

The child should have fun learning German. This will help him learn a new discipline thoroughly and for a long time, and will also make your relationship with him more trusting.

Any language begins with an alphabet, and German is no exception! To learn to read German correctly, you must first become familiar with all German letters and sounds.
The German alphabet is an alphabet based on Latin, it consists of 26 letters:

A a[A], B b[be], C c[tse], D d[de], E e[uh], F f[ef], G g[ge], H h[Ha], I i[And], Jj[yot], K k[ka], Ll[el], Mm[Em], Nn[en], O o[O], P p[pe], Q q[ku], R r[er], Ss[es], T t[te], U u[y], Vv[fau], W w[ve], X x[X], Y y[upsilon], Z z[tset].

German alphabet (listen)

Listen to the alphabet:

There are also three umlauts in the German alphabet (Ä, Ö, Ü).
Listen to the umlauts:

Umlauts (two dots above vowels) indicate a qualitative change in the sounds u, o, a.

The correct pronunciation of sounds in words with and without umlauts is very important, since the meaning of the word depends on it. For example, the word “schon” is pronounced hard, with the sound “o” and means “already”, while the word “schön” has a softer sound, close to the Russian “ё”, and means “pleasant, dear”. Be careful about the icons above the vowels to avoid misunderstandings!

To speak German correctly, pay attention to the pronunciation features of the German umlauts:
At the beginning of a word and after vowels, the umlaut “ä” is read as the sound “e”, after consonants: as “e”. To correctly pronounce the umlaut “ö”, the position of the tongue should be as for “e”, and the lips as for “o”. Thus, a sound will be produced that is vaguely similar to the Russian “ё”. By the way, “е” can also be called an umlaut, because it is a qualitative change in the sound “e” in the Russian language. So, to pronounce umlaut ü, the position of the tongue should be as with “i”, and the lips as with y. You will get a sound somewhat similar to the Russian “yu”.
Umlauts are not only not so easy to pronounce, but also to type. If you don't have a German layout, you can use the generally accepted character substitution:
ä – ae
ü – ue

Another unusual sign of the German language is the ligature (i.e., connection of letters) “eszet” (ß).

Most often, “esset” is equated to the letters “ss”, however, in addition to the sound, [s] indicates the length of the previous sound, so replacing “ß” with “s” is not worth it - “ss” signals the brevity of the previous sound, which is important to remember when learning the rules reading.
Like umlauts, “eszet” is not part of the alphabet and is taken outside of it. However, in dictionaries these letters are in alphabetical order: Ää follows Aa, Öö follows Oo, Üü follows Uu, ß follows “ss”.

The rules for reading German words are quite simple and follow simple rules, and therefore there is no transcription in the German language - it appears only in some complex words, most often coming to German from other languages.
The stress is placed before the stressed syllable, and the long sound is indicated by a colon.

From sound to letter. Learning to read in German

In German, different letters can make the same sound. The table below will help you figure out which letters and letter combinations are read the same in German.

Remember! An open syllable is considered to be one that ends with a vowel: da. A closed syllable ends with a consonant: das.

Sound Pronunciation Letter Position in a word Examples
[A] [A] A in a closed syllable das

in an open syllable

[s] [With] s at the end of words and after long vowels das, Naß
[z] [h] s before and between vowels Saat
f Faß
ff in the middle and end of a word paff
v at the beginning and middle of a word Vater
[v] [V] w at the beginning and middle of a word was
[n] [n] n at the beginning, middle and end of a word nah, an
nn wann
[d] [d] d at the beginning and middle of a word das
t At the beginning, middle and end of a word Tat
tt In the middle and end of a word Satt
d at the end of a word Sand
[ts] z at the beginning, middle and end of a word Zahn
tz in the middle and end of a word after short sounds Satz
[b] [b] b at the beginning and middle of a word between vowels Bahn
p at the beginning and middle of a word paß
pp in the middle and end of a word after short sounds knapp
b at the end of a word and before a consonant ab
[m] [m] m at the beginning and middle of a word Mann
mm Damm
[g] [G] g at the beginning and middle of a word Gast
[ŋ] [n] ng in the middle and end of a word after a short sound Sang
[ŋk] [nc] nk in the middle and end of a word after a short sound Bank
k at the beginning and middle of a word kann
ck in the middle and end of a word after a short sound Sack
g at the end of a word Tag
[kv] qu Quant
[ks] x Axt
[i] [And] i in a closed syllable Ist

in an open syllable

[u] [y] u in a closed syllable und
[y:] u

in an open syllable

uh Uhr
[ə] [e] e in the final syllable Tasse

r at the beginning of a word or syllable Rat
rr after a consonant, short vowels and long Paar, Brust
[r] [A] r at the end of a word Vater, wir
[ɜ] [e] e in a closed syllable Bett
[ɜː] [e:] ä in an open syllable Käse, Bar,


in an open syllable

Rede, Weg, Tee, sehen
[ʃ] [w] sch at the beginning, middle and end of a word Schuh
[ʃt] [PCS] st at the beginning of a word Strasse
[ʃp] [shp] sp at the beginning of a word spat
[ouch] ei at the beginning, middle and end of a word ein, mein,
[O:] o, oo in an open syllable Brot, Boot,
[o] [O] o in a closed syllable oft
[x] [X] ch after short sounds a, o, u Fach, doch, Buch
[ç] [xx] ch after short sounds ich, recht, weich
g in the suffix -ig ruhig
[j] [th] j at the beginning of a word before vowels ja
[ay] j before the vowels a, o, u in French. borrowings Journal, Jargon
g before the vowels e, i in French. borrowings Ingenieur
[pf] pf at the beginning, middle and end of a word Pfad, Apfel, Kampf
[Ouch] eu at the beginning, middle and end of a word Euch, neun, neu, Räume
Lesson assignments

Try to put your knowledge into practice by doing the following exercises. Don’t be afraid to look at the table; over time, all the sounds will be remembered, and the need for hints will disappear by itself!

Exercise 1. Read the following words:

Mein, liegen, Freunde, Tasche, Tag, jetzt, Jacke, spielen, stehen, wachsen, zusammen, Stunde, Träume, täglich, ruhig, schon, Bitte, Spaß, selten, ziemlich, oft, neun, Brot, die, Baum, Naß.

Answers to Exercise 1.
Mein [mine], liegen ['li: gen], Freunde [; freunde], Tasche ['tashe], Tag [so], jetzt [ezt], Jacke ['yake], spielen ['spi: flax], stehen ['shte:en], wachsen ['waxen], zusammen [tsu'zamen], Stunde ['shtunde], Träume ['troime], täglich ['taglikh], ruhig ['ru: ikh], schon [sho: n], Bitte ['bite], Spaß [shpa: s], selten ['zelten], ziemlich ['tsimlich], oft [oft], neun [noyn], Brot [brot], die [di:], Baum [baum], Naß [on: s].

Each language has its own special sound structure, unique to it, which must be familiarized with, since a person who does not know the correct pronunciation will not be able to correctly perceive foreign speech by ear and will not be able to be correctly understood. The German language, along with sounds unique to it, has a number of sounds, the pronunciation of which practically coincides with the corresponding sounds of the Russian language.

In German 42 sounds, for recording which are used 26 letters Latin alphabet. Both in German and in Russian, vowels and consonants are distinguished. The German language has 15 simple vowel sounds, 3 complex two-vowel sounds (diphthongs) and 24 consonants.

German alphabet



Additional German letters to the Latin alphabet:





Vowel sounds The German language has two features:

1. At the beginning of a word or root, vowels are pronounced with a strong attack, reminiscent of a light click, which gives German speech a jerky sound that is not characteristic of the Russian language.

2. Vowels are divided into long and short, which explains their greater number compared to the Russian language.

Long vowels are pronounced more intensely than the vowels of the Russian language, and do not change their character throughout the entire time of sounding. The consonant sound following a long vowel is freely adjacent to it, as if with a slight pause. When transmitting German sounds in Russian letters, the length of vowels is indicated by a colon after the corresponding letter.

Short vowels are pronounced more briefly than Russian vowels. The consonant sound following the short vowel is closely adjacent to it, as if cutting it off.

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The length and shortness of vowels often have a distinctive meaning and determine the general character and rhythm of German speech:

Stadt state city - Staat state state
offen O fan open - Ofen O: fan stove

Vowel pronounced for a long time:

A. in an open syllable, i.e. a syllable ending in a vowel:

Vater f A:ta

Leben l e:Ben

b. in a conditionally closed syllable, i.e. a syllable that can be opened when the word is changed:

Tag T A:To

Ta-ge T A:ge

In writing, vowel length is indicated:

A. doubling the letter

Meer me:a

b. letter h after a vowel

Uhr y:a

V. letter e after i

Sie zi:

Vowel pronounced briefly, if followed by a consonant or group of consonants:

Consonants The German language has the following features:

A. they are pronounced more intensely than the corresponding Russian consonants;

b. German voiceless consonants p, t, k pronounced aspirated, especially at the end of a word;

V. German consonants, unlike the corresponding Russian consonants, are never softened;

d. in contrast to the Russian language, where a voiceless consonant is voiced under the influence of the following voiced consonant (from is tunnel, but: from from at home), in German the opposite phenomenon occurs: a voiceless consonant partially deafens the following voiced consonant, remaining voiceless (das Bad yes bpa:t).

Accent in German it falls, as a rule, on the root of a word or on a prefix, i.e. on the first syllable. When a word is changed, the stress does not change. The pronunciation of German words is conveyed in this manual in Russian letters without the use of generally accepted transcription signs. The transcription of the word and the stressed vowel are highlighted in different fonts. This transcription allows (with some exceptions) to pronounce German words and sentences quite correctly.

Please note that when you hover over the Russian transcription, the IPA transcription will be displayed. This is for particularly advanced students, if you don’t need it, use only Russian.

Pronunciation of German vowels

Sound indicated by letters A, ahh, ah, pronounced like Russian A(long) in the word "brother" or A(short) in the word "tact": baden b A: Dan,Saal for:l, Fahrt fa:at, Satz zats .

Sound indicated by letters ä , ah, pronounced like Russian uh in the word "era": Väter f e: that, wahlen V e: linen , Männer m uh on .

Sound indicated by letters i, ie, ih, pronounced like Russian And in the word "blue": mir mi:a, sieben h And:ben,Ihr and:a, Mitte m And te, Tisch hush .

Sound indicated by letters e, her, eh, pronounced like Russian uh or e in the words “these”, “believe”, “measure”: nehmen n e: Maine,See ze: gehen G e: en Geld Gaelt, sechs zex. In an unstressed final syllable (endings -en, -er), as well as in some prefixes (for example: be-, ge- etc.) this sound is pronounced unclearly and is similar to Russian uh in the word "should": fahren f A: ren, beginnen bag And Nan .

However, particularly attentive listeners may have noticed the overtone of the “i” sound in the words Leben and See. This sound does not exist in either Russian or English; pay attention to it when listening to German speech. Pronounce it like the Russian [e/e], and the position of the lips is like for [i]. You can also try to pronounce the diphthong [hey], without completely pronouncing the second part of the sound, i.e. the first part of the sound is [e/e], and the second [th], [th] is not pronounced until the end. Let's listen again:

Sound indicated by letters oh, oh, oh, pronounced like Russian O(long) in the word "will" or O(short) in the word "clown": Oper O :pa ohne O :ne ,Boot bo:t Rolle R O le .

Sound indicated by letters u, uh, pronounced like Russian at in the word "will": du do:, Uhr y:a, hundert X at ndat .

Sound indicated by letters ü, üh, is absent in Russian. It's pronounced like Russian Yu in the words "jury", "puree": führen f Yu: Ren, fünf fünf, Übung Yu:bun(g). Having rounded the lips, as for [u], we pronounce [and]. Although in Russian transcription it will be designated as [yu], with the sound [yu] it Not is.

Sound indicated by letters ö, oh, is also absent in Russian. Having rounded the lips, as for [o], we pronounce [e]. Reminds me of Russian e : schön w e: n, Sohne h e:ne, Löffel l e fael, öffnen e fnen . Although in Russian transcription it will be designated as [е], with the sound [е] it Not is.

ei, ai, pronounced like Russian ah in the words "give": drei drive Weise V A ize .

Diphthong denoted by letters au, pronounced like Russian aw in the word "howitzer": blau bl A at, Faust f A mouth .

Diphthong denoted by letters eu, äu, pronounced like Russian Ouch in the word "your": neu Noah, Нäuser X Ouch behind .

Pronunciation of German consonants

Many consonant sounds of the German language are pronounced almost the same as the corresponding sounds of the Russian language: b b, p P,w V, f f, s c or h(before a vowel or between two vowels), k To, g G, n n, m m, z ts.

Sound indicated by letters ch(after e, i, ö, ü and after l, m, n) pronounced like soft Russian xx in the word "chemistry": welche V uh lhe, richtig R And slightly , manchmal m A nkhmal .

The sound indicated by the letter h(at the beginning of a word or syllable) is pronounced as a noisy exhalation on the subsequent vowel. This sound is absent in Russian, however, it is enough to pronounce Russian [х] with a slight exhalation: halt halt,Herz Hertz .

Sound indicated by letters l, ll, pronounced like a mean between Russian soft l(in the word "summer") and hard l(in the word "varnish"): Ball bal, alt alto .

The sound indicated by the letter j, pronounced like Russian th before the corresponding vowels (for example: "Christmas tree", "hole", "south"): Jacke yea ke,jemand yeah:manta ray .

Pronunciation R r

Consonant sound indicated by letter r, can also sound like a vowel sound, close to the Russian sound A.

  1. After long vowels (except long "a") in stressed and unstressed syllables that are final, for example:
    Factor f A who:a,wir V And:A, Klavier clave And:A, Natur nat at:A .

    There may be exceptions:
    Haar ha:p, Ha: ; Bart Bart, ba:at ; Arzt artst, a:tst ; Quark quark, kwa:k ; Quarz quartz, kva:ts ; Harz harz

  2. In unstressed prefixes: er-, her-, ver-, zer-, for example:
    erfahren eaf A:ren , verbringen feabr And:n(g)en , zerstampfen ceasht A mpfen ,hervor heaf O:A .
  3. In the final unstressed word – er, and also when it is followed by consonants, for example:
    Vater f A that,immer and:ma, besser b uh:sa,anders A ndas, Kindern To And ndan, auf Wiedersehen auf in And:daze:en .

In other cases it is pronounced as a consonant. There are three types of pronunciation of the consonant sound “r” (the 2nd option is now more common):

  1. If you touch your fingers at the base of your neck and try to pronounce “r” so that your fingertips feel it, you will get the first “r”.
  2. If you pronounce “g” and try to continue the sound (“gggggg..r..”), you will get a second sound (“tiger roar”).
  3. The sound pronounced with the tip of the tongue is the “Russian” “r”.

Remember the rules for reading some letter combinations:

ch after a, o, u reads like Russian X:Buch boo:x,Fach wow; after all other vowels, as well as after l, m, n is read as xx: rect recht wichtig V And slightly , Milch miles .

chs, and also the letter X, read like Russian ks: wechseln V uh xeln .

ck reads like Russian To: Stuck piece, Ecke uh ke .

sch reads like Russian w: Schuh shu:,waschen V A: sheng .

st PC: Stelle PC uh le .

sp read at the beginning of a word or root like Russian sp: Spiel spire, sprechen Sprächen .

tz reads like Russian ts: Platz parade ground, sitzen h And price .

ng reads like... the English sound [ŋ]. The back of the tongue closes with the lowered soft palate, and air passes through the nasal cavity. In order to achieve the desired position of the speech organs, you can inhale through your nose with your mouth wide open, then pronounce the sound [ŋ], exhaling air through your nose. In Russian transcription we will denote it as n(g), because G there they still sometimes pronounce it, as in the first word: Übung Yu:bung, verbringen feabr And:n(g)en , Ding din(g). This sound is also combined nk: Bank tank, links liŋx, tanken T Aŋken .

From letter to sound

Letters of the German alphabet Russian
a, aa, ah A: Rat pa:t
Saat for:t
fahren f A:ren
A A wann van
ä, äh e: spat spe:t
zahlen ts uh:linen
ai ah Mai May
au aw auch A wow
äu Ouch Hauser X O iza
b, bb b bitte b And te
Ebbe uh bae
(at the end of a word) P ab ap
With To Cafe cafe e:
ch (after a, o, u) X Nacht nakht
(after other vowels and after l, m, n) xx ich ugh
chs ks sechs zex
ck To wecken V uh ken
d, dd d dort Dort
Kladde cl A de
(at the end of a word) T bald balt
dt T Stadt state
e, her, eh e:, e: er e:a
e: (i) Tee those: (and)
gehen ge:en
e uh etwas uh tvas
diese d And: ze
ei ah mein main
eu Ouch neun noin
f ff f frei fry
Schiff cipher
g, gg G gut gu:t
Flagge fl A ge
(at the end of a word) To Tag So
(in the suffix -ig) xx zwanzig color A ntsikh
h (at the beginning of a word and syllable) X haben X A:ben
behalten bah A lten
(cannot be read after vowels) sehen h e:en
i, ie, ih And: wir vi:a
sieben h And:ben
Ihnen and:nen
i And Zimmer ts And ma
j th Jahr th A:
k To Kind kint
l, ll l elf elf
Halle X A le
m, mm m machen m A heng
commen To O Maine
n, nn n Name n A: meh
Dann Dan
ng n(g) Ding din(g)
o, oo, oh O: oben O: ben
Boot bo:t
Ohr o:a
o O night noh
ö,öh "yo:" Mobel m e: belle
Sohne h e: ne
Öl e: l
ö "yo" zwölf zwölf
öffnen and about: fnen
p, pp P parken P A rken
knapp knap
Pf pf Pfennig pfenich
qu kv Qualität slams e: T
r, rh R Arbeiter A RBYTE
Rhein R A yn(Rhine)
r A wir V And:A
erfahren eaf A:ren
Vater f A that
s (before vowels or between vowels) h sagen h A:gen
unser at nza
Kase To uh:ze
(at the end of a word) With das yes
ss, ß With lassen l A sen
Fuß ugh:s
sch w Schule w at:le
sp sp sprechen spr uh hyung
st PC stellen PC uh linen
t, tt, th T Tisch hush
satt zat
Theater te A: that
tz ts setzen h uh price
u, uh y: Dusche d y: she
Uhr y:a
u at und unt
ü, üh "Yu:" Tür bye:a
führen f Yu:ren
Uber Yu: ba
ü "Yu" fünf fünf
üppig Yu shove
v (in German words) f vier fi:a
(in foreign words) V Visite visas And: te
November new uh MBA
w V Wagen V A: gen
x ks Taxi T A xi
y "Yu:" Lyric l Yu:rick
y "Yu" Zylinder tsul And yeah
z ts zahlen ts A:linen

The German alphabet was created on the basis of the Greco-Roman alphabet. It consists of 26 letters represented in the German alphabet table. As a rule, it includes lowercase and uppercase letters of the German alphabet, pronunciation, the Russian analogue of the pronunciation of letters of the German alphabet, and examples of German words in which one or another letter is clearly audible and clearly expressed.

When learning the German alphabet, it is important to pay attention to specific letters umlaut (umlaut, Umlaut), which are not in the standard Latin alphabet. We are talking about the letters ä, ö, ü, ß.

Lowercase letters of the German alphabet

German letter

Russian equivalent



A a

der A pfel (apple)
a rm (poor)
der Fall (case)
der A bend (evening)
scha ffen (create)

B b


der B us (bus)
b auen (to build)
neb en (nearby)
das Sieb (sieve)
sieb en (seven)

C c


der C character (character)
die C hemie (chemistry)
ac ht (eight)
die C reme (cream)
der C hef (chief)

D d


der Dill (dill)
Donau (Danube)
leid en (to suffer)
das Lied (song)
der Bod en (soil)

E e

die E he (marriage)
der Be rg (mountain)
der Tee (tea)
ge rn (willingly)
der Rabe (raven)

F f



fein (thin)
der F reund (friend)
die Hilf e (help)
das Schiff
fünf (five)

G g


gut (good)
das G eld (money)
mog en (to love)
der Zug (train)
wegg ehen (to leave)

H h

h ier (here)
h aben (to have)
der H ofh und (yard dog)
der Rauch (smoke)
h undert (one hundred)

I i

der I gel (hedgehog)
Wien (Vienna)
fi nden (to find)
mobi l (mobile)
di e Kopi e (copy)



der J ude (Jew)
Benj amin (Benjamin)
j etzt (now)
j a (yes)
das J od (iodine)

K k


der K amm (comb)
der Rock (skirt)
k lein (small)
back en (oven)
denk en (to think)




laufen (to run)
bl ind (blind)
die Insel (island)
der Himmel (sky)
die L ampe (lamp)




malen (draw)
der M ensch (person)
komm en (to come)
der Baum (tree)
dumm (stupid)




nur (only)
die Nacht (night)
könn en (to be able)
wohn en (to live)
n eun (nine)

O o

oben (top)
die So nne (sun)
die Flo ra (flora)
also (so)
fo rmlo s (shapeless)

P p


die Presse (press)
tipp en (print)
p lump (clumsy)
die P flanze (plant)
der Typ (type)

Q q


die Quelle (source)
q uadraticsh (square)
der Q uark (cottage cheese)
verq uält (exhausted)
der Q uatsch (nonsense)

R r



rufen (to call)
die Gruppe (group)
die Kirsche (cherry)
hier (here)
das Beer (beer)




der S ohn (son)
sieben (seven)
die Nas e (nose)
interess ant (interesting)
was (what)

T t


der T isch (table)
die T ant e (aunt)
gott lich (divine)
satt (full)
das Brot (bread)

U u

die Uhr (hours)
die U rsache (reason)
wu nderbar (wonderful)
genau (exactly)
mu rmeln (mumble)



der Vater (father)
v on (from)
der Karnev al [-v-] (carnival)
herv orgehen [-f-] (happen)
der Nerv [-v] (nerve)

W w


wollen (to wish)
der W ein (wine)
die Wohnung (apartment)
bew eisen (to prove)
die Anw endung (application)

X x


Xanten (Xanten)
die Hex e (witch)
die Tax e (dachshund)
das Max imum (maximum)
das Fax (fax, message)

Y y


der Y eti (Yeti, Bigfoot)
dy namisch (dynamic)
der Zy niker (cynic)
die Lyrik (lyrics)
die Physik (physics)

Z z


der Z oo (zoo)
z iehen (pull)
sitz en (to sit)
der Kranz (wreath)
das Holz (tree)

Ä ä


ä hnlich (similar)
der Bär (bear)
gä hnen (yawn)
der Kä se (cheese)

Ö ö

Ö sterreich (Austria)
lö sen (to decide)
bö se (angry)
das Ö l (oil)

Ü ü

ü blich (regular)
über (over)
die Bü hne (scene)
die Tür (door)


der Fu ß (leg)
drauß en (outside)
reiß en (tear)
beiß en (bite)

For those who are starting to learn German, it is important to know capital letters of the German alphabet.

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