Viktor Tolmachev who is this: biography, what is the cause of death, he died. Latest news, what is known. Goalkeeper Viktor Tolmachev biography: death, what happened, news Viktor Tolmachev hockey player goalkeeper

Hockey goalkeeper Viktor Tolmachev, who played for CSKA and the USSR national team, was killed in Moscow. The main accused was his daughter, with whom 78-year-old Tolmachev lived in a one-room apartment.

On Friday, September 22, according to MK, a 76-year-old pensioner called the local police officer and said that her ex-husband had not been in touch for more than a week. The police officer went to the address where his daughter opened the door to the apartment and stated that the former hockey player was vacationing in Transcarpathia, Ukraine.

However, the district police officer managed to detect an unpleasant, pungent odor and demanded to enter the apartment, where he discovered a half-decomposed corpse on the sofa covered with a tarpaulin.

The body had changed significantly, but a medical examination determined that death was the result of stab wounds. Tolmachev's daughter was immediately detained by the police and charged with murder. The press service of the Chief for Moscow informed about this.

“The investigative bodies of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow are investigating a criminal case against a resident of the capital born in 1962. She was charged with a crime under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder).

According to investigators, the woman, at an unspecified period of time, but no later than September 22, 2017, while in an apartment in a residential building on Otkrytoye Highway in Moscow, together with her father, stabbed him at least twice in the chest area. The man, born in 1939, died on the spot from his injuries.

Currently, the defendant has been chosen as a preventive measure in the form of detention. The investigation into the criminal case continues,” according to the official website of the Investigative Committee.

Tolmachev’s relatives did not express surprise at the murder of the hockey player by his own daughter. The woman's relationship with her family was not the best. According to relatives, the woman never worked, sold her apartment and moved in with her father. At the same time, she has a daughter who was left homeless.

In recent days, Tolmachev’s granddaughter constantly called her mother, but she assured her daughter that Tolmachev had left for Ukraine.

This did not arouse any suspicion, since he repeatedly traveled to the Lvov region to rest and receive treatment.

Viktor Tolmachev began playing hockey at the Moscow children's and youth sports school in 1953. Already in 1962, he began to defend the colors of CSKA, with which he became the champion of the USSR five times. However, in 1969, he had a conflict with the team coach Boris Kulagin, after which the goalkeeper moved to Khimik Voskresensk, where he ended his career in 1972. The former goalkeeper played ten matches for the USSR national team.

After Tolmachev in 1969, the main goalkeeper of CSKA, and then the national team, became, who at that time was only 17 years old.

Recently, a wave of murders of current and former athletes has swept across Russia.

On the night of September 15, a 23-year-old Russian walker died from a knife wound in Moscow. During an evening walk with friends, he noticed that an intoxicated man was harassing two girls. Ivanov stood up for the women, but the criminal stabbed the athlete in the stomach with a knife.

On the night of July 29, the body of a two-time winner of the European Junior Championship in freestyle wrestling was discovered on the shore of Lake Baikal near the village of Goryachinsk in Buryatia. The body of the 20-year-old athlete lay on the ground with multiple stab wounds in the neck and head.

Later it became known that the murder of the young wrestler occurred because of a woman. According to the Investigative Committee of Buryatia, the champion got involved in a mass fight, standing up for a friend who had previously molested a girl in one of the nightclubs.

On the morning of August 20 in Khabarovsk, the world and European powerlifting champion died as a result of injuries received in a street fight. According to eyewitnesses, a 32-year-old athlete, who was relaxing in one of the city’s nightlife establishments, had a disagreement with a man born in 1992.

The men decided to sort things out on the street. In the fight, the opponent kicked Drachev in the head, and then began to finish off the athlete who had fallen unconscious on the ground with his fist.

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Biography, life story of Viktor Egorovich Tolmachev

Tolmachev Viktor Egorovich - Soviet hockey player (goalkeeper).

Sports achivments

Viktor Tolmachev began playing hockey professionally in 1953, at the age of 14. At first, the teenager studied at the Metrostroy children's and youth sports school, then became a member of the Lokomotiv club. In 1958-1962, Victor played for the SKA MVO hockey club. Then he left for CSKA. He stayed with this team until 1969. In 1969 he was expelled from CSKA due to a serious conflict with the coach. From 1969 to 1974, the athlete played for the Khimik club in the city of Voskresensk.

Viktor Egorovich became the champion of the USSR five times - in 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1968. In 1967 and 1969 he received silver at the championships. At the USSR championship in the 1969/1970 season he became a bronze medalist. In 1966, 1967 and 1968 Tolmachev won the National Cup. In 1963, 1964, 1967 and 1968, Victor was recognized as one of the best players in the Soviet Union (33rd place out of 34 possible).

Viktor Egorovich - Master of Sports of the USSR.

After sports

After leaving hockey, Viktor Tolmachev took up trading. For some time he was the director of an electrical goods store. In 2007 he retired.


Viktor Egorovich was married once. His wife Lyubov Nikolaevna Bychkova gave him a daughter, Tatyana, in 1962.

Tanya was a difficult child - violent, uncontrollable. The difficult family situation also affected the girl. Tolmachev often took a drink of the bottle, after which, while intoxicated, he allowed himself to let loose and beat his wife and daughter.


At the age of 16, Tatyana Tolmacheva became pregnant. She gave birth to a daughter, Yana. For many years Tatyana lived in Ryazan. In the spring of 2017, she moved to Moscow.

Victor’s passion for alcoholic beverages and his inability to control himself led to the fact that in 2014 Lyubov filed for divorce. After the breakup, the couple were able to maintain friendly relations. Victor also communicated well with Yana, his only granddaughter.


On September 24, 2017, Viktor Tolmachev was found dead in his own Moscow one-room apartment. According to investigators, at the time of the discovery of the body, the hockey player had been dead for more than a month. The corpse was wrapped in a tarpaulin. The body was found to have stab wounds in the chest area.

The police visited Tolmachev's house after his ex-wife and granddaughter contacted them. According to relatives, Victor has not been in touch with them for a long time (namely, since August 7). No one saw him, no one spoke to him. The calls were answered by Tatyana, his daughter, whom he had registered with him several months earlier. Tatyana never called her father to the phone, citing the fact that he was busy, sleeping, or generally away (Viktor often went to the Lvov region for treatment).

Tatyana Tolmacheva was detained by operatives on suspicion of premeditated murder. In the pre-trial detention center, the woman confessed to her crime.

USSR national team goalkeeper Viktor Tolmachev

Hockey goalie Viktor Tolmachev was stabbed to death in his apartment in Moscow.

The athlete's daughter is suspected of murder.

Former goalkeeper of the USSR national hockey team Viktor Tolmachev was found dead in his home on Otkrytoye Shosse in Moscow. The daughter of a hockey player, with whom he had a strained relationship, was detained on suspicion of murder.

Reportedly, she tried to hide the fact of her father’s death from law enforcement agencies, but during a police visit, Tolmachev’s body was found in the woman’s apartment.

On September 22, a 76-year-old pensioner called the local police officer and said that her ex-husband had not been in touch for more than a week. The policeman went to the residence address of 78-year-old Viktor Egorovich Tolmachev. The door to the apartment was opened by the owner’s daughter, who said that her father was on vacation in Ukraine, in Transcarpathia. But the law enforcement officer sensed a sharp, suffocating smell in the apartment. Quite quickly, the law enforcement officer discovered a half-decomposed corpse on the sofa, covered with a tarpaulin. Time has done its work - the body has changed greatly, but experts quickly established that the cause of death of the pensioner was 7 stab wounds. Tolmachev's daughter was immediately detained.

Relatives admitted that this did not surprise them: the woman’s relationship with her family was strained. A 55-year-old woman had never worked and sold her apartment, leaving her own daughter with nothing. She herself lived with her father in a one-room apartment. But the granddaughter regularly visited the pensioner. The last time she saw her grandfather was on August 7. That day she was puzzled that her mother was talking to herself, but Viktor Yegorovich assured his granddaughter that everything was fine with them. After this, the girl called her mother, but she behaved as usual. When the girl asked about her grandfather, she first said several times that he was sleeping, and later said that he had gone to Ukraine again. This did not surprise anyone: several times a year the pensioner went for treatment and vacation to the suburbs of Lvov, where he had a friend who was a doctor.

Currently, investigators have opened a criminal case under the article “Murder”.

Viktor Tolmachev was a professional hockey player and played 10 matches for the USSR national team. USSR champion 1963–1966 with CSKA. Four times he was among the best players in the country. He was expelled from CSKA due to a conflict with coach Boris Kulagin and moved to Khimik Voskresensk. Tolmachev's place in goal was taken by the legendary Vladislav Tretyak.

Former goalkeeper of the USSR national hockey team Viktor Tolmachev was found murdered in his apartment on Sunday, September 24.

As RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in law enforcement agencies, seven stab wounds to the chest were found on Tolmachev’s body.

It is reported that Tolmachev’s ex-wife contacted the police with a statement that he had not been in touch for more than a week. Police arrived at the apartment of a 78-year-old man on Otkrytoye Shosse in Moscow and discovered his body.

Viktor Tolmachev was killed: the circumstances of the goalkeeper’s death

The famous hockey player died a month ago, but his death became known today, September 24, 2017. The athlete stopped communicating and concerned relatives contacted the police. Viktor Tolmachev was found dead in his Moscow apartment, where he lived with his daughter.

Investigators found seven stab wounds on his body, wrapped in a tarpaulin. The daughter of the deceased was the first to come under suspicion. The woman did not work anywhere, lived on the money of her father, with whom she often quarreled. She later confessed to committing this crime and was placed in a pre-trial detention center.

Indeed, just a few minutes ago, information appeared in the news that a famous Soviet hockey player was stabbed to death by his daughter. The body of 78-year-old Viktor Tolmachev was found by a local police officer who visited his apartment. The door was opened to him by the hockey player’s daughter, who initially tried to hide her father’s death, claiming that he had gone for treatment.

Victor Tolmachev: biography

Viktor Tolmachev was born in August 1939 in Moscow. From 1958 to 1962 he played for SKA MVO, and then moved to CSKA, where he played until 1969. Due to a conflict with coach Boris Kulagin, he was expelled from CSKA and moved to Khimik Voskresensk. After Tolmachev left the club, Vladislav Tretyak took his place.

For a long time, Tolmachev performed as part of a star-studded cast. Played more than 300 matches in the USSR championships. He was a silver medalist at the USSR championships in 1967 and 1969. Four times included in the list of the best players in the country. He was also a master of sports. Viktor Tolmachev has always been a very cheerful and sociable guy. According to friends, he had a wonderful, strong family.

After finishing his sports career, he began to engage in trading, but not very successfully. According to Tolmachev, close to the family, during the same period his family fell apart.

In recent years, he lived in a one-room apartment with his 55-year-old daughter. She did not work anywhere and her relationship with her father was strained. Tolmachev was often visited by his granddaughter. She saw her grandfather on August 7. According to the neighbor, Tolmachev’s body lay in the apartment in plastic bags for a month and a half. It was from August 7 that no one saw him again.

The tragic news shocked the hockey world on September 24th. The former goalkeeper of the USSR national team was found murdered in his home on Otkrytoye Highway. It is reported that the body of a famous former athlete Viktor Tolmachev lay in the apartment for several days, and all this time the main suspect, his 55-year-old daughter, lived quietly with him. Information that is difficult to wrap your head around. Apparently, not only investigators, but also psychiatrists will have to deal with the woman.

According to news agencies, the body of a 78-year-old veteran was found by a police officer who came to check on the elderly man’s condition at the request of his relatives. The fact is that Tolmachev did not get in touch for a long time, so people close to him became worried. The circumstances that emerged shocked them.

According to news agencies, the body of a 78-year-old veteran was found by a police officer who came to check on the elderly man’s condition at the request of his relatives.

The first details have already appeared, which were reported by the investigative authorities. The former goalkeeper died from stab wounds, he was stabbed several times in the chest area.

“When police arrived at the former goalkeeper’s apartment at 6 Otkrytoye Shosse, they found the body of a man covered with a tarpaulin. According to the investigation, no later than September 22, a woman born in 1962, in an apartment in a house on Otkrytoye Highway, stabbed a man born in 1939 at least twice in the chest area with a knife. The accused has been charged. She was detained,” TASS quotes the senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow Yulia Ivanova.

Tolmachev's daughter was detained. Currently, investigators have opened a criminal case under the article “Murder”. The suspect has already admitted to what she did. It is interesting to know the motives for which the woman decided to commit such a heinous crime.

It is worth noting that Tolmachev is a four-time USSR hockey champion, the predecessor of the legendary Soviet goalkeeper Vladislav Tretiak, currently serving as president of the Russian Hockey Federation. The peak of the player's fame came from 1963-1966. It was Tolmachev who in those days defended the colors of the “army” team and forged the glory of the invincible CSKA. In addition to the club, the hockey player also played for the USSR national team, playing 10 matches with it. Tolmachev was among the best players in the country four times.

As fate would have it, the goalkeeper was expelled from CSKA due to a serious conflict with coach Boris Kulagin, after which he moved to Khimik Voskresensk. Just after this incident, Tolmachev’s place in goal was taken by Tretyak, who for many years was among the elite of the entire world hockey. Well, Tolmachev’s career began to go downhill.

Tolmachev's daughter was detained. Currently, investigators have opened a criminal case under the article “Murder”. The suspect has already admitted to what she did.

This is how the Olympic champion characterizes Tolmachev Alexander Pashkov.

“I have good memories of Tolmachev. He was a good player, a master. Repeated champion of the USSR, played for CSKA for a long time. He was a respected person in the team. It was difficult to play in that team; it was a champion. Tarasov's requirements were high, and he met them. His career in terms of the national team did not quite work out. The national team was strong at that time, and he did not quite reach its level.

Later he lost motivation and quickly ended his career at Khimik. And later his fate was difficult. Tolmachev had neither profession nor education, so Victor had to do something unusual for him. He worked in trade. In Soviet times, it was difficult to work in it; this is a very sensitive topic. And here he began to make mistakes, life was not the same as it was in hockey. He failed to achieve balance and save his family, and with age this only worsened.

Pashkov: I have good memories of Tolmachev. He was a good player, a master. Repeated champion of the USSR, played for CSKA for a long time. He was a respected person in the team.

The last time we spoke was five years ago at a CSKA game. He very rarely came there. He was a good friend and player. Playing for CSKA was a dream for hockey players of that time. Victor achieved this. It seems to me that those people who knew him will have a good memory of him,” Pashkov told the Championship.

The editors of the Championship expresses condolences to the friends and relatives of the murdered man.

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