Military patriotic movement Youth Army. Youth Army

Youth Army- All-Russian military-patriotic social movement, created on October 29, 2015.

The main stated goal of the movement: to arouse interest among the younger generation in the geography, history of Russia and its peoples, heroes, outstanding scientists and commanders. Any schoolchild, military-patriotic organization, club or search party can join the movement. It is expected that members of the movement, in their free time from school, will engage in volunteer activities, take part in cultural and sports events, receive additional education, and first aid skills.

The head of the General Staff of the All-Russian military-patriotic movement is Dmitry Trunenkov.

Regional headquarters are open in all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Chief of Staff of the regional office St. Petersburg Korovin Igor Vladimirovich gave an interview about the movement "Youth Army" Internet portal "Best of St. Petersburg"(May 2017):

Igor Vladimirovich, please tell us about the Yunarmiya movement?

Yunarmiya is a social movement created on the initiative of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, approved by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Participation in our movement is voluntary, activities are regulated by a single charter. We have no government participation. The founders were 2 legal entities - the Union of Veterans of the Armed Forces and DOSAAF, and 4 individuals - Valentina Tereshkova, Artur Chilingarov, Valery Vostrotin and Svetlana Khorkina.

On May 28, 2016, the first meeting was held, at which the decision was made to establish the Yunarmiya movement; in the summer, the organization was registered with the Ministry of Justice (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), and on September 1, 2016, they officially began to work. Branches of the Movement have been created in all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

What are the objectives of the Movement?

The main task of the Movement is initial military pre-conscription training, which includes both the physical and intellectual development of young people, the formation of correct life views in the broad sense of the word. In addition, “Yunarmia” is a good alternative to the street, computer games and Internet communication - our children are busy and involved in real life. Many guys like cars, tanks, pistols... Young Army members have the opportunity to safely study weapons, military equipment, and shooting at a training ground... In addition, they gain the most important experience of interaction in a team. (link “Subject, goals and objectives” in the Appendix)

What is the structure of the Yunarmiya movement?

The leader of the Yunarmiya movement is Defense Minister Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu. All important decisions of the Movement are made at the All-Russian Youth Army Rally. At the first Youth Army meeting, on May 28, 2016, the General Staff and the Chief of the General Staff (located in Moscow) were elected. Next come regional meetings in the constituent entities, at which, in turn, the regional Headquarters and the Head of the regional headquarters are elected - a regional branch is formed. The third link in the structure are Local branches at municipalities, working directly with primary organizations - detachments.

St. Petersburg is somewhat specific in terms of administrative division: we have 18 districts and 111 municipalities. Schools are subordinate to the city (committees, district administrations), and municipalities currently do not have the opportunity to provide financial assistance to the Yunarmiya - money for patriotism was seized from them. There is a law on patriotic education, but only events in which Youth Army members can take part can be financed.

There is also a Security Committee that deals with conscription into the army. I am on the city draft board. Since we are preparing future defenders of the fatherland, we must be responsible for the results. We also interact with military registration and enlistment offices. The Ministry of Defense in each subject has created a department for patriotic work, the priority of which is “Youth Army” - it is more convenient to work systematically.

Igor Vladimirovich, is the work in regional associations the same, or are the specifics of each city and region taken into account?

All associations are guided by a single charter. If we talk about St. Petersburg, then our city is unique, providing great opportunities for studying the history of Russia, the history of the navy, the history of the army...

What function does a school teacher who forms a detachment perform?

Teachers supervise the squad. This is mainly a life safety teacher, or a head teacher for educational work. Sometimes even the director actively participates in the life of the Youth Army detachment, for example, school 210. Often, teachers, before allowing children in, first want to understand and experience the work of the movement themselves. This is very correct and responsible!

Who is the detachment commander, representatives of the military organizations supervising the detachment?

The commander of the detachment is chosen from among the Youth Army members, and this is not always a boy. Girls in some areas are more active and responsible. Our detachment commanders have approximately half boys and girls.

What is the number of Yunarmiya today?

There are currently more than 100 thousand youth members across the country; in St. Petersburg we are approaching 2 thousand.

Who and how can join the ranks of the Yunarmiya?

Any schoolchild - from 8 to 18 years old. In principle, there is no upper limit, but upon reaching 18 years of age, a young man becomes an army member and can join DOSAAF. DOSAAF, according to its charter, accepts people from 18 years of age. They provide training in military specialties: driving, parachute training, shooting, radio operators, etc. Who has what opportunities - DOSAAF is not currently available in all regions...

Peter is lucky, we have CSKA and DOSAAF and all the rest... In some regions there is nothing, not even military units, there the emphasis is on the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs... In principle, you can find a job option in any region.

Igor Vladimirovich, is it possible to join the Yunarmiya individually?

There is such a problem. Since we are acting according to plan, teams are formed in pilot schools. At the moment we are not ready to accept singles. We still don’t have our own base where we could invite them, and besides, it’s not right for children to travel across the whole city. We plan to expand with the assistance of the Youth Policy Committee and the Education Committee. They have their own teenage and youth centers, youth houses, creativity houses, etc. We are also starting to work with the Palace of Students on Malaya Konyushennaya. And on their basis it is planned to create local branches; they will be linked to the Municipal Districts. At the site where the Youth Army class is being organized, teams will be formed and work will be carried out at the municipal level. Local branches with their own curator and their own Headquarters will be created when there are more than 5 detachments in the area.

Over the summer (ed.: 2017) we will systematize the information received, programs approved by the Ministry of Education will already be suitable, and then we will have the opportunity to work with “loners”.

Will Youth Army members have priorities when entering universities or in other life situations?

Yes, this issue was raised back in September 2016; an order of the Minister of Defense (directive) was supposed to be issued. For each Young Army member, a portfolio (personal file) is created, which records what courses he took, what results he achieved, what events he participated in... Based on the results, benefits will be provided for admission to universities of the Ministry of Defense. And through the military registration and enlistment offices that supervise us, the choice of place of service and type of military service.

Is the “Youth Army” movement connected with the All-Russian children and youth organization “Russian Movement of Schoolchildren” (RDSh), created by decree of V.V. Putin on July 29, 2016?

Legally, we are two independent organizations. In organizational terms, we are considered part of the “Russian Schoolchildren Movement”. The "RDSh" has a civil-patriotic education, and they are somewhat similar to the pioneers, while the "Yunarmiya" has a military-patriotic education. These are two different directions, but we complement each other and cooperate closely.

How is the work structured, what do the Young Army members study?

The training program for Youth Army members will be designed for three age categories. Every day, hourly, classes will be held in various disciplines, including theoretical and practical parts. Theory is history, military disciplines (military specialties), initial military training, pre-conscription training, study of documents. Practice includes the study of technology, weapons, parachute, scuba diving, rock climbing, drill training... All together - this is extracurricular additional education.

In addition, now “Rosmolodezh” (ed.: Federal Agency for Youth Affairs) is working on an all-Russian topic - three games will be held among the Youth Army members, according to age groups - “Zarnitsa”, “Zarnichka” and “Eaglet”, and the game “Victory” (14-16 years old). Three levels - district, city and federal. The best teams will take part in the all-Russian games. In St. Petersburg, “Zarnitsa” did not cease to exist - “Baltic Coast” (ed.: City Center for Civic and Patriotic Education) holds it annually. The new Zarnitsa will be larger-scale; the games are planned to be held at the Artek and Orlyonok children's centers. There is a corresponding training ground in the Patriot Park of the Ministry of Defense near Moscow... Airsoft players have joined in, they are planning to hold tactical games in the regions.

How was the work carried out in the past academic year, what is planned for the future?

For this academic year (ed.: 2016/2017), together with the Russian Children's School, a program of “pilot schools” was adopted. We started working with RDS almost simultaneously. I am also a member of the coordination council of the Russian Children's School, and in order to roll out the technology of interaction and work, we decided to select one school in each district. 18 districts - 18 “pilot schools”. The Education Committee sent out a “questionnaire” to schools asking them to join the Yunarmiya. A certain pool of pilot schools was organized, and we formed detachments at these schools. This is convenient for both children and teachers. But 18 schools was not a limitation, but a reference point. Now there are already more than 30 schools on the move.

It is more convenient to work with schools for both us and the Young Army members: the children are already there, there is no need to go anywhere, and besides, there is a place for theoretical studies and practice - sports grounds, a parade ground where you can march. Many units participate in “Zarnitsy”, competitions of drill groups, banner group, take up post No. 1 - “Eternal Flame”... In St. Petersburg there are many small associations, clubs, classes in schools (cadet classes, classes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, naval cadet classes and others) with elements of military-patriotic work. Our task is to unite them and conduct pre-conscription training and patriotic education according to uniform standards.

Is there any assistance to the Movement from the state?

We are a public organization - we do not receive financial assistance from the state. The main organizer and inspirer of the work of the “Youth Army” is the Ministry of Defense, which helps us with all its resources: museums, higher military educational institutions, Suvorov and cadet schools - institutions that are part of the structure of the Ministry of Defense. The Minister of Defense personally oversees all work on the Yunarmiya; this is one of his priorities.

The commanders of military districts directly help us, and everyone who is connected with this within the Ministry of Defense: providing training grounds for holding rallies, equipment, assistance in organizing military training, supervision of our units at training camps by military personnel who are directly involved with the guys... Thus, close interaction occurs and building relationships. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations also help us.

Igor Vladimirovich, are additional financial investments required from parents, for the purchase of a youth army uniform, for example?

Parents don't spend a penny. They buy us uniforms. This issue is resolved in different ways: the Ministry of Defense allocates funds, CSKA, DOSAAF, somewhere schools are looking for sponsors, somewhere municipalities help, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, deputies of the State Duma get involved...

The form will still be finalized. What we are wearing now is a ceremonial version. It is not suitable for training. We will need a camouflage uniform in which we can both sit in a trench and climb in a tank.

Ideally, we are moving towards having several hundred ceremonial sets and giving them out at events - children are growing, and it is not practical to purchase a personal set for each child...

What do you think is the best way to build patriotic work so that participants in the movement become conscious patriots, and not fanatical associates?

Children, first of all, should be interested, and then the “sown seeds” will fall on “fertile soil.” It is important for children to actively participate in activities where they can express themselves. Children must expand their horizons, master additional skills, develop moral qualities, acquire what will be useful to them in life and choose what they could be passionate about in the future.

For example, we have military-historical reconstruction - this is, so to speak, the study of history “live”; There is search work, when at the battlefields (Nevsky Piglet, Sinyavino) the Youth Army members look for fallen soldiers, try to establish their identities in the archives, and, if possible, contact relatives. The children take part in these events and search expeditions with pleasure, not only receiving a lot of impressions, but also choosing the most interesting direction for themselves. The knowledge gained in this way about the history of our country is perceived in a completely different way, including the Great Patriotic War - you understand at what cost our grandfathers got the Victory!

Everything taken together, I think, will give a positive result to the work of our Movement.

The All-Russian movement "Youth Army" is a children's and youth organization whose goal is the patriotic education of Russian citizens. In the Moscow region, about 20 thousand schoolchildren from the region are already members of the Yunarmiya.

Who is accepted

How to become a member of the organization

To join the ranks of the Youth Army members, the candidate must submit an application at his place of residence. The regional headquarters of the Moscow region, headed by a famous athlete, is located at: Moscow, Mira Avenue, 72.

If a candidate for the Youth Army is under 18 years old, then parental consent is required for his entry into the organization.

Children are accepted into the ranks of the “Youth Army” in, and participants in the movement take an oath of allegiance to the Motherland.


In the Moscow region, Yunarmiya works according to four priorities.

The first is the information direction, which is supervised by TV presenter Roman Babayan.

The second direction is volunteering. Youth Army members help elderly people, teenagers in difficult life situations, and homeless animals. The volunteer direction is supervised by the chairman of the board of the Moscow regional branch of VOMO “All-Russian Student Rescue Corps” Maxim Borovik.

The third direction is patriotic. This includes joint work with military-patriotic and search clubs, battle reconstructions, military forums, for example, “Heirs of Victory,” which takes place in the Moscow region annually.

Of course, Youth Army members are also taught how to use weapons. The curator of this area in the region is Timur Cherepnin, deputy head of the regional headquarters of the All-Russian military-patriotic public movement “Yunarmia” of the Moscow region.

The fourth direction is environmental. Young Army members participate in community cleanups, clean ponds, remove garbage, hang birdhouses, etc. This area is supervised in the Moscow region by cosmonaut and Hero of Russia Elena Serova.

Victoria Kulagina

In recent years, huge amounts of money have been allocated to various propaganda projects in Russia. It seems that the state has seriously taken up the patriotic education of schoolchildren, and the Russian military department will be involved in this project. Since September 1, 2016, the military-patriotic movement “Youth Army” has been operating in schools across the country. The main initiator of the creation of this organization was Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, and the idea was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the Minister of Defense, the Youth Army is needed to make young men “proud of the exploits of their fathers and grandfathers” and prepare for “future service to the Motherland.” However, judging by the statements of other military officials, Russia plans to create one of the most militarized children's organizations in the world. The military has already promised that participants in the new patriotic movement will receive everything that the Russian army has today - except perhaps missiles.

The first all-Russian rally of the “Youth Army” took place in May 2017, more than five hundred teenagers from different parts of Russia took part in it. The event turned out to be very pompous: at the first ceremony of joining the Yunarmiya (it took place in Yaroslavl), the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova was present, and a teleconference took place with several Russian cities. Within a few months, the new movement was replenished with a number of regional branches. This is not surprising - almost everywhere the Yunarmiya received support at the level of governors and commanders of large military units.

Currently, Yunarmiya has its headquarters in Moscow, as well as an impressive network of regional offices. In just the first two months of the movement’s existence, it was replenished with 76 branches opened in different regions of Russia.

The creators of this project hope that Yunarmiya will become the most massive military-patriotic movement among Russian youth. Over the course of several years, they plan to attract several hundred thousand teenagers. Shoigu said that the main goal of the Yunarmiya is to educate a new generation of patriots, smart, brave, loving their homeland and ready to defend it at any time. The plans of the new patriotic movement include increasing interest among the younger generation in the history and geography of Russia, its peoples, outstanding scientists, heroes and commanders.

Children will engage in military sports, study military science, take a young fighter course, engage in fire and drill training, and study weapon design. In addition, teenagers will learn the rules of first aid.

It’s not just the Ministry of Defense that is involved in “Youth Army”. The Central Sports Club of the Army (CSKA) and the Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy (DOSAAF of Russia) also take care of the young army members. The military department has already developed the structure of the Yunarmiya branches, linking them to the location of military units, military registration and enlistment offices, military educational institutions and branches of DOSAAF and CSKA.

According to the plans of the Yunarmiya organizers, teenagers in their free time from school will engage in volunteer work, care for and protect military burial sites and monuments, and participate in sports and cultural events.

The Ministry of Defense believes that in recent years many military-patriotic organizations have appeared in the country that work with young people. According to officials, the Yunarmiya should coordinate these movements, make their work systemic, give them a common form, symbols, and charter.

“Youth Army” already has its own uniform - these are red berets, sand-colored trousers, blue and red polos. Young patriots will wear sneakers or combat boots on their feet. In addition, the uniform includes socks, a jacket, a sweatshirt, a backpack, a tablet and a first aid kit. The organization's emblem has already been invented: it combines the Soviet five-pointed star with a predatory eagle profile. Also, uniform sets will be developed for the children, corresponding to various types of troops: tank crews, pilots, sailors.

It is not yet entirely clear at what age a child can join the Yunarmiya. The age is called fourteen, ten and even seven years.

Children will not be distracted from the school curriculum; classes in the new military-patriotic movement will be held in their free time from school. Young Army soldiers will be provided with special rooms (headquarters), where there will be a banner of each detachment, a library, teaching aids and visual propaganda. Each squad will report to its own commander.

The organizers of the new movement never tire of repeating that they will not force anyone into the Yunarmiya; membership in the organization is exclusively voluntary. The question has not yet been resolved whether members of the Yunarmiya will have any benefits when entering universities.

Does modern Russia need Youth Army?

Of course, work with the younger generation is necessary, but is military education its optimal form? The mood that is in Russian society today is called by many nothing more than “patriotic frenzy.” Do I need to warm them up even more?

It should be noted that today “Youth Army” is not the only project related to the military-patriotic education of youth. Not so long ago, cadet classes began to open in schools, where they accept children who study without grades. In these classes, military science, Russian history, combat training, military training, and life safety are also studied.

Another attempt to revive old Soviet traditions is the practice of passing GTO standards, which appeared in Russia several years ago. You can also call it the “Race of Heroes” - a unique form of the Soviet “Zarnitsa” for adults. It is carried out at military training grounds and is actively supported at the state level.

It should be noted that the creation of such projects can be an excellent way to “cut” the state budget by unscrupulous officials. Today, teenagers have every opportunity to engage in shooting or parachuting, and whether it is necessary to revive Soviet ideology is a highly controversial issue. Perhaps budget funds would be better spent on improving the education system to make it more in line with modern realities.

The All-Russian children's and youth military-patriotic public movement "Yunarmia" began its activities in May 2016. The main task was to unite all organizations involved in pre-conscription training of citizens into a single organization. Military and sports directions became fundamental in the training program, designed to educate Russian youth in the spirit of internationalism and patriotism, to instill in the younger generation an interest in the geography and history of their country, its peoples, heroes, outstanding scientists and commanders. Invite young people to volunteer and participate in major cultural and sporting events.

The number of movement participants, according to April 2017, amounted to more than 70,000 people; within a year, movement headquarters were opened in all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Any schoolchild, military-patriotic organization, club or search party can join the Yunarmiya, because membership in the organization is open and voluntary.

This year, Youth Army members will take part in the parade on Red Square on May 9. Thanks to the Youth Army, the military sports game “lightning”, which was very popular among young people in Soviet times, will be revived. In addition to games, Youth Army members will learn shooting, providing medical care, map navigation and many other useful skills, and in their free time they will engage in volunteer activities and work to preserve memorials. To carry out events under the auspices of the movement, the infrastructure of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, CSKA and DOSAAF is used. Military reserve officers act as teachers
By 2020, more than 100 military-patriotic education centers will be created in Russia, some of which will carry out specialized work on training young paratroopers, pilots and tank crews.

The chief of staff of the regional branch of the all-Russian military-patriotic public movement “Yunarmia” in the Leningrad region, Oleg Nikolaevich Bushko, answered the question in more detail in an interview: what is Yunarmiya? Oleg Nikolaevich has held his position since the opening of the Youth Army headquarters in the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg, and has also been working with children for more than 8 years.

Oleg Nikolaevich, what tasks are set for the “Youth Army”?
- Participation in the implementation of state youth policy with the aim of educating patriotic citizens. As well as increasing the authority and prestige of military service among young people in society, the comprehensive development and improvement of the personality of children and adolescents.

Are there plans to recruit into the movement citizens who have reached the age of 18, but have not joined the armed forces and DOSAAF?
- There is no way without this, our children are not independent, therefore, it is necessary for someone to guide them, tell them something, therefore in the Yunarmiya there is no upper age limit as such. “Youth Army” from the age of 8 and for life.
Upon reaching adulthood, a Youth Army member can join the ranks of DOSAAF, then he will be a member of two associations, or he may not join DOSAAF, remain an honorary Youth Army member and become, for example, an instructor.

Do Youth Army events take place only in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, or is there an opportunity for Youth Army members to travel around the country?
- There is a regional branch of St. Petersburg, and there is a regional branch of the Leningrad region - these are two different regional branches. No one is stopping us from holding joint events among ourselves or together with other branches of our country. At the end of May this year, an “All-Russian rally” will take place, which will bring together members of the Young Army from all regions of Russia.

This year, in Kovrov, the Youth Forum of the Western Military District took place, the next one will be held in Moscow in May of this year. This gathering is held for all Youth Army members.
With the assistance of the Yunarmiya main headquarters, we receive invitations to all kinds of children's camps in Russia, in particular, the Sestroretsky Frontier detachment won a trip from May 4 to May 25 this year to the Artek international children's center for 10 people. The next trip is planned to Orlyonok.

How willingly modern families send their children to join the ranks of the Youth Army; are there any problems with recruits?
- If the goal is to join the society in order to simply be listed in it, then this is not a question at all, but I would like the parents who bring their children to the Yunarmiya to understand what the movement is. These are serious training sessions in active military units. We had such a training camp during spring break in the 138th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, stationed in the village of Kamenka, Vyborg District, Leningrad Region, and lasted 3 days with 2 overnight stays.
For big and small (under 18 years of age) boys and girls, everything was arranged exactly the same as for soldiers. If parents understand this and are ready to send their children to such events, then Yunarmia is for them.

But many are mistaken; they perceive the “Youth Army” as, first of all, parades, guards of honor and visits to various entertainment events. But in the Leningrad region department there are still hardships and deprivations of military service.

True, speaking frankly, it cannot be said that in Kamenka children live like real soldiers. The food there is very good, many people don’t eat like that at home, 3 meals a day. You have a choice of 2 soups, 2 main courses, compote, tea or coffee and 6-7 buffets with all sorts of things: peas, cookies, candies, etc.
They eat well, live in comfortable barracks, where there is a shower and toilet. Well, what are the hardships and hardships here? Just maybe discipline. Lights up in the evening, rise early in the morning, then exercises with a run and exercises at the training ground.

Do you think the subject “Military-Patriotic Training” is needed in school?
- Rather, we need “Initial military training, as it was in the Soviet Union, with competent instructors who have combat experience, so that they can teach children the direction as widely as possible, it is necessary.

Should the subject be required or optional?
- You cannot live in a country and be a patriot voluntarily or at will. It seems to me that if a person lives in a country and is not a patriot, he should seriously think about moving. We have an absolutely free country, but if a person living in it scolds everyone and everything, does that mean he doesn’t like it? And if he doesn’t like it, maybe he should look for a country where he will like it? Why does he need to stir things up here?

How can you teach patriotism? What grade should I teach in, first or tenth?
- Patriotism should be taught in all subjects, but “Basic military training”: military regulations, types of weapons, self-defense skills and military history, from which some tactics can be learned. This is what you need.

What are they like, modern children?
- We were just at the Vocational Lyceum No. 120 named after S.I. Mosin. I asked the students a question: “Where is Sergei Ivanovich Mosin buried?”
Embarrassed, one girl, as if some shameful secret was being extracted from her, said that he was buried in the cemetery in Sestroretsk.
The rest were silent or giggled, that is, children who studied for a year at an institution named after such a person as Mosin, at best, know that he invented something there. Moreover, he didn’t even invent something, but stole it somewhere and said that he invented it himself.

How interested are children in military-patriotic games? Does their physical condition allow it?
- For modern children - yes. If we take the same “Sestroretsk Line”, we are not CSKA, we do not have the task of preparing super warriors, super soldiers or super athletes. A good half of the participants in the “Sestroretsk Frontier Youth Patriotic Club” will not be drafted into the army due to health reasons. I have no doubt about this, but this does not mean that they should not be accepted into the Yunarmiya. Nowadays, the army should not consist only of “Rimbaud”. The army needs "brains". A person can be a genius but have poor health. Why deny him admission to the Yunarmiya? Therefore, the ranks of the “Youth Army” are open to absolutely everyone. And a health check is required to diagnose and prevent ailments that nature could “reward” a person with.
When we fully organize the work of the movement in the Leningrad direction, it will function not to look for super-soldiers, but to maintain and strengthen the health of the Youth Army members.

The first medical commission, which 14-year-old conscripts undergo at the military registration and enlistment office, may reveal violations that can be corrected by taking the proper set of physical exercise measures, and at the age of 18, it may be too late.

Can children from low-income families and from orphanages get into the ranks of the Yunarmiya?
- The most tragic example is Andryusha Zhukov, who at that time was one of the main leaders in the group of comrades of the patriotic club “Sestroretsk Frontier”. He was from a very dysfunctional family, but he preferred the Sestroretsk Frontier to his drunken mother at home. But, unfortunately, they didn’t save it.
The financial status of the Youth Army member’s parents does not matter; it’s all about the parents themselves.

Well, what funds will be required to join the Yunarmiya? Road. Buying a card and traveling on public transport is very cheap. But, as practice shows, either people are lazy, or people don’t know that there is such an opportunity, they ride a minibus.
The uniform is issued by the government, only the chevrons are sewn at the parent's expense. Although they are inexpensive, this is wrong. After all, when a soldier joins the army, he is given everything he needs. This is how it should be in Yunarmiya. There must be things that are mandatory.

Is the Yunarmiya accused of militarizing children? How fair is this accusation?
- What’s wrong if a child is physically developed by the age of 10, masters the structure of a weapon and learns to shoot well? What's bad about it? Does anyone think that it’s better when an 18-year-old idiot gets into the army and gets a machine gun and doesn’t know how to use it? And he doesn’t even know which hole to look in to see if it’s charged. This is a completely wrong approach.

In order for a person to handle weapons well, he must know what it is and what it carries from childhood. At the same time, these should not just be stories, cartoons and computer games that only “blow children’s minds.” It’s another matter if a child, under the guidance of an adult, takes a machine gun and shoots at the body armor. He will clearly understand that even though the bullet did not penetrate the bulletproof vest, the force of inertia made him fly somersaults, and if you shoot at a target from a machine gun, chips will fly apart. Then, by the age of 18, he will understand that by buying a traumatic pistol and shooting at someone without thinking, he can kill or seriously injure a person.

From childhood you need to instill that if you pick up a weapon, you can kill someone with it and you must be aware of this. This is safe handling of weapons. Now there are many irresponsible citizens who take up arms without understanding what it is at all, and this is why all the accidents occur.
There are so many illustrative examples that can be seen in minor accidents. At the slightest scratch, drivers grab their “injuries” and start shooting in all directions, most often they don’t even hit each other, while causing harm to bystanders. Therefore, it is so necessary to lay down this knowledge at the very beginning.

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All-Russian military-patriotic public movement "Yunarmia"
Youth Army
Date of foundation:
Number of members:

The goal of the movement was declared to be: to arouse interest among the younger generation in the geography, history of Russia and its peoples, heroes, outstanding scientists and military leaders. Any schoolchild, military-patriotic organization, club or search party can join the movement. It is expected that members of the movement, in their free time from school, will engage in volunteer activities, take part in cultural and sports events, receive additional education, and first aid skills.

The head of the General Staff of the All-Russian military-patriotic movement is Dmitry Trunenkov.

Regional headquarters have been opened in 85 regions of the Russian Federation.


On July 29, 2016, the Yunarmiya movement received state registration, and from that moment on, the organization received its flag, emblem, and became a legal entity.

On September 1, 2016, the movement began its official work. To carry out events under the auspices of the movement, the infrastructure of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, CSKA and DOSAAF is used. By 2020, it is planned to create more than 100 centers of military-patriotic education in Russia, some of them will become specialized, where they will train detachments of young paratroopers, pilots and tank crews. Large-scale events will take place in the military-patriotic park of culture and recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Patriot", located near the city of Kubinka, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.

The organization registered the newspaper “Yunarmiya” [ ] and the magazine “Yunarmeets” (August 30, 2016).

Number of Movement

The number of participants in the military-patriotic movement “Yunarmiya” at the end of October 2016 is more than 26,000 thousand people. Membership in the organization is voluntary and open. Any schoolchild, public organization, club or search party can join the ranks of the military-patriotic movement “Youth Army”.

On May 22, 2016, at the Yaroslavl DOSAAF military-patriotic education center named after Valentina Tereshkova, the first 104 schoolchildren joined the ranks of the military-patriotic movement “Yunarmiya” as part of a pilot project. Also presented to the public was the Youth Army soldier’s room and elements of the training base, with the help of which it is planned to conduct military-patriotic classes. Similar classes will open in every educational institution and public organization where Youth Army detachments will be formed.


The Youth Army movement originated in 1990 on the basis of the children's and youth voluntary public organization "Movements of Young Patriots" (YUP), which was formed by merging the military sports games "Zarnitsa", "Eaglet", "Gaidar", posts at the Eternal Flame of Glory, military-patriotic clubs and others. The organization's motto was: “For the glory of the Fatherland!” The areas of work of the DUP were built around programs for preparation for military service, patriotic education, and introducing the younger generation to Russian history. Under the banner of the “Movement of Young Patriots” various competitions, gatherings and rallies for children and teenagers were held. The creation of the military-patriotic movement “Youth Army” is a revival of the traditions of military-patriotic education of youth.

Young Army soldiers will be trained to shoot, provide medical assistance, and navigate using a map. In their free time, Youth Army members will keep a memorial watch at the Eternal Flame, engage in volunteer activities, work to preserve memorials, and also take part in other events. In addition, it is planned to involve movement participants in the elimination of emergency situations, search work in the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War and assistance to veterans.

In every educational institution and public organization where Youth Army units will be formed, Youth Army Members' Rooms will be opened.

The Yunarmeets room is a place of leisure and relaxation, intended for study and creative activities of schoolchildren. It contains: a banner, a detachment book, as well as educational fiction, reference and other literature.

Teachers and military reserve officers will be involved as teachers. Military and sports areas will become fundamental in the training program for movement participants. In addition, the basic course will include Russian history and the fundamentals of Orthodox culture; additional programs will be at the discretion of regional authorities.

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  • Pasyakin V.(Russian) // Landmark: magazine. - 2016. - No. 10. - P. 29.


  • Children's organizations
  • - KP.RU

Excerpt characterizing Yunarmiya

The next day, on the advice of Marya Dmitrievna, Count Ilya Andreich went with Natasha to Prince Nikolai Andreich. The count prepared for this visit with a gloomy spirit: in his heart he was afraid. The last meeting during the militia, when the count, in response to his invitation to dinner, listened to a heated reprimand for not delivering people, was memorable for Count Ilya Andreich. Natasha, dressed in her best dress, was on the contrary in the most cheerful mood. “It’s impossible that they wouldn’t love me,” she thought: everyone has always loved me. And I’m so ready to do for them whatever they want, I’m so ready to love him - because he’s a father, and her because she’s a sister, that there’s no reason why they wouldn’t love me!”
They drove up to an old, gloomy house on Vzdvizhenka and entered the hallway.
“Well, God bless,” said the count, half jokingly, half seriously; but Natasha noticed that her father was in a hurry, entering the hall, and timidly, quietly asked if the prince and princess were at home. After the report of their arrival, there was confusion among the prince's servants. The footman, who ran to report them, was stopped by another footman in the hall and they whispered about something. A girl, a maid, ran out into the hall and also hurriedly said something, mentioning the princess. Finally, one old footman with an angry look came out and reported to the Rostovs that the prince could not receive him, but the princess was asking to come to her. M lle Bourienne was the first to greet the guests. She especially politely met the father and daughter and took them to the princess. The princess, with an excited, frightened face covered with red spots, ran out, stepping heavily, towards the guests, and tried in vain to appear free and welcoming. Princess Marya did not like Natasha at first sight. She seemed too elegant, frivolously cheerful and vain to her. Princess Marya did not know that before she saw her future daughter-in-law, she was already ill-disposed towards her out of involuntary envy of her beauty, youth and happiness and out of jealousy of her brother’s love. In addition to this irresistible feeling of antipathy towards her, Princess Marya at that moment was also excited by the fact that at the report of the Rostovs’ arrival, the prince shouted that he did not need them, that he should let Princess Marya receive them if she wanted, and that they should not be allowed to see him . Princess Marya decided to receive the Rostovs, but every minute she was afraid that the prince would do some kind of trick, since he seemed very excited about the Rostovs’ arrival.
“Well, dear princess, I brought you my songbird,” said the count, shuffling and looking around restlessly, as if he was afraid that the old prince might come up. “I’m so glad that you met... It’s a pity, it’s a pity that the prince is still unwell,” and after saying a few more general phrases, he stood up. “If you would allow me, princess, to give you an idea of ​​my Natasha for a quarter of an hour, I would go, just two steps away, to the Dog Playground, to see Anna Semyonovna, and pick her up.”
Ilya Andreich came up with this diplomatic trick in order to give his future sister-in-law space to explain himself to his daughter-in-law (as he said this after his daughter) and also in order to avoid the possibility of meeting with the prince, whom he was afraid of. He did not tell this to his daughter, but Natasha understood this fear and anxiety of her father and felt insulted. She blushed for her father, became even more angry for blushing, and looked at the princess with a bold, defiant look that said that she was not afraid of anyone. The princess told the count that she was very happy and only asked him to stay longer with Anna Semyonovna, and Ilya Andreich left.
M lle Bourienne, despite the restless glances thrown at her by Princess Marya, who wanted to talk with Natasha face to face, did not leave the room and firmly held the conversation about Moscow pleasures and theaters. Natasha was offended by the confusion that occurred in the hallway, by her father’s anxiety and by the unnatural tone of the princess, who, it seemed to her, was doing a favor by accepting her. And then everything was unpleasant for her. She didn't like Princess Marya. She seemed very bad-looking to her, feigned and dry. Natasha suddenly shrank morally and involuntarily adopted such a careless tone, which pushed Princess Marya away from her even more. After five minutes of heavy, pretend conversation, fast footsteps in shoes were heard approaching. Princess Marya's face expressed fear, the door of the room opened and the prince entered in a white cap and robe.
“Oh, madam,” he said, “madam, countess... Countess Rostova, if I’m not mistaken... I beg your pardon, excuse me... I didn’t know, madam.” God knows, I didn’t know that you honored us with your visit; you came to see your daughter in such a suit. I beg your pardon... God sees, I didn’t know,” he repeated so unnaturally, emphasizing the word God and so unpleasantly that Princess Marya stood with her eyes downcast, not daring to look at either her father or Natasha. Natasha, having stood up and sat down, also did not know what to do. One m lle Bourienne smiled pleasantly.
- I beg your pardon, I beg your pardon! “God knows, I didn’t know,” the old man muttered and, having examined Natasha from head to toe, he left. M lle Bourienne was the first to appear after this appearance and began a conversation about the prince’s ill health. Natasha and Princess Marya silently looked at each other, and the longer they silently looked at each other, without expressing what they needed to express, the more unkindly they thought about each other.
When the count returned, Natasha was discourteously delighted with him and hurried to leave: at that moment she almost hated this dry old princess, who could put her in such an awkward position and spend half an hour with her without saying anything about Prince Andrei. “After all, I couldn’t be the first to start talking about him in front of this French woman,” Natasha thought. Princess Marya, meanwhile, suffered from the same thing. She knew that she had to tell Natasha, but she could not do it both because M lle Bourienne interfered with her, and because she herself did not know why it was so difficult for her to start talking about this marriage. When the count was already leaving the room, Princess Marya quickly walked up to Natasha, took her hands and, sighing heavily, said: “Wait, I need...” Natasha looked at Princess Marya mockingly, not knowing why.
“Dear Natalie,” said Princess Marya, “know that I am glad that my brother has found happiness...” She stopped, feeling that she was telling a lie. Natasha noticed this stop and guessed the reason for it.
“I think, princess, that now it’s inconvenient to talk about this,” Natasha said with outward dignity and coldness and with tears that she felt in her throat.
“What did I say, what did I do!” she thought as soon as she left the room.
We waited a long time for Natasha for lunch that day. She sat in her room and sobbed like a child, blowing her nose and sobbing. Sonya stood over her and kissed her hair.
- Natasha, what are you talking about? - she said. -What do you care about them? Everything will pass, Natasha.
- No, if you knew how offensive it is... exactly me...
- Don’t talk, Natasha, it’s not your fault, so what does it matter to you? “Kiss me,” said Sonya.
Natasha raised her head, kissed her friend on the lips, and pressed her wet face to hers.
– I can’t say, I don’t know. “No one is to blame,” said Natasha, “I am to blame.” But all this is painfully terrible. Oh, he’s not coming!…
She went out to dinner with red eyes. Marya Dmitrievna, who knew how the prince received the Rostovs, pretended that she did not notice Natasha’s upset face and firmly and loudly joked at the table with the count and other guests.

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