Volggas schedule for full-time study. Conditions for admission to the Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Class schedule by teacher

  1. To view the schedule for a group, you must select the faculty, field of study, course, group (by default - all groups of the course), week (by default - both weeks at the same time) or enter the name of the group in the search bar.
  2. If the plan for a particular group does not provide for a block scheduling system, then the schedule remains unchanged throughout the semester. If a block system is provided, then the schedule can be viewed in the following options:
  • First block with dates
  • Second block with dates
  • Schedule for the entire semester (both blocks) with dates (default)
  • For the distribution of students into groups foreign language The corresponding dean's office answers. Each student of the chosen direction and course must be assigned to a group and a foreign language teacher. Scheduled in in this case The number of the foreign language group is indicated in conjunction with the teacher’s last name.
  • In the case where a block of elective disciplines is provided for the chosen direction and course according to the plan, students are distributed between academic disciplines in accordance with your choice, fixed in the dean’s office. In this case, the schedule for each discipline in the block indicates the number of the group (subgroup) together with the name of the teacher.
  • Class schedule by teacher:

    To view the teacher's schedule, you need to start entering the teacher's last name in the search bar and select the desired teacher from the list provided. The schedule is displayed for the entire semester, indicating the range of dates for classes.

    Class schedule by audience:

    To view the schedule by audience, you must select a building from the drop-down list, then select the desired audience from the list of audiences of the previously selected building. The schedule is displayed for the entire semester, indicating the range of dates for classes.

    1. To view the schedule for a group, you must select the faculty, field of study, course, group (by default - all groups of the course), week (by default - both weeks at the same time) or enter the name of the group in the search bar.
    2. If the plan for a particular group does not provide for a block scheduling system, then the schedule remains unchanged throughout the semester. If a block system is provided, then the schedule can be viewed in the following options:
    • First block with dates
    • Second block with dates
    • Schedule for the entire semester (both blocks) with dates (default)
  • The corresponding dean's office is responsible for the distribution of students into foreign language groups. Each student of the chosen direction and course must be assigned to a group and a foreign language teacher. In this case, the schedule indicates the number of the foreign language group together with the name of the teacher.
  • In the case where a block of elective disciplines is provided for the chosen direction and course according to the plan, students are distributed between academic disciplines in accordance with their choice, fixed in the dean’s office. In this case, the schedule for each discipline in the block indicates the number of the group (subgroup) together with the name of the teacher.
  • Class schedule by teacher:

    To view the teacher's schedule, you need to start entering the teacher's last name in the search bar and select the desired teacher from the list provided. The schedule is displayed for the entire semester, indicating the range of dates for classes.

    Class schedule by audience:

    To view the schedule by audience, you must select a building from the drop-down list, then select the desired audience from the list of audiences of the previously selected building. The schedule is displayed for the entire semester, indicating the range of dates for classes.

    1. At VolgGASU for training in basic educational programs higher professional education citizens are accepted Russian Federation, citizens of the Republic of Belarus, stateless persons, compatriots abroad, as well as Foreign citizens on the basis of mutually recognized equivalent state-issued documents giving the right to enter a university.

    1.2. Admission to Volga State University of Civil Engineering for the first year of undergraduate and specialist training programs is carried out:

    1.2.1. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination) in general education subjects corresponding to the field of study (specialty) for which admission is carried out, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, and based on the results of additional entrance tests (if any) - persons having secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education;

    1.2.2. Based on the results of entrance tests conducted by Volga State University of Civil Engineering independently, the following categories of citizens:

    • having secondary (complete) general education, received before January 1, 2009;
    • those with secondary vocational education - upon admission to undergraduate programs and specialist training programs of the relevant profile;
    • having secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions foreign states.

    If an applicant participates in a competition based on the results of the Unified State Exam, he is not allowed to take entrance tests conducted by the university independently.

    1.2.3. Based on the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which are determined by VolgGASU independently, for the following categories of citizens:

    • having secondary vocational education - upon admission to study in a shortened bachelor's degree program or a shortened specialist training program implemented at the level of higher professional education of the corresponding profile;
    • having higher professional education - when admitted to study in bachelor's degree programs or specialist training programs.

    2. When submitting an application, applicants present documents proving their identity and citizenship. Applicants must enclose with their application for admission:

    • state document on average (full) general or average vocational education or a photocopy thereof;
    • four identical photographs 3x4 cm with the right corner;
    • documents giving the right to benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for persons applying for these benefits).

    Applicants who do not have Unified State Exam results must register for the passing the Unified State Exam in accordance with the Procedure for conducting a unified state examination, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    Acceptance of documents for the first year of undergraduate and specialist training programs ends:

    • for persons entering for training in areas of training (specialties), upon admission to which additional entrance tests creative orientation - July 5;
    • for persons entering based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by VolgGASU independently - July 10;
    • for persons entering only by Unified State Exam results, - July 25;
    • for persons enrolling in correspondence courses - August 10.

    4. VolgGASU accepts winners and prize-winners of the final stage without entrance examinations All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation participating in international olympiads in general education subjects and formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the international Olympiad.

    5. Outside of competition, all forms of education with positive grades in entrance examinations are accepted into:

    • orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons under the age of 23 from among orphans and children left without parental care;
    • disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children who, according to the conclusion Civil service medical and social examination is not contraindicated for studying at a university;
    • citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    6. Areas of training (specialties) licensed in VolgGASU, list of entrance tests

    Directions (specialties), groups of directions (specialties) for announcing a general competition

    Profile (specialization)

    Entrance tests

    Competition for specialty

    Monumental and decorative art

    • Monumental painting

    Russian language, literature, nude drawing, composition

    Competition for direction

    • Environment design
    • Landscape design
    072500 Russian language, literature, drawing (drawing of detail), composition

    General competition



    • Economics of enterprises and organizations
    • Production management
    • Project management

    Russian language, mathematics, social studies

    Competition for direction

    Thermal power engineering and heating engineering

    • Energy supply for enterprises

    Competition for direction

    Technological machines and equipment

    • Offshore oil and gas structures

    Russian language, mathematics, physics

    Competition for direction

    Technology of transport processes

    • Traffic organization and safety

    Russian language, mathematics, physics

    Competition for direction

    Information Systems and technology

    • Information systems and technologies in construction

    Russian language, mathematics, physics

    General competition


    Design of Architectural Environment

    • Architectural Engineering
    • Urban planning
    • Architectural and structural design
    • Urban environment design
    • Interior design

    Russian language, mathematics, architectural drawing, architectural composition

    Competition for direction


    • Industrial and civil engineering
    • Urban construction and farming
    • Production of building materials, products and structures
    • Heat and ventilation
    • Water supply and sanitation
    • Expertise and property management
    • Road bridges and tunnels
    • Car roads

    Russian language, mathematics, physics

    Competition for specialty

    Construction of unique buildings and structures

    • Construction of high-rise and long-span buildings and structures
    • Construction of underground structures
    • Construction of hydraulic structures of increased responsibility

    Russian language, mathematics, physics

    Competition for direction

    Technosphere safety

    Russian language, mathematics, physics

    Competition for specialty

    Fire safety

    Russian language, mathematics, physics


    1. For areas of training (specialties) allocated italics, students are accepted for both full-time and part-time courses. Admission to other areas of training (specialty) is only for full-time (full-time) study.

    3. Bold Creative entrance tests conducted at VolgGASU in the traditional form (not the Unified State Exam) are highlighted in font.

    4. Complete admission rules, as well as other information about VolgGASU are posted on the VolgGASU website www.vgasu.ru.

    All entrance examinations conducted by the university independently for admission to the first year, including additional entrance examinations, are completed no later than July 25 (with the exception of admission through correspondence courses).

    7. Dormitories.

    VolgGASU has three dormitories. 145 places are allocated for nonresident students enrolled in the first year.

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