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Finally, the fashion for colored hair reached us, but by this time colored hair in pastel colors was already in fashion all over the world. One such trend is "unicorn hair", or unicorn-style hair. When following trends and your desires, it is important to remember that health is more important, and if you are not sure, it is better to turn to professionals and not repeat the bitter experience of Kirsty Weston, who was left almost bald.

Christy, 29, bought herself the necessary coloring kit to give herself 'unicorn hair', which looks something like this

But instead she ended up in the hospital, where she spent 6 weeks.

The girl received a severe chemical burn, which left her almost bald.

Before dyeing, the girl needed to lighten her natural dark hair. To do this, she used lightening powder and mixed it with a previously purchased 12% oxidizing agent. After 15 minutes, she washed off the lightening composition and began coloring.

The girl claims that she applied the dye according to the instructions.

15 minutes after washing off the brightening composition, Christie felt a strong burning sensation:

"After 15 minutes, my hair was literally smoking. The pain was so excruciating that I started to feel dizzy, like when you faint. It happened completely unexpectedly. I could feel everything heating up, and it happened very quickly. I immediately went to wash hair, and I was ready to scalp myself."

The next day her face began to swell

"Half of my face was swollen and I thought I was still having some sort of reaction. The next morning I went to the hospital and couldn't open my left eye. It was getting pretty painful," Christie said.

Doctors thought Christy was having an allergic reaction, so they prescribed her allergy medications and antibiotics just in case. But even after a week, the pain and discomfort in Kritsi’s head continued.

Then the doctors realized that allergies had nothing to do with it. Christie simply suffered from severe chemical burns:

"I had a plastic surgeon come in and when he lifted my hair, most of my scalp came off with it. I was a complete emotional wreck. I was told I would have surgery the next day."

Christie was transferred to another hospital where her head was shaved and the wound was cleaned before surgery.

Christie had to undergo 5 operations, including skin grafting from the girl's thigh to her head.

Christie may never be able to grow hair in the affected area again.

At the moment, the girl is undergoing treatment for transplanted skin:

"I'll never have long hair. I'm not sure what I'll do next, right now I'm just concentrating on healing the grafted skin."

Christy several months after surgery, covering the bald areas of her head with a scarf.

Now Christy is waiting for a special wig to be made for her, which will cover not all of her hair, but only the affected areas. She hopes this measure will make her much more confident.

Christie also hopes that her story will encourage other girls to turn to professionals, rather than trying to save money and time by doing everything themselves.

“I would advise other people to just go to a professional who knows what they are doing.

My first experience with color dyeing took place in a salon (I’ll leave a link to a review of professional paint from Loreal below), but I knew for sure that I wanted to continue experimenting at home. At that time, I heard about one brand of semi-permanent paints - Manic Panic, which had problems with delivery to Europe, plus a 118 ml jar, what is this anyway? 15 dollars for one coloring, that’s it.

I don't remember how I came across the Lime crime website, but I'm very glad I did. Damn, Lime Crime's marketers are gods. The exterior of this brand is amazing! All these unicorns, bright colors, they even have an email newsletter. mail seems less stale. In general, I WANTED to buy paint from them. Even if the reviews were not very good. What attracted me most was the good selection of shades and the volume of the jar - 200 ml. I still haven’t found a brand that packages the product so generously (In a colorist, for example, only 80 ml). I ordered from the office. site twice, both parcels took 2-3 weeks. Each jar costs 16 USD (approximately 1000 rubles). If my memory serves me correctly, there is a 10% discount on your first order. About a month after the first purchase by email. I received a coupon for a 15% discount in the mail, which I eagerly used. The paints come in a beautiful box, which I couldn’t throw away, and that’s where I keep the paint. In the first order, only jars came, in the next order, each jar was in a cardboard box.

By the way, about their support service. I was given the wrong shade on my second order, so I wrote to them about what happened and follow up. day they answered, they say, sorry, we’ll send paint. Indeed, on the same day I received an email that a jar of the desired shade had been sent to my address with free delivery. I am glad that incidents were resolved so quickly. By the way, I kept the jar that I received by mistake.

Lime Crime offers paints in two intensities - Tints and Full Coverage. I had a bad experience with the Moonchild tint, which instead of the promised bright purple gave my hair a dirty gray tint. Tints, according to the manufacturer’s promises, only work on very light blondes. In general, they make excuses for the weak pigmentation of the product. I don’t recommend tints, unless, of course, you want a light tint on your hair that will probably wash off in a second or two.

I've been using the shade Bubblegum Rose from the Full Coverage series for about a month now, and I'm pleased with it. It’s a beautiful rich shade, but on me it looks a little different (compared to the manufacturer’s promises) because my base is a little green (a remnant of blue paint from another manufacturer, which, damn it, just won’t wash off). The paint covers the green perfectly, but after the 3rd wash the pink begins to wash off into violet (apparently this is the result of mixing green and pink). I personally don’t mind, it even looks more interesting.

Manufacturer's promises -

The basis of tints Unicorn Hair plant components. After coloring, the hair is soft and manageable, as if after using a nourishing mask. The formula is designed so that the color remains saturated for as long as possible, and when washed out, fades evenly, elegantly fading along its entire length. It contains no aggressive chemical components- the dye will not damage the hair.

Well, I don’t know about “fading elegantly,” but the dye really doesn’t dry out the hair; on the contrary, it softens and nourishes it very well. It never hurts my bleached hair. And it’s also very important to me that the dye doesn’t weigh down my hair. I apply this dye very close to the roots, rinse it off with water only, and the volume of my hair is preserved. The paint, by the way, smells very tasty, something like fruit and candy.

How does the manufacturer advise using paint -

Apply the tint to clean, pre-bleached hair. Carefully distribute the dye over each strand. To give your hair a light shade, leave the dye on for 30 minutes, to get a rich color - for 1-2 hours. To keep the color vibrant for as long as possible, use shampoo made for colored hair.

Since I don’t have much of the Bubblegum Rose shade left, this time I decided to mix it up. Today I will demonstrate the result of mixing 4 shades - Bubblegum Rose, tint Sext(pinkish-violet) and two mixer(English mixers, in general, how to dilute paint) On mute(gray-blue tint, makes the color more smoky) and Dilute(white paint, removes the brightness of the shade).

I put the dye on washed hair, immediately after washing, the hair is 80% dry (for easier distribution), wait at least an hour, this time I sat for 2.5 hours.

The result is that the hair is not styled, just dried and combed)

I really liked the result, after all, Bubblegum Rose is too bright for me, considering that in principle I don’t like pink, it’s just that it’s the most predictable shade (in a good way) in coloring.

To sum it up, I don't want to bash Lime Crime at all. Yes, tints are most likely a useless thing. But the Full Coverage shade palette is quite decent! I have blue, green, and gray shades lying around at home, I swatched them on separate strands, the colors are very well pigmented.

Yes, the paint washes off quickly, but it is semi-permanent, this is the norm. That's why it doesn't damage your hair.

Yes, the result is visible only on blond hair, but the manufacturer warns about this.

Before that I had experience with prof. dye from L'Oreal (review), which I am satisfied with, only the price is the same, and the product is half as much. So for me Lime Crime is the best solution. I will deduct one point for the bad experience with the tint, otherwise I have no complaints.

Thank you for your attention, I hope you found my review useful

P.s. my review of a natural dry shampoo that refreshes your hair well between washes -.

I was almost asleep when the girl peeked out from behind the white fabric. There was a smile on her face and, for some reason, she was silent. I wanted to get up, but she stopped me with her hand, pressed me against the wall and kissed me... My heart jumped out of my throat, and I no longer tried to calm it down. My first kiss. So hot and passionate - what's wrong with Wendy? Do all girls kiss like this?

There was no Wendy. And there was no one, although it seemed to me that someone’s blond hair was visible when this someone walked through the closed window.

I was walking through the forest full of mysteries and secrets. Great Uncle Ford asked me to collect unicorn hair. And I, in turn, asked Mabel to help me with the unicorn. She winced when she remembered “that abnormal colorful pony,” but my sister agreed to help me. For some reason, she invited Candy and Granda with her. Later I realized why Granda was with us, and Candy for company.

I walked behind the girls because
that I was terribly bored with their “female” conversations.

Well, well, well, well, well, well,” the metallic voice hurt my ears and I stopped. The girls froze, like everyone else around them, except me. I reluctantly turn around and...

Hello Sosenka, long time no see, how are you getting on?

What successes? - I took a couple of steps away from the triangle and sighed a little more calmly.

Well,” Bill’s favorite green notebook with my theories and hypotheses appeared in his hands, “why don’t you show them to Ford?” Do you want to show me first? - the triangle grinned, and before I had time to answer, he disappeared.

Hey Dipper, why are you frozen? - my sister called out to me, and for some reason I shuddered.

Oh, I... I'm coming!

That evening, as soon as we brought this stupid hair, I literally flew into Mabel and I’s room, grabbed that same green notebook, opened it and...

Empty! Empty! Where are all the records!? I worked so hard on this!

Here, here, I’ll return it,” a metallic voice appeared behind me. Click, and all the records are back in place.

Bill! Why do you need them?

You have no idea how right you are, Pine Tree,” Bill laughed mockingly, “you know, let’s make an agreement?”

I will not enter into anything with you! And by the way, how did you get out of Great Uncle Stan's head?

Oh, it’s not so important anymore, Pine. Just think how much limitless knowledge I can give you! And remember: reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold. Bye!

I thought for a second. It's true! Nobody will tell me anything, and do you know why? Great Uncle Stan doesn't want the kids to be in danger, and if Ford even mentions anything supernatural in front of me and Uncle Stan, there will be a huge scandal. That’s why Great-Uncle Ford often hides something from me, although not everything.

Bill, what exactly do you want?

Triangle immediately returned, laughing evilly. This crazy guy is always laughing.

No way, Sosenka, have you changed your mind? So, have we agreed? - Bill extended his hand to me, engulfed in blue flame.

What. You. Damn it. Want?

Just one small wish in exchange for limitless knowledge!

I sighed and collected my thoughts. Well, I hope he doesn't force me to build a portal like the one Ford had. I reach out my hand and...

Well done, Dip.

What did you call me!?

That evening Uncle Ford and I were creating a new border of unicorn hair between our cabin and the world where Bill could rule.

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