The magic wish list - how to make it correctly? The golden minute of the day: when to make a wish and have it come true Write wishes for the year

February 26, 2020
List of 100 wishes.:
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We have combined experience to provide maximum benefit. This is an important exercise.

People who regularly achieve their goals are winners. Their distinguishing feature is the habit of thinking and structuring your life. They regularly plan and schedule their implementation: for a week, for a month, for six months and a year. This skill does not come immediately - it requires attention and work.

If you think you are not on schedule, then your schedule is simply poorly planned. Or well planned, but not by you.

Planning is not difficult to learn. The main thing is that the plan contains desired goals. Let's look at a technique for creating a list of your true 100 desires.

What is “100 wishes”

The “100 Desires” technique is an exercise for identifying desires and goals. you make up detailed list desires, choose the strongest ones from it. And then it’s easy for you to make a list of goals and priorities for the next month, six months and year. Alternative names for the exercise: “108 desires”, “10 cherished desires and places”, “Checklist 101 desires”.

After completing the “My 100 Desires” technique, perhaps for the first time, you will discover how diverse your interests are. You'll see how our desires are contradictory:

  • “Earn money for an apartment”
  • “Work 4 hours a week”
  • "Buy BMW"
  • "Become an Entrepreneur"

Without a plan - what to implement and in what sequence - it is difficult to coordinate everything and not end up in a dead end.

This exercise will help you make an internal decision about what is more important to you.: “Save money for a house” or “Travele around Asia and work a flexible schedule.” Often, people want both, but here they need to choose: adventure or saving money.

This exercise is very indicative for women and men who rarely fulfill their desires. After writing a list of 30–50 desires, their imagination is deflated and generates new desires with great strain. This suggests that they have forgotten how to desire. They rarely realize even simple dreams - their appetite is dulled. Exercise will help warm it up.

Getting ready to make a list

Find a comfortable place. Do not be distracted by sounds, active movement around, or obsessive thoughts. This could be a yoga and meditation room, a remote lawn in a park, a table in a quiet coffee shop, or a calm environment in the office.

For one and a half to two hours turn off your phone, close your laptop, be alone with yourself. You can turn on some nice music.

I like to write early in the morning, before breakfast.
I feel comfortable in silence. This is how honesty comes into play. By listening to my deepest desires, I understand what I really want.
I also choose my pen carefully. I love to have fun while recording.

And I only make a list in a cozy coffee shop.

If you're feeling down, meditate, make yourself some tea, and watch a movie. You can't wish for anything good in such a mood. In a state of stress, you will want to add the desire to “get rid of it” to the list - this is an unproductive motivation.

You need a state without fear, when the mind is clear and calm. Choose a day when you feel pleasant or inspired. Then you will pour out on the diary paper your “wishes for” what you want to gain, and not get rid of. Motivation “K” is more productive and enjoyable.

How to write a list of 100 wishes

Take some sheets and a pen, write questions as a prompt for generating ideas:

  • What do I want to do?
  • What do I want to try?
  • What do I want to learn?
  • What are my material desires?
  • What do I want to change?
  • What cool wishes would I make come true?

Write down your wishes, 20 answers to each question. If some item requires more or less answers, don’t worry. Accuracy is not a mandatory rule; it is more important to get into the flow and write what comes to mind and from the heart. Write down your cherished, unusual and alternative desires on a piece of paper.

Put everything on the list as it goes, do not rank items by importance. If, after wishing “I want to plant a rose bush,” “I want to live in Australia for a year” comes to mind, that’s normal.

If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, put this on your couple's wish list. And be sure to add the wording of one or two interesting or even crazy desires for your loved one.

Don't be afraid to write stupid things. An absurd, but long-cherished desire came to mind - write! Have you ever wanted to stand on stilts and walk around the central square of your city? Be sure to put this on your hundred wish list.

Once upon a time we wrote “delusional” desires: “Live in India”, “Visit Chile”, “Fly in a hot air balloon”. The time has come:

It helps to put shame aside. Perhaps you have unfulfilled sexual desires that you are afraid to admit to yourself. This is exactly the case when they need to be written. No one will read the list except you, and by writing your dream on paper, you will get a chance to meet a person with the same interests.

Be honest with yourself.

One of the items on my wish list is: “I want to do an interview.” This is an arrogant desire. To give an interview, you need to be interesting to someone.

I honestly admit that my knowledge is not yet enough to say a new word, but I still want it. I am confident that this approach will help me achieve my goal.

After making your wish list, take a break. Exercise will not only bring together what you want, but will also discard what is unnecessary. The method is useful not only for girls; men and women do not need to be shy about writing their desires.

Go through what you wrote and next to each item put a score from 10 to 0, where:

  • 10 is an extremely important and exciting desire. An example is to pay off a monetary debt. You are tormented by debt, you sleep poorly and are nervous about it. You can give 10 points.
  • 0 – an insignificant desire, the implementation of which will not change life. Example - “I want an iPhone X instead of an iPhone 7.” While you wait to buy Model X, the next one will go on sale. Updating your gadget won't make your life better.

Desires with scores of 10 and 9 are the most important for you at this stage. Highlight them with a marker, write them down in a diary, or stick them on the refrigerator. Your wishlist/wishlist is ready.

There are specific desires, but difficult to fulfill. They also need to be written down, they summarize your desires, and you can see the main line of your development from them.

Publish books! I'm afraid to admit to myself that I want this. It sounds so ambitious. But surprisingly, as soon as I wrote by hand how many books I want to publish, when and which ones, I dotted the i’s - the goal seemed not so difficult to me.

Bring your vision of your perfect day to life. Three sheets of description of my ideal life in 10 years. I am a dad there, an expert, an investor, a company founder, and even the author of two best-selling books. Plus an airplane pilot. Most of my list of dreams and things to do has been formed in pieces over the years of working with a list of 100 wishes. This cannot be written in 15 minutes.

Repeat the 100 wishes exercise every year, preferably on the same days. The reason may be New Year, Birthday, even on the new moon.

Visualization of desires works well for girls - a map of the main desires is drawn up with pictures and handwritten inscriptions. Women live more with their hearts, visualizing the list - it is easier for them to hear the internal response. This allows you to check whether good wishes are written or whether stereotypes have jumped to the surface.

I write down my wishes once every 6-12 months, usually upon arrival in a new country. Once I get used to it, see what I can do on the spot, I’ll make a list.

Save your 100 wishes. If not the original, then a digital version on your computer. After 6 months, review the list and cross off what has been completed. Come back to the list in another six months and cross them off again. Write out the remaining goals again, adding new desires.

Why do you need to practice 100 desires and goals?

Exercise gives impetus to development and self-realization. While your desires rest in your mind and not on paper, they seem unrealizable and disordered. Sometimes they are simply forgotten. After writing them, you will understand that there is nothing complicated.

Keeping goals in mind is not always practical. It is better to choose the 10 most important and remember them. Let the paper remember the rest. Use your memory for something else. And if you have nothing to give to paper, isn’t life too meager?

Six months from now, when you look at your 100 wishes, you will notice that many of them have come true. So you're on the right way to happiness and self-realization.

On my list, the main goals are related to the development of this site. I write them down and remember them. The remaining 30–50 small desires to try something new and unusual are waiting for their time. I’m walking in a new city and see a crossfit gym – it’s on the list. In a week I’m already working out.

With the help of the 100 wishes practice, you can track the speed of achieving your goals.

I have 100 wish lists in my notebook since 2011. Reviewing them, I see cross-sections of “myself”: what I wanted, what I was striving for, and what infuriated me.

A few years later, it’s interesting to see what I sold, what fell away, what I had to work hard to acquire. The dynamics are visible. I wanted to work 1–2 hours a day, now I want 4–6 hours. Valuable information about yourself.

Meta-analysis of wish lists - pro level

By saving your wish lists over the years in a notebook, you can conduct an overview of your desires to improve yourself. Diary entries allow you to highlight your main aspirations, track your achievements, and observe changes in the course of your development.

How to Conduct a Meta-Analysis of Wish Lists

Take a separate sheet of paper. Find all the wish lists from the past years in a notebook, and it’s better to insert paper bookmarks so you don’t get stuck looking for notes.

Start with the oldest list. Read each desire and write down its more generalized desire to group thematic desires.

When you add a wish to a category, put a period. When you look through all the lists, count the number of “points” scored and write them down separately, in the order of points scored.

Example: all desires related to travel, sightseeing, visiting countries are the travel category. Gain or lose weight, treat something - health. It is advisable to have a final list of up to 30 categories.

I have a ten-year-old notebook, so I've done the meta-analysis twice already.

Meta-analysis of desires allows you to understand what has been worrying you for a long time and whether you have achieved your goal in this or not. If not, you can make a targeted plan for a specific desire in order to satisfy it if it is still relevant, or reject it and forget it.

Transferring wishes from the list into your life

People think that if they are active and busy, they will realize something important in their lives. But it’s worth asking: “What useful things have you done in Last year? – it turns out that not so much, and maybe nothing at all.

Exploring one's true desires is burdensome for those with little self-confidence. Without knowing their desires, they act to their detriment and neglect themselves.

A list of 100 wishes will make you reconsider your life priorities and find your talents in other unexpected areas.

It happens that a person sits in the office at the computer and dreams of creative work. On his list of 100 wishes for life, there is not a single one that relates to his current job. Instead, I discovered a desire to create silver jewelry. Having written it down on paper in a diary, he compares the “current self” and the “ideal self.” Inspired to change, he takes a jewelry making course.

To avoid being among people who seem energetic and purposeful, do the practice of 100 wishes every six months to a year. Review your desires and live what is important to you. And cross out imposed dreams.

The “Wheel of Life Balance” exercise test will help you find a problematic area of ​​your life.

See what kind of desires there are and warm up your imagination using lists of examples: 20 goals, 25 goals, 50 goals and 100 goals of a person in life.

Make a list of your 100 wishes- take a step towards knowing your main goal life.

Do you also have several wishes?

Then I accept you into the dreamers club.


I, too, like you and like most of my subscribers, among whom I organized a vote for the topic of the next article, dream of several dreams at once.

Yes, yes, I too, like you, are in the process of fulfilling my desires.

It seems to me that I never get out of this process at all. After all, as some desires come true, I have new ones.

But I prefer to call it planning. It works better this way, but we’ll talk about that some other time, but today we’ll talk about this pressing problem: How can you fulfill several desires at once?

One of my blog readers recently wrote me this letter:

The essence of the question is this:

I made affirmations for myself according to all the rules from your article ().

I have many desires: a house, a car, my own business (since I don’t want to work for my uncle and be tied to a workplace all day), success, relaxation, a telephone, a change of wardrobe, etc.

The affirmation turned out to be quite big.

I previously had experience with affirmations combined with visualization. I also wrote many wishes and repeated them with frequency, when I worked on them, when I didn’t.

The ones I'm on focused his attention most of all, were realized (although, let me remind you, there was no consistency, but I devoted enough time to this).

What should we do if at the moment we don’t have our own home, and we live with our parents, (we want our own house), we have a job, but I don’t like it and I want to work for myself (because of this work, I began to see my wife less often ), I also want to not only update my wardrobe and buy almost everything from scratch, because I moved to the Russian Federation recently and left all my things in the past.

Where to start if everything is necessary? This is just a small part of the desires. I really look forward to your answer, and if possible, advice! God bless you!!! Sincerely, Alexander

In this article I would like to give advice to Alexander and at the same time help all those who are trying to fulfill several desires at once.

Do you have enough strength for several desires at once?

You probably know yourself that fulfilling desires can sometimes be very labor-intensive.

Sometimes, in order to really attract the desired event to yourself, you have to recite the desired affirmation a hundred times, visualize it three times a day, make a vision board for a week, and constantly think positively...

At least, this happens with those desires that you really really need.

We collect all desires in one image

Once the goals are clear, and there may be even more of them than at the very beginning, it’s time for us to move on and set sail.

Recently, one of the blog readers, Marat, advised me to read new book(I'll add it to the top soon) called “Instructions for Reality” by lee.

The book is very worthy and I found in it a very good exercise that will allow you now release ships to sea.

The most important thing is that you need to do this exercise right now.

[Beginning quote]

First you need to formulate a set of desired events ( we have already done this above).

Putting it in writing will double the focus on your choices ( we doubled! J), that is, already at the start, invest twice the amount of energy into events than if you do it mentally.

You need to imagine all the written desires, visualize them separately, and then bring them into one focus of attention.

For example, Alexander can see his ideal day when he and his wife are having breakfast at home in their apartment, then he puts on his new clothes, takes a new phone and goes to his own office of his company...

After work, he comes home and gives his family a trip to Turkey...

We pay attention to the fact that only the desired events are in focus, the embodiment of which gives you a feeling of joy, delight, and a surge of energy.

Please remove everything that causes you resistance in the form of “but this is unrealistic.” After all, you can easily imagine an entire planet in your mind, so it's up to you to decide what's real in your mind and what's not.

When you have achieved a single joyful image in your mind, allow yourself to hold it.

Take a deep breath, feel how this image spreads warmth through your chest.

Inhale and absorb the image through the solar plexus, spreading throughout the body. Another deep breath increases the brightness of the feeling - joy, light, warmth, bliss.

Inhale without tension, freely.

Breathe until a high-quality sensation in the body increases - the spread of bliss throughout all limbs.

Allow yourself to be happy for at least 10-15 breaths. If everything is not running well for you, then it would be good to hold on to this feeling for about five minutes.

What have you done?

You have formed vibrational events that are already real, but have not yet been attracted to you.

If you did this under the supervision of doctors, then the reaction of the cerebral cortex would be recorded in the pleasure areas, which one to one would broadcast the same electronic-magnetic activity, if these events were real. Activity in other parts of the brain would also be observed, followed by the release of corresponding hormones into the blood.

During the exercise, your body responded absolutely completely to the imagination as reality. Vibrationally, you have created and experienced the actual events of your desires being fulfilled.

Now all that remains is to make sure that the vibrations of the selected events do not become yours for 5 minutes, but completely enter your life.

[End quote]

So what we have:

  1. In our port, we gave each ship instructions where to sail.

For example, we told a ship with wages which port it needed to sail to.

I ask you not to bet a billion dollars if you only have ten thousand so far, move gradually, set a small goal, after you sail to it, give the ship the next task - otherwise it may get lost on such a long voyage.

  1. We showed the Universe, with the help of a general visualization, what our reality should ultimately become and formed a vibrational event.
  1. Now we need to send a fair wind to our ships so that they do not go astray - that's one thing, and so that they sail faster - that's two.

What to do with your wish list?

Now I will tell you about the technology for fulfilling several desires at once, which I myself currently use.

This technology will allow you to send tailwinds to your ships every day.

I, like you, have many desires at once, and this is what I do.

I started a notebook.

Every morning and every evening I write down FROM MEMORY, without looking at the previous formulations, my list of desires.

That is, I rewrite my wishes 2 times a day.

The very process of rewriting desires, like a tailwind, pushes your ships to the desired destination port.

Each new rewritten list is another impetus to the realization of your new reality.

  1. Get a notepad or notebook.
  2. Write down all your desires in it from memory, let it be 2, 5, 10 or 15 points.
  3. In the evening, sitting in bed, open the notebook again, and, without looking at the previous formulations, write again everything you want.
  4. In the morning, do the same.
  5. And so every day.

For me, this wonderful technology of fulfilling several desires at once has already begun to work, one wish has come true.

I will note that when I rewrite desires, images automatically pop up in my mind, that is, I write and visualize at the same time. It happens naturally.

And my visualization includes all desires at once, just like in the exercise above.

Dear friends, I have given you effective, simple and easy to implement tips on how to fulfill several desires at once.

Let me remind you that everything comes gradually and routinely.

Your wishes will come true unnoticed by you, and only then, in the bustle of life, after a few weeks, months or years, will you realize:

Wow, it all came true!

And if you are interested in my experience of materializing desires, come to the master class “How to learn how to quickly materialize desires,” where I share my most secret things.

Greetings, dear readers! Who among us, at least once in our lives, has not thought about how to make wishes so that they come true? But in reality, simply wishing for something and really, really wanting it to come true as soon as possible is not always enough.

It turns out that in order to speed up the fulfillment of your cherished dream, you need to write it down. The whole magic is that written down goals, desires and dreams come true much more often than those that remain in a person’s head and thoughts.

But even in writing down your intentions and plans there are some nuances that are very important to take into account.

Hurry up, grab a pen and notebook - we will learn how to correctly write down wishes so that they come true!

3. Diary of wish fulfillment

The method is similar to the previous one: the most cherished dreams are written down in a special notebook, but the prospects for fulfillment are not indicated. You can and even need to express your desires with images (drawings, photographs, diagrams, magazine clippings, etc.).

Correct spelling is the key to success

For wishes to come true, you need to write them down correctly. How to do it? And it's very simple!

  1. All wishes should be thoughtful and balanced, and not spontaneous and momentary.
  2. They must not cause harm to anyone in any form.
  3. Desires must have clear and specific time boundaries - not someday, but when its fulfillment is most optimal.
  4. They must be written in the present tense. It’s as if everything has already been accomplished.
  5. They should not contain the particle “not”: you need to write down what you want, and not what you don’t want. For example, not “I don’t want to live here,” “I live in my new apartment, bought with the money my husband and I earned during this year.”
  6. The more detailed and emotional the recording is, the greater the chances of getting exactly what you need in the desired form.
  7. Any dreams and desires should apply only to yourself, and not to other people. For example, not “my husband earns one hundred thousand a month,” but “I am helping my husband reach a monthly income of 100 thousand over the next three months.”
  8. And finally, dreams must be real. It is useless to wait for a prince on a white horse when it is known that it is impossible to wait for a real prince of royal blood.

Good luck to you and fulfillment of all your dreams! And correctly written desires will bring you closer to your dream.

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Practice 100 wishes (how to make dreams come true)

To feel like a real Sorceress whose dreams come true, you need to make a wish list.

Your list should consist of at least 100 wishes

When you write 100 wishes, you show the Universe how much you want! Especially when your dreams are fantastic and, at first glance, unrealistic, you expand your zone of influence and expand the Universe. After all, it is dreamers and dreamers who move progress!

When you have 100 desires, you don't get stuck on just one. You just take one dream every day and make it come true. You become more confident in yourself, feel your strength, feel like a Sorceress changing your life.

If one wish does not come true, you do not dwell on it, but take the next one from the list and work with it. As a result, you will never feel like a loser.

I know that it’s not easy to sit down and immediately write 100 wishes. I’ll tell you a few secrets on how you can easily cope with this task.

Step 1. Preparatory ritual

Seclude yourself, create a quiet and calm atmosphere for yourself. Turn off your phone, computer, and ask not to be disturbed. Light a candle, prepare a piece of paper and a pen.

Sit comfortably at the table, close your eyes and imagine that now you are preparing to do a very important thing, on which your immediate future directly depends. Your pen is magical, and every word, every desire you write with this pen will instantly go to the Universal Bank of Abundance for implementation.

Remember. Everything you write is correct. You should not have doubts and unbelief. You are a Sorceress, and right now you are starting to create your future.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, open your eyes and look at the candle flame. Feel the warmth that comes from it. Think about what is important to you now, what you would like more than anything in the world, what you would like to become, what you would like to have, what you would like to change, how you would like to live, what to do, who to see in your environment.. .

Step 2. Areas of Life

Write a list of the most important areas of life in which you want to develop and improve. For example:

✪ beauty

✪ health

✪ love

✪ family

✪ children

✪ relationships

✪ house

✪ career

✪ finance

✪ rest

✪ travel

✪ hobby

✪ brightness of life

✪ acquisitions

personal growth

✪ spirituality

✪ education

For each area of ​​your life, write at least 5 wishes. Include in your wish list 5-10 minutes (take a bath with rose petals), daily habits (running on a treadmill), global goals(start business)

Step 3. Answer 4 questions:

- What do I want to have?
- What do I want to be able to do?
- What do I want to do every day?
— What do I want to do at least once in my life?

The more answers you give to these 4 questions, the better.

Step 4. Listen to yourself, what would you like to do with joy and pleasure?

Maybe you have some pending tasks that you can’t get around to, but you know for sure that you would like to do it.

Feel free to add them to your list!

Step 5. Answer 4 more questions:

— What exotic dish would you like to try?
- Where to relax?
- Where to go?
- What to learn?

Step 6. When the list of 100 wishes is ready, pick it up and carefully read it out loud

Step 7. Use your imagination!

Imagine how great and radically your life will change when your wishes come true. Feel the full range of emotions from the fact that your wish has already come true. Joy, a little confusion, trembling knees from excitement, cheeks blazing with happiness, your contented look, a dazzling smile.

Step 8. Say: “All my wishes come true! Let it be so!"

Step 9. Activate a list of 100 wishes

The next day after you've composed it, give yourself a gift. Buy something tasty (fruit, chocolate, cake) or some trinket. Show the Universe that the process of “dreams coming true” has begun!

Step 10. To make the magic work all the time

Cross off fulfilled desires from the list and add new ones to it.

Your 100 wish list should always be visible to you, but hidden from prying eyes. Exactly one year later, sum up the results. Re-read the list, cross out desires that are no longer interesting to you or have lost relevance. Praise yourself for all your dreams come true!

Write in the comments if the article was useful to you? Will you use the tips? I wish you to write the most best list out of 100 wishes!

How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true?

So, a few basic rules for fulfilling your desire. They are so simple and effective that it is surprising that not all people have yet received what they wanted. So, what needs to be done to make your wish come true?

The wish should be written down. And this needs to be done correctly; inaccurate wording is the main reason that we don’t get what we would like (it’s a shame, right?). “I want a new fur coat” – a good wish? May be. But it is stated categorically incorrectly. “I’m getting a new fur coat”, “I have a new fur coat” - that’s the only way! And also – when do you want it? A new fur coat will hardly suit you in 20 years, right? Enter the deadline here. Just approach the issue creatively.

Of course, everyone wants their cherished wish to come true in one day. And even better - in one night, so as not to wait at all, just go to bed and in the morning receive everything you wished for on a silver platter. But it would be better to leave the Universe room for maneuver, for example, by ordering a “dream come true” in a month or even earlier.

“Starting tomorrow, my boss won’t find fault with me” - how do you like this formulation? The deadlines are indicated, it is written, as if you are stating a fait accompli, what is wrong? This very particle “not”! The universe will ignore it - and you will get what you definitely did not want: even more nagging. So we write everything in a positive way: you don’t need to “not get sick,” you need to “be healthy,” and so on.

Emotions and details. Don’t skimp on colors when describing your wish if you want it to come true. It is not enough to state it, you also need to present it in detail, and the main detail is how you feel when you get what you want.

Don't limit the Universe. If you are planning, for example, an apartment, of course, you should indicate that it should be three-room. But! Who knows, maybe a three-story cottage is more suitable for you? So, when formulating your order to the Universe, leave it room for creativity: this or something bigger and better appears harmoniously in my life.

Your desire should not carry evil and negativity. And it should not harm anyone, including you. For example, receiving a large sum of money: this could be winning the lottery, or insurance for a broken leg or a wrecked car. And in order for a wish to be fulfilled in the best possible way, it must be ended with the so-called “amulet phrase”: “for the common good,” for example, or something like this: “may this bring happiness to me and those around me.”

So, you have formulated and written down your desire. Great! You are already halfway to your dream. The next step is illustration. Find a picture (or several) illustrating the fulfillment of a wish. You can cut it out of a magazine or find it on the Internet and print it on a color printer. And then hang it where you will always see it.

Well. You have done some serious work and now the Universe knows what you would like. What's next? And then don’t get hung up on your desires. Let go of your desire. And the best way to do this is to start taking action to achieve it. You will be surprised, but opportunities for implementation will begin to present themselves every now and then. Including ones you never even dreamed of. Now your task is to take full advantage of them to make your cherished wish come true

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