All about the number 17. The sacred science of two-digit numbers

Each number in numerology has its own meaning. Two-digit codes, like the number 17, personify the qualities of a person that she needs for development. The general characteristics of the sign and the combination of simple codes make it possible to see its true purpose.

Decoding the number 17 will help you find out your personality’s purpose

Numerology in life

Numbers surround us. The first and one of the most important signs is the date of birth. If you add up these numbers and reduce the result to a two-digit or single-digit code, then you can characterize the person, understand his motives and aspirations.

The magic of numbers affects all areas of life. Where numerology comes in handy:

  • in search of a path in life;
  • in determining inclinations and innate abilities;
  • in choosing a profession;
  • when moving or when you need to decide on drastic changes;
  • when a person is going through a difficult period.

For ordinary life, numerology is a hint and valuable advice. If a person learns to listen to himself and his desires, he will be able to find a worthy place.

Magic numbers

If the number 17 appears in your life code, then many trials await you. Not all changes will be positive, but your life path will lead to success. A person with such a two-digit code is unable to decide or change anything; here everything is resolved by fate. Whatever plans the owner of the number seventeen makes, she will make her own adjustments.

If a person with this number is destined to change, then no matter how much he resists, he will do it. In most cases, this code is favorable. It eliminates accidents that can cause harm. If you know about this, then you don’t have to worry. Morale is very important here

Meaning of number 17:

  • it is the power of Divine providence;
  • following the destined path;
  • a set of circumstances over which a person has no control.

Interpretation by composition

If you take 17 apart, you get two simple codes. The unit symbolizes the beginning of the path, the basic qualities of any personality. The owners of the unit are strong people who find it easy to find their place in life. Seven means faith in the forces that guide you. If a person is highly spiritual, then this is a real gift for him. Mental attitude is very important. If a person resists his destiny, he cannot be happy. She betrays her nature and earns karmic debts. In the next life, the immortal soul will have to work out the mistakes of the present.

Number 17 in numerology promises a good future, but only for those individuals who can grow to such selfless faith. The one enhances all the qualities inherent in the seven, so this combination is positive in most cases.

Positive value

Seventeen symbolizes excessive interference from higher powers. They do not just observe or direct the personality, but lead it. Everything that happens in her life is already predetermined. The number 17 does not symbolize the futility of actions: any actions of a man or woman are also a reflection of fate. It is like a plan according to which a person lives. From birth, a person feels how much he needs development, how he needs new knowledge.

This magic number allows you to improve. Special people are born with this sign. They will have to change the world around them, do something extremely important. The positive value of code 17 suggests inner self-confidence. A man or woman knows how important it is to believe in yourself and trust your inner instinct. The intuition of such people will never fail. She will tell you a way out of a difficult situation and guide you on the right path. Even if the solutions do not seem obvious, it is worth listening to the meaning of this number.

Negative interpretation

The magic of the number 17 does not bypass negative meanings. If the code contains conduct as an important part of personality development, then for people lacking inner faith such a sign is negative. The development of self-belief or a higher power occurs in early childhood. In such cases, adjacent numbers in the digital series will tell you how the person lost this faith. She may go through a difficult period or suffer from improper upbringing. Her numerological code may contain skepticism and cynicism. In this case, the unit from the code strengthens such doubts, and the man or woman cannot follow their destiny. They are full of regrets and fears. The more they rely on intuition, the stronger their fear. Over the years, the thrill of failure outweighs all other feelings. For weak people, the number 17 carries a dangerous message: it makes them afraid, withdrawn, confused. Without faith in oneself, a person quickly plunges into unfulfilled dreams. Such numbers lead a person into a dead end, and he does not have the internal resources to get out.

Weak carriers of the number 17 face constant fear

Numbers in numerology describe all personality traits. The number 17 has its own role: it reflects providence, following higher powers. A person will not be able to resist her. He must learn to trust himself, his strengths and the signs of fate. Then the number 17 will only affect him in a positive way.

Number 17 in numerology is very interesting by nature. She carries energy, ambition, initiative, independence, curiosity and always the desire to learn something new. The person influenced by this number is distinguished primarily by the fact that he always strives for a deep knowledge of all issues, to their very essence. People of number 17 are interested in both the material and spiritual side of life, but as for the first, it comes first for them. The difficulties for such a person are that he can achieve material success only when he achieves harmony between everything material and spiritual. It happens that achieving this kind of harmony can take a lot of time, because learning this is not easy for them.

As for the spiritual, then number 17 in numerology carries the energy of divine intervention in fate. This figure refers to good numbers; for deeply religious people, 17 is a very positive number, which cannot be said about less religious people. The effect may be slightly different for them. It often happens that the number 17 quickly bursts into the life of its bearer at the moment when there is a need to change something in his life, but to change it precisely in a spiritual sense. For the soul. But it turns out that people don’t really need spiritual benefits, even though they always talk about them. But the whole point is that spiritual benefits often come to people with pain, and almost never correspond to what they imagine.

Features of people born under the number 17, numerology 17

As for the emotional background, such people are changeable, but they are always faithful to their other halves, except for slight betrayals. Their partners must accept this, and in no case limit the will of these people, because they really do not like this, and may even break up. Often such people get married more than once in their lives, and for some reason it turns out that each subsequent marriage is better than the previous one.
Sexually, this is a very strong number. People born under this number are very diverse in sex, love to experiment, and no prohibitions are acceptable for them. Such persons need very strong people as partners, as they are often rude.

As for the shortcomings, the main shortcoming of these people is variability, and although this is what attracts interest in them, it does not make them happy at all. They observe constancy only in terms of travel and change. Perhaps this is why their careers often do not work out.

Numerology number 17, general characteristics

In general, people born on the 17th are distinguished by their intelligence and energy, they are always interesting and you want to communicate with them. To be happy, they need to learn resilience and control to change.
The number 7 plays a major role in the relationships of its carriers with people. These people can truly be happy only with those people who accept them as they are. Only by allowing them to be themselves, and without interfering with their freedom, can you keep them near you.
For carriers of the number 17, the following numbers are also lucky: 1,7,8,10,17,25,26 and 28. Unlucky numbers are: 2,5,11,14,20,23,29. Favorable days are Monday and Sunday. Months with negative influence are December and January. The lucky color is azure, and as for the stones, the stones of this number are black pearls and black diamonds.
People born under the number 17 should take extra care of their liver and digestive system as a whole, because it is weaker than everything else.


The number 17 consists of a combination of the Sun (1) and the semi-planet Ketu (7). Since the Soul Number for the number 17 is 8, this number is ruled by Saturn. Thus, 17 is the number of struggles, difficulties, obstacles. Moreover, the Sun and Ketu are enemies, and this leads 17 to internal conflict! Meanwhile, such internal conflict gives a real understanding of things, brings knowledge, prudence, love and spirituality. People are distinguished by courage and firmness. They cultivate resistance to obstacles and difficulties and learn to overcome them. They become calmer and give this calmness to those around them. Although number 8 is ruled by malefic Saturn, people with number 17 become virtuous and contribute to the cause of serving the suffering, which brings them name and fame after death. They are not left behind by the difficulties associated with Saturn, but they are not greatly dependent on them and leave a noticeable mark on history.
Saturn brings success in old age. Although people born under the number 17 suffer in family and personal life, they achieve wealth and prosperity and are appreciated by others. If they ever begin to believe in God and begin to engage in spiritual practices, providence itself will help them, and all their problems will miraculously disappear. Such people are advised to be careful when choosing friends and when receiving help from colleagues, relatives and acquaintances.
17 is a spiritual number, its symbolism is the 8-pointed star of Venus, a symbol of peace and love. The man she represents has risen to unattainable spiritual heights, overcoming unimaginable difficulties in life. 17 is considered the number of immortality: the name of a person with the number 17 continues to live after him. If this number appears in calculations of future events, then it indicates good luck (unless associated with the single numbers 4 and 8).
Two streams cover the whole variety of changes on earth: one upward - from animals through humans and beyond, the other downward - from people to animals and even lower. If you were born on the 17th, choosing the right direction for your further development depends on whether you can now understand that the time has come for humility and fidelity to spiritual principles. Let difficulties help you change your relationship with your Self. Start with the most difficult and move to what is easy. Remember that many great names in history have been convinced of the existence of a Supreme Will.

The number 17 in numerology means the divine principle. Man is under the protection of the Higher Powers. They give him tests, present him with different situations. This is all what we call fate or the will of fate. It is generally accepted that it is not worth resisting the prepared life under the influence of seventeen, otherwise there will be a black streak.

Numerologists say that this is a good number, but how and where the path of fate turns will depend on the Chosen One. Usually favor is shown to strongly religious people.

Seventeen is one of the amazing combinations of numbers that complement and support each other. Combining 1 and 7, Seventeen receives a complex interpretation - the divine path, the beginning. In this case, each number plays a special role:

  1. 1 – means beginning, independence, personality. People are great at finding motivation in everything, sticking to their goals, and as a result, making good progress along the path of life;
  2. 7 – means spirituality, insight, enlightenment. Seven brings good luck and adjusts the inner state of mind. Another important mission is the awakening of wisdom and insight;
  3. The meaning of 17 in numerology is positive. 1 and 7 bring good luck on any chosen path. In addition, meeting this number means that the decision was made correctly.

Secrets of the number 17

Correct interpretation of the signs of fate helps you pass the prepared tests painlessly. How to properly deal with Seventeen?

  • Don't reproach God for failures and misfortunes. These are the barriers that are given to you with strength in mind;
  • Thank the higher powers for small joys and great success;
  • Rely on intuition and extrasensory abilities, they are given for a reason. Often the Chosen Ones of the Seventeen claim that they feel certain forces that help them make choices and bypass obstacles;
  • Help others. A person should dedicate himself to serving others, whether through church activities, simple sponsorship of those in need, or volunteering;
  • Don't give in to temptation and don't say everything to your opponent. Excessive straightforwardness and sincerity under the influence of 17 will be costly;

Meaning in life

It is absolutely clear that it was not without reason that 1 and 7 became a pair. Every person must understand that he needs to find himself, take the True and Divine path in order to receive all the privileges from the Higher powers. A meeting with Seventeen speaks of the correctness of the choice.

The angels worry about the Wards who are in a world where the material rules. Many temptations: money, physical pleasures, power, cloud the minds of those who should bring light, knowledge and wisdom to humanity. And if a number haunts you, it means that the Patrons see everything and want to guide you on the right path.

For those who are chasing financial well-being and see that number 17 appears here and there, you should think about it. Is it really worth ignoring? The right decision will be the following: give fate a chance to intervene, to experience spirituality. Only then will material well-being come.

In Italy, they try to avoid the unlucky number 17. Ships do not sail, holidays are not celebrated. Superstitions go back to the times of Roman writing, when the number 17 was written XVII, which, with some rearrangements of symbols, turned into VIXI with the meaning “lived.” Not a good word to appear on tombs and headstones. Friday the 17th is worse than the 13th.

Meaning in relationships

People born on the 17th may notice that their relationships with their other half are quite harmonious and good. Like all couples, there are quarrels and some grievances. Due to the fact that in childhood there were difficult relationships with parents, there was a strict upbringing, a person suffers. He loves, but does not show his feelings or very rarely talks about them.

A person who is monogamous in life. Quite jealous. If for some reason he commits treason, then the guilt for his action will haunt him for a long time. 17 helps to get rid of self-criticism. Those who have been betrayed are often left alone with themselves, sometimes distracted by short-term affairs.

The arrival of a child in a family becomes significant. The Chosen One of the Seventeen shows all the love and affection for his own children. Other people's kids are also not deprived of attention.

Friendly relationships are built only with selected, proven and real ones. You don’t need a lot of tests and many hours of communication to understand who is standing in front of you and whether you should open up to this person. There are always a few friends who will help you through thick and thin.

Importance in Career

An inquisitive mind, determination and insight help to achieve heights in work. People are able to think, see prospects and ways out of current situations. Society looks at such people negatively because they are different from everyone else. They are indignant about frequent and long business trips, because their family is waiting at home.

The meaning of the number in a birthday

Being born under a lucky number is not easy. Birth number 17 is one of those lucky numbers. What kind of people are chosen by SEVENTEEN:

  • The character is not easy. These are grumpy people who easily get into conflicts. It is more expensive to hook such a person. You can hear a lot of negativity addressed to you. Of course, the person will later regret what he said;
  • 17 teaches you to choose the right friends. The main quality is devotion;
  • Devotion also manifests itself towards the other half;
  • Leadership qualities are inherent from birth. They provide an opportunity to be in the spotlight, help those in need and organize such help en masse;
  • Life has many challenges in store. Very often complex difficulties arise. After thinking and turning to the Higher Powers, a person finds the right way out;
  • They do not tolerate deception and betrayal;
  • Family personalities. Their home, family is a fortress and abode;
  • The main goal in life in most cases is to understand the spiritual world and find oneself.

Whether a word is good or bad is up to those who encounter Seventeen to decide. It is important to accept the help of Higher Powers and not ignore their signs.

You may have wondered - what is the magic of the number 17? Find out what the power of this number is, the influence on a person’s life and the formation of his character, how to use it to change life, direct it in a more favorable direction, and, ultimately, how to interpret its meaning?

In the article:

The magic of number 17 - what is it like?

As you know, all two-digit numbers are made up of single-digit numbers, and this leads to a dual interpretation of their meaning. In classical numerology, the magic of the number 17 lies in divine intervention e. Divine intervention in human life, the will of fate, fate, the dictates of higher powers that cannot be resisted - this is the list of forces of the number seventeen. Undoubtedly, this is a good number, but the favorableness of its influence depends on the person himself, since the influence of seventeen is always good only for people of deep faith.

The first number is a symbol of strength, unbridled and chaotic energy. It has no will of its own; it is guided by subsequent numbers. In this case, it is the seven, increasing its influence and power at the expense of the one. Essentially, the number 17 in numerology has the meaning of an enhanced seven. Just like, say, numbers in the range between 11 and 19 - they are all stronger due to the one in front. Since the unit does not have its own will, it does not change the meaning of the second number, it only passes it through itself as through a prism and allows it to become more powerful.

In the language of numerology, seventeen can be called a “strengthened seven”, no more. Therefore, if seven is the intervention of higher powers, which can somehow be reconfigured and directed in the right direction, then seventeen cannot be changed in any way, his will is what it is. If the influence of seven can sometimes be overlooked, then the influence of seventeen definitely cannot be missed. It tends to hit a person when he is not expecting a blow from fate and is most defenseless.

Meaning of 17 in numerology

Most interpretations indicate the value of 17 in numerology as a serious intervention in a person’s life. When urgent changes are needed, the material dominates the spiritual - the influence of seventeen bursts into a person’s life and changes everything, often beyond recognition. All actions, even the most seemingly cruel ones, are aimed at good. But for the good subtle human body, his soul. It can often turn out that material condition for such people is more important than spiritual well-being. Even for those who position themselves as people striving for self-improvement.

True spiritual benefits are given with pain, through trials and overcoming obstacles, which the average person fears like fire. Therefore, in some interpretations, the question “what does the number 17 mean in numerology?” a negative answer is given, making one feel prejudiced against this generally positive number. It is dangerous only for people who are fixated on their wealth and satisfying base needs while ignoring the needs of the soul.

Materialistic people see seventeen as the source of their troubles, sorrows and misfortunes, not realizing the need for patience and humility to save the soul. The body is perishable, but the soul is immortal. If it is aimed at obtaining financial benefits, listening to the desires of the body, then its complete antagonist is the number seventeen.

Impact on personality

What are people born under his sign like? How does the date of birth affect them? First of all, it affects the emotional aspect: such people are often extremely emotional, and the energy in them is boiling, overflowing. But they are able to control themselves and the manifestations of their emotions. However, they can easily let themselves go and create an ugly scandal if it seems that someone is limiting their rights. Intolerance to rules, adherence to strict norms and canons- these are the main characteristics of such people. They are capable of betrayal, and then returning to the family as if nothing had happened.

Benjamin Franklin (01/17/1706 - 04/17/1790) - American president, inventor, writer, Freemason

These are not romantics and gentle natures, not at all. In the sexual sphere, their appetites are great, and the main line of behavior is rudeness and a tendency to harsh practices. A partner who wants to receive affection and sensuality from them, who is prone to idealism, will have a hard time in an alliance with such a person. But, at the same time, people of number seventeen are the most faithful and devoted friends who will never abandon or betray. They are not the best candidates for a love relationship, but they will hear a call from a friend even on the other side of the planet.

They love travel, long business trips, and are prone to change and impermanence. However, the family remains their constant stronghold, the cornerstone on which their world stands. The relationships within it will depend on.

High intelligence, sociability, and the desire to learn new things distinguish them from others, due to which such people feel their exclusivity. Sometimes they are distinguished by excessive stubbornness, which gives rise to conflicts that could have been avoided. They are always between peace and war, periodically leaning towards one or the other.

The main thing that the number 17 signals in numerology is the need to stop and think about yourself or your life. Rethink the events happening to you, think about what you are doing, what you want. Analyze your desires and actions. With the help of this, a person will become stronger and find his true calling.

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