All-Russian Olympiad in life safety, tasks. All-Russian Olympiad in life safety, tasks All-Russian school Olympiad in life safety



on municipal stage School Olympiads

on basic life safety in 2016-2017 academic year
7-8th grades

The maximum number of points for the theoretical round is 100.

The maximum number of points for a section is 60.

Task 1. Write and decipher the safety formula

Answer options:

Warning, rescue, help! Be able to anticipate, avoid if possible, and act if necessary!

Assignment score – 10 points

Assessment of the task. For the correct answer to each question - 5 points for each wording.

Task 2. A. How can pedestrians move along the road?

Answer options:

Pedestrians must move:

On sidewalks or curbs. If they are absent or it is impossible to move along them - along the edge of the roadway in one row facing the traffic Vehicle.

B. How to cross the road for pedestrians

Answer options:

Cross the carriageway (road):

Along pedestrian crossings, and in their absence at intersections, along the line of sidewalks (roadsides). At the signal of a traffic light or traffic controller. If there are no “1 and 2” in the visibility zone, cross the road, looking left and right, if there are no vehicles nearby

Assignment score – 10 points

    points are not awarded if the phrase you create does not match this definition. If the participant correctly explains what the phrase means, but the phrase itself does not correspond to this definition, 1 point is awarded.

Task 3. How to protect yourself from electric shock?

Answer options:

Do not touch exposed or poorly insulated wires. Do not use faulty electrical appliances. Do not touch the switched-on electrical appliance with wet hands. Do not play near electrical substations and electrical panels. Do not touch wires that have fallen to the ground.

Assignment score – 10 points

Assessment of the task. For the correct answer to each question - 2 points for each question.

    No points will be awarded if the completed phrase does not meet this definition. If the participant correctly explains what the phrase means, but the phrase itself does not correspond to this definition, 1 point is awarded.

Task 4. Name the rules safe behavior when there is ice.

Answer options:

Shoes with soft soles with a high pattern (winter). If the sole is slippery, then stick a medical plaster, rag tape or sandpaper on it. Go around as many places as possible. On any section of the road, take your time, step on your entire sole, and don’t lift your feet off the ground (senile gait). When falling, squeeze, tense your muscles, touch the ground and roll.

Assignment score – 10 points

Assessment of the task. For the correct answer to each question - 2 points for each correct answer.

    No points will be awarded if the completed phrase does not meet this definition. If the participant correctly explains what the phrase means, but the phrase itself does not correspond to this definition, 1 point is awarded.

Task 5. A. Name different kinds bleeding depending on the characteristics:

Sample answer.

    venous - dark-colored blood continuously and slowly flows out of the wound; arterial - scarlet blood is ejected from a deep wound in a pulsating stream; capillary - blood oozes over the entire surface of the wound.

B. Rules of personal hygiene and human health.

Answer options:

Wash every day with warm water and toilet or baby soap; If possible, change your underwear, socks, stockings, tights or knee socks as often as possible; Regularly clean the spaces between your teeth with a special floss or toothpick, use natural toothpaste; visit the dentist 2-3 times a year; Hair should be washed not according to a schedule, but as needed.

Assignment score – 10 points

Assessment of the task. For the correct answer to each of the questions in task A - 2 points for each question.

For the correct answer to each of the questions in task B - 1 point for each question.

    No points will be awarded if the completed phrase does not meet this definition. If the participant correctly explains what the phrase means, but the phrase itself does not correspond to this definition (task A), 1 point is awarded.

Task 6. Name the methods of making fire in natural conditions.

Matches, lighter. Magnifying glass. By knocking out a spark (silicon, piece of metal, tinder). Friction:

Stick, wooden base, tinder;

Stick, wooden base, cotton wool, manganese;

Stick, wooden base, cotton wool, manganese, glycerin,

Log, wire.

Ammunition (for example, gunpowder, shot, explosion).

Assignment score – 10 points

Assessment of the task. For the correct answer to each question - 2 points for each question.

    No points will be awarded if the completed phrase does not meet this definition. If the participant correctly explains what the phrase means, but the phrase itself does not correspond to this definition, 1 point is awarded.


The maximum number of points for a section is 40.

Test tasks

Evaluation procedure

test tasks

The shocks following the main shock during an earthquake are called

a) foreshocks

b) aftershocks

c) monoshocks

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

When an aircraft depressurizes, you must:

a) bend your body and bow your head low;

b) put on an oxygen mask;

c) straighten up in your seat and rest your feet on the back of the front seat.

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

A forest fire that burns through the forest canopy is called

a) grassroots;

b) riding;

c) underground.

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

A natural phenomenon on rivers at the beginning of winter is called

a) flood;

b) congestion;

c) glutton.

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

If you fall in a crowd, you must:

a) lie still and wait until the crowd thins out;

b) group and get up quickly;

c) scream loudly and catch on to walking people.

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

An infectious disease characterized by damage to the colon by intoxication phenomena is called

a) hepatitis

b) dysentery

c) butulism

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

Accidents or disasters associated with human production activities, occurring with or without pollution, are called emergency situations...

A) technogenic nature

b) social nature

c) natural character

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

If a chlorine leak occurs during an accident at a chemically hazardous facility, then it is necessary...

a) hide in the basement

b) go up to the top floor of the house

c) stay in your apartment

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

The body's daily calorie requirement for children and adolescents aged 11 to 13 years is:

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

How to move on a road without a sidewalk:

a) walk along the side of the road on the left side (that is, on the side with oncoming traffic);

b) walk along the side of the road on the right side (that is, on the side of traffic);

c) walk in the middle of the road.

For the correct answer

awarded - 2.0 points.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

Geological emergency events include:

a) landslides, mudflows, landslides;

b) floods, rain floods, congestion and gluts;

c) falling to Earth, magnetic storms.

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

Biological emergencies include:

a) disturbance of ecological balance;

b) epidemics, epizootics, epiphytoties;

c) change in heat balance.

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

Unified state system of prevention and liquidation emergency situations consists of the following subsystems.

a) territorial and functional

b) federal and regional

c) territorial

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

General management of the functioning of the Unified state system prevention and liquidation of emergency situations is carried out...

a) Presidential Administration Russian Federation

b) Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief

c) Government of the Russian Federation

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

Wind of destructive force and significant duration, the speed of which exceeds 32 m/s:

c) hurricane.

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

The situation that has developed in a certain territory, which is characterized by a stressful state of the population, environmental and economic damage, and possible casualties:

a) dangerous situation;

b) emergency situation;

c) natural disaster.

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

Vibration strength earth's surface determined by scale

a) Ch. Richter

b) A. Celsius

c) T. Kelvin

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

Social dangers:

Threatening only to human health; not life-threatening; widespread in society, threatening the life and health of people.

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

In the Russian Federation, a person who has reached the age at the time of committing a crime is subject to:

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

Taking someone else's property by deception...

b) fraud

c) robbery

For the correct answer

2 points are awarded.

For an incorrect answer

assigned – 0 points

Right answers:

(For the jury)

Olympiad tasks of the practical round of the municipal stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in life safety in the 2016-2017 academic year

for students of 9th and 10-11th grades

Tasks of the first section “Providing first aid to the victim”

Task No. 1(9-10-11 grades)

Equipment: training mannequin, scarves, cold, sterile wipes, telephone.

Conditions: As a result of the accident, the car caught fire. The driver suffered a burn injury while getting out of the burning car. The victim is conscious. Complains of severe pain in burn wounds. The skin of the right forearm and hand is reddened and covered with blisters filled with clear liquid.


The victim has 2nd degree burns on his right forearm and hand. The victim's condition is moderate.

Algorithm for completing the task:

Ensure the safety of providing assistance: move the victim away from the burning car to a safe distance.

It is necessary to cover the burn surface with a sterile napkin and put cold on top of the napkin.

Report by phone to the rescue services about the fire of the car and the victims, indicating the address, the number of victims, their gender and approximate age, the nature of the damage, provide your name and find out the name of the dispatcher.

Observe the condition of the victim (control of breathing, pulse, consciousness) until the ambulance arrives.

Assignment assessment . 15 points.

Fine (points)

1. The priority in providing assistance is disrupted.

2. Help if your hand is damaged by a burn

Cold applied without using a sterile napkin

No cold used

Incorrect treatment of the victim

3. Calling rescue services

The address of the scene of the incident is not specified

It doesn't say what happened

The number of victims, their gender and approximate age are not specified

Rescue services were not called

Task No. 2(9-10-11 grades)(maximum score – 15 points)

Equipment: training mannequin, stick, wire, telephone.

Situation: in the area of ​​private residential buildings there was a break in the electrical wire. You find a victim lying without visible signs of life. There is a wire on the ground next to the victim. The victim does not respond to the call. Breathing is not detected. The pulse on the carotid artery is not detected.


Electrical injury. Clinical death.

First aid procedure.

1. Ensure safe first aid: approach the victim in small steps, without lifting your soles from the ground. Throw away the wire with a dielectric object (dry wooden stick). Call helpers (if possible). Pull the victim to a safe distance by dry clothing with one hand.

2. Determine the victim’s signs of life.

3. If there are no signs of life, begin CPR.

4. Call an ambulance.

5. Perform CPR until the ambulance arrives.

Assignment assessment . The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 15 points.

List of errors and errors

1. The priority in providing assistance is disrupted.

Safety precautions

Assignment assessment . The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

If the sum of penalty points is equal to or exceeds the maximum score for the task, the participant is given 0 points.

Task No. 4(9-10-11 grades)(maximum score - 10 points)

Situation: In the garage, a man was found lying unconscious next to a car with the engine running. The victim does not respond to the call. Breathing is noisy. The pulse in the carotid artery is determined. There are pink spots on the face. The pupils are dilated.

Exercise: provide first aid


Carbon monoxide poisoning. The victim's condition is serious.

Algorithm for completing the task:

Ensure safe assistance: open the garage doors, call assistants (if possible), close your own airways with a damp cloth, remove the victim from the garage by any available means.

Examine the victim. Identify signs of life.

Place the victim in a stable lateral position.

Call an ambulance.

Observe the condition of the victim, control consciousness, breathing, blood circulation until the ambulance team arrives.

Assignment assessment . The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Errors and number of points deducted:

· safety rules were not followed when providing assistance – 2 points;

· the victim’s condition was not assessed – 4 points;

· the victim is not transferred to a stable lateral position – 10 points;

· An ambulance was not called – 4 points.

If the sum of penalty points is equal to or exceeds the maximum score for the task, the participant is given 0 points.

Tasks of the second section “Actions in natural and man-made emergencies”

Task No. 5 (grades 9-10-11)(maximum score - 5 points)

Actions upon detection and extinguishing of a fire using primary fire extinguishing agents.

Conditions: An electrical appliance caught fire in the room, the participant must: upon discovering the fire, call the fire department by phone; put on a gauze bandage and protective gloves; determine the type of primary fire extinguishing agent and use it to eliminate a fictitious fire.

Maximum score5 points.


Errors when calling the fire department:

the fire department was not called

address not given

The location of the fire has not been identified

last name, first name, patronymic not stated

Personal respiratory protection equipment - gauze bandage - is not worn

Task No. 14(maximum score – 12 points).

Destruction of a fictitious enemy firing point with rifle fire.

Conditions: The fictitious enemy's firing point (3 falling targets) is located at a distance of 10 m from the shelter. The participant is given an air rifle with an open sight and 5 bullets with which he must hit 3 falling targets from a standing position.

Required materials and equipment: air rifle, 5 p drop targets.

Algorithm for completing the task:

1. At the starting line, the participant receives the command “Fight!” from a jury member, after which he moves to the firing line, reports his readiness to fire and after the jury member’s command “Fire!” starts shooting.

2. The participant loads the bullets one by one and fires successively at the folding targets. If the targets are hit with less than five shots, the mission is terminated.

2. Shooting is carried out until three folding targets (circles) are hit or until the “ammunition” is used up.

If the sum of penalty points is equal to or exceeds the maximum score for the task, the participant is given 0 points.

Task No. 15 Overcoming a section of terrain by crawling(firing zones) (Maximum score – 10 points).

Conditions: Tasks in the firing zone are carried out in a prone position without the right to touch the stretched net (each touch of the net - the ringing of a bell, is a conditional hit by an enemy shot). Without going beyond the boundaries of the camouflage net, it simulates a shot from a machine gun at a “imaginary enemy.”

Maximum score 1 0 points .

List of errors and errors


Every touch of the grid (ringing a bell)

When simulating shelling of a mock enemy:

the machine is not removed from the safety lock

the shutter is not cocked

Aiming towards the imaginary enemy was not carried out

after the shot the machine gun is not put on safety

The shot at the mock enemy was fired outside the dimensions of the firing zone (camouflage mesh)

Amount of penalty points

Assessment of the task taking into account penalty points

If the sum of penalty points is equal to or exceeds the maximum score for the task, the participant is given 0 points.

Task No. 16 Assembling a model of a weight and size assault rifle (AKM, AK-74)

Conditions: The participant assembles a disassembled machine gun lying on the floor in a kneeling or lying position, puts it on, and, at the command of a jury member, moves to the “firing” zone.

Maximum score1 0 points.

If the sum of penalty points is equal to or exceeds the maximum score for the task, the participant is given 0 points.

Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved

(Ancient Roman proverb)

Basics of life safety (life safety fundamentals) - an academic subject studied in primary, general and secondary institutions vocational education and designed to foster a safety culture, prepare students for safe behavior in Everyday life, in dangerous situations, includingemergency situations natural, man-made and biological-social nature, developing a healthy and safe lifestyle, first aid skills, receiving basic knowledge about the defense of the state, about the military duty of citizens, training in the basics of military service.

By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of May 14, 1991 and the Order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR of May 27, 1991 No. 169 from September 1, 1991 in state general education educational institutions The course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” (life safety) was introduced. Since September 1, 1991, the course has been studied in grades 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11, and since 1994Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommended studying a life safety course in general education institutions in all grades (grades 1 to 11). The initiators of the introduction of the life safety course were the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR and State Committee for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief.

The life safety course implements the requirements of a number of Federal laws: “On Safety”, “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens’ Health”, “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies”, “On Military Duty and military service", "On radiation safety of citizens", "On fire safety", "About security traffic", etc., as well as a number of Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents in the field of ensuring the safety of citizens.

The study of the life safety course is aimed at developing in students a conscious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and the safety of others, assimilation of knowledge and skills to recognize and evaluate dangerous situations, determine ways to protect against them, provide self- and mutual assistance.

Thematically, the course content includes five main sections:

1. safety and human protection in dangerous and emergency situations;

2.basics medical knowledge and rules of first aid;

3.basics healthy image life;

4.modern complex of security problems;

5.basics of military service.

The main objective of the life safety course is not to prepare students for extreme situations, but in strengthening their spiritual, physical and mental health, on the basis of which safe life activities should be based.

Many All-Russian Olympiads have been formed in recent decades in life safety - in 2009 (first held in Kislovodsk).

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in life safety 2016‑2017

The municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in life safety was held on December 17, 2016 on the basis of the MBOU Kubinskaya Secondary School No. 1 named after. Hero of the Russian Federation I. V. Tkachenko Odintsovo district of the Moscow region (order of the Department of Education of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region dated November 15, 2016 No. 2114).

168 students from 35 municipalities took part in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in life safety educational institutions district and 1 non-state educational institution: CHUODO Lyceum-Boarding School “Podmoskovny”

Students of the following MBOUs did not take part in the municipal stage of the secondary school in life safety: Odintsovo secondary school No. 9 named after. M.I. Nedelina, Odintsovo secondary school No. 16, Golitsynskaya secondary school No. 2, Gorkovskaya secondary school, Dubkovskaya secondary school "Friendship", Zhavoronkovskaya secondary school, Zakharovskaya secondary school, Karinskaya secondary school, Likinskaya secondary school, Perkhushkovskaya secondary school, Sharapovskaya secondary school.

Best result: MBOU Uspenskaya Secondary School, MBOU Secondary School "Gorki-Kh", Odintsovo Lyceum No. 10, Odintsovo Secondary School No. 12.

All-Russian Olympiad in life safety

How to participate

  1. Watch your school for announcements. School stage Olympiads are usually held in September - October.
  2. Complete the tasks of the school Olympiad, find out the results from your life safety teacher.
  3. If you have scored the required number of points, the teacher will invite you to the next stage and help you prepare.
  4. Take part in the municipal stage of the Olympiad. The location and time will be determined by your school.
  5. Find out from your teacher the results of your work at the municipal stage. If you have made it to the next stage, start preparing for it.
  6. You can find out the location and time of the regional stage from your teacher or on the regional website. If you have any questions, please contact your regional organizer.
  7. Participate in the regional stage.
  8. You can find out the passing scores and results of your participation on the regional Olympiad website.
  9. If you have achieved the required number of points to qualify for the final stage, you will be contacted by a regional representative or school teacher.
  10. Take part in the final stage of the Olympiad.

“ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN OBJECTIVENESS 2016-2017 (MUNICIPAL STAGE) 7-8 grade Participant code Dear participant of the Olympiad! ..."




Participant code

Dear Olympic participant!

When completing the tasks of the theoretical round, you will have to complete

certain work that is better organized as follows:

– slowly, carefully read the task and the questions included in it, or


– determine the most correct and complete answer;

– if you are answering a theoretical question, think about and formulate a specific answer only to the question posed;

– if you are responding to a proposed situation, think about the order and sequence of actions for the proposed situation and enter the answers into the diagram in the sequence that you have determined, while the answer should be brief but contain the necessary information;

– if you are answering a task related to filling out a table, do not try to detail the information, enter only the information or data that is indicated in the question or in the upper columns;

– after completing all the proposed tasks, once again make sure that the answers and solutions you have chosen are correct;

The theoretical round assignment for this subject section is considered completed if you submit it to the jury on time.

We wish you success!

Score for the Theoretical block of points (maximum 60 points) Score for the Testing block of points (maximum 40 points) Score of the participant’s result for the THEORETICAL TOUR of points (maximum for the theoretical round 100 points)


(maximum score –60 points) Task 1. Write in the right boxes the names (meanings) of the traffic signs shown.

Signatures of the jury members Task 2. Write in the right boxes the names (meanings) of the depicted fire safety signs.

Evaluation points: maximum – 2 points;

actual points scored for the task -.

Signatures of the jury members Task 3.

What needs to be done when receiving advance warning of the threat of storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes? Place the following steps in a logical sequence:

open windows and doors on the leeward side (to equalize internal pressure) close and reinforce attic hatches and vents prepare food supplies and drinking water turn on the TV, radio and listen to recommendations leave the house, take shelter in the basement or protective structure turn off the gas, water, electricity and extinguish the fire in the stove remove from window sills, balconies and loggias things that can be picked up by the air flow from the windward side cover the glass windows with paper , protect the windows with shutters or shields Evaluation points: maximum – 6 points;

actual points scored for the task -.

Signatures of the jury members Task 4. Using arrows, establish correspondence between situations and rules of safe behavior.

–  –  –

Evaluation points: maximum – 4 points;

actual points scored for the task -.

Signatures of the jury members Task 5. Based on knowledge in the field of safe behavior during terrorist attacks, list the rules of behavior in the event of being taken hostage.

Evaluation points: maximum – 13 points;

actual points scored for the task -.

Signatures of the jury members Task 6. Based on knowledge in the field of protecting the population and territories from natural emergencies, according to the definitions of dangerous natural phenomena given in the left column of the table, in the right column, enter the type of dangerous natural phenomenon.

Kind of dangerous natural Definition dangerous natural phenomenon phenomenon Displacement of rock masses along a slope under the influence of its own weight and additional load due to erosion of the slope, waterlogging, seismic tremors and other processes.

Flooding of an area adjacent to a river, lake or reservoir with water, which causes damage to human health or even leads to their death, and also causes material damage.

A mountain stream consisting of a mixture of water and loose clastic rock (mud, stones).

Wind of destructive force and significant duration, the speed of which exceeds 32 m/s.

Covering the surrounding area with a layer of water, flooding courtyards, streets of populated areas and the lower floors of buildings. A strong small-scale atmospheric vortex in which air rotates at a speed of up to 100 m/s, which has great destructive power.

Floods caused by the spring melting of snow on the plains or the melting of snow and glaciers in the mountains. The detachment and catastrophic fall of large masses of rocks, their overturning, crushing and rolling down steep and steep slopes.

Floods caused by high resistance to water flow that occurs when ice material accumulates in narrowings or bends of the river during freeze-up. Evaluation points: maximum – 9 points;

actual points scored for the task -.

Signatures of the jury members Task 7. Write in the left column the meaning of the distress signal transmitted by gestures, according to the description of the execution method in the right.

–  –  –

actual points scored for the task -.

Signatures of the jury members Task 8. Based on your knowledge of the basic key concepts in the field of life safety, according to the definitions given in the left column of the table, enter the corresponding concept in the right column.

Concept Definition of basic key concepts The state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats.

A set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state.

Property surrounding a person environment, which consists in the possibility, under specific conditions, of creating negative impacts that can lead to negative consequences for human life and certain damage to the environment.

A phenomenon leading to the formation of harmful or damaging factors for the population, technosphere objects and the natural environment.

A dangerous man-made phenomenon that occurs for structural, production, technological or operational reasons.

Catastrophic natural phenomena and processes leading to disruption of the daily way of life of significant groups of people, destruction material assets, often resulting in human casualties.

Evaluation points: maximum – 12 points;

actual points scored for the task -.

Signatures of the jury members

–  –  –

The maximum score for a completely correctly completed Theoretical block is 60 points;

actual points scored for the Theoretical block -.

Signatures of the jury members

–  –  –

Exercise 1.

Task 2.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members _________________________________

Task 3.

Assessment of the task. Full compliance with the algorithm for completing the task is assessed as 10 points.

Penalty points are awarded for errors.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

–  –  –

Exercise 1.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

Task 2.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

Task 3.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

Task 4.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

–  –  –

Exercise 1.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

–  –  –

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

–  –  –

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

–  –  –


(maximum score –60 points)



Task 1. You are preparing for a hike through an unknown area near the city of Snov.

In front of you is part of a sheet of topographic map U-34-37-V-v (Snov). Find out more about this territory by completing the tasks below the map.

1) Name the symbols shown on the card and describe the objects depicted.

1.(sq. 6511)._____________________





2.(sq. 6511)_ ________________________________







4____ _______________________________



5.__________ _______________________________



2) Determine the length of the route along a dirt road from the south-eastern outskirts of the Belichi state farm to the forester’s house (apt.


3) Determine the number of descents and ascents along the improved dirt road from the Belichi state farm to the bridge on the railway (room 6514) Descents ________________________________________________________________

Lifts ______________________________________________________________

4) Give a description of the area in square 6513.










Evaluation points: maximum 20 points; actual - ____ points

Task 2. Currently, a huge number of household chemicals have appeared, which have made people’s lives much easier, but at the same time pose a serious danger.

–  –  –

Task 3. In front of you is an image of a gas mask.

Determine its model, describe its purpose and label its elements, which are indicated by numbers.

A) Gas mask model__________________________________________________________

B) Functional purpose of the gas mask _______________________________________________________________________________





B) Legend:














Evaluation points: maximum 15 points; actual - ____ points Task 4. What natural disasters are described in newspaper materials.

1. On November 13, 1985, the Ruiz volcano “exploded” in Colombia and a column of ash and rock debris rose into the sky to a height of 8 km. The eruption that began caused the instant melting of glaciers and eternal snow. The resulting streams of stones, water and ice rushed down the slopes of the volcano. By nightfall, the flood covered the city of Armero.

Twenty thousand people died almost instantly in the raging mess of mud.

2. At 4 a.m. on November 5, 1952, residents of the city of Severo-Kurilsk and a number of coastal villages on the island of Paramushir, part of the Kuril Islands, were awakened by strong tremors that lasted about half an hour.

Earthquakes happen here quite often, and people went back to sleep when the earth seemed to calm down. Soon a strong noise and crackling sound was heard from the sea - a huge wave of water was advancing on the city, which rolled across the island, reached the slope of the hill and rushed back. Half-dressed people ran to the hills. It was an unusually quiet moonlit night.

3. On Sunday evening, June 5, 1994, in the Ural city of Serov, the sun was shining and the weather was warm. A dark lead cloud emerged from the horizon and quickly moved towards the city. A terrible wind swirled everything around with a roar and whistle. A column of dust mixed with large debris shot up. A second later, trees began to crack, and slate, iron, and roofing felt flew from the roofs. Telecommunication poles fell. The disaster left behind a strip of destruction 30-50 meters wide and 4 km long, turning about 100 houses into ruins in 4 minutes.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________


Evaluation points: maximum 3 points; actual - ____ points Task 5. Fill out the diagram by entering the main groups of measures to protect the population from emergency situations of hydrodynamic origin at hydraulic structures.

Evaluation points: maximum 6 points; actual - ____ points Task 6. What to do if during tourist trip or while walking in the forest with friends, you encounter a small forest or peat fire?

List the basic rules for safely extinguishing a small fire in the forest.

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Evaluation points: maximum 6 points; factual - ____ points For each correct or similar answer - 1 point.


Signatures of the jury members:________________________________________________________________


(maximum score – 40 points) Dear participants, when completing test tasks, you need to select one correct answer and circle it.

For the correct answer, the number of points indicated in the third column of the table is awarded. 0 points are given for an incorrect answer, as well as if the participant marked several answers (including the correct one), or all answers.

–  –  –

A. 3,2,4,1 B. 2,3,4,1 C.1,4,3,2 D.

2,1,3,4 A psychological state caused by a life-threatening influence of external conditions and expressed in a feeling of acute fear that engulfs a person or many people who uncontrollably and uncontrollably strive to avoid a dangerous situation:

A. Panic B. Fright C. Anxiety D.

Concern Indicate the correct sequence of actions when notifying about an accident at the ROO (in the absence of shelter and means of protection):

1. Seal the room

2. Turn on the radio, TV, listen to the message

3. Wait for information from the civil defense authorities

4. Protect food, stock up on water,

5. carry out iodine prophylaxis,

6. stay away from windows

7. Close windows and doors A. 7, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3 B. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 C. 2, 7, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3 G. 2, 1, 7, 4, 6, 5, 3

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Exercise 1.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

Task 2.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

Task 3.

Assessment of the task. Full compliance with the algorithm for completing the task is assessed as 10 points. Penalty points are awarded for errors.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

–  –  –

Exercise 1.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

Task 2.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

Task 3.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

Task 4.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

–  –  –

Exercise 1.

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

–  –  –

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Signatures of the jury members ________________________________________________________________

–  –  –

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points.

Number of penalty points _____, Total number of points _______________

Dimitrovgrad, Technological Institute - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Ural State Agricultural Academy, 2012. p. Training and metodology complex in the discipline "Exchange Business" is intended for the preparation of students...» WORK PROGRAM OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION in the discipline "FUNDAMENTALS OF MEDICAL CONTROL" Form of study: correspondence Irkutsk 2015 Pr...»push-button Collection of panels make your life more comfortable with an easy press of a button Your home. You want to see it perfect, make your dreams come true in it and not lose sight of the slightest detail. Home Automation System...”

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