All-Russian online student Olympiad “Financial control and audit. All-Russian Online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit”

As part of the All-Russian Science Festival, we invite students of economic specialties from universities to take part in the All-Russian online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit”, timed to coincide with the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “What should the controller of the future be like? The role and place of control in the digital economy.”

The event was organized by the Department of Financial Control, Analysis and Audit of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov and the Consultant Plus company with the support of the Main Control Directorate of Moscow.

State and non-state higher education institutions are invited to participate.

The All-Russian online student Olympiad “Financial control and audit” provides ample opportunities for personal oriented learning And project activities modern student and is aimed at finding talented students educational institutions, their development creativity, support for gifted children, propaganda scientific knowledge among young people.

Purpose of the event Events- give impetus to self-development, creative search and scientific knowledge, help professional self-determination and development of individual research qualities, identify gifted students to form an elite of promising personnel in the field of state financial control of the country.


  • improving the basic training of bachelors in the field of state financial control and audit;
  • stimulating creative growth and increasing student interest in the professional field in the field of public financial control and audit;
  • formation of human resources for research and administrative activities with the support of representatives of the professional community, corporations, enterprises, organizations and associations of employers in the field of state financial control and audit;
  • testing students’ abilities to act systematically in a professional situation;
  • increasing students' responsibility for the work performed, developing innovative thinking, and the ability to independently and effectively solve problems in the field of financial control.


Chairman- Danchikov E.A., head of the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow;

Expert members:

Ekimova K.V., Doctor of Economics, Prof., Director of the Economics and Finance Research Center of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov;

Prodanova N.A., Doctor of Economics, Prof., Deputy head Department of Financial Control, Analysis and Audit of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov,

Samsonov S.M., senior manager of the department of information and educational programs of CJSC "Consultant Plus".

Competition commission : teachers of the Department of Financial Control, Analysis and Audit of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

Location: REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, building 3, room 201


Introductory briefing for Olympiad participants- 14.00-14.15

Registration of participants on the website -14.30-15.00

Qualifying stage: 15.00 - 16.00 (testing)

Main stage: 16.10-17.10 (practice-oriented module)

All participants of the Olympiad who have passed the Qualifying stage are awarded a Certificate of Participation in the All-Russian Online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit”.

The winners of the Olympiad will be awarded Laureate Diplomas I, II and III degree, as well as prizes and gifts from partners and organizers of this event.

The laureates will be given the opportunity to undergo an internship at the Main Control Department of Moscow, as well as publish a scientific article in the journal “Financial Control”.

The award ceremony for the winners of the All-Russian Online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit” will take place at the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov on Plenary session III International Scientific and Practical Conference “What should the controller of the future be like? The role and place of control in the digital economy" on October 27, 2017 at the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov at the address: Moscow, Stremyanny lane, 28, room. 251

Contact information for more information:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

On October 11, 2019, the III International Student Online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit” was held as part of the All-Russian Science Festival. The organizers were the basic department of financial control, analysis and audit of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov with the support of the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow and the ConsultantPlus company.

Among the participants of this event are students of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov (head university) and its Bryansk, Volgograd, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Krasnodar, Minsk, Orenburg, Perm, Sevastopol, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Pyatigorsk, Tula, Tashkent, Yerevan branches, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kyrgyz National University them. Zh. Balasagyn, Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte, Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MGRI-RGGRU), Russian Peoples' Friendship University, Russian State Social University and many other Russian and foreign universities.

The geography of the event is indeed very wide: Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, China, Mongolia, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ecuador and other countries.

158 participants passed the qualifying round, which indicates high level training our youth.

When selecting the winners, the correctness and completeness of the answers to the questions posed during the solution of practice-oriented problems were taken into account.

The laureates of the III International Student Online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit” were:

  • 1st place - Dmitry Igorevich Korolchuk, 4th year student of the Pyatigorsk branch of the Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov - Laureate Diploma of the 1st degree;
  • 1st place - Kirilina Tatyana Andreevna, 3rd year student of the Voronezh branch of the Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov - Laureate Diploma of the 1st degree;
  • 2nd place - Ekaterina Vladislavovna Tarasova, 4th year student of the Smolensk branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov - Laureate Diploma of the 2nd degree;
  • 2nd place - Anastasia Aleksandrovna Komarova, 4th year student of the Smolensk branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov - Laureate Diploma of the 2nd degree;
  • 3rd place - Sofya Andreevna Safarova, 3rd year student of the Voronezh branch of the Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov - Laureate Diploma of the III degree;
  • 3rd place - Rasputkova Diana Dmitrievna, 4th year student of the Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov (head university) - Diploma of Laureate of the III degree.

The winners of the Olympiad will be awarded laureate diplomas of I, II and III degrees, prizes and gifts from partners and organizers of this event, and will also have the opportunity to pass industrial practice in the Main Control Department of Moscow and publish your scientific works in the magazine "Financial Control".

As part of the All-Russian Science Festival, we invite students of economic specialties from universities to take part in the All-Russian online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit”, timed to coincide with the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “What should the controller of the future be like? The role and place of control in the digital economy.”

The event was organized by the Department of Financial Control, Analysis and Audit of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov and the Consultant Plus company with the support of the Main Control Directorate of Moscow.

State and non-state higher education institutions are invited to participate.

The All-Russian online student Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit” provides ample opportunities for personal-oriented learning and project activities of the modern student and is aimed at finding talented students of educational institutions, developing their creative abilities, supporting gifted students, and promoting scientific knowledge among young people.

The purpose of the event is to give impetus to self-development, creative search and scientific knowledge, to help professional self-determination and the development of individual research qualities, to identify gifted students to form an elite of promising personnel in the field of state financial control of the country.


Improving the basic training of bachelors in the field of state financial control and audit;

Stimulating creative growth and increasing students' interest in the professional field in the field of state financial control and audit;

Formation of human resources for research and administrative activities with the support of representatives of the professional community, corporations, enterprises, organizations and associations of employers in the field of state financial control and audit;

Testing students’ abilities to act systematically in a professional situation;

Increasing students' responsibility for the work performed, developing innovative thinking, and the ability to independently and effectively solve problems in the field of financial control.


Chairman – Danchikov E.A., head of the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow;

Expert members:

Ekimova K.V., Doctor of Economics, Prof., Director of the Economics and Finance Research Center of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov;

Prodanova N.A., Doctor of Economics, Prof., Deputy head Department of Financial Control, Analysis and Audit of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov,

Samsonov S.M., senior manager of the department of information and educational programs of CJSC "Consultant Plus".

Competition committee: teachers of the Department of Financial Control, Analysis and Audit of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.


Introductory briefing for the Olympic participant – 14.00-14.15

Registration participants on the website –14.30-15.00

Qualifying stage: 15.00 – 16.00 (testing)

Main stage: 16.10-17.10 (practice-oriented module)

Announcement of results on October 20, 2017 at website.

All participants of the Olympiad who have passed the Qualifying stage are awarded a Certificate of Participation in the All-Russian Online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit”.

The winners of the Olympiad will be awarded Laureate Diplomas of I, II and III degrees, as well as prizes and gifts from partners and organizers of this event.

The laureates will be given the opportunity to undergo an internship at the Main Control Department of Moscow, as well as publish a scientific article in the journal “Financial Control”.

The award ceremony for the winners of the All-Russian Online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit” will take place at the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov at the Plenary Session of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “What should the controller of the future be like? The role and place of control in the digital economy" on October 27, 2017 at the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov at the address: Moscow, Stremyanny lane, 28, room. 251

October 6, 2017 year, within the framework of the All-Russian Science Festival, the All-Russian Student Online Olympiad was held, organized with the support of the Main Control Directorate of the city of Moscow and the Department of Financial Control, Analysis and Audit of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov.

About 500 people from 28 took part in the Olympics Russian universities, represented by the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Orel, Lipetsk, Tyumen, Bryansk, Ivanovo, Kemerovo, Krasnodar, Perm, Volgograd, Pyatigorsk, Saratov, Sevastopol, Smolensk, as well as students from Mongolia, Armenia and Belarus.

180 participants passed the qualifying round, which indicates the high level of training of young people.

When selecting the winners, the correctness and completeness of the answers to the questions posed during the solution of practice-oriented problems were taken into account.

The laureates of the All-Russian Online Olympiad “Financial Control and Audit” were:

1st place - Korshkova Maria Andreevna, 4th year student of the Faculty of Finance of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov - Laureate Diploma of the 1st degree;

2nd place - Tyukavkina Valeria Olegovna, 4th year student majoring in “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - Laureate Diploma of the 2nd degree;

3rd place - Kozmina Olga Andreevna, 4th year student of the Faculty of Finance of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov and Oganova Anzhelika Arkadyevna, 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics of the Smolensk branch of the Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov - Diplomas of Laureate of the III degree.

The Olympic jury especially noted the competitive works of the following Olympiad participants:

Natalia Vitalievna Tserr, 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics Russian University Friendship between nations; Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Makhova, 4th year student of the Faculty of Finance of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov; Popova Ekaterina Evgenievna, 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Fables by Yulia Anatolyevna, 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Kozlova Marina Ernestovna, 4th year student of the Faculty of Finance of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov; Ermakova Ekaterina Andreevna, 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Terekhova Yulia Konstantinovna, 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

The laureates of the Olympiad will be awarded Laureate Diplomas of I, II and III degrees, prizes and gifts from partners and organizers of the event, and will also be able to undergo an internship at the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow and publish their scientific works in the journal “Financial Control”.

Awarding the laureates of the All-Russian Online Olympiad "Financial control and audit" will take place at REU. G.V. Plekhanov at the Plenary Session of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “What should the controller of the future be like? The role and place of control in the digital economy" on October 27, 2017 at the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov at the address: Moscow, Stremyanny lane, 28, room. 251

To participate in the awards, you must register on the website:

We thank all participants for their interest in this event!

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