All-Russian competition “the best inclusive school in Russia”. Regional public organization of disabled people “Perspective Best Inclusive School”

The final of the All-Russian competition took place in Moscow, one of the partners of which was again the Perspective ROOI.

“Inclusion is love for children” - this is the motto under which the celebration of kindness and equal opportunities was held in the capital. Fourth All-Russian competition “Best Inclusive School” once again brought together the best practices of inclusive education in the country. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the partners were the Association of Inclusive Schools, the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, and the Regional Public Organization of Disabled People “Perspective”.

This time, schools and kindergartens from 61 regions of Russia took part in the competition, the main goal of which is to increase the activity of educational organizations in the development and implementation of inclusive education. 51 educational institutions reached the finals, the strongest of which were awarded at a ceremony at GBOU school No. 2107. The expert council selected the best practices in five categories. As a result, the winners were:

  1. "Best Inclusive School"– school No. 114 (Perm region),
  2. “Best practice of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education”– school No. 4 (Nizhny Novgorod region)
  3. "Best Resource Center"– Kargapol special boarding school (Kurgan region)
  4. “Best practice of career guidance in an inclusive school”– school No. 6 (Kostroma region)
  5. "Best inclusive kindergarten"– kindergarten No. 5 (St. Petersburg).

The main prize for the “Best Inclusive School” was presented on this day by Olga Yurievna Vasilyeva, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Selyanov, Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Protection of Children's Rights: “In the finals of this competition we see the best - those who passed the regional and then regional selection. These teachers, tutors and directors of educational institutions do vital work every day to include children with disabilities in the educational process. They understand that the main thing is love for children, acceptance of all of them and an individual approach to each. But today it is also obvious that this is not enough; it is necessary to develop new technologies and introduce progressive practices of inclusive education in schools.”

One of the members of the expert council and guest of honor at the award ceremony was also Denis Rosa, Director of the Regional Public Institution “Perspective”: “Our organization has been developing inclusive education for more than 15 years, and we are pleased to annually support the “Best Inclusive School” competition. The journey of each of us begins in childhood, and it is very important that already at this stage we all have equal opportunities, the right to success and the choice of our life path.”

ROOI "Perspective" congratulates all the winners of the competition and wishes them further success!

For reference :
The first All-Russian competition among inclusive schools “Education for All” took place in the spring of 2013. In total, 120 applications from 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were received for the Competition. The winners were the Central Educational Institution GBOU Secondary School 1429 (Moscow) and GBOU Secondary School 21 (Stavropol).
In 2015, 220 schools from 64 regions took part in the Second Competition. Thirteen Russian schools became laureates of the competition. According to the results of the competition, MBOU “Secondary School No. 84” in Seversk, Tomsk Region was recognized as the best inclusive school of 2015.
In 2016, it was decided to continue the competition, making it larger and expanding the number of winners. The winner of 2016 in the category “Best Inclusive School” was secondary school No. 34 in Novosibirsk.
The competition is held as part of the implementation of the activities of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2020.”

In the 2016-2017 academic year, I was part of the initiative group for the preparation of materials for the participation of our educational organization in the All-Russian competition “Best Inclusive School in Russia - 2017”, in the category “Best Practice of Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Inclusive Education”. I offer for your review the information that I provided for the section “Description of the existing practice of developing inclusive education in an educational organization” for this competition.



Description of the existing practice of developing inclusive education in an educational organization

Characteristics of the population of children with disabilities of preschool age. Description and analysis of existing practice in creating special conditions in educational organizations for teaching children with disabilities (preschool level).

Currently, the educational complex “School No. 1015”, which includes 2 school and 3 preschool departments, is actively working towards creating a single inclusive educational space. One of the resources for the development of inclusive education is preschool department No. 2 (former compensatory kindergarten No. 1800), which has extensive experience in working with children with special educational needs.

In this kindergarten:

  • 8 inclusive groups;
  • Compensating group for children with musculoskeletal disorders 10-hour stay “Special child”;
  • Early Help Service;
  • a qualified team of educators and specialists who are passionate about their work;
  • new programs and methods, the implementation of which makes it possible to achieve effective physical, intellectual, social, moral and aesthetic development of children.

Today, preschool No. 2 is attended by 212 children, 19 of whom are children with a disability status, 30 children with a disability status. Of these: 22 children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, 4 children with Down syndrome, 1 child with ASD.

Since 1996, the kindergarten has been operating a multi-age short-term compensatory group for children with cerebral palsy (CP) “Special Child”, and since 2016 this group has been operating in a 10-hour stay format.

The priority activity of this group is teaching children social skills for successful adaptation in society.

The teaching staff tries to organize for each child conditions for the development of adaptive and communicative abilities, for sensory enrichment, as the basis for intellectual development. After all, sensory education, aimed at developing a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for understanding the world. Teachers help children master various sensations and teach them to understand themselves and the world around them through them.

A distinctive feature of this group is the active involvement of the family in the educational process.

Parents are happy to take part in various activities with their children: dancing, sculpting, drawing, playing, doing physical exercises, participating in holidays, festivals and competitions.

In correctional and developmental activities, specialists and educators use modern technologies and forms of organizing the educational process.

On the basis of Preschool No. 2, the Early Help Service “Sunny Bunnies” operates.

The main goal of the SRP is to provide psychological and pedagogical support to families with children aged 1.5 to 3 years who do not attend state educational institutions, with identified developmental disorders (risk of impairment), for their cognitive-speech, social- personal and physical development, providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents.


  • comprehensive development of the child and correction of the disorder;
  • training parents in theoretical aspects, practical methods and technologies for the upbringing, development, and health of the child;
  • carrying out work on adaptation, socialization and integration of children with developmental disorders (risk of impairment);
  • creating partnerships with common goals of raising a child.

DO No. 2 GBOU School No. 1015 has been successfully sharing its existing work experience for many years and actively participates in city project competitions and experimental activities.

In 2008, the kindergarten became the winner of the 4th Moscow city competition “Kindergarten of the Year”, in the category “Kindergarten of a compensating type”

In 2010 – winner of the City Review-Competition “City for All” in the “Organization of Education” category.

From 2009 to 2012, a city experimental site operated in the subsidiary on the topic “Formation of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation through the creation of a single health-saving space in the district.”

The object of the study was the system of educational and health-improving process in preschool educational institutions for preserving the health of children and introducing parents to a healthy lifestyle.

The theme of the experiment: organizing a health-saving space “Kindergarten - family”.

The purpose of the experiment: raising a physically, mentally healthy and socially adapted child through the creation of a single health-preserving space “Kindergarten - Family” and the practical implementation of the model of the preschool educational institution “Healthy Child” through introducing parents to a healthy lifestyle.

The data obtained during the experimental work were used to more fully develop routes for psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children with musculoskeletal disorders.

From 2012 to 2014, DO No. 2 was the internship site “Special Child. Socialization and success of children with disabilities.” The activities of the site were aimed at acquiring theoretical and practical skills for trainees to work with children with disabilities.

During this period, kindergarten teachers and specialists generously shared their professional experience and contributed to improving the pedagogical skills of preschool workers in the Moscow education system.

Children and teachers of Preschool No. 2 are regular participants in events at the district, city and interregional levels. These are such competitions, projects and festivals as: “Reciters’ competition “And the royal word is more durable”, “Merry starts”, “Olympic hopes”, “Ball School”, “Gorodki”, “Young checkers player”, “Carousel”, “Nadezhda” , “I’ll show you Moscow”, NTTM competition “Education. The science. Production", "1+1" and many others.

Since 2014, Preschool No. 2, GBOU School No. 1015, has been providing additional services to students in speech and physical development.

A physical education instructor conducts exciting “Fitness Warm-Ups” with children, including children with disabilities and children with disabilities, in an entertaining, playful way.

The speech therapy service opened the “Speech Development Academy”.

The form of work with students is group. The capacity of one group is at least 10 people. Parents of pupils in the second junior, middle and senior groups, including children with disabilities, have the opportunity to choose one or two courses for their child. For children in the pre-school group, three courses are offered to choose from. Classes are conducted in preparation for learning to read and write, the development of lexical and grammatical categories, and the development of coherent speech.

The main goal of the work of Preschool No. 2 is to create favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for a preschool childchildhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.


1. Develop a system of psychological and pedagogical work to preserve and strengthen the child’s health, introducing him to universal human values.

2. Ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child.

3. Development of the need for artistic and aesthetic activity.

4. Creating conditions for the emotional well-being of the child in the process of joint activities, in communication: child - child, child - adult, child - parent.

5. Carrying out the necessary correction of deviations in the child’s development.

6. Providing conditions for social adaptation and integration into society for pupils with disabilities.

7. Interaction with the family, involving parents in the educational process to develop a competent pedagogical position in relation to their own child.

8. Implementation of additional education services.

Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education

Overcoming various developmental deviations in preschoolers with disabilities, successfully developing their readiness to move to the next level of education, adaptation and socialization in society is possible only by organizing effective interaction between all teachers of inclusive education.

The main goal organizing joint activities of a speech therapist, a speech pathologist, a teacher-psychologist and an educator is to increase the effectiveness of correctional educational activities.

In DO No. 2 collaborationteacher-speech therapist, teacher-defectologist, educational psychologist and educator is organized through the implementation of the followingmain activities:

1. Joint discussion of the results of monitoring the qualities of pupils.

Specialists individually monitor children and observe them during correctional and educational activities.

Educators also study children in the process of their organized activities and in everyday life: during routine moments, on a walk, during their free activities.

At the council meeting, successful and unsuccessful expected results of monitoring are jointly analyzed, further paths of correctional and educational activities are outlined and/or changed.

2. Joint study of the content of the main educational program of preschool education and adapted educational programs, drawing up a long-term work plan for all educational areas and types children's activities.

Here it is necessary to take into account that the specialist must know the content of not only those sections of the program in which he directly conducts classes, but also those that are taught by the teacher.

In turn, the teacher must know the content of the types of work that specialists carry out. Proper planning ensures the necessary repetition and reinforcement of material in different types of children’s activities and in different situations.

3. Joint preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment, thematic and integrated activities.

Such events are the result of all correctional and educational activities with children over a certain period.

The main task of teachers when organizing work with parents is to help them become interested, active and effective participants in the correctional educational process. Teachers explain to parents the need to work daily with their child according to the recommendations given by the speech pathologist, speech therapist and educator. It is necessary to work together between teachers and parents and to have unity of requirements. Only in this case are the best results possible.

At the same time, we must always remember that the content of correctional educational activities is built taking into account the leading lines of development of the child, and largely depends on the diagnosis, the structure of the defect, the compensatory capabilities of the child, “the zone of his current and immediate development.”

Integration of the child’s speech, cognitive, environmental, artistic and aesthetic development is ensured by the flexible use of traditional and non-traditional methods and means of education and training: when conducting articulatory gymnastics we use the method of bioenergoplasty, we combine fairy tale therapy with finger and gesture gymnastics, and we combine breathing exercises with movement and sound, and also music therapy, logorhythmics, kinesiotherapy. The list could take quite a long time.

The system of correctional educational activities provides for individual, subgroup and frontal classes, as well as the child’s independent activity in a specially organized subject-spatial environment of the kindergarten and cannot function successfully without the interaction of a teacher, a speech therapist, a speech pathologist and a teacher-psychologist, i.e. e. "pedagogical chain".

Uniformity of approaches to working with children, continuity in requirements, as well as in the content and methods of work, their complexity and diversity - this is the key to success in correctional and educational activities.

Availability of material and technical base and equipment of the educational process for children with disabilities

The stage of preschool childhood is the time when a child with disabilities enters the first public educational system - preschool education and upbringing. For optimal implementation of integration at the stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary:

1) creation of an adaptive educational environment;

2) providing scientific and methodological support to teachers;

3) provision of software and methodological materials;

4) organization of psychological and pedagogical support.

One of the necessary conditions for the full integration of children with disabilities is an adaptive educational environment that ensures their personal self-realization.

She assumes

  • removing architectural barriers, i.e. creating an accessible or barrier-free environment;
  • resource provision, i.e. availability of special rehabilitation equipment.

Preschool department No. 2 is fully equipped and prepared to work with children with special educational needs: there are ramps, handrails, visual cues, a lift, walkers, wheelchairs, stand-up machines, exercise machines, and other equipment for children with disabilities.

Gross simulator. Ensures a vertical body position during any activity. Its use relieves stress on the musculoskeletal system, provides insurance, relieves fear syndrome and trains spatial orientation.

Rehabilitation simulator “Verticalizer”.It is used for fixing children in a vertical position; the load and rest of the child alternate, with a gradual increase in the time of use of the simulator.

Multifunctional complex "DON" (hand exercisers).It is used as a specialized simulator when conducting individual and group therapeutic and recreational classes for the development of motor functions, fine motor skills, household and intellectual skills.

Soft modules, "dry pools", treadmillsare intended for conducting physical therapy classes that allow the child to compensate for existing deficiencies.

An effective model of educational space for the development of children with different resource capabilities has been created in a preschool institution.

Teachers before use modern ICT technologies, various didactic and developmental material, selected taking into account the specifics of the disorder. When selecting it, it is necessary to take into account some features. So, for children with visual impairments, it is necessary to take into account the size of the didactic material, the contrast of colors; for children with musculoskeletal disorders, select a pronounced, easily perceptible tactile surface.

The educational process in the preschool and school departments of GBOU School No. 1015 is fully provided with educational literature, adapted basic educational programs for children with musculoskeletal disorders, for children with mental retardation, for children with intellectual disabilities (Down syndrome), for children with SLD , for children with developmental disabilities, for children with visual impairments, for children with hearing impairments, educational and methodological kits for teachers, pupils, didactic and illustrative materials. This allows us to create conditions for high-quality provision of educational services and ensure the possibility of inclusive education and training.


Basic software and methodological support

Musculoskeletal disorders


Levchenko I.Yu., Prikhodko O.G. Cerebral palsy. Corrective and developmental work with preschoolers.

Levchenko I.Yu., Prikhodko O.V. Technologies for teaching and raising children with musculoskeletal disorders.

Mental retardation (MDD)

Baryaeva L.B. , Loginova E.A. Education and training program for preschoolers with mental retardation

Boryakova N.Yu., Kasitsyna M.A. Correctional pedagogical work in kindergarten for children with mental retardation

Intellectual broken

(Down syndrome)


Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. Compensatory preschool educational program for children with intellectual disabilities.

A. A. Kataeva, E. A. Strebeleva Didactic games in teaching preschoolers with developmental disabilities

Pietersi M., Trilor R. Small steps. Program for early pedagogical assistance for children with developmental disabilities. Book 2: Individual child program.

Severe speech impairment (SSD)

Approximate adapted basic educational program for preschoolers with severe speech impairments. Edited by L. V. Lopatina.

Nishcheva N.V. A comprehensive preschool educational program for children with severe speech impairments.

Early childhood autism (ECA)

Lebedinskaya K. S., Nikolskaya O. S., Baenskaya E. R. Children with communication disorders: Early childhood autism

Rudik O.S. Corrective work with an autistic child

Visual impairment

Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions for children with visual impairments. Edited by. Plaksina L.I.

N.N. Yakovleva, A.M. Vitkovskaya Approximate AOOP for preschool children with visual impairments

Hearing impairment

Golovchits L.A. Program for the education and training of hearing-impaired preschoolers with complex developmental disorders.

In GBOU School No. 1015 there are offices of correctional specialists, equipped with all the necessary furniture, technical means of development and training, visual aids, didactic materials, and educational equipment. All specialists have the opportunity to use special equipment in psychological and pedagogical support of children, the list of which is presented in the table.



Name of equipment

In stock


4 things.

Gross simulator

1 PC.

Disabled carriage

1 PC.


1 PC.


2 pcs.

Multifunctional complex "DON"

1 PC

Water play table

3 pcs.

Sandbox (with regular and quartz sand, with a regular, transparent and illuminated bottom)

6 pcs.

Pertra play equipment set

1 PC.

Speech therapy simulator "Delphi"

1 PC.

A set of psychophysiological equipment (a bright sensory room): soft modules, poufs, sensory tactile paths, tactile panels, an adventure pyramid, fitballs, etc.)

1 PC.

A set of psychophysiological equipment (dark sensory room): frameless furniture, products with granules, a dry pool with balls, a dry shower, fiber-optic and light products: a “starry sky” wall panel, a mirror ball with a projector, etc.

1 PC.

Multimedia equipment sets

2 pcs.

interactive board

1 PC.

Set of sports and correctional-preventive equipment (physical therapy room)

3 pcs.

Game aids LOGO, Lern-Spiel-Verlag, Dusyma, Kindergartenbedarf GmbH

40 pcs.

18-10-17 Anna Kovalevskaya

Elena Grashchenkova

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, psychologist-methodologist of the ANO DPO TsPSO "POINT PSI", senior researcher at the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

Every year (since 2014) it is held in Russia All-Russian competition “Best Inclusive School”, which presents the experience of the best practices of inclusive education in Russia, implemented in schools and kindergartens. The organizer of the competition is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The partners of the competition are the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education of the Moscow State University of Pedagogical University, the Association of Inclusive Schools, and the Regional Public Organization of Disabled People “Perspective”.

Purpose of the competition– increasing the activity of educational organizations
in the development and implementation of inclusive education.

Main objectives: attracting the attention of the teaching community, the public and the media to the inclusion of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in the general education system, accumulation and analysis of the existing practice of inclusive education in educational organizations in Russia.

Based on the results of the competition, the Expert Jury selects winners in the following categories:

  • The best inclusive school.
  • Best practice of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education.
  • The best resource center for inclusive education.
  • Best practices for career guidance in an inclusive school.
  • The best inclusive kindergarten.

The result of the competition is the publication of materials revealing the technologies of inclusive educational practice of the best educational organizations.

And now we will introduce you to five educational institutions that became winners in 2017 . In total, 52 educational organizations from different regions of the Russian Federation took part in the competition.

  • “Best Inclusive School” - MAOU “Secondary School No. 114” (Perm Territory);
  • “The best practice of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education” - MAOU “Secondary school No. 4 of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region”;
  • “The best resource center for inclusive education” - State Educational Institution “Kargopol Special (Correctional) Boarding School” (Kurgan Region);
  • “Best practices of career guidance in an inclusive school” - MBOU of Kostroma “Secondary school No. 6”;
  • “The best inclusive kindergarten” - GBDOU “Kindergarten No. 5 of a combined type in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg.”

The winner in the category “Best Inclusive School” is the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 114” in Perm.

The inclusive practice of the Perm school is based on "mixed" class models, when children without disabilities and 2-3 children with disabilities are taught in one class. In primary and secondary schools in the 2016-2017 school year. There were 20 inclusive classes for children with hearing impairments, mental retardation, severe speech impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, visual impairments, and autism spectrum disorder. The school operates full-time with correctional and rehabilitation activities. The school also operates a system of teaching and raising children with disabilities at home using individual educational routes that ensure the active inclusion of the child in the sociocultural space of the school. All children with disabilities are involved in the additional education system and attend all extracurricular activities.

An innovative direction of the school’s inclusive practice is to conduct physical education lessons by health group. Physical education is the most difficult subject in the curriculum for inclusion, because it requires adaptation of conditions for full-fledged classes in co-educational groups. At school, physical education lessons are viewed as a space for joint activities and communication, where children with disabilities can establish contact with peers and feel successful. For physical education lessons, special logistical and personnel conditions were created (adaptive physical education teachers, special equipment and design of gyms).

The school has developed and is successfully implementing system of educational activities, aimed at changing the attitude of all participants in the educational process and the public towards children with disabilities:

Winner in the nomination “Best practice of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education” - Municipal autonomous educational institution secondary school No. 4 of the urban district of the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region.

In 2016, the school adopted and put into effect the Development Program for 2016-2020. "School of equal opportunities." The innovative idea of ​​school development is to transform it into status of a municipal resource center to expand the availability of quality education to a larger number of students, including children with disabilities. The school has opened a classroom where children with mental retardation are taught; in several inclusive classes children with mental retardation are taught according to adapted general education programs.

Teachers and specialists in psychological and pedagogical support are selecting and testing the latest computer software and methodological support for inclusive practice— electronic educational courses, computer diagnostic, educational games and exercises, simulators. To carry out psychodiagnostic work, the “Effecton Studio” computer complex is actively used; with the help of the “Attention”, “Memory”, “Jaguar” packages, the level of development of cognitive processes in children is studied in detail (assessment of perception, sensorimotor processes and mental performance).

Created at school special computer class, in which workplaces are specially equipped for teaching visually impaired children, hearing impaired children and children with musculoskeletal disorders. The class has modern specialized equipment and software. Computer specialized for visually impaired people: Laptop Packard Bell 15.6 "(1366 x 768)/ HDD 500Gb / SATA-II / WiFi/USB/W/ and Soft2in1 Reader, screen access and magnification program 2 in 1. Computer kit specialized for for hearing impaired people: Packard Bell 15.6" laptop (1366 x 768)/HDD 500Gb/SATA-II/W iFi/USB/W/, Pioneer power amplifier, Philips music center. Computer specialized for people with musculoskeletal disorders: Laptop Packard Bell 15.6 "(1366 x 768) / HDD 500Gb / SATA-II / WiFi / USB / W /. Clevy keyboard with large buttons and a key separating pad, joystick adapted from Optima, CH chair adapted for wheelchair users.

There is also a sensory room and a physical therapy room.

The school is actively involved in attracting parents, public organizations, medical institutions, manufacturing enterprises, and the media to cooperate in supporting families with children with disabilities, including disabilities. Families of students are actively involved in the work of the school, mass open events are held: “Parent Weeks”, “Do Good” campaigns, school-wide KTD “Star Hour” for parents, annual sports competitions “Mom, Dad, Me - a Sports Family”, etc. The school organizes counseling for parents on children's development problems; adults are taught accessible methods and techniques for helping a child with disabilities with self-care, self-development and education in a family environment. The school is interested in feedback from parents of students: parents are regularly surveyed on the quality of educational services provided and psychological safety.

The winner in the category “Best Resource Center for Inclusive Education” is the State Government Educational Institution “Kargapol Special (Correctional) Boarding School.”

On the basis of the Kargapol special (correctional) boarding school Resource center for the development of inclusive education for parents of children with disabilities and teachers from the Shatrovsky and Kargapolsky districts of the Kurgan region within the framework of the state program “Accessible Environment” and the regional program of the Kurgan region “Children of the Trans-Urals - we care together!” (subprogram “Different children - equal opportunities”). In addition to those organized by the Resource Center interschool methodological events, held advisory and methodological work upon request general educational organizations of the region's districts: assistance is provided in the development and implementation of adapted general education and correctional and developmental programs.

At the Kargapol boarding school, special conditions have been created for the education of children with intellectual disabilities of varying degrees and autism spectrum disorders, compiled sets of adapted educational programs. The school has developed and is implementing: an adapted basic general education program for students with mild mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) and an adapted basic general education program for students with moderate, severe and profound mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), severe and multiple developmental disorders. Created and tested at school programs for students with intellectual disabilities It is recommended for general education organizations to use in the process of correctional and developmental education of children with disabilities in the inclusion mode: a program for adaptation and development of the emotional-volitional sphere in 1st grade students with intellectual disabilities “I am a schoolboy”; program for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere for students in grades 2 - 3 “I am surprised, angry, boastful, afraid and happy”; adaptation program “I will soon become a fifth grader” (4th grade); program “First time in fifth grade” (5th grade); the “I am learning to control myself” program (for children with intellectual disabilities and behavioral problems); program for the prevention of suicidal behavior of students with disabilities “Life is like a miracle”; general developmental program for high school students with intellectual disabilities “On the threshold of adulthood” (8th - 9th grade).

As part of the activities of the Resource Center, it is implemented program of social and pedagogical assistance to parents of disabled children“School for Parents”, developed program of activities for the development of inclusive culture in educational organizations, has successful experience in the organization systems of additional education for children with disabilities.

School specialists have developed methodological and didactic materials for teaching children with intellectual disabilities: collections of test and measurement materials in all subjects, task cards for the development of mental arithmetic in children with intellectual disabilities, collections of lesson notes for correctional and developmental activities, sets of task cards for mental arithmetic, a collection of tasks for the development of practical skills in using mathematical knowledge in everyday life life, workbooks on the development of psychomotor and sensory processes, sets of cards for the development of spelling vigilance, etc. Developed didactic materials and special techniques are presented to teachers of secondary schools at mass methodological events.

At school specially equipped classrooms: offices of a teacher-psychologist, a teacher-defectologist, a speech therapist, dark and light sensory rooms, an adaptive physical education hall, a gym, a library.

Much attention is paid at the boarding school pre-professional training of students. Workshops have been created that have special equipment taking into account the presence of children with disabilities there: cabinets for carpentry, cooking, sewing, and hairdressing.

The winner in the nomination “Best practices of career guidance in an inclusive school” is the Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kostroma “Secondary school No. 6”.

The priority direction in the training and education of students with disabilities in the Kostroma school is the formation social competence of students through career guidance work. The school orients children with disabilities, including disabilities, not only to simple types of professional activities that do not require significant physical (mental) costs in training, but also to more complex professions and specialties that involve intellectual, physical and social activity. The accumulated experience and monitoring of graduates’ employment allowed the school to create career guidance models for students with health disorders of various nosologies, to create professional profiles recommended for children:

— students with visual diseases: salesman, bartender, poultry farm operator, gardener, car repairman;

- students with hearing diseases: draftsman, embroiderer, seamstress, shoemaker, florist, pastry chef, photographer;

— students with diseases of the musculoskeletal system: microchip assembler, telegraph operator, seamstress;

— students with diseases of the digestive organs, kidneys and urinary tract: computer operator, mechanic, decorator;

— students with disabilities who have a high level of intellectual abilities: translator, teacher, tour guide, programmer; specialists in the field of tourism and social work.

The practice of career guidance in inclusive classes with students of different age categories is based on principles of continuity and cooperation in educational, project and educational work, the school has created a system of career guidance work, including:

  • individual and group professionally oriented educational and research projects (grade 10), organizing joint activities of children with different educational needs and health capabilities;
  • individual professionally oriented educational routes, including students’ work on designing and forecasting their educational and professional future based on diagnostics and tutor consultations; work of high school students on individual research projects, development and defense of professional career projects (grades 10-11);
  • a set of educational activities aimed at developing the social competence of students: individual professional consultations for high school students with disabilities, assistance to schoolchildren with intact health conditions for children with disabilities in search and research activities that cause difficulties (grades 10-11); release of the newsletter “I Choose a Profession” - a periodical in which students in inclusive classes talk about the variety of modern specialties, professions and types of professional work (9th grade);
  • career guidance testing, testing by students of inclusive classes of a diary of professional self-determination (grade 8);
  • constant participation of children in professional practices, both intra-school (school specially equipped classrooms are used) and in the space of partner institutions (city enterprises, institutions of secondary and higher vocational education).

The school has many years of practice networking on issues of career guidance for children with disabilities with external organizations, specializing in the field of correctional pedagogy, with healthcare institutions, with institutions of additional education, with manufacturing enterprises, with institutions of secondary and higher vocational education.

The winner in the category “Best Inclusive Kindergarten” is the State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution, Kindergarten No. 5 of a combined type, Nevsky District of St. Petersburg.

The kindergarten implements family-centered model joint stay of children with disabilities and preschoolers with intact health in groups of various types operating on the basis of the institution: health-related groups for frequently ill children, compensatory groups for children with musculoskeletal disorders, compensatory groups for children with complex defects, short-stay groups, Center for accompanying a child with disabilities and his family, early development groups. In all groups, for each student with disabilities, a physical education instructor, together with a neurologist and teachers, develops optimal functioning positions during the day, modes of physical activity, and a daily routine (individual, flexible, gentle).

The inclusive policy of the institution meets the social order of society, parents of children with disabilities and the teaching staff’s concept of changing the meaning of special preschool education: transition from the idea of ​​“adapting” a child to learning conditions to the idea of ​​“adapting” the educational environment to the cognitive and personal educational needs of preschoolers with different health capabilities and different starting capabilities.

The practice of family-centered preschool education is based on principle of variability in the implementation of inclusion and integration models: the concept of general preschool education is implemented in inclusive groups, special education programs - in compensatory groups of both 12-hour and 5-hour stays for children, as well as in full-time and remote modes of functioning of groups, including short-term stay with parents, early development groups.

The core element of the family-centered model of organizing the system of education and training of preschoolers with disabilities in the conditions of joint education in kindergarten was social partnership with participants in educational relations in project activities. For families of preschool children who are temporarily not attending a preschool institution and undergoing medical rehabilitation at home, a “home visit” is organized (accompanying a child with disabilities and his family at home by preschool education specialists) and interactive communication groups (the “Rodnichok” interactive group, a virtual toy library, a virtual parent club, interactive workshop, virtual museum section “Come, my friend, with me to the museum”), where parents will receive not only qualified professional advice from kindergarten specialists, but also get acquainted with technologies and techniques for teaching preschoolers in a family education setting, and exchange experiences. Children with different starting abilities can also interactively participate in group activities, leisure activities, and communicate with peers.

Created in kindergarten enriched educational subject-spatial multifunctional environment to solve physical education and health problems, to increase the motor activity of children, to develop their subject-practical, gaming skills in project activities: game modules, a bright sensory room, a Montessori class, a massage room, a swimming pool, a “Sea Path” room, corners of solitude in groups, interactive whiteboards and tables, the Mimio program, interactive touch panels “Sun”, educational tables with sand and lighting, etc.

Psychological, medical and pedagogical council of a preschool institution creates plans for correctional work with children, individual educational routes, programs for psychological and pedagogical support for pupils and methods for assessing the development of children (pedagogical diagnostics). In the educational process, a standardized observation card of an integrated child is used to determine the level of socialization of children with disabilities.

A system has been developed in kindergarten remote support of project activities of specialists is a modern form of advanced training for specialists, including training teachers in innovative technologies for working with preschoolers with different starting capabilities and methodological and advisory support for the implementation of inclusive practices in preschool institutions.

The results of a methodological understanding of the experience of the teaching staff in organizing joint education of healthy children and children with disabilities in accordance with the family-centered model of preschool education became the methodological guide “Project activities with preschoolers in groups of various directions” / L. B. Baryaeva, I. G. Vechkanova, V. E. Demina and others - St. Petersburg: TsDK prof. L. B. Baryaeva. 2014.)

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