All-Russian lesson on life safety, presentation for a lesson on life safety on the topic. Plan for conducting an all-Russian open lesson on life safety Conducting an all-Russian lesson on life safety

As part of the Year of Safety Culture at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and for the purpose of patriotic education of children and youth, throughout the Russian Federation, including in educational institutions of the Oktyabrsky district of Ufa, on September 3, 2018, All-Russian open lessons “Fundamentals of Life Safety” were held .

Engineers of the fire prevention department of the MBU UPO of the city of Ufa in the Oktyabrsky district, together with employees of supervisory activities, fire and rescue units, conducted lessons on fire safety rules in the 1st grade of educational institutions.

Experts told us how to behave correctly in the event of a fire, what you need to know to escape from a fire, how to save a person, and how real firefighters work. In a playful way, we held quizzes on the topic of fire safety, emerging dangerous situations, the use of fire extinguishers, features of evacuation in the event of a fire, and found out the main causes of the fire. The guys found answers to questions very quickly.

“Over the past period of 2018, in the Oktyabrsky district there has been an increase in fires due to children’s pranks with fire. In this regard, engineers of the EPP MBU UPO of the city of Ufa, together with ONDiPR in the city of Ufa, developed an action plan for working with children of preschool and school age. Carrying out such events gives positive results in instilling a culture of safe behavior in children. Engineers conduct classes with children in a simple and accessible form, citing examples from real life, drawing attention to the fact that most often children’s pranks are one of the main causes of fires,” says Timur Valeev, head of the ONDiPR department in Ufa.

It is the responsibility of adults and parents to teach basic skills of careful handling of fire and the ability to act correctly in the event of a fire. Children need to be explained the dangers of playing and pranks with fire, precautionary rules when handling electrical household appliances, taught how to use primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers) and call the fire department for help. If a fire or sign of combustion is detected (smoke, high temperature, burning smell, etc.), a child of any age must immediately leave the premises. Report the fire to adults or the fire department using a single rescue phone number “01” (from a mobile phone “101”) “112”.

The All-Russian open lesson on “Fundamentals of Life Safety” is held in order to develop unified approaches to the formation of state policy in the field of life safety, attracting public attention to the problem of creating a culture of life safety in the younger generation, more effective assimilation of theoretical knowledge of the academic discipline “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, training practical skills of action in various emergency situations, popularization of the All-Russian children's and youth public movement "Safety School", as well as increasing the prestige of the professions of firefighter and rescuer.

The choice of the date for the open lesson - April 29, 2016 - is not accidental. During this period, our country celebrates a number of memorable dates, information about which must be communicated to students. This is the 71st anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the professional holiday “Fire Protection Day” (2016 has been declared the Year of Fire Protection by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations), as well as the 30th anniversary of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Our school held a “Lesson of Courage” about Chernobyl.

The all-Russian lesson on life safety was dedicated to the fire service. Life safety teacher Menasenko T.E. with ninth-graders we prepared an interesting presentation about the history of the fire department, showed a video about people who, at the first call, rush to help when a fire breaks out, saving, sacrificing their lives and health, those who find themselves in the fire zone.

The guys watched a cartoon about what not to do with matches and lighters. What a disaster this could lead to.

The school conducted a fire drill and evacuated students, teachers, and school employees.


Report on the thematic lesson “Numbers Lesson”

As part of the international campaign “Lesson of numbers”, thematic lessons were held for students in grades 1-11 in the amount of 23 people from December 2 to 15, 2019 at the Nizhnekuchuk Secondary School.

The purpose of the event: to develop the interest of young people in the study of computer science and programming, information technology, to increase the prestige of IT specialties.

Each lesson consisted of several stages: watching a motivational video, a conversation discussing the use of information technology and the problems of artificial intelligence, demonstrating practical work with a programming simulator on the official website of the “Numbers Lesson” campaign. After completing the online simulator, students received certificates of participation.

During the lessons, the students came to the conclusion: mastering the basics of programming and knowing the main directions of development of the IT industry will be useful to every modern person, because:

Programming teaches people to think and express their thoughts clearly! The ability to program allows us to bring incredible ideas to life, making our lives brighter and more convenient;

Any specialist, no matter what field he works in, must understand how technology is structured and works in order to be able to cope with various tasks faster and more efficiently, and achieve success in what he does.


Day of the Unknown Soldier

The Day of the Unknown Soldier is a memorable date in Russia, since 2014 celebrated annually on December 3 in memory of Russian and Soviet soldiers who died in combat on the territory of the country or abroad.

Healthy Lifestyle Month “We choose the future!”

In November, the regional healthy lifestyle month “We choose the future!” was traditionally held at the Nizhnekuchuk Secondary School.

As part of the month, various events were held by class: conversations, round tables, meetings with specialists, health days.

The round table “Fashion for a healthy lifestyle” was held for the second time. The guys were offered the video “I choose life.” During the discussion, different points of view were expressed, and they even argued a little. But in the end they concluded that promoting a healthy lifestyle is really necessary.

We met with A.I. Isupova, a representative of the district administration. At the meeting, a conversation was held with high school students about drug addiction, the distribution of drugs, and responsibility for distribution. About Internet security.

Friendly volleyball matches between schoolchildren and village residents have long become traditional. Not only young people, but also a group of pensioners take part with pleasure.

The health day with an outdoor play program, which was prepared and conducted by the 5th grade class teacher Varkentin S.V., left a lot of positive emotions. We hope that such game moments will continue to be present in our school life in the future.

The month ended with the traditional “Red Ribbon” campaign. At the morning assembly, an action was announced about the need to promote the fight against AIDS. All students and school staff attached red ribbons to themselves.

"Good lesson"

As part of the “Good Lesson” campaign, an information event on the topic “I am a volunteer!” was held at the Nizhnekuchuk school. At the event, students got acquainted with the existing infrastructure for the development of volunteerism in the region, as well as with the basics of volunteer activity, learned about the corps of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, which is being formed in the region, as well as the regional project “Victory in Each of Us.”

In the Russian Federation there is a unified information system volunteersrossii.rf, in the structure of which there is a special tab for our region. There you can get detailed information about both existing and planned volunteer events in the region. The platform also allows you to get acquainted with volunteer projects implemented in different parts of the Altai Territory and learn about existing volunteer associations. In addition, on this site you can tell residents throughout the country about your own volunteer initiatives and their implementation. Thus, thanks to registration in the unified information system volunteersrossiya.rf, any resident of the Altai Territory has the opportunity to join an existing volunteer project or event in the region, implement their volunteer initiative and always be aware of volunteer events in the Altai Territory.

Representatives of the District Coordination Center for the preparation of volunteer support for events 75th anniversary of the Great Victory are recruiting volunteers in the Altai Territory. The Center includes representatives of the regional branch of the All-Russian Public movement "Volunteers of Victory", the project “Victory in Each of Us” and Altai Resource Center for Volunteering. The guys will help organize and conduct events dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Victory.

Personalized additional education for children in the Blagoveshchensk region

In the Blagoveshchensk region, the issuance of certificates of additional education has begun.

Final essay (presentation)

In order to organize and conduct the final essay (presentation) in the Altai Territory, the dates and places of registration for participation in writing the final essay (presentation) have been approved.

Students of the MBOU "Nizhnekuchukskaya Secondary School" submit an application in the office of the school director.

Memo for parents on preventing children from leaving home without permission

No matter how busy you are at work or with personal affairs, REMEMBER that children are a reflection and continuation of their parents. Everything that a child has ever learned (both good and bad) largely depends on you. After all, you are the one who bears full responsibility for your child until he reaches adulthood!!!

To achieve harmony in your family and with your child, we offer some simple tips:

1) Try to communicate with your child every day, find out news from school, his successes and problems in school, take an interest in relationships in the class;

2) Pay attention to the child’s mood when he comes home from school. You should be wary if he comes drooping and sad, and the morning trip to school is accompanied by tears and reluctance to study.

3) Listen to your child, even if you are very tired! After all, you are the person from whom your son or daughter wants to hear a kind word and advice.

4) Remember! Leaving home is a child’s protest, his defensive reaction. And in some cases, manipulation of parents! Think about it, what did you do wrong?

5) Pay more attention to your child. Talk to him. Get involved in a common cause. This brings us closer...

6) Organize your child’s activities in his free time: enroll him in clubs and sections. At the same time, ALWAYS take into account his wishes!!! If this is against the will of the child, then all your efforts will be in vain.

7) Find out who your child is friends with. Make friends with them too. Invite them to visit, talk with them about things at school and outside of it.

8) Never hit your child!!! Instead of physical punishment, use words that can be used to convey any information to the offender.

A parent must remember that if a misfortune occurs in the family, your child leaves home, then it is necessary to organize initial search activities:

 call your child’s friends and acquaintances, as well as relatives;

 visit them at their place of residence; check the places of his possible location, where he usually walks.

If the initial search does not bring a positive result, you must contact the police with a wanted report. Parents have the right to contact law enforcement authorities within 2 hours of the child’s disappearance.


Your child will not be able to overcome difficulties on his own without your LOVE and UNDERSTANDING!

What can parents do to prevent teenagers from leaving home?

1. Accept the fact that your son or daughter is no longer a child (at least he or she wants everyone around to think so), therefore you need to build a PARTNERSHIP relationship with a teenager.

This means that a directive style of relationship such as “as I said, so it will be” cannot be used under any circumstances. It is important to provide information and facts, and the teenager will draw his own conclusions. Many of the “whims” of teenagers can be understood and accepted if you know the characteristics of their behavior.

2. Communication with peers is necessary for teenagers like breathing, and they feel inferior if this desire remains unfulfilled. It is very important that your son or daughter has the opportunity to meet friends at home. Even if a teenager does not have his own room, provide him with a “roof” for communication with peers. And then the home for children will become the most attractive place.

3. Never threaten a teenager that you will kick him out of the house if he does something wrong. For example, statements from parents that their daughter should not cross the threshold of the house if she makes a mistake (early pregnancy, drug use) can turn into a tragedy. In general, a teenager perceives any threats as a guide to action. Fearing that he will actually be kicked out, he leaves on his own.

4. Try to decide together how to spend your leisure time. If you fill your free time with interesting and useful activities, many problems will be solved. Teenagers are ready to attend any section together with a friend or classmate.

Parents are obliged:

1. Have information about the whereabouts of the child at any time of the day;

2. Do not allow minors to be unattended by adults later than 10 p.m.;

3. Pay attention to the child’s surroundings, as well as contact his friends and acquaintances, know addresses and telephone numbers;

4. Plan and organize leisure time for minors;

5. Conduct explanatory conversations with children on the following topics:

Road safety;

What to do if there is a fire;

Safety in the forest, on water, in swampy areas;

Security during terrorist attacks;

Communication with strangers, etc.

What to do if the teenager still leaves:

If the child is delayed for more than an hour from the scheduled return time:

Call friends, acquaintances, relatives to whom the child could go;

Check with the administration of the educational institution where the child is studying;

Call nearby medical institutions and the ambulance service.

If the child is not found:

1. Behave calmly and balanced.

2. Report the missing child to the police as soon as you realize that the child was not just delayed, but actually left home. Next, act according to the instructions received from the police officers.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI

Prevention of influenza and ARVI

As part of the implementation of the Federal project “Strengthening Public Health”, Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2019 No. 10 “On measures to prevent influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in the 2019/2020 epidemic season”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

We offer information on the prevention of influenza and ARVI

More detailed information can be found at the link

civil defense

On October 4, a unified life safety lesson on the topic “Civil Defense” was held at the Nizhnekuchuk Secondary School. The children were given a presentation on civil defense.

civil defense is a system of measures aimed at preparing for the defense and protecting the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from dangers arising during military operations.

It was created October 4, 1932 and was called the all-Union fire defense system, and in 1961 it was renamed civil defense.

Currently it is a well-functioning and efficiently working system, providing emergency assistance in force majeure situations not only in our country, but also abroad. It includes fire service, civil defense troops, aviation, search and rescue units, working around the clock to respond to emergencies.

Air defense units were neutralized during the Great Patriotic War 40 thousand incendiary bombs, extinguished 2700 fires, liquidated 3 thousand major accidents.

Today, civil defense troops are part of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief ( Russian Emergency Situations Ministry).

Each of you must remember your safety and be able to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm in any life situation.

During the day, a training evacuation was carried out. The students left the school building in an orderly manner, without panic, and lined up outside the school gates. We took a roll call.

Such events are often held at school 1–2 times a quarter.

Personalized additional education

Obtaining a certificate of personalized financing for additional education. Watch the video “Education”. Success for every child"

More detailed information about the certificate of additional education is available on the official portal of personalized additional education of the Altai Territory

To help parents, teachers, and all interested parties, PFDO groups have been opened on social networks:

We invite you to actively use these resources.

All-Russian thematic lesson on preparing children for actions in extreme and dangerous situations “Fundamentals of life safety

On September 1, the All-Russian thematic lesson on preparing children for actions in extreme and dangerous situations “Fundamentals of Life Safety” was held at the Nizhnekuchuk Secondary School.

Goal: to prepare children for action in extreme and dangerous situations.

Question for students: How do you understand the definition of “emergency”?

An emergency is a situation that has developed in a certain territory as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster, which may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of living conditions of people.

Question for students: What emergency situations may arise?

A huge fire;

Release of large amounts of harmful substances into the atmosphere;

Explosion, etc.

The most important thing is that we should not give in to panic, we should stick together, not run away, follow and listen to our teacher.

At this time, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is carrying out a public warning system - this is an emergency communication to the authorities and the population of signals and relevant information about the emergency situation that has developed in a certain territory.

We must listen to it carefully, because... This alert contains important information: what happened, what actions need to be taken.

If it is announced that an evacuation of the population is being carried out - a set of measures for the organized removal or withdrawal from the territory of cities and other populated areas of the civilian population to a safe territory. We will have to move to a safe zone.

Let's not forget that an explosion can cause the release of large amounts of harmful volatile substances into the atmosphere.

You should go out and move through the contaminated area while crouching, because harmful gases are light and their bulk is concentrated in the upper layers of the room.

Upon arrival at the safe zone, you must register with the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees; this is necessary to control the number of rescued citizens.

The purpose of today's lesson is to prepare you for action in extreme and dangerous situations. Of course, fire and explosion are not the only extreme situations that can meet you on the path of life. During the training process, we get acquainted with how to behave in dangerous situations, but there are uniform rules that you must follow.

In case of emergency:

You can't panic;

Be sure to listen to information reports from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (TV, radio...);

Do not interfere with the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees; with our correct actions we help them pay more attention to eliminating the danger.

After the dialogue, the children were offered a video about the rules of conduct in emergencies.

All-Russian parent meeting with the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation

The event will take place on August 30 at Academic Gymnasium No. 56 in St. Petersburg and will be available online for all regions.

The broadcast will begin at 11:00 Moscow time on the website of the Russian Ministry of Education.

We draw your attention to changes in the system of additional education for children!

from January 1, 2019, the Altai Territory is one of many constituent entities of the Russian Federation introducing a system of personalized additional education for children.

Personalized additional education for children is a system that provides for the consolidation of the state’s obligations to pay for the education in which the child is primarily interested.

In order to introduce a new organizational and management system, its legal consolidation will be carried out both at the regional and municipal levels.

At the regional level, the necessary regulatory framework has already been prepared for approval, including the concept of the system’s functioning and detailed rules for its organization. At the local level, all necessary regulations will also be developed and approved regulating the municipal system of certificates of additional education. A certificate of additional education for children is a personal guarantee to a specific child that, regardless of what additional education program he chooses, which service provider (municipal, private, individual entrepreneur) he goes to study, he can count on the state to pay for his training. Having received the Certificate, the child, as before, will be able to attend sections and clubs for free, only now he will regulate the payment process himself - the money will “go” to the organization that will provide additional education services of better quality. After all, for an educational organization, this is money that it can earn only when it interests a child to come and study with it. The certificate will not need to be received every academic year; it will be issued once and will be valid until the child reaches 18 years of age. Each child will have his own personal account in the electronic information system, in which he can select clubs and sections, register for programs, track receipt of services, evaluate the educational program and much more. Using the certificate, the child can independently shape his own educational trajectory.

90th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Shukshin

Celebrating the 90th anniversary of V.M. Shukshina

2. Municipal events


Celebrating the 100th anniversary of M.N. Kalashnikov

2. Municipal events

In the Altai Territory, a program of main anniversary events has been approved, which will take place on October 23 - 25, 2019 in the city of Barnaul and in the small homeland of Mikhail Kalashnikov - in Kurye, Kurinsky district.()

1. Plan for preparing and holding regional events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of M.T. Kalashnikov ()

2. Plan of events (municipal) dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.T. Kalashnikov ()

3. Plan of activities for preparing and holding the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.T. Kalashnikov in MBOU "Nizhnekuchukskaya Secondary School" ()

MBOU "Nizhnekuchuk Secondary School" joined the All-Russian information campaign "It won't work without you!"

MBOU "Nizhnekuchuk Secondary School" joined the All-Russian information campaign "It won't work without you!"

Information materials are posted on the school website. Parent meetings were held, where parents were presented with videos with 5 different heroes addressing adult road users with a call to observe safety measures and be responsible for the safety of their own and other people’s children.

All-Russian survey of teaching staff

Child safety

Does everyone understand the role of the driver and the impact of his decisions on the safety of his children in the car?

Accident statistics say no. In 2018, 42% of respondents overtook, even if there were children in the car. 47% of Russians admitted that they can exceed the speed by 5-10 km/h and talk on the phone in the car, holding the device with their hand, when children are nearby.


April 25 is the single starting day of the St. George’s Ribbon Campaign. On this day, school students were reminded of the history of the St. George Ribbon and what it symbolizes. They called on the children to support the memory of that terrible war and the Feat of our soldiers, who won the Victory at the cost of their own lives. The action spread beyond the school.

Psychological Skype consultations with specialists from the Altai Regional Center for PPMS-assistance

Dear children and parents!

We offer you psychological sky-consultations with specialists from the Altai Regional Center for PPMS-assistance.

You can receive consulting psychological and pedagogical assistance from specialists from the Altai Regional Center for PPMS-assistance on issues of professional self-determination, solving school and personal problems of children and adolescents, their development and socialization, preventing and overcoming learning difficulties, writing and reading disorders, optimizing parent-child relationships .

Young Voter Month

In February, the Nizhnekuchuk school, traditionally, held a month of young voters.

As part of the month, classes and discussions were held in classes on the topics: “Fundamentals of the electoral law of the Russian Federation”, “Politics and youth”, “Teenager as a citizen”, “Citizen of the Fatherland is...”. Primary school children drew pictures on the topic “Elections through the eyes of children.”

A quiz “Through the labyrinths of suffrage” was held with high school students.

Through social studies lessons Beloborodov D.A. spoke with students about elections in the Soviet Union.

At the end of the month, a meeting was held with the deputy of the Nizhnekuchuk rural administration Lyashenko L.A.

Lesson "Numbers" among students of grades 1, 2, 11

Today, February 25, 2019, our school held a “Numbers” lesson for students in grades 1, 2, 11 on the topic “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.”

Batsay Alexander

Bredo Larisa

Varkentin Diana

Lukashov Dmitry

Motovilova Daria

Plemyanikova Alexandra

Tebekina Ulyana

Yantseva Alena

Panyuta Ivan

Khrabretsova Alina

The children happily plunged into working on the computers. They went through various tasks with their interests in mind; they coped very easily with recognizing animals and their distinctive features.

Having thought carefully about the classification of animals, this obstacle was not an obstacle for them.

The children were greatly impressed by receiving certificates for completing the lesson.

The children left the lesson in a good mood.

The lesson was taught by computer science teacher Galina Valerievna Goncharik.

International Mother Language Day

On February 21, 2019, our Nizhnekuchuk Secondary School hosted events dedicated to International Mother Language Day.

The events were conducted in the Russian language room No. 2 by the teacher of Russian language and literature Sokolova S.V.

1. We got acquainted with the history of the holiday

2. Compiled and studied the general language tree

3. Selected and read aloud proverbs and interesting sayings about the Russian language from various sources

4. We made leaflets “I love my native language”

5. We played the game “In the world of phraseological units”

6. Listened to the project “Why are we losing her” (about the letter “e”)


Afghan War 1979–1989- an armed conflict between the Afghan government and allied Soviet troops, who sought to maintain the pro-communist regime in Afghanistan, on the one hand, and the Muslim Afghan resistance, on the other.

First Chechen War began on December 11, 1994. It lasted almost 2 years. It was a confrontation between federal troops and the forces of an unrecognized state.

In 1999, militants Basayeva and Khattaba tried to carry out a military operation in Dagestan, which was the main reason for starting a new war. At the same time, terrorist attacks were carried out in Buinaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk.

Today, during the reign of Ramzan Kadyrov, the economic structure of the republic has practically been restored. Much has been done to eliminate the consequences of hostilities. The city of Grozny has become a symbol of the rebirth of the republic.

We talk about these events year after year in lessons on courage on February 15th. This year marks 30 years since Soviet soldiers left Afghanistan and this day was declared the Day of Internationalist Warriors.

As part of the month of patriotic education and mass defense work, we held a meeting of students with Alexander Alekseevich Lyashenko, who in total was in Chechnya for more than a year. In addition, he conducted a master class on sports training with the guys.

From February 4 to February 18, 2019, a hotline will be held on measures to prevent the incidence of influenza and ARVI.

From February 4 to February 18, 2019, a hotline will be held on measures to prevent the incidence of influenza and ARVI.

Since February 4, 2019, specialists from the technical department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Altai Territory in the Kulundinsky, Blagoveshchensky, Suetsky and Tabunsky districts and the FFBUZ “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Territory in the Kulundinsky, Blagoveshchensky, Suetsky and Tabunsky districts” have been providing thematic consultations to citizens on the prevention of ARVI and flu

Experts will talk about the basic rules for preventing influenza and ARVI, as well as how the symptoms of these diseases differ and what measures should be taken at the first signs of illness, and are also ready to provide recommendations for parents on how to protect children from colds, voice the rules for using personal protective equipment, and others measures to prevent infectious diseases.

Hotline phone number

FFBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Territory in the Kulundinsky, Blagoveshchensky, Suetsky and Tabunsky districts": 8 (385-66) 22-7-49

Technical Department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Altai Territory in the Kulundinsky, Blagoveshchensky, Suetsky and Tabunsky districts 8 (385-66) 22-4.02

Information from the State Road Safety Inspectorate

Dear parents!

Information from the Blagoveshchensky branch of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Intermunicipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Independent assessment of the quality of service provision

You can familiarize yourself with an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by organizations in the field of education and its results on the website State Municipal Institutions

Dear parents of future first-graders!

Dear parents of future first-graders!

On February 1, 2019, applications for first grades for the next 2019-2020 academic year begin.

In 2019 you can apply:

1. Remotely in electronic form.

2. By personally contacting the school.

1.When contacting remotely

An application can be submitted electronically on the children’s school portal or htt://, having confirmed registration on the State Services website.

Instructions for parents on submitting an application electronically for enrollment in first grade in 2019

2.When contacting the school in person

When submitting an application, parents (legal representatives) should have the following with them:

1.Original identification document of the parent (legal representative).

2.Original birth certificate of the child.

3. Original certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence or place of stay in the assigned territory.

4. A document confirming the applicant’s right to stay in the Russian Federation (for a child who is a foreign citizen or stateless person).

5. Foreign citizens and stateless persons submit all documents in Russian or together with a duly certified translation into Russian.

Documents are accepted in the school director's reception office (2nd floor) from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00, on Saturday from 9.00 to 12.00. Tel. 28521

Order No. 33 of January 18, 2019 “On approval of the list of territories assigned to municipal budgetary educational institutions”

Lesson on the Basics of Safe Life. This lesson is conducted with the aim of developing unified approaches to the formation of state policy in the field of life safety, attracting public attention to the problem of creating a life safety culture for the younger generation, more effectively mastering theoretical knowledge of the academic discipline “Fundamentals of Safe Life,” and practicing practical skills in action in various emergency situations. A presentation is included with the lesson.



GKOU boarding school Great Krasnodar Territory

Goals and objectives of conducting an open lesson:

1. Promoting the social significance of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, raising its prestige;

2. Promoting a culture of life safety among the younger generation;

3. Practical training of safe behavior skills by schoolchildren in various conditions;

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation “To survive, you need to know,” task cards, educational film “Rules of Conduct in an Emergency.”

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment. Psychological mood.

II. Introduction of material on the purpose of the lesson.

Today we have gathered for a very important and interesting conversation. The modern world, nature and developing technologies increasingly challenge us in the form of natural disasters, man-made accidents and catastrophes. In our country there is a powerful structure - the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is ready to act in the complex environment of emergency situations of various types. And its strength lies not only in modern high-tech equipment, but also in human resources. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia employs trained employees who sincerely love their job. They are known and respected all over the world - our country does not ignore any emergency situation on the planet without attention and assistance.

1st slide: Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

  1. Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.
  2. Founded December 27, 1990.
  3. The highest government body is the President of the Russian Federation.

2nd slide: Minister of Emergency Situations

3rd slide: Symbols of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations:

Large emblem Representative flag

4th slide: Over the past day 04/24/2013

5th slide : Rescuers and firefighters of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations saved 443 people.

6th slide: 107 people were rescued from man-made fires.

7th slide: 138 explosive objects were discovered and neutralized.

8th slide : 2 people were rescued from water bodies.

9th slide : Psychological assistance was provided in 13 cases.

10th slide:

A dangerous situation is a situation that threatens human life, health, property or the natural environment.

11th slide:

Not a day goes by without newspapers, radio, or television bringing news about another accident, catastrophe, natural disaster, or crime in a particular city or country. Terrorists take hostages, ships and trains are in distress, pedestrians are run over by cars.

12th slide:

Each of us may find ourselves in such an unforeseen situation. Who will help a person in danger? First of all – HIMSELF! Today in our lesson, three teams of rescuers will try to find a way out of the dangerous situations proposed in the game!

13th slide: Unified duty dispatch service.

In each city of the country, on the initiative of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, a Unified Duty and Dispatch Service is being created, which is an integral part of the city administration of the Unified System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations.

14th slide: Emergency services.

Everyone, adults and children alike, needs to know emergency phone numbers! Everyone knows the phone numbers 01, 02, 03, 04. How else can you call the Unified City Rescue Service on a landline and mobile phone? 39-3-01, 2-32-01, 010.

15th slide: Task 1. “Ask for help.”

In this task you receive a card with an emergency phone number. Rescue teams need to call the emergency service by phone number, call it and properly conduct a conversation with the service dispatcher.

16th slide: Task 2. “We stew it ourselves.”

We know how to call the fire department correctly. But we ourselves cannot remain inactive! What to do?

17th slide: Question for each rescue team:

1. How can you extinguish burning gasoline, kerosene and other organic oils?

2.If your clothes caught fire, what should you do?

3.What should you do if the room you are in begins to fill with thick, acrid smoke?

18th slide: First aid.

First aid is the simplest urgent and necessary measures to save a person’s life and prevent complications before the arrival of an ambulance. In extreme conditions, a situation may arise when only you can provide first aid to yourself or an injured comrade.

19th slide: Task 3. “Help the victim.”

The first rescue team must provide medical assistance for abrasions or cuts; to the second rescue team - in case of food poisoning; the third team - provide first aid for a burn.

20th slide: Select the necessary medications for each case:

Bandage Yod

Brilliant green solution Potassium permanganate

Panthenol Hydrogen Peroxide

Individual dressing package

Sterile medical wipes Activated carbon

21st slide: Emergency situations on the railway.

Every person on average travels somewhere by train once or twice a year. Trains are a fairly safe form of transport, but you still need to be prepared for possible dangerous situations so as not to get confused in difficult times and act correctly.

22nd slide: Reference Information.

One of the world's major railway disasters occurred on June 6, 1981 in India. 800 people died in it.

23rd slide: Task 4. “Be careful, train!”

Let's imagine the situation of a fire in a train carriage. Rescue teams need to put the steps below in the correct order.

Get away from the fire into the front cars; if this is not possible, go to the end of the train, tightly closing all the doors behind you;

Close the windows so that the wind does not fan the flames;

If your life is in danger, do not try to save your luggage;

Immediately inform the conductor about the fire, notify passengers about what happened, wake up those sleeping;

24th slide: Ensuring road safety.

Reference Information:

Modern transport is a high-risk zone. Every year about 40,000 people in our country die under the wheels of cars in road accidents, of which every tenth is a child, and more boys die! Therefore, you need to know and follow the traffic rules!

25th slide: Task 5. “My friends are road signs.”

Children Pedestrian crossing

  1. When you are driving somewhere, you come across many road signs along the way. Do you know what they mean?
  2. Assignment to the rescue teams: you have cards with images of road signs, you need to correctly determine what they mean.

26th slide : Prohibition signs.

Pedestrian traffic Bicycle traffic

Forbidden forbidden

27th slide: Signs of special regulations.

Stopping point Underground pedestrian

Tram crossing

28th slide : Warning signs.

Intersection with tram Railway crossing

Line without barrier

Slide 29: Belorechensk is an industrial city.

  1. Like all industrial cities, to a certain extent it is subject to potential danger to people and the environment.
  2. In our area there is a chemical plant, an oil extraction plant, a plant for the production of reinforced concrete products and other enterprises where, in the event of an accident, the air may be contaminated with vapors of chlorine, ammonia and other toxic substances.

30th slide: Individual protection means

designed to protect humans from radioactive and toxic substances, and bacterial agents. According to their purpose, they are divided into respiratory and skin protection products. According to the principle of protection - filtering and insulating.

31st slide:

We are finishing our lesson, and we wish our rescuers and you guys to act in life as amicably and thoughtfully as in the game. Remember: your safety is in your hands!

III. Summarizing.

What was our lesson about? How do you understand the topic of the lesson? Why is it important to know how to act in various emergencies? What situations do we call emergencies? We present to your attention the film “Rules of Conduct in an Emergency.”

Watching the educational film “Rules of conduct in emergencies.”

The lesson was prepared using Internet resources, the educational film “Rules of Conduct in Emergency Situations”, the presentation was based on the presentation of E.A. Zhidileva. "To survive". Class hour-game on the topic: “Safety and human protection in dangerous and emergency situations.”


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Slide captions:

All-Russian open lesson-game on life safety “To survive, you need to know!” Teacher: Burakhovich N.D.

EMERCOM of Russia Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief. Founded December 27, 1990. Supreme body of state power: President of the Russian Federation.

Symbols Big Representative emblem flag

Over the past day 04/24/2013

Rescuers and firefighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia rescued 443 people.

107 people were rescued from man-made fires.

138 explosive objects were discovered and neutralized.

2 people were rescued from water bodies.

Psychological assistance was provided in 13 cases.

A dangerous situation is a situation that threatens human life, health, property or the natural environment.

Not a day goes by without newspapers, radio, or television bringing news about another accident, catastrophe, natural disaster, or crime in a particular city or country. Terrorists take hostages, ships and trains are in distress, pedestrians are run over by cars.

Each of us may find ourselves in such an unforeseen situation. Who will help a person in danger? First of all – HIMSELF! Today in our lesson three teams of rescuers will try to find a way out of the dangerous situations proposed in the game

Unified duty and dispatch service In each city of the country, on the initiative of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, a Unified duty and dispatch service is being created, which is an integral part of the city administration of the Unified System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations.

Emergency services Everyone needs to know emergency phone numbers, both adults and children! Everyone knows the phone numbers 01, 02, 03, 04. How else can you call the Unified City Rescue Service on a landline and mobile phone? 39-3-01, 2-32-01, 010

Task 1. “Ask for help.” In this task you receive a card with an emergency phone number. Rescue teams need to call the emergency service by phone number, call it and properly conduct a conversation with the service dispatcher.

Task 2. “We stew it ourselves.” We know how to call the fire department correctly. But we ourselves cannot remain inactive! What to do?

Question for each rescue team: 1. How can you extinguish burning gasoline, kerosene and other organic oils? 2.If your clothes caught fire, what should you do? 3.What should you do if the room you are in begins to fill with thick, acrid smoke?

First medical aid First medical aid is the simplest urgent and necessary measures to save a person’s life and prevent complications before the arrival of an ambulance. In extreme conditions, a situation may arise when only you can provide first aid to yourself or an injured comrade.

Task 3. “Help the victim” The first rescue team needs to provide medical assistance for abrasions or cuts; The second rescue team – in case of food poisoning; The third team is to provide first aid for a burn.

Select the necessary medications for each case: Bandage Brilliant green solution Panthenol Individual dressing bag Iodine Potassium permanganate Hydrogen peroxide Sterile medical wipes Activated carbon

Emergency situations on the railway. Every person on average travels somewhere by train once or twice a year. Trains are a fairly safe form of transport, but you still need to be prepared for possible dangerous situations so as not to get confused in difficult times and act correctly.

Reference Information. One of the world's major railway disasters occurred on June 6, 1981 in India. 800 people died in it.

Task 4. “Be careful, train!” Let's imagine the situation of a fire in a train carriage. Rescue teams need to put the steps below in the correct order. Get away from the fire into the front cars; if this is not possible, go to the end of the train, tightly closing all the doors behind you; Close the windows so that the wind does not fan the flames; If your life is in danger, do not try to save your luggage; Immediately inform the conductor about the fire, notify passengers about what happened, wake up those sleeping;

Ensuring road safety Background information Modern transport is a high-risk area. Every year about 40,000 people in our country die under the wheels of cars in road accidents, of which every tenth is a child, and more boys die! Therefore, you need to know and follow the traffic rules!

Task 5. “My friends are road signs!” When you are driving somewhere, you come across many road signs along the way. Do you know what they mean? Assignment to the rescue teams: you have cards with images of road signs, you need to correctly determine what they mean. CHILDREN PEDESTRIAN CROSSING

Prohibition signs. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited Bicycles are prohibited

Signs of special regulations. Tram stop Underground pedestrian crossing

Warning signs. Intersection with a tram line Railway crossing without a barrier

Belorechensk is an industrial city. Like all industrial cities, to a certain extent it is subject to potential danger to people and the environment. In our area there is a chemical plant, an oil extraction plant, a plant for the production of reinforced concrete products and other enterprises where, in the event of an accident, the air may be contaminated with vapors of chlorine, ammonia and other toxic substances.

Personal protective equipment is designed to protect people from radioactive and toxic substances and bacterial agents. According to their purpose, they are divided into means of respiratory protection (gas masks, respirators, cotton-gauze bandages, dust-cloth masks) and skin. According to the principle of protection - filtering and insulating.

We finish our lesson and wish our rescuers to act in life as amicably and thoughtfully as in the game. Remember: your safety is in your hands!




lesson on basic life safety

on this topic

" Emergencies "

Subject. "Emergency - what is it?"

Goals. To acquaint children with situations that can be called “emergency”, with actions in emergency situations, with natural phenomena that cause harm to humans, to develop the ability to find solutions in difficult situations, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Equipment. Geographic map of Russia; handouts for students; crossword.


Organizing time

Teacher. The topic of today's lesson is "Emergency."

Getting to know new material

U. What is emergency?


U. Right. What hazards can be classified as emergency?

D. Earthquake, flood, storm, plane crash, shipwreck.

U. We will talk about situations that occurred not due to human fault, but due to natural changes.

D. You cannot cope with an emergency situation on your own.
– In case of earthquakes, floods and other disasters they come to the rescue
rescuers .
– Earthquakes have not yet been accurately predicted.
– Floods can be predicted, but they still cannot be avoided.

The teacher hangs a map on the board. In the course of joint work, areas where earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, river floods, floods, storms, and forest fires may occur are identified.

U. Pick up the handouts and read about what it is

flood .

D. Temporary rise of water in a river, lake or sea.

U. What causes floods?

D. Due to heavy rains, rapid melting of snow, destruction of dams, strong winds.

U. Almost every month we receive reports of floods occurring in different parts of the world. Floods account for 40 percent of all natural disasters. This is not surprising, since three quarters of the Earth is covered with water.
To protect against floods, in dangerous areas, bank protection works and work to strengthen the river bottom are carried out in order to increase the volume of flow and increase the speed of the flow.
Most floods can be predicted and thus losses can be reduced. Residents of places that periodically fall into flood zones are warned in advance about the danger.

U. The next natural disaster we'll talk about is earthquake .
Humanity has long been familiar with this disaster, which has already claimed

several million lives.
We live in houses that behave differently during earthquakes. Wooden and log buildings are the most stable. The durability of brick and panel houses depends on the quality of building materials and operating conditions. Buildings with a lot of glazing are very dangerous due to the possibility of glass shards being scattered. It is also dangerous for those outside.
The safest places in the house are the corners of the intersection of main walls, doorways in main walls, bathrooms, next to massive, stable furniture.

In our city, natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods are extremely rare. But during holidays and vacations, you and your parents may find yourself in places where emergencies may occur. Therefore, it is important to know what to do in such cases.

Physical education minute

Getting to know new material ( continuation )

U. The elements of earth and water passed before us, and remained - air . Let's get acquainted with various winds that can cause destruction and harm to humans.

– What air disasters can you name?

D. Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, typhoons.

U. What is a hurricane?

D. A very strong wind, the speed of which is greater than that of a speeding car.

U. Such a wind sweeps away buildings, carries cars from place to place, breaks large trees, capsizes ships.
Hurricanes cause enormous damage to people and people die because of them.
- What's happened

D. A type of hurricane, it looks like a rotating column.

U. A tornado is a strong whirlwind with monstrous power.

In America they call it tornado, in Europe – blood clot .
Like a giant trunk, it descends from a thundercloud, touching the surface of the earth. Like a funnel, a tornado sucks into itself everything that comes along the way.

The force of the whirlwind is so great that it can lift a car, the roof of a house into the air, uproot a tree, or bend a bridge.
In April 1974, 148 tornadoes tore through the eastern United States over two days. The rapidly rotating column of air can reach a diameter of 50 to 500 meters, and its speed reaches 40 km/h.

Consolidating new material

– What is an emergency?

D. A danger that threatens many people at once.

U. Who are lifeguards?

D. Emergency services personnel who are specially trained, prepared and equipped to provide assistance in places where emergency incidents have occurred.

U. Let's remember all the new concepts you learned in class. To do this, solve the crossword puzzle.


Horizontally :

3. Strong whirlwind in America.
4. Hurricane in the Far East.
6. Strong wind, the speed of which is about 120 km/h.
8. Rapid movement of the earth's crust caused by shocks from below and from the side.

Vertically :

1. Temporary flooding of part of the land as a result of rising water levels.
2. Specially trained people who provide assistance to disaster victims.
5. A type of hurricane.
7. Strong wind in the form of a rotating column.


Horizontally : 3. Tornado. 4. Typhoon. 6. Hurricane. 8. Earthquake.

Vertically : 1. Flood. 2. Rescuers. 5. Storm. 7. Tornado.

U. Well done! We completed the task.

X. Lesson summary

U. We talked about emergencies and natural disasters. I hope you don't have to end up in a place where human life is at risk. But if this does happen, then the most important thing is don’t panic and remember everything we said




Flood – a temporary rise in water in a river, lake or sea. At the same time, water floods and destroys houses, fields, and power lines. This happens due to heavy rains, rapid melting of snow, destruction of dams and dams, tsunamis, and hurricane winds. They can be short (from several hours) and long (more than two weeks).

What to do in case of flood

Floods can be very dangerous. People are warned about their approach by a siren signal and an announcement beginning with the words: “Attention! Listen everyone!..” After this signal, you must: turn off the electricity, turn off the water and gas, leave the house, dressed for the weather (raincoat, rubber boots), take with you a supply of food that does not spoil for a long time and is well packaged. Try to stay close to adults. Don't be afraid, quickly climb to a high place (attic, upper floors of the house). To help rescuers notice you faster, wave a stick with a rag at the end, and shine a flashlight at night. If you fall into water, try to grab onto floating objects. When the flood subsides, do not enter the house until adults arrive.

Storms, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes

Hurricanes are very strong winds, the speed of which is greater than that of a car speeding down the street (about 120 km/h). In the Far East they are often called "typhoons".

Storms is a type of hurricane. In winter, it picks up a lot of snow (blizzard, blizzard). In summer, especially in hot weather, there are dust or sand storms. In the deserts they are called "samums". A storm at sea is called a "storm".

Tornado - This is also a type of hurricane. A tornado has the appearance of a fast rotating column, similar to the pipe of a giant vacuum cleaner. He sucks in everything that comes his way.

What to do in case of natural disasters

People are warned about all natural disasters (storms, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes) in advance so that they can prepare for them. Typically, the imminent approach of a natural disaster is signaled by a siren signal, and then announced on radio and television. If you hear a signal in the house, turn on the radio or TV, listen to the news, then close the windows, shutters and doors; turn off the gas and electricity; Prepare your things, documents, an electric flashlight and a radio with batteries. Together with adults, go down to the shelter (during a tornado, go to the basement). Do not go near the windows, it is better to stand in a niche, against the wall.

If a strong wind (hurricane, tornado) catches you in a field or forest, take cover in a wide ravine or roadside ditch, hugging the ground. When a tornado approaches, you need to get out of the car or bus and hide in the nearest basement, ravine, or road ditch. If there is a storm with rain, hail, or thunderstorms, do not hide under a tall tree or power line supports. Better take cover under a bush.

During all natural disasters, it is very dangerous to be on bridges, near gas stations, oil and gas pipelines, and power lines.


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Rules of conduct in natural emergencies

Earthquakes; Tsunami; Floods; Forest and peat fires; Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes; Mudflows (mud flows) and landslides; Snow avalanches and drifts; Thunderstorms, etc. On the vast territory of our country the following are possible:


A flood is a significant flooding of an area as a result of a rise in the water level in a river or lake during snowmelt, rainfall, wind surges, etc. Hazard factors for floods and floods: destruction of houses and buildings, bridges; erosion of railways and roads; accidents on utility networks; destruction of crops; casualties among the population and death of animals. As a result of flooding, subsidence of houses and land begins, shifts and collapses occur.

What to do if the water rises sharply? You need to take a safe place as quickly as possible and stock up on any items that can help with self-evacuation. In addition to boats, rafts and air mattresses, barrels, logs, shields, doors, fragments of wooden fences, and car cameras are suitable. Until rescuers arrive or the water subsides, you must stay on the upper floors and roofs, on trees or other elevated areas. So that rescuers can quickly find victims, it is necessary to hang a white or colored cloth on a high place during daylight hours, and in the dark, give light signals. When the rescuers arrive, you need to get into the boat one at a time, without creating panic.

These are tremors and vibrations of the earth's surface, resulting from sudden displacements and ruptures in the earth's crust or upper mantle and transmitted over long distances in the form of elastic vibrations Earthquake

The source of an earthquake is the space (volume) within which all the primary deformations accompanying the earthquake are contained.

Epicenter The area on the earth's surface located above the source of an earthquake.

Seismology During earthquakes, the surface of the earth vibrates. This occurs due to sudden changes in pressure in places where the earth's crust plates touch. About half a million earthquakes occur every year. Some earthquakes are so weak that they can only be recorded using special instruments - seismographs. A seismograph depicts the vibrations of the earth in the form of bends in a line that its needle draws on a rotating drum. During earth vibrations, this sensitive needle vibrates and the line becomes curved.

Typically, only one in 500 earthquakes causes damage to people, but some cause very severe damage.

Prepare in advance and always keep documents ready food for 3 days first aid kit matches Electric torch clothes for the season

How to act during an earthquake If you feel the vibrations of a building, see the swaying of lamps, the fall of objects, hear the growing rumble and the sound of breaking glass, do not panic! If you are on the ground floor near the exit, then quickly leave the building, taking documents, money and essential items.

When leaving the premises, take the stairs rather than the elevator.

Once outside, stay there, but do not stand near buildings, but go to an open space, avoid narrow alleys. Beware of downed wires. Stay calm and try to reassure others!

If you are forced to stay indoors, then sit down and cover your head with one hand and hold on to something strong; stand in a safe place: near the internal load-bearing wall, in the corner of the load-bearing wall, in the interior wall opening of the load-bearing wall or at the load-bearing support.

If possible, hide under a table to protect you from falling objects and debris. stay away from windows and heavy furniture. do not use candles, matches, lighters, do not turn on the electricity - if there is a gas leak, a fire may occur.

What to do after an earthquake if you're okay Check other people in your home. Keep people around you safe. Calm them down. Be sure to wear shoes to avoid cutting yourself from broken glass and to protect your feet. If anyone is injured, get outside and call for help. Do not try to move seriously wounded people from their place yourself.

Keep calm. Call for help immediately. Knock on the floor or whistle until you are discovered. If possible, get yourself medical help. Remember that you cannot light a fire, you can drink water from the toilet tank, and pipes and batteries can be used to give a signal. Save energy. A person can go without food for more than half a month. Remember: help will come, the main thing is to wait for it. Be prepared for strong aftershocks. If you are injured or under rubble

Hurricanes, typhoons, and tornadoes bring untold destruction and casualties to humanity. Wind speed during a hurricane is more than 30 m/s. It is one of the most powerful forces of the elements and in its harmful effects is close to an earthquake. During a storm, the wind speed is slightly less than 15-30 m/s. A tornado is a rising vortex of rapidly rotating air. Tornadoes, hurricanes, storms.

Close all windows, doors, attic spaces; Remove everything from balconies and loggias that could be carried away by a hurricane; Turn off the gas, put out the fire in the stoves. Prepare lanterns, candles, lamps; Stock up on water, food, keep the radio and TV on; Prepare medical and dressing materials; Take shelter in a protective structure, basement, cellar; At home, occupy an inner room, away from the windows; In open areas, it is best to take cover in a ditch, hole, ravine, or any depression, lie down on the bottom and press tightly to the ground. So what needs to be done if there is a threat of a hurricane, storm, or tornado?

Thank you for your attention!

All-Russian open lesson “Basics of life safety”

In accordance with the decision of the Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 10, 2017 No. 43-1248-14 and the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated November 21, 2016. No. 609, the current year has been declared the Year of Civil Defense.

In accordance with this, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, plans to conduct three All-Russian open lessons “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, the first will take place on September 1, 2017. (Knowledge Day). Lesson topic: “Compliance with safety measures and preparing children for actions in emergencies and fires, adaptation after the summer holidays.”

The main task of the open lesson and the month as a whole is the formation and development in children of moral and psychological qualities, psychological resistance to dangers and emergencies, respect for their health, the environment, knowledge and skills for actions in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature .

The All-Russian open lesson for children in the cadet class is the beginning of training under the “Young Rescuer” program, acquaintance with the work and history of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the work of a rescuer and a firefighter. Acquaintance with the main dangerous factors of a large metropolis and ways to protect yourself and others.

During the open lesson, classes were held on the following topics:

History of Civil Defense. Rescuer Day. 2015 is the year of the 25th anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations;

Emergency situations typical for the city of Ufa, methods of protection in case of their occurrence;

Providing first (medical) aid to victims (cardiopulmonary resuscitation, stopping bleeding, immobilization of injured limbs);

Conditions for fire occurrence. Damaging factors. Methods of protection. Primary fire extinguishing agents.

It is very important not only to ensure the safety of the child, but also to teach him safe behavior and respect for himself and others. Children grow up and strive to be independent, which means our task is to teach them safety rules in the fascinating world called “Life”.

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“All-Russian open lesson on Fundamentals of Life Safety in 5th grade”

All-Russian open lesson “Basics of life safety” 2017 academic year

Class hour in 5th grade “Basics of life safety”

Lesson topic:

“Compliance with safety measures and preparing children for actions in emergency situations and fires, adaptation after the summer holidays.”

Target: repeat with children the rules of behavior in extreme situations; promote the formation of a serious attitude towards one’s own life and the safety of other people; encourage children to follow the necessary safety rules at home, on the street, and in transport; develop self-confidence and a desire to help people.

Lesson progress:

(The guys enter the class and at the entrance I suggest they take a piece of paper and sit at the table where that color is).

Opening speech by the class teacher:

"Dear Guys! Today our entire country celebrates Knowledge Day. For you fifth graders, this is an unusual day, because today you crossed the threshold of high school for the first time. Fifth grade is its very first step, but gradually, rising from step to step, you will become graduates, you will be as beautiful and smart as our graduates today. The knowledge gained at school will help you choose a profession, become respected people, and benefit our country.

Studying will bring you a lot of new and unusual things into your life: new subjects, new teachers, and new problems, but I hope that you and I will overcome all the problems, because we will solve them together and help each other. We will try to make sure that everyone in our team has a good time, like in a big friendly family.

Now allow me to introduce myself: I am Lukmanova Gulsina Khakimovna. I have been working at school for 8 years. I teach mathematics. I will be your class teacher, i.e. your “cool mom.”

How do your mothers keep an eye on you at home? What do they care about? They make sure that you eat right, go to bed on time, take your medicine on time, have lunch, dinner... The same way I will take care of you here at school, like your mother at home. So that you are not late for classes, prepare your homework, go to class, study well...

I am very glad that I will be your class teacher - because I see kind, attentive, obedient children in front of me. The holidays are over, the bell has rung, and for 9 whole months we have to study, communicate with each other in lessons, extracurricular activities - and this is 1085 hours, 210 days, 34 class hours, many, many class and school events. And our first event -Knowledge Day is a holiday not only for children, but also for their parents and teachers. And therefore, you and I will go on a journey to the land of Knowledge, which is called Safe Life.

Introductory words from the class teacher:

Every morning a person leaves home and finds himself in a huge world in which anything can happen, from a bruise to a terrorist attack. These troubles are called “extreme situations.” Extreme means difficult, complex. Extreme situations mean complex, difficult, unpleasant situations in which a person may find himself

The presence of potential dangers around us does not mean that disaster will certainly occur. This is preceded by certain conditions, reasons, sources. The cause of accidents and sometimes tragic cases is usually our carelessness or the carelessness of others.

(The song plays - a text adaptation of the song “Safety Island” performed by children, based on the melody from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

All covered with greenery, absolutely all,

There is a safety island in our school.

There is a safety island in our school,

All covered with greenery, absolutely all...

Cheerful schoolchildren live there,

Pleasant on the face, smart on the inside,

Pleasant on the face, smart on the inside.

Funny schoolchildren live there!

Everything will work out for them, things will go well -

Apparently their mother gave birth on Sunday.

Apparently their mother gave birth on Sunday -

Everything will work out for them, things are going well!

    Let's start getting acquainted with the rules of safe behavior at home.

Every good, clean housewife buys household chemicals to keep her house clean. These are washing powders, bleaches, detergents for washing dishes, cleaning toilets, sinks, removing scale, rust, killing fleas, ants, cockroaches. But cockroach venom also affects children. Therefore, under no circumstances should you open packages, cans, or aerosols containing household chemicals. Chemicals that come into contact with the eyes, skin, respiratory tract, or stomach can cause irreparable harm to health.

    1st student Chemicals are poison!

And not only for guys.

Giants lived in a house

And cockroaches lived in the house.

What to do? How can we be here?

Kill the cockroaches!

And the giants bought

Remedy against cockroaches.

But the cockroaches remained

And there were no more giants.

You have to be more careful

So as not to poison yourself.

    What other dangers lie in wait for us at home, in the classroom, in a circle class? (Sharp, piercing, cutting objects.)

    2nd student . It's unpleasant to sit on the button,

You might hurt your butt!

Keep the house in order:

Forks, scissors, knives,

And needles and pins

Put it in its place!

Order in the house is needed not only for beauty, but also for safety. Where is the place for all useful, necessary, but dangerous objects? (Needles and pins should be stored in needle cases, buttons in a box, knives and forks in a special table drawer.)

    Guys, what electrical appliances that you use in everyday life are dangerous? (TV, tape recorder, computer, water heater, electric fireplace, washing machine, electric stove, table lamp, chandelier, sconce, electric hair dryer, electric toothbrush, vacuum cleaner, etc.)

How dangerous are these items? (Electrical appliances may cause electric shock and cause a fire.)

Don’t: put your hand in the washing machine, your hand can get caught and crippled; open the side door, you may be scalded by boiling water.

Yes, smart electrical appliances require special treatment; they must be respected, treated with care and caution.

    2nd student . Electricity is dangerous!

Everyone should know this.

To finger or nail

Don't put it in the socket.

If you turned on the iron

There is no need to run away suddenly.

Closing the door in the house,

Have you turned everything off? Check it out!

    Now name another strong, smart, helpful and very cunning helper who lives in every home.

    3rd student . What comes down the pipes for us

From a distant place?

He brings joy to people

He is warmth for the whole country.

It's gas! The danger is invisible and inaudible.

All. Turn off the gas in the apartment.

Gas requires an eye and an eye.

Feeling the smell in the apartment,

Call 04.

The gas is very dangerous, it can explode and you can be poisoned by it. What rules for using gas do we know?

1. Call an adult immediately if you smell gas.

2. You must immediately open the windows and ventilate the apartment.

3. Check whether the taps on the stove or gas water heater are closed.

4. Do not turn on the light or light matches.

    Do you think railings, stairs, balconies are a danger zone? (Yes.)

    4th student . A man is not a bird! It is more convenient to go down the stairs.

Only cats jump from heights without a parachute.

It hurts to fall from the floor with a soft spot onto a hedgehog!

The one who rides on the railing can become sick and frail!

He'll end up in the hospital or in the garbage chute!

    What dangers await a child at home if he is left alone?

Let's think about what short word all the rules of personal safety for children boil down to.

All personal safety rules boil down to one short word: no. Don't linger on the street on the way from school; don't play after dark; don't let a stranger into your house; do not go anywhere with a stranger; Don't get into a car with strangers.

    5th student . Every literate child

Must know firmly from the cradle:

If you are invited to swim,

To appear on TV,

They promise to give you candy

Answer firmly: “No!”

They will offer you a monkey

Or even money to the bank,

Or even a ticket to the circus -

Answer firmly: “No!”

They will call you to fly to the moon,

Ride an elephant...

There is a simple answer to everything,

You must answer: “No!”

    Game pause. Game "Show the animal."

The goal is relaxation, stimulation of attention, learning to quickly and accurately respond to sound signals.

Game procedure. Children stand in a group. The music sounds free. Children are marching. A command is given, the children implement it:

“bunnies” - imitation of hare jumping;

“horses” – kick the floor;

“crayfish” – move backwards;

“birds” – imitation of bird flight;

“stork” – stands on one leg;

“frogs” - squat and jump;

“dogs” – bend their arms and bark;

“hens” - walk, look for grain, peck;

    There are four elements: “water”, “earth”, “air”, “fire”.

Fire is a terrible element, let's talk about fire safety rules.

    6th student . Every citizen knows

This number is 01.

If trouble comes to you,

Call there quickly.

And if you don't have a phone,

Call people from the balcony!

You can’t joke with fire; one small match can burn down an entire house, street, city.

    7th student . I started freezing at home

I wasn't scared

brought in the firewood

Lighted a fire

Near the sofa

Our sofa caught fire

The wall caught fire

What should I do now?

I called 01

And the car arrived

They put out the whole apartment

They called my mom

Fire reported

And since then

I don't pick up matches.

Fires are very dangerous. In a fire, things, a house, an apartment can burn, and people can die. Let's remember the fire safety rules.

    The road takes just as many lives. Road safety rules

Student. What is a transition?

Every cat knows this!

Respect these signs

Even cats and dogs.

The road is not a path

The road is not a ditch...

Look left first

Then look to the right!

Guys, how should you behave on the road?

    8th student . Our Tanya cries loudly:

Dropped the new ball

The ball hit Moskvich

We don't have the ball anymore!

Games on the roadway

May lead to disaster.

Every guard will say:

"Don't play on the pavement!"

How should you properly bypass a tram, bus, or trolleybus?

Go around the tram in front

And don't go around behind!

And the bus, taxi, trolleybus is behind.

    What should we do if we hurt our knee, skinned our elbow, or got a bruise in a childish brawl? What advice can you give to the guys?

    9th student. Wounds should be smeared with iodine,

And sandwiches - butter and honey,

Everyone understands that drugs

It is dangerous to give without a doctor,

But you can trust any child

Plaster, iodine, bandages and brilliant green!

    10th student. Safety is important.

Of course, you need to know this

Sometimes it is necessary.

Remembering is also good.

You'll get into trouble,

You will need help.

But there are no people around -

Safety is important here!

Don't be afraid

Your knowledge of life safety will help you.

They will come in handy even at night.

And perhaps in water too.

The main thing is to teach better.

It will definitely come in handy for you.

But I wish you no troubles

You have lived for sure a century!

We will know, appreciate and comply with the rules of personal safety

Classroom teacher : Well, our journey through the Land of Safe Life has ended. There are no losers among you, which means there are no blank spots left in the Land of Knowledge. And to deeply explore each territory, you have a whole school year ahead of you!

And now the most enjoyable part of our class hour. After all, today is our holiday. And on holidays you need to give gifts. So I have prepared a gift for you. (There is a seven-flowered flower on the board) I want to give you a magical flower: a seven-flowered flower. If you attach your wishes to its petals, then all your plans will definitely come true. There are pieces of paper on your desks. You are given 3 minutes to come up with and write down your wish. Only it should begin with the words: “In 5th grade I want...” And one more secret. The seven-flowered flower does not fulfill all wishes, but only those that you yourself try to fulfill. Attention, think of a wish and write it down on a piece of paper! (children write on pieces of paper, I also write “I want my students to become smart, kind, friendly and beautiful”

And now all that remains is to attach our wishes to the petals of a magical flower and wait. At the end of the school year, we will check whose dreams the little flower of seven colors fulfilled, and whose dreams remained only on paper. Have you forgotten what wishes our magic flower fulfills? Only those that you yourself try to implement.(children attach notes to the petals). (3 minutes)

Guys, there used to be a brownie in every house - he was the talisman of the house, if he was not offended, then he brought good luck to the house. The brownies do not live at school, because the classrooms should live at the school. Cabinet is almost the same as brownie, but not quite. Cabinet people can be different: kind, noisy, shy and harmful. Their character depends on friendship and mutual understanding in the class. Therefore, I propose to make our class mascot. Let's draw what our class office will look like. And for this, each group will make its own sketch and then we will choose the best portrait of our office, which will help us all in difficult times. (5 minutes)

What a great fellow you are! But since our holiday continues, let's try to compose congratulations for everyone who will study in our office at the beginning of the school year. I will give each group a scrapbook sheet and you have 5 minutes of time to write a congratulation, which we will hang in our classroom corner.

You probably know that everywhere in the world there are certain rituals. And we also need to perform a ritual for fifth graders before the start of the school year:

1. The first ritual is called “Cleansing the head from bad thoughts”

Raise your hands up, clasp your head in your hands and throw off what is stuck to your fingers, and so on 3 times. Well done.

2. Ritual No. 2 “Refusal of hostile intentions.”

On command “3”, simultaneously step quietly on each other’s feet. As a result of this sacred rite, you are guaranteed to avoid quarrels and conflicts in our class.

3. Ritual No. 3. "Appeal to the Lord of Fives"

You need to raise your hands up with your fingers spread out (there are 5 fingers on each hand - which symbolizes a score of 5) and say the sacred phrase in unison:

“Uchoh yatichu an ikretyap!” Well done! I think that the master heard you and all of you will be guaranteed A's.

Our first class hour has come to an end. I once again congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. Guys, you have a school year ahead - a responsible time, let everyone be a winner in the new school year. Congratulations on the beginning of the school year! Good luck!

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