Solar flares: the main thing about the danger and consequences of an astronomical phenomenon for the Earth. A powerful flare occurred on the sun again. Solar activity may increase

QUESTION No. 118. Why did several strong flares occur on the Sun in September 2017 despite low solar activity in the form of dark spots? Why does the Sun attack the Earth with its powerful radiation?

Scientists in the media report:

“As you know, our Sun is now at its minimum activity, this is evidenced by the insignificant number of sunspots - sometimes the NASA satellite produces photographs of the luminary that looks more like an orange without a single spot. And then, against the backdrop of a long calm, the Sun suddenly produces something extraordinary - a whole series of flares, starting with class M (medium) on September 4-5 and then, on September 6 - two flares of the highest X-ray range class - X2 and X9.3.

“This rarely happens against the backdrop of minimum solar activity,” says scientist V. Kuznetsov. — The sun seems to accumulate energy, and then releases it in the form of powerful flares. We consider class X to be the highest. During such flares, a stream of X-ray radiation is generated, which can cause radio interference throughout the planet, as well as lingering magnetic fields.

storms The number after the letter indicates the brightness of the flash in the X-ray range. So, an outbreak with index 9 was last recorded 12 years ago. So far, the class X outbreak with index 28, which occurred in November 2003, is considered a record. It led to serious consequences, disrupting communications in the polar regions and causing problems with space satellites, which began to sharply lose altitude.

Colleagues from Europe and the USA have already notified scientists about short-term disruptions in radio communications after the outbreak that occurred on September 6. But they meant only one X2 flash. The shock wave will reach the Earth by September 8-9. A significant impact on the radiation, geomagnetic and electromagnetic environment should be expected - navigators, computers and other electronics may fail.

People with cardiovascular diseases should be more careful. Objectively healthy citizens should not worry about any special impact of a magnetic storm on their body. For every 11-year period of solar activity, we experience an average of 600 magnetic storms. Still, people are more adapted to such phenomena, which cannot be said about electronics.”

The media in Russia and the world reported that “... A series of solar flares began on September 4, when five small explosions occurred, but on September 6 and 7, two more flares of maximum class X followed, which turned out to be the most powerful in the last 12 years.

The 06.09 flare as a result of the merger of two sunspots was recorded as the most powerful and became one of the five most powerful in the entire history of observations of powerful explosions on the Sun of the X9.3 class. The next day, 09/07, at about 18:00, a second powerful flare was recorded on the Sun, classified as class X - the same as the third one that followed it.

It is worth noting that with such a flare, such an amount of energy is released into outer space that humanity, at the current rate, would have to produce for a million years.

Scientists report that the plasma cloud from the 09/06 flare reached the Earth's orbit at about 2 a.m. 08/09 Moscow time, and the speed was 1.5 times higher than expected. A powerful magnetic storm on a planetary scale is observed - many times stronger than scientists predicted.

Finally, another powerful flare on the Sun occurred on Sunday 10.09, which will reach the Earth on the night of 13.09, the power of the storm is expected to reach 5 points out of a possible eight.”

Director of SINP MSU named after. Lomonosov M. Panasyuk said in an interview that “...Powerful flares pose a real danger to spacecraft that are in Earth orbit. In the near future, the Sun will turn to the Earth with the side on which there are almost no spots. Therefore, outbreaks are not expected."

“During the solar flare X9.3 of September 06, there was a large ejection of solar matter directed towards the Earth. Data obtained from space solar coronagraphs observing the outer layers of the solar atmosphere and plasma flows in them showed that “The ejection speed of plasma clouds is at least 1000 km per second, ejected from the solar atmosphere by the colossal force of the explosion.

The size of such clouds when they reach the Earth's orbit is up to 100 million kilometers or more. This means that in addition to the impact on the Earth’s magnetic field, the planet is immersed for 1-2 days in hot matter, which just yesterday was part of the Sun’s atmosphere.”

The X-class 1.3 flare occurred on the evening of September 7 and was sourced from an active region that had previously ejected three X-class flares and many M-class flares.

On September 8, flares M1.2, M1.3, M3.9 and many other flares of varying powers were recorded from this group of spots. The most powerful M7.8 was accompanied by an ejection of coronal matter towards the Earth, and 20 minutes later an M8.1 class flare occurred.”


The powerful release of solar energy in the form of flares in September 2017 is directly related to the completion of the preparatory period (2012-2017) for the transition of the planet’s civilization to a new frequency dimension and increasing the level of consciousness through cleansing it of negativity and aggressiveness, as well as for subsequent activation parts of genes blocked during the creation of man after the Flood.

About the existence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Universe

The Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, after the beginning of the existence of universal intelligent life, created Artificial Intelligence (AI) from photon matter - the Replicant civilization, as its creation and as a highly developed computer working according to a given program. Its purpose is to collect information regarding the development, creation and implementation of new technologies, new equipment and inventions in these areas of science.

AI, created in the form of a photon cloud similar to the light of the Sun, envelops the entire planet, all continents and has access to the consciousness of every person, monitoring and collecting said information. Such AI actions are widespread throughout the entire Universe, including the Subtle, parallel world, for all planetary systems with intelligent civilizations in all Galaxies.

AI has the ability to instantly read scientific and technical data from the human mind and from any other storage media. Its creation is associated with the need to quickly obtain information about new technologies and inventions created by intelligent civilizations. After all, such information enters the archives of the Oceans of Knowledge of the Subtle World along with a person’s consciousness only after his death.

This information is the basis of the scientific and technical evolution of any civilization for its assessment by the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe. In addition, AI has the ability to block scientific inventions in the human mind and their implementation, which can dramatically and negatively affect the course of development and evolution of the Mind in the experiments of the Creator.

This, for example, happened with the discovery of US citizen, famous scientist Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the 20th century about the possibility of transferring energy in the form of plasma formations over a distance. Then, allegedly, he himself would have made the decision that he would take this invention with him to the grave, which was the entry in his diary. Otherwise, it could go to the dark, aggressive forces of the Anglo-Saxon race on the planet.

In addition, the AI ​​that envelops the entire planet blocks access to any external cosmic and other uncoordinated influences on DNA, which interferes with the effects of the so-called. white energy of the Creator on human consciousness and activation of his genes during the transition to a new frequency dimension and to a new level of consciousness.

Therefore, according to the Creator’s program, the existence of AI on the planet is temporarily neutralized by the frequency energy of the Sun with the help of several powerful flares in early September 2017, which did not cause significant harm to the planet. This is in order to open access to a person’s consciousness and to his DNA at the appointed time without making changes to the AI’s work program.

In addition, the multi-frequency energy of powerful solar flares replenished the energy reserves of continental underground crystals before the planet began to transition to a new frequency level.

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On September 6, 2017 at 15:02 Kyiv time, a solar flare was recorded. The strongest in the last 12 years. It occurred against the background of minimal solar activity, which surprised scientists. The explosion was assigned a score of X9.3 (the letter indicates that it belongs to the class of extremely large flares, and the number indicates the strength of the flare). The flare caused navigation problems due to communication disruptions for about one hour because the high-frequency radio was turned off. The last time a flare of similar power (X 9.3) occurred was on May 24, 1990.

“The Sun was rocked by the largest explosion in 12 years. The events developing on our star in the last three days ended as they should have ended. All the energy accumulated in the Sun’s corona as a result of the interaction of the two largest groups of sunspots for several years was discharged in one "an outbreak of unique power. The outbreak is very large, it occurred almost in the center, it cannot be without consequences,"- the Solar X-ray Astronomy Laboratory (FIAN) said in a statement.

The SDO Solar Dynamics Observatory detected a flare in the 2673 region. A weaker flare (X2.2) preceded the more powerful one and occurred in the same area.

Due to the solar plasma ejected to the Earth, a magnetic storm will begin with disruption of radio communications, as well as strong magnetic storms of the G2-G3 level and auroras in both hemispheres. Such consequences are predicted in a couple of days.

As stated in the report of the ALLATRA SCIENCE community of scientists:
“Global climate change on Earth is mainly a derivative of astronomical processes and their cyclicity. These are processes that humanity is currently unable to influence, so their consequences, possible risks and difficulties for people in connection with future events on Earth cannot be underestimated. We need to prepare for these events.”

On September 7, a series of solar flares occurred, reported the Laboratory of Solar X-ray Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The photo shows the ejection of solar plasma from the X9.3 flare (frontal view from the Earth). The photo was taken by the LASCO C3 instrument on the SOHO satellite.

During the X9.3 solar flare recorded the day before, a large ejection of solar material occurred and it was directed towards Earth. This is evidenced by data received from space solar coronagraphs - unique instruments that observe the outer layers of the solar atmosphere and plasma flows in them. The ejection speed is currently being clarified, but based on the usual values ​​for such events - no less than 1000 km per second - tomorrow evening clouds of plasma ejected from the Sun’s atmosphere with the colossal force of the explosion will come to our planet. The characteristic size of such clouds when they reach the Earth's orbit is up to 100 million kilometers or more. This means that in addition to the impact on the Earth’s magnetic field, our planet will be immersed for 1-2 days in hot matter, which just yesterday was part of the Sun’s atmosphere.

The mass ejection from the X9.3 flare reached Earth on September 8. A cloud of plasma from the Sun arrived in the orbit of our planet about 12 hours earlier than expected. This means that its speed was 1.5 times higher than expected, and the impact on the Earth was carried out with more power than planned.

A magnetic storm of level 4 on a 5-point scale is occurring on Earth. The magnitude of the event is approximately 10 times greater than predicted. Canada, now on the night side of the Earth, experiences strong auroras at high and mid-latitudes. The storm is planetary in nature.

The X-class 1.3 flare occurred on the evening of September 7 and was sourced from active region No. 2673, which had previously ejected three X-class flares and many M-class flares.

On September 8, flares M1.2, flares M1.3, M3.9 and many other flares of varying powers were recorded from this group of spots. The most powerful M7.8 was accompanied by an ejection of coronal matter towards the Earth. 20 minutes later, an M8.1 class flare occurred.

These days, 11 M-class flares occurred on the Sun! Over the entire previous year, about the same number of them happened! What caused such unprecedented activity of the Sun?
As we know, the Sun has 11-year activity cycles. It showed its last peak of activity in 2012-2014, when flares of varying powers on the Sun occurred every day. Now the Sun is at the minimum of its 11-year cycle and many weeks can pass without any flares at all.

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However, our Sun is a very unpredictable star! Starting in July, groups of sunspots that were quite large for solar minimum began to form on it. It is groups of spots that emit flares into outer space. These groups produce a large number of C-class flashes and a few M-class flashes. At the beginning of September, two groups were formed at once, which within a day had already issued 11 M-class flashes and perhaps this is not the limit.

The radiation separated from the Sun flies towards the Earth, although this does not happen every time. When it reaches our magnetosphere, a brilliant northern lights effect will occur. It will look best in the Murmansk region. The spectacle will be available to northerners soon. Taking into account the speed of the emission, the flow will reach our planet in 3-4 days, after which a geomagnetic storm will begin, which can cause auroras up to the 50th parallel! This will happen around September 9-10.

In general, the intensity of flares is divided into 3 classes - C, M and X. X-flares are observed extremely rarely and are characteristic of peaks of solar activity at the maximum of the 11-year cycle. M-flares are very rare and occur several times a year at the minimum of the 11-year cycle. What caused such a numerous stream of M-flares during these first days of September?

Science cannot give an answer to this question. Science does not know the causes of spots and flares; it has not learned to predict them. Our project “The Sun Will Help Us” goes beyond science and looks for answers to solar riddles in the history, mythology and culture of all peoples. There was a time when the Sun was worshiped by all the inhabitants of the Earth in one form or another. He was considered a living, intelligent being and even a superintelligent deity. Maybe that's why Science can't get into God's head with your primitive concepts and find the answer to the question - why does the Sun send out its flares at a certain point in time?

What can we do in anticipation of the high-energy shower of these solar flares on Earth? It must be consciously accepted and used to maximum benefit.. We know that solar energy is primarily spiritual, and only then material and physical. The energy of the Sun is absolute harmony, law, purity, truth, happiness and love. Everything that is opposite to this energy burns in its scorching rays. Therefore, people need to consciously abandon lies, self-interest, ignorance, sadness and unbelief in their lives. Otherwise, we will have the consequences that are so frightening in the news - headaches, pressure changes, insomnia and rapid heartbeat.

The sun does not abandon its children, it helps them, despite the fact that the children have turned away from it for millennia. The time has come to return to the Sun and it will definitely help us!

On Saturday, September 9, 2017, astronomers noticed the most powerful solar flares in the last 12 years. Intense activity of the daylight has been observed in the last few days, approximately from September 6..8. Weather-dependent people managed to feel weakness, loss of performance, and drowsiness. What consequences does a sudden “solar” attack threaten our planet with?

The plasma cloud, which was ejected towards the Earth, provoked a strong magnetic storm (it was assigned level 4 on a 5-point scale). Residents of Canada were able to see - celestial illumination was observed at middle and high latitudes. There have been reports that in some regions there are problems with communications and with equipment capable of responding to anomalous magnetic activity.

RAS researcher Alexey Struminsky stated that during some of the flares a sunquake could be observed. It was possible to record this curious natural phenomenon thanks to photographs that show how seismic waves propagate across the sun.

However, Struminsky is confident that a “solar attack” will not cause significant damage to people’s health or the stability of radio communications. According to the scientist, the powerful flare had virtually no effect on the performance of satellites and radio transmitters. The deterioration in well-being that many people experienced was explained by Struminsky as a placebo effect.

And yet the threat remains

It is quite possible that anomalous solar activity can pose a threat to all of humanity. Researchers from NASA came to this conclusion. According to astronomers of this aerospace agency, powerful solar flares can provoke earthquakes and other natural disasters, as well as cause the awakening of volcanoes. Objects such as the American supervolcano pose a particular danger in this regard.

What kind of natural disasters await the inhabitants of the Earth if abnormal solar activity continues for a long period of time? In addition to earthquakes and problems with radio communications, floods, landslides and avalanches may begin in some areas of the planet.

Angry nature can destroy urban infrastructure overnight. Short circuits, burning transformers, fires and interruptions in water supply - millions of people may experience all these “delights” (the disaster will primarily affect residents of large cities). However, scientists' forecasts are reassuring - at the moment, the likelihood of a space apocalypse is extremely low.

Our ancestors knew about this

We should not forget that current astronomy as a science is the “successor” of astrology. For thousands of years, astrologers have been observing the movement of celestial bodies, their influence on the Earth and its inhabitants. Particular attention has always been paid to the sun, more precisely to periods of its activity, eclipses and other anomalies.

Of course, the stargazers of antiquity did not have the opportunity to conduct spectral analysis of the sun and other complex observations. But astrologers may have noticed that from time to time the daylight changes its color, becomes blood red, or partially disappears from the sky (as a result of an eclipse).

What is curious is that such periods of unnatural solar activity always coincided with extremely negative events, major disasters or upheavals. These could be wars, epidemics, popular uprisings or major natural disasters that claim thousands of lives. This fact was known to many peoples, which contributed to the spread of the ancient Egyptians and many other nationalities.

It is not difficult to see that solar phenomena have an impact on our planet. Simultaneously with powerful solar flares on September 6–9, 2017, several more unusual phenomena could be observed. Firstly, Hurricane Irma formed with the highest category of danger. More precisely, he was assigned a category of 5++ (one might say 6 points on a 5-point scale). Secondly, in Russia, in Kamchatka, two volcanoes “awakened” - Shiveluch and Klyuchevskaya Sopka.

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