Second higher education in neuropsychology. Neuropsychology. Curriculum of the advanced training program “Childhood Neuropsychology”


UPCOMING GROUPS: August 8, August 22, September 5, September 19, October 3, October 17, October 31, November 14, November 28, December 12, 26 December

Program name


Hours according to the curriculum / duration of study

552 hours / 6 months

1080 hours / 6 months EXTERNAL
1080 hours / 9 months

Results document




without assigning a new qualification

Diploma of professional retraining according to the program "Neuropsychology",

giving the right to conduct a new type of professional activity,

with the assignment of a new qualification "Neuropsychologist"

Requirements to




Any secondary vocational or higher education

Type of final


Interdisciplinary test

Interdisciplinary test
Writing a final qualifying thesis


552 hours / 6 months 32,000 rub.

1080 hours / 6 months EXTERNAL RUB 38,000.
1080 hours / 9 months 44,000 rub.

Payment in stages! The price is for the full course of training! No extra charges! Delivery of documents by Russian Post 1st class at our expense!

With works on neuropsychology by such outstanding scientists as Wiesel T.G. “Fundamentals of neuropsychology”, Akhutina T.V., Glozman Zh.M., Semenovich A.V. "Neuropsychological correction in childhood. Method of replacement ontogenesis" can be found in open sources

About the program:
  • The program includes the amount of knowledge necessary to obtain high-quality professional training and complies with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • We involved in the development of the program: clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, speech pathologists, associate professors and candidates of science, professors and doctors of science from leading public and private universities, as well as specialists from medical institutions.
  • You can become a listener with ANY secondary vocational or higher education.
  • You will have in-depth knowledge of neuropsychology.
  • The training program includes the entire range of professional disciplines.
  • We issue a diploma of professional training of the established form, containing all levels of protection of state documents.
  • Distance learning allows you to study without interrupting work and gain new knowledge and a new specialty in a short time.
Disciplines studied under the professional retraining program "Neuropsychology":
  1. Neurology. General ideas about the structure of the nervous system
  2. Structural-functional model of integrative brain work
  3. Examination methods in neurology
  4. Basics of speech therapy. Introduction to speech therapy, its subject, tasks, methods
  5. Psychology of childhood and adolescence
  6. Psychophysiology
  7. General psychology
  8. Psychology of abnormal development
  9. Differential psychology. Psychology of Individual Differences
  10. Anatomy and physiology of higher nervous activity and sensory systems
  11. Structural and functional organization of the brain
  12. History of neuropsychology and neuropsychological rehabilitation
  13. Neuropsychology as a science: current development trends
  14. Neuropsychological diagnostics
  15. Interhemispheric asymmetry and interhemispheric interaction
  16. Neuropsychology of childhood
  17. Neuropsychological diagnostics and counseling in childhood
  18. Clinical neuropsychology
  19. Neuropsychological symptoms of focal brain lesions
  20. Neuropsychological syndromes
  21. Neuropsychological assistance to persons with diffuse brain lesions
  22. Neuropsychology of memory
  23. Neuropsychology of writing, reading and counting. Dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyscalculia
  24. Neuropsychology of cognitive development
  25. Specificity of focal brain lesions. Neuropsychological aspects of various types of traumatization
  26. Neuropsychological analysis of disorders of higher mental functions
  27. Neuropsychological analysis of disorders of the emotional-personal sphere and consciousness
  28. Neuropsychological correction of disorders of higher mental functions and habilitation of deviant behavior
  29. Aphasiology
  30. Neuropsychology in the psychology of physicality and psychosomatics
  31. Neuropsychology of adults. Principles and algorithms of psychological assistance and rehabilitation

|Marina Emelianenko | 1128

Neuropsychology is a discipline that deals with disorders of higher human mental functions, namely attention, perception, memory and speech, that appear as a result of brain damage.

Currently, science is developing in two directions - theoretical and clinical neuropsychology. This division occurs because each of the directions solves its own special problems. Specialists in theoretical neuropsychology solve the problem of “brain and psyche,” and specialists in clinical neuropsychology focus on people with limitations in the functioning of the brain.

What is the job of a neuropsychologist?

Neuropsychology has high potential because it combines and draws on knowledge from various disciplines. The most important of them are psychology, physiology, anatomy, neurology, and psychiatry.

One of the responsibilities of a specialist in the field of neuropsychology is to study and analyze the personal characteristics of the patients’ psyche, as well as to provide them with high-quality treatment, the result of which will be the client’s complete or partial adaptation to the living conditions available at this stage.

Neuropsychology is divided into adult and pediatric, which is a younger, rapidly developing field, and therefore uses adult diagnostic methods.

Most often, neuropsychologists interact with children who have a range of diseases and disorders. Among them are the following:

Cerebral palsy;
. All kinds of violations of the internal processes of controlling one’s own behavior, as well as attention (this phenomenon is classified by experts as attention deficit disorder, as well as hyperactivity disorder);
. Difficulties in the process of adaptation to society;
. Having a high level of fatigue;
. The presence of slow learning processes and assimilation of the school curriculum.

A specialist neuropsychologist studies the relationship between the structure and principles of functioning of the human brain with its mental processes and behavior. Neuropsychologists most often work in scientific and research companies that engage in clinical research, as well as in specialized hospitals, investigative and judicial organizations. Specialists may work as consultants in various organizations where neuropsychological knowledge is important and applied in product development.

The main responsibilities of a neuropsychologist include:

Conducting neuropsychological diagnostics and neurocorrection, as well as sensorimotor correction;
. Conducting classes on neuropsychological topics;
. Drawing up an individual neurocorrection plan;
. Conducting individual and group neuropsychological correction;
. Maintaining reporting documentation.

The result of the work of a neuropsychologist can be considered an accurate psychological diagnosis and restoration of speech in the patient. The specialist can find a suitable area of ​​application of the patient’s knowledge and skills as a result of the research and according to the examination data. This point is very important, since based on the conclusion of a neuropsychologist, medical labor experts classify the patient into a certain category.

Personal and professional qualities

To become a highly qualified specialist, an applicant must have a number of personal qualities that will help achieve success in the profession:

The ability to induce a feeling of calm in the patient, to win over and establish long-term trusting relationships with him;
. Stress resistance;
. Well-developed analytical thinking and a penchant for this type of work;
. Having an interest in specialties related to the field of medicine;
. The desire to learn.

Since the majority of a neuropsychologist’s patients are children, the specialist must be able to work with this category and know the characteristics of their growth and development.

In addition, the neuropsychologist must have professional knowledge in the following disciplines:

. Clinical and age anatomy;
. Hygiene and physiology;
. Psychotherapy;
. Neurology;
. Physiology of sensory systems and higher nervous activity;
. Psychiatry;
. Physiology of the central nervous system.

Particular attention is paid to child-oriented sections of these sciences.

A neuropsychologist must have an understanding of both clinical psychology and neuroscience in order to design effective treatment programs for patients. One of the tasks performed by a neuropsychologist is to observe and analyze the effectiveness of methods used to improve mental functions, as well as their timely correction. This becomes possible if the specialist has knowledge of modern diagnostic techniques and has the skills to use them correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The positive aspects of the profession of a neuropsychologist are:

The ability to provide high-quality and necessary care and support to patients;
. Work in good conditions;
. If there is a sufficient amount of knowledge, there is a high level of demand for a specialist in the labor market;
. The presence of interesting and unusual cases in practice.

Disadvantages include:

High level of responsibility for the health and life of the patient. At the same time, the patient’s further mental state and behavior depends on precisely selected methods recommended for treatment;
. Not too high wages at the beginning of a career and when working in government agencies;
. Possible difficulties in working with clients who do not want to independently carry out a mental correction program.

Salary and career

As in any profession, the salary of a neuropsychologist is directly dependent on the country and region in which he operates. For example, in the capital, a specialist who has just completed his education and started working has a salary of about 20 thousand rubles. An experienced neuropsychologist can earn up to 50, and sometimes up to 90 thousand rubles per month.

If it is possible to carry out private practice, wages can increase significantly and increase significantly. However, this is only possible if you have a large amount of knowledge in the field of neuropsychology.

A professional neuropsychologist can build his career as the head of a department in the institution where he works. Many representatives of the profession open private offices and can engage in scientific activities. Work in this area often extends beyond the country’s borders, which allows for good prospects in international practice.

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 50000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 90000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salaries in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in your chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only to what vacancies are offered to you on the labor market.

Demand for the profession

The traditional place of work for specialists such as neuropsychologists is neurosurgical clinics. They can also get a job as a teacher-psychologist in one of the educational institutions or become employees of a medical-psychological center.

Who is the profession suitable for?

Important qualities:

  • Strong nerves
  • strong materialistic beliefs
  • penchant for analytical work
  • interest in medical specialties
  • desire to learn


  • carrying out neuropsychological diagnostics and neurocorrection, as well as sensorimotor correction
  • conducting neuropsychological classes
  • drawing up an individual neurocorrection plan
  • conducting individual and group neuropsychological correction
  • reporting.
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Neuropsychologist deals with the correction of certain functions of the human psyche, which helps improve their functioning. The result of its activity is the restoration of speech, normalization of the characteristics of perception, thinking, as well as various higher functions of the psyche. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

A representative of this profession works closely with teachers and clinical psychologists.

Features of the profession

The work of a neuropsychologist helps the client adapt to the living conditions in which he is currently located. There are officially two branches of neuropsychology: adult and child. The second is younger and is developing very quickly, without yet having an official branch. That is why neuropsychology uses the same diagnostic methods for children’s mental problems as for adults.

Most often, neuropsychologists work with children who suffer from:

  • disturbances in the processes of controlling one’s own behavior, as well as attention (this phenomenon is classified as attention deficit disorder, as well as hyperactivity disorder);
  • difficulties in the process of socialization (adaptation to society);
  • increased fatigue;
  • slow process of mastering the school curriculum.

This specialist also helps children with limited mental abilities of a congenital nature or those that appeared during life, for example, after injuries. For each child, a neuropsychologist selects a special training program, thanks to which effective correction of mental functions is possible. It consists of performing a variety of tasks aimed at improving attention, memory, etc.

A clinical psychologist in the field of neuropsychology also works with adult patients. They resort to the help of this specialist after damage to the nervous system, which has suffered as a result of illness, physical and psychological trauma. It is important to remember: this specialist is not a doctor.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • providing care to patients;
  • work in good conditions;
  • demand (if the specialist has sufficient knowledge);
  • the ability to collect information for scientific work;
  • interesting cases in practice.


  • responsibility for the patient’s health and life (the patient’s further mental state and behavior depend on correctly selected methods recommended for treatment);
  • low salaries in government agencies;
  • difficulties in working with those patients who do not want to complete the mental adjustment program.

Important qualities

Regarding human, and not professional qualities, a representative of this profession needs to be able to win over the patient and establish a trusting relationship with him. A prerequisite is the presence of empathy, but at the same time the ability to abstract, without letting the patient’s problems pass through oneself. It is also necessary to have a stable nervous system, since in practice we often encounter difficult cases of diseases.

A neuropsychologist must be able to work with children, since they make up the majority of the total number of patients. Patience and endurance are required.

In addition, a representative of this profession will require constant professional development and self-education. The majority of research in the field of neuropsychology is published in English, so it is important to have knowledge of this language. In addition, at various international seminars in this language it will be possible to exchange experiences with specialists from other countries.

Where to study to become a Neuropsychologist


To become a specialist in this profile, you first need to obtain a higher education in the profession of “clinical psychologist”. Next, you need to improve your qualifications in graduate school, at the same time defend your candidate's dissertation, and then your doctorate.

Place of work

After graduation, neuropsychologists are employed in government agencies as clinical psychologists, as well as in neurosurgical clinics. They often choose the position of educational psychologist and work in medical and psychological centers. In addition, a representative of this profession can get a job in a private clinic, which usually offers a flexible work schedule and high income.


Salary as of September 16, 2019

Russia 15000—70000 ₽

Moscow 25000—150000 ₽

The salary of a neuropsychologist depends on the country and region in which he operates. Directly in Moscow, an employee who has just started practicing receives about 20,000 rubles, and an experienced specialist earns 50,000 rubles. Payment for the work of a professional specialist in the field of neuropsychology can be more than 90,000 rubles. Those in private practice can earn much more, provided that they truly have fundamental knowledge in the field of neuropsychology.


One of the career paths for a neuropsychologist is the opportunity to become the head of a department. Many specialists open private offices and also engage in scientific activities, which often extend beyond the country. This opens up great prospects in international practice.

Professional knowledge

For a clinical psychologist in the field of neuropsychology, it is necessary to have knowledge in such areas as:

  • psychophysiology;
  • clinical and age anatomy;
  • hygiene and physiology;
  • psychotherapy;
  • neurology;
  • physiology of sensory systems, as well as higher nervous activity;
  • psychiatry;
  • physiology of the central nervous system.

Particular attention should be paid to the sections of these areas that are aimed at children.

A neuropsychologist must have an understanding of both clinical psychology and neuroscience in order to design effective treatment programs for patients. At the same time, he must monitor how effective the method of improving mental functions is, and also correct it in a timely manner. This is possible with the help of knowledge of modern diagnostic methods, as well as the ability to use them.

Famous people in this profession

Luria Alexander Romanovich- founder of Russian neuropsychology. The direction was opened after research into the mechanisms of the brain in those patients who suffered from local lesions of this organ, often as a result of injuries. Luria put forward the hypothesis that it is impossible to correct only one part of the brain: it is necessary to carry out complex work of all its nodes. He approved the classification of aphasic disorders and discovered several forms of speech disorders.

Velichkovsky Boris Mitrofanovich- Russian psychologist, professor of neuropsychology, head of the department of neurocognitive sciences. He created more than 10 works devoted to research in the field of psychology and neuropsychology.

David Myers. American social psychologist. The author of famous works in the field of psychology, including the book “Social Psychology,” which makes it possible to understand the basic principles of this science using very simple examples.

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 50000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 90000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salaries in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in your chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only to what vacancies are offered to you on the labor market.

Demand for the profession

The traditional place of work for specialists such as neuropsychologists is neurosurgical clinics. They can also get a job as a teacher-psychologist in one of the educational institutions or become employees of a medical-psychological center.

Who is the profession suitable for?

Important qualities:

  • Strong nerves
  • strong materialistic beliefs
  • penchant for analytical work
  • interest in medical specialties
  • desire to learn


The main career opportunity for a neuropsychologist is the opportunity to take the position of head of a department if you have the appropriate skills and qualities. This specialist may also pursue a scientific career or open his own private office.


  • carrying out neuropsychological diagnostics and neurocorrection, as well as sensorimotor correction
  • conducting neuropsychological classes
  • drawing up an individual neurocorrection plan
  • conducting individual and group neuropsychological correction
  • reporting.
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