The relationship between the professional competence of a teacher and the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Institution. Topic: “professional competence of teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” Pedagogical competence of a teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Grigorieva Olga Nikolaevna, teacher,

MDOU general developmental kindergarten

with priority implementation of activities

in one of the areas of student development

No. 40 "Beryozka", Serpukhov

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” puts preschool education at the first level of general education. Its goal is the harmonious development of the child.

Modern life dictates new conditions, as a result of which:

Child development centers,

Kindergartens with care and health groups,

Schools, kindergartens,

Compensatory institutions for children with disabilities,

Kindergartens with a priority direction in development,

General development institutions,

Combined type institutions. [ 4 ]

Many educators find themselves unable to implement the priority areas of educational activity of a particular type of preschool educational institution. In this regard, the development of professional competence becomes relevant.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a new general education program for preschool education has been developed, which includes a Mandatory part of the Program and a part formed by participants in educational relations, and also includes inclusive education and takes into account the ethnocultural situation.

And here it is also important professional competence of the teacher.

Competence is the basic quality of an individual, which includes a set of interrelated personality qualities necessary for high-quality productive activity. Professional competence- the ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving professional problems.

The main professional task of a teacher is to create conditions for the harmonious development of children. To do this, a preschool teacher must have the following professional competencies, How:

1) respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs,

2) the ability to communicate with each child,

3) the ability to create conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities;

4) the ability to create conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;

5) the ability to provide non-directive assistance to children, support children’s initiative and independence in various types of activities,

6) the ability to create conditions for positive, friendly relationships between children, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as those with different (including limited) health capabilities;

7) the ability to develop children’s communication abilities, allowing them to resolve conflict situations with peers;

8) the ability to create conditions for mastering cultural means of activity;

9) the ability to organize activities that contribute to the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical and artistic-aesthetic development of children;

10) the ability to assess the individual development of each child,

11) the ability to interact with parents on issues of the child’s education, to involve them in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family.

The basic education received by a teacher creates only the prerequisites for the formation of professional competence. In addition, recently there has been a tendency to increase the number of teachers without special preschool education, teachers whose professional training does not meet modern requirements of preschool education, and trainee teachers with established pedagogical stereotypes.

Practice shows that in order to carry out one’s activities at a high professional level, to apply pedagogically sound forms, methods of teaching and education that ensure high quality education, it is necessary to improve one’s professional level.

The demands of the modern world are such that knowledge acquired once is not enough. It is necessary to improve yourprofessional competence.

Let us highlight the main ways of its development:

Refresher courses,

Research, experimental activities,

Innovative activities, development of new pedagogical technologies,

Active participation in pedagogical competitions, master classes,

Participation in methodological associations,

Ability to navigate the information flow,

Generalization of one’s own teaching experience,

and most importantly, self-education.

Self-education, an integral part of the continuous education system, acts as a link between basic education and periodic advanced training.

Most educators cannot (and in some cases do not want) to independently improve their professionalism. External factors have an impact (wages, material and technical equipment, work overload, everyday difficulties, etc.), but there are also subjective reasons that depend on the teachers themselves. They lack persistence, determination, and self-educational skills.

Therefore, it is very important to understand the importance of self-education and strive for your own development. As K.I. Chukovsky said, “Only that knowledge is durable and valuable that you have acquired yourself, prompted by your own passion...”

Self-education is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself, the acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field. [pedagogical dictionary].

The criteria for self-education are:

Efficiency of professional activities,

Creative growth of a teacher,

Introduction of new pedagogical technologies into the educational process.

There are various forms of self-education. Here are the main ones:

studying literature, reviewing information on the Internet, listening to lectures, reports, consultations, attending seminars, conferences, trainings, as well as practical activities.

Despite the fact that the age of computerization has come, the book still remains one of the main assistants.

There are several methods for working with the book:

Reading - viewing,

Selective reading

Full reading

Reading with elaboration of the material (taking notes).

There are several types of records:



While reading, you must use dictionaries, encyclopedias, and reference books.

It is important that knowledge acquired from one source be supplemented by information from another. This forces the teacher to compare, analyze, draw conclusions, and form his own opinion on some issue. It is important to be able to accumulate and store received information, facts, and knowledge.

It is necessary to formulate a certain algorithm for self-education:

Selecting a topic

Definition of goals and objectives,

Drawing up a work plan,

Selection of activities to work on the topic,

Selection of sources,

Analysis of results.

Properly organized work on self-education should become an incentive both for the professional skills of the teacher and for personal development.

The appendix contains tests with which you can check your level of independent work skills and the degree of formation of self-education work, and there is also a reminder for solving problems that arose during the work.

Analyze your answers and draw conclusions.

Self-education is the first step to the development of professional skills. The result of the teacher’s efforts is to improve work with children and create conditions for the birth of new experiences.

Only through self-education and creative searches will a teacher achieve his mastery. The development of professional competence will enable teachers to choose effective ways to solve professional problems, creatively perform professional duties, improve their qualifications, create competitiveness, and most importantly, improve the quality of preschool education.


Questionnaire “Degree of proficiency in independent work skills”

Part 1. Skills.

Criteria for evaluation:

Fluent - 3 points

My command is mediocre - 2 points

I don’t speak - 1 point

Independent work skills


Work with educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature: selection, analysis of what was read, writing notes, theses.

The ability to draw conclusions from a literature review and identify the most pressing problems of a child’s mental development.

Preservation of information material, reproduction of necessary information from memory.

Identification of the main key concepts in any information material, drawing up supporting diagrams of the studied topic.

Independent mastery of pedagogical and psychological concepts with the help of reference materials.

Systematization, grouping of the studied facts of the situation into semantic blocks, drawing up diagrams, graphs, tables.

The ability to express a reasoned judgment on a problem, to substantiate or refute a judgment.

Independent identification of the problem, theoretical and practical problems, study of the solution hypothesis.

Self-control and self-analysis of one’s own actions when performing various types of tasks while working with literature.

The ability to set goals, plan your work, and allocate time for self-education.

The ability to independently choose a form of report on the work done that is adequate to one’s capabilities.

Level of independent work skills:

24-33 points - high,

15-23 points - average,

1-14 points – low.

Part 2. Possible problem when studying the material.

Criteria for evaluation:

Yes - 1 point

I don’t know – 2 points,

No - 3 points.



When selecting literature, I get lost in its abundance and find it difficult to make the right choice.

When working with methodological literature, I cannot deeply comprehend the material I read.

When studying a topic, you get the feeling that much is not remembered.

Extensive information material has been received (“mess in the head”), the significance of the information is lost

I can’t remember a large number of concepts in this methodological course.

In the report on the topic of self-education (in the form of an interview, speech at a seminar, teachers’ meeting, etc.) everything is confused, I don’t know where to start.

I have no self-confidence, I’m overly worried, I’m afraid of being misunderstood, of seeming funny, so it’s difficult to express what I’ve learned, my point of view.

I remember and understand the theoretical material well, but I have difficulty applying it in practice.

8-10 points - I have difficulties in self-education,

11-18 points - it is necessary to systematize the work on self-education,

19-24 points - proper organization of self-education work

Memo. Possible problems in self-education work and ways to solve them [5]

Possible problem


1. I can’t decide on the topic of self-education

· From the variety of problems arising from the results of a diagnostic examination, observations of children, job analysis, etc., select the one that is the main one for you and the solution of which could give lasting positive results.

· Determine the relevance of this problem, prospects and practical significance for improving the educational process. In doing so, rely on regulatory documents: laws, letters of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, conventions, target programs, as well as statistical data.

2. When selecting literature, I get lost in its abundance and find it difficult to make the right choice.

Selection of literature:

· Viewing and reviewing the table of contents, introduction, and summary gives a general idea of ​​the intent of the book and makes reading meaningful and focused.

· Answer the questions: what do I know about this topic? What would you like to know based on the content proposed in the table of contents?

Drawing up a plan for studying specific selected literature:

· Start by studying traditional techniques for this problem.

· Include modern views on the problem

· Use the work experience of teachers from other preschool educational institutions.

3. When working with methodological literature, I cannot deeply comprehend the material I read.

· As you read, highlight key words, thoughts, judgments.

· Write down the most important, in your opinion, in your own formulation, using various techniques for recording what you read: a brief statement of a thought, a fact; generalizing your own judgments, highlighting the main idea, or highlighting the main thing for yourself with conventional symbols.

· Write down questions that arise as you read the sources.

· Use reference books and dictionaries that cover basic terms and concepts.

4. When studying a topic, you get the feeling that a lot of things are not remembered.

· Make a plan or diagram of the materials obtained during the study.

· Imagine, “play out” possible situations and options for practical actions.

5. Extensive information material has been received (“mess in the head”), the significance of the information is lost.

· Answer the questions: what are the main ideas presented in the manual? What do I know about this topic? What thoughts and judgments can be useful to me in practical work with children.


1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”: text with amendments and additions for 2014.- M.: Eksmo, 2014.- 144 p.

2. Federal State Educational Standard. [Electronic resource]. URL:>Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (access date 10.27.14).

3.Competence. [Electronic encyclopedia]. URL:>competence. (date of access 10.27.14)

4. Asaeva I.N. Development of professional competencies of teachers of preschool institutions of various types in the process of advanced training: abstract of the dissertation for the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences / Asaeva Irina Nikolaevna. [ Electronic resource ]. URL:http://www. nauka- >…13…razvitie-professionalnyh…(access date 10/27/14)

5.Velikzhanina S.V. Self-education teacher's folder. [Electronic resource]. URL:>pedagogika...po-samoobrazovaniyu (access date 10.31.14)

6. Khamdeeva G.R. Professional competence of a modern preschool teacher. [Electronic resource]. URL:http://www. dohkolonok. ru >cons…kompetentnost…pedagoga-dou (date of access 10/27/14)

Professional competence of a preschool teacher

  1. The concept of pedagogical competence.
  2. Content and structure of professional competence of a preschool teacher;

Main components;

Directions of professional competence of a preschool teacher;

Qualities and character traits necessary for the success of an early education teacher;

Principles of professional success in teaching;

Steps to successful activities;

Pedagogical skills as revealing the structure of a teacher’s professional competence.


  1. The concept of pedagogical competence

The development of modern society dictates special conditions for the organization of preschool education, the intensive introduction of innovations, new technologies and methods of working with children. In this situation, professional competence is especially important, the basis of which is the personal and professional development of teachers.

Competence (from Latin competentio from competo I achieve, I comply, I approach)- this is the personal ability of a teacher to solve a certain class of professional problems.

Scientists A.S. Belkin and V.V. Nesterov believe: “In pedagogical terms, competence is a set of professional powers and functions that create the necessary conditions for effective activity in the educational space.”

Competence in relation to vocational education is the ability to apply knowledge, skills and practical experience for successful work activity.

The professional competence of a modern preschool teacher is defined as a set of universal and specific professional attitudes that allow him to cope with a given program and special situations that arise in the psychological and pedagogical process of a preschool institution, by resolving which he contributes to the clarification, improvement, and practical implementation of development tasks, its general and special abilities.

The concept of teacher competence is understood as a value-semantic attitude towards the goals and results of teaching activities, expressed in the conscious performance of professional functions. And this is especially valuable, given that such a position of a teacher is not an innate quality; it is formed under the influence of the entire educational environment, including in the process of additional professional education aimed at changing the inner world that determines the awareness of the actions of a kindergarten teacher.

In accordance with the definition of the concept of “professional competence,” it is proposed to assess the level of professional competence of teaching staff using three criteria:

1. Knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in professional activities.

2. Willingness to solve professional subject problems.

3. The ability to control one’s activities in accordance with accepted rules and regulations.

One of the most important components of professional competence is the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as use them in practical activities.

  1. Content and structure of professional competence of a preschool teacher

The main content of a teacher’s activity is communication, the subjects of which in a preschool educational institution are teachers, parents, and children. The professional competence of a teacher in the field of communication with parents of students characterizes the teacher’s ability to effectively organize the process of communication with parents, taking into account the current educational needs and interests of parents, modern forms and methods of organizing communication.

The main components of a teacher’s professional competence include:

For the high-quality formation of a teacher’s competence, basic knowledge, skills, and abilities are required, which will be improved in the process of self-education.

Modern society places new demands on the competence of a teacher. He must be competent in matters of organization and content of activities for the following directions:

Educational - educational;

Educational and methodological;

Social and pedagogical.

Educational activitiesassumes the following criteria of competence: implementation of a holistic pedagogical process; creation of a development environment; ensuring the protection of children's life and health. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of teacher competence: knowledge of the goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and means of teaching and educating preschoolers; the ability to effectively develop knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the educational program.

Educational and methodological activitiesteacher presupposes the following competence criteria: planning educational work; designing teaching activities based on analysis of achieved results. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of competence: knowledge of the educational program and methods of developing various types of children’s activities; the ability to design, plan and implement a holistic pedagogical process; mastery of technologies for research, pedagogical monitoring, education and training of children.

In addition, having the right to choose both main and partial programs and benefits, the teacher must skillfully combine them, enriching and expanding the content of each area, avoiding “mosaicism”, forming the integrity of the child’s perception. In other words, a competent teacher must be able to competently integrate the content of education, ensure the interconnection of all classes, activities, and events based on the objectives of the child’s upbringing and development.

Social and pedagogical activitiesteacher presupposes the following competency criteria: advisory assistance to parents; creating conditions for the socialization of children; protection of interests and rights. These criteria are supported by the following indicators: knowledge of basic documents on the rights of the child and the responsibilities of adults towards children; ability to conduct explanatory pedagogical work with parents and pre-school specialists.

Based on modern requirements, we can determine the main ways to develop a teacher’s professional competence:

Work in methodological associations, creative groups;

Research, experimental activities;

Innovative activities, development of new pedagogical technologies;

Various forms of pedagogical support;

Active participation in pedagogical competitions, master classes;

Generalization of own teaching experience.

Qualities and character traitsnecessary for the success of a preschool teacher

To determine the prospects for success of a preschool teacher, it is necessary to determine the basic basis and prerequisites. These aspects can be expressed in the form of requirements and a certain standard of the profession:

  • Good knowledge of human nature and interpersonal relationships;
  • Nobility of spirit;
  • Sense of humor;
  • Keen observation;
  • Interest and consideration for others;
  • Contagious passion for preschool childhood;
  • Rich imagination;
  • Energy;
  • Tolerance;
  • Curiosity;
  • Professional preparedness and understanding of how a child develops;
  • Ability to draw up individual education and training programs for age groups or individual children;
  • Understanding the process of integration of educational areas, private methods of preschool education, specific types of children's activities.

Based on the above reasons, we can identify the components of success of a preschool teacher.

Below we consider the main principles implemented in organizational pedagogical activities according to the positions of success (Table 1).

Table 1

Principles of professional success in teaching activities


Pedagogical intent

"Fireworks principle":

Reveal yourself!

All teachers are stars: near and far, big and small, equally beautiful. Each star chooses its own flight path: for some it is long, while for others...

The main thing is the desire to shine!

"The principle of scales":

Find yourself!

Your choice is your possibilities!

There are no truisms; they are born in dispute. A hurricane of social contradictions is raging around. It is important to be independent in the world. Libra-swing is a symbol of constant search, the desire to develop your own point of view.

Win! Try it! Plan!

Each has its own development program, goals and objectives. Everyone chooses the path to success according to their strengths and manifests themselves in different life situations.

"Success Principle":

Realize yourself!

Creating a situation of success. The main thing is to feel the taste of victory. The teacher is an equal partner who takes into account the child’s interests, individual abilities and needs.

Steps to successful activities

From a pedagogical point of view, success is such a purposeful, organized combination of conditions under which it is possible to achieve significant results in the activities of both an individual and a quantity as a whole.

Let us outline several accompanying steps to the successful activity of a teacher.

  1. Perspective of activity and business.
  2. Stimulation.
  3. Gratitude.
  4. Help and support.
  5. Tact.
  6. Responsibility.
  7. Creation.
  8. Ability to admit and correct mistakes.
  9. "Live participation".
  10. Constructive criticism.

Ways to involve teachers in activities that promote success:

  • Design;
  • Solving pedagogical situations;
  • Active – game methods;
  • Workshops and trainings;
  • Professional competitions;
  • Individual and microgroup pedagogical research;
  • Documentary analysis;
  • Writing creative works;
  • Portfolio design;
  • Keeping an analytical diary;
  • Discussion club;
  • Hours of interested information exchange;
  • Visiting colleagues’ children’s activities with subsequent analysis;
  • Development and implementation of professional programs.

The main subjective sources for determining the success of a teacher are:

  • Administration's opinion;
  • Analysis and opinion of methodologists, members of GMOs and expert groups;
  • The prevailing perception among colleagues, parents;
  • Demonstrative activity of the teacher, the desire to speak, appear, participate, lead.

The main sources for determining the success of a teacher are:

  • Results of children's education and training in various types of activities;
  • Number of children successfully studying in primary school;
  • Successfully conducted pedagogical events;
  • Generalization of best professional experience;
  • Publications in the local press and media.

Only activities that bring success and high satisfaction become a development factor for the individual.

The structure of a teacher’s professional competence can be revealed through pedagogical skills. It is advisable to build a professional readiness model from the most general to specific skills. This most general skill is the ability to think and act pedagogically, which is closely related to the ability to subject facts and phenomena to theoretical analysis. What unites these two extremely important skills is that they are based on the process of transition from the concrete to the abstract, which can occur at the intuitive, empirical and theoretical levels. Bringing skills to a theoretical level of analysis is one of the most important tasks in teaching future teachers pedagogical skills. Ideally, full compliance of a preschool educational institution teacher with the requirements of the qualification characteristics means the formation of the ability to think and act pedagogically, integrating the entire set of pedagogical skills.

Regardless of the level of generalization of the pedagogical task, the completed cycle of its solution comes down to the triad “think - act - think” and coincides with the components of pedagogical activity and the skills corresponding to them. As a result, the model of a teacher’s professional competence appears as the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness. Pedagogical skills here are combined into four groups:

1. The ability to “translate” the content of the objective process of education into specific pedagogical tasks: studying the individual and the team to determine the level of their preparedness for the active mastery of new knowledge and designing on this basis the development of the team and individual students; identifying a set of educational, educational and developmental tasks, their specification and determination of the dominant task.

2. Ability to build and set in motion a logically complete pedagogical system: comprehensive planning of educational tasks; reasonable selection of the content of the educational process; optimal choice of forms, methods and means of its organization.

3. The ability to identify and establish relationships between the components and factors of education, to put them into action: creating the necessary conditions (material, moral-psychological, organizational, hygienic, etc.); activation of the preschooler’s personality, development of his activities, transforming him from an object into a subject of education; organization and development of joint activities; ensuring the connection of the preschool educational institution with the environment, regulating external non-programmable influences.

4. Skills in recording and assessing the results of teaching activities: self-analysis and analysis of the educational process and the results of the teacher’s activities; defining a new set of dominant and subordinate pedagogical tasks.

But none of the above will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions in which the teacher independently realizes the need to improve the level of his own professional qualities. Analysis of one’s own teaching experience activates the teacher’s professional self-development, as a result of which research skills are developed, which are then integrated into teaching activities.

The most important thing, in my opinion, in the profession of a preschool teacher is to love your job and your students. I really like the words of L.N. Tolstoy:“If a teacher has only love for what he does, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If the teacher combinesLove to business and to students, he is a perfect teacher.”

The current situation in education requires special training of specialists. Only a teacher who is ready for change, who is personally developing in the profession, who has a high level of knowledge and skills, reflection, and a developed ability for design activities, that is, a professionally competent teacher, can prepare children for change.


1. Zakharash, T. Modern update of the content of teacher training // Preschool education - 2011

2.Psychology and pedagogy: Textbook. O. B. Betina. 2006

3. Svatalova, T. Toolkit for assessing the professional competence of teachers // Preschool education - 2011

4. Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Proc. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002.

5. Khokhlova, O.A. Formation of professional competence of teachers // Directory of senior educators - 2010.

professional competence teacher specialist

For a holistic idea of ​​possible ways and methods of developing the professional competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions, let’s consider the key concepts: competence, competencies, professional competence.

“Competence” as a phenomenon, despite a sufficient amount of research, today still does not have an accurate definition and has not received its exhaustive analysis. Often in the scientific literature, this concept regarding pedagogical activity is used in the context of bringing into action the internal driving forces of the pedagogical process, and more often in the role of a figurative metaphor rather than a scientific category.

For many researchers, a specialist’s competence is manifested, first of all, in the effective performance of functional duties. But competence is also understood in this way: a measure of understanding of the world around us and the adequacy of interaction with it; a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow you to successfully perform an activity; a certain level of formation of the subject’s social and practical experience; the level of training in social and individual forms of activity, which allows the individual, within the framework of his abilities and status, to function successfully in society; a set of professional properties, i.e. ability to fulfill job requirements at a certain level, etc.

Research shows that the concept of competence is closely related to the definition of “competence”. It should be noted that in various explanatory dictionaries the concept of “competence”, despite some differences in interpretation, includes two main general explanations: 1) range of issues; 2) knowledge and experience in a certain field.

In addition, researchers highlight other characteristics of the concept under consideration. Thus, competence means:

The ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful activities in a certain field;

Knowledge and understanding (theoretical knowledge of the academic field, ability to know and understand);

Knowing how to act (practical and operational application of knowledge to specific situations);

Knowing how to be (values ​​as an integral part of the way of perceiving life in a social context).

As research shows, competencies are “expected and measurable achievements of an individual that determine what an individual will be able to do upon completion of the learning process; a generalized characteristic that determines a specialist’s readiness to use his full potential (knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities) for successful activities in a certain professional field.”

Based on the above definitions, we can imagine the essential content of the concept of “professional competence”, which in acmeology, in its section of developmental psychology, is considered as the main cognitive component of the subsystems of professionalism of personality and activity, the scope of professional competence, the range of issues to be resolved, the constantly expanding system of knowledge that allows perform professional activities with high productivity. The structure and content of professional competence is largely determined by the specifics of professional activity and its belonging to certain types.

Analysis of the essence of the concept of “professional competence” makes it possible to present it as an integration of knowledge, experience and professionally significant personal qualities that reflect the ability of a teacher (educator) to effectively carry out professional activities and achieve goals related to personal development in the preschool education system. And this is possible in the case when the subject of professional activity reaches a certain stage of professionalism. Professionalism in psychology and acmeology is understood as high preparedness to perform the tasks of professional activity, as a qualitative characteristic of the subject of work, reflecting high professional qualifications and competence, a variety of effective professional skills and abilities, including those based on creative solutions, mastery of modern algorithms and methods of solution professional tasks, which allows you to carry out activities with high and stable productivity.

At the same time, the professionalism of the individual is also distinguished, which is also understood as a qualitative characteristic of the subject of labor, reflecting a high level of professionally important or personal-business qualities, professionalism, creativity, an adequate level of aspirations, motivational sphere and value orientations, aimed at progressive personal development.

It is known that the professionalism of the activity and personality of a specialist is manifested in the need and readiness to systematically improve their qualifications, express creative activity, productively satisfy the increasing demands of social production and culture, and improve the results of their work and their own personality. In this case, we can talk not only about the professional competence of the subject of professional activity, but also about his personal competence, which, in general, is important for the “person-to-person” system of professions and, in particular, for teaching activities.

These and other studies describe in sufficient detail the structure, main content characteristics, requirements for the personality and activities of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions. But there are few works that would present a system for developing the professional competence of a preschool teacher. Whereas it is the system that provides the opportunity to see ways, means and methods of achieving professional competence by a subject of a certain field of activity. The system is a unified process of interaction and cooperation between teachers, educators, administration, specialists of psychological and methodological services in developing competencies in the field of educational activities in a preschool educational institution, resolving complex professional problems, making morally informed choices, etc. .

Some elements of the proposed system have already been reflected in the practical activities of various educational institutions, others are just being implemented, some of them require testing. Of course, the proposed list can include other effective methods and mechanisms for developing the professional competence of teaching staff at preschool educational institutions. But the guideline is the idea that the formation of professional competence provides teachers with the opportunity to choose effective ways to solve professional problems; creatively perform functional duties; design successful strategies for professional development and self-development; adequately evaluate and improve yourself; identify factors associated with professional development; establish constructive interpersonal relationships with all subjects of the educational space; make constructive adjustments to the life plan and create a developmental environment for their students.

It is interesting to trace the development of the professional competence of a preschool teacher in the field of education at different stages of the development of pedagogical thought: from the tribal system to the present. Requirements for the professional competence of preschool teachers who educate preschool children, as shown by a retrospective analysis of pedagogical literature, have their origins in the development of family and public education. The requirements for the competence of persons involved in raising preschool children have changed throughout the historical development of our society.

Based on the modern classification of education, under the clan system and during the emergence of feudal relations in Russia, elements of a democratic, humane approach to education are observed. No matter how different the views on women were during this period, they recognized the right to take care of children and raise them in “good manners” (Vladimir Monomakh). The ideas of humanization of education can be observed in the views and pedagogical statements of cultural figures of the 17th century. Karion Istomin, Simeon of Polotsk, Epiphany Slavinetsky. They made the first attempts to determine the basic content of education and training by age. One of the main requirements for the professional competence of educators in the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries. the requirement is put forward to take into account the inclinations of each child and maintain cheerfulness as his natural state (A.I. Herzen, M.V. Lomonosov, P.I. Novikov, V.F. Odoevsky, etc.).

The issues of competence of educators in relationships with students were devoted to the research and scientific works of P.F. Lesgaft, M.X. Sventitskaya, A.S. Simonovich, L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky and others. In this regard, N.I. Pirogov, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, talk about the mechanisms necessary for the teacher to have a special understanding of the child, one hundred specific spiritual world. These considerations are chain for our research in connection with the mechanisms of understanding another person that we consider further: “empathy”, “ability to decentralize”, etc.

In the pedagogical concepts of foreign scientists, we were more interested in the requirements that they place on the competence of a teacher-educator. The ancient philosophers: Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, etc., paid great attention to the issues of professional skill of a teacher and especially his oratory. Zeno of Elea (5th century BC) was the first to introduce a dialogical form of presenting knowledge. A humane attitude towards a child, based on the study of his individual properties, is what progressive thinkers of the Renaissance (T. More, F. Rabelais, E. Rotterdamsky, etc.) valued most in a teacher. The modern model of an anti-authoritarian preschool institution has its theoretical basis in the humanistic philosophical and psychological-pedagogical concepts of the world-famous scientists R. Steiner, the founder of “Waldorf” pedagogy, and M. Montessori. As necessary conditions for the vague practice of education, they consider a feeling of deep reverence for the child and the ability of the educator to constantly carry within himself a living image of the child's being.

Modern domestic researchers, studying pedagogical activity and the criteria for its success, along with the concept of professional competence, also consider such concepts as pedagogical skill, pedagogical technique, pedagogical skills, etc.

To summarize, the basic requirements for the professional competence of a teacher-educator can be formulated as follows:

Having in-depth knowledge of the age and individual psychophysiological characteristics of children;

Manifestation of awareness in relationships with the student and the existence of developed mechanisms for understanding another person;

Possession of teaching skills and pedagogical techniques;

Possession of professionally significant personal qualities and value orientations.

The concept of preschool education, the authors of which are A.M. Vinogradova, I.A. Karpenko, V.A. Petrovsky and others, laid down new target orientations in the teacher’s work on personal interaction and partnership communication with the child in conditions of cooperation.

When determining the content of the normative-diagnostic standard of professional competence of a preschool teacher in the field of education, we used the following guidelines as the main ones:

The results of a retrospective analysis of the requirements for the professional competence of a teacher-educator at different stages of the development of pedagogical thought;

Regulations on the leading role of communication in the professional activity of a teacher and the mental development of preschool children;

Qualification requirements for specialists from the “Recommendations for the certification of management and teaching staff of preschool educational institutions”.

It should be noted that the definition, i.e. the logical definition of the professional competence of a preschool teacher in the field of education in modern pedagogical theory remains unclear, despite the development of qualification requirements proposed in the “Recommendations for the certification of management and teaching staff of preschool educational institutions.” The development of these “Recommendations...” is due, among other things, to the need to implement changes in the system of training teachers. Now there is a gap between the activities of preschool educational institutions, on the one hand, and pedagogical universities and other educational institutions, on the other hand, due to different mechanisms of their management, and qualification requirements for specialists should also become a guideline for the activities of educational institutions in training and retraining of personnel.

Research in recent years has shown the need to search for fundamentally new approaches to quality assurance through the implementation of effective management structures, new content and intensive pedagogical technologies. Educational institutions are able to realize this task, subject to the requirements of the regime of continuous development and creative search for progressive technologies and methods, the growth of professionalism at the pedagogical, methodological and managerial level.

The ongoing innovations in the preschool education system are due to the objective need for changes that are adequate to the development of society and the educational system as a whole. The main mechanism for such changes is the search and development of new technologies for increasing professional competence, which contributes to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions.

As research results show, today such manifestations of professional incompetence among preschool teachers are found, such as insufficient knowledge of teachers in the field of age characteristics of preschool children; low professionalism in conducting individual diagnostics of the child’s personality and emotional states; the focus of most teachers on the educational and disciplinary model of interaction with children.

The noted difficulties in implementing new target orientations in the field of preschool education allow us to state that the problem of special training of teachers of preschool educational institutions (PSE) and their demonstration of progressive professional competence is relevant. However, shortcomings in the system of training and retraining of teaching staff of all categories of preschool workers, revealed in connection with the changing social expectations of society and the transition from authoritarian to humane pedagogy, make the solution to this problem slow. The existing contradiction between the requirements for the professional competence of a preschool teacher, determined by new target orientations in the field of preschool education, and the insufficiently developed technology for advanced training of preschool teachers in the modern sociocultural situation.

Based on an analysis of literary sources, the professional competence of a preschool teacher can be defined as the ability to effectively perform professional activities, determined by the requirements of the position, based on fundamental scientific education and an emotional and value-based attitude towards teaching activities. It presupposes possession of professionally significant attitudes and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, professional skills.

Professional competence of a preschool teacher

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

In accordance with the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” preschool education for the first time became an independent level of general education. On the one hand, this is recognition of the importance of preschool education in the development of a child, on the other hand, it is an increase in requirements for preschool education, including through the adoption of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.

But no matter what reforms take place in the education system, they, one way or another, are limited to a specific performer - the kindergarten teacher. It is the practical teacher who implements the main innovations in education. To successfully introduce innovations into practice and effectively implement the assigned tasks in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard, a teacher is required to have a high level of professional pedagogical competence.

The professional and pedagogical competence of teachers is not a simple sum of subject knowledge, information from pedagogy and psychology, and the ability to conduct classes or events. It is acquired and manifested in specific psychological, pedagogical and communicative situations, in situations of real solving professional problems that constantly arise in the educational process.

What are the requirements for the personality of a modern teacher and his competence?

In the preschool education system, the process of interaction between teacher and child is a priority. Modern processes of modernization of preschool education highlight not the formal affiliation of the teacher to the profession, but the personal position he occupies, which ensures his attitude towards teaching work. It is this position that guides the teacher towards understanding the ways of interacting with the child.

Currently, what is in demand is not just a teacher, but a teacher-researcher, educational psychologist, and educational technologist. These qualities in a teacher can only develop in conditions of a creatively, problematically and technologically organized educational process in a preschool institution. Moreover, provided that the teacher is actively engaged in scientific-methodological, search, experimental, innovative work, learns to look for his “professional face”, his pedagogical tool.

Today, every teacher needs to acquire and develop competencies that make him a creatively active participant in interaction with children:

    Humane pedagogical position;

    Deep understanding of the tasks of preschool education;

    The need and ability to take care of the ecology of childhood, to preserve the physical and spiritual health of pupils;

    Attention to the individuality of each child;

    Willingness and ability to create and creatively enrich a subject-developmental and cultural-information educational environment;

    The ability to purposefully work with modern pedagogical technologies, the willingness to experiment and implement them;

    The ability for self-education and conscious self-development of the individual, willingness to learn throughout the entire working life.

Currently, the “Professional Standard of a Teacher” is being finalized, which was supposed to come into force on January 1, 2015. However, the All-Russian The Education Trade Union sent a letter to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation with a request to postpone the date of its introduction to January 1, 2018. According to the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, the hasty introduction of a professional standard may cause numerous legal conflicts, and therefore the official postponement of the start date of application of the professional standard of a teacher to a later date may become a justified, balanced and objective step on the part of the Russian Ministry of Labor.

So, in the professional standard in clause 4.5, the professional competencies of a preschool education teacher (educator) are listed.

1. Know the specifics of preschool education and the features of organizing educational work with children.

2. Know the general patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood; features of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age.

3. Be able to organize the main types of activities in preschool age: object-manipulative and playful, ensuring the development of children. Organize joint and independent activities of preschoolers.

4. Know the theory and pedagogical methods of physical, cognitive and personal development of children.

5. Be able to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children of early and preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

6. Be able to plan and adjust educational tasks (together with a psychologist and other specialists) based on monitoring results, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of each child.

8. Participate in creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, ensuring the safety of children’s lives, preserving and strengthening their health, supporting the emotional well-being of the child.

9. Be proficient in methods and means of analyzing psychological and pedagogical monitoring, which allows assessing the results of children’s mastery of educational programs, the degree of formation of the necessary integrative qualities of preschool children necessary for further education and development in primary school.

10. Know the methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents (legal representatives) of children, be able to build partnerships with them to solve educational problems.

11. Possess ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementing and evaluating educational work with children.

What is the Role of competency assessment in the professional development of teachers?

Today there is a serious discrepancy between the real and necessary level of professional competence of teachers.

How this shows up in practice:

    In the work of preschool educational institutions, the educational-disciplinary model still prevails, and teachers are not always able to build subject-subject relationships with children and their parents. In order for a child to become a subject of the educational process, he must meet a subject in the person of a teacher - this is the whole essence of pedagogical work;

    Many teachers, especially experienced ones with extensive work experience, are focused primarily on fulfilling job responsibilities. And today, educators who are able to independently plan and build an appropriate system of work are in greater demand.

    There are many teachers who, having once received a specialized education, limit themselves to attending advanced training courses. At the same time, the realities of today require professionals to engage in self-education throughout their lives. Therefore, one of the significant indicators of a teacher’s professional competence is his readiness for self-education and self-development, as well as the ability to creatively apply new knowledge and skills in practical activities. The effectiveness of his work directly depends on the teacher’s awareness of the need to constantly improve the level of professional qualifications.

Regular assessment of the professional competencies of preschool teachers will stimulate their desire for self-education and professional self-improvement (and teacher self-esteem).

Today, preschool teachers are required to be actively involved in innovative activities, in the process of introducing new programs and technologies for interaction with children and parents. In these conditions, a comprehensive and objective assessment of the professional competencies of preschool teachers acquires special importance.

Formation and development of professional competencies of a teacher

Based on modern requirements, we can determine the main ways to develop a teacher’s professional competencies:

Work in methodological associations, problem-creative groups;

Research, experimental and design activities;

Innovative activities, development of new pedagogical technologies;

Various forms of psychological and pedagogical support, both for young teachers and for experienced teachers, mentoring;

Open viewings and mutual visits to classes;

Pedagogical rings - guide teachers to study the latest research in psychology and pedagogy, methodological literature, help identify different approaches to solving pedagogical problems, improve the skills of logical thinking and argumentation of their position, teach conciseness, clarity, accuracy of statements, develop resourcefulness, and a sense of humor;

Active participation in professional competitions at various levels;

Generalization of one’s own teaching experience at city events and on the Internet;

Work of teachers with scientific and methodological literature and didactic materials;

Organization of practical seminars, practical classes, general education;

Trainings: personal growth; with elements of reflection; development of creativity;

Psychological and pedagogical living rooms, business games, master classes, etc.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions in which the teacher realizes the need to improve the level of his professional qualities.

It should be noted that the formation and development of professional competence, increasing the level of skill of teachers is a priority area of ​​activity not only for the administration of the preschool educational institution, but also for the socio-psychological service as a whole, since it occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution and represents an important link in the holistic system of improvement professionalism of teaching staff, since, first of all, it coordinates the work of preschool educational institutions in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Thus, a modern kindergarten needs a teacher who will not be a “teacher”, but a senior partner for children, contributing to the development of the pupils’ personality; a teacher who is able to competently plan and build the educational process, focusing on the interests of the children themselves, but at the same time not be afraid to deviate from the planned plan and adapt to real situations; a teacher who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, as well as capable of cooperation, possessing psychological and pedagogical knowledge, modern information and communication technologies, capable of self-education and introspection. The higher the level of professional competence of teachers, the higher the level of quality of education in preschool educational institutions, and a well-constructed system of interactive forms of work with teaching staff leads not only to the development of professional competence of teachers, but also unites the team.

Competence is one of the forms of professional activity, which means the presence of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activity in a given subject area.

A preschool teacher must have the following social and professional competencies that will allow for the cognitive development of children:

1. Social competencies include the exchange of information between individuals, statements about their interests and needs, tolerance towards other people and their opinions, the ability to work in a team and provide various assistance to other people, having emotional stability;

2. Cognitive competencies are expressed in independent processing and structuring of information, searching for new sources of information, concentrating on study or work, the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in various situations;

3. Operational competencies - defining goals and work procedures, the ability to withstand uncertainty and uncertainty, the ability to make and implement decisions, summarize work results, determine time schedules for work;

4. Special competencies include planning methods for solving a problem, exercising self-control, being active in professional activities, adapting to new situations, evaluating and adjusting plans, identifying errors and adequate ways to eliminate them.

So, professional competencies, being the foundation for introducing a competency-based approach into the pedagogical process, help preschool teachers integrate knowledge, skills and abilities when carrying out innovative activities and using modern educational technologies in practice.

7. Professionally significant qualities of a preschool teacher

Preschool teacher is one of the popular modern teaching professions. It originated in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the modern understanding, a teacher is a person who carries out education and takes responsibility for the condition of life and personality development of another person.

The teacher must be: friendly, sincere, sociable, kind, have a sense of humor, patience, be able to establish relationships with children, prevent and resolve conflicts, expand their knowledge through self-education, must know the methods of preschool upbringing and education.

To effectively perform an activity, a person must be attentive, responsible, responsive, patient, and show a penchant for working with children. The teacher must have stable and voluminous attention. Also, the teacher must have, by the nature of mental activity: verbal-logical memory, by the nature of the goals of the activity: involuntary memory, by the duration of retention of the material: short-term memory.

Communication skills

What is needed is general culture and erudition, competent and intelligible speech, a well-trained voice, the ability to manage a team, and high communication skills.

Emotional-volitional qualities

Resistance to stress, the ability to control one's behavior and emotions, and a strong nervous system are required: the work of a teacher, although not accompanied by increased physical activity, occurs under conditions of constant psycho-emotional stress.

So, a teacher, he himself must be a very smart, decent and kind person, so that he can raise more than one generation of children to be the same.

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