I'm not in a minor expression. Minor - definition. Lyrical characteristics of minor

Aya, oh. mineur. 1. music Rel. to minor 1. At first a naive and one-phrase romance, almost always written in a minor key, it takes advantage of the invention of modulation, adding in its small sphere an additional phrase, which, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Depressed, sad, elegiac, lean, elegiac, sad, melancholic, gloomy, sour, mournful, melancholy, sad, sad Dictionary of Russian synonyms. minor adj. sad sad gloomy gloomy joyless... Synonym dictionary

- (from Italian minore). plaintive, sad, insecure. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. minor 1) music. related to minor; 2) transfer sad, melancholic. New dictionary of foreign words. by… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

MINOR, a, m. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

I adj. 1. ratio with noun minor I, associated with it 2. Peculiar to the minor [minor I], characteristic of it. 3. Based on a combination of sounds characteristic of a minor [minor I]. II adj. 1. ratio with noun minor II, associated with it 2. Sad, ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor, minor,... ... Word forms

Major... Dictionary of antonyms

minor- Minor; briefly form ren, rna... Russian spelling dictionary

minor- cr.f. mino/ren, mino/rna, rno, rny; mino/earlier... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

Aya, oh; ren, rna, rno. 1. only full. Music k Minor (1 digit). M. chord. My gamma. 2. Unwind Sad, sad. My mood. ◁ Minor, adv. Sound m. m. look... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Children of Ishim, Viktor Ivanovich Zavidey. The author of the story “The Twentieth D Minor” shares his thoughts and impressions about the people and events of the dramatic twentieth century. Despite the somewhat autobiographical nature of the story, the author... eBook

I get tired of minor people. I’m used to thinking like in the joke about the Jew - if a problem can be solved with money, then it’s not a problem, but an expense. Until recently, by minor I meant people who make it clear in the background that life is pain; for some, even getting up in the morning is an inhuman feat. Yes, I know about sugar spikes, I’m like that myself. But we're not talking about sugar here.
Recently we met some acquaintances whom I did not position in any way - well, good people and good people. Only their children were always sad and despondent. This got me thinking, where does all this baggage come from? And then it suddenly dawned on me that all the days of rest, none of the parents were really happy, not even smiling. They didn’t swear, they weren’t sad, but the general non-verbal background was sad and slightly dissatisfied. So you understand: the first week of a normal summer, the Volga, sun, vacation, reflections on the water, water lilies and lilies, jumping fish... In short, a resort. AND Always slightly dissatisfied faces. No smiling for any reason. Moreover, people themselves are verbally quite happy with life, but non-verbally life is, if not pain, then at least a turmoil. I don’t expect people to jump to the ceiling, but this background is oppressive. I accept them, but I prefer a calm background - zero or above zero. It’s good that I simply don’t have such people in my circle of loved ones.
I immediately remembered the national characteristics of perception: like Americans smile falsely, a Russian person, in the opinion of an American, is gloomy and serious, but in the opinion of a European, he is generally aggressive. Damn. That's when you realize that this is really so. You have to watch your face)))))). Because everyone has problems, but most often they are just expenses, and they have nothing to do with others. And we even have every right to spoil our holiday with this constant minor. But is it necessary to pass on this sweet habit to your children? It is no better than the habit of swearing or looking for someone to blame. Or am I taking it too seriously?

I honestly take care of my face all my life, sometimes it works. I do this simply because I have a specific facial structure - a set of drooping eyes, circles under the eyes and drooping corners of the lips. (I don’t have Slavic cheeks yet!!!))) And if I don’t smile and don’t use concealer, they start asking me what happened and who died. Therefore, in my case, “a smile is the best makeup” is the only way to communicate with people. ( nitoc I said that I am Pierrot without makeup :-))

And here's another question. (The conversation got sidetracked) Are we not attracting something unnecessary to ourselves? There is Vedic wisdom that a woman who is happy and satisfied with her life is given everything she wants. Therefore, being happy and contented is not a final factor, but an initial factor. Well, we all remember about the goldfish.

Do you have minor people around? How do you get along with them?

If we talk about the most common modes, then from the point of view of music theory, minor is a mode that has a certain sad tint. This coloring is given to it by the combination of a minor third and a perfect fifth in the construction of triads and arpeggios. In this case, the minor third is built from the tonic note, and then the major third is added to the interval. The result is a perfect fifth between the tonic and the dominant.

Minor and its meaning

The meaning of the word “minor” is inextricably linked with its interpretation from the point of view of the Latin language. After all, it came from there. Minor is a word derived from the Latin “molls,” which can literally be translated as “soft” or “sad.” It is not surprising that the designation of minor keys is made by adding the word “moll” to the tonic. For example, C minor (C minor).

Varieties of minor

They have three main varieties: natural, harmonic and melodic minor. The construction of the scale is different in each case, regardless of what key signs the tonality uses.

In natural minor, the execution of the scale involves only the signs in the key. The harmonic minor is a scale with a raised seventh degree, and the melodic minor has two degrees raised at once (sixth and seventh) and is played in different sequences up and down. That is, when playing in an ascending manner, the indicated levels increase. In reverse order, the “bekar” sign is used for them, and the notes sound in their pure form. This standard rule applies to all sharp or flat keys, as well as the only minor key that does not contain the A minor key.

By the way, to simplify the designation, the full name of the minor is often not used, and a small letter “m” is simply added to the main tonic note in the Latin version. If we give the simplest example based on such an abbreviation, then the same “E minor” will look like “Em”. It's very simple and convenient. It goes without saying that to designate keys like “C-sharp minor” you can use notations like “C#m” or “Cis-minor”. The second category of designations is used extremely rarely. The simplest abbreviation is enough.

Most Common Minor Scales

The most common and most frequently used are minor keys with tonics on the notes “A” and “E”. In this case, minor is a scale containing a minimum of key signs. In the minor scale, there are no “A” in the key at all. In E minor there is only F sharp. It is precisely thanks to the simplicity of playing the scale and constructing the main triads that these minors have become most widespread among pianists and guitarists.

For both instruments, chord technique is the simplest and is included in the initial music course. For the guitar, you can also distinguish “D minor”, ​​the chord of which is basic for playing with just three fingers, just like “A minor”. E minor uses just two fingers to press the fourth and fifth strings on the second fret.

Lyrical characteristics of minor

Minor keys are distinguished by the fact that they give a piece of music a mournful tone or even some lyrical notes. In combination with the main scale degrees and parallel majors, they can cause a storm of emotions that simply cannot be expressed in words. If you look at it, most musical ballads or slow compositions are presented in minor keys. This is understandable, because deep feelings are conveyed only in this way. One has only to hear the initial chords, and the soul is immediately plunged into awe.

Of course, the matter is not limited to just a combination of standard harmonies and chords. For example, the use of increased and decreased triads by Pink Floyd adds an indescribable effect of psychedelic style to the compositions. For any musician, using minor keys gives a wide scope for creativity, despite the seven standard notes of the scale.



Examples of the use of the word "minor" in the press

1. And the point is not only in the level of social guarantees, but also in (even primarily in) what mood prevails in society: positive, cheerful, when a person has a need to take care of his neighbors, or sad, minor, they say, I myself don’t know how to survive, what kind of children there can be. It seems to me that in Russian society (and perhaps in the Russian mentality itself) some kind of tragic attitude prevails. (Izvestia (Moscow edition), 08-06-2005)

2. A surprising thing, by the way, is that there are no specific requirements for the program at the competition, but it is extremely monotonous. Prokofiev’s sixth sonata was chosen for performance by seven participants at once, Si- minor Liszt - five, Rachmaninov's Second - four.

3. Rare minor moments and were remembered most of all. Among them is the final farewell to the house of Gaev (Valery Alekseev) and Ranevskaya (Irina Gerasimova), who, in order to relieve tension, suddenly puffed out her cheeks, like a guilty child. (Culture, 07-07-2005)

4. It is no wonder that foreign observers (nearly a thousand of them came to Kyrgyzstan), especially from the OSCE and NATO countries, are in minor mood. (Moskovsky Komsomolets, 11-07-2005)

5. - The best folk songs - minor. (Novaya Gazeta, 06/16/2005)

6. Such facts add to optimism, because not all that glitters is gold, and the critical eye, with all its workload, still sometimes remains unclouded. On the other hand, the general tone of the responses is clearly minor coloring (Culture, 07/20/2005)

7. Disputes over the fate of border agreements ended at minor note Estonian Ambassador to Russia Karin Jaani visited the Russian Foreign Ministry last Monday, where she was handed a note on the termination of bilateral treaties on the state border. (Version, 04-07-2005)

8. After the second round program with an elegant Chopin frame, with a beautiful pair composed of Scriabin’s Ninth Sonata and Mozart’s “Variations on a Own Theme”, with a wonderfully performed “obligatory modern piece” (“Music for Piano” by Frangis Ali-Zadeh) and a competition hit - Si- minor Liszt's sonata, played for its passionate, tender, gloomy content and unexpectedly poignant farewell intonation, and not for its pianistic pomp, one can say that, in a sense, the Richter Competition has already taken place. (Vremya Novostei, 06/22/2005)

9. In fact, before it appeared in the collection minor there were an order of magnitude fewer notes in the creator’s life. At one time, he even showed great promise when, after graduating from Stroganov, he worked at the Institute of Technical Aesthetics. (Moskovsky Komsomolets, 01-06-2005)

10. His program was replete with technical losses, but nevertheless, the rest of the competitors can only dream of learning how to play like that. A brilliantly thought-out program (with an arch of two miniatures by Chopin at the edges, a block from Scriabin’s Ninth Sonata and “Variations on a Own Theme” by Mozart, Si- minor Liszt's sonata and "Music for Piano" by Frangiz Alizadeh) was played in such a way that there was a standing ovation in the hall. (Kommersant-Daily, 06/21/2005)

11. Gutman, agreeing with her colleagues, nevertheless especially noted the performance of Jung Wook Yo and even objected to Virsaladze, saying that she preferred Si- minor Liszt's sonata in his version of Makoto Ueno's version. (Vremya Novostei, 06/27/2005)

12. Such a pessimistic forecast seemed insufficient to Rumsfeld minor, and he reinforced the impression by warning that an escalation of violence should be expected soon: “Iraq now faces the creation of a constitution and a referendum on its adoption, and government elections in December. (Newspaper, 06/28/2005)

13. Despite this, the meeting took place in a fairly minor for Mr. Yakunin tone. (Vremya Novostei, 07/27/2005)

14. The Mozart gala began with the “hit” solo- minor Symphony No. 40, which almost looked like a challenge on the part of the young conductor. (Culture, 11-08-2005)

15. However, the word “music lover” may no longer be very suitable, since it is masculine. During pauses prolonged due to force minor circumstances, took up visual counting. (Moskovskaya Pravda, 06/25/2005)

16. foreign exchange market Yesterday the euro exchange rate dropped to $1.221 per euro, ending at minor note a week. (Kommersant-Daily, 04-06-2005)

17. The government, however, failed to build on this success. Last year ended for him on minor note - 11.7\% instead of the predicted 10\%. (Vremya Novostey, 06/07/2005)

18. Enough about the sad stuff. In order not to end on minor Note, I’ll propose a neutral topic - let’s talk about referees (will we live to see happy times when the word “neutral” will be associated with referees?). (Sport-Express, 14-07-2005)

19. Prelude in minor key The law seemed to be developed publicly. (Moskovskaya Pravda, 06/15/2005)

20. New not only because the paint has not yet dried, but also because of its unexpected aesthetics. Batynkov, who always preferred minor and at the same time aesthetically stylish gray, brown and black tones (the main body of work is ink graphics on rough wallpaper paper), switched to color - bright, rich, rich. (Vremya Novostey, 08-07-2005)

21. Moreover, she emphasizes this when she deliberately builds her show in minor mood, says ALEXANDER VINOGRADOV. (Kommersant-Daily, 29-06-2005)

22. Salt- minor Haydn's Sonata and Schumann's Fantasia interpreted by Petr Laul (did not make it to the 2nd round). (Evening Moscow, 06/29/2005)

23. The theory of “optimal nutrition” appeared. Scientists have proven that we systematically do not receive the so-called minor substances (or micronutrients). (Trud, 08/13/2005)

24. The two-day meeting of the heads of 25 member countries of the European Union, held in Brussels on June 16-17, ended on a very minor Note: negotiators and observers can only state that the political crisis of the community, aggravated by the economic crisis, has further developed. (Newspaper, 06/20/2005)

25. After all, thanks to Walt Disney’s character Mickey Mouse, who in the last century played in one of the series of his adventures C-sharp minor Rachmaninov's Prelude, the name of the Russian emigrant composer became popular in America. (New News, 06/20/2005)

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