Manchurian apple tree. Wild relatives of cultivated plants Use and economic importance

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Systematic position.

Family Rosaceae Juss. genus Malus Mill.


Pyrus baccata L. var. mandshurica Maxim., Malus baccata (L.) Borkh. subsp. mandshurica (Maxim.) Likhonos, M. baccata subsp. sachalinensis (Juz.) Likhonos, M. baccata var. mandshurica (Maxim.) Schneid., M. mandshurica subsp. sachalinensis (Juz.) Ponomarenko, M. sachalinensis Juz.

Morphology and biology.

Tree up to 12 m tall with dark gray trunks with fissured bark. Young shoots are glabrous to pubescent, reddish, reddish-yellow or brown. Leaves are 3-7 cm long and 2-6 cm wide, from ovate and broadly elliptic to obovate; shortly pointed, entire edged (completely or at least in the lower part), less often serrated-toothed or finely crenate-toothed along the entire edge, glabrous above, glabrous to pubescent below, young ones pubescent on both sides. Petioles are finely tomentose, 1-4 cm long. Flowers 3-8 in umbellate inflorescences on the tops of shortened shoots. Pedicels 2.5-4 cm long. Sepals are lanceolate, pubescent on both sides, falling off when fruiting. The corollas are white, pale pink in buds, 3-4 cm in diameter, glandular. Fruits (apples) are 8-15 mm in diameter, oblong-oval, less often spherical, yellow with red sides, less often completely red.
Insect-pollinated. Ornitho- and zoochore. Propagated by seeds, root and summer cuttings. Seeds must be stratified for 1-3 months at 3-5 degrees Celsius. It blooms in May, the fruits ripen in early September. 2n=34.


Far East (Primorye, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands - Kunashir, Iturup), Korea, China (northeast), Japan.


Mesophyte. Shade-tolerant. It grows singly or in small groups along river valleys, in floodplain coniferous-deciduous forests, on rocky slopes, rising into the mountains up to 900-1000 m above sea level. It reaches its best development on sandy-pebble alluvial soils with deep drainage and tolerates short-term flooding well.

Use and economic importance.

Food (fruit), decorative, melliferous. It is used as a rootstock especially for small-fruited varieties (chinese, ranetka, crab).


Brezhnev D. D., Korovina O. N. Wild relatives of cultivated plants of the flora of the USSR. L.: Kolos, 1981. - pp. 238-239.
Koropachinsky I.Yu., Vstovskaya T.N. Woody plants of Asian Russia. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House SB RAS, branch "Geo", 2002. - P.331-333.
Sokolov S.Ya., Svyazeva O.A., Kubli V.A. Habitats of trees and shrubs of the USSR. - L.: Science, 1980. - T. 2. - P.59-60.
Vascular plants of the Soviet Far East. / Ed. S.S. Kharkevich. - Leningrad: Science, 1996.- T. 8 - P.153-154.

Manchurian apple tree

Manchurian apple tree(Malus manshurica )

Tree, species of the genus Apple (Malus) of the Rose family (Rosaceae).

It is rarely found in the wild. Manchurian apple tree is a tree up to 12 m high with a rounded crown and trunk covered with black or black-brown fissured bark. The branches are reddish-yellow, twig-like, pubescent at the beginning of the season.

The leaves are green, obovate or broadly ovate, tapering towards the end, with a wedge-shaped or rounded base. Young leaves are pubescent, with age they become bare or pubescent along the veins.

Frost-resistant, drought-resistant, fast-growing, unpretentious tree.

Manchurian apple tree

The Manchurian apple tree is ideal for cold regions! Resistant to city conditions! This extremely decorative apple tree is good for landscaping; in winter it retains its spectacular appearance due to the fact that bright fruits remain on it for the winter.

In May, abundant flowering begins with large, white, fragrant flowers with red anthers, collected in large inflorescences.

The fruits are yellow with red sides or red, small. The fruits are edible. The pulp is hard, and when fully ripe, soft and spreadable. They make excellent aromatic jam, compotes and marmalade; they can be dried and put into pies.

Manchurian apple tree

These red apples on long stalks are very decorative. They remain on the tree until the end of winter. Can be eaten by birds.

This type of apple tree tolerates pruning well, can form hedges, and is perfect for other types of landscaping. Ornamental and honey plant. Can be grown in bonsai style.

It is used as a rootstock, especially for small-fruited varieties (chinese, ranetka, crab).

Apple wood is used in carpentry and carving.

It is rarely affected by diseases and pests.

When planting, keep in mind that the tree can occupy a large area.

Manchurian apple tree

The high winter hardiness of this species makes it especially valuable in gardening construction.

It reaches its best development on sandy-pebble alluvial soils with deep drainage and tolerates short-term flooding well.

The Manchurian apple tree is close to the Siberian apple tree, in foreign literature usually regarded as a variety of the latter (Malus baccata ssp. mandshurica). Moreover, their habitats overlap and the formation of natural hybrids is possible.

Landing. Seeds are sown before winter or early spring. In the second case, preliminary stratification is required, from December before sowing, and with removal at the end of the stratification period under the snow.

Diving is carried out in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. In winter and early spring, seedlings need additional lighting; this procedure will prevent them from being pulled out. Once every two weeks, young plants are fed with liquid mullein or liquid complex fertilizers.

Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May; it is better to plant them in a permanent place at 2-3 years of age. A couple of weeks before the intended planting, the planting material is hardened. Young plantings are covered for the winter, otherwise severe frosts may damage them.

May 13, 2014

Currently, experts count about 50 varieties of apple trees that have a direct decorative purpose. In terms of the diversity of species that grow on the territory of Russia, our country is second only to China.

Wild apple trees are long-lasting. They live 50-60 years. They tolerate pruning and shearing well and are unpretentious to soils. Flowers with a pleasant aroma. They attract many insects, including bees.

Apple trees are exceptionally decorative during flowering in May-June and during fruiting in the fall. The flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, brushes, and have a color from snow-white to deep purple. The fruits taste sometimes bitter, sometimes sour, rarely sweet, but always beautiful: they look like scatterings of precious stones and delight the eye until the snow falls.

In gardens, it is recommended to plant ornamental apple trees singly or in groups, sometimes in alleys or rows along roads, in unclipped hedges. The most promising types are: berry, Manchurian, Nedzvetsky, abundantly flowering, forest, plum-leaved. We will talk about them.

Berry apple tree, or Siberian apple tree (M. Baccata). Grows naturally in the south and southeast Eastern Siberia, in Manchuria and Northern China. Reaches 5 m in height. The crown is dense, round in shape with bare thin shoots. During flowering in May, the entire crown, like foam, is covered with odorless white-pink flowers, 3.5 cm in diameter. In summer, it attracts attention with dense emerald foliage on a compact rounded crown, and in autumn, red or yellow bead-sized fruits (ripen in September ) remain even after the leaves fall.

Decorative forms are known in gardening: Yellow-edged- leaves along the edges with a yellow border; Graceful  - the crown is narrow, beautiful; Pink terry  - with pink double flowers.

Originally from Primorye and Northern China. Tree up to 10 or shrub from 3 to 5 m tall, trunk diameter up to 45 cm. Branches are intricately curved. The bark is dark brown, almost black. Young shoots are reddish-yellow. Leaves are up to 10 cm long, oval with a short pointed apex. The inflorescences are large, corymbose, consist of 5-8 fragrant flowers, the diameter of which is about 5, the length of the peduncle is 3-5 cm. It blooms in the second half of May and the beginning of June. The fruits are oblong, 1.5 cm long, red or yellow, ripen in September and do not fall off during the winter. Rarely found in culture.

Manchurian apple tree

Originally from China. The tree reaches a height of 8 m, the branches are red-brown, the leaves are bluish-green, oval, finely serrated with a wide wedge-shaped base, pointed at the end, up to 8 cm in length. The flowers are pale pink or light red, in buds dark pink-red, up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in umbrella inflorescences of 6-8 pieces. Blooms in May-June. The fruits are almost spherical, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, red or yellow with lagging sepals, ripen in August. It is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful ornamental plants, cultivated for 6-8 thousand years in Japan and China. In Russia it is undeservedly rare.

The apple tree is wonderful

Its decorative forms are especially impressive: Terry white with terry white and Rivers with double pink flowers. They look great against a backdrop of dark coniferous trees.

Discovered by botanist V.E. Nedzvetsky at the end of the 19th century century near the village of Talgarskaya in the Trans-Ili Alatau. Local residents called it Red Kuldzhinka. In 1896 she was taken to America by Dr. Hansen.

Niedzvetsky apple tree

I.V. Michurin in breeding varieties ‘Bellefleur red’, ‘Bellefleur-record’, ‘Komsomolets’ I used the Niedzwiecki apple tree. From her they inherited the anthocyanin color of flowers and fruits.

A small tree 2-6 m tall. Homeland - Central Asia (mountain forests of the Tien Shan). The crown is spherical. The bark is dark purple. The leaves appear along with buds in spring, brown-red, in summer they are dark green with a purple tint, especially bright on the underside. The autumn color of the leaves is difficult to see. The flowers are large, raspberry-purple, collected in umbrella-shaped racemes on long stalks. It blooms in the second half of May - early June at an age of at least 5 years, but in the first years it does not set fruit or there are few of them. The fruits ripen in August, they are purple-dark red on the outside and pink on the inside. Fruits regularly from the age of 10 years. Winter-hardy. Drought-resistant. Grows quickly.

Suitable for colorful contrasting compositions - mainly in groups, as well as for decorating narrow alleys. Its hybrids and foreign varieties are especially decorative: ‘Lemoine’, ‘Ellie’, ‘Nikoline’- with burgundy and crimson flowers exuding a delicate aroma.

Homeland - Japan. A tree up to 6-10 m tall, or more often a tall shrub with spreading, gracefully curved, thorny branches. The leaves are green, smooth, up to 8 cm long. Particularly beautiful during flowering. The flowers are up to 3 cm in diameter, in buds - dark carmine, when opened - white-pink, collected in multi-flowered umbrella-shaped racemes, elegant, fragrant. Blooms profusely in early May. The fruits are small, red, up to 1 cm in diameter, ripen in September. Very beautiful during the fruiting period. Winter-hardy. It grows quickly and lives for more than 50 years.

Apple tree blooming profusely

Extremely effective when planted in the foreground with tapeworms and in small groups in places protected from the wind.

Apple tree (M. silvestris). Homeland - North of the European part of Russia, Northern and Central Europe. Tree up to 10 m high or shrub up to 4-5 m. Crown wide. The leaves are dark green above, almost smooth, lighter below. The flowers are white or pink, up to 4 cm in diameter, fragrant, collected 5-6 in a raceme. Blooms in May. The fruits are small, up to 3 cm in diameter, greenish-yellow, sour, which is why people call it “leshevka”, since only a “goblin” can eat them. Tolerates haircuts well. Lives up to 100 years or more. Recommended as a rootstock for cultivated varieties of apple trees.

Known decorative forms: Pendula- weeping with drooping branches, blooms profusely, fruits without seeds; Paradise- dwarf form, serves as a rootstock for cultivated dwarf varieties; Golden- with yellow-variegated leaves; Terry- with light pink double flowers.

In gardens they are planted in tapeworms, groups, alleys, and hedges.

Plum leaf or Chinese apple tree (M. prunifolia). Homeland - China. Tree 6-10 m high. The crown is wide-rounded. The branches are reddish. The leaves are oblong, serrate along the edge, dark green, pubescent when young, and in the fall they acquire a bright yellow color or a purplish hue. Blooms in May. The flowers are white, pink on the outside, up to 3 cm in diameter. Blooms and bears fruit from the age of 7. The fruits are edible, yellow or red, 2.5 cm in diameter. They are often called Chinese. Ripen in September. Life expectancy is more than 50 years.

Used on private plots in central Russia. Winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Tolerates crown pruning well. Excellent rootstock. In culture since 1750. Planted singly, in groups or in rows. It grows better in fertile soil; it is found in the urban landscaping of Moscow, for example, on the square near the Bolshoi Theater.

Grows in the mountains of Japan. In Europe in culture since 1892.

Sargent's apple tree

The shrub is 1-2 high, the crown diameter is 2-3 m. The crown is wide, spreading with arched branches. The leaves are ovate, three-lobed, 5-8 cm long and 3-6 cm wide, green. Autumn color is orange-yellow. It blooms for two weeks in May. The flowers are numerous, simple, up to 2.5-3 cm in diameter. The fruits are spherical, about 1 cm in diameter, dark red with a light waxy coating on long, 3-5 cm stalks, ripen in September. Fruits abundantly, the fruits hang until mid-autumn. It grows slowly. Lives for more than 50 years. Photophilous. It is undemanding to soils, but prefers medium loams, slightly acidic and fertile. Particularly effective during flowering and fruiting. It is winter-hardy, but at a young age it overwinters better with shelter. In culture since 1892.

Agricultural technology

Features of landing. It is better to plant in open sunny places. The root collar should be 5-7 cm above ground level. Two- and three-year-old seedlings need to be planted, taking into account the size of the crown in adulthood, in pre-prepared planting holes measuring 50 x 50 x 70 cm. The soil mixture consists of humus, leaf soil and sand, taken in a ratio of 3: 1: 2, you can add a little peat and mineral fertilizers. Soil acidity 6-6.5 pH. The best time for planting is spring before buds open or autumn, 1-1.5 months before the onset of stable frosts.

Apple trees grow quickly, starting from the third year of life. Two- and three-year-old plants tolerate transplantation painlessly, large ones take root more difficult and slow down their growth for 1-2 years. Apple trees do not form root suckers.

Protection from diseases and pests. Apple trees can be damaged by aphids, weevils, glassweeds, and are sometimes attacked by hawthorn, scale insects, ticks and other pests. Treatment with Fufanon or Decis is recommended. Wild species are affected by diseases (leaf spot, powdery mildew) less than fruit plants. Spraying with "Skorom" is recommended.

Preparing for winter. Ornamental apple trees are more winter-hardy and do not require additional shelter for the winter. The trunks and main branches of young plants are tied with burlap or lutrasil. Hill up to a height of 20-30 cm.

The project thanks magazine "Gardens of Russia" for the provided article.

Manchurian apple tree ( Malus mandshurica (Maxim.) Kom.) grows in the Primorsky Territory, Manchuria, Korea. Trees growing on Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Japan, according to some sources, may have the status of a separate species - the Sakhalin apple tree ( Malus sachalinensis Juz.) or Sakhalin subspecies ( Malus mandshurica ssp. sachalinensis (Juz.) Ponomar.).

It is close to the Siberian apple tree, in foreign literature it is usually considered as a variety of the latter ( Malus baccata ssp. mandshurica (Maxim.) Likhonos). Moreover, their habitats overlap and the formation of natural hybrids is possible.

The Manchurian apple tree is resistant to climatic adversities, in St. Petersburg it is completely winter-hardy, and is used in urban landscaping.

This is one of the largest and most decorative apple trees. It is a spreading tree 6-10 meters high. Some trees reach 15 meters in height. The thick trunk is covered with dark, fissured bark. Young branches are bright reddish-yellow.

The leaves are dark green on the upper side and light green on the lower side, ovate, up to 10 cm long. When unfolded, the leaves have pubescence on both sides, then the pubescence disappears, remaining only along the veins on the lower side. In autumn they turn yellow.

Blooms in the twentieth of May. The flowers are large (from 2 to 5 cm in diameter) collected in corymbose inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. The buds may have a reddish tint. It blooms very profusely, the entire tree from top to bottom is buried in flowers. Blooms annually.

The flowers have a pleasant aroma, the intensity of which may depend on the time of day and the weather. It can be very strong and can be felt from a distance. I once walked past blooming Manchurian apple trees late in the evening after rain; the air was filled with a thick, very pleasant aroma. When I walked past the same apple trees again the next day, the smell was much weaker.

The fruits are edible, but they are very small, up to 1 centimeter in diameter, so the Manchurian apple tree is not suitable as a fruit plant. The pulp is firm, soft and spreadable when fully ripe.

But these apples are quite decorative, located on long stalks, red in color. They remain on the tree until the end of winter. Can be eaten by birds. So in the fall you won’t have to clean up fallen apples.

It is light-loving, undemanding to soils, and stable in urban conditions. Moderately drought-resistant. It is rarely affected by diseases and pests. Tolerates shearing and pruning well. When planting, keep in mind that the tree can occupy a large area.

Propagated by seeds. Manchurian apple seedlings tolerate transplantation well. Can be used as a rootstock for cultivated varieties.

Manchurian apple tree (lat. Malus manshurica)- a representative of the Apple genus of the Rosaceae family. Used primarily for decorative purposes. The fruits are practically not used for food. Natural habitat – East Asia and Primorsky Krai. Typical places of growth in nature are rocky slopes, intensely lit areas, valley forests, and river bays.

Characteristics of culture

Manchurian apple tree is a tree up to 12 m high with a rounded crown and trunk covered with black or black-brown fissured bark. The branches are reddish-yellow, twig-like, pubescent at the beginning of the season. The leaves are green, obovate or broadly ovate, tapering towards the end, with a wedge-shaped or rounded base. Young leaves are pubescent, with age they become bare or pubescent along the veins. The flowers are fragrant, numerous, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences of 4-8 pieces. The fruits are small, spherical, yellow with a red blush, and have a sour-bitter taste.

The Manchurian apple tree blooms abundantly, occurs in mid-May and lasts about 2 weeks, the fruits ripen in September and hang on the shoots throughout the winter. The fruits are readily eaten by birds. The culture is distinguished by increased frost-resistant characteristics and unpretentiousness. Accepts urban conditions, gas and smoke resistant. The Manchurian apple tree is a highly ornamental plant; it is often used for landscaping parks, city gardens and roadsides. The trees are suitable for creating hedges and tolerate pruning well. Often used as a rootstock for garden apple trees.

Growing conditions

The Manchurian apple tree is unpretentious, but blooms more abundantly on sandy or medium-loamy, moderately moist, drained, air- and water-permeable soils. It grows successfully on heavy loamy soils provided there is good drainage. Does not accept wetlands, poorly structured and poor soils, lowlands with stagnation of cold air and melt water, as well as waterlogged areas. The location is preferably sunny or partially shaded. The crop does not need protection from the wind.

Subtleties of propagation and planting

The Manchurian apple tree is propagated by seeds or cuttings. Seeds are sown before winter or early spring. In the second case, preliminary stratification is required. To do this, the seeds are placed on the top shelf of the refrigerator for 30 days. Sow seeds in the second ten days of December in seedling containers filled with loose and nutritious substrate. Shoots appear in 25-30 days.

Diving is carried out in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. In winter and early spring, seedlings need additional lighting; this procedure will prevent them from being pulled out. Once every two weeks, young plants are fed with liquid mullein or liquid complex fertilizers. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May. A couple of weeks before the intended planting, the planting material is hardened. Young plantings are covered for the winter, otherwise severe frosts may damage them.

Planting Manchurian apple seedlings can be done both in spring and in late summer - early autumn. However, the second method does not provide a 100% guarantee of seedling survival; often they do not have time to take root before the onset of persistent cold weather and, as a result, freeze out. The planting hole is prepared in advance; its depth varies from 40 to 60 cm (depending on the level of development of the root system and its size).

A mixture consisting of humus or compost, garden soil and sand with the addition of complex mineral fertilizers is added to the bottom. Then 5-8 liters of water are poured into the hole and only after that they are planted. When planting, the roots of the seedling are straightened, the voids are filled with soil mixture, compacted and watered again. After planting, it is advisable to mulch the soil in the tree trunk circle with peat, pine litter or sawdust.


Caring for a Manchurian apple tree is unremarkable. All the same standard procedures typical for most types of apple trees: watering, weeding, loosening, fertilizing, pruning and preventive treatments against pests and diseases. Mulching is encouraged; this procedure will significantly reduce the time spent caring for plants. Mulch will retain moisture for a longer period and prevent weeds from appearing.

Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is a prerequisite for abundant flowering and active growth. Sanitary and formative pruning of the Manchurian apple tree is carried out in the spring. The crown of the trees of the species in question has a compact crown, so formative pruning is carried out as necessary, for example, in case of severe thickening. Regular treatments with herbal infusions are important for plants; they will prevent the appearance of various pests. Failure to treat promptly when diseases or pests are detected can result in tree death or disfigurement.

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