Legal psychology. Aminov et al. I.I. Aminov. Legal psychology: textbook Questions for self-study

I.I. Aminov. Legal psychology: training manual CONTENTS Preface Chapter 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF LEGAL PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE 1.1. Legal psychology in the system of scientific knowledge and legal practice Subject of legal psychology Tasks of legal psychology The relationship of legal psychology with other sciences and legal practice Structure and principles of legal psychology 1.2. History and current state foreign legal psychology Prehistory of legal psychology abroad The origin of foreign legal psychology The current state of foreign legal psychology 1.3. The formation of legal psychology in Russia Prehistory of legal and psychological knowledge Application of psychological knowledge in domestic legal proceedings (second half of the 19th century) Domestic legal and psychological research in the first half of the 20th century The current state of domestic legal psychology 1.4. Methods of legal psychology The concept of method in legal psychology. Classification of methods Observation method Conversation method Questionnaire method Method of studying documents and products of the activities of subjects Biographical method Method of independent characteristics Analysis of materials of a civil, administrative or criminal case Testing method Experiment Method of expert assessments Legality of the application and significance of methods of legal psychology Chapter 2. LEGAL AND PREVENTIVE PSYCHOLOGY 2.1. Problems of legal psychology Concepts of legal psychology and socialization of the individual The process of formation and development of a person's legal culture Conditions for the effectiveness of the functioning of legal norms 2.2. Problems of preventive psychology The importance of preventive psychology Tasks of preventive psychology Psychological characteristics deviant behavior 2.3. Psychoprophylaxis of social pathology Addiction and social inequality as factors of deviation Alcoholism Drug addiction 3 6 6 6 8 9 10 11 11 15 17 19 19 21 30 33 34 34 35 36 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 41 41 45 45 45 46 50 53 53 54 55 5 6 56 57 60 Extremism 2.4. System for the prevention of crimes among minors Problems and principles of preventing crimes among minors Pre-criminal level of preventive influence on minors Pre-criminal level of correction of criminal behavior of adolescents Criminal level of prevention of juvenile crimes Post-criminal level of prevention of juvenile delinquency Chapter 3. CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY 3.1. The concept of the personality of the criminal and criminal behavior The concept of “criminal” Psychological prerequisites for criminal behavior 3.2. Psychological protection in criminal behavior The concept of psychological defense Denial of responsibility Denial of harm Denial of the presence of a victim Condemnation of those condemning Appeal to more important obligations 3.3. Psychological characteristics of the main categories of criminals Acquisitive crime Violent crime Crime among women Crimes due to negligence 3.4. Psychology of criminal groups Types of criminal groups Psychological characteristics of organized criminal groups Psychological characteristics of the criminal community 3.5. Psychological characteristics of the victim Reasons for studying the psychology of the victim Psychological studies of individual personal and behavioral-psychological characteristics of the victim 64 70 70 71 75 76 77 87 87 87 89 90 90 92 92 93 94 94 95 95 98 104 106 107 107 108 11 2 114 114 115 Chapter 4 . OPERATIONAL SEARCH PSYCHOLOGY 4.1. Psychological characteristics of operational investigative activities The concept of operational investigative activities Psychological professionalism of an operational officer 4.2. Psychology of operational investigative activities Types of operational investigative activities Preparing and conducting a survey Making inquiries Operational observation Operational implementation Operational experiment 129 129 129 131 133 133 134 140 143 149 150 Chapter 5. PSYCHOLOGY OF CRIME INVESTIGATION 5.1. The concept of psychology of crime investigation 5.2. Psychology of personality and activity of the investigator General characteristics professional activity investigator 163 163 163 163 Professionally significant qualities of an investigator 5.3. Psychology of investigative actions The concept of an investigative action Inspection Examination Search and seizure Interrogation Confrontation Presentation for identification Verification of testimony on the spot Investigative experiment Use of the results of operational investigative activities in investigative actions 5.4. Unconventional methods of crime investigation Unconventional methods and their features Visual express assessment of the truth of testimony Method of psycholinguistic analysis of statements Handwriting as a recorder of psychological stress Use of polygraph tools Development of an investigative psychological portrait of the alleged criminal Activation of the memory of witnesses and victims based on hypnoreproduction Use of special knowledge of a psychic 164 166 166 166 169 170 177 186 192 199 201 204 210 210 211 214 217 218 224 229 230 Chapter 6. PROBLEMS OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION 250 6.1. General characteristics of forensic psychological examination 250 Tasks, subject and competence of forensic psychological examination 250 Grounds for appointing and conducting FPE 253 6.2. Types of forensic psychological examination 255 Classification of SPE 255 SPE ability to perceive circumstances important to the case 255 SPE physiological affect and other mental states 257 SPE victims in cases of rape 258 SPE individual psychological characteristics 260 SPE juvenile defendants 262 SPE for establishing social- psychological structure criminal group 263 SPE in cases of incidents related to the management of equipment 264 Post-mortem SPE 265 SPE as part of comprehensive examinations 268 Chapter 7. PSYCHOLOGY OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS 7.1. The concept of the psychology of legal proceedings 7.2. General characteristics of the psychological structure of judicial activity Constructive activity of the court Cognitive activity of the court Organizational activity of the court Communicative activity of the court 7.3. Requirements for the moral and psychological qualities of participants in legal proceedings Moral and psychological characteristics judge and juror Moral and psychological qualities of the public prosecutor 282 282 282 283 285 289 289 290 290 294 Moral and psychological qualities of the defense lawyer 7.4. Social and psychological characteristics of proceedings with the participation of jurors Structure and functions of the jury Age composition of the jury Heterogeneous composition jury The quantitative composition of the jury Qualitative personnel of the jury Level of socio-psychological development of the jury as a social group 7.5. Psychological characteristics of legal proceedings at its individual stages Psychological aspects of studying the case materials Psychological characteristics of the judicial investigation Psychological characteristics of the parties' debates Psychological characteristics of the sentencing 302 306 306 307 308 308 309 310 318 318 319 327 337 Chapter 8. PENITENTIAL PSYCHOLOGY 349 8. 1. The concept of penitentiary psychology 8.2. Psychological characteristics of a correctional institution employee Psychological requirements for the personality of penitentiary personnel Professional deformation of the personality of correctional institution employees 8.3. Psychological problems punishment and correction of criminals The attitude of convicts to punishment and its consequences The essence and content of correction of convicts 8.4. Psychology Recommended literature 386 409 349 349

2. Vasiliev V.L. Legal psychology: Textbook for universities. 6th ed. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.

3. Volkov V.N. Legal psychology. – M.: UNITY-DANA; Law and Law, 2009.

4. Petrunya O.E.. Legal psychology: Textbook. – M.: Publishing house. EAOI Center, 2007.

5. Pirozhkov V.F. Criminal psychology. – M.: “Os-89”, 2007.

6. Romanov V.V. Legal psychology. 5th ed. – M.: Publishing house Yurayt, 2012.

7. Chufarovsky V.Yu. Legal psychology. – M.: Prospekt, 2009.

8. Legal psychology. Reader. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2010.

9. Pozdnyakov V. M. Legal psychology: genesis and prospects // Applied legal psychology. – 2010. – No. 2.

Further reading

    Abrosimov S.V., Chernenilov V.I.. Psychological impact in the activities of law enforcement officers: basic paradigms // Yurist-Pravoved. – Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house Rost. legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – 2009. – No. 1.

    Eysenck G., Wilson G. How to measure personality. – M., 2000.

    Aminov I.I. Psychological workshop for lawyers. Textbook. M.: Publishing house "EKMOS". – 2001.

    Aminov I.I. Interesting psychology for lawyers. – M., 2001.

    Antonyan Yu. M. Psychology of the criminal and crime investigation / Yu. M. Antonyan, M. I. Enikeev, V. E. Eminov. – M.: Yurist, 1996.

    Bandurka A.M., Bocharova S.P., Zemlyanskaya E.V. Legal psychology: Textbook. – Kharkov: Publishing House National. University of internal affairs, 2002.

    Bodalev A. A.. Person's perception by person. – M., 1965.

    Velichko N.N. Basics forensic medicine and forensic psychiatry. M.: CIiNMOKP Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2000.

    Glazyrin F.V. Psychology of investigative actions. Volgograd, 1983.

    Enikeev M.I. Legal psychology. With the basics of general and social psychology: Textbook for universities. – M.: Norma, 2005.

    Enikeev M.I. Structure and system of categories of legal psychology. – M.: Norma, 1996.

    Enikolopov S.N. Current problems in the study of aggressive behavior // Applied legal psychology. – 2010. – No. 2.

    Kalinovsky K.B. Criminal proceedings as a sphere of using the provisions of conflictology // Legal Thought. Publishing house of the Law Institute (St. Petersburg). – 2002. – No. 1.

    Kitaev-Smyk L. A.. Psychology of stress. – M., 1983.

    Kochenov M.M. Forensic psychological examination . – M., 1977.

    Leontiev A.A., Shakhnarovich A.M., Batov V.I. Speech in criminology and forensic psychology. M., 1977.

    Luparev G.P. Legal psychology in proverbs and sayings // Citizen and Law . –2009. –№ 9.

    Mikhailova O.Yu. Current problems of legal psychology / Yearbook of RPO. Mat. III All-Russian Congress of the RPO. – T. 5. – St. Petersburg, 2003.

    Nagaev V.V. Fundamentals of forensic psychological examination: Textbook. manual for universities. M.: UNITY-DANA, Law and Law, 2000.

    Pavlov I. P. Twenty years of experience in the objective study of higher education nervous activity(behavior) of animals - M., 1951.

    Applied legal psychology . Tutorial For Universities . / Under edit . prof . A . M . Stolyarenko . – M .: UNITY - DANA , 2001.

    Reutskaya I. E., Brodchenko O. I. Psychological features of interrogation of minors // Applied legal psychology. – 2008. – No. 3.

    Sinilov G.K. Introduction to operational-search psychology. – M.: Norma, 2008.

    Sitkovskaya O.D., Konysheva L.P.. Psychological examination minors in criminal proceedings. Scientific and methodological manual. M , 2001.

    Encyclopedia of Legal Psychology / Ed. A.M. Stolyarenko. – M., 2003.

Legal psychology is a branch of psychology, the subject of which is the psychological characteristics of activities related to law: the administration of justice (the behavior of participants in criminal proceedings), lawful and unlawful behavior... ... Wikipedia

Military-legal psychology- One of the trends in UP, which arose at the intersection with legal science. Since 1987, VLE began to be taught at the Faculty of Military Law at the Military Institute (now the Military University of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) as an independent academic discipline. The subject of VYP... ...

Psychology of the victim- The psychology of the victim, as a direction of research, studies the factors in the formation of his personality, behavior before the commission of a crime, at the time of commission and after the commission of a crime, and also develops practical recommendations,… … Encyclopedia of modern legal psychology

Psychology of the witness- A witness in a criminal trial is a person who has information about the crime and its participants. A witness may personally perceive the crime event (eyewitness) or receive information from other persons. Expanded interpretation of the concept... ... Encyclopedia of modern legal psychology

Legal responsibility is the application of state coercive measures to the guilty person for an offense committed. Legal responsibility is a legal relationship entered into by the state, represented by its competent authorities, and ... Wikipedia

Legal technology is a set of methods, means and techniques used in accordance with accepted rules in the development and systematization of normative legal acts to ensure their perfection. Its most important type is ... ... Wikipedia

Legal ethics is the professional ethics of a lawyer; doctrine about the requirements for the moral and ethical qualities of legal professionals, about the legal culture of law enforcement activities. Contents 1 Teaching ... Wikipedia

Comparative law, legal comparative studies is a branch (section) of jurisprudence (legal science) that studies the legal systems of various states by comparing state and legal institutions of the same name, their basic principles... ... Wikipedia

The body of public knowledge about law. History of Yu.n. goes back to ancient times. Plato and Aristotle also tried to resolve some legal problems. However, the formation of jurisprudence as a science began thanks to the efforts of the Romans... ... Encyclopedia of Lawyer

A branch of psychology that studies the psychological patterns of management activity. The main task of management psychology is to analyze the psychological conditions and characteristics of management activities in order to increase efficiency and quality... ... Wikipedia

1. Aminov, I.I. Legal psychology / I.I. Aminov. – M.: MPSI, 2007.

2. Enikeev, M.P. General, social and legal psychology: a textbook for universities / M.P. Enikeev. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. – P. 44 -52.

3. Enikeev, M.P. Encyclopedia. Legal psychology / M.P. Enikeev. – M.: Legal. literature, 2001.

4. Kovalev, O.G. Diagnosis of lies / O.G. Kovalev, E.Yu. Amelin. – Ryazan: RIPE Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 1996. – 356 p.

5. Noskov, V.A. Psychotechnics of communication: textbook. allowance / V.A. Noskov. – M.: MSU, 2001. – 128 p.

6. Maklakov, A.G. General psychology/ A.G. Maklakov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – Ch. 1, 3. – pp. 5-23, 68-79.

7. Marinovskaya, I.D., Legal psychology: textbook. allowance / I.D. Marinovskaya., S.N. Tikhomirov. – M.: Delo, 2005.

8. Romanov, V.V. Legal psychology / V.V. Romanov. – M.: Yurist, 2007. – P. 8-15.

9. Ronin, R. Our own intelligence: methods of recruiting agents, methods of penetrating the psyche, forced influence on a person, technical means of covert surveillance and information retrieval: Practical guide/ R. Ronin. – Minsk: Palek, 1999.– P. 199

10. Applied legal psychology / Ed. A.M. Stolyarenko. – M.: Unity-Dana, 2001. – P. 388–392, 406–410.

11. Oleinik, A.N. Fundamentals of conflictology. Psychological means of activity of police officers in situations of conflict / A.N. Oleinik. – M.: A.P.O., 1992. – 132 p.

12. Khasan, B.I. Psychotechnics of conflict and conflict competence / B.I. Hassan. – Krasnoyarsk: RIC of Krasnoyarsk State University, 1996. – 157 p.


13. Dotsenko, E.L. Psychology of manipulation: phenomena, mechanisms and protection / E.L. Dotsenko. – M.: Rech, 2002. – 344 p.

14. Cornelius, H. Everyone can win. How to resolve conflicts / H. Cornelius, S. Fair. – M.: Stringer, 1992. – 205 p.

15. Mitsich, P. How to conduct business conversations / P. Mitsich. – M.:
Economics, 1987. – 208 p.

16. Psychology: Dictionary / Ed. L.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. – M.: Political publishing house. Literature, 1990. – P. 474.

17. Noskov, V.A. Psychotechnics of communication / V.A. Noskov. – N. Novgorod: AT the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 1997. – Ch. 2, 4.

Topic 14. Forensic psychological examination

Self-study assignment

Using recommended literature, during self-study hours students consolidate their acquired understanding of the subject, tasks and system of legal psychology, psychological methods research, develop a system of ideas about the methods and tasks of professional psychological training of legal professionals. It is possible to prepare reports and communications on recommended issues.

Objectives of the lesson: to develop knowledge about the subject, methods and tasks of psychology, motivation to use psychological knowledge for self-knowledge and self-development of students.

Questions for self-study

1. The concept of forensic psychological examination, its subject, types and tasks.

2. Methods of conducting forensic psychological examination.

3. Types and tasks of forensic psychological examination.

4. Specifics and content of complex forensic examinations, during which psychological research is carried out.

Problem considered psychological support protection against acts of unlawful interference through the use of rapid diagnostics to identify potentially dangerous individuals. Some aspects of psychological training of security services, law enforcement officers and professional selection are also presented. Using the example civil aviation issues of surveillance and communication were considered in order to identify persons possibly involved in the preparation and conduct of an act of unlawful interference. The possibilities of using the methods are shown applied psychology, in particular the theory of neurolinguistic programming when conducting express diagnostics. For university students studying in the specialties “Life Safety”, “Law Enforcement”, “ Social psychology", employees of various departments related to ensuring the security of protected (controlled) objects and territories.

Aminov Ilya Isakovich

Aminov, I. I. Psychology of business communication[Electronic resource]: textbook for university students / I. I. Aminov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 287 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-01098-4. read

Practical aspects of the application of psychological knowledge in the field of business communication are revealed. Techniques and methods for establishing contacts, assessing personality and influencing it, features of a partner’s speech behavior, psychotechnologies for exchanging business information and psychotechnologies for interacting with an interlocutor are considered. At the end of the book there is a workshop specific tasks which are aimed at forming and developing the ability to understand people and effectively interact with them, so necessary in the practice of business communication. For students, graduate students, university teachers.

Aminov Ilya Isakovich

Aminov, I. I. Psychology of lawyer activity[Electronic resource]: textbook. a manual for students studying in the specialties “Jurisprudence”, “Law Enforcement” and “Psychology” / I. I. Aminov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 615 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-01632-0. read

The theory of legal psychology and the psychology of professional activity is considered, and tests, exercises and tasks aimed at nurturing and developing practical skills, communication skills, observation, the ability to understand people, training memory, attention, logical thinking, activation of intellectual and psychological capabilities, so necessary in the work of a lawyer. Many of the tasks presented in the manual will help you switch from one type of activity to another and relieve stress after intense mental work. For students of law faculties and institutes, future employees of law enforcement agencies, courts, prosecutors, etc., as well as legal practitioners.

The book is included in the collections:


Aminov Ilya Isakovich

Judicial ethics: textbook for university students studying in the specialties “Jurisprudence”, “Law Enforcement” / I.I. Aminov [and others]; edited by N.D. Eriashvili. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2017. - 247 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-02588-9. - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/1028754 read


In accordance with the structure of the course and the main categories of ethics, the content and social value are revealed in the textbook professional ethics judges. Its specificity, moral aspects of the purpose of the Russian criminal process and its principles, institutions of criminal procedural evidence and measures of criminal procedural coercion are highlighted, moral principles judicial stages of the criminal process, as well as issues of culture of criminal procedural activity. Considerable attention is paid to the history of the development of moral and legal ideas in the process of formation and development of domestic legal proceedings, and to the moral and psychological requirements for employees of the judicial system. For higher education students educational institutions students studying in the specialties “Jurisprudence” and “Law Enforcement”, as well as for everyone interested in this topic.

The book is included in the collections:


Eriashvili Nodari Darchoevich

Customs law: textbook for university students studying in the specialties “Jurisprudence” and “Customs Affairs” / N.D. Eriashvili [and others]; edited by N.D. Eriashvili. — 6th ed., revised. and additional — M.: UNITY-DANA, 2017. -303 p. —(Series “Dura lex, sed lex”). - ISBN 978-5-238-02703-6. - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/1028766 read


The textbook consists of three sections: “ General provisions", "Customs activities" and "Ensuring the legality of the activities of customs authorities." The new edition takes into account changes in legislation, as well as decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and other state judicial bodies as of March 1, 2015. For students (cadets) of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty “Jurisprudence” and “Customs Affairs”, lawyers, as well as for teachers, graduate students (adjuncts), practical workers of law enforcement and other agencies.

The book is included in the collections:


Aminov Ilya Isakovich

Legal ethics: textbook for students studying in the specialties “Jurisprudence”, “Law Enforcement” / I.I. Aminov [etc.]; edited by G.B. Mirzoeva, N.D. Eriashvili. — 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2019. - 319 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-03187-3. - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/1028783 read


The content and social value of a lawyer's professional ethics are revealed. The ethical and psychological characteristics of the personality and activities of a lawyer, the moral and psychological aspects of providing them with consulting services, and protecting the rights and interests of citizens in court are comprehensively considered. Practical recommendations are given on the formation of a professional image, overcoming professional deformation, and the use of methods of legitimate psychological influence on participants in criminal and civil proceedings. Issues of the history of ethical attitudes in the legal profession and attitudes towards the legal profession are covered. For undergraduate and graduate students, teachers law schools, practicing lawyers, trainees and paralegals, and students of advanced training courses.

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