Yuri Georgy Egor Igor have a common origin. Why does the name Georgy have so many different abbreviations? Famous people with this name

The section is led by Doctor of Philology A. SUPERANSKAYA


I would like to know the meaning of my last name. At first glance, everything is simple: Kursk - Kursk or from the Kura River.

But let's look at the dictionary:

Ku (ku) - land, country, region;

Ru (ru) - go, move.

There are many other meanings. All together can be understood as “a field through which it takes a long time to move,” in other words, the steppe.

Just don’t think that I want to “exalt myself” through kinship with the illustrious Kuru family. But, really, it’s very, very interesting!

And what does the suffix -sk mean in Russian?

And another question: why are the names Yuri and Georgy the same thing? The same word has such meanings in the Greek dictionary (I don’t know the Greek). And so, to the ear, there seems to be nothing in common between these names.

Yu. Kursky (Voronezh).


Your surname comes from the name of the city of Kursk, and excursions into Indian antiquities are not needed to explain it.

The name of the city Kursk is derived from the name of the Kur River. The suffix -sk is used to form adjectives from geographical and ethnic names: England - English, Tatars - Tatar, as well as to form city names from the names of rivers, mountains and other physical-geographical objects: Ural - Uralsk, Tom - Tomsk.

The names Yuri and Georgiy were formed in Russian from the same Greek name Georgios. Among the Greeks, this name was an epithet of Zeus and meant farmer. According to legend, Zeus patronized agriculture and farmers. In Russian, this name, as a borrowed name, appeared in the 10th century. But according to the laws of the Old Russian language at that time, it was impossible to pronounce a soft g before an e at the beginning of a word. The name turned into Eorii and then into Yuri. The re-borrowing of this name occurred in the 17th century when church books were corrected. It was again written down in the form Georgiy, but again the phonetic laws of the Russian language, which had changed somewhat by that time, did not allow such a pronunciation in the Russian language. The name changed to Yegorgy, Yegoriy, Egor.

Only in the 19th century, with the development of literacy, did some begin to pronounce this name as George (it was in this form that it was written in church calendars). But at the end of the 19th century, a special genre of friendly calendars appeared, where there was such a certificate: “George - in Russian pronunciation Egor.” So three different names developed from virtually the same source.

It is interesting that in modern Greek the form Georgi(os) has not been preserved, but is pronounced Yori. The unity of all these forms is supported by church calendars, where these forms are assigned to the same characters and calendar dates.

Please tell us about the origin of the surnames Inshakov, Fursa, Litvinov.

A. Shilov (Elets, Lipetsk region).

The surname Inshakov comes from the word inshak, which could be a substitute for a name if for some reason they did not want to use it. The word inshak is formed from the word inshiy - different, different, not this. Just as the eldest child was called Bolshak (from big), the next one could be called Inshak - that is, not this one, but the next one.

The surname Fursa comes from the ancient church name Fure (modern Firs). The Fouret form was difficult to pronounce: only one vowel sound ending in a group of consonants. In colloquial speech, the name received the final -a (something similar is observed even now in common parlance: negro, tiger - nominative case, masculine gender). Thus, the Fursa surname is a male personal name not formalized with special suffixes. Compare surnames with suffixes: Fursov, Fursin (the last surname is very rare).

The surname Litvinov comes from the word litvin. That's what Belarusians were called in the old days. The cultural center of the Belarusians was the city of Vilna (modern Vilnius). Ethnic boundaries in the past were different and largely depended on the confession (Orthodox or Catholic).


Our family has been a subscriber to Science and Life magazine for over 25 years. Depending on the conditions and our capabilities, I try to subscribe regularly. I especially like the section “Correspondence with Readers” about the origin of surnames as interpreted by Doctor of Philology A. Superanskaya. Please write what my last name means and where it is common.

I rarely see my last name. I know that my ancestors are from the Poltava region.

S. Poluektov (Gusev, Kaliningrad region).


Your surname comes from the Russian Orthodox name Polievkt, derived from the Greek word polyeuktos - long-awaited, desired. This name turned out to be difficult for Russian pronunciation, and most importantly, incomprehensible. We now know what poly is from scientific words like polygamy, polyvalent, but our ancestors did not know. But the word semi was well known to them. So Polyevkt turned into Poluevkt. But the final combination -evkt was impossible for a Russian person to pronounce. It has been simplified. In addition, after vowels it was more convenient to pronounce not e, but e. So it turned out Poluekt. This is not the only Russian derivative of Polievct. Others: Polyect, Poluekt, Poluektor, Poilect, Polyevt, Polyert. This is how the Russian language rebuilt the alien-sounding name.

I was very interested in the section on the origin of surnames. Could you please explain the origin of my last name? My parents are from Ukraine, and in Ukrainian their last name sounds like Vidmish.

I. Vydmysh (Kaliningrad).


Your surname is indeed very rare. It is possible that for this reason it suffered some deformations. In addition to what is replaced by s in it, some other changes to the original form are possible. If -ysh is a diminutive suffix (like small-ysh), then what is vydm-? Ukrainian and Russian languages ​​have several similar basics.

In Ukrainian - the adjective vidminniy - excellent, excellent and the verb vidminyati / vidminity - to replace. On their basis, the nickname Bidmish could be formed with the meaning good, excellent (child).

In Russian, the word led (written with yat) means known or subordinate, subordinate. On their basis, nicknames like Vedmysh could also be formed. The letter yat in some dialects turned into i.

Finally, in the Ukrainian and Southern Russian languages ​​the bear is called vedmed (also written with yat). There was an ancient Russian name Bear (and therefore Vedmed). The small child was called not such a formidable name, but a diminutive one - Medvedik or Medvedysh (respectively Vedmedysh). Perhaps, as a result of rethinking and simplifications, the form Vedmedysh became Vidmedysh and then Vidmish/Vydmysh.



In the magazine "Science and Life" No. 9 for 1993, I accidentally came across the publication "From First Name to Last Name", where Doctor of Philology A. Superanskaya, referring to the historian A. Ya. Sadovsky, gives a number of names of landowners of the Nizhny Novgorod district (1613- 1622), in particular - Glyadkov T.N. Since this surname is relatively rare (and I also am its owner), I was interested in such an ancient history. From distant (and, unfortunately, deceased) relatives, I had fragmentary information about the history of the family name, but this is not the beginning of the 17th century, but the very end of the 18th century. Therefore, I ask you to tell me where I can familiarize myself with the list of A. Ya. Sadovsky, as well as other materials on the issue that interests me, if, of course, you have this information or know where (library, archive, etc.) to find it.

E. Glyadkova (Noginsk, Moscow region).

Your surname comes from an Old Russian name Look, and the name, in turn, comes from the common noun “look” - gaze, look, supervision. Affectionate form of this name Glyadok or Glyadko . Both of them give the surname Glyadkov. In the “Onomasticon” of S. B. Veselovsky (M., 1974) the following are listed: Afanasy, Elizariy and Mizin Glyadkovs, Arzamasians, 1565, in the service in Kazan, as well as the Glyadkovs - landowners, 1608, Nizhny Novgorod. A. Ya. Sadovsky recorded Glyadkov Tagan Nikitich, a Kazan resident. Sadovsky's work is called "On materials on the study of the Nizhny Novgorod district in the Time of Troubles and shortly after it (1613-1622)" (M., 1902). I read this work in the Russian State Library (formerly Lenin Library). The copy they have is woven into the work of N. D. Chechulin “On the Question of the Spread of Foreign Influences in the Moscow State” (M., 1902), and you need to look for it in Chechulin.


I would like to know about the origin of our unusual surname - Beskokotov (there was a variant of Bezko(a)kotov). My father is from the Saratov region, where, perhaps, there is still the same surname. But I have never met anyone with the same last name.

Yu. Beskokotov (Nerekhta, Kostroma region).

You truly have a rare surname. In some Russian folk dialects cocotte (plural cocottes ) - finger joints. In other dialects: cocotte - blow, knock, cuff; cocotal - about chickens and roosters making sounds like “ko-ko-ko”, and figuratively about people laughing, cocotte - the cry of chickens and roosters, cook - onomatopoeic, cf. verb to shake, to shake . Based on the meanings of these words with the root cook , meaning of the word cocoonless (in the old days it was written with a “z”), from which the surname Beskokotov is derived, may be: “not having any fingers or their parts,” “entering a house without knocking,” “not laughing.” Further than this, linguistic analysis is impossible. You need to know the specific situation in which the nickname was given and the specific person who received it.


I am a regular subscriber to your magazine. We enjoy reading the magazine with the whole family. I decided to restore my family tree and was faced with the fact that I don’t know the origin of my last name. My surname is very rare; I have never met anyone with the same surname. My father and I were born in the Penza region. I don't know the further roots. Please answer what is known about the origin of this surname.

N. Tumkina (Glazov, Udmurtia).

Surname Tumkins , in all likelihood, of Volga origin. For centuries, numerous peoples of Turkic (Chuvash, Tatars) and Finno-Ugric (Mari, Mordovians) origin lived in the Volga region. The Volga united them as a nurse, providing work, food, and the opportunity to move easily. Hence the numerous borrowings of names from each other.

In the Mordovian language the word tuma means oak, in Tatar - offspring, in Kazakh - descendant. In the Mari language, a descendant is volumes . We find all these components in the Volga region names: Toma, Tuma, Tomas, Tumay, Tomai, Tumaka, Tomaka etc. Russification brought the suffix - ka : Tumka, Tumashka (from Tumash). Hence the surname Tumkin. By the way, in Moscow, according to the telephone directory, you have namesakes.


Many, many years later I came across your magazine - the magazine of my childhood. As a child, I read it through and through. Naturally, I didn’t understand half of it at the time, which did not at all detract from his merits in my eyes. And now, 15-17 years later, he’s a little “thinner,” but still just as multifaceted and terribly interesting. Thanks to everyone who created it!

And I am writing, naturally, with a request. All my life I have been correcting people who diligently change the letter “u” to the letter “o” in my last name. I re-read all the dictionaries, they are really full of, as they say, Sysoyevs, but not a word about us, the Sysoyevs. And although there are few of us who are so “wrong,” we still exist!

So why are my grandfather, my father, and I the Sysuevs? Originally from the village of Kalinino (now, according to fashion, renamed Stolypino) in the Baltaysky district of the Saratov region.

O. Sysueva (Krasnoyarsk).


Name Sysoy no luck in Russian. Its church form, Sisoi, was not recognized by the people. The name has undergone various changes: Susoy, Sysoy and perhaps also Sysui. Its shortened forms are Sus, Sys, Sus, Syso, Suso etc. So your surname may well be formed from one of the variants of this name. But another explanation is also possible: in some Russian folk dialects there is a verb piss off - be angry. They say: "Don't piss" , that is, don’t get angry. Perhaps the derivative forms of this verb had some influence on the change in the name Sysoy in the Russian language.

By the way, your surname, although rare, is not exceptional. Several families with the surname live in Moscow Sysuevs .

A student of the Timiryazev Academy is writing to you. Please explain the origin of my last name.

Sincerely, M. Shkatov (Moscow).


It is difficult to answer your question unambiguously. There is a word in Dahl's dictionary box marked: often plural: frames - a type of watering can, from which the ship is washed from the outside, from the boats. But what does this have to do with a person’s last name? Such a nickname and later surname could be given to a person who served in the navy. You know better whether any of your ancestors served there. With a question mark, V.I. Dal gives the second meaning of the word box , marking it as Simbirsk, - “the entire parish with the clergy,” that is, everyone who goes to this church, including its clergy. In this case, the nickname, and later the surname Shkatov, could be received by an orphan who was in the care of all the parishioners attending this church.

For a more accurate answer, archival data is needed.

I follow with great attention the responses to letters from readers of your regular author, Doctor of Philology A.V. Superanskaya. Her conclusions are sometimes unexpected, but always interesting and deeply professional.

I would very much like to know the origin and meaning of the surname Byakont, which was found in the Moscow region in the 17th century.

Candidate of Technical Sciences G. Fomin (Shcherbinka, Moscow region).


The name Byakont has been known in Moscow since the 13th century. Fyodor Byakont arrived in Moscow from Chernigov and became the founder of several noble families, including the Pleshcheev family. The founder of the Pleshcheyev family was Fedor’s son, Alexander Fedorovich Pleshchey Byakontov. Name Pleshchey comes from the word shoulder (shoulder/shoulder) and means: broad-shouldered. Byakont was also the father of Metropolitan Alexy of Moscow.

The name Byakont itself is difficult to define unambiguously. Perhaps it is derived from the Russian word bakalo - mumble or from a verb babble - fall noisily or do something badly, carelessly. The end is alarming -ont , atypical for the Russian language, but found in borrowed names: Xenophon, Niphon, Mammoth. Several villages in the Moscow province were named after Byakont and his descendants: Byakontovo.

That's all that can be reported about the name Byakont today. Perhaps the publication of new dictionaries will make it possible to get to the original words from which this name is derived.

The origin of the name Yuri may be of interest due to its rich history. It contains many extraordinary and even tragic events. In Russia this name enjoys special love and popularity. We will talk about its origin and meaning in our article.

Language source

The origin of the name Yuri can make its owner proud. It is one of the options which, in turn, was taken by the Slavs from “Georgos”, translated from Hellenic as “farmer”. There are three similar names in everyday life: George, Yuri and Egor. This is a rare case. It indicates that the name was loved by all segments of the population.

Patron Saints

Yuri is very interesting. The name was included in the calendar after the canonization of George, a warrior who suffered martyrdom at the hands of the pagans in 303. In Rus' he was nicknamed the Victorious. According to legend, he managed to defeat a dragon (a terrible serpent). This feat is depicted on many icons. Since the 14th century, the image of the hero has appeared on the emblem of Moscow. In total, the church celebrates the name days of 16 saints George and Yuri.

Appearance in Rus'

The name Yuri, whose origin is discussed in this article, came to Rus' with the advent of Christianity. Religious tradition prescribed that children should be named in honor of the saints commemorated by the church on the day of baptism. These names were borrowed from foreign languages ​​such as Greek or Latin. Unusual to the Russian ear, they were replaced by variants that were more familiar in sound and meaning.

This is what happened with the name George. They began to call children from the 10th-11th centuries. At first, only persons of the princely family were baptized this way. The name was especially popular in the Rurik dynasty. Later it was distributed among churchmen, and then it found its way into the everyday life of artisans and peasants.

Name forms

The origin of the name Yuri interests many. This form took root in the Russian language tradition earlier than Egor. The most famous bearers in ancient times were Yuri Dolgoruky, the Galician king Yuri the First and the Belozersk prince Yuri. The forms of the name are very diverse, which proves its extreme demand. The word formations “Gyurg”, “Gyurgi”, “Gyuryata”, “Yuryata”, “Egorey” were encountered. Interestingly, the Christian name George was also popular in Europe. The boys were called Iorge, Georges, Gerge. The Jerjis variant has taken root among Muslims.

Autumn Yuri

Our compatriots can associate the name Yuri with many interesting events. The origin of this name carries a special, even sacred meaning. "Autumn" Yuri appeared in the Russian Orthodox calendar in memory of the event that took place on December 9, 1051. Then Yaroslav the Wise and Metropolitan Hilarion consecrated the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George in Kyiv.

Autumn St. George's Day entered the history of Russia for a rather sad reason. Until the 16th century, peasants who did not have their own plots freely moved from one landowner to another. This was allowed seven days before St. George's Day and a week after it. However, Boris Godunov abolished this right. He assigned the peasants to the boyars and patrimonial lords forever. This is how the proverb appeared: “Here’s St. George’s Day for you, grandma!”

general characteristics

The name Yuri, the origin and meaning of which has been studied in detail, is a bright and extraordinary person. She harmoniously combines good nature with spiritual firmness, intelligence with straightforwardness, pride with indecisiveness. Yura's arsenal includes hard work, methodicality and thoroughness. These qualities will allow him to achieve success in life. Deep down, he hopes for universal recognition, but is too timid to openly seek this. A man most often hides his true feelings, and getting through to him can be difficult. He hides behind numerous masks, but knows how to make a pleasant impression on others.


The name Yuri endows its bearer with an inquisitive mind. The origin and meaning for the boy is very favorable. He is growing independent and serious beyond his years. Loneliness, as well as the disapproval of his peers, does not bother him at all. Yura is a little stingy and does not follow the lead of public opinion.

The boy does not shine in his studies. But he is distinguished by high responsibility. Always keeps his promises and talks to adults as equals. He doesn’t like to be in the spotlight, but he always defends his point of view. Along with positive qualities, negative ones may also appear - pride, envy and intemperance. Parents should monitor their son's behavior. He will always meet you halfway if he feels that it is in his interests.


The name Yuri, whose origin is no secret to anyone, influences its owner in a positive way. For example, he is ambitious but supports healthy competition. It will be interesting for him to fight a worthy opponent. Yura likes to take risks, and he is lucky. He is rightfully considered a lucky man, but he does not abuse it. The work process excites him. He is a very responsible and methodical employee. However, he loves to brag and sometimes suffers from it himself. He won't turn out to be a businessman, nor will he be a leader. But he will be an excellent performer in production. In addition, Yuri is a very creative person. It costs him nothing to succeed in art. He has good taste and an excellent sense of beauty.


Lovely ladies are attracted to the bearer of the name we are describing. They are interested in the origin of the name Yuri, what qualities it gives to its bearer. After all, one of its owners - Yuri Gagarin - became a real legend of his time. Since then, the name of the hero has caressed the ears of the fairer sex. Yura loves to court women out of sport, but deep down he is a monogamist. A man maintains close relationships with only one partner. He is truly devoted to her. Yura likes well-dressed people with an interesting appearance and bright charisma. He is very susceptible to external gloss, while the spiritual qualities of his partner interest him in the last place. In sex, he cares first of all about himself. However, he is saved by his courtesy and gallantry.

Family life

The name Yuri makes its owner quarrelsome. His origin does not save him. He may be a “farmer” - the breadwinner, the support of the family, but he does not know how to find a common language with his partner. At the same time, family is very important to him, so he is sincerely experiencing another breakup. Our hero needs a calm, patient and loving woman who will smooth out the rough edges in any situation. As a reward, she will receive a reverent father and a devoted husband who will not find fault with little things and demand pickles on the table. However, Yuri has a serious drawback - he is very jealous. He himself will never cheat and will not allow his wife. It will not happen without shouting and showdowns, even if the other half did not give any reason for this. Yuri's vulnerable pride will often provoke him, and his wife will have to come to terms with this.


The name Yura is still very popular among the population. The origin and meaning of this name evokes pleasant associations among people. Boys are called Yuri four to five times more often than Georgiy. Egor has practically fallen out of use altogether. However, the tendency to name their offspring with ancient beautiful names is only increasing. Therefore, “Egor” may well overtake “Yuri” over time. Sweet-sounding and courageous names are firmly rooted in the Russian language. The people named by them accomplished many glorious and useful deeds.

In this article you will learn about the names Georgy, Yuri and Gregory - are they the same or different.

The proximity of the origin of certain names makes us think that they are the same. For example, Egor, Georgy, Gregory - are they different names or are they the same? Can Georgy be called Yuri or Zhora? Find answers to these and other questions in this article.

The name Egor, Georgy, Yuri, Zhora, Gregory: different names or not?

The name Egor, Georgy, Yuri, Zhora, Gregory: different names or not?

There are names that have many derived forms, as well as several abbreviated forms. But often we unknowingly assign a shortened form to a name that has nothing to do with it. The name Egor, Georgy, Yuri, Zhora, Gregory: different names or not? Here are some guesses:

  • Yura and Egor are derivatives of the name Georgy. Egor is an old Russian name. There used to be no soft "g" sound. The name George appeared a little later.
  • The name Yura appeared even later, but was also formed from the name Georgiy. Although Yura is considered a shortened form of the name Yuri, this is correct.
  • Zhora is also a shortened form of the name Georgiy. There is also Gosha, Goga and so on.
  • Gregory is the full name of the shortened form of Grisha.

Now in passport data you can find the names Egor and Georgy, although these are the same names. There is also the name Yuri and it is considered a different name from George, both in passport data and in colloquial speech. By the way, in conversation Georgy is often called Yegor.

Georgy or Gregory: what is the correct way to say the full name?

If the shortened form of the name sounds like Egor, Zhora or even Yura, then the full name may be Georgy. Although, as mentioned above, Yura is a shortened form of the name Yuri. But this will not be an error according to the etymology of names. If the shortened form of the name is Grisha, then the full form is Gregory. There are different ways to pronounce your full name correctly, the main thing is that it is written this way in the passport and that the person likes this form of the name.

What is the difference between the name Egor, Georgy and Yuri, Zhora, Grigory?

When parents choose a name for their child, it is important for them to understand the differences between certain similar names. What is the difference between the name Egor, Georgy and Yuri, Zhora, Grigory? The main difference in meaning:

  • George means "Patron of Agriculture". The modified Russian folk form - Egor - has the same meaning.
  • Yuri is also a Slavic form of the Greek name George and means “farmer”, "land worker" or "earth worker".
  • Gregory has a different meaning from previous names, and from Ancient Greek it means “awake” or “cheerful.”

The difference between these names is also in the number of derivatives. If Gregory has only one form - Grisha, then Georgy can name them endlessly: Gosha, Goga, Zhora, Yura, Egor, Zhorik, Zhores and so on.

Can George be called Yegor or Yuri, Zhora, Gregory?

If a person has a specific name and you want to call him differently, you must first ask permission. After all, not all people like certain derivative forms of their names. Many people even find some forms annoying. Therefore, it is better to turn to the person and ask: can you, Georgy, be called Egor or Yuri, Zhora, Grigory?

When naming your child this or that name, think about what derivatives and abbreviated forms of this name are, and whether your child will like them when he grows up. After all, a name is given once and for all, and the shortened form often becomes a nickname and accompanies a person throughout his life.

Video: The meaning of the name George

The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) - its origin, character, destiny. We will tell you what the name Georgy (Egor) means, how it affects the character and destiny of a person.

Meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) option 1

Meaning and Origin:

Farmer (Greek). In Russian, this Greek name is more often used in its other form - Yuri. Another variant of the name is Egor.

Energy and Karma:

The name George conceals a tendency towards ambition, perhaps even towards some arrogance, but it also seems to hint to its owner about the fraughtness of such an elevation above people. Listen to the sound of this word, it begins on the rise, then its tension increases and at the end - uncertainty. Maybe that’s why Georgy often prefers to be called simply Zhora, while the diminutive version could sound differently - Hera. No, the name Zhora more smoothes out or masks dangerous ambition.

Secrets of communication:

If you want your conversation with Zhora to take a more confidential direction, you can risk opening your soul to him, telling him a little about your dreams, and dreaming up a little. Most likely, he will be able to respond with sincerity to fragility. The easiest way to mortally insult George and make him your enemy is to doubt his merits; on the contrary, George loves well-deserved compliments and praise, which is often taken advantage of by those around him.

  • Gemini.
  • Planet: Moon.
  • Name colors: dark steel, sometimes white.
  • Talisman stone: tiger eye, ruby.

The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) option 2

Meaning and origin: warlike, protected by the Thunder God (Scandinavian). Energy and Karma:

Even being widespread, the name Igor still continues to remain very noticeable and expressive and largely determines the character of its owner.

In terms of energy, it is quite strong, but at the same time there is a feeling of some isolation in it. If he did not have a certain softness, this could lead to significant internal stress, but Igor’s energy is in balance, which makes him a fairly mobile and active person.

Secrets of communication:

It should be noted that if Igor prefers to call himself Gosha, then balance and calmness are more noticeable in his character. In the case of joint affairs with Igor, the work will be more effective if you clearly distribute tasks among each other and give each other greater freedom of action

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Name colors: greenish brown, steel.
  • Talisman stone: agate, carnelian.

The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) option 3

From the ancient Greek word "georgos" - farmer. Little Zhorik is unlikely to eat candy that has been bitten by someone. He has been disgusted from childhood to old age. At school age he stays a little aloof from his friends, but not to such an extent that they regard it as arrogance.

As soon as it comes to the point at which opposition to the team begins, he immediately takes a step back, and warmth reappears in his relationships with his peers. What attracts people about George is his ability and willingness to listen to his interlocutor, and this is already a lot, especially since he can also keep other people’s secrets. He has a talent for beautifully expressing his thoughts on paper. He prefers to entrust his angry philippics to a piece of paper. Wherever he works, he will always treat the assigned work with great responsibility. In the company of strangers he is reserved, but in his own circle he is not averse to gossiping, although he is kind and treats people kindly. Purposeful and somewhat cunning; Indecisive with women. Family life with George usually goes well. You just need to remember that the only thing he cannot tolerate is lies. Even a woman’s sweet lies make him different from himself. True, after shouting, he quickly calms down. He is cheerful, a lover of cheerful companies and parties, and he is looking for a wife who is cheerful and easy-going. He does not strive for leadership in the family; power, as a rule, is reasonably divided between both spouses. He doesn’t mind that the family money is kept by his wife, even considering it convenient for himself, since it saves him from unnecessary hassle.

What is positive about George is his forbearance; He makes fun of those he doesn't like a little, but without anger or caustic irony. After drinking, he becomes thoughtful. In his free time he likes to walk with his children, but constant communication with them quickly tires him.

In marriage, he will most likely be lucky with Varvara, Vera, Galina, Natalya, Nina, Svetlana. A happy marriage with Alevtina, Angelina, Anna, Valentina, Ekaterina, Zinaida, Maya, Marina, Rimma is problematic.

The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) option 4

George - “farmer” (Greek)

Little Zhora is unlikely to eat candy that someone has bitten. He has been disgusted from childhood to old age.

At school age, he stays a little aloof from his friends, but not to such an extent that his classmates regard it as arrogance.

At the point of opposition to the team, he immediately takes a step back, and warmth reappears in his relationships with his peers. What attracts him is his ability to listen to his interlocutor, and this is already a lot, especially since he also knows how to keep other people’s secrets. Georgy has a talent for beautifully expressing his thoughts on paper. Prefers to entrust his angry attacks to a piece of paper. Wherever he works, he always takes the assigned work with great responsibility. In the company of strangers he is reserved, but in his own circle he is not averse to gossiping, although he treats people kindly. Purposeful and somewhat cunning, indecisive with women.

Family life with George usually goes well. You just need to remember that the only thing he cannot stand is lies. Even a woman’s sweet lies make him different from himself. True, after shouting, he quickly calms down. He is cheerful, a lover of cheerful companies and parties, and is looking for a wife who is cheerful and easy to get up to. He does not strive for leadership and does not fight for power in the family. Georgy does not mind that the family money is kept by his wife; for him, to some extent, this is even a benefit, since he does not have to bother his head with various calculations. A positive trait is forbearance. He makes fun of those he doesn't like a little.

He has a somewhat unstable nervous system.

“Winter” George has a well-developed sense of proportion. Obligatory, pedantic.

“Autumn” - clearly represents the goal in life and sensibly assesses his capabilities. Can work as a manager, massage therapist, trainer. The name matches patronymics: Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Vasilyevich, Petrovich, Andreevich, Alekseevich.

“Summer” is compliant, has the gift of a good style.

“Spring” Georgy is an excellent speaker. Can become a writer, circus and film performer, lecturer. The name matches patronymics: Arturovich, Olegovich, Stepanovich, Romanovich, Efimovich, Karlovich, Avgustovich.

The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) option 5

Kind and talented. They treat people well. Loving, squeamish.

They usually pour out all their angry attacks on paper - they write it beautifully and probably could have become famous if it weren’t for “mother laziness”. They become isolated in someone else's society.

People in their circle love to gossip. Sexy, but unlucky in marriages. With women they are indecisive: instead of taking action, they begin to make maxims on various topics.

Since childhood, they have been prone to respiratory diseases. They have a huge advantage among their friends - they never get drunk, and are generally not inclined towards alcoholism.

The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) option 6

George - from Greek. farmer, folk Egor; once Mr. Yegory.

Derivatives: Mountain, Zhora, Hera, Gesha, Gosha, Goshulya, Gulya, Goshunya, Goga, Garya, Egorka, Egonya, Egosha, Egunya, Gunya.

Name days: January 21, February 4, 17, 24, March 6, April 17, 20, May 2, 6, 26, 29, June 8, August 31, November 16, 23, December 9.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

That's why Georgy gave the wolf teeth so that he could feed.

They pray to St. George for the health of livestock: “Save my little cow, Saints George, Blasius and Protasius.”

St. George is prayed for the protection of maidens and patronage of all rural work.

St. George's dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments: they roll on the dew to get health. This day is the feast of the shepherds: St. George himself, invisible to people, rides out into the field on his white horse and grazes the cattle, protecting them from the animals, over which he also rules.

December 9 - St. George autumn, cold. George the Winter is the ruler of wolves: the beast will not touch any livestock without his command, so they say: “What the wolf has in its teeth, George gave.”

You can’t go into the forest on Autumn St. George’s Day: snakes don’t spare either sinners or saints.


The arrogance characteristic of him knows how to carefully hide, as well as other unattractive traits of his character.

Famous namesakes.

St. Great Martyr George the Victorious - a warrior, during the persecution of Christians, declared himself a follower of Christ, denounced the pagan king, and after great torment was executed in 303. Patron of Moscow. Memory May 6.

Georgy Vladimirovich Ivanov (1894−1958) - poet, literary critic.

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896−1974) - Russian commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times Hero of the Soviet Union; on behalf of the Supreme High Command, on May 8, 1945, accepted the surrender of Nazi Germany.

Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov (1915−1998) - Russian composer, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize laureate.

Georgy Stepanovich Zhzhenov is a Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR.

Georgy Nikolaevich Danelia is a Russian film director, People's Artist of the USSR.

The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) option 7

GEORGE - farmer (Greek).

Name day: May 6 - Holy Great Martyr St. George the Victorious, warrior; during the persecution of Christians he declared himself a follower of Christ; denounced the pagan king and, after great torment, was beheaded in 303.

  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Blue color.
  • A favorable tree is poplar.
  • The treasured plant is lily of the valley.
  • The patron of the name is the white eagle.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire.


No one would call George arrogant, although this is his main trait. He just knows how to carefully hide this and other unseemly traits of his character, realizing their unattractiveness. What attracts people in Georgiy is his ability and willingness to listen to his interlocutor; in addition, he never reveals other people’s secrets. Wherever Georgy works, he always treats his work with responsibility; He is reserved among strangers, but in his own circle he is often considered the soul of society. What he cannot tolerate is lies, especially in family life. The man is cheerful and easy-going, and he is looking for a wife who is the same: he does not strive for leadership in the family. Georgy loves children very much.

The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) option 8

Georgy has been too squeamish since early childhood. Try giving him a stale napkin, the food will remain untouched.

As she gets older, it becomes even more unbearable. He is reluctant to visit, and even if he does, he touches little at the table, embarrassing the hostess.

A random stain on the tablecloth or crumbs can turn him away from this home forever. In most cases, because of this, George’s marriage does not work out very well. He really torments his wife with endless comments and nagging, interferes in her affairs in the kitchen, and watches her every move while cooking. Few can stand it.

Georgy is somewhat withdrawn and unsociable. However, he is kind to people, loves children, and is not predisposed to alcohol. A talented worker, stubborn in achieving his goals. He may flare up, but after throwing out the accumulated discontent, he becomes flexible and calm for a long time. The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor) option 9

The name George comes from the ancient Greek word "georgos", meaning "farmer".

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number four.

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