Yuri Kuvaldin "Pleasure" story. The youngest grandmothers in the world Close-up grannies

Gone are the days when grannies sat in front of the TV, baked pies and knitted socks. Modern grandmothers play drums, play sports and fight wolves. Such grannies will give anyone a head start!

Drummer grandmother (63 years old)

This was the name of one elderly woman who constantly came to the Coalition Drum store (Wisconsin). Videos of her simply flooded the Internet. Sixty-three-year-old Maria Hvisda began playing drums when she was 15 years old, and from the age of 16 she performed with various groups. In 1990, she ended her “career” as a musician.

Grandmother-athlete (90 years old)

A 90-year-old great-grandmother from Australia is confidently winning the respect of gym regulars half her age. Edna Shepherd is a regular customer at the Broadmeadows Leisure Center in Melbourne. She enjoys attending aerobics classes, tai chi, and even goes to exercise machines.
She attends water gymnastics classes every other day, and meanwhile goes to ballet class to dance. Her fitness schedule is amazing. She says that playing sports is as natural for her as knitting socks for her peers - but, unfortunately, she doesn’t have much time for this. When she's not at the gym, she takes private, dedicated dance classes, and she also walks a marathon every Wednesday with a group of other walkers.
No one can argue that she is old enough to decide to get a tattoo. 101-year-old Mimi Rosenthal left her wand at the entrance to the salon and sat down in a black leather chair. Being one and a half meters tall, her feet did not touch the floor, and to get her third tattoo she wanted to get comfortable. "Let's find something for your feet," said tattoo artist Michelle Gallo-Kohlas, a longtime family friend who was given the honor of tattooing Rosenthal's arm.

Grandma with tattoos (101 years old)

At the age of 99, Rosenthal decided to get her first tattoo, a tiny blue butterfly the size of a dime. Gallo-Colas remembers Rosenthal looking at her finished tattoo and saying it was too small. When she turned 100, Rosenthal tried again, this time deciding to get a larger tattoo on her other leg. She liked the flower, the size of a $1 coin, much better, but she had to lift her pant leg to show it off. Next time she decided to get a tattoo on her arm.

Grandma tractor (73 years old)

Her name is Wang Xiaobei and she is 73 years old. This granny lives in the city of Jinan in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong Province. In 2006, when she was 72 years old, this Chinese granny was pulling (with her teeth!) a 4-ton truck loaded with people. The next year, she outdid herself and pulled two trucks with her teeth, totaling 5 tons.

Highest ranked judo wrestling coach (99 years old)

Keiko Fukuda was the first female judo wrestling coach to earn the rank of 10th black belt and the honor of being the very first woman to achieve that rank in judo. She began to practice judo back when her peers had to learn the Japanese tea ceremony and calligraphy.
When Fukuda turned 21, Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, invited her to join the newly formed Kodokan division, the first judo school. Fukuda trained women in judo and later opened her own dojo.
Fukuda died on February 9, 2013 in San Francisco at the age of 99. She taught the art of judo until the last weeks of her life.

Granny parachutist (93 years old)

A 93-year-old woman has deservedly earned the title of Britain's oldest female skydiver. Great-grandmother Pat Oakes won this title from the previous record holder, who was only 60 years old, by jumping from a plane from a height of 3048 meters.
Pat, originally from Solihull in the West Midlands, has been a lifelong thrill seeker. Thirteen years before the parachute jump, she, along with her grandson, participated in a charity rappel. Her grandson fell on his head from a height of 15 meters and lay in a coma for eight days. But when he fully recovered, they made another rappel.

Granny yoga instructor (83 years old)

Yoga instructor Bette Calman may be 83 years old, but she can still make the bridge to bring the benefits of the ancient Indian discipline to as many people as possible. The nimble granny pulls off incredible tricks, and her hairstyle and pearl earrings give her the glamorous look of Greta Garbo in a pink tracksuit. An Australian wonder granny who taught yoga for 40 years is living proof that a dedication to yoga will help you stay as flexible as rubber.

Grandma-high school graduate (98 years old)

Eighty years ago, Josephine Belasco was forced to drop out of school to care for her sick sister and help support her family. Her only regret in life was that she never finished school. However, in 2006, the grandmother of three grandchildren finally received her high school diploma. She worked as an accountant for 36 years and lived a long and happy marriage. She has a son, three grandchildren, her own top-floor apartment in Nob Hill and still goes into town with her girlfriends to chat over a couple of cocktails.

Dressed in a white cap and gown and holding a rose, just like all the other girls, Mrs. Belasco finally graduated from Galileo High School - 80 years later.

Granny who killed the wolf (56 years old)

A grandmother from Russia told how she killed a wolf with her bare hands and an ax after it attacked a calf. Aishat Maksudova said she was caring for her cattle and herd of sheep when a wolf attacked their village of Novy Biryuzyak in Dagestan. The 56-year-old woman was able to save the calf, but the wolf attacked her, closing its jaws around her hand.

Sitting in hospital with her arm bandaged, Aishat Maksudova said she was “not scared at all” during the wolf attack. The brave woman explained how she wanted to strangle the wolf but was forced to resort to using an ax when she couldn't open the animal's jaws.

For 170 rubles.

Registration number 0038051 issued for the work:

I urgently needed a quote from a song performed by Lyudmila Zykina. I didn’t remember the name, only the line remained in my memory: “In the villages of the Ryazan region in the villages of the Smolensk region...”

I rummaged through my library and found two collections of pop songs. There is no such thing! I expected the same result from the music library.
What to do, I went to the store. I go to the nearest one: there is a CD by Zykina, the price is 360 rubles. No, it’s expensive for me - I’m going to the next store. The further you went from home, the cheaper that disk was. For 5 rubles...

Another store that recently opened.
There are no buyers. Two skinny girls are bored at the cash register. Their bellies are on display, their belly buttons have tiny shells, their bellies barely stay on their hips. They both look about 16-17 years old.
I walk along the shelves: rap, hip-hop, metal, rock and its branches.…
In a remote corner of the Kazan orphan there is a modest shelf “Domestic Performers”. Solid pop music with pigment spots of a rock band. I don’t see Zykina.

One of the girls runs up to me:
- Hello. Can I help you? What are you interested in?
- Lyudmila Zykina. And so that there are more songs on the disc.
“Zykina...Zykina...” the girl wrinkles her forehead, fidgets with her chin, and finally shouts to her friend: “Vika, do you know Zykina?”
The girlfriend also wrinkles her forehead, her luridly plastered lips curl in a perplexed grimace.

To use youth slang, I’m quietly precipitated...

I still bought R.S. Zykina, at the end of Petrogradka, having walked around it all.
For 170 rubles.
The same disk that costs 360 near my house...

Rita was born in Croatia, but soon moved to Italy, where she began her singing career. Soon Rita was invited to the cinema, and she successfully starred in several films, including “Powder”, “Russicum, Days of the Devil” and “Joan Louis”. However, Rita did not like the life of a film actress, and she founded her own production center, which is still operating successfully. For a long time, Rita was married to producer Vittorio Gori, but the marriage broke up, despite two children. Now Rita has two grandchildren, with whom she devotes quite a lot of time, and a young boyfriend. This is grandma!

Lyudmila Akimova, 53 years old


In 2014, Lyudmila won the Grandma Universe competition - “The most beautiful grandmother in the Universe”, beating dozens of contenders for the crown. Lyudmila has two sons and three grandchildren: 6, 7 and 8 years old! She never resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, but always devoted a lot of time to sports and diets and now weighs 58 kg with a height of 163 centimeters. Lyudmila admits that excess weight is her main enemy. True, we don’t see any excess weight...

Carmen Dell'Orefice, 85 years old

Carmen was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the catwalk model with the longest career: she continues to work for more than 50 years! The girl took part in a fashion show for the first time in 1945, and since then she has managed to represent almost every famous brand (among the most striking works are shoots for Moschino, Lancaster, Rolex, Target, Chanel, Missoni for Lindex, Banana Republic, Elizabeth Arden and GAP). Carmen has a daughter, Laura, and a grandson, but she carefully protects them from the attention of the press.

Yasmina Rossi, 62 years old


Yasmina began her modeling career at the age of 40, which in itself attracted the attention of journalists to her. Before that, she... had not worked a day, completely devoting herself to raising children. When they grew up, Yasmina wondered what to do now, and her friends advised her to go to a modeling agency. This was not particularly successful, but when the Marks & Spencer company launched an advertising campaign in New York, they needed age models to present the new collection. It was Russia's finest hour, which after an incredibly beautiful campaign was literally in great demand. By the way, when filming began, Yasmina was already a grandmother!

Melissa, 62 years old

Fame overtook Melissa unexpectedly: she ran her own small beauty blog under the nickname melissa55 and was not that popular until one of the commentators asked about her age. When it turned out that Melissa was 60, her blog was literally attacked by people who wanted to know how she managed to maintain her youth, despite having children and raising eight (!) grandchildren. Melissa does not hide the fact that her method is not entirely standard and excludes the use of moisturizers, but involves the constant use of retinol-containing preparations. Melissa has never even visited cosmetologists.

Ellen Ector, 64 years old

Ellen is a fitness trainer and has five children and four grandchildren. After retirement, Ellen became seriously concerned about her health, switched to her own nutrition system, began developing special training regimens, and literally in a matter of months gained a lot of followers: more than half a million people subscribed to her Instagram! Together with her daughter Lana, she released a DVD called Black Girls Workout Too, the fitness exercises from which became hits on social networks.

Kris Jenner, 62 years old

The head of the Kardashian star family believes that her grandchildren saved her from depression. “It wasn’t easy for me to go through the empty nest syndrome when my children were scattered around the world, and even reading all sorts of things about them in the tabloids... With the advent of grandchildren, my life makes sense again.”

If you like older women and you feel the need for the strong-willed and gentle hand of an experienced “mommy”, the idea of ​​seducing such an adult lady has probably come to your mind more than once. You can be attracted to anything in her: her experience, mental maturity, responsibility, character, facial contours and body shape. Don’t be afraid of this if your interest in an older woman is stronger than your desire for young girls. For you, she is charming and attractive, you play out the most daring stories with her in your mind, so why not try to seduce her?

Unlike young girls, whose life experience is usually very limited, older women usually know what they want. They know what makes them attractive, what men pay attention to, what to wear and how to “present” themselves. This is good because you are much less likely to have to listen to her naive worries about “nobody understands me” or “I don’t know what to wear.” In addition, it is generally more pleasant and interesting to communicate with such a lady than with a capricious young beauty with unformed views on life.

Sexual desire in mature women is usually higher than in twenty-year-old women. If they like a man, they can easily approach him and begin to provoke him with gestures, intonations, and posture. Therefore, if you feel a strong attraction to a certain person, perhaps this is partly due to her.

How to seduce an experienced lady

The first thing you need to do to seduce any woman you like is to approach her and get to know her. If you stand quietly on the sidelines and just watch her, without even trying to show minimal activity, your fantasies will remain fantasies. Therefore, pull yourself together and act boldly.

To seduce a woman, make her feel special, desired, and show interest in her. Show her that you like her and feel sexually attracted to her, and then, if it is mutual, you may not even have to make much effort: she will do the rest herself.

What problems may await you in a relationship with an accomplished woman?

An older woman usually has her own habits and outlook on life. This is also accompanied by: an established social circle, girlfriends, relatives, possibly children, husbands and lovers, problems at work... In addition to you, she, as a rule, has many more things to do. And in you she can see an eternal “boy” who needs to be raised, looked after, taught everything all the time, but who pampers her with his attention and quenches her sexual hunger. In addition, you should prepare for unexpected, sometimes unpleasant reactions to your relationship from other people. Are you ready for such tests?

Being a young grandmother is quite unusual. Often such grandmothers were very young mothers at one time. Let's learn about the young grandmothers of Brazil and who was the youngest grandmother in history.

The youngest grandmother in history

The name of the youngest grandmother in history is Mum-zi. She was born in Nigeria in 1884. At eight years and four months, the girl became a mother, giving birth to a daughter. The same one also gave birth extremely early. At that time she was eight years and eight months old. Thus, Mum-zi became a grandmother at just seventeen.

This sounds incredible, but it turns out that when Mum-zi’s peers were preparing for the prom, she was already raising her grandson.

Young grandmothers of Brazil

The young grandmothers of Brazil deserve special attention. In this country there is a special beauty contest for them. Women who take part in it cannot even be said to be grandmothers. The age of the participants is from forty years. The competition is called "Abuela". It’s amazing how these beautiful women look and how they take care of themselves. They can be a great example of what grandmothers can look like.

Young grandmothers are made by young mothers

To become a young grandmother, you must first become a young mother. Every girl who becomes a mother at a young age can in the future claim the title of a young grandmother, if her child continues the tradition she started. According to the site, the youngest mother in medical history- This is a native of Peru, Lina Medina. When she gave birth, she was not even 6 years old. There is detailed information on our website.

Young grandmothers often boast of their age. Children of young parents are usually glad that they can communicate with them as with friends, in the same language. Young grandmothers are full of strength and enthusiasm, caring for children is still close in their memory, the problems of a young mother are clear, so such grandmothers often become the first assistants to their children who became parents early.

The opposite situation also happens. Having become a young grandmother, a woman does not believe that she should devote herself to her grandchildren in adulthood; she has her own goals. They often motivate this by the fact that they have already put the child on his feet and can now only take care of his own life. Sometimes the word “young” is not emphasized at all, and young grandmothers do not make a problem out of the fact that they are now grandmothers. These women simply proceed from the situation in the family at the time of the birth of their grandson.

Psychologists advise young grandmothers not to worry about the fact that diapers will appear in the family again so early, worries about a small child, and again they will have to get up at night. It is important to remember that, first of all, a newborn is not your child, but the child of your daughter or son. After all, children should also succeed, and there is no need to resist this. The task of a young grandmother, according to experts, is to be herself, adore her grandchildren and get a lot positive emotions from communicating with a small new family member. It is important to remember that it is not a matter of age, the main thing is the state of a young and cheerful soul.

The youngest grandmother in the world

Rifka Stanescu received the title of the youngest grandmother in the world. At the age of eleven, she ran away from home to her lover. The young man was only thirteen years old - this is Ionel Stanescu. They merried. Rifka became pregnant and at twelve already became a mother, giving birth to a girl. She named her daughter Maria. A year later, her son Nikolai was born.

When Maria grew up, she decided to follow the example of her mother. At eleven she became pregnant, at twelve she gave birth to a boy. He was named Ion. Rifka’s daughter did not graduate from school, which is why the young mother was worried, wanting a different fate for her daughter. According to the youngest grandmother, she would like her daughter to achieve something more in life than just motherhood.

Rifka became the grandmother of little Jon at the age of twenty-three. She says she is happy to be a grandmother. The whole family lives in the Roma community. Such early marriages are not uncommon there. The gypsies have such traditions. It is surprising that when Jonah was only two years old, he was betrothed to a girl who was eight years old at that time. If they marry and have a child at a young age, Rifka may well become the youngest great-grandmother.

Rifka said that when she was two years old, she was already engaged, but at eleven she fell in love with her future husband, to whom she ran away, contrary to the engagement and the will of her parents. The girl’s young husband, at thirteen, was already working as a jewelry salesman.

The thing is that virginity is highly valued in Roma culture. Having spent her first night with Ionel, she, one might say, “put an end to” her engagement to another young man. The parents had to break the agreement and marry their daughter to Stanescu. At first, Rifka's father attacked his future son-in-law with a knife out of indignation. After a while the relationship improved. When Ionel and Rifka had their first child, the family young man paid the dowry to Rifka's parents in full. Thus the conflict was settled.

It is known that until recently the record belonged to another young grandmother. She is from the UK and became a grandmother at twenty-six. There is a woman in America who became a grandmother at twenty-eight. She became a mother at thirteen, and her daughter gave birth to a child at fourteen.
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