Yuri Luzhkov celebrated his anniversary with the “secret” help of Vladimir Putin. Where does Luzhkov live, what kind of real estate does he own and what does his house in Austria look like? How old is Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich

Former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov died at the age of 84. The news of the death was reported by Russian Interfax, citing a source close to Luzhkov. Later, the current mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, confirmed this on Twitter.

Another Russian resource, REN, writes that the ex-mayor of Moscow underwent heart surgery in Munich - and he did not survive it.

Yuri Luzhkov served as mayor of Moscow for 18 years until 2010. He was removed from office early by President Dmitry Medvedev due to the fact that he had lost the confidence of the president.

We can talk about the period of Luzhkov's rule for hours. But, despite the fact that many did not like his policies during his work, Moscow gained authority on a global scale. The city became the financial center of Russia. During Luzhkov's reign, the monorail, the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Ring were built. The Bolshoi Theater, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Manege were also restored.

Luzhkov was born in Moscow, graduated from the local Institute of Oil and Gas (mechanical engineer), worked at the Plastics Research Institute and the USSR Ministry of Chemical Industry. In 1977, he was elected to the Moscow City Council, where he remained until 1990. He was also a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1987-1990).

Luzhkov became the second mayor of Moscow after Gavriil Popov and was in the chair of the mayor of the Russian capital for a record 18 years - from 1992 to 2010. In 2010, then-President Dmitry Medvedev dismissed him “due to loss of trust.”

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Not only the mayoral Luzhkov, but also his family, who was forced to leave abroad, suffered from the swift decision of the country’s leader and subsequent not very pleasant events. The wife, having suddenly ceased to be one of the richest ladies in the world and the head of a huge Russian holding company, focused her attention on her student daughters. And also on the management of a large chain of hotels located, designed and proposed for construction in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, the Baltic States, Russia (St. Petersburg) and the Czech Republic.

By the way, Baturina’s first hotel was the Grand Tyrolia Hotel, built in 2009 in Kitzbühel, Austria and costing about 40 million euros. It is in Kitzbühel that Elena Nikolaevna’s headquarters is located. In total, by the end of 2015, it intends to own 14 hotels on the continent.

The Grand Tirolia Hotel hosts the traditional Laureus Award ceremony every 12 months. She is often called the “Oscar” of international sports journalism.

"Emigrant" Luzhkov

Yuri Mikhailovich himself, when meeting with journalists, regularly complains that he has been molded into some kind of reclusive emigrant: they say, he does not appear either in Moscow or even in Russia. How he supports himself and his family is unknown. In fact, the recent head of the capital lives, works and fundamentally does not engage in any political activity in three at once - in England, where his daughters study, in Austria, where the main office of the Luzhkov-Baturina family is located, and in Russia. And not only in Moscow, but also in the Kaliningrad region.

There, the former mayor and his wife, who once headed the country’s equestrian federation, created a real livestock complex on the basis of a German stud farm that collapsed in the 90s and breed sports horses. They also raise “Romanov” sheep, famous for their selected wool. During the Great Patriotic War, very warm and durable soldiers' sheepskin coats were made from this wool.

That is, Yuri Mikhailovich’s wife is only investing in her husband’s project, which is still far from profitable. But Luzhkov himself not only organizes and controls a very complex agricultural process on five thousand hectares and with the participation of a hundred people, but also takes an active part in it - at the helm of a German combine. And is very proud to have been included as a foreign member of the English Sheep Breeders' Union.

Daughters: from Moscow State University to UCL

In Russia, Elena and Olga Luzhkov studied at the most prestigious capital's gymnasiums And language schools. So, after their father’s disgrace, they clearly had no problems with a quick transfer from Moscow State University to UCL, University College London, and later admission to the university.
Elena Luzhkova started her own business in parallel with her studies. In the Slovak capital Bratislava, she created a company called Alener, which deals with perfumes and cosmetics.

However, according to Luzhkov Sr., he does not intend to control the life and studies of his daughters. He also understands the sad fact that his wife is forced to often visit and even live in London, and not next to him.

On the afternoon of Friday, December 23, the media reported the emergency hospitalization of former Moscow mayor Yuri. According to Life, he fainted while visiting the fundamental library. According to the publication, the former mayor of Moscow took a potent drug for a long time, after which he had an attack. Eyewitnesses called an ambulance for Luzhkov, after which the ex-mayor was taken to one of the city hospitals.

Yuri Luzhkov himself some time later called the rumors about his clinical death “grossly exaggerated.” “All this talk about clinical death is complete nonsense and untrue,” Luzhkov reports.

He noted that doctors diagnosed him with pneumonia caused by a viral infection. “I was given a full examination, the diagnosis and treatment are clear. In a day or two, I hope to leave the hospital and attend my friend’s concert,” the ex-mayor of Moscow emphasized.

According to Luzhkov, he does not intend to stay in the hospital for a long time, nor does he intend to interrupt his work due to illness, since there are few working days left until the end of the year.

"I'm going to meet New Year with family at a ski resort in Austria”,

Let us note that this is not the first time that Luzhkov has had health problems. In his column dedicated to, in the September 2014 issue of Woman, Luzhkov recalled how he had an operation more than 15 years ago: “I wake up after anesthesia and don’t know why (and I don’t know that well English language), still in a complete fog, I immediately ask: “Ver from my wife?” (“Where is my wife?” - Gazeta.Ru). The doctors were very surprised."

Yuri Luzhkov was born on September 21, 1936 in Moscow into the family of a carpenter. In 1991, in the first elections of the mayor of Moscow, he was elected vice-mayor, and in 1992, when the mayor resigned, he became mayor. During the management of the city, it became practically one of the symbols of the capital, at the same time giving rise to a number of concepts like the “Luzhkov style of architecture.” Luzhkov resigned from his post in 2010 “due to loss of confidence.” The decision on this was made by the then president.

A chemist by training, Luzhkov, among other things, in an ironic context was considered a symbol of the Russian patent system. He had more than a hundred inventions in 14 spheres of our life: from energy to chemical industry - the list of 123 inventions includes a recipe for whipped milk, kvass and fruit drink, and an extendable nozzle for a rocket engine, and even a beehive.

On September 21, 2016, on Luzhkov’s 80th birthday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree awarding Luzhkov the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, “for active social activities", which became a symbol of forgiveness. Luzhkov then commented on this award: “This award... means a lot to me. great value. Because it is also a certain symbol of return from the timelessness in which I was immersed several years ago.” And, answering questions from journalists, he supplemented his statement with the words that

the reward also means “the end of disgrace” for him.

He celebrated his 80th birthday this year with a cleanup event in Kolomenskoye Park, where 450 apple, pear and cherry trees were planted. As the ex-mayor told Gazeta.Ru, the event was organized by his wife Elena Baturina.

“I didn’t even know about the organization of this cleanup. It was my wife’s idea, she secretly arranged a meeting with me, and he actively, kindly, supported the idea of ​​this cleanup, which is different from all these anniversaries and weddings of the glamorous and vulgar type. He said that this could even be some new example for people to celebrate some of their events with good deeds,” Luzhkov said on the eve of his birthday. Let us note that the current city authorities agreed to hold this mass event, but did not recommend that the park advertise the event.

And less than a year ago, the ex-mayor got married to his wife Elena Baturina. When asked what prompted the couple to get married, the ex-mayor answered Gazeta.Ru: “We want to be together in the next world.”

Despite the fact that Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov has not been the mayor of the Russian capital for several years, his name, nevertheless, continues to be associated with Moscow. It was under him that during the 18 years of his reign it reached its greatest prosperity. Why did he leave this post? Yuri Luzhkov was removed from his post by order of the current Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in 2010. The reason given was: “Due to loss of trust.”

Further in the article we will talk about the childhood, youth, activities of the former mayor of the capital of the Russian Federation and try to figure out what caused this “mistrust”. In addition, we think you will be interested to know what Yuri Luzhkov is doing today, where he lives now and what he does. Of course, another person of his age would have been sitting quietly in his dacha, fishing, or traveling around the world, enjoying the years God had given him. However, the former mayor of Moscow is not made of such stuff. He can’t spend a day without work, he’s such a workaholic.

Yuri Luzhkov, biography: the beginning

The future mayor of Moscow was born in the capital of the USSR in 1936 into the family of carpenter Mikhail Luzhkov. From time immemorial, my father’s ancestors lived in the Tver province, in the village of Luzhkovo, which is now not on the map. Yuri’s parents met near Tver at the Novy Trud plant. Mom was a native of Bashkortostan and worked as a laborer. They soon got married, and when the woman became pregnant, the young family moved to Moscow to escape hunger. Here my father got a job at an oil depot. Then Yuri was born, and when he grew up a little, he was sent to his grandmother in Konotop.


There he graduated from the seven-year school and returned to Moscow to his parents for further studies. He studied in grades 8-10 at Moscow school No. 529, after which he entered the Gubkin Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry. In parallel with his studies, Yuri Luzhkov worked first as a janitor and then as a loader. Naturally, he did not have time to study perfectly, but he was a hardworking and diligent Komsomol member, a skillful organizer of various student events. In 1954, he enrolled in a student detachment that went to Kazakhstan to explore virgin lands.

Working career

The life of Yuri Luzhkov after returning from Central Asia, where he stayed for about 4 years, took a scientific path. He received a junior position research fellow at the Research Institute of Plastics. After working here for 5 years, he climbed the career ladder to the post of deputy head of a laboratory that dealt with the automation of technological processes. In parallel with his work, he was actively involved in social and political activities and headed the Komsomol cell of the institute. On this new position he was noticed by the State Committee on Chemistry, and a few years later he became the head of the entire automation department. In the same 1968, he joined the ranks of the CPSU. A few more years passed, and now Yuri Luzhkov already holds the post of head of the control automation department at the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the Soviet Union.

Political activity

In 1975, Yuri Mikhailovich was elected as a people's deputy of the Babushkinsky District Council, and in 1977 - as a deputy of the Moscow City Council. In 1987, at the height of perestroika, he was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, and immediately joined the team of Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, the First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR. Having proven himself in this field, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee. At that time, the number of cooperatives in the country was growing every day, and at the same time he headed the commission for individual and cooperative activities, and then received the post of chairman of the agro-industrial committee of the capital

Towards a cherished dream

In 1990, the chairman of the Moscow City Council, Gavriil Popov, on the recommendation of Boris Yeltsin, nominated Yu. M. Luzhkov for the post of head of the capital's city executive committee, and in 1991 he was elected vice-mayor, that is, Popov's deputy, and then prime minister of the Moscow government - the new executive body . During the famous events of 1991, he and his pregnant wife were active participants in the defense of the White House.

Mayor of Moscow

In 1992, coupons were introduced throughout the country, and Moscow was no exception, due to spontaneous food shortages. Naturally, this led to discontent among the population. People poured into the streets, and the current mayor, Gavriil Popov, announced his resignation. The giant city was left without a leader, and then, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin, Yuri Luzhkov became the new mayor of the capital. This, perhaps, became the most significant event of his life, because for the next 18 years the fate of one of the most big cities the world was in his hands. He was re-elected to this post 3 times, and always with a huge margin over other candidates - his competitors. Everyone at the top knew and felt that Luzhkov was being patronized by Yeltsin himself. And he, in turn, always supported the president. He was among the founders of the NDR party “Our Home is Russia”, and in 1995 he was involved in promoting it in the elections to the People’s Duma.

Treason or political games?

In 1999, in last year 2nd millennium, Yuri Luzhkov suddenly changed his position regarding the president of the country and teamed up with Primakov. They created political party“Fatherland” criticized Boris Nikolaevich and demanded his early resignation. By this time, Luzhkov was already a member of the Federation Council and was a member of the most important committees on financial regulation, taxes, banking, etc. In 2001, another party appeared in his life - “United Russia”. And Yuri Mikhailovich, two years ago one of the leaders of the Fatherland party, becomes its co-chairman. Since then, the main focus of his activities has been supporting Vladimir Putin. And he, for his part, patronized the mayor in every possible way, and even personally presented Luzhkov’s candidacy to the Moscow City Duma deputies as mayor of the capital. Well, who could go against the president of the country, and Yuri Mikhailovich again headed the leadership of Moscow for another 4 years.

Removal from the post of mayor

In the fall of 2010, during the reign of Dmitry Medvedev, documentaries critical of Luzhkov’s activities as mayor suddenly appeared on several central TV channels. Of course, this surprised many in the country, because for many years he was under the auspices of Putin, and now they are gone! Yuri Luzhkov was indignant and wrote a letter addressed to the president of the country, where he expressed dissatisfaction with Medvedev’s inaction in connection with the appearance of such slanderous and compromising programs. The subsequent actions of the president came as a surprise to the mayor of Moscow. Luzhkov was removed from office according to Medvedev's decree, citing lack of confidence in him as the reasons. Of course, for Yuri Mikhailovich this was a strong blow, but not fatal.

Personal life

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich was married three times. He met his first wife Alevtina at the institute. They had a student wedding, got a room in a dorm, but soon both realized that they were in a hurry to formalize the relationship and filed for divorce. Alevtina did not have time to give birth to children, so they parted quietly and peacefully.

His second wife Marina Bashilova was also his classmate. As you can see, Luzhkov enjoyed the favor of women, and maybe he knew how to properly care for him?! Nevertheless, this marriage, apparently, was “of convenience,” because the future father-in-law, Mikhail Bashilov, was a prominent party and economic figure, and soon after that he became the Deputy Minister of the Petrochemical Industry of the USSR. It is precisely the area where Luzhkov was able to make such a dizzying career. Yuri Luzhkov's second family was very strong. Marina bore him two sons - Mikhail and Alexander, but in 1988 she fell ill with liver cancer and passed away, leaving Luzhkov a widower.

For the third time he married Elena Baturina. For several years now she has been the richest woman in Russia according to Forbes magazine. She bore him two daughters - Olya and Lena. They were educated in the UK and today are accomplished "businesswomen". After 25 years of marriage, Baturina and Luzhkov walked down the aisle in January 2016.

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich: where is he now?

Luzhkov did not go abroad, as many people think. He still lives in his native country and, despite his advanced age, is engaged in business. Surely you will be interested to know how old Yuri Luzhkov is now? In the fall of 2016, he solemnly celebrated his anniversary - 80 years. On this day, she and Elena Baturina took part in a cleanup event, during which 450 fruit trees were planted in the Kolomenskoye Nature Reserve. The event was attended by the most powerful and wealthy people in the country. There is no information about whether Vladimir Vladimirovich was among the guests. However, the day before this significant date awarded the former mayor the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree.

But the day before New Year's holidays Trouble happened to Luzhkov. He arrived at the Moscow State University library, and suddenly, in the presence of rector Sadovnichy, his health worsened. I had to call an ambulance. Rumor has it that he experienced that day clinical death, however, his press secretary does not confirm this information.

But in January 2017, an article appeared in the press about the ex-mayor’s new enterprise for the production of buckwheat and cheese. Such a restless workaholic is Yuri Luzhkov - “the man with the cap,” as Muscovites called him.

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