YouTube Mikheev. Sergey Mikheev. Biography of a political scientist. Family. Career. Photo. Sergei Mikheev: biography of his early years

Sergey Mikheev - Iron Logic - video on Vesti-FM radio - an analytical program in which political scientist and presenter Sergey Korneevsky discuss the latest political and economic events in Russia and the world. The situation in Ukraine and the situation in Donbass, last news Syria, Russian economy and cooperation with China, Russian armed forces.

Last episode of Iron Logic with Sergei Mikheev 09/23/19

Political scientist Sergei Mikheev in the Iron Logic program from 02/22/2019

Events in Ukraine became the focus of the latest issue of Iron Logic. Preparation new provocation in the Kerch Strait is discussed in Russian and Western media. Petro Poroshenko's last chance to retain power and remain in the presidential chair for a second term.

Political scientist Sergei Mikheev - Iron logic 02/15/2019 Belarus, Ukraine and Munich

In the latest issue of Iron Logic, Sergey Mikheev and Sergey Korneevsky discussed the latest news international politics. Negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko; the struggle for the presidency in Ukraine; Munich Conference on World Security.

Political scientist Sergei Mikheev - Iron logic 01/21/2019

Today's episode of Iron Logic began late, as presenters Sergei Mikheev and Vladimir Solovyov launched a new television project “” on the Russia-1 channel. The new political talk show will air daily on weekdays from 14:40 to 17:00 Moscow time.

In the issue: political and religious situation in Ukraine; the Russian delegation will not go to PACE; dispute between Russia and Japan over the Kuril Islands.

Political scientist Mikheev in the Iron Logic program from 01/18/2019

Latest events in international politics in the Iron Logic program on Vesti-FM on January 18. In the issue: Vladimir Putin’s visit to Serbia and relations between the two countries; Ukraine and Donbass today and tomorrow; slaves in Italy are a long tradition; Why are they trying to push back the patriotic upsurge of Russians?

Political scientist Mikheev - Iron logic from 11/19/2018 Magnitsky, Ukraine, Turkish stream

In today's episode of Iron Logic with Sergei Mikheev: Poroshenko and religious confrontations in Ukraine; Putin's meeting with Erdogan and the Turkish gas flow; The Magnitsky case was filled with new details.

Political scientist Mikheev - Iron logic 11/12/2018 Paris, Ukraine, Donbass

In today's issue of Iron Logic, political scientist Mikheev gave an analysis of Vladimir Putin's trip to Paris and summed up the results of the elections in Donbass. Also in the program is the scandal surrounding the prisoner Tsepovyaz, who consumes lobster with red caviar in prison.

Political scientist Sergei Mikheev - Iron logic 09-11-2018

Today's episode of Mikheev's Iron Logic program, the discussion began with the question of Russia's withdrawal from the Council of Europe. Also in the issue: Ukrainian laws will not scare Russians; scandal with photographs of gang member Tsapko.

Sergey Mikheev - Iron logic 09/14/2018

The main events in international political life through the eyes of political commentator Sergei Aleksandrovich Mikheev on Vesti-FM radio. Events in Ukraine continue to arouse the interest of analysts and political scientists. Religious confrontation can cause conflicts throughout Ukraine.

  1. 1. Autocephaly of the UOC
  2. 2. Is there life without a dollar?
  3. 3. The hole on the ISS is deliberate sabotage

Interview with Sergei Mikheev 05/28/2018 conversation for life

Political scientist Sergei Mikheev answers Sergei Korneevsky’s questions about his personal life, career and attitude towards religion. Childhood, military service, family and Faith became the main issues in the casual conversation between the two hosts of the political program.

Mikheev in the Iron Logic program on Vesti-FM 04/16/2018 Analysis of the strike on Syria

The main topic in Sergei Mikheev’s program is the American coalition’s missile strike on Syrian targets. Details of the attack, consequences for international politics and Russia's possible response to the aggression of the collective West. The Russian economy in the era of confrontation.

  1. More missiles - fewer casualties
  2. Part 2 Where the tamahawks fell
  3. The West threatens new sanctions

Sergey Mikheev - issue dated 03/19/2018

Sergei Mikheev dedicated today's episode of the Iron Logic program to an analysis of the presidential elections. Why Vladimir Putin received such support from the people and what to expect in Russia in the coming years.

  1. The intrigue is just beginning
  2. Russians voted for the right to be themselves
  3. Reasons for the defeat of Zhirinovsky and other candidates

Mikheev on Vesti-FM 03/12/2018

Part 1 New Russian weapons

Part 2 The political future of Petro Poroshenko

Part 3 Poisoning of Skripal in London

Mikheev's Iron Logic program 02/12/2018

Review of the main political events in Russia, Ukraine and the whole world from political scientist Sergei Mikheev and VestiFM presenter Sergei Korneevsky.

Watch Sergei Mikheev on VestiFM

Part 1 Risk - the other side of reaching for the sky

Part 2 Middle East

Part 3 Ukraine and Poland

Full release of Mikheev

Mikheev - LOGIC

In the Iron Logic program on January 19, political scientist Sergei Mikheev and presenter Sergei Korneevsky discussed the latest events in world politics. What Nazarbayev and Trump agreed on, the tragedy in the Bashkir school, the new law in Ukraine.

In today's episode of Iron Logic:

  1. Ukraine buried the Minsk agreements;
  2. negotiations between Nursultan Nazarbayev and Donald Trump;
  3. dance of cadets of the Ulyanovsk Flight School;
  4. attack on a school in Buryatia;
  5. The Internet is fighting for the souls of children.

Sergey Mikheev - IRON LOGIC July 10. Ukraine wants to commit suicide?!

The latest episode of Sergei Mikheev’s Iron Logic program on July 10, 2017 discusses the visit of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to Kyiv and the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO. Joint exercises of the Ukrainian and American military.

Russia's reaction to Tillerson's meeting with Petro Poroshenko turned out to be predictable.

The famous Russian political scientist Sergei Aleksandrovich Mikheev is a native Muscovite. He was born in May 1967 into an ordinary intelligent family. Many viewers of modern political talk shows are familiar with Sergei Mikheev, a political scientist, journalist and analyst. He can often be seen on various public and private television channels, heard his public speeches on the radio or watched on the Internet. The audience is attracted by his manner of dialogue, his position and the iron logic with which he defends this position.

Date of birth: May 28, 1967
Age: 49 years old
Place of birth: Moscow
Occupation: Russian political scientist
Marital status: Married

Sergei Mikheev about family and career

After graduating from school, Mikheev went to the Izolyator plant. I didn’t stay here long because I was called up for military service. Two years later, after demobilization, Sergei got a job at the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky. Here the young man worked for 7 years.

In 1994, Sergei Mikheev left the academy due to entering the Moscow State University. He chose one of the most prestigious and interesting faculties - philosophy. But this choice was not dictated by fashion or prestige, but by a keen interest in science. Greatest curiosity young man was connected with political science, to the study of which he devoted especially much time and effort.

In his third year, in 1997, the young political scientist got a part-time job at the University’s Regional Policy Laboratory. In just a year, he managed to prove himself in such a way that he was accepted into the ranks of experts Russian Center political situation in Russia. But Mikheev did not stay here long - until 2001. He left the Center due to ideological differences with its director Igor Bunin.

The same year in the career of a political scientist was marked by a real breakthrough to resounding success. Mikheev was accepted as a political expert on the popular website Politkom.Ru. The public interested in politics immediately noticed a brilliant expert whose assessments were admired for their accuracy, objectivity and emotionality. Sergei Alexandrovich gained a wide circle of admirers.

Since 2004, the political scientist has changed his place of work. He was admitted to the Center for Political Technologies, established under the CIS Department. A year later, Mikheev became deputy general director and significantly expanded the range of his activities.

Read also:

Soon, the expert and famous political scientist becomes director of the Institute of Caspian Cooperation. The website of this organization is a media aggregator that collects information from various websites dedicated to the region. And Sergei Mikheev becomes an ITAR-TASS expert.

From 2011 to 2013, he worked as director of the Center for Political Conjuncture, where he recently began his expert work.

Persona non grata in Europe

In the fall of the following year, Mikheev, at the initiative of Lithuania, was included in the list of desiderata (undesirable persons) who are prohibited from entering the European Union because of his position on the crisis that occurred in Ukraine. But Sergei Alexandrovich was not at all embarrassed by such punishment. He did not give up his position and did not change his views. The political scientist believes that the truth is more valuable than a vacation in Rome or Paris.

The biography of Sergei Mikheev also includes his bright performances on various talk shows, where he is often invited. He is a frequent guest on Vladimir Solovyov’s program. And since December 2015, the expert tried his hand as the host of the socio-political program “Iron Logic,” which is broadcast on Vesti-FM radio. At first, Alla Volokhina was his co-host, and later she was replaced by Sergei Korneevsky.

After the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula to Russia, Sergei Mikheev was elected head of the Expert Advisory Council under the Head of the Republic of Crimea.

Today the name of this man is familiar to everyone who is at least somewhat interested in politics. The main reason for Sergei Alexandrovich’s success is his deep awareness of internal and foreign policy, as well as straightness. Most often, Western and American politicians come under fire from expert criticism. And recently, he has been subjecting the political elite of neighboring Ukraine to sharp obstruction.

The personal life of Sergei Mikheev is completely hidden from prying eyes. He believes that he is not a representative of show business and a pop star. Therefore, he keeps his family affairs a deep secret from the idle public.

The main reason for the success of Sergei Mikheev is his straightforwardness and belief in his own business. All his articles and speeches are filled with an unimaginable charge of energy, which makes you believe all his words.

In addition, he is not afraid to talk about the hottest topics. This position has led to the fact that since 2014, Sergei Mikheev has been a person of non-desiderate for most European countries.

But the country's leading political scientist is not very upset by this state of affairs. He believes that the truth is much more important than the opportunity to spend a vacation in Paris or Rome.

– When in Soviet schools they wrote an essay on the topic “What do you want to become,” it most often turned out to be: polar explorers, firefighters, pilots. Later, the boys dreamed of becoming astronauts. They were our heroes: the Papaninites, Chkalov, Gagarin... We had a dream - to become a hero. Who did you want to be in first grade?

— Like everyone or many at that time, my dreams were the most banal: I wanted to become a pilot. And he partially realized his dream, albeit at a relatively short stage in his life. For eight years he worked at the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky, and at the same time he was engaged in hang gliding there.

From the highest tribunes they talk about the need to restore the prestige of the worker and educate young people in the spirit of patriotism. How do you see the hero of today?

“His image looks rather pitiful if you look at the role models that the media offers us all every day. Moreover, on the one hand, there is a certain layer of mass media, creative, intellectual and business elites - in a succinct word, the party. Through the efforts of journalists, she is the center of attention; it is her life that is sold to the “rest of the population” as an ideal to follow.

On the other hand, we still don’t know for sure whether these people are heroes in the eyes of all our fellow citizens: I have not seen any sociological surveys on this topic. I suspect that they simply do not exist, and I also believe that it is no coincidence. After all, an objective and scrupulous analysis will quickly show: we do not treat many of those who are imposed on us as heroes of our time. This is to put it mildly. Maybe even with contempt...

What we see today is mainly the late Soviet illusion of what life should be like in the West brought to life. Ostensibly like this: not limited by any morality, generally accepted traditions, or even legislation.

Swimming in baths with champagne, no prohibitions - in general, a complete raspberry, which many dreamed of before the collapse of the USSR, thinking that this is what it is authentic life in a Western "democratic society". So they began to build their existence according to their ideas. In Soviet times, the capitalist was portrayed as a cynical and ruthless businessman - this is what many of our fellow citizens, whom journalists admire, have become.

After all, back then, in kitchen conversations, many assured each other: in the West, everything is possible, there you have striptease, brothels, and pornography, how cool! They imagined that “over there,” as they say, they eat life with tablespoons, and today they are realizing this dream. After the collapse of the USSR, all this was “flooded” in our country.

Yes, the Russian hedonism industry is developing according to the laws of the Western genre. Indeed, the heroes of the media in “the most democratic countries in the world” are show business people. This is what the Western matrix looks like, transferred to our Russian soil. However, in addition to this, in America there is a very powerful layer of patriotic propaganda aimed at educating young people. But we decided not to take this part of life there from them.

Whether such a choice of our elite was conscious or unconscious is difficult to say. It is clear that the status of a hero always obliges. So they abandoned the patriotic component - they pretended that it wasn’t there and borrowed the “optional part”. That is, all the components of the unbridled, swine state of a person. In this muddy water it is easier to fish and do your business.

In general, the problem modern Russia in the following: from both the Soviet past and the Western model of society, we took in “ new Russia"Only the worst. Domestic borrowings: bloated bureaucracy, a lot of system management problems. They borrowed from the West that part of life where freedom is unlimited, where it destroys man and society.

- This means that it is very difficult to create an image of the current Russian hero, a kind of Danko, who will lead people to a bright future...

— The current model does not provide for any Dankos or similar heroes. Because this model elevates the material factor, profit, profit, profit - as you like - to the absolute level. Ripping out your heart in order to illuminate the path to happiness is not a profitable business; sacrificing oneself is never profitable. In pre-revolutionary Russia, whose society was based on Orthodoxy and the ideology associated with it, the image of self-sacrifice embedded in the foundations of Christianity was one way or another cultivated. Which, I think, helped solve many problems. For example, in the course of repelling numerous interventions or developing distant territories of the empire. The Soviet model undoubtedly borrowed a lot from this experience - removing religion from it. I personally believe that such a “religion without God” was doomed to not be very successful in Russian conditions. long life, and became precisely one of the reasons for the ideological crisis. But in any case, the principle of self-sacrifice was one of the cornerstones of Soviet ideology.

The current matrix is ​​radically different from both the Soviet and pre-Soviet ones; no one is talking about any self-sacrifice. All the talk, I repeat, is only about material gain. She is the measure of everything. In fact, nothing like this has ever happened in such a frank and undisguised form before in the history of Russia.

However, if you want to talk about some lofty ideals, you will be offered the standard liberal set: freedom-democracy-the right to vote. Here they are, the walls of the pool in which we must splash around...

We have people willing to dissect not only own story, but even children's literature. Dunno has always been one of the favorite children's heroes; Nikolai Nosov even sent him to the moon. As they now sarcastically note on the Internet, the book “fully reveals all the delights of a democratic society. Capitalist scum live on the moon, short people there are evil and insidious, the police are corrupt, the capitalists are cruel.” Time passes, and in the late nineties a cartoon based on this work was released. The main difference from the book is that the actions of monopolists and methods of unfair competition are exposed, and the problem of pollution is raised environment. But capitalism itself is wonderful. How long will we have to wait until they rewrite the fairy tale “Turnip”, calling grandfather and grandmother heroes of the market economy?

— Yes, the heroes are being replaced for children’s audiences, and this is not about attacking specific fairy tales, but about the destruction of ideals. As a believer, I think this is a global trend. The task is to change the places of good and evil, this is the goal of the devil. Unfortunately, history is heading down this path. But in modern Russia, attempts at substitution are perceived quite sharply, because they destroy the national cultural archetype and turn everything upside down.

We are dealing with a harsh and cruel liberal cosmopolitan attack, its target is Russia, which, according to the plan of the attackers, must once again abandon itself. As for the composition of the attackers, I will turn to Mikhail Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog.” Remember the group of people who came to Professor Preobrazhensky? They introduce themselves: Shvonder, Vyazemskaya, and these are comrades Pestrukhin and Zharovkin. The main one is Shvonder, he does everything consciously. Vyazemskaya - it’s not clear who, but she thinks a lot about herself, she’s listened to Shvonder a lot and believes every word he says. There are two more idiots from the Russian people, those same comrades Pestrukhin and Zharovkin, who swallowed verbal nonsense, and now are going to ensure the legitimacy and mass character of the “process”.

I would caution against two things. On the one hand, from sincerely thinking that we ourselves are not to blame for all this, but only some small group of the ruling elite is to blame. Unfortunately, that would be too easy. Exactly this simple formula some are trying to sell it to citizens. But this is self-deception. We ourselves, for the most part, legitimize the current state of affairs; we once longed for it, and then accepted it. Now many are seeing the light, but this is a long process.

And second: all this is not a reason for despondency and pessimism. This is exactly what they want from us. But I hope we don't give them such joy.

There is very little information about the family in the biography of political scientist Sergei Mikheev. But career achievements helped to win both fans of the unique ability to find the truth among the intrigues of various forces and states at the global level, and enemies. Thanks to his active position, Mikheev cannot travel freely throughout Europe, limiting himself to performances through Internet portals that can be viewed anywhere in the world.

Biography of the future political scientist Sergei Aleksandrovich Mikheev May 28, 1967 in Moscow in a modest family of intellectuals. After graduating from school, the young man got a job at the Izolyator plant, which produces bushings for electrical networks, and then was drafted into the army. After two years of service in isolation from routine life, Sergei plunged into everyday life that was unusual for him.

“Perestroika” began in the country and the familiar way of life became a thing of the past. The young man had to adapt to new life circumstances. It was then that a political scientist was born in him, able to look at the events taking place in the country from a special point of view.

After returning from the army, from 1987 to 1994, Sergei Mikheev worked at the Air Force Engineering Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky, and then at an industrial plant. Since 1997, he became an employee of the laboratory at Moscow State University, while simultaneously studying there, choosing the specialty of philosopher in the department of political science. A talented student with an interesting worldview and views on political fluctuations in the country immediately attracted the attention of teachers.


After graduating from the institute, Mikheev for a long time could not find a suitable place of work. Wherever Sergei appears, his analytical mind and forecasts for the future of the country were not appreciated. Mikheev’s leadership was dissatisfied with his forecasts, which ran counter to the policy of the USSR.

Career breakthrough

Rejected among political scientists, Mikheev found himself in journalism, becoming one of the first bloggers on the Internet. In May 2001, the political scientist began collaborating with the Politcom website, where he openly expressed his thoughts, without fear of condemnation or indignation from others. Extraordinary thinking allowed him to make correct and unexpected predictions regarding further development Russia, led by Vladimir Putin, who took bold steps to pull the country out of debt.

In April 2004, Sergei Mikheev was appointed to the post of head of the CIS Countries Department at the Center for Political Technologies. A year later, the political scientist took the position of general director, becoming one of the recognizable and significant people in the political environment.

Soon he was invited to the position of political expert at the ITAR-TASS news agency, which is the central news agency in the Russian Federation.

From 2011 to 2013, Sergei Mikheev worked as director of the Center for Political Contexts on the Vesti.FM website. At the moment, he is an independent consultant-political scientist, actively developing his career on the above site, as well as on the YouTube channel and on various social networks. Since 2014, he has been the head of the Expert Advisory Council under the Head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Valerievich Aksenov. Since 2015, he became the host of a program on Vesti.FM radio together with Sergei Korneevsky. In parallel with this, he regularly collaborates with the information and analytical Internet channel “Tsargrad TV”.

Undesirable person

Sergei Mikheev is recognized as a “political patriot” of the Russian Federation. His name is known to everyone who is even superficially interested in the political situation on the world stage. He is deeply knowledgeable in matters of domestic and foreign policy, and his expert review He is distinguished by his professionalism and ability to thoroughly understand the issue, revealing all the positive and negative aspects.

Due to the fact that, as a political scientist and opponent participating in various television shows, Sergei Mikheev has repeatedly expressed his unique opinion regarding events taking place in the world, he has become persona non grata in the European Union. The initiator of the introduction of this status was Lithuania, which was supported by many countries.

The reason was the political scientist’s harsh and negative statements regarding the crisis in Ukraine that began after the events on the Maidan. These statements were made during a conference held in Vilnius.

Sergei Mikheev learned about this decision from the European Union while trying to cross the Finnish border. The political scientist was seized by border guards and, after taking away all his belongings and mobile phone, they put him in a prison cell. Eight hours later, the citizen of the Russian Federation was informed of a violation on his part, in connection with which he was treated as a criminal who had broken the law.

Sergei Mikheev in the scandalous program “60 Seconds”

Therefore, the political scientist had to postpone his trip to Latvia to the Format-A3 media club conference until April 2017. Despite the fact that Latvia did not express any complaints against Sergei Mikheev, it was not possible to cross the Finnish border without lifting the ban from Lithuania.

Personal life

Sergei Mikheev is a famous Russian political scientist, whose biography in the “Family” column is shrouded in a veil of secrecy. He more than once indicated “married” in his marital status, but never revealed either the name or occupation of his wife.

Mikheev, known in the political circle, hides information about his children with special care, trying to protect them from the interference of journalists and other curious people. It is only known that the political scientist has three children. Some of them are quite old and have already graduated from higher education institutions.

As a well-known personality in various circles, political scientist Sergei Mikheev, who revealed his biography to the whole world, never advertises information about whether he has a family. Many compare him to the president Russian Federation Putin, who hides his personal life with special care. IN this issue politicians are absolutely right, because in the event of a threat to their personalities, the first blow is always struck on close people in order to hit them harder and thereby destroy the politician as a person.

Sergey Mikheev is a Russian political scientist, blogger, journalist, host of the socio-political program “Iron Logic”, guest of the “Duel” program, “political patriot” of the Russian Federation, supporter of the idea of ​​the “Russian world”.

Sergei Aleksandrovich Mikheev is a native Muscovite. He was born in May 1967 into an intelligent family.

After graduating from school, Mikheev went to the Izolyator plant. I didn’t stay here long because I was called up for military service. Two years after demobilization, Sergei got a job at the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky. Here the young man worked for 7 years.

In 1994, Sergei Mikheev left the academy due to his admission to Moscow State University. He chose one of the most prestigious and interesting faculties - philosophy. But this choice was not dictated by fashion or prestige, but by a keen interest in science. The young man’s greatest curiosity was related to political science, to which he devoted a lot of time and effort.


In his third year, in 1997, the young political scientist got a part-time job at the University’s Regional Policy Laboratory. Over the course of a year, he managed to prove himself in such a way that he was accepted into the ranks of experts at the Russian Center for Political Current Affairs in Russia. But here Mikheev stayed until 2001. He left the Center due to ideological differences with its director Igor Bunin.

The same year in the career of a political scientist was marked by a breakthrough to resounding success. Mikheev was hired as a political expert on the popular website The public interested in politics immediately noticed a brilliant expert whose assessments were admired for their accuracy, objectivity and emotionality. Sergei Alexandrovich now has a circle of admirers.

Since 2004, the political scientist has changed his place of work. He was admitted to the Center for Political Technologies, established under the CIS Department. A year later, Mikheev became deputy general director and significantly expanded the range of his activities.

Soon, the expert and political scientist becomes director of the Institute of Caspian Cooperation. The website of this organization is a media aggregator that collects information from various websites dedicated to the region. And Sergei Mikheev becomes an ITAR-TASS expert.

From 2011 to 2013, he worked as director of the Center for Political Conjuncture, where he recently began working as an expert.

In the fall of next year, on the initiative of Lithuania, after a speech by a political scientist at a conference in Vilnius, Mikheev was included in the list of desiderata (undesirable persons) who are prohibited from entering the EU countries because of his position on the crisis that occurred in Ukraine.

Mikheev was not informed of this procedure and was arrested when he tried to legally enter Finland. The Russian had to spend several hours in a prison cell. But Sergei Alexandrovich was not embarrassed by such punishment. He did not give up his position and did not change his views. The political scientist believes that the truth is more valuable than a vacation in Rome or Paris.

The biography of Sergei Mikheev also includes his bright performances on television talk shows, where he is often invited. Mikheev is a frequent guest on programs. And since December 2015, the expert tried his hand as the host of the socio-political program “Iron Logic,” which is broadcast on Vesti-FM radio. At first, Alla Volokhina was his co-host, and later she was replaced by Sergei Korneevsky.

After the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula to Russia, Sergei Mikheev was elected head of the Expert Advisory Council under the head of the Republic of Crimea.

Sergey Mikheev, "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov"

Since 2016, the political scientist began appearing on Vladimir Solovyov’s analytical talk show “Duel.” The essence of the program was a meeting between two opponents, who expressed their points of view in the first round and then answered questions from specialists and the TV presenter. At the end of the program, an SMS voting takes place among viewers, based on the results of which the winner of the episode is selected.

Sergei Mikheev participated in a program on relations between Russia and Europe, where his opponent was a politician. On similar topic The political scientist also discussed with. In an episode dedicated to the situation in Donbass, Sergei spoke out against his Ukrainian colleague Vyacheslav Kovtun and received a record 94% of audience votes. On the air of the talk show, Mikheev also discussed with Yakub Koreyba, Yuri Pivovarov,. The topics discussed on air had to do with Russian foreign policy and the issue of liberalization of the country.

Today the name of this man is familiar to everyone who is at least somewhat interested in politics. The main reason for Sergei Alexandrovich’s success is his deep awareness of issues of domestic and foreign policy, as well as straightforwardness. Most often, Western and American politicians come under fire from expert criticism. And recently, he has been subjecting the political elite of neighboring Ukraine to sharp obstruction.

Personal life

Unfortunately, the personal life of Sergei Mikheev is hidden from prying eyes. The political scientist believes that he is not a representative of show business or a pop star, so he keeps family affairs secret from the idle public. But it is known that Mikheev has a wife and three children. By religion, Sergei Alexandrovich considers himself an Orthodox Christian.

Sergey Mikheev now

Sergei Mikheev’s main place of work remains the Vesti FM radio. On the Tsargrad TV website, the political scientist also hosts the analytical program “Results of the Week.” On the air of the program, Sergei Mikheev examined in detail the situation surrounding the Russian presidential elections, predicting a high turnout and victory for the current head of state. In the analytical program, the author covers issues related to innovations in the country’s economy and future robotization.

In addition to participating in television and radio projects, Sergei Mikheev runs his own website, on the pages of which he publishes videos of the “Iron Logic” program, where he examines topical topics on a weekly basis. In 2018, they included issues of interaction between Russia and the West, poisoning, loudly from the United States. An equally interesting discussion was the release of a program against Russia during the Olympic Games. According to the political scientist, the West has exhausted all methods in the fight against Russia and has taken a wait-and-see attitude.

Some of the episodes of Iron Logic touched on the topic of elections and high ratings. Now the main issue of the program is the war in Syria. Mikheev considers participation from a political science point of view Russian troops in a military conflict, the nuances of the US Army’s participation in military strikes against an eastern state, as well as withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran.


  • 2001 – “”
  • 2015 – “Iron Logic”
  • 2016 – “Duel”
  • 2017 – “Mikheev. Results"

Sergei Mikheev is a famous Russian political scientist. His opinion is listened to by many major publications covering political life in the country and abroad. And, despite the fact that this man appears in public quite often, he still manages to remain a mystery to his admirers.

So, let's find out who Sergei Mikheev really is. How exactly did he become the leading political commentator in the country, and what sets him apart from other political scientists in Russia.

Sergei Mikheev: biography of his early years

Sergei Aleksandrovich Mikheev was born on May 28, 1967 in Moscow. Here he graduated from school, after which he immediately went to work at a factory. But soon he was taken to serve in the army, where he spent two years of his life - from 1985 to 1987.

Having been demobilized, he returned home and soon got a job at the Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy. Here he stayed until 1994, when he entered Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, to the Faculty of Philosophy. At the same time, he already chose political science as his main direction.

Since 1997, Sergei Mikheev has worked part-time at the Moscow State University Laboratory. A year later, he already became one of the experts at the Center for Political Current Affairs in Russia, which he remained until 2001.

In 1999, Sergei Mikheev was accepted into the ranks of the Center for Political Technologies. But he didn’t manage to work there for a long time, since he and Igor Bunin (the director of the organization) had ideological differences. This led to Sergei deciding to leave this organization.

The arrival of popularity

The year 2001 was decisive for Sergei Mikheev, when he got a job as a political expert on the Politkom.Ru website. It was here that the general public drew attention to his emotional reviews. And soon he acquired a wide circle of admirers.

In 2004, Sergei Mikheev moved to work at the Center for Political Technologies at the CIS Department. And a year later he was entrusted with a position, which allowed Sergei to expand his range of activities.

What is the reason for his success?

Logically speaking, the main reason for Sergei Mikheev’s success is his straightforwardness and belief in his own business. All his articles and speeches are filled with an unimaginable charge of energy, which makes you believe all his words.

In addition, he is not afraid to talk about the hottest topics. He was often criticized by Western governments, US actions, and the conflict with Ukraine. Alas, such a position has led to the fact that since 2014, Sergei Mikheev has been a person of non-desideration for most European countries.

But the country's leading political scientist is not very upset by this state of affairs. He believes that the truth is much more important than the opportunity to spend a vacation in Paris or Rome.

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