Cedric left the English assignment for Ana. Effective means of achieving planned learning outcomes. Subject learning outcomes in the “Millie” course

Game of Thrones finally resolved the issue with Gendry, viewers learned what happened to him and what he intends to do next. But there are still many other burning questions left after watching Sunday's episode of "Eastwatch." Here are the most interesting ones to think about before episode 6, “The Long Night.”

Is Sam now the owner of Horn Hill?

Yes it's true. When he joined the Night's Watch, he swore that he would not marry, own any land, or have children. He is a warrior. But after Randyll's death and (death in vain) he is the only surviving son of House Tarly. Besides, he had already almost abandoned his vows by living "in sin" with Gilly. And if people survive the long night, it is unclear what role the Night's Watch will then play. What exactly will they protect?

It can be assumed that Sam will become the head of Horn Hill, where he, Gilly and Gilly's child can live happily for the rest of their lives if they make it through the hellish nightmare that is about to befall them. This also means he can lay claim to the Valyrian steel sword he stole from his family's home last season. This sword is sure to play a key role in the upcoming battle against the Night King.

Did Daenerys sense that Jon Snow was a Targaryen?

For some time we see a surprised look on his face when Jon touched his hand to Drogon's head, and he graciously accepted the touch. Perhaps this was another small moment to show the dark-eyed king who was brave enough to pet her dragons. But it's also possible that Daenerys noticed the ease with which man and dragon communicated and felt that Jon was of the same blood as her family, which had successfully raised and flown dragons for centuries. After all, the Targaryens were historical dragon slayers. If she begins to suspect that John is of her bloodline, will she be inclined to partner with him, or will she want to get rid of him?

If Daenerys can't have children, what will happen to her kingdom?

Yes, Daenerys calls dragons her children. Daenerys cannot bear children, but she wants to conquer a world where a queen without an heir risks losing her kingdom. If she takes the Iron Throne, what's next? She wants stability for the people of Westeros, but without a secure future this is impossible. Does this mean Daenerys won't eventually take the throne? Or will some magic fix the situation?

Did you think Daenerys wanted to kiss Jorah?

There was a moment, right? For a moment it seemed that Daenerys was about to kiss her, there was so much love in her eyes.

By the way, before we forget. There are not many resources on the Internet now that provide meaningful analytics on films and TV series. Among them is the telegram channel @SciFiNews, whose authors write the most useful analytical materials - analyzes and theories of fans, interpretations of post-credit scenes, as well as the secrets of bomb franchises, like films MARVEL And " Game of Thrones" Subscribe so you don’t have to search later - @SciFiNews. However, back to our topic...


We finally have an answer to the question, how much time has passed since the beginning of the story?

We watched as the Meisters chuckled like smug old turkeys at the Ph.D.'s grammatical error. But in this episode, we heard why Maester Wolkan's note from Winterfell should be taken into account. Sam mentioned that he lived outside the Wall for several years. Now this has become obvious, given that Bran went to the North quite small and fit in a small carriage, and returned as a matured guy. But I would still like to have a clear chronology of events.

What did the note that Arya found in Littlefinger's room say?

We catch a glimpse of the scroll, but we don't have to think too hard to determine exactly what's in it. That's because the note found under Littlefinger's mattress is a letter Sansa wrote under duress in Season 1 when Cersei threatened her and forced her to write to Robb to quell his rebellion. Arya and Sansa are already fighting with each other, and Littlefinger hopes that this letter will make Arya lose her temper.


No questions, I just want to say this name out loud.

Does pickled crab really have the effect of Viagra?

This is definitely a product that will be widely sold in the Westeros trade network.

What are Cersei and Qyburn whispering about?

We don't know, but everything that has been discussed will probably appear soon. Qyburn's last little secret was a big arrow, but no escape from the dragon! But he is one of the few Game of Thrones characters with a greater understanding of reality than Cersei. No matter what they're up to, it won't end well for those on the other side.

Is Cersei really pregnant?

Cersei isn't the most reliable storyteller, and her love story with Jaime has gone downhill more than once, so it's possible she's not pregnant at all.


If she is in fact pregnant, then her fetus probably does not have a bright future. After all, the prophecy said that she would bear three children and all would die. This would be her fourth child, so it's possible that this story will turn into another tragedy, but what if the pregnancy ends in yet another scary prophecy? What if "valonqar" - the Valyrian word meaning "little brother" - takes Cersei's life, not and not, but the son who lives inside her?

Why did Sam raid the Citadel library?

He could have simply run away at night, but being a very inquisitive person, he snuck in and took some ancient volumes.

Who will the northerners call if they need real support?

Everyone has that one friend who prides themselves on being "really real." - such a friend. Tormund is here to provide real support. He makes the situation clear. There are two queens, and he finds out: the queen with the dragons, "or the one who sleeps with her brother." And how does he react when Davos says he's a terrible swordsman? “Never change, big guy.”

What was the enmity between the people who met at Eastwatch?

Jon, Tormund, Gendry, Davos and Jorah go beyond the wall to capture the zombies.

Beric Dondarrion and Thoros Myr, who recently teamed up with the Dog, go north and want a free country to be formed beyond the Wall.

Teaching writing. Cedric left a note for Anya on how to find him, but it is encrypted. Raven replaced each letter with the one that follows it in the alphabet. For example, instead of A he wrote B, instead of O -P and instead of Z - A. Help Anya read the note. IJ BOO XFMDPNF UP MPOEPO! J BN JO B USFF J BN XJUI SPCJOTPO. Hi Ann welcome to London! I am in a tree. I'm with Robinson. Section raven lessons Anya: I still want to send Vera a real letter. How do I sign the address on an envelope? Cedric: The address on the envelope is signed as follows: name and surname of the addressee (name and surname) apartment number if there is one (flat number) house number (house number) street name (street) village or city (village, town, city) postal code ( index) country 6 Read Anya's London address and find a match between the lines of the address and these points. One point is superfluous.

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English courses

“English language courses” - Textbook Hardcover 288 pages, 162x215 mm. High school Textbook "Happy English.ru" for 10th grade. Attractions. I am in a tree. Workbook No. 1 Soft cover 80 pages, 200x275 mm. Software Educational computer program. Online support for textbooks. Teaching writing.

“Program for learning English” - BEC Preliminary - corresponds to the general level of the Cambridge Examination (PET). Center for the Study of Foreign Languages ​​of the Golden Staff Company. English for IT specialists. English for marketers. Why Tell Me More? Our clients. Each specialized program is based on authentic documentation from the world's leading companies.

“English language school” - By keyword “English”. If in 2007 the number of participants in the competition was only 36 schoolchildren, in 2008 there were already 100. Self-training center based on advanced computer programs. This offer does not apply to the opening of franchise schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Schools and offices are located in more than 50 countries.

“English courses” - counter. term. Family. ensemble The work was carried out by English teacher Uzun Natalya Leonidovna. House. “Seasons. foodstuffs. slippery I'm trying to improve my professional level. descendant School. I have been working at Pasha Secondary School as an English teacher for 9 years. diploma Forms of work: individual, pair, group.

“English at home” - Solve riddles; translate the answers into English. MY FAMILY. Write the second form of the verbs: Mom, dad, sister Irishka have a smart, cheerful and nice boy. Help around the house. English teacher Kuznetsova E.V. Municipal educational institution Novoilmovskaya secondary school. Mom has work, dad has work. grandfather grandmother mother brother sister.

“English for tourists” - First level. Learn to survive in order to live fully and travel around the world!!! With the help of teacher Shtokolova E.G. You won't go anywhere with English! Jamaicans! I'm off to sign up! Ireland. Holland. English will open up the whole world for you! Norway. Let's start in alphabetical order: Australia.

There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

Effective means of achieving the planned learning outcomes in the courses “Enjoy English” (grades 2–11), “Happy English-ru.” (grades 2–11) and “Millie-New Millennium English” (grades 1–11) A. V. Konobeev, Ph.D. Sc., deputy editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Titul"

Planned results in English (primary school) As a result of studying English, primary schoolchildren will acquire basic communicative competence, i.e. the ability and willingness to communicate with native speakers, taking into account their speech capabilities and needs in different forms: oral (speaking and listening) and written (reading and writing). Junior schoolchildren will expand their linguistic horizons, they will master the initial linguistic concepts that are accessible to them and necessary for mastering oral and written speech in English at an elementary level.

Planned results in the English language (primary school) Along with mastering the rules of speech and non-speech behavior in the process of getting acquainted with the life of their English-speaking peers, with children's folklore and accessible examples of children's fiction, primary schoolchildren will acquire a sense of involvement in the universal children's culture, a friendly attitude and tolerance towards representatives of other countries.

Speaking The graduate will learn: to participate in elementary dialogues: etiquette, dialogue-questioning, dialogue-motivation; make a short description of an object, picture, character; talk about yourself, your family, your friend. The graduate will have the opportunity to learn: to participate in a basic dialogue, questioning the interlocutor and answering his questions; reproduce by heart short works of children's folklore; write a brief description of the character; Briefly summarize the content of the text you read.

Listening The graduate will learn: to understand by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates during direct communication and to respond verbally/non-verbally to what is heard; perceive by ear in audio recordings basic information from messages, stories, fairy tales, built mainly on familiar language material. The graduate will have the opportunity to learn: to perceive audio text by ear and fully understand the information contained in it; use contextual or linguistic guesswork when listening to texts containing some unfamiliar words.

Reading The graduate will learn: to correlate the graphic image of an English word with its sound image; read aloud a short text based on the studied language material, observing the rules of pronunciation and appropriate intonation; read silently and understand the content of a short text, built mainly on the studied language material. The graduate will have the opportunity to learn: to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context; do not pay attention to unfamiliar words that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text.

Writing The graduate will learn to: copy a text and write out words, phrases, simple sentences from it; restore a word, sentence, text in accordance with the educational task being solved; write a short letter to a foreign friend based on the model; write a greeting card for New Year, Christmas, birthday (based on the sample). The graduate will have the opportunity to learn: briefly answer questions about the text in writing; compose a written story using a plan/key words; fill out a simple form; draw up the envelope correctly (based on the sample).

Extracurricular activities as a means of achieving planned results Extracurricular activities are organized in areas of personal development (sports and health, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural) in such forms as excursions, clubs, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, socially useful practices, etc. The time allocated for extracurricular activities is up to 1350 hours.

Biboletova M.Z. etc. The completed line of textbooks was recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and included in the Federal List of Textbooks. The most popular modern English language course for public schools in Russia, providing continuity between primary (grades 2–4), middle (grades 5–9) and high school (grades 10–11). The authors of the textbooks are the developers of the new generation standard, exemplary educational programs, control and measuring materials (CMM) for the state final certification in foreign languages. Enjoy English (grades 2–11) an excellent partner for students and an excellent assistant for teachers Author's course program Soft cover 56 pages, 200x275 mm Enjoy English ruler © TITLE 2011

Personal learning outcomes in the Enjoy English course are achieved through a person-centered approach to learning, when each student draws on his own life experience and interests in learning English, prepares for adult life, learns about a variety of professions, and undergoes pre-vocational orientation in grades 9–11 and has the opportunity to build an individual educational trajectory.

Meta-subject learning outcomes in the Enjoy English course are achieved through the content of training (interdisciplinary connections, learning ability, control and self-control), the use of multimedia applications, the presence of texts of different genres and an abundance of tasks for different types of reading, comparison of phenomena of the native and studied languages ​​using a grammar reference book, exercises , analysis of the English language based on support models, familiarity with the phenomena of the surrounding world, facts of its history, geography, etc. in English, integrating knowledge gained in lessons in other subjects during discussions, project work and other activities in English.

Subject learning outcomes in the Enjoy English course are the acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on one’s speech capabilities and needs; mastering the rules of speech and non-speech behavior; Balanced training in reading (multi-genre texts), listening (audio supplement recorded by British child actors), writing (learning to write postcards, letters, essays, reviews, official letters, resumes, etc. from grades 2 to 11) and speaking (monologue and polylogical speech in a variety of speech situations), the study of etiquette features, including non-speech ones. The topics of communication correspond to the age capabilities and interests of schoolchildren.

Subject results in the Enjoy English course: mastering the initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level, expanding your linguistic horizons; Systematic teaching of the English language based on students’ knowledge of their native language, grammatical modeling, a bright, child-friendly grammar reference book, a high-quality dictionary and a linguistic and cultural reference book in textbooks

Subject learning outcomes in the Enjoy English course are the formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards speakers of another language based on familiarity with the life of their peers in other countries, with children's folklore and accessible examples of children's fiction. Course topics by year of study (for example, 4th grade - The World of Fantasy - children's literature in English, 5-6th grades - travel to England, and so on), Sociocultural orientation of training

Subject content of speech (examples) Primary school: ... Country of the language being studied (general information), literary characters of popular children's books, small simple works of children's folklore - poems, songs, fairy tales Grades 5-7: ... Country/countries of the language being studied, and native country . Geographical and natural conditions, weather, population, capitals, monetary units, official languages. Sights of London and Moscow. Some holidays and traditions. Outstanding people and their contribution to world culture. My foreign peers (their hobbies, favorite writers and books) grades 8-9:...Country/countries of the language being studied and Russia. Nature, weather, climate in English-speaking countries and Russia. State symbols (flag, coat of arms) of Great Britain, USA and Russia. Cities and villages, native land/region/city/native village. Attractions. Some holidays and traditions. The contribution of Russia and its peoples to world culture. Outstanding people, their influence on world civilization class: ... some features of behavior in different countries. Eastern and Western lifestyles. Culture shock is our perception of incomprehensible phenomena of another culture. Respect for cultural traditions.

Software Educational computer program New for 2011 Educational program Enjoy English (grades 5-6) With the help of language games, subject and plot drawings and animation, the program helps to consolidate lexical, grammatical and phonetic skills, as well as to develop reading and spelling skills. The program includes 2 discs with 60 exercises each. Sections (Units) contain two types of exercises: training (Practice) and testing (Test yourself). The program allows you to save and print the results of each student's work. The disc can be ordered by phone: (48439), by fax: (48439), by mail - for wholesale buyers - by mail: Obninsk, Kaluga region, post office box 5055 See. demonstration exercises on the Enjoy English Ruler © TITLE 2011

Extracurricular activities in the Enjoy English course Reflects the topics studied in class; Allows you to gain additional knowledge in your native language; Allows you to develop skills in searching and analyzing information; Increases the motivation of schoolchildren; Allows you to increase the cultural level and educate students.

Extracurricular activities in the Enjoy English course can be organized in the form of a scientific society, a circle (for example, “England and Russia”), during which children receive sociocultural information about the country of the language they are learning, learn to find new information and choose the right one, get acquainted with the life of foreign peers, act out skits, etc.

Extracurricular activities in the Enjoy English course Examples of topics for research projects of the school scientific society “England and Russia”: Grade 2: What is your name? (Research questions: What names are popular among modern English schoolchildren? What names are used in English folk tales? Are these names popular now? Are names from Russian folk tales popular in modern Russia?) ; Our families (What is a typical English family? Does it differ from a typical family in Russia?); Our pets (What pets are popular in England and Russia? What are the most unusual pets in England and Russia?). Grade 3: Our holidays and celebrations (How do they celebrate Christmas and New Year in England and Russia? We celebrate Christmas in English - a matinee for schoolchildren and parents); Our books (What books are popular among modern English children? What are they about? A dramatization of a story/fairy tale/poem), etc. Information for research projects - in lesson catalogs for additional information on the forum


Azarova S.I. et al. Millie course (grades 1–4) a successful combination of modern domestic and foreign techniques; textbooks are recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, included in the Federal List of Textbooks; used as a starter course for New Millennium English textbooks (grades 5–11) and forms a single line for grades 1–11. © TITLE 2011

Personal learning outcomes in the Millie course are achieved through a communicative-cognitive approach to learning, which allows stimulating the development of schoolchildren, intensifying their cognitive activity, and developing the ability to communicate in a foreign language within the framework of age-related interests and needs. Students are preparing for adult life, and educational teaching exercises, including differentiated and multi-level exercises in multimedia applications, allow them to build an individual educational trajectory.

Meta-subject learning outcomes in the Millie course are achieved through the content of learning (interdisciplinary connections, ability to learn, control and self-control), the use of multimedia applications, the presence of texts of different genres, familiarity with the phenomena of the surrounding world, facts of its history, geography, etc. in English, integrating knowledge gained in lessons in other subjects during discussions, project work and other activities in English.

Subject learning outcomes in the Millie Federal State Educational Standards course are the acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on one’s speech capabilities and needs; mastering the rules of speech and non-speech behavior; Millie course Training takes place within the framework of natural communication situations close to children, including playful, everyday, educational situations, the use of etiquette supports

Subject results in the Millie Federal State Educational Standards course: mastering initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level, expanding linguistic horizons; Millie course Teaching reading using a combination of whole word and sound-letter correspondence methods, reading texts of different genres, mastering language structures through context and their constant use in speech,

Software New 2011 The disc can be ordered by phone: (48439), by fax: (48439), by mail - for wholesale buyers - by mail: Obninsk, Kaluga region, post office box 5055 Educational computer program Millie for 2nd grade: continues the storyline of the textbook, making extensive use of audio materials, chants, songs and drawings from the teaching materials, takes into account the age characteristics of students, teaches the English alphabet, spelling and reading in a playful way, helps to consolidate the material covered in the lesson, see. demonstration exercises on the Millie Ruler © TITLE 2011

Software Educational computer program The disk can be ordered by phone: (48439), by fax: (48439), by book by mail - for wholesale buyers - by mail: Obninsk, Kaluga region, post office box 5055 Electronic application Interactive posters to the Millie textbooks (grades 1–4): contains visual materials reflecting the lexical content of the “Millie” course for primary school, provides the teacher with additional opportunities to develop their potential and creativity, see. demonstration exercises on the Millie Ruler © TITLE 2011

Software New for 2011 Educational computer program for the New Millennium English textbook for 6th grade: contains an additional set of lexical, grammatical and phonetic exercises; The program includes an extended grammar reference book; The program allows you to save and print the results of each student’s work. The disc can be ordered by phone: (48439), by fax: (48439), by mail - for wholesale buyers - by mail: , Obninsk, Kaluga region, PO Box 5055 New Millennium English line © TITLE 2011


Extracurricular activities in the Millie course Can be organized in the form of work of the research society “Window to the World”. The work of the society is to carry out research mini-projects that reflect and expand the content of the textbook material and contribute to the implementation of the areas of personal development laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard (sports and health, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural). Almost every section of the textbook can have a mini-project.

Extracurricular activities in the Millie course - examples of Millie project topics for 2nd grade: Unit 2 - “Schools in history” (What were schools like in Russia and other countries many years ago? What school supplies did children use?) - general intellectual and general cultural development; Unit 3 – “Circuses of the World” (What are the most famous circuses in the world? Where are they?) – general intellectual and general cultural development; Unit 4 – “Pets” (Which animals became domestic first? Which pets are the most unusual?) – general intellectual, general cultural, spiritual and moral development; Unit 5 – “Christmas in the World” (How is Christmas celebrated in Russia and in other countries? What traditions are the most unusual?) – general intellectual, general cultural, spiritual and moral development;

Extracurricular activities in the Millie course - examples of Millie project topics for 2nd grade: Unit 6 - “I love my family” (What is a “typical family” in Russia and in other countries of the world? Which countries have the largest families?) - general intellectual, general cultural , spiritual and moral development; Unit 7 – “The most interesting toy” (What are the traditional toys in Russia and other countries? What toys are popular in different countries?) – general intellectual, general cultural development; Unit 8 – “Favorite House” (What houses do people live in in different countries? What houses did people live in in England and Russia a hundred years ago? Which houses are the most unusual in the world?) – general intellectual, general cultural development; Unit 9 – “The best food for schoolchildren” (What is included in the school lunch menu in Russia and in other countries? What food is both tasty and healthy? What should be included in a healthy breakfast for a schoolchild?) – sports and health, general intellectual, general cultural development ; Unit 10 – “The farm is interesting!” (What kind of farms are there in different countries? What kind of domestic animals help farmers? What unusual farms are there?) - general intellectual, general cultural development; etc. Information for research projects - in lesson catalogs for additional information on the forum

Interesting and accessible, logical and functional for teachers, author's songs and poems promote involuntary memorization of lexical and grammatical material Kaufman K. I., Kaufman M. Yu. UMK Happy English.ru a successful combination of classical traditions and original author's discoveries Happy English line. ru © TITLE 2011

Primary school Textbooks "Happy English.ru" for grades 2-4 Textbooks "Happy English.ru" for grades 2-4: preparing for release Happy English.ru line starting a line of textbooks preserving all the traditions and innovations of the course building skills reading and communication in oral and written speech offer a plot and original audio materials © TITLE 2011

Personal learning results in the Happy English.ru course are achieved through developmental exercises (from puzzles and riddles in textbooks for primary school and 5th grade to relevant content that meets the needs of students in grades 10 and 11, including the Survival English section) plot features (education of personal qualities of students), the opportunity to take into account the life experience and interests of students in learning English, preparing for adult life, developing skills to communicate with peers and adults, getting to know a variety of professions and developing the ability to adequately assess their abilities when looking for a summer job, etc. , and additional exercises and explanations in the “Mr. Help to the Rescue” manuals allow you to respond to the educational needs of each student

Meta-subject learning outcomes in the Happy English.ru course are achieved through the content of learning (interdisciplinary connections, learning ability, control and self-control), the presence of texts of different genres and an abundance of tasks for different types of reading, comparison of phenomena of the native and studied languages ​​using a grammar reference book and non-standard presentation grammatical material, exercises, familiarity with the phenomena of the surrounding world, facts of its history, geography, etc. in English, integrating knowledge gained in lessons in other subjects during discussions, project work and other activities in English.

Subject learning outcomes in the Happy English.ru course are achieved through strict adherence to the Sample Program, a well-thought-out system of exercises that use the strengths of both linguistic and communicative approaches, aimed at developing communicative competence in the fullness of its components, and an abundance of exercises to prepare for the final certification in UMK for 9 – 11 grades.

Subject learning outcomes in the Happy English.ru course are the acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on one’s speech abilities and needs; mastering the rules of speech and non-speech behavior; Balanced training in reading (multi-genre texts), listening (audio application recorded by British child actors), writing (training in writing postcards, letters, essays, reviews, official letters, resumes, filling out questionnaires and official documents, and so on from 2nd to 11th grade ) and speaking (monologue and polylogue speech in a variety of speech situations), the study of etiquette features, including non-speech ones. The topics of communication correspond to the age capabilities and interests of schoolchildren.

Subject learning outcomes in the Happy English.ru course are the development of initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level, expanding the linguistic horizons; Systematic teaching of English based on students’ knowledge of their native language, bright and non-standard presentation of grammatical material, information about the language, its history and development in comparison with their native language

Teaching writing Cedric left a note for Anya on how to find him, but it is encrypted. Raven replaced each letter with the one that follows it in the alphabet. For example, instead of A he wrote B, instead of O -P and instead of Z - A. Help Anya read the note. IJ BOO XFMDPNF UP MPOEPO! J BN JO B USFF J BN XJUI SPCJOTPO. Hi Ann welcome to London! I am in a tree. I am with Robinson Category raven lessons Anya: I still want to send Vera a real letter. How do I sign the address on an envelope? Cedric: The address on the envelope is signed as follows: name and surname of the addressee (name and surname) apartment number if there is one (flat number) house number (house number) street name (street) village or city (village, town, city) postal code ( index) country 6 Read Anya's London address and find a match between the lines of the address and these points. One point is superfluous.

Subject learning outcomes in the Happy English.ru course are the formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards speakers of another language based on familiarity with the life of their peers in other countries, with children's folklore and accessible examples of children's fiction. Abundant multi-genre texts for reading (books for reading in textbooks for grade 5 (4th year of study), grade 7, in the Republic of Tatarstan for grade 10, texts of all textbooks) with information about interesting phenomena of life in the countries of the language being studied, excerpts from works of fiction, taking into account age interests of students Sociocultural orientation of education

Series Test yourself Mr. Help comes to the aid of the textbook Happy English.ru In the manual: teachers will find additional exercises that can be used for work in the classroom and assigned to students for independent work at home; students - explanations of the grammar rules covered in the lesson; parents - explanations and answer options for tasks that you can use to help your child learn English. Happy English.ru line © TITLE 2011

High school Textbook "Happy English.ru" for 10th grade Workbook 1 Soft cover 80 pages, 200x275 mm Workbook 2 Soft cover 80 pages, 200x275 mm Audio application CD MP3 Teacher's book Soft cover 56 pages, 200x275 mm Textbook Hardcover 288 pp., 162x215 mm Ruler Happy English.ru © TITLE 2011

High school Textbook "Happy English.ru" for 11th grade Textbook "Happy English.ru" for 11th grade is: interesting content and a fascinating plot; extensive reference material to help you learn to improve your English on your own; original audio materials voiced by native speakers; preparation for the Unified State Exam (USE); The exercises in the textbook enable the teacher to organize work in the classroom in various modes (group, pair, individual). preparing for release Happy English.ru line © TITLE 2011


Online support for textbooks Consultations with authors and additional resources on the website Online tests for express testing of students' knowledge on the website Information materials on the website Electronic archive of the journal English at School (ASL) on the website

Educational and training complex for specialized school English for Science O.L. Groza, V.E. Guseinova, T.N. Ryzhkova, E.E. Skuratovich Book for teachers Soft cover, 112 pp., 210x280 mm Audio cassette, 60 minutes of playing Audio application CD MP3 Textbook Soft cover, 144 pp., 210x280 mm The teaching aid is intended for schoolchildren in grades 10–11 who study biology, chemistry, physics in depth, astronomy and other related subjects, and is designed for 70 hours of study time. It can serve as an addition to the New Millennium English, Enjoy English, Happy English.ru or other basic English course for grades 10–11, and can also be used as an additional aid in the first or second year of university. The educational complex promotes: the development of universal skills of students, such as the ability to study independently, conduct research, carry out and organize communication, make decisions, design their activities and implement their plans; expanding students' understanding of the role of science in modern society, the possibilities and limitations of science, and the achievements of modern science. © TITLE 2011

Business English for Schools O.B. Dvoretskaya, N.Yu. Kazyrbaeva, N.V. Novikova Textbook Soft cover 124 pp., 210x280 mm Audio cassette 65 minutes of sound Audio application CD MP3 Book for teachers Soft cover 80 pp., 210x280 mm The educational complex is intended for 10–11th grades of socio-economic and humanitarian profile, can be used as an elective course in elective classes in the study of English, history, law and other subjects and as additional material in preparation for the unified state exam in the Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking sections. The educational complex is designed for 70 hours of teaching time. Can serve as an addition to the New Millennium English, Enjoy English, Happy English.ru or other basic English course for grades 10–11. The educational complex provides the opportunity to apply the acquired skills and abilities in practice, since the final lessons of all sections of the manual are based on situations that are as close as possible to real business conditions. Educational and training complex for a specialized school © TITLE 2011

Series About Russia in English Moscow / Moscow K.S. Makhmuryan, O.P. Melchin Textbook for grades 10–11 The textbook introduces the geographical features, history, culture and traditions of Moscow. Can be used in classes in the humanities, philology and other fields, as elective courses in Moscow studies, regional studies, geography, cultural studies, history of national culture, introduction to the profession of a guide-interpreter, as well as for preparation for passing the Unified State Exam. Soft cover 128 pp., 210x285 mm Audio application CD MP3 © TITLE 2011

Series About Russia in English St. Petersburg / St Petersburg I.V. Larionova, M.A. Ilyina, E.E. Korotkova Textbook for grades 10–11 The textbook tells about St. Petersburg: its history, geographical realities, famous people, painting, literature, cultural and economic ties with European countries. The manual can be used in classes in the humanities, philology and other fields, as elective courses in regional studies, history of national culture, cultural studies, introduction to the profession of guide-interpreter, as well as for preparation for passing the Unified State Exam. Soft cover 120 pp. 210x285 mm Audio application CD MP3 © TITLE 2011

Series About Russia in English Ural/The Urals B.V. Stavrati, F.N. Zasypkina, M.B. Bolshenkova, E.V. Kolyasnikova The Ural / The Urals textbook is intended for use in grades 7–11 of general education institutions, which allows you to significantly expand the content of teaching English at school by including topics from the humanities subjects, as well as other academic subjects, such as history, for study in lessons. , geography, artistic culture of the Urals. The manual consists of the following sections: geography of the Urals, history of the Urals, cities and people, education and new projects, ecology, environmental culture, artistic culture of the Urals, history of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Urals. Soft cover 72 pp., 210x285 mm © TITLE 2011

New project - a series of books for reading Read up! for grades 2-11 The anthology includes texts of different genres: fairy tales, short stories, detective stories, narratives, popular science articles, excerpts from literary works, examples of modern poetry and various oral and written exercises for them. The main purpose of the reader is to teach reading from junior grades of elementary school to high school students, preparation for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam. Books will help open students to the modern world of reading in English. Reading books for grades 2 and 10 are being prepared for release © TITLE 2011

Series Methodical piggy bank Handbook E. Kostyuk, O. Bondarenko, E. Druzhinina, M. Lagutochkina, I. Melnikova Handbook for primary school English teachers The manual is intended for teachers teaching English in primary schools. Can be used in the process of training primary school English teachers in teacher training colleges and universities. The book outlines the main theoretical principles of the methodology of teaching English at the initial stage. Soft cover 144 pp., 210x285 mm © TITLE 2011

Series Methodological piggy bank Methods of teaching foreign languages: traditions and modernity, edited by A.A. Mirolyubova Methods of teaching foreign languages: traditions and modernity The manual was written by a large team of famous Russian scientists and methodologists who made a significant contribution to the development of domestic methods of teaching foreign languages. The book discusses general issues of methods of teaching foreign languages, teaching types of foreign language speech activity and aspects of language, the specifics of teaching foreign languages ​​at different levels of education in secondary school, modern pedagogical technologies and control in teaching foreign languages ​​and the features of teaching a second foreign language. When presenting traditional questions of methodology, new approaches to education and new achievements of methodological science are taken into account. Binding 464 pages, 162x235 mm © TITLE 2011

Planned for release: Textbooks Happy English.ru for grades 2,3,4 and 11; Workbook 2 Tests and tests for the Enjoy English textbook for grade 4; Series of books for reading Read up! for grades 2 and 10; Olympiad textbook for schoolchildren in grades 9-11; Study guide Typical mistakes in the Unified State Exam and how to avoid them; Allowance Extra-curricular activities in English; New items from the publishing house Title © TITLE 2011

Planned for release: Educational computer programs Enjoy Listening and playing for grades 3 and 4, version 2.0; Educational computer programs for Enjoy English textbooks for grades 7, 8, 9; Educational computer programs for New Millennium English textbooks for grades 7,8,9; Educational computer programs for Millie textbooks for grades 3 and 4; Educational computer program for the textbook Happy English.ru for 2nd grade. New items from the publishing house Title © TITLE 2011

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