Tasks to consolidate the tenses of the continuous group. Moscow State University of Printing. Present tense in English - exercises

You are now reading this text. No, the author of the article is not falling into insanity, but simply used in the first sentence something that you will have to translate into English in the Continuous tense. This is probably the simplest of all times. Because it is very easy to solve: a verb in the form Continuous/Progressive (long/continued) expresses only an action that occurs in a certain period of time and has not yet been completed.

For example: you are now reading this sentence (Present Continuous). Yesterday, when you woke up, it was snowing outside (in the case of snow - Past Continuous). And in a couple of months you will be packing your suitcase for a trip to the sea (Future Continuous).

The only difficulty that only the lazy could find is the use of an auxiliary verb to form the Continuous. And this verb - to be . If you were a good student, then you have long known all its forms:

Am (for yourself, loved one)
Is (for someone else in the singular)
Are (for someone else in the plural)
Was (in the past tense for one person)
Were (past tense for several)
Will be (in the future tense for everyone; you can also use shall for the first person)

Well, one more feature is ing endings ( -ing). The so-called “ing” form is Participle I.

1. Present Continuous(Present continuous tense)

Used to denote an action that is being performed right now (at the moment of speech) or in the present period of time:
"The leaves are falling, falling, falling, falling".

now, still, at present, at the moment, while, meanwhile.

The affirmative form is formed using a verb to be+ main verb with ending -ing:
I am reading. He is reading. You are reading.

Negative form: to be + not+ verb with -ing.
They are not reading.

Interrogative form:
Are they reading?

2. Past Continuous
(Past continuous tense)

Used to denote an action that was performed at a certain point in the past:
“The reeds rustled, the trees bent.”

still, while, during, for 3 hours/days/weeks, all day long yesterday, from … till …

Affirmative form: was/were+ verb with -ing.
I was eating all day long.

Negative form: was/were + not+ verb with -ing.
They were not playing.

Interrogative form: Was she playing?

3. Future Continuous
(Future continuous tense)

Indicates an action that will be performed in a certain period of time or point in the future: “I will ride the bike for a long time.”

still, from … to …, meanwhile, for 3 hours/days/years, during.

Affirmative form: will/shall + be+ verb with -ing.
They will be laughing.

Negative form: will/shall + not+be+ verb with -ing.
I will not be crying.

Interrogative form: Will it be raining?

There are, of course, some more nuances of using the Present Continuous, but by and large, with little things you can gain information for another couple of volumes on grammar. To get started, what is described in this article is enough. To consolidate the material, we strongly recommend that you start polishing your acquired knowledge by listening to a lesson about lasting tenses in a musical, entertaining, and exciting presentation. The most sophisticated music lovers and English lovers will like it!

As you know, the tenses of the Present group include 4 tenses of the verb (tenses):

  1. Present Simple Tense (level 2, intermediate) COMING SOON
  2. Present Continuous Tense (level 2, intermediate) COMING SOON

In this tutorial we will look at, How are the times of the Present group different? among themselves and how they work in the active voice.

Exercise (introductory). Select action verb tense Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous, which you would use to translate the following sentences into English:

What is the characteristic of an action verb? in sentences 1-4?

You can check yourself -

note that

Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous translated into Russian present tense of the verb, A

Present Perfectpast tense of the verb.

So, to summarize:

Present Perfect answers the question What already did?— I have watched the cartoon.

Present Continuous answers the question What more do I? — I am watching the cartoon.

Present Perfect Continuous answers the question what am I doing during …? — I have been watching the cartoon for 20 minutes.

Present Simple answers the question What usually do I? — I watch cartoons every day.

Present tenses (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous). Exercises

Exercise 1. Match the tense of the verb and the tense expression (some are used twice):

Look! ever, always, never, rarely, often, now, nowadays, usually, at the moment , yet, already, just, recently, lately , every day, on Mondays , tonight, today, always, never, regularly, sometimes, once a year, once a week, Listen! How long...? for, since, these days, still, etc

Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous

Exercise 2.Expand the brackets to make Present Simple or Present Perfect.

  1. I can't speak about the book. I (not read) it yet.
  2. Every day I (wind up) my watch at 7 o’clock in the morning.
  3. It's Friday. … you (see) him this week?
  4. It’s a pity, but I (not buy) this dictionary yet.
  5. As a rule, we (do) many exercises in class.
  6. He (tell) this joke many times.
  7. I already (translate) these sentences into French.
  8. They (have) their English many hours a week.
  9. She (work) much and usually (get) many good marks.
  10. We (buy) a new TV set this year.

Exercise 3.Expand the brackets to make Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

1. I must know what you (talk) about. 2. I (be) in this country for some time. 3. He (admire) you greatly. He (see) the play three times. 4. I (not know) what Harry (tell) you. 5. I want to see how much he (change) since I (see) him last. 6. We (be) to the cinema about twice a week since then. 7. Hello, what are you (do) here at this late hour? 8. I (think) you never (do) any harm to people. 9. I always (stay) at home in the evenings. 10. I (hear) you (look) for a new house.

Exercise 4.Expand the brackets to get the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect.

  1. Is Andy here? – I don’t know, I... (not see) him today.
  2. Where... you... (go)? – To the library.
  3. Would you like … (borrow) this magazine? - No, thanks. I... (read) it before.
  4. Betty’s bus … (arrive) at 5 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the bus station.
  5. Have you seen my record book? I … (look) for it all the morning.
  6. Mike… (talk) to his friend for an hour already.
  7. More and more forests… (disappear) because of fires nowadays. (Times, level 3)
  8. How long … you … (work) on this problem?
  9. The first lesson… (not finish) at 9.45.

The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense.


Present continious time (Present Continuous) means:

1. action taking place at the present moment; He is watching TV now.

2. an action that is a continuous process; The Earth is moving

3. future action, if planned. They are spending next winter in Spain.

But: Some verbs are not used in the Continuous. These are verbs that mean sensualperception (to see, to hear ), mentalactivity(to know, to believe, to remember, to understand ); desires, feelings (to want, to wish, to like, to love, to dislike, to hate ).


Present continuous tense ( Present Continuous) is formed using a verb to be V Present Indefinite And -ing forms of the semantic verb.

Affirmative form

Negative form

Interrogative form

Is he (she, it) working?

are not working

Are we (you, they) working?

I am = I"m He is = He"s We are = We"re is not = isn"t are not = aren"t


Exercise 1. Put the correct form of the verbtobein sentences to usePresent, Past, FutureContinuous:

1. I ... taking five courses this semester. 2. Bill ... trying to improve his English. 3. Sue ... writing another book this year. 4. John and Mary ... talking on the phone. 5. I need an umbrella because it ... raining. 6. We ... walking down the street when it began to rain. 7. It was beautiful yesterday when we went out for a walk, it ... not raining, the sun ... shining. 8. I couldn't get you on the phone last night, who ... you talking to so long? 9. What ... you doing at 6 tomorrow? 10. We ... playing chess in half an hour. 11 . She ... listening to her favorite music at 8 o"clock tomorrow. 12. What ... you ... doing when I come?

Exercise 2. Give short answers to the questions inPresent, Past, FutureContinuous:

Sample: Are they writing the test in English now? -Yes, they are. – No, they are not.

1. Is the secretary typing our papers? 2. Are you helping your mother to cook the dinner? 3. Am I reading your thoughts? 4. Is he waiting for his girlfriend? 5. Were you wearing this dress at yesterday's party? 6. Was father reading newspapers at dinner again? 7. Was I talking in sleep? 8. Were they quarrelling when you came in? 9. Was the bus going the wrong way 10. Shall I be carrying my heavy bags myself? 11. Will they be discussing this question at the meeting? 12. Will you be seeing her tomorrow?

Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the verbs inPresentContinuous:

1. I (meet) her at the station at ten. 2. He (give) a lecture at twelve. 3. I (have) lunch with my friend tomorrow. 4. The committee (Meet) next Tuesday. 5. How do you (get) to the party tomorrow? I (go) by car. Who (drive)? 6. We’ve got a new flat and (move) very soon. 7. Do you (do) anything tonight? Yes, I (go) to my English class. 8. I (go) to the dentist tomorrow. 9. He (have) his photograph taken tomorrow. 10. Air hostess: We (take off) in a minute. Please fasten your seat-belts.

Exercise 4. Give short and complete answers.

Sample: Is she playing computer games? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

Yes, she is playing computer games now.

1. Are they having a rest? 2. Is your friend dressing? 3. Are they buying a book? 4. Are you waiting for your parents? 5. Is Mary working in the garden? 6. Are the children playing in the garden? 7. Is she writing a composition? 8. Is Pete swimming in the pool now?

Exercise 5: Put the following sentences in the negative form, ask a general question and other types of questions where possible.

Sample:Tom isreading a book. Tom is not reading a book.

Is Tom reading a book or a magazine? What is Tom reading?

1. Mary is writing a letter to her mother now. 2. They are playing chess in the living-room. 3. Ron is trying to open the window. 4. We are translating the text now. 5. My sister is cooking breakfast. 6. My father is watching a football match the whole evening. 7. Ann is playing the violin and we are listening to the beautiful music. 8. The younger boys are singing in the boys’ choir.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets and put the verbs inPresentContinuous. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Mr Jones (to clean) his yard. 2. Nansy (to paint) her kitchen. 3. Timothy (to feed) his dog. 4.Our neighbors (to wash) their car. 5. I (to wash) my hair. 6. What she (to do) now? She (to study) geography. 7. The children (to brush) their boots. 8. What did he (to do) at the moment? – He (to fix) his bicycle. 9.They (to have) a big dinner together. 10. John and his friend (to work) in the library. 11. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 12. The dog (to lie) on the rug near the door. 13. Who (to lie) on the sofa? – The cat and her kittens (to sleep) there. 14. What do they (to talk) about? 15. Where is John? – He (to play) computer games.

Exercise 7. Ask questions about the underlined words:

1. Somebody is waiting for you in the hall now. 2. We are going to the Crimea in summer. 3. They are having their daughter's birthday party on Saturday. 4. We are going to sing cheerfully. 5. The weather is going to change for the worse. 6. I'm looking at the clock. 7. He's looking for her gloves. 8. She is looking after her grandmother. 9. We are talking about the new play. 10. We are talking to our neighbors.

Exercise 8.Open the brackets and use the verbs inPresentContinuous, explain the use.

1. Come to see me. I (to have a rest) and (to wait) for you now. 2. It’s nine o’clock now . We ( tolisten) to the latest news on TV. 3. Where is the grandfather? He (to work) in the garden now. 4. Look at the little girl. She (to play) with a nice kitten. 5. Are you (to watch) a TV now? No, I (to read) an interesting book. 6. Don't touch the dog. He (to eat) now and he can bite you. 7. Their parents (to walk) in the garden now. 8. Why do you (to wear) this coat today? It is very warm. 9. My father (not to work) this month, he is on holiday. 10. Listen! What language (to speak) the people? 11. We are at the party. - Hello, Mike. You (to enjoy) the party? 12. My sister wants to lose weight. She (not to eat) anything today.

Exercise 9. ExpandbracketsAnduseVerbsVPresent Continuous. ReadresultingstoryAndretellhis:

We are having a walk in the park now. It is very nice and interesting here. It (not to rain) any more, it (to clear) up and the sun (to shine). The jazz band (to play) in the park. A lot of people (to listen) to the music and they really (enjoy) it. But they (not to dance) yet. There is a coffee shop there. Several people (to sit) there, the others (to wait) in the queue. Some people (to have) sandwiches and (to drink) coffee, tea or fruit juices. Boys and girls over there (to laugh) and (to make) a lot of noise. They (to play) games and Tom (to take) pictures. They (to have) a good fun. So what (to go) on? We all (to have) a good time there.

Exercise 10. Translate into English using verbs inPresentContinuous:

(NOW) 1. I read newspapers. 2. He doesn't write the test. 3. We are not working in the office today. 4. Do you read or watch TV? 5. Does the child sleep in the nursery? 6. Do they play football at the stadium? 7. Katya plays the piano, she doesn’t sing. 8. Don't touch the cat, she's eating. 9. Don't make any noise, my little sister is sleeping. 10. Does mom cook dinner alone? 11. Does your grandmother drink tea on the veranda? 12. I don't sleep, I listen to music. 13. Students do exercises at the stadium. 14. We don’t swim in the river, the water is cold. 15. I walk in the park and feed the birds. 16. What are you doing now? – I’m helping dad paint the fence. 17. Are you going to school? - No, we are going to the sports club. 18. What are these boys carrying? - Soccer ball. 19. This is a photo of my friends, Tom is playing the guitar, and Jane is singing. 20. And here we are dancing on my birthday.

Exercise 11. Put the appropriate form of the verb in PresentContinuousorPresentIndefinite:

1. We (to go) to the seaside every summer. 2. Listen! Somebody (to knock) on the door. 3. How often do you (to wash) your dog? 4. She can't come to the phone. She (to wash) her hair. 5. Where (to be) Kate? She usually (to sit) in the front row. I (not to know) why she (to sit ) here now. 6. Please be quiet! The baby (to sleep). 7. What you (to laugh) at? 8.1 hardly ever (to work) on Mondays now. 9. The countryside (to be) wonderful especially when it (to snow). 10. Why you (to smoke) here? - And where people

usually (to smoke) in this building?

Exercise 12. UsePresentContinuousinstead ofPresentIndefiniteto express irritation, dissatisfaction or anger. Usewords"always," "constantly" or "forever":

Sample: She leaves her dirty dishes on the table.- She is constantly leavingher dirty dishes on the table.

1. He takes my things without asking me. 2. They close all the windows at night. 3. She speaks in a loud voice. 4. They quarrel over trifles. 5. He leaves the door of his car open. 6. She eats her lunch in class. 7. He dog-ears the pages of his textbooks. 8. You come to the office 5 minutes late. 9. She uses the office phone for personal calls. 10. Wherever she goes, he follows her.

The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Test 1. (Simple Tenses)

1. I often… to the cinema with my friends. (go)
2. When... you... Bill last time? (see)

3. John and Kelly…yesterday. (get married). Did you know?
4. I…you with your English tomorrow. (help)
5. Allie... eat meat. She is a vegetarian. (not eat)
6. He...always in a hurry. (be)
7. They … each other when they were studying at university. (meet)
8. I promise I… to you again. (not lie)
9. Jack normally …breakfast at 7.30 (have)
10. They…their last holiday in Spain.

Test 2. (Simple Tenses)

1. I don't like horror films.
2. Yesterday my friends went to the cinema, the film was very interesting.
3. Every morning Tom runs in the park near his house.
4. I think the weather will be good tomorrow.
5. Maggie looks like an actress. She is very beautiful.
6. Will you come to our wedding?
7. Max graduated from university two years ago. Now he works as a lawyer.
8. It’s very hot here. Should I open the window?
9. She wants to become a doctor.

Test 1. (Continuous Tenses)

1. Mary...now. (read)
2. Turn off the TV! The baby...!(sleep)
3. It... all day long yesterday. (rain)
4. At this time tomorrow we … on the beach and … cocktails. (lie, drink)
5. ...you ... your keys? They are on the table in the kitchen. (look for)
6. What...you...next Friday? (do)
7. Hey! You... on my foot! (stand)
8. What... you... at this time yesterday? (do)

Test 2. (Continuous Tenses)

1. Tom is not working now.
2. Yesterday from 5 to 6 pm the children swam in the pool.
3. Mom, it smells amazing! What are you cooking?
4. Tomorrow afternoon I will work on a presentation.
5. Yesterday he played football all day.
6. Will you come tomorrow? I'll be waiting for you from 3 to 5.
7. I'm looking for a new job.
8. What are you doing this weekend?

Test 1. (Perfect Tenses)

1. I … already … doing housework. (finish)
2. By the time she got home her children … already … their homework. (do)
3. We…working yet. (start)
4. ... you ... this film? (see)
5. Next year I… here for 20 years. (work)
6. When I saw her last time she … already … her hairstyle. (change)

Test 2. (Perfect Tenses)

1. We bought a new car.
2. I will finish this report on Friday afternoon.
3. Mike has never seen a camel.
4. When they arrived at the station, the train had already left.
5. They have just met old friends.
6. Have you ever tried mussels?

Test 1. (Perfect Continuous Tenses)

1. How long... you... here? (work)
2. They... for 20 years. (be married)
3. Next year Chris… in Berlin for 10 years. (live)
4. Mark … for his flight for 2 hours when they announced its delay. (wait)

Test 2. (Perfect Continuous Tenses)

1. Did you like the cake? We baked it since the morning.
2. They have lived in Moscow since 1995.
3. Our team worked hard and we were able to finish the project on time.
4. In December it will be two years since I lived in another country.

Exercise 1. Insert the verb to be into the Present, Past or Future Simple.

1. The students… in the Russian Museum. 2. Last month they… in the Hermitage. There… an interesting exhibition there. 3. In two weeks they… in the Tretyakov Gallery. They... lucky. 4. My father…a teacher. 5. He... a pupil twenty years ago. 6. I … a doctor when I grow up. 7. My sister…not at home tomorrow. 8. She... at school tomorrow. 9. … you … at home tomorrow? 10. ...your father at work yesterday? 11. My sister... ill last week. 12. She...not ill now. 13. Yesterday we... at the theater. 14. Where...your mother now? - She... in the kitchen. 15. Where…you yesterday? - I... at the cinema. 16. When I come home tomorrow, all my family… at home. 17. ...your little sister in bed now? - Yes, she….18. … you … at school tomorrow? - Yes, I… . 19. When my granny... young, she... an actress. 20. My friend… in Moscow now. 21. He... in St. Petersburg tomorrow. 22. Where... your books now? - They... in my bag.

Exercise 2. Insert the verb to be into the Present, Past or Future Simple.

Ronald Frank ...a managing director of the First Bank of Kingsville in Main Street. He...always on a business trip. Yesterday he... in Geneva. Tomorrow he... in London. Last week he... in Chicago. Next week he... in New Orleans. At the moment he... in Amsterdam. In two hours he... in the Hague. Three days ago he ... in Paris. At the end of his trip he...usually very tired but happy. He... with his family now. His sons...so much excited. They have got new toys from their father. Everybody in the family... very glad to see him at home again.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using verbs in the Present Simple.

(USUALLY) 1. My working day (to begin) at seven o"clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. My sister (to get) up at eight o"clock. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o"clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o"clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

Exercise 4. Open the brackets using verbs in the Past Simple.

The legend of Lake Naroch.

Many years ago there __________ (live) a girl called Nara. She _____ (can) sing very well and play the psaltery .She _____ (love) a young man and ________ (want) to marry him. One day she was sitting near a large beautiful lake when a rich man ________ (see) her. He _______ (like) Nara so much that he_________ (want) to marry her. As Nara________ (have) a groom (groom) she________ (not want) _______ to marry the rich man. But the rich man_______ (be) very stubborn (stubborn), and his servants ___________ (kill) Nara’s groom and __________ (take) Nara to the rich man’s palace. The girl ______ (be) so unhappy that when everyone was sleeping, she ________ (set) fire to the palace, and _______ (run) away. When the rich man________ (learn) about it, he _____ (send) his servants (servants) after Nara. As she ___________ (cannot) run away from them, Nara ___________ (dive) into the lake and___________ (die). From that time the lake was named Lake Naroch.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using verbs in the Present, Past or Future Simple.

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o"clock every day.

2. I (to go) to bed at ten o"clock yesterday.

3. I (to go) to bed at ten o"clock tomorrow.

4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day.

5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday.

6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow.

7. Do you (to watch) TV every day?

8. You (to watch) TV yesterday?

9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow?

10.When you (to leave) home for school every day?

11.When did you (to leave) home for school yesterday?

12.When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow?

13.My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight. The office where he (to work) is near our house, he (to walk) there. He (not to take) a bus. Yesterday he (not to go) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine o"clock.

14.You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? - No, I....

15. What did you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? - I (to buy) a book.

16. Yesterday my father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy. He (to read) newspapers tomorrow.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets using verbs in the Present, Past or Future Simple.

1. Not (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons every morning.

2. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons yesterday morning.

3. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons tomorrow morning.

4. I always (to go) to the village to visit my granny there.

5. I (to be) very busy last summer and I (not to go) there.

6. I (not to go) there next year.

7. Who (to take) care of the child in the future?

8. How often do you (to go) to the dentist's?

9. He even (not to know) how to use the washing machine.

10. Two years ago they (to be) rich and money (to be) never a problem.

11. You (to think) you (to be) happy in your new neighborhood?

12. When is the cabbage soup (to be) ready?

13. When (to be) your birthday?

14. Who (to create) Mickey Mouse?

Exercise 7. Make up questions.

1. The children will ski in winter. (Who? When?)

2. The forest is green in spring. (What? When?)

3. Rabbits wear white fur in winter. (Who? When?)

5. I"ll fly to Britain next month. (Who? When? Where?)

6. Yesterday we went to the park. (Who? When? Where?)

7. My friends will go to school tomorrow. (When? Where?)

8. Last year autumn was cold. (What? When?)

9. He swam very well two hours ago. (Who? When?)

10. In the evening I read books. (What? When?)

Exercise 8. Open the brackets. Place the verb in the Present Simple Passive.

a. English ____________________ (speak) in many countries.

b. The post ______________________ (deliver) at 7 o’clock every morning.

c. ______________________________ (the building/use) anymore?

d. How often ______________________________ (the Olympic Games(hold)?

e. How _______________________ (your name/spell)?

f. My salary _____________________ (pay) every month.

g. These cars _________________________ (not make) in Japan.

h. The name of the people who committed the crime _____________________ (not know).

Exercise 9. Open the brackets. Put the verb into the Past Simple Passive.

a. My car ______________________ (repair) last week.

b. This song _________________________________ (not write) by John Lennon.

c. ________________________________ (the phone/answer) by a young girl?

d. The film _________________________________ (make) ten years ago.

e. When ______________________________ (tennis/invent)?

f. The car ________________________ (not damage) in the accident.

g. The original building _________________________ (pull) down in 1965.

h. Where ______________________________ (this pot/make)?

i. When ________________________________ (this bridge/build)?

Exercise 10. Rewrite the text, putting the highlighted verbs in the passive voice.

Fire almost completely destroyed the Royal Hotel last night. By the time someone called the Fire Brigade, the hotel was already blazing. Ambulance took fifteen people to hospital suffering from severe burns. They say that seven of them are in a serious condition. People think that a discarded cigarette started the fire.

(E.g.: The Royal Hotel was almost completely destroyed by fire last night By the time the Fire Brigade was called, ...)

Exercise 11. Open the brackets.

1. My car (damage) last night.

2. This computer (make) in the USA.

3. The machine (make) in Scotland.

4. The President (kill) last night.

5. The money (change into dollars) at the bank.

6. The parcel (post) yesterday.

7. Cheese (make) from milk.

Exercise 12. Construct sentences in the passive voice using the words in brackets.

a. We sell tickets for all shows at the Box Office. (Tickets for all shows/sell/at the Box Office)_______________________________________________.

b. Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb. (The electric light bulb/invent/by Thomas Edison) _____________________________________________.

c. Someone painted the office last week. (The office/paint/last week) _________________________________________________________________.

d. Several people saw the accident. (The accident/see/by several people) ____________________________________________________________.

e. Where do they make these video recorders? (Where/these video recorders/make) __________________________________________.

Exercise 13. Construct sentences in the passive voice.

1. They told me an interesting story yesterday.

2. They offered him a cup of tea.

3. They teach the children French and German.

4. They will show us some new magazines.

5. They gave him an invitation card to the party.

6. The teacher always answers the students’ questions.
7. The team will celebrate their victory tomorrow.
8. I bought this book a week ago.

9. They produce cars in this factory.

10. The police will arrest the robbers.


The group Continuous (Progressive) is represented in English at times:

· The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense - present continuous tense,

· The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense – past continuous tense,

· The Future Continuous (Progressive) Tense – future continuous

Continuous tenses denote actions that are taking place, have taken place or will take place at a certain moment in the present, past or future time. An additional characteristic is the process, i.e. the incompleteness of the execution of a given action at a certain point in time.

Any time of the Continuous group is formed according to the general scheme:

to be + Participle I (Ving)

V is a verb.

Present Continuous: I am listening to the radio. -I I'm listening radio.

Past Continuous : When he came in I was listening to the radio. –When He has entered, I listened radio.

Future Continuous: When you come I shall be listening to the radio. –When You you'll come, I will listen radio.

The Present Continuous Tense.

Education Present ContinuousTense.

1. The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense formed using an auxiliary verbto bein the present tense and present participlesPresent Participle:

am is Ving are

Present Participle is formed from the infinitive without the particle to by adding the suffix –ing: to do – doing.

· If the verb ends in "e", and it is preceded by a consonant, then "e" disappears: use-using, manage - managing. But: dye - dyeing.

· Letter "l" at the end of the word it is doubled: travel - travelling.

· And here "y", despite previous consonants or vowels, is preserved: stay - staying, study - studying.

· The consonant after a short stressed syllable is doubled: stop - stopping, sit - sitting.

· "ie" changes to "y"at the end of a verb: die - dying.

2. The negative form is formed using a particle not which is placed after the auxiliary verb: I am not working. He is not working. We are not working.

3. In interrogative form auxiliary placed before the subject: Am I working? Is he working? Are you working?

In spoken English, instead of full forms, abbreviated ones are usually used: is not - isn’t, are not -aren’t

Using Present Continuous Tense.

1. To express a long-term action taking place at the moment of speech:

· She is typing a letter. - She is typing a letter (now).

Verbs in the present continuous tense are often used with adverbials now- Now, at the moment- at present. However, often these words are not present in the sentence, since they are always obvious from the verb form itself.

2. To express a long-term action taking place in the present period of time, although not necessarily at the moment of speech:

· Not is writing a new play. - He is writing a new play.

3. To denote actions that are a permanent characteristic of a particular person. In this case, the speaker’s speech acquires an emotional connotation (irritation, praise, condemnation, etc.). Such sentences, as a rule, contain the adverbs always, constantly:

· Oh, I have no patience with you! Why are you always losing your keys? - Oh, my patience is running out! Why do you always lose your keys?

4. To denote a planned action in the future, when the intention to perform an action or confidence in its completion is expressed (often used with verbs of motion):

The teacher is making a test on Monday. - The teacher will give a test on Monday.

5. Verbs of state in Continuous are not used, because they themselves denote the process. These verbs are used in Simple:

To love (to love);

To have (to have);

To look (look);
- to think (think);
- to want (to want);
- to live (to live);
- to be (life, to be);
- to feel (feel);
- to see (see);
- to know (to know);
- to remember (remember);
- to hear (hear);
- to stay (stay);

The exception is the case when they want to show that a given condition is temporary.

· How are you feeling? - Great. - How do you feel? -Fabulous.

Some of the above verbs can be used in the continuous form, but their meaning changes:

Verb Simple Continuous
To think meaning "to have an opinion" What do you think of classical music?– What do you think about classical music? meaning “to have something in mind, to think”, because it is a mental activity, not a state: You aren't listening to me? What are you thinking about?- Do not you hear me? What are you thinking about?
To have meaning "to have, to own" I have a big family. -I have a big family. as part of phrases: have a shower have a bath have breakfast/lunch/dinner have a good time have a headache/toothache He is having his lunch.- He is having lunch.
To see "understand, see" I see you. - I see you. I see what you mean. - I understand what you mean. meaning "to meet, to see someone" I am seeing my dentist tomorrow. - Tomorrow I am meeting with my dentist.
To feel meaning "to be felt" Wool feels soft .- The wool is soft to the touch. "to touch, to touch, to touch, to touch" The doctor is feeling my forehead.- The doctor touches my forehead.
To look "to look, to have an appearance" You look tired.-You look tired. "look at something" What are you looking at?- What are you looking at?
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